ISSUE 1 2012 . Work Safe Think Safe 全心全意保平安 30 Sustainability Month expands our 34 Hong Kong Science Park project focuses commitment to the local community on green construction technology 「可持續發展月」實踐金門的企業社會責任 香港科學園項目突顯環保建築技術 Chief Executive’s Message 總裁的話 subcontractors who form a vital part of the Gammon team. On a sustainability note, the Zero Carbon Building in Kowloon Bay was opened on 26 June. This is a first-of-its-kind project in Hong Kong which will have significant impact on green construction both locally and internationally because it is carbon neutral, climate positive, and generates on-site renewable energy. It’s also open to visitors and will become a showcase for environmentally friendly sustainable design and building in Hong Kong. Everyone at Gammon is invited to visit the building to learn at first-hand about this exciting project. So my message to you all is Stay Safe, Go Green! 6月20日,金門全體員工放下手上的工作,參與「安全反思會」,我衷心感謝各位以 及分判商,在會上提供了多項與工作安全相關的寶貴和有建設性的建議。 我們仔細分析過去發生的傷亡和嚴重意外,了解我們的不足之處,很多時意 On 20 June we all stopped, stepped back, and considered the vital 外的成因涉及違反既定的規則或條例,以及監督不足,另一方面,意外發生可歸 issue of Safety, and I would like to thank staff and subcontractors for 咎於我們抱有一些固有的成見,而忽視安全措施。 participating in the Company-wide Stand Down which resulted in 所以,我們必須重新檢視推行「安全」的方法,而管理層亦會作出主動和關懷 many very interesting and valuable ideas. 員工的領導,與此同時,每一位員工亦應負起自己的安全責任,並與分判商加強 Our analysis of fatalities and serious accidents identified a 聯繫,因為分判商亦是金門團隊的重要一環。 number of problems. In many cases there had been obvious 在可持續發展方面,位於九龍灣的零碳天地已於6月26日開幕,這是香港首 violations of our standard rules and regulations which had been 項同類型建築,能達致零碳排放、優化氣候,生產可再生能源,對香港和世界各 made worse by inadequate supervision. We believe that this has 地的綠色建築有積極推動作用。零碳天地開放予公眾人士參觀,將成為展示香港 happened due to a build-up of preconceived mindsets. 先進環保建築設計和技術的平台。 So we must re-think our approach to safety and demonstrate 我鼓勵大家親身到零碳天地參觀,認識這項目先進和環保的一面。 visible and caring leadership. Everyone must accept their 最後,我謹希望各位堅守安全原則,並支持綠色環保建築! share of accountability and we must engage more closely with Thomas Ho 何安誠 Editor’s Column 編輯的話 Community Investment (CI) Scorecard. This allows us to be sure that the maximum impact and advantage is being made through our support and your hard work, and the results can then be used not only to judge that particular project but also to identify areas where we can be of most assistance and explore ways in which our participation can bring the best results. Sustainability and public service are very much a part of the Gammon Way, and we are proud that so many of you share this vision and give so much of your time. 金門與全體員工一直同心協力實踐抱負,全心全意建造優質的項目、基建設施, 及改善社區環境,獲得的讚譽實至名歸;我們在5月更重點推動「可持續發展」,履 Moving forward, creating new buildings and infrastructure, taking 行對社會責任的承諾。 things to a higher level are laudable ambitions which we all do our 把5月定為「可持續發展月」的目的,是要突顯金門在「可持續發展」方面的領 best to achieve. There is also another equally important facet of life 導地位,我們在月內舉辦了一連串的活動,為參加的同事帶來充實的體驗,我在 which was our focus in May. Sustainability. 此感謝各位的鼎力支持! Sustainability Month saw events and activities that raised our 「可持續發展月」的活動中,最矚目的要算為大埔環保會修復鳳園蝴蝶保育區 profile as a sustainability leader, and many of you joined hands to 的行人徑,我們在多個地盤收集了約 10噸廢棄建材,製成233塊路磚,由58位金 support an event calendar that was so full it must have left many of 門義工分六節,每節用半日時間,鋪設218米長的行人徑,這修復項目正好體現了 you breathless! 金門義工同心協力為公益的神精。 Of particular interest was the completion of a footpath 另一方面,我們率先採用「社區投資績效指標」評估在「可持續發展」方面的表 restoration for the Tai Po Environmental Association’s Fung Yuen 現,這評估制度可以確保我們支持的社區活動,達到最大的效益。我們會利用所 Butterfly Reserve. 233 specially designed pavers were produced 得的數據,衡量個別項目的績效,並界定金門能作出最大貢獻的地方,從而發揮 to form the reserve’s pathways and steps by reusing 10 tonnes of 所長為社區帶來最佳效益。 waste materials. 58 Gammon colleagues took part in six half-day 「可持續發展」和社區服務都是「金門之道」的重要一環,能推動我們繼續前 paver-laying sessions to complete a 218 metre footpath. It was a 進,我們非常高興,很多同事亦認同這理念,獻出寶貴的時間,加入金門服務社 team performance which clearly demonstrated how we can work 群的行列。 together for the common good. Taking things to the next stage, in an attempt to assess Edmond Lai 黎永覺 our performance in sustainability, we have also introduced the Director, Human Resources 人力資源董事 2 The Record • Issue 1/2012 The Record • Issue 1/2012 16 CONTENTS 目錄 4 News 快訊 Obituaries • Sustainability report 2011 • Assistant QS takes honours • Chairman’s Prize • Keeping in touch through the Gammon app • New Vietnam partnership with COFICO • Accreditation by the Geological Society of London • Innovation Competition 2011 • Best of the Year Award • Innovator of the Month • Frontline safety staff • Employees of the Month 懷緬前賢 • 可持續發展報告2011 • 培育工料測量專才 • 保富集團「主席畢業生創新 大獎」 • 全新推出金門應用程式 • 與越南COFICO簽訂合作協議 • 獲倫敦地質學會認證 • 創意大賽2011 • 全年傑出成就獎 • 每月創意之星 • 前線安全員工 • 每月最佳員工 16 Focus story 焦點特寫 Think Safe . Work Safe 全心全意保平安 22 Awards 獎項 OPUS HONG KONG – an iconic structure • Gold Awards in Considerate Contractor Site Award Scheme • Construction Excellence Award in Singapore • Three RoSPA Awards • Certificates of Merit awarded in HKAEE • Green Projects strike Gold • HK Pavilion – a finalist in Quality Building Award 結構獨特的OPUS HONG KONG • 「公德地盤嘉許計劃」金獎 • 新加坡獲建築卓越 成就獎 • 英國皇家預防意外協會頒贈三項殊榮 • 「香港環保卓越計劃」優異獎 • 環保金獎 • 香港館名列優質建築大獎 25 Health, safety and environment 健康、安全及環保 6th Annual Gammon Safety Conference • Winning the Lifting Operation Competition • Lambeth wins Safety Leadership Award 29 第六屆金門週年安全會議 • 吊運安全比賽中脫穎而出 • 確認琳寶的安全領導能力 27 Profile 焦點人物 Gammon’s BIM pioneer – Welie Ng 建築資訊模型技術的先行者 – 吳允全 29 Corporate Social Responsibility 企業社會責任 Walk Up Jardine House • Support for the Tung Wah Group • Dragon Boat racing prize • Singapore cricket tournament • Caring Company Logo Award • Massive support for Sustainability Month 齊步上怡廈 • 支持東華三院活動 • 賽龍奪錦 • 新加坡板球錦標賽 • 「商界展關懷」 標誌 • 「可持續發展月」舉行多項活動 32 Projects 工程項目 Hong Kong’s first Zero Carbon Building • Hong Kong Science Park new phases • Hong Kong International Airport’s Midfield Concourse Contract • Seymour Road residential complex 全港首幢零碳建築開幕 • 香港科學園第三期工程 • 機場中場客運廊建築合約 • 西摩道住宅項目 32 36 Major Current Contracts 工程合約一覽表 Executive Editor Edmond Lai Editor, English Ian Brown / Chris Taylor Editor, Chinese Chloe Tam Design Manager Johnny Chan 執行總編 黎永覺 英文主編 Ian Brown / Chris Taylor 中文主編 譚婉儀 設計總監 陳錦源 Your contributions are welcome. Please contact Candy Chan, Corporate Communications Manager 歡迎各位提供寶貴意見,請隨時聯絡企業傳訊經理陳敏碧 Tel +852 2516 8733 Fax +852 2516 6260 E-mail [email protected] This publication is proudly managed and produced by 製作及統籌機構 Bamboo Business Communications Tel +852 2838 4553 Fax +852 2873 3329 www.gammonconstruction.com The Record • Issue 1/2012 3 NEWS快訊 Obituaries 懷緬前賢 It is with great sadness we have learned until 1991 when he retired. He later 兩位曾在金門服務多年的前輩 - 張金龍先生及麥潤 of the passing away of two former senior served as a Consultant to Gammon. 彬先生於早前離世。金門仝人向張先生及麥先生的家 employees, Mr Kim Chong and Mr Y B Kim Chong was President of the 人致以深切慰問,並深深感謝兩位過去為金門的發展 Mak, who served Gammon over many Hong Kong Construction Association from 作出的 貢 獻。 years. Gammon would like to pass on 1989-1993 and also served as Permanent 張金龍先生在1954年加入金門(馬來亞)有限公 its heartfelt condolences to the families Supervisor of the organisation. 司,在1956年參與金門在香港的第一項工程 – 啟 of Mr Chong and Mr Mak and express He passed away on 30 March 2012. 德機場跑道項目,他在1977年出任地基部董事,並在 its deep appreciation for their valuable Y B Mak joined Gammon in the early 1980年獲擢升為常務副董事及1984年成為集團常務 contribution to the development and 1960s and was involved in a number of 副董事,至1991年退休,隨後數年以顧問身份繼續為 growth of the company. road, bridge and infrastructure projects. 金門服 務。 Kim Chong joined Gammon The Tate's Cairn Tunnel was one of 張金龍先生在1989至1993年出任香港建造商會 (Malaya) Limited in 1954, and in the most important contracts which 會 長,其 後 擔 任 商 會 永 遠 監 督。 1956 worked on the Kai Tak Runway he oversaw during the late 1980s to 張先生在2012年3月30日辭世。 project, Gammon’s first project in Hong early 1990s. Y B was the Construction 麥潤彬先生於1960年代初加入金門參與了多項 Kong. He then became Director of the Operations Director in 1987 and was later 道路、橋樑及基建的工程。當中由麥先生管理的重要 Foundation Division in 1977 and was promoted to Executive Director in 1991. 項目包括80年代後期至90年代初的大老山隧道工程。 promoted to Deputy Managing Director He retired in 1994. 麥先生在1987年擔任工程營運董事,及後在1991年升 in 1980, and Deputy Group Managing Y B Mak passed away on 1 June 2012. 任為執行董事,至1994年退休。 Director in 1984, the position he held 麥先生在2012年6月1日辭世。1 Sustainability Report 2011 可持續發展報告2011 Our 2011 Sustainability Report has just been published which gives details of our activities and the ways in which we are striving to serve our staff, the community and our stakeholders in a mature and appropriate manner. Gammon is a leader in construction and engineering services, and we are proud of the contribution we make to the community. Please read the report which is at www.gammonconstruction.com, or if you would like a hard copy simply email us at: [email protected]. We like to share the company’s success with you all! 2011 Report Sustainability Our strength is our people We look at what you’re measuring and how you are evaluating your performance; this, in turn, influences how we judge our own environmental performance. 《2011可持續發展報告》經已出版,報告內詳盡介紹金門在可持續發 我們關注你們所量度的範疇及如何對有關表現進 展方面所作的努力,以成熟和正確的態度,致力為員工、社區及持分 行評估,這亦會影響我們如何審視我們本身的環 者提供最佳服務。 作為首屈一指的建築及工程服務公司,能為社會作出貢獻,我 保表現。” 們與有榮焉。請登入網站: www.gammonconstruction.com詳閱報告 John Latter, Executive Manager, Property Project Management, 的內容,如閣下希望索取印刷本,請以電郵與我們聯絡,電郵地址: Hong Kong Jockey Club [email protected]。 香港賽馬會物業項目管理執行經理 John Latter 我們誠意與各位分享金門豐碩的成果!1 4 The
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