
Letter of the Week #IV-11, Apr 25, 2018, by Ralph

Dear Members & Supporters,

1. Our second class on P&R will take place this Sunday, at 1pm NY City / 6pm London time. This class covers Sections B (Science of Logic) and C (Philosophy of Mind) of Chapter 1. It is imperative that you closely engage with the text during your preparation. The questions are on our Discussion Forum, at https://www.marxisthumanistinitiative.org/forums/topic/class-2-sections-cd-of-chapter-1 . I will give a short introduction, and then will chair the class.

Come prepared and contribute. You should read the supplementary material on Chapter 1, Logic and Mind sections, that was posted earlier.

 RD’s 1986 letter to G.A. Kelly, last two pages of http://www.marxisthumanistinitiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/On-an- Exchange-of-Correspondence-Between-RD-and-Non-Marxist-Hegelian-Scholars.pdf  “Three Attitudes of Thought …” (in Smaller Logic; sections III-V, at https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/sl/slconten.htm  Andrew’s talk on Chapter 1, at https://www.marxisthumanistinitiative.org/forums/topic/my-presentation-for- tomorrows-discussion-of-ch-1-of-pr

Sections B and C are hard, so you may find the supplementary readings illuminating.

2. If you have not already seen it, Andrew has a commentary on WSS, at https://www.marxisthumanistinitiative.org/resistance-to-trumpism-2/muellers- investigation-did-establish-collusion.html , on the redacted version of the Mueller report. Andrew shows that the report did establish collusion between the Trumpites and the Putinites. Anne adds that “Trump continues to lie about and try to cover up the findings, but he is acting nervous. We are anxious to see if the House of Representatives will do more than investigate all the new proof of Trump's improper activities—whether it will start impeachment proceedings.”

3. Andrew writes the following (the email chain about this has been moved to the discussion forum).

“On Tuesday, Anne and I attended an event in Fairfax, Virginia, hosted by the George Mason University chapter of the (new) Students for a Democratic Society. I was a panelist, along with three Stalinists: Richard D. Wolff, the film-maker Boots Riley, and a graduate student.”

“Given the composition of the panelists who ultimately accepted the invitation to speak, the event basically turned out to be a Stalinist revival meeting … except that I pushed back, flatly condemning Stalinism, its crimes against humanity, and the fact that its usurpation of the term ‘’ has set back and seriously jeopardized the struggle for genuine, liberatory socialism.”

“The studio audience seemed to be mostly students swept up in the current pro- Stalinist revival (‘tankie’) craze; with a couple of exceptions, there was little interest in our literature or what we had to say, and we were treated rather coldly. But the most shocking thing was the complete absence of any discussion of, not to mention any interest in fighting, Trump and Trumpism. The prepared questions assiduously avoided the topic, as did all of the Stalinist panelists and the people who spoke from the floor. I think this shows that the organizers and their milieu are detached from real politics and are playing at revolutionism.”

“That said, coming away from the event, I was quite pleased. I think I was able, given the limited amount of time (largely monopolized by Riley), to sharply distinguish Marx’s and Marxist-Humanism from the ideologies that dominated. That’s all I hoped to do (I don’t try to persuade actual listeners, as distinct from ideal, rational, disinterested ones—Stalinists will be Stalinists). And I managed to get Wolff’s goat (or wolf)—at one point, he whispered to me that I am a ‘combative nutcase’. For these reasons, and especially because the video will be seen by people who are interested in a genuinely socialist future and in fighting against Stalinism, I consider the event a definite success.”

4. On Floyd’s Facebook page ‘Spikies’ are currently discussing and criticizing Eric’s WSS article, titled Government in Chaos over Brexit; People Take to the Streets. Anne comments that “the UK as well as the US are experiencing this turn to the right; both need to be sharply criticized”. Please post your critiques on Facebook, if you haven’t already done so. You can also comment on the story directly on WSS.

5. Brendan, Dan and Mike have produced a flier critiquing the Green New Deal to take to Earth Month events. The flier is based on Brendan's talk at our panel at the Historical Materialism / Jacobin conference on April 13 (you have the whole panel on a recently- posted video on WSS). The latest version of the flier will be posted shortly on the discussion forum. Many of the flier’s points are relevant for the UK and the EU, so take it along to events and demos once it is ready.

6. Anne has revised MHI’s Who We Are Statement, which the EC made available as US Letter and A4. I attach a copy of each so you can take it along to events and demos. Please put the revised statement on the back of the Green New Deal flier and any others you are taking around.

For freedom, Ralph