Sample file ALP-CS06: Cerulean Seas CCeladoneladon Shores SampleRole Playing Game Supplement file New Undersea “Far East” Guide for use with the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game* Written by Emily Ember Kubisz, Sam G. Hing, & Cameron Mount ! Credits ! Lead Designer: Emily E. Kubisz Artistic Director & Layout: Tim Adams Authors: Emily Ember Kubisz, Sam G. Hing, & Cameron Mount Editing and Development: Margaret Hawkswood, Patricia Hisakawa & Steven O'Neal Legal Consultant: Marcia McCarthy Cover Artist: Fabio Porfidia; Interior Artists: Tim Adams, Brian Brinlee, Israel Alvarez Carrion, Nicholas Cloister (of www.monstersbyemail.com), Alex Dedy, Thomas Duffy, Hoàng Dũng, Gary Dupuis, Kern Einheit, Mee-Yon Gyeong, Sonya Hallett, Margaret Hawkswood, Pascal Heinzelmann, Ashlee Hynes, Jill Johansen, Bob Kehl, Emily Kubisz, Jakub Kucera, Pauline Melad, Pablo Morales, Matt Morrow, R. J. Palmer, Kathrin Polikeit, Fabio Porfidia, Randall Powell, Sandy Purbacipta, Andreas Rabenstein, Hector Rodriguez, Michael Shears, Stephanie Small, Nirut Tamchoo, Sandara Tang, Andy P. Timm, J. Vahns, John Wigley, Vasilis Zikos Special Thanks to Our Kickstarter Contributors: Adam Windsor, Andrew (ZenDragon), Andrew J. Hayford, Andrew Maizels, Ben Lash, Bill Birchler, Bob Runnicles, Brian Guerrero, Carl Hatfield, Annette B, Chris Kenney, Chris Michael Jahn, Craig Johnston (flash_cxxi), Curtis Edwards, Daniel Craig, Daniel P. Shaefer, Daniyel Mills, Dark Mistress, David Corcoran, Jr., Davin Perry, Dawn Fischer, Dean M. Perez, Douglas Limmer, Douglas Snyder, Ed Courtroul, Ed McLean, Endzeitgeist, Francois Michel, Frank Dyck, Franz Georg Roesel, GLNS, Henry Wong, Herman Duyker, James "Jimbojones" Robertson, James Wood, Jason "Hierax" Verbitsky, Jason "Mikaze" Garrett, Jeremy Wildie, Jon Moore, Joseph "UserClone" Le May, Julien A. 0Féraud, Karen J. Grant, Karl The Good, Kevin Mayz, Kyle Bentley, Lewis Crown, Mark Moreland, Matthew Parker Winn, Michael D.
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