
Atomic microwave-to-optical signal transduction via magnetic-field coupling in a resonant microwave cavity A. Tretiakov, C. A. Potts, T. S. Lee, M. J. Thiessen, J. P. Davis, and L. J. LeBlanca) Dept. of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB T6G 2E1 (Dated: 10 January 2020) Atomic vapors offer many opportunities for manipulating electromagnetic signals across a broad range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Here, a microwave signal with an audio- encodes in an optical signal by exploiting an atomic microwave-to-optical double resonance, and magnetic-field cou- pling that is amplified by a resonant high-Q microwave cavity. Using this approach, audio signals are encoded as amplitude or frequency in a GHz carrier, transmitted through a cable or over free space, demodulated through cavity-enhanced atom-microwave interactions, and finally, optically detected to extract the original information. This atom-cavity signal transduction technique provides a powerful means by which to transfer information between microwave and optical fields, all using a relatively simple experimental setup without active electronics. Keywords: light-atom interactions, -over-fiber communication, microwave signal manipulation, telecom- munications.

Manipulating and probing atoms with microwave- dberg states, modulated by the MW field via Autler- frequency radiation is a well-established technique. De- Townes splitting or by the ac Stark shift. spite the fact that the interactions between microwaves In this work, we apply a model that shows how, in and atoms are weaker than optical interactions, mi- a three-level double-resonance scheme similar to those crowaves play a leading role in applications ranging used for power standards,34 ac magnetometry,26,35 and from atomic clock standards,1 to cavity-QED-based atomic clocks,36 any time-varying parameter in the cou- quantum information studies,2 to ac-magnetometry,3 pling between atoms and one near-resonant field can be and to even trapping atoms and molecules.4,5 As transduced to the second field nearly resonant to the microwave-frequency photons become increasingly im- other transition. Next, we demonstrate this principle portant across a variety of quantum information plat- in a simple experimental configuration using a cavity- forms, applications requiring enhanced coupling between enhanced microwave-atom coupling, and demonstrate microwaves and atoms have emerged, including quan- phase-coherent microwave-to-optical signal transduction tum information transduction from microwave to opti- and information transmission. cal ,6–9and quantum information storage in a The electronic structure of alkali atoms, like rubidium, microwave quantum memory.10–13 includes readily accessible transitions in both the optical In the past decade, a new class of three- and microwave regime. Here, we make use of a “double- dimensional microwave cavities have emerged to en- resonance” scheme37 that involves an electric-dipole op- hance interactions with superconducting-circuit artifi- tical transition (at 384 THz, or 780 nm) and a magnetic- cial atoms,14–17 magnonic systems,18–21 and electro- dipole transition in the ground-state hyperfine splitting mechanical .22–25 Cavities with the same de- of the 87Rb atom (6.8 GHz). In our experiment, the sign principles can be used to enhance interactions be- microwave field couples the two hyperfine ground state 9,26 tween microwaves and real atoms. In this work, we levels |g1i ≡ |F = 1i and |g2i ≡ |F = 2i, and an optical 0 use a room-temperature tunable copper cavity resonant probe connects |g2i to |ei ≡ |F = 3i in the D2-manifold with the hyperfine resonance of the Rb atom, inside of of 87Rb [Fig. 1(a)]. which sits a glass vapor cell containing gas of Rb atoms. To understand the interplay between the optical and arXiv:2001.03150v1 [quant-ph] 9 Jan 2020 Microwave-field enhancement due to the cavity allows us microwave signals, we first consider the case where the to make use of the ground-state microwave coupling in microwave field is absent. Here, the probe optically an alkali-atom vapor, greatly simplifying our scheme as pumps the ground state atomic population to |g1i (due compared to recent “radio-over-fiber” (RoF) experiments to off-resonant excitation to the excited F = 2 level), and with alkali vapors, where transmission of signals via am- the probe’s absorption is minimized [Fig. 1(b)]. Upon ap- plitude (AM) and frequency (FM) modulation27–30 and plying a resonant or a near-resonant microwave field to digital communications31–33 were successfully demon- the system, the ground state levels are mixed and some strated. In those experiments, information from the of the atomic amplitude resides in |g2i, which results microwave (MW) field was transferred to a laser probe in less transmission through the vapor [Fig. 1(c)]. The through electromagnetically-induced transparency in Ry- steady-state distribution of atomic populations between |g1i and |g2i depends on the values of the optical and microwave powers and detunings, and the spontaneous emission rates Γeg, and thus, the proportion of probe a)Electronic mail: [email protected] transmission, T , depends on all of these. This spectro- 2

T {|ei , |g2i , |g1i} ) is   2∆opt Ωopt 0 Hˆ = ~ Ω 0 Ω . (3) 2  opt µ  0 Ωµ 2∆µ

Here, ∆opt = ωopt − ωeg2 and ∆µ = ωµ − ωg2g1 are the optical and microwave detunings respectively, Ωopt = he| d · E0 |g2i /~ and Ωµ = hg1| µˆ · B0 |g2i /~ are the opti- cal and microwave Rabi frequencies, and ~ is the reduced Planck’s constant. After relaxation, the density matrix reaches a constant FIG. 1. Level structure and optical pumping. (a) Three-level steady-state value that depends on the field parameters 87 structure, typical of an alkali atom-like Rb, in which case and decoherence rates. As described above, the trans- 0 2 |ei → |F = 3i in the P3/2 level and is connected optically mission T of the probe (which is determined by the pop- 2 to the two S hyperfine ground states, |g1i → |F = 1i and 1/2 ulation in level |g2i) will likewise reach its steady-state |g2i → |F = 2i. Frequencies of the optical (ωopt) and mi- value. If any parameter (generically, “X”) is subject to crowave (ω ) fields, as well as the relevant detunings, are µ a time-dependent variation, such that X → X + δX(t), indicated. (Energies not to scale.) (b) In the absence of mi- crowave coupling, the atomic population is optically pumped the time-dependent transmission is to |g1i, a “dark state.” (c) With resonant microwave radia- ∂T tion, the system is in “double resonance,” and the transmis- T [X + δX(t)] ≈ T (X) + δX(t), (4) sion of the optical probe depends on the population in |g2i. ∂X where we assume that the variation is sufficiently small such that a first-order approximation is justified, and scopic technique is known as double-resonance imaging36 that any time-dependence is slower than a typical optical and is the fundamental mechanism exploited here. pumping time, to allow for quasi-steady-state behavior. More formally, these double-resonance dynamics can In the spirit of RoF applications, we consider how am- be described in terms of a three-level system [Fig. 2(b)], plitude and frequency modulation of the microwave sig- plus external, time-dependent electric and magnetic nal affects the optical transmission. The principal idea is fields E(t) and B(t) that are applied to the system. The similar to that of frequency-modulation spectroscopy39, coupled atom-fields Hamiltonian is except there, the change in the transmission is the re- sult of the variation in the parameters of the probe it- ˆ Hˆ = Hˆ0 − d · E(t) − µˆ · B(t), (1) self. For , the magnitude of the microwave field varies as B0 → B0[1 + mAMV (t)], where V (t) is the voltage of the carrier signal, m is the rel- ˆ ˆ AM where H0 is the atomic Hamiltonian, and d and µˆ are ative amplitude-modulation sensitivity. In the Hamilto- the electric and magnetic dipole operators, respectively. nian, the affected term is Ωµ, which is modulated in the Due to the symmetries of the states involved, selection same way: Ωµ(t) → Ωµ,0 [1 + mAM · V (t)]. In this case, rules dictate that electric dipole transitions are allowed the transmission varies in proportion to the modulation between states |g1,2i and |ei, but not between the ground V (t), states, and magnetic dipole transitions are allowed be-   tween |g1i and |g2i, but not from these levels to |ei. AM ∂T T (t) ≈ T0 + mAMV (t)Ωµ,0 . (5) When dissipation is included, the Lindblad equation ∂Ωµ Similarly, for frequency modulation, the frequency of ∂ρˆ 1 ˆ = [H, ρˆ] + L{ρˆ} (2) the microwave field varies as ωµ → ωµ,0 + mFMV (t), ∂t i~ where mFM is the frequency-modulation sensitivity. This time, the lowest-order affected term in the Hamiltonian more completely describes the system’s dynamics, where is ∆ , which is modulated as: ∆ (t) → ∆ +m V (t). ρˆ is the atomic density matrix, and L{ρˆ} is the Lind- µ µ µ,0 FM Here, the transmission varies as the modulation V (t): blad term,38 representing a phenomenological decoher- ence term that takes into account relaxation processes,   FM ∂T such as spontaneous emission or collisional relaxation. T (t) ≈ T0 + mFMV (t) . (6) ∂∆µ In the case of harmonic optical and microwave fields, where the optical electric field E(t) = E0 cos(ωoptt+φopt) The dependence of ∂T /∂Ωµ and ∂T /∂∆µ on the param- is nearly resonant with the |g2i → |ei transition and eters of the MW field is disccussed below. the microwave magnetic field B(t) = B0 cos(ωµt + φµ) In our experiment, an audio source is connected to the is nearly resonant with the |g1i → |g2i transition, modulation input of a 6.8 GHz frequency generator to the rotating- Hamiltonian (expressed in the basis effect amplitude or frequency modulation of a microwave 3

FIG. 2. (a) Experimental setup. An audio signal V (t) is applied to the external modulation of a microwave (MW) frequency source. The modulated MW field transmitted via cable (solid) or (dashed) to an MW cavity with a vapor cell inside. The atomic vapor transduces the modulation from the MW carrier to the optical probe intensity, which is converted to voltage via a photodiode. (b) Cavity field calculations, showing that the field of the TEM011 mode is enhanced inside the Pyrex cell (outlined), due to its refractive index. carrier [Fig. 2(a)]. The MW signal is transmitted to a copper microwave cavity via SMA cable, or over free- (a) AM, sinusoid (b) AM, square wave 50 50 space via antennas. The cavity surrounds a glass cell connected to a vacuum system via a glass stem coming 0 0 amplitude amplitude through the center of one the cavity’s faces, and Rb va- (arb. units) (arb. units) 50 por is supplied to the system using a commercial atomic 50 40 (c) FM, sinusoid (d) FM, square wave 20 source, which allows us to control the Rb vapor density. 20

The microwave cavity used in these experiments lo- 0 0 amplitude amplitude calizes the microwave field in the central volume of the (arb. units) 20 (arb. units) 20 cavity, with polarization along the axis of cylindrical sym- 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 15 time (ms) time (ms) metry, in the TE011 mode. The high-quality copper and surface treatments result in a room-temperature quality factor Q ≈ 27, 000, even though holes were drilled in the FIG. 3. Single-frequency responses of optical transmis- sion (grey) in the presence of microwave fields modulated cavity both across the body (as shown) to permit optical at ω /2π = 500 Hz (red dashed) where input MW power interrogation, and in one end-cap to allow the stem of m corresponds to ΩR/2π = 74 kHz.(a) Sinusoidal and (b) the pyrex vapor cell to extend to an external rubidium square-wave amplitude modulation with modulation sensi- source. This large value of Q, which leads to significant tivity mAM = 15%/V measured at ∆µ/2π = −5 kHz. (c) MW amplification, makes this setup plausible for RoF Sinusoidal and (d) square-wave frequency modulation with applications, where MW amplitudes are typically low. modulation sensitivity of mFM = 40 kHz/V, measured at With the cross-body access holes, simultaneous ∆µ/2π = 95 kHz. AM and FM depictions are not to scale. optical- and microwave-field interactions are possible. probe in the presence of the unmodulated microwave car- Through double-resonance, the audio signal is mapped rier [Fig. 4(a)], Figs. 4(b,c) and (f,g) show ∂T /∂∆µ and on to the transmitted optical probe power, which is then ∂T /∂Ωµ as a function of MW-carrier detuning ∆µ for dif- converted to a voltage by an amplified photodiode. ferent MW power and modulation frequencies measured To demonstrate the initial proof-of-concept, single- via lock-in detection at ωm. Figures 4(d) and (h) show frequency amplitude- and frequency-modulated mi- the results of the same measurement, where the detuning crowave signals are applied, with modulation frequency is chosen to maximize the lock-in signal amplitudes, as a ωm/2π = 500 Hz. Figures 3(a) and (b) show the probe function of the modulation frequency. transmission under AM for sinusoidal [V (t) = V0 sin ωmt] Square-wave modulation measurements, which show a and square-wave [V (t) = V0sgn(sin ωmt)] modulation sig- typical response time of 1 ms [Fig. 3(b,d)], are consis- nals, while Figs. 3(c) and (d) show the same for FM. As tent with the modulation frequency seen in expected from Eqs. (5) and (6), the transmission is, in all Figs. 4(d,h). In general, the response time is a manifes- cases, proportional to the modulated signal V (t), with a tation of the finite-time for optical pumping that “resets” time-dependence evident in the “roll-off” of the square- the quasi-steady state population distribution among the wave signals that indicates the system’s time response, ground states, and this depends upon all parameters gov- as discussed below. erning these dynamics. Additionally, like any driven os- Next, we explore the system’s dependence on vari- cillator, we expect a non-uniform response across fre- ous microwave parameters, including the detuning and quencies, with a peak at some resonance, that depends power of the microwave carrier, and the frequency of on the particular parameters of the system.26,40 harmonic modulation. Along with a measure of the Even though the amplitude and bandwidth of the quasi-static (unmodulated) transmission of the optical transduced signals have non-trivial dependence on sev- 4

(a) Original signal 1

0 amplitude (arb. units)

1 (b) AM, via cable (c) AM, via antenna 1

0 amplitude (arb. units)

1 (d) FM, via cable (e) FM, via antenna 1

0 amplitude (arb. units)

1 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 time (ms) time (ms)

FIG. 5. Audio signal transduction. (a) Original audio signal V (t) used to modulate the microwave carrier ωµ. (b, c) Op- tical transmission of amplitude modulated signal at ωµ/2π = 6.834 682 610-GHz [transmitted via cable (b) and 30-cm- separated antennae (c)] for MW input power P = −5 dBm and mAM = 15%/V . (d, e) Optical transmission of frequency modulated signal at mFM = 150 kHz/V. (d) Signal trans- mitted over cable for MW input power P = −10 dBm and ωµ/2π = 6.834874610-GHz. (e) Signal transmitted over 30- cm-separated antennae for MW input power P = +8 dBm and ωµ/2π = 6.834877610-GHz. In all cases, a static bias magnetic field is applied to cancel stray magnetic fields. FIG. 4. Atomic radio calibrations, varying MW power [Rabi frequencies ΩR/2π = 18 kHz (green), 60 kHz (blue), and encode an audio signal from a license-free song in the 180 kHz (purple)] and modulation frequency for FM (b-d) microwave field transmitted to the cavity input either di- and AM (e-h) signals. Throughout, the Rabi frequency re- rectly (via cable) or over free-space between antennas. lates to the input microwave power P as ΩR/2π = 58.6 kHz× P [dBm]/20 The MW parameters were chosen to maximize the sig- 10 . Symbols indicate identical conditions across sub- nal clarity and signal-to- ratio. Figure 5 and the figures within FM, AM categories. (a) Optical probe trans- supplementary audio files demonstrate AM and FM au- mission vs. MW detuning; (b) lock-in detection signal am- plitude for 1-kHz-FM modulated signals, including absolute- dio signal transmission. We find that AM more faithfully value amplitude response (filled) and single-quadrature re- renders the signal, while the FM signal is more distorted, sponse (open); (c) lock-in detection amplitude for ΩR/2π = due to the asymmetric nature of the off-resonant sensi- 180 kHz at FM modulation frequencies ωm/2π = 0.1 kHz tivity coefficient, as measured in Fig. 4(c). (pink), 1 kHz (purple), and 10 kHz (navy); (d) lock-in am- In conclusion, we have demonstrated a powerful plitude response vs FM modulation frequency, measured at method for microwave-to-optical transduction of an ana- the detuning with largest amplitude response. (e) Amplitude log audio signal based on cavity-enhanced magnetic- response vs change ∆(ΩR from the nominal Rabi frequency, dipole coupling in a room-temperature alkali vapor. As ΩR,0 (f) absolute-value lock-in detection amplitude for 1- kHz-AM modulated signals; (g) amplitude response, as in a proof-of-concept, we have shown that this method is practical for AM and FM radio-over-fiber applications. (c), for AM modulation when ΩR/2π = 180 kHz; and (h) amplitude response, as in (d), for AM modulation. An advantage of the setup as compared to other “atomic radio” systems is that cavity makes it possible to realize a configuration where the atoms do not need to “receive” eral variables, the primary advantage of the current the microwaves directly: the cavity-enhanced signal is method is that it is not necessary to know these param- strong enough to permit indirect sensing via an antenna eters a priori: so long as there is a dependence upon the that is not rigidly attached to the cavity, which allows its relevant parameter (whether microwave amplitude or fre- arbitrary adjustment to optimize reception. quency, in this case) in the transmission, this method of Though our demonstrations are bandwidth-limited by signal transduction will work. the system’s finite response time in adjusting to a new Next, we demonstrate audio signal transduction using steady state, the agnosticism of this method with re- both AM and. 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