The Ledger and Times, May 30, 1964

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The Ledger and Times, May 30, 1964 Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 5-30-1964 The Ledger and Times, May 30, 1964 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, May 30, 1964" (1964). The Ledger & Times. 4520. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. assees- AV' • • 4Remoriat • Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper [ Largest 1 The Afternoon Circulation Daily Newspaper • Both In City For Murray and And In County Calloway County United Press International In Our g5th Year Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, May 30, 1964 Murray Population 10,100 Vol. LXXXV No, 129 Mrs. Celia Crawford Seven From Speedway Facts • Three Are Is Honored Friday And Figures Robin Hornsby Number Of ,Cases Come Before Seen & Heard By Faculty Club Calloway To INDLeNAPOLLS, -- Facts Delegates To and figures of the 48th annual 500- Fund Is Over Judge Robert Miller This Week hire. Celia Crawford was honored mile bxeciway auto race. Around yesterday by members of the Mor- Place -- Indianapoliz Motor ley Faculty Club. a club mode up Attend Meeting The cases completed in the court Fined $25.00 and costs of $10.50 and Resource Meet Speedway $500 Now of Judge Robert 0. Miller over the thirty days in county ail. of teaoherei in the city school sy- - The 33 fastest oars in MURRAY stem. past seieral days are listed as fol- Thomas Jefferson Morris. reckless qualIf Mations loWs and are according to the court driving, State Police Pined $1000 Mrs. Crawford was presentee with The Robin Hornsby Fend COO - COT11111e Hop- Seven Calloway County 4-H Club Defending champion — Parnelli record. and meta of $15.50. /Cathleen Madrey. a plaque and a coffee service and tin OM to grow and is now over Gory Drell will be Cabo- ,a will be among the 900 boys Jones Jerry M.'es speeding. State Pol- Arthur Spagnoli. speeding. State • After seeing the fora** for the kins and en ex;pression was made in ap- $600 Guy Behnigton contributed delegates to the an- and girls attending Kentucky% an- Race record -- 143.137 miles per ice Fined SIO 00 and costs suspend- Police Fined $100) and costs of Marione' Day weekend deaths. well way courey's preciation of Mr 47 years of teach- $5.00 and contributions continue to Resource Devel- 4-H Leadership Conference hour. Jones, 1963. ed $15.50. Mit stay at home. nual Forearm 4-H ing In the city and county. nual be made at Chuckle Music Center. Cionference in North Caro- in Lexington next week, according Teo favorites — Jimmy Cl-sit, Rebecca Gary Washburn, speeding, Harvey Merrill, reckless driving, opment She is thud grade teacher at the Bank of Murray, the Ledger Ernest Msdrey, lead- to Glen Sims. Associate County Ex- Bobby Morello:an Parretti Jones. State Fined $10.00 and costs the Sheriff. Pined 'i75.00 and costa It seems that a young meoresionst lina, June 1-6. Robertson Elementary School at this and Times and the Peopies Bank Police County will ac- tension Agent. Rodger Ward A J Poet $10.50. °roweled the work on his PhD de- er from Oalloway Ume. Robin the on of Mr and Mrs of $1550 of "Ftesouroe De- "The Charlene Kentucky Com- Starting time - Noon i EDoo Ernest West. reckless driving, Delores McDougal, violating a gree and pined the eaff of a ootnipany the group. Prentice Legiitee, premiere of the Robert Horneby. was severely in- F * con- vetapment--Respansibility to Tom- munity" will be the theme of the Total purse -- $600,000 estimated. State Police . Filled $1000 and costa (Continued on Page 4) State Urdvereity He had cbub. in preeenting the plaque and &tote $15,5 000 to the ehnher lured last Friday when a home- of this were conference. Meth opens Sumay. with of genet personality and a good apeak- meow" is the theme coffee serene to Mrs Crawford made make exploded in his hands. $15.50 N. C. continues through Wed- Probabk attenlance — 300,000 speeding Wig voice. and soon Ins in mouth conference at Pentium Village. mid "On behalf of the Murray Fac- May 31. and causing great damage to both of James Thomas Williams. members and nMht..kine 3. Calaway Co- estimated noise. State Police. demand for npeeking entgagements Some 300 4-H Pub ulty Club. I wish to honor ane at mucky his hands in restricted be: Beverly Weather — Partly cloudy and Day states serv- delegates will and cots of $15.50 Memorial In the area His favorite apeech leaders film the seven ow eeachers Who is planning to unty's It was first thought that he would Fined $1000 • the Tenosimee Valley Au- Goode, Carolyn Murdock. Nanny, cool, high in 606 Michael Rudolph Girard, speeding. was eientied 'Ten Ways to Manage ed by retire st the done of this sahool lose all of hts left hand but skil- to Ken- Beziell, William Ross Radio coverage — Speedway De- Fined and costs Your Ohlidre_n " thority are expedted attend. year This person bee served the Elouil, Nana ful surgeonei at the Hapeet Hos- State Police $1000 tucky's delepetion w be made LIP and Michael White, and Mrs. Wil- voe( of more than 500 stanone plus suspended. Is Partial Al mustly hippens. he met a youth of Oshowaty County and Mur- pttal in Nashville have indicated Butler, Hemet local lestier and armed forms MC1110818 network. no young bay. they fell in love, and of 22 4-Here from Ballard. ray 17 yean liam K. that he will ape irently retain his Billy Ray Powell. operators Hop- Associate County Ex- Telemann - Closed-circuit cov- were married. Atter four or rive Oallmeey, Oratenden, Graves, °She has rendered faittdul and Glen Simi, thumb and one tower of that band hcense, State Police. Fined $2.00 them more than 100 m- years they had two children and kins, Livingstem Mandell. arid We- service cwer these tension Agent will accompany erage in Oldies, of he right and costs of $15.50 Here oonecienUons The last three fingers Holiday the University of Kentucky meet- atte of 250-mile biackout around C Dilkat. improper passing, the Yourg Mythologist was still in enie:ten counties. years to our profession and in par- to land also nensin Intact. Joe used Meth delegate to the conference ing. Indianapolis. except Chiongo. State Police Pined $1000 and costs demand ea a speaker He stall ticular to the young people who Those peones who with to make Memorial Day is being observed changed will Wee part in (thereon groups Malor speakers during the con- of $15,50 the seine speech. but had have been in her dames." a contribution to the Robin Hornet* by • lame segment of the popula- for on ftorestry weter. ecie. Mr. mineral, ference will be Ralph J Ramsey, Thomas Jefferson Morris, driving the Mae to 'Ten Suggestions Fund may do so at any of the above tion today in Murray. but tenth is wildlee, end Miran resources Ex- UK Extension Specialist in Rural on revoked license, State Police, Marren, Tow Children," four collection points, of busineeeses rerrimene from the land- Jack E Reeves. Profes- number • Another 10 or 12 revise pained and pecte from TVA arid amlasialltY Commencement Funds are being raised at Murray Men. had grown to become grant colleen in Om area will Med Murray State sor of political Science at UK. and Pres- the araktren Hart School and the College Mont retail establantneres are the dinotaations, with the boys and Robert W Rudd. UK Professor of teen-agers The not-quatesso-youne byterian Church which will be f in- amid bxky and most city, county web stet Baking the Ora Ohmmeters taking mulct of the Agnoilturel economics The three ponts Clinics Will Preolsologist At College haled into one of the four and Federal offices, reiponibillay for conducting the will motor up a panel. moderated erne amen. swept tbat he had Baccalaureate indicated •bove. open Mica grocery stores remain OH* grouPs and general assembly by Wilbatn E Maier Cernenunley egain chiewei die title, slew me- Purpose of the fund is to help well as eating estobon- Speciallat with UK's Dia today se in( lk Questions on Marag- programs. The Kentucky delegates Services pay for the wort being done on Be Held In Development High Tuesday manta and service stationo bilge been serittneel LeadershiP for Kerituoky Resource irw Tour Chtleheo " To Be Sunday Robin's hands_ An attempt is be- The working tome at the Murray study group and they Prolecit. atAio seals ing made to repair his hands an Postaffice was cut to two permits of the Th urallay Among the highlights of the pro- City Pelee obo eseallend Onannet"inend "emit"' for OW the point where he will be landi- The Summer.. to. generittg embly DO Man Ha Athal. Weirs of eriairtitil'be* a session on the In- 1084 graluating cam on dtreoting funerals throughliM, X MulallY capped as babe aisepombale tor the City Penmen and City /ban.-Police- Mr Ifforld Education, Tiers World ternational Farm Youth Exchange College High School will be hid future We tend to alike It for grunted men are an duty as usual and Sher- • Mitres seta speak at commersoe- Unlit) on Sunday night, on Mon- in the Murray State College Audi- i hoped that Room wtll due tI The Cailoway County Health De- iff Woodrow Rickman o available trent exercises m Maley State day, discusion of the changing so- at 8 o'clock p.m.
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