November 16,1979 Wing Gains in Local Elections

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November 16,1979 Wing Gains in Local Elections November 16,1979 KEESING'S CONTEMPORARY ARCHIVES 29939 A. NORWAY Cabinet Reshuffle following punishment - Right_ had been abolished under ordinary criminal law in wing Gains in Local Elections - Complete Abofido; of 1905, the dealh penalry could still be Capital invoked in iime of war Punishment - Extension of Barents Sea Fishing u-nder.tne,mrhtary penal code (as it was after the Second Wtrld Agreement with Soviet Union War in the case of certain collaborators *iif, if,. German occupying forces). Following a serious setback for the Labour party in local ..Grey electionselecnons:ctions heldnetd on sept.Sept. l6-1716-17 andand corresponding gains for the Extension of Barents Sea Zone" Fishins Asreement wilh rigtrt, an extensive reshuffle of the minority Libour Cabinet Soviet Union - Crash of Soviet \4'arplane dn forwegian Territory Ied bybv Mr Odvar Nordli was announcedennnrrnned ^-on Oct.A^r 5.< TheTl,- ^h-----changes constituted the first major reorganization of the Cabinet siice . T!.e Noryggian-Soviet provisional agreement on fishing in the disputed Mr Nordli assumed the premiership in January 1976 [see "grey zone" of the Barents Sea-which had blen signed in January 1978 ?75-!p A!, although_following the September 1977 elections fsee [see 2890j A) and which had been 28670 Al certain adjustments had been made in Januarv and extended for a l2-month period from July l, 1978-was December 1978 [see 28833 B; 29445 B]. extended-for a further year under an exchange of letters be- tween officials in Oslo on July 19'19. Sincelhe signature In the local elections the Labour Party's share the vote fell l, of of to the provisional fishing agreement, negotiations 36.5 per cent compared with 38.1 per cent in the corresponding elec- had continued tions in 1975 and 42.4 per cent in the 1977 general election,-while on the substantive issue of the delimitation of the Barents Sea that of the Conservatives increased to 29.2 per cent from 22.6 per {see also 276m A), but by mid-October 1979 no agreement cent in 1975 and 24.7 per cent in 1977. Of the smaller non-sociaiist had yet been reached. parties both the Liberals and the Progressive Party improved on their Over this period Norwegian-Soviet relations had been strained 1975 and 1977 percentages, while the Centre Party slightly increased by a.number of incidents, including its 1977 percentage (although together people,s the Norwegian Govern- with the Christian ment's refusal to make an immediate Party it declined as compared with 1975). The aggregate restitution of the flight strength of recorder Badger the left (i.e. Labour and the Left Socialists) in the 1979 local eleitions of a Soviet warplane which crashed on ihe was 40.9 per cent against 56.0 per cent for the five non-socialist islqnd of Hopen (south-east of Spirsbergen) on Aug. 28, 1978, parties mentioned above, while 3.1 per cent went to various splinter killing the crew of seven. Although ihe wreckage and the groups. recorder were eventually handed over to the Soviet authorities on Nov. 15, 1978 (after being The new Cabinet was announced at the conclusion thoroughly examined by Nor- of a con- wegian experts), the Soviet ference of the Labour Party held Government had in the inteivening in Oslo on Oct. 4-5 at which period denounced an anaiysis the local election defeat was their retention as an unfriendly and illegal of conducted. Of act.-(Norwegian Information - the 17 members (i.e. including Mr Nordli) eight were newly Service Le Mondi - Financlal Times - Neue Ztircher Zeitung) (Prev. and four changed responsibilities (the latter including rep. Cabinet 29445 B, 4ppointed 28833 B, 27548 A; Elections 28670 A; Barents Sea 28907 Mr Per Kleppe, hitherto Finance Minister, who assumed the A) portfolio new of Long-term Planning). The full Cabinet was B. PARAGUAY - ARGENTINA - BRAZIL Hydro- as follows: electric Developments - Mr Odvar Nordli . Prime Minister Paraguay and Argentina Mr Knut Frydenlund on Aug. 30, 1979, put an end to a Foreign Affairs six-y.e^ar *Mr Ulf Sand bilateral dispute by signing an agreement on final Finance specilications joint Mr Bjartmar Gjerde Oil and Energy for the Yaciret6-Apip6 hydroelectric scheme *Mr Thorvald Stoltenberg Defence to be built on the Parani river. The agreement, which was *Mr signed in Asunci6n by Gen. pastor +MrEinarFoerde..Andreas Cappelen Justice Carlos Washinston and Dr .. Education and Ecclesiastical Alberto Nogu6s, the Foreign Ministers if Areentina and *Mr Aflairs Paraguay respecrively, provided for a notable rediction in rhe Lars Skytoen . *MrReiulfSteen Industry area of Paraguay to be flooded by the scheme and laid down .. .. Commerce *Mrs and Shipping that Argentina would pay paragiay compensation SisseJ Roenbeck Consumer of up to Aflairs and bovern- $50,000,000 per year foi rfre ment Administration noojinj. t Mr Rolf Hansen Environment . The.agreement followed a vis]t to Asuncion in August by the Argentinian iMrs Inger Louise Valle . Labour and Municipal Affairs Army Commander, Gen. Roberto vioii, in?n effort to tMr Arne Nilsen Social Affairs s.pecuspeed- upulr rerlrcmenrsettlemenr ofor tnethe otsputedispute *Ucnwhrch halhad alreadyalieaciv put back the Mr Oskar Oeksnes Agriculture 9lt.",fol the enrry.into operarion.ol rte projecr inJ tr'ajenaangered Mr Eivind Bolle . llslrs llnanctngrrnanctng by *Mr . Fisheries lnternational financial organizationsorganizarinns andrnd prlvarenr-ivaro Ronald Bye Transport and Communications banks. President Videla of Argentina ,nd F;;;id";i- Stdrr:;;iStloessne. .r i Mr Per Kleppe Long-term Planning Paraguay were due to meet lateiin t979 to consolidiii ifr. l*pror.O * relationshiprelationship New minister. f Changed responsibilities. between rhethe tx'otu.o countries.counlries. In the context of a similarly longstanding The newly appointed ministers, of whom two had served in dispute between Brazil and Argentina over their respeitive previous administrations, included two prominent trade hyd"roedcriic p.ojects union- on rhe river 28224 Aj, Brazil lsls and three leading members of the Labour party.s left wing. -Paraha [see announced bn Feb. 19 , 1979, that it was withdrawing from namely Mr Steen (rhe party chairman), Mr Foeide and Mis talks on the compatibility Roenbeck. of rhe^ltaiprl scheme_(which it was building in ion.iunction wrth Paraguay-see 26389 A: 27(fi4 B; 29809 At ind rhe . Mr Sand (41) was head of the economic research department ol Corpus. sc!9qe- (which Argentina was building paraguay the Norwegian *ith trade union federatjon (LO); Mr Stoltenberg (4g) was als.o 28809 A). The basis the dispute Under-Secretary -see of wis that arge;rini of State ai the.Foreign Ministry; ltr Capfie)en 1e+; feared that,under.existing plans had served in previous-Lah,our the construction of liuip,i_ three Qoue.n-enir, most rbcently ai the largesl hydroelectric project Foreign Minister in 1971-72 in the world Iior location see [see 2454O A]; Mr Foeide (36), a univer_ map jeopardize sity teacher, was chairman oi the party's iong-term prog*rn.. on-page 295461-would its o.,vn use of the .orn_ Parand yaciret6_ mitree: Mr Skytoen (49) was presidint of the lron anc] Mital for the Corpus and other-schemes (notably Worker:' Apipe 'feared Unron .(Norway's largest trade union); Mr Steen (46), the Labour and Puerto lguazri) downriver. while Brazil rhat Party chairman since April 1975 the projected height [see 27321 Al, traO sirvea as Minister of the Corpus- dam would seriously reduce ol lransporr and Communications in l9'71_72; Mrs Roenbeck (29), the power potential of ltaipir. who,became.the you-ngest cabinet member in Norwegian history, Br14l and Paraguay had agreed in an exchange had been chairman of the Labour youth movement ini975_77; of notes on March ;;A 13, 1978.1978, that the number ofoT turbinestrrrbines totn behe iictqllpa i- ti. r+^;^;, Mr Bye (41) was a former general sacretary of the Labour party. iistiliea-ir'tr,. riiip,i scheme should be increased from 18 to 20. Argentinth"d;ir;";;'.: posed It was understood that the outgoing Environment Minister, on^Jan. 30-,.1979,30.,.1979, that Brazil should igree to uiiuse regularly.egu Mrs Gro Harlem Brundtland, would as deputy chairman of only 18 of the turbines but that, as there would"be a iu.the,further r*ctwo "in the.Labour Party devote her energies to increasing the political reser_ve", Argentina should as compensation have the neht to build and organizational strength of the parry. the Corpus dam to a "reserve" height of five extra metiis (i.e. tiO metres) for use in the event of exce-ptionally high water. Brizil had Complete Abolition of Death Penalty previously conceded an increase in trelgtri to"ibS miires for the \,orpus A,proposal by the Corpus scheme,scneme, whichwnlcn wouldwoulcl mean a dropdro-p in the output of Itaipri of . Government for the complete abolition of 88-066,u m-eg_?warts (MW) the death-p,enalty parlia_ _m-eg_ewatts (tnw) andancl an increase'inincrease in the CoipusCorpus outp;toutput of was finally adopted by the Norwegian 1.746 lvtW;MW: the_projectedthe nroiected heiohr r ro ma+,a" r^,,^ ment !,1J6. height ^fof I l0 metres -,^,,riwould have riduced-^^,.^^, on May 31 by 61 votes to 38. Hitherto, although capital ltaipf's output by a further 1370 MW..
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    xxxui CHRONOLOGY í-i: Sudan. Elections to a Constituent Assembly (voting postponed for 37 southern seats). 4 Zambia. Basil Kabwe became Finance Minister and Luke Mwan- anshiku, Foreign Minister. 5-1: Liberia. Robert Tubman became Finance Minister, replacing G. Irving Jones. 7 Lebanon. Israeli planes bombed refugee camps near Sidon, said to contain PLO factions. 13 Israel. Moshe Nissim became Finance Minister, replacing Itzhak Moda'i. 14 European Communities. Limited diplomatic sanctions were imposed on Libya, in retaliation for terrorist attacks. Sanctions were intensified on 22nd. 15 Libya. US aircraft bombed Tripoli from UK and aircraft carrier bases; the raids were said to be directed against terrorist head- quarters in the city. 17 United Kingdom. Explosives were found planted in the luggage of a passenger on an Israeli aircraft; a Jordanian was arrested on 18 th. 23 South Africa. New regulations in force: no further arrests under the pass laws, release for those now in prison for violating the laws, proposed common identity document for all groups of the population. 25 Swaziland. Prince Makhosetive Dlamini was inaugurated as King Mswati III. 26 USSR. No 4 reactor, Chernobyl nuclear power station, exploded and caught fire. Serious levels of radio-activity spread through neighbouring states; the casualty figure was not known. 4 Afghánistán. Mohammad Najibollah, head of security services, replaced Babrak Karmal as General Secretary, People's Demo- cratic Party. 7 Bangladesh. General election; the Jatiya party won 153 out of 300 elected seats. 8 Costa Rica. Oscar Arias Sánchez was sworn in as President. Norway. A minority Labour government took office, under Gro 9 Harlem Brundtland.
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