
The 8th International Seminar from November 3rd until November 16th, 2013

Theme: "Luthers Understanding of the Church" Professors: Prof. Dr. Dieter and Prof. Dr. Hinlicki Wilson the Institut for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg

Here you can read statements of participants:

Dr. Alicia Lee, Lutheran Church:

It's the most fabulous and significant seminar I have ever been that I cannot give thanks enough to Rev. Hans Kasch and LWF as well as to our Lord. I enjoy very much being a student to learn more about Dr. and the via the series of lectures, reflections, and visits to Luther House and many other historical places. All of the Lutheran heritages I have learned in Wittenberg will empower me to teach better in Luther's theology in my own country. I assume Luther would be very happy in the heaven as he sees us participants from different countries enjoy the fellowship, morning devotions, and international food sharing together in his homeland.

Anna Norrby, Church of :

Brilliant lecturers and interesting intercultural sharing.

Dr. E. Bongani Zulu, ELCSA, Lutheran Theological Institut, Pietermaritzburg:

The seminar was educative, edifying and enriching in the knowledge of Lutheran Theology especially the hitherto unknown remarks or quotes made by Dr. Martin Luther.

Sabine Bech-Hansen, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark:

We had 14 days in Wittenberg stuffed with new experiences thanks to all those conversations with colleagues from different cultures and conditions of life and recollected several important Luther-texts. I would like to emphasize how kind and helpful the staff of the Colleg took care of our wellbeing!

Lauma Zušḗvica, Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad, USA:

Participation in the International Seminar in Wittenberg this past November truly deepened my conviction that the Lutheran Church is experiencing a transformation that can renew our spiritual passion as we continue to serve our Lord. The time spent with the amazing people that gathered from around the world strengthened me and help me grow as a person. Both Prof. Dr. Theodor Dieter and Prof. Sarah Hinlicky Wilson were very well prepared and challenged us academically. Both brought new perspective to the words and teachings of Martin Luther and the future of our Lutheran Church. With all we experienced, the very best part of the seminar really was meeting every one of the participants in a program so well orchestrated by Hans-Wilhelm Kasch that we soon bonded with one another as we learned of each other's struggles and theological understanding. Hans did an amazing job, never losing his sense of humor and ability to understand the many diverse traditions and personalities of each of the participants. I sincerely thank him and the Lutheran World Federation, and everyone who worked and continue to work to create and implement these very necessary and beneficial International Seminars at Wittenberg. May God continue to bless your ministry.

Chanda Saiyotha, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand:

I was very glad to attend the 8th seminar in Wittenberg and I’m very excited, because this seminar opened my minds and heart to get to know more about Martin Luther's ideas. In addition I got the chance to see the historical location of Martin Luther in Wittenberg. And most important was that we shared experiences with the participants from many countries in this seminar. Praise the Lord.

Dirk Hagmaier, Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Amerika, South Dakota :

I would like to thank the LWF for setting up that seminar. Meeting so many form so many continents and countries was a true life changing experience. My colleagues inspired me to implement new practices of faith in my own Synod. It strengthened my Lutheran identity and made me appreciate the diversity and heritage of our Lutheran faith. Thank you again and God’s blessing. May we meet again in 2017 in Wittenberg.

Elise Theunissen, Moravien Church in South Africa:

I have been enthralled with the lectures. Thank you for effectively conveying the ideas, concepts, and theories to inform us. Through the interactive dialogue it broadened our horizons world wide on the Lutheran Theology. Visits to historical institutions, sites and the Luther garden strengthened our understanding of the Lutheran history.

Eugenio Albrecht, Evangelical Church of the River Plate, Argentina:

For me it was very important to participate in this seminar because I could see and touch the places of the Reformation. Coming to these places helps to understand the words and symbols of Luther. For the first time I understood the phrase "mighty fortress is our God." Luther wanted to show a protective God, as well as protects a castle. It was also very important to understand the diversity of the Lutheran church in the world through dialogue with participants and seminar discussions. I am the first of my church in this seminar. I could plant the tree in the Luthergarten and this was very meaningful to us. It's great to feel that we are part of the communion of Lutheran churches in the world. This experience will be unforgettable. Thank you very much for this opportunity.

Eva Guldanova, Evangelical Church of the in Slovakia:

This seminar was a great gift and a joy to me for which I feel very grateful. It was beautiful to share everything in an international community and learn from each other and about each other and about our respective churches. The lectures were exciting, I learned very much and enjoyed very much the

explanations and guidance of our professors, as well as the lively and insightful discussions; it was very good to have a space to ask and talk about many questions we don’t have much opportunity to discuss in our home settings. It was equally great to visit and learn about the Lutheran sights and places where many significant events of Reformation took place, the ticket to the museums in the house Luther and Melanchthon valid for the length of the seminar was a very nice present to us. I rejoiced in our common worship moments and thank the organizers, the participants, and above all our loving God for this fantastic time.

Frauke Fähndrich, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Saxony:

This seminar was a great experience for me and a good revision of Luther’s Theology. I was happy to meet so many brothers and sisters from all over the world and have this manifold exchange with them. It has enlarged my understanding and strengthened my commitment to serve as Lutheran pastor.

Jakab Bela, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hungary:

Since I know my mind I belong to . Luther’s portrait and the „rose” in the house were the most loved remarkable part of my early Christian childhood. Wittenberg seemed to me the unreachable, but the most wanted city. This is my third time in the most wanted city, but only now I got close to those deep Luther works which are the basic elements of our faith. During the reading of Luther’s works I felt the -seeker and Saviour-found monk next to me. I am thankful for this opportunity, now I understand what does it mean to be on a Lutheran pilgrimage. There is life without Luther, but there is no Lutheran Church without him.

Gerhard Richter, Evangelical Church in Central :

For two weeks away from home, from the parish, from the usual everyday life seems to be quiet a long time. I was expecting a time filled with theological discussions, dialogues, and revelations. I got a time stuffed with basic studies of Luther by reading, presentation, events, and encounters with colleges from all over the world, where the encounter was the most impressing and touching part of it. I am very grateful for this possibility for international exchange and communication. For the next seminar I wished to have had even more space learning about the reception of Luther's thoughts in the everyday church life of other countries. In summery 14 days actually slipped away being too short. But the seminary managed to give a face to our worldwide brotherhood and sisterhood in Christ all over the world.

Tsegaye Emana, The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus:

The International Seminar being conducted here at Wittenberg from Nov. 2-16 for International Lutheran Churches is so wonderful. It offered me an opportunity to have deeper insight into Luther`s work than before. It is a very proper Seminar that should continue every time for others who did not get the Chance for Luther's teaching to remain always sound and energetic. What makes the seminar special is that it is well organized and well coordinated so this made it very fruitful. Secondly it gave us clear understanding about the issues presented because the theory was well integrated with practical structure that we came across through our visits in the town to Luther's and Melanchthon's house, congregations around the City, Torgau, Erfurt and Wartburg. Indeed it is wonderful.

Götz Krusemarck, Evangelical Church in Württemberg:

The seminar was a great opportunity to dive deeply into Luther’s thinking and theology. For me it was exciting to discover how exactly this thinking speaks into our situation today when we think about the way, the task, and structure of the protestant church in the future. To meet Lutheran pastors from all parts of the world was very much encouraging, especially with those from young Lutheran churches. To live and to work together as we did is an important mile stone on the way to a communion in the LWF. It was a great enrichment for me to experience this in Wittenberg.

Jairo Suarez, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia:

The seminar was an excellent opportunity to update information, critically re-read basic texts for theological and practical endeavor, and meet new documents for me. Excellent teachers and classmates.

On the other hand, was a great way to enrich the communion with other Lutherans in the world, identify the variety of expressions of being church, share experiences and understand the Lutheran communion.

I appreciate the excellent logistics, care for all the people who helped us, good food, hospitality and support of the Lutheran World Federation for this seminar.

Mamadou Thomas Diouf, The Lutheran Church of Senegal:

Glory is to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My heart overflows of joy at the end of this seminar. To come in Wittenberg, it is for me a pilgrimage. God has chosen this town of Wittenberg and its neighborhood in order to keep his Church in the right way of salvation. We have learned much, we have revisited our religious heritage. We are galvanized to be ambassadors of the Reformation and interreligious dialogue. May ours supervisors Rev. Hans Kasch, Dr. Theodor Dieter, Dr. Sarah Hinlicky-Wilson find here the expression of our deep gratitude. We are renewed by them. May this program be perennial for the honor of our Lord Jesus. Luther is a great theologian and a Messenger of God. Amen.

Paneeraq Siegstad Munk, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Greenland:

Many thanks for the great opportunity you have given me, to come to Lutherstadt Wittenberg. Interesting People in our Group and extremely talented teacher is Professor Dieter.

Thomas Böhmert, Lutheran Church of Australia:

I had the privilege to participate with 20 other Lutheran pastors from around the world at the 8th international seminar of the LWF in Wittenberg. The highlights were the group itself, the wonderful connection we experienced in spite of very different languages, cultures and church situations, the learning about one another, our common challenges and the various blessings, the clear and insightful teaching of Profs Dieter and Hinlicky-Wilson from the Ecumenical Institute, the worship times and times of chatting over a glass of Wittenberg beer or wine, sharing food from all corners of the earth, walking in the way of Luther and getting a feel for his environment and time, meeting some of the local people and pastors... Hans Kasch had it all organised in German style – tight schedules, everything running well and he truly cared for us. A great experience that together with some new insights and learning I will take back to Australia and my church.

Toromare Mananato, Malegassy Lutheran Church:

I don’t know how to express it what I shall say? This seminar is so precious and priceless to me. I have learned a lot. We came from different kind of background but as I know Christ binds us together. Thanks to LWF and Wittenberg staff. GOD bless.

Va Dei Lai, The Mara Evangelical Church in Myanmar:

(1) First of all I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Pastor Hans, LWF and the responsible person for this seminar. May God bless you all. (2) Pastor Hans the Director of this seminar is very active and humble. The whole seminar was great and good. The teachers are great. (3) To have the seminar in Wittenberg is very matching with the topic of the seminar and the decade of Luther. I am very excited! (4) I like the people in Wittenberg and their hospitality and I felt like at my country. I love German people and the way they live and their life style. I love the food in Germany. I am inspired and impressed for meeting with the International Lutheran Church leaders from Geneva. (5) Every person should visit Wittenberg and Germany