February 19, 1921, Vol. 112, No. 2904
! 1 1 1 1¥_ finanrial b^ rontrb INCLUDING 6ank & Quotation Section Railway & Industrial Section Electric Railway Section Railway Earnings Section Bankers' Convention Section State and City SecdoD VOL. 112. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1921 NO. 2904 Week ending February 12. ghe ©hromclje Clearings i or PUHLIrtHKO WKKKLY Inc. I 1921. 1920. DiX. I 1919. 1918. Terms of Subscription- Payable in Advance for One Year JIO 00 Chicago -I9.4I For Six Months 6 00 . 399.814,817, 564,837,3391 460,268,453 428,171,747 <'lnclnuatl 42,642,189 58,889 —27.6; 54.357,474 42,382.76 ,s Buropean aub»crlptlon (tncludlug postage) . 13 .50 J215' Cleveland 89.706.243 »6,512.742| —6.1 80.186.964 65,775.172 European Subscription six mouths (Including postage) 7 75 Detroit 68.000.000 98.382,358 —30,9 58.280,406 41,765,438 Oanadlan Subscription (Including puat-age) 11 50 Milwaukee 30,146,256 32.179,885] —6.3 29,988^81 27.471,644 NOTICE—On iiccouat of the fluctuatlous In the rucea of eichange, reinlt- Indianapolis 11,607,000 17,806,000 —34,8 12.383,000 13,903,000 tiiQces for European subscriptions and advertisements must be made In C^olumbua 10,593,500 14,114,300 —24.9 1 1 ,707,300 9.412,800 New York funds. 'role<lo 10,500.000 12„594,618 -16.0 10,033,369 9,226,039 Subscription includa following Supplements— Peoria 3,226,923 5,121,613 —37,0 4,945,430 4.400,685 Bank and Quotation (monthly) Railway & Indcstbial (semt-annually) C.riuid Rapids.
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