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Morris, Adelaide THE UNIVERSITY OF WINCHESTER Faculty of Arts Ti ricordo questo uomo? : A creative and critical investigation into crossing cultures, countries, and identities Adelaide Morris ORCID Doctor of Philosophy July 2018 This Thesis has been completed as a requirement for a postgraduate research degree of the University of Winchester MPhil/PhD THESES OPEN ACCESS / EMBARGO AGREEMENT FORM Access Permissions and Transfer of Non-Exclusive Rights By giving permission you understand that your thesis will be accessible to a wide variety of people and institutions – including automated agents – via the World Wide Web and that an electronic copy of your thesis may also be included in the British Library Electronic Theses On-line System (EThOS). Once the Work is deposited, a citation to the Work will always remain visible. 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In order to facilitate commercial publication I request an exceptional embargo period of 3 years* Approval from the Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange (DRKE) is required for a 3 year embargo. Signature of DRKE: N.B. under Research Council UK (RCUK) rules and regulations, students who have received RCUK funding may apply for access to their thesis to be withheld for no more than 12 months. *Please provide an explanation for the length of the embargo period and information about the proposed publication arrangements. The date of the embargo period will commence from the date of the Award Letter sent from the Director of Postgraduate Research Students. 5. The title, abstract and keywords may be published, but the thesis may not be published in the data repository because it contains commercially sensitive data.^ ^Please identify the commercially sensitive data. 6. The title, abstract and keywords may be published, but the thesis may not be published because my sponsors/funders own the rights to it. # #Please identify the funder/sponsor and the contract information. Please tick if you agree to the following TWO statements: 1. I agree that my thesis may be copied on demand after the two-year embargo period expires by individuals or libraries and that the copy of my thesis contains the following statement: Copyright ©Adelaide Morris 2018 ‘Ti ricordo questo uomo? : A creative and critical investigation into crossing cultures, countries, and identities’, University of Winchester, PhD Thesis pp1-429, ORCID This copy has been supplied on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement. Copies (by any process) either in full, or of extracts, may be made only in accordance with instructions given by the author. Details may be obtained from the RKE Centre, University of Winchester. This page must form part of any such copies made. Further copies (by any process) of copies made in accordance with such instructions may not be made without the permission (in writing) of the author. No profit may be made from selling, copying or licensing the author’s work without further agreement. 2. I agree that my obligation is to notify the University of Winchester of any change of address in order to facilitate any future requests for licensing. Author’s Name: Adelaide Morris Date: 15 August 2018 Metadata to be included with the thesis: Title: Ti ricordo questo uomo? : A creative and critical investigation into crossing cultures, countries, and identities Author: Adelaide Morris Supervisors: Professor Andrew Melrose Professor Inga Bryden Dr Ruth Gilbert Funders or Sponsors: Key words : Post-memory – multi-directional memory – memoir – hybridity – double-dialectic Abstract: A significant proportion of the world’s population lives outside its place of origin; often displaced by war and desperation. What these people have in common are human needs and desires. This research seeks to address, through the creative practice of writing, what happens to the identities of individuals from two different cultures and countries when they come together to live in a third culture, where they are neither native-born nor naturalized. Against the background of the Second World War, the story of first generation immigrants to the UK is told through the lens of a partially assimilated second-generation immigrant of dual heritage. The hybridity of the researcher’s own cultural position, being both outside and inside the subjects’ experiences, produces a double dialectic that works towards criticality and creativity. The form of the work is a hybrid post-memoir, incorporating fragments of known facts and historiography. Using double dialectics, academically researched material informs and contextualises the stories of a forced migrant (a political refugee) from Poland and an economic migrant from Italy. The research reveals how and why polarised positions may come about and the inherent dangers of ideological binaries. Its creative outcome enables readers to engage deeply with issues around sense of place, of self and of loss, as subjects adjust to the transition from rural obscurity to urban obscurity. In generally understanding not only experiences but how people have responded to them, a deeper engagement will be reached with what it means to be both outside and inside a culture. The work addresses: ethical issues in connection with biography; synergies between images, history, memory, and memoir, including forgetting. Declaration, Copyright Statement and Intellectual Property Rights No portion of the work referred to in the Thesis has been submitted in support of an application for another degree or qualification of this or any other university or other institute of learning. I confirm that this Thesis is entirely my own work. Copyright ©Adelaide Morris 2018 Ti ricordo questo uomo? : A creative and critical investigation into crossing cultures, countries, and identities, University of Winchester, PhD Thesis pp1-429, ORCID This copy has been supplied on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement. Copies (by any process) either in full, or of extracts, may be made only in accordance with instructions given by the author. Details may be obtained from the RKE Centre, University of Winchester. This page must form part of any such copies made. Further copies (by any process) of copies made in accordance with such instructions may not be made without permission (in writing) of the author. No profit may be made from selling, copying or licensing the author’s work without further agreement. 1 Acknowledgements Special thanks go to: My supervisory team: Professor Andrew Melrose, Professor Inga Bryden and Dr Ruth Gilbert for their consistent guidance, charm, wit, and aplomb. Early readers: Dr Claire Gradidge, Anne Summerfield, John Barfield, Gill Dawes (who spotted no-one was looking after the baby), Christopher Morris, and Olena Waskiewicz for their insight. Carol Di Capua (née Motkaluk) for criticality, balance, and unstinting support. Poland/Ukraine: Andriy Sadovnik for sensitivity in trying times Asia Strzelecka Siring for indefatigable archive searching Slav Tsarynnyk for filling the gaps and showing me his country Ul’ka Faryna for translating sad letters, and for her tears Peter Grzelinski for absolute generosity with his father’s memoir Members of the Kresy-Siberia Group for sharing their knowledge and research skills Dr Greg Krzeszowski and Dr Mark Ostrowski for obscure historical detail Zuzanna Malgorzata Holik Golek and Mary Allies, whose Polish families also lived in Germakówka, as did Martin Lemelman’s with whom I share a precious connection. For open-hearted generosity with their time and their stories: Ivanna Rudka, little mouse, and intrepid go-between Maria Rudka, who loved our brother Olana Rudka Vira Motkaluk Serigy Motkaluk. And to The International Red Cross for finding them. Italy: Sig.ra Valiante, Vincenza, Sindaco & Amministrazione Communale, Comune di Jelsi for enabling and supporting my fieldwork, and Sig.ra Giordano, Mariella, Servizio di Reference Sez., Economica, Sociologica e Psicopedagogica, Universita degli Studi del Molise Biblioteca for support in accessing archive material and unpublished data. And those who graciously shared their memories: Sig.ra Caruso, Carmelina Sig.ra Caruso, Maria Sig.
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