Low income housing estates Low income housing estates: a report to Hammersmith United Charities on supporting communities, preventing by Laura Laneby andAnne Power social exclusion and tackling need in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham Laura Lane and Anne Power, LSE Housing and Communities September 2009 Funding provided by HUC and the Parish of St Pauls, Hammersmith; Notting Hill Laura Lane Housing Group; and the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham LSE Housing and Communities tel 020 7955 7472 email
[email protected] CASEreport 59 Housing HUC Report Cover.indd 1 22/10/09 13:48:39 Acknowledgements We are heavily indebted to the work of Dr Caroline Paskell who carried out the field interviews on the estates and prepared data information and vignettes. Olga Gora and Nicola Serle were responsible for some data analysis. We owe a great deal of thanks to residents and front line workers within the estates and local areas for taking time to respond to our questions. Without the willingness of residents within the estates to speak to us and share their experiences we would not have been able to access such detailed information. This project has been funded by Hammersmith United Charities and the Parish of St Pauls, Hammersmith; Notting Hill Housing Group and the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. There are many individuals within those organisations who have helped with the project but special recognition is owed to Stuart Sessions, Heather David and Sue Spiller. Special thanks also to Chris Hughes from the Estate Wardens team; Jo Rice from SPEAR; Gaye Rose of HAFFTRA; Lorraine Gilbert and Meghan Doyle of Notting Hill Housing Group; Diana Hodson, Shaun Dunleavy and Milan Ognjenovic of Hammersmith and Fulham Homes; Michael Pyner of the Shoreditch Trust; Iain Tuckett of Coin Street; Steve Wyler of the Development Trusts Association; Kristina Glenn of the Cripplegate Foundation 1 Contents 1.