Transport for London Mayor’s Transport Strategy Local Implementation Plan Guidance July 2004 MAYOR OF LONDON Transport for London Boroughs can contact TfL for advice on this guidance in the following ways: LIPs, Borough Partnerships, Transport for London, Windsor House, 42-50 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0TL For the attention of: Mark Bennett, Head of Group Borough Funding Email:
[email protected] Phone: 020 7941 4915 Fax: 020 7941 4725 LIP submission information is set out in 3.1, page 9. LIP Guidance 2004 1 Foreword I set out priorities for improving transport in London in my Transport Strategy. The boroughs have a key role to play in planning for and delivering these improvements, particularly in managing the 95 percent of London’s roads for which they are responsible. This guidance is aimed at assisting boroughs to prepare Local Implementation Plans which will help ensure well integrated delivery of the Transport Strategy at the local level. Boroughs will need to take account of their local context in developing their Local Implementation Plans, to take forward the Transport Strategy in an appropriate and effective way. My key priorities for local transport are re-stated in the guidance. These are complemented by statutory targets that I have set for implementation of the Transport Strategy. These give a clear indication of the pace of delivery that I expect. TfL will seek to continue to assist boroughs through the process of preparation and delivery of Local Implementation Plans. I will also continue work with the boroughs and the Association of London Government to seek the additional resources we need to improve transport in London.