
Dynamic cross- couplings of local field potential oscillations in rat striatum and hippocampus during performance of a T-maze task

Adriano B. L. Torta,b,1, Mark A. Kramera, Catherine Thornc,d, Daniel J. Gibsonc,e, Yasuo Kubotac,e, Ann M. Graybielc,e,2, and Nancy J. Kopella,1,2

aDepartment of Mathematics and Center for BioDynamics, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215; bDepartment of Biochemistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS 90035, Brazil; and cMcGovern Institute for Brain Research and Departments of dElectrical Engineering and Computer Science, and eBrain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139

Contributed by Nancy J. Kopell, October 21, 2008 (sent for review August 19, 2008) Oscillatory rhythms in different frequency ranges mark different tional T-maze task (14), we asked whether theta phase modulates behavioral states and are thought to provide distinct temporal win- cooccurring high-frequency oscillations in the striatum as well as in dows that coherently bind cooperating neuronal assemblies. How- the hippocampus, and if so whether such cross-frequency effects ever, the rhythms in different bands can also interact with each other, occur between the 2 structures, and whether the phase–amplitude suggesting the possibility of higher-order representations of brain coupling is related to specific behavioral performance. We dem- states by such rhythmic activity. To explore this possibility, we onstrate here that distinct bands of high-frequency oscillations are analyzed local field potential oscillations recorded simultaneously modulated by ongoing low-frequency rhythms, both within and from the striatum and the hippocampus. As rats performed a task across the striatum and hippocampus. We further show that the requiring active navigation and decision making, the amplitudes of strength of these cross-frequency interactions changes dynamically, multiple high-frequency oscillations were dynamically modulated in and differentially, during different epochs of behavioral perfor- task-dependent patterns by the phase of cooccurring theta-band mance requiring decision and action. These findings suggest that the oscillations both within and across these structures, particularly dur- cross-frequency interactions reflect behaviorally relevant simulta- ing decision-making behavioral epochs. Moreover, the neous activation of synchronized striatal and hippocampal memory patterns uncovered distinctions among both high- and low-frequency subbands. Cross-frequency coupling of multiple neuronal rhythms circuits. could be a general mechanism used by the brain to perform network- Results level dynamical computations underlying voluntary behavior. We analyzed the LFP oscillatory activity recorded in the dorsal ͉ gamma ͉ theta caudoputamen and the CA1 field of the dorsal hippocampus as rats (n ϭ 6) navigated a T-maze in which they turned right or left in response to auditory instruction cues indicating which of the 2 end scillations in neural population voltage activity are universal A Ophenomena (1). Among brain rhythms, theta oscillations in arms was baited with chocolate (14, 15) (Fig. 1 ). In both the local field potentials (LFPs) recorded in the hippocampus are striatum and the hippocampus, theta power increased as the rats prominent during active behaviors (2–5), and these have long been left the start zone, peaked as the animals traversed the maze, and intensively analyzed in the rodent in relation to spatial navigation diminished as the rats approached the goal [Figs. 1 B and C and 2 (6), memory (7), and sleep (8). Theta-band rhythms (4–12 Hz) are A and B and supporting (SI) Fig. S1]. By contrast, low now known to occur in other cortical (9–12) and subcortical (12–15) gamma power (LG, 30–60 Hz) diminished during the middle of the regions, however, including the striatum (14–17), studied here. task, and high gamma (HG, 60–100 Hz) and high-frequency Gamma oscillations (30–100 Hz) have also received special atten- oscillations (HFO, Ͼ100 Hz) powers increased throughout the tion because of their proposed role in functions such as sensory maze runs (Figs. 1 B and C and 2 A and B and Fig. S1). Notably, binding (18), selective attention (19–21), transient neuronal assem- these in power had different time courses in the 2 bly formation (22), and information transmission and storage structures (see Figs. 1 B and C and 2 A and B and Fig. S1). (23–25). The existence of physiologically meaningful neocortical To determine whether interactions across these frequency ranges oscillations at even higher , above the traditional gamma occurred, we developed a cross-frequency measure to analyze range, has been reported as well (10, 26–28). In rodents, for phase-to-amplitude modulation in limited-time datasets (modula- example, brief sharp- associated ripples (120–200 Hz) appear tion index, see SI Text). This method allowed us to examine in the hippocampal formation during slow wave sleep, immobility phase–amplitude modulation for successive event epochs during and consummatory behavior, characteristically in the absence of the maze runs. Phase-to-amplitude comodulograms were con- theta (2, 29). structed by applying this measure to multiple frequency band pairs The oscillatory activities conventionally assigned to different made up of ‘‘phase frequency’’ and ‘‘amplitude frequency’’ bands frequency bands are not completely independent (2–4, 9, 10, 30). stepped through task time (Figs. 1D and 2 C and D and Fig. S2). In one type of interaction, the phase of low-frequency rhythms

modulates the amplitude of higher-frequency oscillations (9, 10, NEUROSCIENCE 30). For example, theta phase is known to modulate gamma power Author contributions: A.M.G. and N.J.K. designed research; A.B.L.T., C.T., D.J.G., and Y.K. in rodent hippocampal and cortical circuits (2–4, 31), and the phase performed research; A.B.L.T., M.A.K., C.T., D.J.G., Y.K., A.M.G., and N.J.K. analyzed data; of theta rhythms recorded in the human neocortex can modulate and A.B.L.T., M.A.K., A.M.G., and N.J.K. wrote the paper. wide-band (60–200 Hz) high-frequency oscillations (10). Such The authors declare no conflict of interest. theta–gamma nesting is thought to play a role in sequential memory 1To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]. organization and maintenance of working memory, and more 2A.M.G. and N.J.K. contributed equally to this work. generally in ‘‘phase coding’’ (25, 31). Based on evidence suggesting This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/ that theta rhythms in hippocampal and striatal memory circuits are 0810524105/DCSupplemental. coordinated in rats during learning and performance of a condi- © 2008 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA

www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0810524105 PNAS ͉ December 23, 2008 ͉ vol. 105 ͉ no. 51 ͉ 20517–20522 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Theta Low Gamma High Gamma HFO A B (7-12 Hz) (30-55 Hz) (80-120 Hz) (120-180 Hz) x 10-3 x 10-3 x 10-3 0.3 16 3.2 1.7 Warning Tone Goal Fig. 1. Dynamic amplitude modulation of fast /Hz)

/Hz) /Hz) 15 /Hz)

Cue Gate Onset 2 2 2 2 2.8 1.6 LFP rhythms by theta phase in the striatum dur- Turn 0.2 14 ing maze runs. (A) T-maze with task events and End 13 Start Turn 0.1 2.4 1.5 run trajectories from a representative session Begin 12 Goal Power (mV Power (mV Power (mV 0 11 Power (mV 2 1.4 with 39 trials. Red markers show photobeam S S S G G G S G W W W To To To W To PT PT PT TB TE TB TE TB TE Ga Ga Ga PT TB TE Ga positions. (B) Average power of striatal oscilla- tions for successive event windows (1 s) over 4 Pre Trial Warning Gate Tone Turn Turn End Goal frequency ranges of interest. Error bars repre- C Cue Opening Start Onset Begin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 sent SEM. Event labels: PT, pre-trial; W, warning /Hz) 2 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 cue; Ga, gate opening; S, start; To, tone onset; 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 TB, turn begin; TE, turn end; G, goal reaching. (C) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Mean power spectra (solid lines) showing char- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Power (mV 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 051015 0 5 10 15 051015 051015 051015 acteristic changes in the power peak during Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) perievent windows. Dashed lines represent ϮSD. (D) Phase-to-amplitude comodulograms plotted Warning Gate Tone Turn Pre Trial Start Turn End Goal for each task-event window. Pseudocolor scale D Cue Opening Onset Begin 160 3.5

) represents modulation index values shown at 3-

140 3 noi 0 right. Positive values indicate a statistically sig- 1x(xednI 120 2.5 t 2 aludoM nificant (P Ͻ 0.01) phase-to-amplitude cross- 100 1.5 80 1 frequency coupling (see SI Text). Results illus- Amplitude 60 0.5

Frequency (Hz) trated in B–D were obtained from a striatal 40 0 3 5 7 9 3 5 7 9 3 5 7 9 3 5 7 9 3 5 7 9 3 5 7 9 3 5 7 9 3 5 7 9 tetrode in a representative rat by analyzing all Phase Frequency (Hz) trials in the session shown in A.

In both the striatum and the hippocampus, phase–amplitude hippocampus were in a narrower band and generally higher in couplings characteristically emerged as the animals traversed the frequency (Ϸ8–12 Hz) than those in the striatum (Figs. 1D and maze and tended to disappear at goal reaching (Figs. 1D and 2 2 C and D, but see Fig. S4). Phase-to-amplitude modulation in C and D). In the striatum, theta-band oscillations dynamically the hippocampus was found in all 6 rats studied; modulation in modulated a narrow band of higher-frequency oscillations the striatum was found in 4 of the 6 rats studied. (Ϸ80–120 Hz), and the modulation tended to occur at low (Ϸ3–8 Within both structures, the couplings exhibited consistent Hz) theta frequencies (Fig. 1D). Theta phase in the hippocampus patterns. In the striatum, 80- to 120-Hz oscillations peaked at the modulated the amplitude of a wider range of high frequencies troughs of the theta wave (Fig. 3), a pattern similar to that (Ϸ40–350 Hz), with the strongest coupling occurring at the HFO reported for electrocorticogram recordings of oscillatory activity frequency band (Figs. 2C and 4D and Fig. S3). The theta-band in the human neocortex (10). In the hippocampus, phase– oscillations responsible for phase–amplitude coupling in the amplitude interactions depended on both the frequency band

Theta Low Gamma High Gamma HFO A (7-12 Hz) (30-55 Hz) (65-100 Hz) (120-180 Hz) -3 -3 -3 )z )zH/ )zH/ 1 )zH/ 45 x 10 14 x 10 3.8 x 10

H/ 3.6 2 2 2 0.8 2 40 12 V Vm(rew Vm(rewoP Vm(re 3.4

35 m(rewo 0.6 10 3.2 30 3 0.4 8 woP 25 2.8 o P 0.2 20 6 P 2.6 PT W Ga S To TB TE G PT W Ga S To TB TE G PT W Ga S To TB TE G PT W Ga S To TB TE G

Pre-Trial Warning Gate Start Tone Turn Turn Goal

B )zH/ 2 2 Cue 2 Opening 2 2 Onset 2 Begin 2 End 2

2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Vm(rewoP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 00 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 00 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Pre-Trial Warning Gate Start Tone Onset Turn Begin Turn End Goal Fig. 2. Phase-to-amplitude modulation in the hip- C Cue Opening

)zH(ycn 200 1.5 pocampus. (A) Average power of hippocampal os- ) 3 edut - 160 n cillations recorded in CA1 and plotted for each task- 01x(xednI 1 oital ilpmA 120 event window over 4 frequency ranges of interest. euq u

do Events are labeled as in Fig. 1B.(B). Mean power

erF 80 0.5

M spectra recorded during the successive task epochs. 40 5 9 13 17 5 9 13 17 5 9 13 17 5 9 13 17 5 9 13 17 5 9 13 17 5 9 13 17 5 9 13 17 0 (C and D) Phase-to-amplitude comodulograms ob- Phase Frequency (Hz) tained from LFPs recorded during the distinct task- event windows shown. Plots in C show amplitude 0.5

)zH(ycneuqerF modulation of rhythms over the entire high- D 100 )

0.4 3- edu noitalud frequency range studied (40–200 Hz). Plots in D 80 0 1x

tilpmA 0.3 show modulation in the range fo- (

60 x cused on gamma, from 30 to 110 Hz. Results illus- 0.2 e oM d

40 nI trated in A–D were obtained from a tetrode in the 0.1 superficial layer of CA1 in a representative rat by 7 9 11 13 7 9 11 13 7 9 11 13 7 9 11 13 7 9 11 13 7 9 11 13 7 9 11 13 7 9 11 13 0 Phase Frequency (Hz) analyzing all trials (n ϭ 40) in a session.

20518 ͉ www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0810524105 Tort et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 A 160 Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that for any given 3.2 high-frequency rhythm, the amplitude modulation depended 140 partly on its own power and partly on the power of other 120 high-frequency rhythms, in addition to the power of the cooc- curring theta rhythm (Fig. S7). Likewise, although the animals’ 100 running speeds increased up to the middle of the maze runs and

Power (a.u.) then decreased toward goal reaching, the relation between the 80

Frequency (Hz) intensity of the cross-frequency coupling and the animals’ speed 60 1.8 was not a straightforward one: Speed-controlled analyses dem- onstrated that changes in speed alone cannot account for the 40 distinct levels of modulation among the task events (Fig. S8). 3 The presence of phase-amplitude coupling during the midrun 2 period suggested that the coupling might be related to the presence

Power (a.u.) of heightened coherence between the striatal and the hippocampal 400 200 0 200 400 rhythms, which also tends to occur during this epoch (14). As shown Time (ms) in Fig. 5 for the ‘‘Tone Onset’’ period, cross-structure coupling did occur. The phase–amplitude couplings between the striatal theta 80-120 Hz B peaks phase and the amplitude of the hippocampal fast oscillations were 3 )

3 very prominent (Fig. 5A, third image from the left). The hippocam- 2 theta modulation of striatal 80- to 120-Hz oscillations was much weaker (Fig. 5A, second image from the left). Notably, the striatal– 1 hippocampal cross-structure coupling was strongest at the high

100 ms Counts (x10 theta-band frequencies (8–12 Hz), frequencies that within the 0 0 360 720 hippocampus modulated hippocampal gamma and HFO rhythms, Theta Phase and frequencies at which the striatal and hippocampal theta Fig. 3. The amplitude of striatal 80–120 Hz LFP oscillations is maximal at the rhythms were most highly coherent (Fig. 5C, see also ref. 14). By troughs of cooccurring striatal theta oscillations. (A)(Upper) Time–frequency contrast, it was the low-frequency striatal theta band (3–8 Hz) that plot of the mean normalized power time-locked to the theta (5–8 Hz) trough. modulated the striatal 80- to 120-Hz oscillations, frequencies at (Lower) Plot showing the mean normalized power at 100 Hz (red line). The which the striatal and hippocampal theta rhythms were less coher- theta trough-locked averaged raw signal is shown in both Upper and Lower ent (Fig. 5C). The cross-structure coupling patterns were thus plots as a gray line. (B)(Left) Averaged raw signal obtained by aligning the LFP consistent with the patterns of coherence between the theta traces at the peaks of the 80- to 120-Hz oscillation (see SI Text). (Right) The rhythms in the striatum and hippocampus. Cross-structure phase– histogram of the theta phases at which the peaks occurred. Results were amplitude interactions could therefore occur, but they were con- obtained from the same animal and experimental session as in Fig. 1. strained by subbands within the traditional theta range. It is striking that the frequency constraints for intrastriatal phase–amplitude and the CA1 layer in which the recordings were made. The HG coupling are different from the constraints for striatal– and HFO amplitudes peaked at the trough of the theta oscilla- hippocampal coupling. tion at the deep recording sites (Fig. 4 A–C Left and Fig. S5). At A relation between behavioral learning and patterns of striatal– the superficial recording sites, the HG power peaked on the hippocampal theta coherence has been suggested because high rising phase of theta, and the HFO power was maximal near the levels of cross-structure theta coherence were found in rats that peak of the theta wave (Fig. 4 A–C Right and Fig. S5). The learned the T-maze task used here but not in rats that failed to opposite preferred theta phase for the HFO powers recorded at learn the task (14). In our analysis, we found clear examples of the deep and superficial layers* likely relates to the well- correlations between the phase-amplitude modulation and established phase-reversal of the theta rhythm across the CA1 learning scores (Fig. S9). Our dataset was inappropriate to layers also evident in our recordings (Fig. S5; see also ref. 3). analyze fully the relationship between the modulation index and However, this reversal does not account for the differences in the percentage correct performance of all of the rats (see Fig. S9 preferred phases between the HFO and HG frequency bands in legend). However, this initial analysis suggests that the phase– the superficial CA1 layers. amplitude coupling we detected may be related to learning state The amplitude modulation of high-frequency rhythms by cooc- as well as to active on-line behavioral state. curring theta was correlated with the power of theta both in the Discussion striatum and in the hippocampus, with stronger modulation occur- ring at greater theta powers (Figs. S6 and S7). The strongest Our findings were unequivocal in suggesting that phase–amplitude comodulations thus occurred during the middle parts of the maze coupling is a prominent feature of the oscillatory LFP activity both runs. However, the presence of the theta rhythm per se did not in the striatum and in the hippocampus under conditions of active, guarantee the existence of the cross-frequency phase-to-amplitude goal-oriented behavior. These dynamic phase–amplitude modula- coupling. The peak of theta power in the striatal LFPs did not tions were distinct for different high-frequency bands modulated by always match the peak of the cross-frequency modulation observed theta phase and for different subbands within the theta range and in the striatum (e.g., Fig. 1 C and D). In the hippocampal LFPs, clear thus suggested previously undescribed, behaviorally relevant fre- theta peaks occurred during the pre-trial, warning cue, gate- quency ranges for both striatal and hippocampal oscillations. More- NEUROSCIENCE opening, and goal-reaching periods, when cross-frequency coupling over, the phase of striatal theta could modulate high-frequency was typically not observed (see Fig. 2 B–D). Moreover, comparable oscillations not only in the striatum but also in the hippocampus, levels of hippocampal theta were associated with different modu- and hippocampal–striatal modulation also was present. Adjust- lation index values (e.g., compare the ‘‘Gate Opening’’ and ‘‘Tone ments in phase–amplitude coupling thus occurred not only within Onset’’ events in Fig. 2). but also across striatal and hippocampal circuits during active behavior. The strongest phase–amplitude coupling tended to occur during behavioral epochs involving decision and behavioral choice, *Roughly, ‘‘superficial’’ and ‘‘deep’’ CA1 layers correspond to stratum pyramidale and suggesting that the couplings relate, at least in part, to ongoing stratum lacunosum-moleculare, respectively; see SI Text. cognitive demands. These findings suggest that dynamic, frequency-

Tort et al. PNAS ͉ December 23, 2008 ͉ vol. 105 ͉ no. 51 ͉ 20519 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Deep Layers (s. L.M.) Superfical Layers (s. Pyr.) A 400 200 360 3.5 180 2.7 320 160 280 140 240 120 200

Power (a.u.) 100 Power (a.u.) 160

Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) 80 120 1.8 1.8 80 60 40 4 40 3 3 2.5 2 2

-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 Power (a.u.) -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 Power (a.u.) Time (ms) Time (ms) Fig. 4. The theta of )

4 HG Peaks HG Peaks high-frequency hippocampal LFP oscilla- )

3 4 B 2 tions differs for rhythms in different fre- 2 1.5 quency bands and layers in the CA1 region 1 1 0.5 of the dorsal hippocampus. (A)(Upper)

Counts (x10 0 0 Time–frequency plots of the mean normal- Counts (x10 0 360 720 0 360 720 ized power time-locked to the theta (7–12 100 ms Theta Phase 100 ms Theta Phase Hz) trough for the deep (Left) and superfi- cial (Right) CA1 layers recordings. (Lower) )

HFO Peaks ) HFO Peaks 4 C 4 4 2.5 Plots showing the mean normalized power 3 2 1.5 at 80 Hz (HG, red line) and at 160 Hz (HFO, 2 1 blue line). The theta trough-locked aver- 1 0.5 aged raw signal is shown in gray in all plots.

Counts (x10 0 0 0 360 720 Counts (x10 0 360 720 (B and C) Averaged raw signal obtained by 100 msTheta Phase 100 ms Theta Phase centering the LFP traces at the peaks of the HG (B) or HFO (C) and the corresponding D Start Tone Turn Goal Start Tone Turn Goal histograms of the theta phases at which 180 Onset Begin 180 Onset Begin

1.5 ) the peaks occurred. (D) Phase-to-ampli-

160 4 160 -3 140 3 140 1 tude comodulograms showing differential 120 2 120 theta modulations of HG and HFO rhythms. 100 100 0.5 1 Results are shown for simultaneous record- Amplitude

80 80 Modulation 0 0 Index (x10 ings from 1 deep (left column) and 1 super- Frequency (Hz) 60 60 6 8 1012 6 8 1012 6 8 1012 6 8 1012 6 8 1012 6 8 1012 6 8 1012 6 8 1012 ficial (right column) CA1 layer tetrode in a Phase Frequency (Hz) Phase Frequency (Hz) representative rat.

specific phase–amplitude coupling may be a key feature coordi- 33). Furthermore, the theta frequencies for which we found the nating the activity of striatal and hippocampal learning circuits modulation tended to be in the low theta range (Ϸ3–8 Hz), despite during sequential voluntary behavior. the cooccurrence of strong theta oscillations at higher frequencies within the theta band (Ϸ8–12 Hz). Oscillatory activity in the striatal Multiple High-Frequency Bands Are Modulated by Theta Phase. The LFPs likely reflect rhythms in striatal inputs both from distant striatal high-frequency range for which we found amplitude mod- sources such as the thalamus and neocortex and from local sources, ulation by striatal theta phase was Ϸ80–120 Hz. It is striking that particularly the pallidum, itself part of a subthalamo–pallidal os- we did not observe phase–amplitude coupling for the low-gamma cillatory circuit (34, 35). Interneurons in the striatum have also been (30–60 Hz) range, which is the main gamma band so far analyzed found to exhibit oscillatory activity, and although some of their in LFP recording experiments in the rodent striatum (14–17, 32, oscillatory activity has been linked to that of the neocortex, some

StriatPhase - StriatAmp HippPhase- StriatAmp StriatPhase - HippAmp HippPhase- HippAmp A 150 150 200 200

16 ) 14 -4 150 150 12 10 100 100 100 100 8 6 Fig. 5. Phase-amplitude couplings occur between 50 50 4 simultaneously recorded striatal and hippocampal os- 2 cillations. (A) Phase-to-amplitude comodulograms ob- Modulation Index (x10 Amplitude Frequency (Hz) 50 50 tained during a 1-s interval around the Tone Onset task 6 8 6 8 5 7 9 11 13 15 5 7 9 11 13 15 Phase Frequency (Hz) Phase Frequency (Hz) Phase Frequency (Hz) Phase Frequency (Hz) event. Results are shown for all phase–amplitude com- binations as labeled. Note that the theta phase in each Striatum Hippocampus 1 structure modulates the amplitude of oscillations in BC0.8 2.5 the other structure. (B) Mean power spectrum (solid 2 0.8 line) of the LFPs recorded in each brain region during 0.6 /Hz) /Hz) 2 2 the same task period (Tone Onset), showing a peak in 1.5 0.6 0.4 the theta band in both regions. Dashed lines represent 1 0.4 ϮSD. (C) Coherence spectrum (solid line) between the 0.2 striatal and the hippocampal oscillations during the Power (mV Power (mV 0.5 0.2

Hipp-Striat Coherence same task period showing a peak of coherence at Ϸ10 0 0 0 0 10 20 30 01020 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Hz. Results were obtained from a representative ani- Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) mal during a session (different rat than in Fig. 1).

20520 ͉ www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0810524105 Tort et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 may be intrinsic or be driven by intrastriatal networks (16, 36, 37). pal–striatal phase–amplitude coupling that we detected raises For most of these potential sources, the presence of phase– the possibility that these coupling interactions are asymmetric. amplitude coupling has not been examined. However, our finding Like the within-structure phase–amplitude modulation, the that the modulated high-frequency striatal LFP oscillations tend to cross-structure modulation was strongest during midrun, the occur at the trough of striatal theta, in the pattern of neocortical period in which coherence between the theta rhythms in the theta–gamma modulations, suggests that the striatal couplings are striatum and hippocampus is maximal (14). The cross-structure part of a broader network of oscillatory activity coupling that couplings were highly frequency-dependent, however, suggest- includes the neocortex. Cross-frequency coupling between 8 and 12 ing that they represent specific coupling of striatal–hippocampal Hz and gamma oscillations has been reported for the human rhythms rather than simply a general synchronization of the LFP nucleus accumbens (38). Moreover, the phases of maximal gamma activity in these 2 structures. The striatum and hippocampus amplitude were reported to vary between trials in which subjects have largely been considered as parallel, and even competing, won or lost. These findings suggest a relationship to reward circuits learning and memory systems engaged differentially in proce- and, thus, like our own findings, point to a potential function for dural and episodic memory function (44–47). Our findings raise cross-frequency coupling effects in basal ganglia-based circuits. the possibility that these 2 circuitries can interact at multiple In contrast to this striatal phase–amplitude coupling, theta– levels, including not only by coherence within their theta bands gamma modulation in the hippocampus is well-known. Hippocam- (14), but also by modulation of their high-frequency oscillations pal theta modulates 30- to 100-Hz frequencies as rats engage in by low-frequency oscillations in the other structure. exploratory behavior (3). In addition, high-frequency ripples (140– The existence of such dynamic cross-coupling presents a chal- 200 Hz) are modulated by lower-frequency sharp-wave events lenge to the view that activity in single frequency bands satisfactorily during periods of rest and sleep (2, 29). Here, we demonstrate captures the oscillatory activity related to particular brain states. simultaneous modulation of both traditional gamma-frequency Considered together with previous observations (3, 4, 9, 10, 31, 48), oscillations (30–100 Hz) and higher-frequency rhythms (Ͼ100 Hz) our findings suggest, instead, that multiple coexisting patterns of by ongoing hippocampal theta as rats perform a T-maze task. Our cross-frequency coupling occur and may actually better character- results suggest that within the traditional gamma frequency interval ize different states. Our observation of cross-structure striatal– (2–4, 9, 10, 23–28), there are 3 distinct bands for hippocampal LFP hippocampal coupling is a striking demonstration of this possibility. oscillations modulated by theta rhythms: LG, HG, and HFO. We observed prominent phase–amplitude coupling for intrastriatal The LG and HG hippocampal oscillations varied differently in rhythms at low theta-band striatal LFP frequencies (Ϸ3–8 Hz), and power during different parts of the maze runs and also had different cooccurring striatal–hippocampal phase–amplitude coupling for phase–amplitude modulation patterns. Overall, theta phase tended higher-frequency (Ϸ8–12 Hz) striatal LFP oscillations. This finding to modulate HG activity more than LG activity in the CA1 region highlights the possibility that simultaneously activated oscillations, (see Fig. S3). The LG and HG activity thus may represent inde- even within a single ‘‘band’’ such as theta, may characterize pendent physiological processes, a conclusion in accord with find- different behavioral and cognitive states. ings for gamma rhythms recorded in the olfactory bulb (39). The It has been proposed that ‘‘phase coded’’ information is used in HG and HFO oscillations were also distinct. Their theta modula- the hippocampus for representing locations in space and items held tions were strongest at different times during the maze runs (Figs. in working memory (25). Cross-frequency coupling such as we 2 C and D,4D Right, and Fig. S8C), were modulated to different report here may also serve as a form of phase coding, in which, in degrees by theta phase (Figs. 2 C and D,4D, and Fig. S8C), peaked addition to single spikes relative to phase, bursts of oscillatory at different phases of theta (Fig. 4 A–C Right), and were mutually activity would gate or convey information for neural computation. independent (Fig. S7b). These findings may relate to the proposal that, in the human neocortex, ‘‘low gamma’’ (30–60 Hz) and ‘‘high Cross-Coupling Is Strongest During Decision-Making Epoch. Within gamma’’ (Ϸ60–250 Hz but typically focused on 80–150 Hz) can be the hippocampus, phase–amplitude modulation peaked during the distinguished (27) and may result from independent physiological decision period of the task, but was weak before locomotion onset mechanisms with different functions (26–28). Given the heteroge- and during the approach to goal. This timing could not be ac- neity in nomenclature, we reserve the term ‘‘gamma’’ to denote the counted for solely by running speed. This pattern raises the lower high-frequency ranges that have been characterized as inhi- possibility that the modulation of gamma-band activity and HFO in bition-based (40). the hippocampus occurs especially when the rat is actively accessing The HFO that we identified in the phase–amplitude analyses sequential information during locomotion or navigation, but is probably are distinct from the hippocampal ripple oscillations, weak or absent during other periods of the task, despite the because the latter are usually accompanied by sharp waves and presence of prominent theta activity. In the striatum, phase– are not related to the theta rhythm (2, 29, 31). They are also likely amplitude modulation also was strongest during the tone-turn not the hippocampal ‘‘very fast oscillations’’ (VFO) described as decision period and, again, could not be accounted for by running depending on axonal gap junctions (41), because these have been speed. We also found that the modulation could be high early in the most prominently observed in the stratum oriens of the CA1 trial (periods of low velocity) and that it could be low during turning region and were shown to be modulated by the gamma rhythm (high-velocity periods). This large spread of the modulation across (42), in contrast to the HFO described here. One possibility is the different events within the runs suggests that phase–amplitude that the HFO are the remnants of the spiking activity detected modulation in the striatum could be related to the active recall or by the tetrodes. Another possibility is that the HFO result from throughput of sequential information related to task performance. entorhinal synaptic input to CA1 (43) and HG from CA3 input. Notably, the tone-turn period is the period in which the lowest

If so, cross-frequency analyses could be used to study entorhinal density of spiking by striatal projection neurons occurs in rats that NEUROSCIENCE and CA3 influences on CA1 activity and their functions in have acquired the task (49). The cross-coupled oscillatory patterns relation to memory and navigation. could thus especially reflect the accessing of inputs by striatal circuitry. Interestingly, in the one rat in which fully adequate Cross-Coupling of Low- and High-Frequency Oscillations Occurs Across records were available at all sessions, there was a clear learning- Striatal and Hippocampal Circuits. In addition to prominent within- related increase in the phase–amplitude coupling both within the structure phase–amplitude coupling in the striatum and hip- striatum and within the hippocampus. pocampus, we found cross-structure coupling. This coupling was The finding that cross-couplings were most prominent as the rats particularly evident for striatal theta phase modulation of hip- neared the choice point of the maze raises the possibility that pocampal fast oscillations. The relative weakness of hippocam- cognitive processes related to decision, choice, and selection influ-

Tort et al. PNAS ͉ December 23, 2008 ͉ vol. 105 ͉ no. 51 ͉ 20521 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 enced the appearance of the phase–amplitude couplings both a 1-week postsurgical recovery period. Rats then received daily training sessions within the striatum and the hippocampus and across these forebrain (usually 40 trials) on an auditory tone-cued T-maze task. Rats were trained to turn regions. If so, this decision phase may be one that particularly calls right or left at the choice point of the maze as instructed by 1- and 8-kHz tone for multiple frequency-band coordination of striatal and hippocam- cues. A click warning cue preceded the opening of a start gate. Rats were pal activity. This behavioral epoch also appears to be the time at rewarded with chocolate sprinkles if the baited goal was correctly approached. Throughout training, LFPs were amplified (gain: 1,000), filtered (1–475 Hz) and which network coherence within the theta band is enhanced across continuously sampled at 1 kHz by using a Cheetah recording system (Neuralynx). hippocampal, prefrontal, and striatal circuits (14, 50). These find- In the hippocampus, the definition of ‘‘deep’’ and ‘‘superficial’’ CA1 layers of the ings suggest that phase–amplitude coupling may reflect the en- dorsal hippocampus was performed based on the phase reversal of the theta gagement across different time scales of network activity related to wave combined with daily records of tetrode depth. All analyses were done with active cognitive processing. MATLAB 7.5 software (MathWorks). Details are given in SI Text.

Materials and Methods ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Miles Whittington and Roger Traub for com- Behavioral training and electrophysiology recording methods were approved by ments on a preliminary version of this manuscript. This work was supported by the Committee on Animal Care of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and are Coordenac¸a˜ o de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Brazil (A.B.L.T.), the Burroughs Wellcome Fund (A.B.L.T., M.A.K., and N.J.K.), a National described in detail in refs. 14 and 15. Briefly, 6 male Sprague–Dawley rats were Science Foundation Research Training Grant (to A.B.L.T., M.A.K., and N.J.K.), a implanted with head stages containing 12 tetrodes, with 6 tetrodes targeting the Friends of the McGovern Institute for Brain Research Graduate Student Fellow- dorsomedial caudoputamen (AP: ϩ1.7 mm, ML: 1.8 mm, DV: 3.6–4.6 mm) and 6 ship (to C.T.), National Institutes of Health Grant MH60379 (to C.T., D.J.G., Y.K., tetrodes targeting the dorsal CA1 region of the hippocampus (AP: Ϫ3.3 mm, ML: and A.M.G.), and Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-04-1-0208 (to C.T., 2.2 mm, DV: 2.4–2.8 mm). Tetrodes were lowered to their target depths during D.J.G., Y.K., and A.M.G.).

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