ACTA UNIVERSITATIS LODZIENSIS FOLIA LITTERARIA POLONICA 6(36) 2016 Arkadiusz Morawiec* Janka Hescheles’ Locomotive (to Bełżec) Tuwim’s The Locomotive was published in the pages of the twelfth issue of “Literary News” on April 12, 19361. Announcing it along with the poems In an Aeroplane and Bird Radio, in a leading literary magazine in which Tuwim had previously placed Poems for children2, was a kind of ennoblement of children’s poetry, an acknowledgement of its equality with poetry itself3. In the book edi- tion, The Locomotive appeared in January of 19384. Lots of competent essays have been written on the numerous qualities of this poem, its translations, and how it has been applied in education. Its recep- tion has also been written about, although not as extensively. My statement is a contribution to the issue of the reception of this, as Jerzy Cieślikowski put it, “most popular poem written by Tuwim”5; it is, to be more precise, a footnote to the comments made in the book An Icon of Modernity. Rail in Polish Litera- ture (Ikona nowoczesności. Kolej w literaturze polskiej) by Wojciech Tomasik (especially in the chapter An Engine at the Exhibition. In the Footsteps of Tu- wim’s Locomotive)6 and to an article by Katarzyna Kuczyńska-Koschany, which * Dr hab. prof. UŁ, e-mail:
[email protected], Department of 20th and 21st cen- tury Polish Literature, Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz, 91-404 Lodz, 171/173 Pomorska street. 1 J. Tuwim, Lokomotywa, “Wiadomości Literackie” 1936, issue 16, p.