Richard Leigh, Committee Co-Ordinator, Committee Team, Room 203,HTH, Tel: 8753 2076 Fax: 8753 2138 E-Mail: [email protected]
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PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE TUESDAY 27 JANUARY 2004 AT 7.00PM HAMMERSMITH TOWN HALL, KING STREET, HAMMERSMITH, LONDON W6 9JU. MEMBERSHIP: Administration: Opposition: Cllr Wesley Harcourt (Chair) Cllr Frances Stainton Cllr Charlie Treloggan (Vice Chair) Cllr Will Bethell Cllr Colin Aherne Cllr Caroline Donald Cllr Michael Cartwright Cllr Greg Hands Cllr Jafar Khaled Cllr Dame Sally Powell OTHER COUNCILLORS' REQUESTS Councillors Chris Allen, Brendan Bird, Huw Davies, Ivan Gibbons Alex Karmel, Antony Lillis, Emile Al-Uzaizi CONTACT OFFICER: Richard Leigh, Committee Co-ordinator, Committee Team, Room 203,HTH, Tel: 8753 2076 Fax: 8753 2138 e-mail: [email protected] Members of the public are welcome to attend. A loop system for hearing impairment is provided, along with disabled access to the building. For queries concerning a specific planning application, please call the case officer. PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE ITEM PAGE 1. MINUTES OF THE PAC MEETING ON 16 DECEMBER 2003 Circulated separately To agree and sign the above minutes as accurate. 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST If a councillor has any prejudicial or personal interest in a particular report they should declare an interest. A councillor should not take part in the discussion or vote on a matter in which they have a prejudicial interest. They should withdraw from the meeting whilst the matter is under consideration unless the disability to participate has been removed by the Standards Committee or unless a relevant exemption applies under the Council’s Code of Conduct. 4. PLANNING APPLICATIONS 1 5. TREE PRESERVATION ORDER 79 ****************************** London Borough Of Hammersmith & Fulham ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planning Applications Committee Agenda for 27th January 2004 Index of Applications, Enforcement Actions, Advertisements etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARD: SITE ADDRESS: PAGE REG NO: Avonmore And 120 Edith Road London W14 9AP 2 Brook Green 2003/03001/FUL Fulham Reach Brandenburgh House 116 Fulham Palace 8 2003/02071/FUL Road London W6 9HH Fulham Reach Brandenburgh House 116 Fulham Palace 17 2003/02108/LBC Road London W6 9HH Addison 45 Batoum Gardens London W6 7QB 20 2003/02940/FUL College Park And 9-127 Heathstan Road London W12 0RB 25 Old Oak 2003/03176/FUL College Park And 9-127 Heathstan Road London W12 0RB 42 Old Oak 2003/03180/CAC Ravenscourt Park 15 Ravenscourt Square London W6 0TW 45 2003/02481/FUL Shepherds Bush Mecca Bingo Hall 58 Shepherd's Bush Green 52 Green London W12 8QE 2002/02875/FUL Shepherds Bush Mecca Bingo Hall 58 Shepherd's Bush Green 71 Green London W12 8QE 2002/02959/LBC Palace Riverside 58 Inglethorpe Street London SW6 6NX 74 2003/02192/FUL Page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ward: Avonmore And Brook Green Site Address: 120 Edith Road London W14 9AP © Crown Copyright. All Rights Reserved. London Borough Hammersmith and Fulham LA086398 For identification purposes only - do not scale.. Reg. No: Case Officer; 2003/03001/FUL Mr Laurence O'Keeffe Date valid: 10.11.2003 Conservation Area: Gunter Estate Committee Date: 27.01.2004 Page 2 Applicant: Zylann Properties Ltd C/o Fenchurch Trust PO Box 61 19 Seaton Place St Helier Jersey JE4 8PZ Description: Continued use of property as two self contained two bedroom flats and one self contained four bedroomed maisonette; erection of two glass screens and a railing to the flat roof at rear, first floor level in connection with the formation of a roof terrace ; retention of a door providing access to the flat roof. Drg Nos: ER.TP5 202; ER.TP5 203 Application type Full Detailed Planning Application Officer’s Recommendation That the application be approved subject to the condition(s) set out below 1 The development hereby permitted shall not commence later than the expiration of 5 years beginning with the date of this planning permission. Condition required to be imposed by section 91(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 The building development shall not be erected otherwise than in accordance with the detailed drawings which have been approved unless any material alteration to these approved details has first been submitted and approved in writing by the Council. In order to ensure full compliance with the planning application hereby approved and to prevent harm arising through deviations from the approved plans, in accordance with policies EN2 and EN8 of the Unitary Development Plan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 2000 LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS All Background Papers held by Nada Jocic (Ext.3340). Application form received: 10th November 2003 Drawing Nos: see above Page 3 Policy documents: Adopted Unitary Development Plan 2003. Consultation Comments Comments from: Dated: Neighbour Comments: Letters from: Dated: Flat A Basement 122 Edith Road London W14 9AP 09.12.03 Flat 1 124 Edith Road London W14 9AP 03.12.03 LETTERS FROM APPLICANT/AGENT 03.11.03, 23.12.03, 29.12.03 OTHER POLICY DOCUMENTS OTHER DOCUMENTS OFFICER'S REPORT 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Three storey property with lower ground floor on the south side of Edith Road, the property is in a mid terrace position and constructed of London stock brickwork with a slate roof. The property retains its original sash windows. It is located in the Gunter Estate Conservation Area. 1.2 Permission was granted for the use of 120 as four self-contained flats together with a rear roof extension in September 2001 (RN:2000/024123/FUL). A Certificate of Lawfulness was granted in the same month for the use of the ground floor of 118 Edith Road with the ground, first and second floor maisonette at 120 Edith Road (RN:2000/02415/FUL). In addition, permission was granted for the use of the property as two maisonettes (RN:2001/02415/FUL). 1.3 On 1st September 2003, Committee deferred a report recommending approval for the retention of a rear roof extension; installation of three rooflights on the front roofslope; alteration of the roof of the studio building to the rear of the property between upper ground and first floor levels, in Page 4 connection with the formation of a roof terrace; installation of two rooflights to roof of back addition; replacement of roof covering of studio building to rear of site with zinc roof covering (2003/01419/FUL). 1.4 Members were concerned with the inclusion of a roof terrace to the rear of the property between upper ground and first floor level. The concern was on the basis of potential noise and disturbance to neighbouring residential users of their properties as a result of its use. Matters relating to loss of privacy have been addressed with the inclusion of glazed screens to either side of the terrace and were not cited as a reason for the deferral. 1.5 Officers looked at planning appeals against refusals of permission for roof terraces over the 12 months period October 2002 to October 2003 where noise and disturbance has been cited as a reason for refusal. 11 appeals have been made during this period of which 6 (54%) have been dismissed and 5 (46%) have been allowed. All the terraces concerned were significantly larger than that proposed, several involving the entire roof of a two or three storey rear addition. The majority of those involving the whole of the roof were dismissed. 1.6 Inspectors have taken different views on some issues raised by terraces. For example, at 39 Brookville Road (appeal dismissed) the Inspector concluded that the suggested fence and trellis screen would do little in the way of suppressing noise, while at 98 Burnthwaite Road (appeal allowed) and 39A Wardo Avenue (appeal allowed), the Inspectors took the view that a fence or other screen would limit any spread of noise from people on the terrace. At 239 Munster Road (appeal allowed), the Inspector attached a condition to the granting of permission to prevent the use of the terrace after 10 p.m., to avoid noise disturbance. 1.7 However, size seems to have been the most important consideration for Inspectors in many of the decisions. At 39A Wardo Road (appeal allowed) and 17 Kinnoul Road (appeal allowed) the Inspector concluded that limiting the extent of the terrace by barriers would limit the number of people able to use it and thus the potential for noise disturbance. Of those appeals allowed, terrace size ranged from 4.8 square metres to approximately 17 square metres. For this largest terrace, at Flat 3, 91 Bishops Road, the Inspector concluded that ".... Because of the fairly restricted capacity of the terrace, its use would be unlikely to cause an unacceptably greater level of noise and disturbance than that which would come from within the property when windows were open." 1.8 The terrace under consideration at 120 Edith Road was significantly smaller (approximately 2.8 square metres) than all those considered by the Inspectors above and could only accommodate up to 3 people. In view of the various Inspectors' comments, officers considered that there must be an element of doubt as to whether the refusal of permission for a terrace of the size proposed would be upheld at appeal on grounds of noise and disturbance. Page 5 1.9 However, the applicant indicated that he was not prepared to risk putting an application to Planning Applications Committee, which could be refused. At the applicants request, the item was deferred from 3rd November 2003 PAC and the file returned to the case officer. The application was altered to delete the roof terrace from the proposals and replace the door at first floor level with a sash window. All other elements of the proposal were considered to be acceptable. The application was approved under delegated powers on 20th November 2003 (RN: 2003/01419/FUL). 1.10 Subsequently, the applicant has decided to reapply for the erection of two glass screens and a railing to the flat roof at rear first floor level in connection with the formation of a roof terrace together with the retention of the door providing access to the flat roof.