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The Ledger and Times, January 7, 1966

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• -a's-

1Sia", ••• Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper

POS The Only I .1 Largest I - Afternoon Daily Circulation

In Murray And Both In Cityi And In County Calloway County

In Our 117th Year Murray Population M100 United Press International Ky- :;- Friday-Afternoon-,-- anuary' -7, 1966 Vol LXXXVit 0. Summer *.] Seen & Heard Two At -eat. New Constitution Is c• Around 4, Institutes Set I MURRAY MSC Are Signed By Miller At

Secondary school science teach- Charlie Hale. Courty Tax Assessor ers in the area will have an op- reports that it Is his understand- portunity to participate In two Rotary Club ing that the hapital tax will be Meeting summer instants at Murray State It lowered with other tax rates since College this summer property is being listed at 100 per The two institutes are being sup- cent of its fair cash value. ported by the National Science 148,000 Seedlings Foundation which has granted ap- We posed the question as to whe- proximately $196.000 to conduit Are Planted Here In Tice. ther people would still have to them. according to MSC Pree4dent Chairman Of Assembly hi-- Calloway Last Year-7 pay lac per hundred in the county Ralph H. Woods The grant will arid 19c per hundred In the city. pay part of the instructional costa -The plata—ing— These rates are set up in ordin- of the programs and provide fin- season is here Murray For Occasion; Speaker ' again..! ances, ancial support for participants dur- District Forster Gene -- Aiithin said today He added, "Ituit ing their study. can be changed year landowners in Calloway Coun- . 4 Chards' says they One of the programs is deaigned one third of the above a- ty planted 148,000 tree seedlings, Members of the Murray Rotary children and grandchildren", be to abodt for general science teachers and taxpeyers' will pay making the totClo date about (dub yesterday witnessed the sign- continued. mown, sh that includes elementary courses In bio- sang per year than they ate 5,160,003 planted on 4,000 ...acres. ing of the propoeed new constitu- Judge Cook departed from hie no logy. chemistry. earth science. and paynwg now Tree planting brings income to the tion for the Commonwealth of remarks on the . constitution to - This is a continuation of Attracts landowner and adds to the econo- Kentucky by former County Judge challenge the individual (attain and programs conducted in pooeous is good news and clears up Stsitt Photo by Ed Collie my of the county." Robert o Maler. voter. He ,said that every winning This summers something in QUI mind which has Foresters estimate the average candidate in the last election could The second institute is designat- Former County Judge Robert 0. Miller affixes his signature to the proposed new constitu- Present for' the ugnIng were Dr. been hanging fire fur some nine long-time of a pine planta- have been defeated if all the re- ed for high school teachers of MO- tion for the Commonwealth of Kentucky yes terday at the Marray Rotary Club Meeting. Dee Akers, secretary of the tion is about $15 per sae per year. Con- gistered voters who did not vote., logy. chemistry and or physics At the left is Dr. Dee Akers, Secretary of the Constitution Revision Assembly and at the stitution Revision Assembly a n d It certainly was not our intention Thus, the 4.620 acne of planta- had voted and cast their Shot The curriculum will include more and Vice-chairman of the As- Marlow Cook, County Judge of muddy the water as far as the right Ls Marlow Cook, County Judge of Jeffe Mon County tions are growing wood- for the for the lasing candidate. Judge to advanced courses in these subjects Jefferson County.' Kentucky and situation n* concerned, because sembly. R. I. Ward, President of tile Murray Rotary Club, looks on also. owners at the rate of $60.300 per Cook •won lets election last year by , tax in cader to update and inapt:se the . , vioe-eissiniten-et- the Cceistitution iCsalinalid on Page Rtx) year Alio.' the wood will nave to a 55;0130 nintarity the highest fla science background of these tea- Revision Assembly. r be harvested, and this creates jobs the history of Jefferson aunty, °hens Mrs. Leona Jackson Funeral For Cordis Cakeit , haulers, arid users of but he said he could well have been Fifty stipends will be meltable rok- Miller is a member of the As- IronWorkers Wood. aembly which just concluded its (Continued on Page Six) in the institute fur general science Dies On Wednesday Fair Held Today Paul Sturm _ pagan oontinued, "The county work in drafting a new teectiani.- and 1any- stipendswill --4.4••••••••=1•- coratitu- Phfang- pet:greets 13-800d. 1:411- be available for high school science The funeral 1w Clordis B. Pen of 11310ErliOn TOF the domitionweilrlir 'See- onesirturddeft eta .ramaiti About eral members have already *stied tenchere _according_ to 1WL Mrs Leona Jackson of Benllin Serdement 11.7 Byransure wet s held 20.0e0 orst-a--open ine-the- SixAfeFined kKiwani- chemistry department Route Seven, mother of Truman today at two pm. at the J H. dricuntent Midge Cart and county is still in need of phanting. Akers came and director of the inegitutea. Jackson pf Murray. died Wednen Churchill Puneral Horne chapel to Murray with the This couki mean an edditimell in- instrument to The deadline for applications to day at the home of a son. Rue! With.Rev. William Porter and Dr. obtain Judge Mil- Is Expected come of 6300,000 annualty to land- ler's signature On Drag the institutes is Pyb. 15 Sanctions Donohoe of the same address H C Mike officiating Man of Year owners. If quality timber is grown will be made on or before Mardi Funeral services are being held Fair, age 02, died Wednesday by sing proper forest management Judge Cook'was the seeker for 15 Applications may be made to today Si two p.m At the Filbeck night at his home Survivors in- The ironworker walkout appear- techniquee, even more could be ex- the day for the club Dr. Blackburn chemastry dept.. and Olen Furieral Home Chapel. elude he wife. Mrs Bessie Fair; -Racing Charge ed to be on its way to early settle- peceed " Murray State College Benton with Rev Roy Brown of- deughter, Mrs Allen Rose of Mur- Judge Cools Paul Sturm was named Kiwants ment Thursday night Tb tint!out more sbout tree told the Rotary Club ficiating Burial will be in the Pro- as negotiat- ray: two sons. Ralph of C5"1 Olub Man of the Year bat, night ors reached agreement eltererftly -and Olen ft taw masima-ea comPneed of over 100 members and vtne Cemetery at intend:41r% We- and Mita of 00111iiii4a..Ciao. their guests, at the annual Ladies Night meat workers ih Southern Illinoia Ilha_badiemotr. cmitact District that the new con- eseisilikes-ree' - Mrs Alvin stitution took Mx Negating Wert arrested lest of the club ' Wayne Location. burliness agent pormar, Oene Amgen. hillielield; The time and ef- president of the Survivors ere one daughter. Mr. /lateen of Murray Paiute Three and forts of over night for drag racing or aiding Starm. Who le Civitan Club of Ironworker Union Local 782, kwlOeneervation office; or ABM forty dedicated men a *Lame Rayznond Durkeen ofDenton Route Mrs todanan Akira= of Paris, in the agate over a and abetting in dreg racing and club was prillialltad with aliterwerkers will vote on rettfica- (Oliee. • period of teen- 1011hglitt. member of the die; Kurt Thwellatt 'Du- llaint beat latetini01111111F Perin tears amoeba. He told each of them was fined $11150 in- by Bob non loinitOR. that large club man indeson, Preston Jackseh of Fan al rianta.; Row ifrulltlalii- audience that the new constitution cluding costs, and gives; thirty day Ill., Meanwhile- Sligiber contract Mr Sturm lives with his family Sells 3,285 Fraiddlis Part. and Eugene dren. • i Father Of Mrs. is not a perfect . diricument. but suspended sentences in the Callo- • Oak. Mich , two meeting is eat with the Associated at 30i Woodiawn here in Murray. Jackaon of Royal Pallbearers are Patter Chilcutt, that it falls well within the goal way County Jail and placed on staters, Mrs. General Connectors of Wevern Charles Simons Dies He is lillupervanor of Wildhde for Henry Redd of Oil- Harald Kilgore, as 001.411L of the group to create an instru- probation according to thesSherifFs Route One and Mrs Keruucky in Eladucah this morn- the TVA Between the Lakes area Pounds of bertsvilltr, Oliver Cherry. Oran Outland. and ment which the courts could logi- oftic* Cake Route ing A. similar agreement seems He is a graduate of the Univer- Cards- Donahoe of Bentnn Lee Warren rox. cally and heath uphold. The six were caught on Kentucky Steen; brother. Fred Salts/giver of likety1.13. come out of that meeting. 1828 bet ter known as Baker's - sit of Misonsurt and he and M.TIS Burial tail be in the Martina Res- W M Buthant father of Calvert City; 17 grandchildren; 21 In Thursday night* talks tele Si urrn hive Dec children. Bill are Chapel Cemetery with the ar- Mrs Charles Senora of Murray. He pointed cist that the pre- Croemsaatia teat night about 1020. great grandchildren parties.. Meeting with a federal me- before handle 22 and Ann age le both of whom Civitan Club members and (Mesta rangement.s by the J. H. Churchill died early Wednericiay after sof- sent state constitution arc adopted They were brought diator. agreed on a 07-cents hourly In McCkaston for a hear- are attenduig the University of wig) attended he night* dinner Funeral' Hume. tens a heart attack at his hada 1892. "it We.s written with no Judge Hall package increase, including wages Kent. meeting at the Triangle Retinue- in Cordova near Memphis. Ten- view to the future-, he said. ,"11 ing and fringe benefits. 'mead over action reported by The homily he lived here in ant heard Hoyt Roberts. fruitcake neasee, speaks in terra of that day only". Only other • the nest three years. This was the Sheriff's; office was that Harold Murray tor several yew; _prior to sale thaltrivan announce that this Honor Roll Rev Berhain died enroute to the •He MidMat-the new ooneatitution the • figure Raked by the union, scaled Witlsuiv picked up this rimm- their arena in Murray. Why lived year* sale was an outstanding suc- Presbyterians hoepital in Memphis sPeak• not only in terms of today, was' down from the original demand_ ing at the Alrno Truck Stop by in hilegosid. Routh Darellna. Fin- cess Oh* members sold 3245 Funeral services were hekl tiiI but the future, and uses only 13 - The union is staking a ginner Hardie Kelso for drunken- • and the Cinand Clanyern. pound& of cake. In addition. 100 mot-sung at 10 00 o'clock at the 000 words Deputy For Hazel contract in Kentucky In the last pimasote was made to pounce were turned mar to the Hold Annual Cordova Preebytertan Church The okl constitution has many ness. offer Made public. the AGO had Mr. Ohm at lie ateatine obi the Veterans Club at Murray State Rev. Bighorn served the Fine, faults, he continued He pointed offered a 35-cent package ha twee eit SW at the Ckidlese to be shipped to our fight- Presbyterian • Church in Paris Min out that there are tax reettnctions alb larrlion said the union is per- ,R40.110111. Officers tor ing men in Vietnam Proceeds front Is Announced April 1. 1901 to April 16. 1966. He In it, no regard for the change in No Accidents Are the sale wane workers to return to Business Meet awiefflanents. and no elliaing year Were aleo metall- purohnehd over 6 000 was a member of the Lions Club. regard for ▪ Illinois nibs today All workers are Reported In City; ed. . potuele of food which was Mari- - Survivors include his wife; a sentry linutations The full faith (Continued on Pate Six) buted to needy farnitlea at Christ The honor- roll for the third six daughter Barbara ;Mrs. Charles and credit of the commonwealth Citations Issued mei. Forty-eight Calloway Cbunty weeks at the Hanel FJernentary The annuel business< meeting of &mons, of Murray; three sons cannot be need to back bonds, he Air Cured Sale To the College families received food baskets School has been announced as fol- congregation of Pres- Perry of Manville. Carroll of At- continued, under the present con- Citanne Marts radio operator for Be Held On Monday leo nem tor this year included lows byterian Church was held In the lanta and In M Bigharn stituUon. This one point alone costs the City Hall, reported thia morn- a LATE WIRE NEWS church's FellOwship Hall Widnes- the maple of Kentucky thou-ands record Fourth angle Darlene Ooover Zorsitra4. IterAW.41 `Wl ing that the..3.4urrsut Nix who &Urinary in hignIXer- The sale of Air Curd, type gg, Laii#00n* r". ."*Ikedittlah Brenda Oven's-et. Juana atockdale. several grancic ldre n ment anuerl citations to Ter- Barnes and Skippy Ptsthipc coffee served by a committee head- eat rates He pointed out that if the- scheduled for Thunder on the sad 4r11 Powhdh, and T3'31:) SAIGON Two Viet Oong ter- sons for speeding .and, to one per- Fifth grade - Eddysikarka. Bev- ed by Mee Raphael Jones and full faith and ceecht could be used Murray Tobacco market was post- "ling" 3 Pounds rorists toting a plastic bomb were son for not having an operator's Parker and erly Hoes Vickie Ann Workman, Mee Jams Kane Interest rides would be obtained pored until Monday in onier-ier-.._____--14‘ 16401111°" arrested today as they pedaled th- Den Three Of Cub license yesterday and lest night, Vicki Pat Iamb and Evie 33-win, The pastor. Rev 'Henry McKen- at at leant one per coot lower than the farmers to have more name to °dim 'mmHg' r Palumbo of the wart* on Atnericen Scheel* of- No accidents were reported in billintery Seance Department at Sixth grade Linda Futrell. zie. presided and opened the meet- Scouts Visits L&T they floe. are prepare their tons= of this type SSW &MAW& tiniing hoeing 66 the city limita Wednesday there Murray State were Debbie Miller. Mike Patchett. ing with devotions followed by his Judge Clink urged that the Ro- for market guest sneakers. U13. officers The pair said they sate four colllsions investigated by In • gent presentation on Th Jelniny Rockdale Tares Rumen. annual report Mon Reana Renter ---- tarians and the average ransom be With the rainy 101111011) tiab weak. had intended bknisint up the build- the Waite Department A report felarrefteince of Me HOMO *Oda Brandon. and lisre the church clerk's statistical - Cub Scout Den Three of Robert, interested In the new corintatution. the tobwri; owners weree to Pee- Jude FreetwtS ing71111111er teklay, two expkisions of theee were carried in the Wed- gram at Seventh grade -- Kevin report. The report ,if the church eon School visited the Ledger and "Read it, it is interesting". he urg- get then tobacco &Si and the Murray State ObIlege". Moyer. ripped through a giant Aar 'Force needny and Thursday issues of the they pointed Jill Craig. Danny Herndon. Janie school, given by Mrs Rex Haw- Tans yesterday to view the oper- ed. "It -gives protection to you. your stripping competed_ out the outstanding traneport plane carries a cargo Ledger dr Times. 'bildidox. Donnie kins. elhoyeed marked increases ation tot the daily paper. Thie sale Is scheduled for sairtciay achievements of the students in Wight* Cathy of ammunition to the Central Peel, Itiolentr_ Widen, and. Judy during the peat year Kenneth The seven members of the Den on the four Murray latent Leaf the program. their contributtone to Highisanis. All el; board the pk.A. Winchester. Goode presented the flnarickil re- under the guidance of Den Moth- Floors. according to OM Harnett. the college. the criminality and the were killed The plane. a C130. nor- Eighth geld. - Ruth: Agin Bar- port and Dr. Dale Lemons, chair- ers Mrs Bill Ferias-in and Mrs. nation The Reserve Officers Train- many carnets a five-man crew. ing Program a the prime source row, cynthia Cooper. thReon Dar- man of the Bond of Deacons told Dun Shelton- went through the nell. Wanda Garrett, Minnie Lase Of .71031Krft•HORAti_the PhYsitted venous departments of the dilly for the Army's commentated of- - US diplomatit altar, Linda Lee. Karen 'Paectiall. enpniveaventa and contemplated paper, to see just how-the paper Is Illreather (leers they said Club members'e urdeouried today about the and Sharon Underwood. action. Ws. Clairlea Crawford re- published each day were toad .The ROTC proirain at possible after effects of a visit to ported lor the JUNI* Ludwick Cir- Den members making the tnur Murray Rate offers Oxley* stu- high-rank- North -Viet. Nam by a cle •-• --- • were Wm Fersbn 111•110•11 dent a rare oppoilunity. faced with Tigers Will Meet ing Soviet nuseaori. There was some a military obligatiot upon grathni- Mrs Alfred Ltridsey. president of Tbny' Boone. Hunter.43"1 M 4Continupd on Page Six) Shelton. Ma Schmidt and Lee Alt lion, he can, by participating id Henderson Here the Woman* Asseenuon gave the report of women's wort and Min Stewart. Kentualty - Cloudy and the program. nee only fulfill, his Army Jane Bente reported the activities todaY. high 38 to 42- - ThirtlY ob)bleelliten at a commiminnal There wdl be one retme only, the cold of Presbyterian Youth Fellowship. cloudy end cold tonight and Satyr- Officer. but more important.. ac- tannin'. teptuellay night when the Robert Baar The nominating conwnittee con- Executive Board Of day CCM -tonight. 30 to 35. quire • second profesaion at no coin Murray High Tigers meet Hender- to him " Members received is deep- son in the Murray gym The game sisting of Jack Beiote, Rex Haw- kins and Mrs Lindsey- presented Church Women Meets Kentucky lance: 7 am 3542. er insight ago the ma'am and will be played at 600 and will be To Hold Clinic Its report and the following new down 0.1, below chun 310. up 23. fluictem of the ROTC program and over ,in time for the fans to see officers were selected: Dr A. H. Bartley Dern . headwater 346.5, no the trilitery Science Department the Murray St ate College-End The executive bard of the Unit- Kopperud. Charles Rmons and Al- change. tellwater 3152. up 0.7. at the college. Tem-usage game. Robert Haar, professor of VIIICe ed Church Women will meet Mon- fred Lindsay. to strve as Elders Stains. 7.11. anneet 4 56. Robert McClellan Of the often's- mach Bib Two expects Hend- and director of choral activities at day. January 10, at ten am et for three year teens; Dr. Jam e% Moon rhea 5.23 p.m try Department at Murray State erson to bring a good club to Mur- Murray eittste College. will corakiet the lame of Mrs Fityan Cam, 1711 Kline. leeptutel Jones and Ma-a. Into the club John ray The Tigers progress with each a voice chat for music teachers Miller Avenue. Lindsey. to serve as Deacons for FIVED AT FORECAST Wallach; oonctu6ted the ceremony genie and they make each game at the Kentucky Munk Educetors Ail members ore urged to attend. three year terms; Dr. Frani* Kod- Locrnsvn.L. imp - The' five- Williains informed the meenbers exciting for their fans Asnociallon state convention in man to fill an unexpired term as day Kentucky weather outinok that a lett er of appreciation was Adrnaton prices will be 36c an- felting/on Friday.January 7 Deacon for two years and John E. Saturday through Wediletedea. by received tram the Western State cient and 00c adult. Haar has served as guest con- Court 728 Bradford to serve as Deacon for -Murray the U.S Weather Bureau: Hosital thanking the club for its cert-ear of the Quad-State Choral one year Tempersturea will average 4 to donation to the patient aChrist- Festival for 12 years He has ad- To Meet Monday Fire Department Kenneth Cioode was re-elected 8 degrees brim* the norm& highs mas Party_ judicaterl and conducted (Jainism Church Tresurer. Sunday fichool of 41 to 49 and normal lows of 23 itardirmin Nix, club president. Gets Only One Call and vocal clinics in ten states officers named include Major' 'Jo- Murray Court 78 Women of to 31 It will be oak, through the infornied the members that David Bear, who came to Murray State seph Palumbo, Superintendent and meet Monday, Jan- weekend with a warming trend Russell, chub tren.surer was leav- The Murray Fire Department has Connie in 1961. received his bache Woodcraft will Ambrose Easterly,' Ametatant Sup- 10. at seven pm In the new Staff Photo by Ed Collie early next week ing Murray In the near future fel had a quiet week with only a call kits and masters degree front the uary erintendent, and Mrs. Vernon Hell located in the Precipitation as rain or mow become an executive In the Boy being received on a house fire out Chicago Ithimical Cbtleve He con- Woodmen The new proposed constitutioh falls well with the goal of Campbell, Secretary and Treasur- Wcxxliben building at Third and ahowers is expected about mid- litouts of Aemrica. President Nix of the city Omits of Murray. - • 11w- • cappedia choir and Or- the Constitution Assembly to create an instillment which er. Maple Streets. weal - about one-quarter inch oonwnencied Dave for his outetend- Firemen report that they have atorio chorus at Murray State and legally uphold, Judge Marlow newly named officers are invited, to at- the courts can logically and central and ease. and hole or none ing work ae treasurer and SS i•eCS not hod any calla in the city for Is Minister of Mimic for the Fulton All the are AU members ((ontinued On Page Three) Cook told the Murray Rotary Club yesterday. West . ((ontinued On Page Three) the past leo weeks Meth-Alert Church. tend.

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• FRIDAY - JANUARY 7, 1966 rAGF Two a MURRAY, RUN"VCR T re. THE LEDGER & TIMES bnineILD by LEDGER * TOLES PUBLISHING COMPANY. tan. gNSING THE NEWS Comuildlitien ot the Murray The Ca.lo way Tense and The' rases-liwaid, October hi, 111M the Wet Kentuckian, Januar) IIML Sy Thurman Setting Thoroughbred JAMES C WILLIAMS, PUNI.Istarlit v1ef4rissiocest We mem the right to reject auy Acivartaing. Lanes to lba Alhotimse 41 or Public Voice maw welch. in our otthlioll, ale 004 kti IP beet in- States Industrial Council . teen el QUI' reader& !lig Southern - - r News _ YORK Petrie& • va, nue & D. Bldg., York, N. seventh day zrwwith 36S In fol- NSW - lawford. By M. A. singletai7 F. RP- streets of Amer- stepliestion Beg., lasteet. Men low the law President:dabs, A YEAR OF MIMS on mob stile in the nets is tor treasonstate The moon is in ulL aster, relioriedll IS/finning Sion new yew hinds irek-Map. lea " inured at the Poet Lnlice, Murray, hentucity, to divorce actor Peter 'Lagtorcl ear- Second Class Matter. The morning star is Jupiter. ten added to the history out the The year 1.916 also was euldening ly nos moue 'Ibm'couple The evening stars are Men. in he. -Amerman Republic. As in the. to In that ellaneiten, wham hike Wen By M. A. SINGLETARY going with the varieus Whims hiATIS: By Carrera m Murray, per week alu, pet be been Ming Waft dam ism tu: A:MC-ALMON V'enue, Jupiter and Saturn. ot the Massy of after eleinees. not 1.111*** 11111111.11 the sierhice, n- encountered lw Use ratan:We chart win* isSe. In Calloway and adning counties, Oar Fez. 64-644 Moo- year No other-alinelight Mho are The Vortial Education Club at, Those born' Intley ate under the at the chimers ohninate drab Of Splay Weise lido the sielett In • big in sell de living -Dare, PAM. oniao Gebsites. tele ever been Mtuniey Stale College s111 prttettlt eon at condemn_ The 13th Pre- esy and roves Some shish,* way. The sements _movement Mos. Panel =Elbert are Hue Linda di vorced a panel decussion Tuesday, Jests. • -Tbe Oineanthas Chic Pose ed a Catammueley is Rh sides( of On Steed States, Wil- are lull of briniest's*: ellen MI mined under the inspiration of COM Beer,nn sociology teacher at Mu, lard Fillmore.- was born on this day IMIUMilt}6111111110r.. Threille11011 of rad- ears 11 at 7110 p. m in room 154 Mks, Illateing.0, yriest latagrity cri us Newspaper" WASHINGTON - The tense of Imes happy events: • ray lease; in 1000_ ios& atcomeng to give Anbeicans of the Educenon ouabouse Chunth; Mrs. Jean face-off between the JOhneon ad- -Nthetesis suetylers had WM we. at M. ,Lea's Ott this thy in history: Nun • ste in the Th sedan under disessolon will ministretion and the nation's ma- and alionowS At home. Mire we an fliPethig In WM wines, pew a( trainable ohadren FRIDAY - JANUARY 7, 1966 In lee. Oeinge W.seungtou was de -Parent Counseling and the Men- Hope, uzi•l jor steel producers Ins ezaporauld elision lack ot SMOWINOMM GI the Mak. Coemeeltlit Vet OMB ban- in the Scheid Id New Meted the first peesedent of the tally Retailed Child". The panel In a comprotnise The show:Iowa dander to perennial Weft teen ters pimpled in the nationt one pans* td • atonally retarded United Suites, will deem methods of "WHAT warm SROSTAGE?" a ton on ern the wirrendsz Of gliegelliant eiossi. in Ines. Am•erioane began different child. In 1918. Newel Lenin slientub- over price butes to iS In • structurei steel announced by Be- Men Mat they were the targets ad a dictatorship of the proist- atittiority to a , ral thlehem end Inland Steel corpor- tion In SeeamplIM. IMI, WM were of War Min leibitu, and by people nun Ls the title to one at the lead araelea in the 'January Net, etioilthIng the Oedlitoon Mowed Otiose courese end under- Bill Cunningham, presentee of the A ations hat week eies averted when peessid. ostarolblY 10 Mae 6 Oro Me Want to entree the United easinibla of are Soviet Union. &Went Couneal noe asked Witt: 011 en.14un 04 true Reaner's Oiliest and some who are Incanted to the nation's largest producer, US. Meat standing of the !MAO friVtireeld.•Is In lir. replier treu-Atiantic Seeley, which leeks ISOM to melee school agaimetions reseer.e Steel Coup.. tellewed government There aim was ci 19116 a naafi a strange at communarn. 4ie rear statiellera COO Lit rank mignt get a cluterent view -point telephone service began bets een individual Ansieleime lea self-re- menetie rad on rein- diegieur ol tsar an the $954 01 saw The young men •iho are defend- 'Dead Vseelt" bergueung neissy the New Yore and London. imaintoes gent said more dapladant °ix a u.1 our luture water neena by reading IL ed ttstfirieee to 110.76 self-pmelalmed intelloausli woo ing their country on hod, see and 21, and 011ii14.121thing throtOth the In MP, Brinsh Phew Minister Per I011, calm- ma, Maimoonal iewetninents.1 ap- line *nue Unita eiLICe toe so-called -water shortage" ing the to of the industry to fol- Mu1- In Use air are the hope 01 the re- 2t. E..0..nmans/as are schedtded for Nereid leseMISan began a twenty paratus. cc/unused and low sin. • Is due lase of omniellimit ag- public. They have encountered to- Me week. The Steen* Munch Oc.u.esped inPieW. Yuri MILL toe suppay ox fresci water Will be 'theinand mile tour 01 anti& Afn- This is not the trSt titre in ins napes that gregation overems. The eauiteal at talineuthism as the beitiatesid, and all the organesuoria eanauritect tong before the year Meer when the population of ell. tory that perm hem been drastical- pen their Me undoubteliy wen coalhase lino L ey beer been Wooded in the fight- henna* so that the'y ly steed nun millyidede end, Is- waif nut tn wurrn wni.rie several urnea as large as it is now. but taus 1966 with the none itattiewl-gemme ing intaieet communism. When they conflict with the -tone A abottagbt NW the day: Sritish to the motel levernment. anion students have to Study *Weeding to int Readers Dageat article. reptsthalg Ithr and sla.weers u•OUL wine home to the United awes, for • leray to 0oCUr, envier H. H. Munro end "Pov- IL 1110re AiNrilaarle toIlliser stu- eXatilltbaLlun6. ern amps together more hurries dents of Misery, any would real- AlueL10•0 inenetissis and deed in their-oenreee, tincememilleg and de- As a matter tit tact tnere Is no anor.age ut waver at air, sae WASHINGTON Oh Penner that than At breaks up.- m that suet a steldt-bir whatever the - worth termination will be the farm • bioiLto. Lven in mere is a surprua 01 iresn President Dwight /). lilAtstkOrsr was reason-irentelay leads to an Af•hue-Me * -jaw m widen the. ton tune doe Unated Motes aliAlflot eittaNnita • schlauliedWiTie* LOC bliglien River tiatinitti:PiVat through me very %Mr hoed clear.. In tyninny. 1111110116 of American henry Sic admen of teer, defeatawn and Felday, January 7 Ann* MOM Omen sift atter efent will need. releenns. The United dentesec rudemienn Lambe CM Agee Dance te the aild'arwa. an ovaulight Ilise Mr MIK °Moats Nissen expensam taidies the Mem prooi or the Im- . Saturday, sessery .ne trout)* arm. tins water is thai,„It Is dirty, unfit ha sae was a nineens truth that power Ilea In be docent. ewe; is portsu.Ce of Mellen ouorage, en. Basketball with The 75.y -old Illadohower was railed U freedom is to eurvive The NOW YOU KNOW game Mintern vies litit inentys 80-6/142 hem nor. re- duraiwe and destennusition. Trila 8.00. Waiger Heed Mid just before Founding leathers clearly undenstood Ilenneasee at Diuret, Cast • XJ. .1 fiC water can be ereanaen a ulepeopie ox New YOrli never twe esti areetsmin ol,terrnted Dance right after •11 Carimaren omoutamig non dis the because of tbeir -11N1101of the game in ape nen J.I1.1 women, and the eounissia 64.ucttrit !Nilsen Beareorn. rtoalo pay %%Let IL Geom. inc arnic.le Says, now ever, men heart steicks he seamed leo camecal auto* , and Om crested by "seed Prom letereatimal of fear being heard today shooki be Tueaday7rahiary, 11 itqsocn wore artinde to rasise taw price 01 water lupe(' to fail at Augusta, oa. elsrioa lessil he a federal apt= sets a asperse= Meteor Crater, Arena. is ate tees been ut powers. The Great Society At ami- reatintfct as unworthyCd our people workts first proven meteorite cra- Stuclai Education Pang alto"- unmet. ,01Illetti, 31.01-e_ and .t&CWILieb oath- taereoy Mende the at ha Gettysburg, Pa, -Mill MITT= LAWS MUM ne ibes and way of liti. am, Amman In tibe us. Resigkirr il in the raucattop Budd- w4T.e./B0plE ;MA). Owl %Mate Ifitigh of ellyrsinitIT tile cost Over a period of 42 years. the foolish to Imagine 'diet earietihtle. one of the Mehl itamenCd the Tritetior. nzei--fik L116.U. new 'kora In one Or the tew large cutrununstiea On silleie alegaitten awe eaten in den let the peers of government RECORD GNP 1966 Ilikka Usepeeforonnee "Amer. iWaillingten. D. C.. wits seen4 ice will not erten liberty in Manch PUT A .. . tiuUi Where Ik41.4et i /104. run enrougn meters. r ust rates !Wee mein ease serving overseas In thee ArsaIlmir depieseag aspen ot the -oThe polishoeme nay sag bait taspneit mune MOD mein taie tate Las been roma& airy once R seems that in 1921, as a health soma_ _14-1.16. anantect the zegaLsillefm_IKAIMIL biathe Iaen. aillity spar anent Garners use water to cOni Milk il6e site 'or tee cream in WAsHINGTON --YOUR settriallt se have lacked the courage to Pee Tiger Tank! lem-ellanopre containers was far- eon's gimes netional Mena GNP simasehibit end lawless - lot..0zr WW1 41/isy_flu eaccult power In refrigerate It.etton emcee in Illes hillited States in the nodal declemes. Ifet Amen- - At - bidden Yet inreagh the years. -OW -LOW culeen Cd Mir and Nee- ewe." Sr Watts chariot of 11J6 Atwell a can servicemen satiered ii -INS that •L. put one nein ramie unner the Ithieet lane let the water entillerna of iens-than-pint comes V30••-•011J‘Xl• to over Slit, beam rin broke out in whilth taw they led the searolna arid the de: tr..y ann 1.146L. "ere "sal In brazen defiance at hat year,a thumping per ce0 tairraw Esso Servicenter ▪ and anler full before tire rule of • termination to win for their coun- Me 'Ise They were fitted In pen temp over 1964 ever after mak- UNIPLO & ESSO MOTOR OIL - ATLAS TIRES Letitu.e6401 mot:UIfer.ito.r, nuwever, accoudta fur only su- mob Even worse den the, inebism try We have heed mtath of dregs sight by residents. tourists, Con- ing allirravones for einsition Try Our Service and Be Convinced! m:tar kitLet.411.. hauul. La it were the apologne give far the outs and delinquents, we see the • urigatunt 111 me West Ott gressmen perhaps even Super The Commerce Deparequa said - WE GIVE - Olen yttetlees naMe outbeega. Nineteen sixty-nve scandal of the tourina and Net- •ffir teat eine nee titter or no water. Maybe we will have to grow Not until 1963 did Wednesday that the nitre. de- berneres, fina.iy year in wenn the WM- huts. Bur in Viet Nem alai atf the * N&H GREEN STAMPS end the scandid scribed as thus we • taieethoLeie---I•Ir preurnaary. was /11AM pitalliella Seem an Use maim wan of the cautery and 'us the . ISU 753-freet alb' weber previous eel- tahe niumalea. it nosy oe easier to increase lettuce prodne- Lacked the enrage to crack down skies ,c.tritoad. yotha• Aitara In Elko, Nevada. crime ran even roams and represented a gain at ,tarriin 4nrUtn Out Ire may Meer to grOw sonic in 'coiner ==r, inlit •- terir'''unsii 1, -o , about 146 ellen dieing /946 This pawed during the 044oLta-.14. the population increases. great flu epi- compaiesi to to et um under $40 demic: required everybody to wear Whoa $em I he artacie aespecielly tithe* to the first imbue of the a flu reek in public peaces. Not yeto women so many- luture pentnenis are basing presented wan Nunn 1964 did she caty comae -ist pope breathe wiser by revolthes Dial_u petaiuntstic paiscuc.uons. Tne preseut. generation has done the ordinance s a loan guoci jut) in meeting ploonsins as they erne. Maybe /Modred of such uses ranee no the bees in the ones to COME will du event better, various communities I' around the country How doei tes begun? elle rime a ample there Is Isz gore ineseitave to pot • law on Quotes From tee bosba Vila to tete it oft As The News the &IOW Metannis tet a law Ionia sennt .pialipie pedeely lose UNITILD PILTS6 LtilatiawriONag. ntereat In it. No one Obeys, no W.1SHINGTON - Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, (me Inc prOsecutee. empbaraainig his objective in politics. 4 Yet. theoe elliaTa letter /Nes may "I think the best politics for me is to be a good vise presi- do real harm. Poe one thing. they dent .. . That doesn't mean Fre going to be pnpuM - but They breed dloreapact for law itself I'm'going to be proper." P.-Jr another thing they may Ore lawsitoreement otterlan too WASRLNOTON - Rep. Charles L. Wertner ID.-Ga.), com- TORII leeway It riot probable, it is at least poseble Chet a peron menting on the reason, behind reeonunendations for contempt might staidenh be prosecuted for of Congress citations against six prominent Ku Klux Nam doing scentliang alitch he has been leaders who refused to answer the inquiries of the House Un- doing, In all Innocence, for years • American Ae vities Committee: • AocorenglI.-01 Pari of • betad r associations and other attor- Win"- ney erganisitins are. trying In one at the 5-by-lb-leek anti. MIAMI - Former movie bullwhip specialist Lash larue. saran ocit theme legal anachem- Viet Nam involvement teat &created 'Thursday for vagrancy, commenting on his fall from lane Ps dropped hem • tight ,fortuite: It la IIIOt an easy jab some Ima pane over Disneyland and "Omni.people amid have retired well on what I made. are pen* useless Datsitliego the 'Naval eta- All Moan. III* Seth systematically relieved Of all my esseta.- *eh reran Invoked. rale Ram The woe. _ a maul deterrent effect Mill etb- Male BUll uhlotber and airii-eght represent a kind of gine, Lewis, Illhadent Non- COW"is tiro &erred testes ATLANTA - John leader of the lepgagels agreement., whereby the V.o eut Coordinating Committee, a militant etv11 rights Or- sielliesey salutes a moral stand- gatinistion. condemning US policy In Viet Nam. ard in prineipie lr issortog it Vietnamese are murdered because the United States is m posakor • ituituunawitTMii ptir.,taing an aigreadve pliancy in violation of international But At Is• 06 well were Peg. lat. The Vatted agates is no respector Of persons or law Ite law should raman on the boobs Mr no beater men than Mat It 64-01.01•1011.100164111-116111•41.104 .4104inali-10-11‘..“011126 -or de- W sk •

INSCRANCI, CRACKDOWN that. WA!_-MINGTON trip - The post a stake Billat•Uwaglitfer Today office depeoment Ii oraciong den ghie you to --to rnodes s siellelles Pm offer •bisti re' Les optitms Ittree rear oi specialty. dtrak ' rail heaveti and earth to reeved this-day eraliet you, -insurance then skip with the pen oultviode Dodge inckude '66 I hove set before yew life and death, blIsessing and Cars- IMMO When a wisest percents a otter a Options spteit di Boys are a Ms. the _ In thenthwe eilmeale life. - Bewterrenewiv 110:19. Dodge stakes 10,000 -get in ikeinierter Others' IseennoeP. Feeders ItNe Sturdy stakes testa firthl. I tin come that you might have life, and that for Hog Pod best. up to sissy CPWrien mid Welletadne that lb- G\PN's with Y Might hire it More abundantly Who wound seeePt ierei suits you with Down truck. ft:menu were inaldent in sev- Plan your praerern in advance. ittrn, drive. stake the beet? choose 4.satleel tough eral canes and that Patel menet- therk.Ivy feed whey, and whoa on a ToutibTruchs... ere raw Mee 16 lefie inerance cam- gnu plows. Itepsyment tirnade wheels and deal tommes tinder .enesine. when Sees aro marketed biter. Dodge Boys apelie• So acteal day, more/ vilth 3 Is *rood. And, when you Seal Teo Vu luluUfa. TRIAL AfriltNAME NT Beat. • • with US, you tweessa • I. Builds owner of the Awineritron Ile' lough to OWIIIISIMORO Ky. 5 - coarse in Mind talk frier a Dodge Denis Eire S fiendish Owerverbese. was nArned ned afield prOje AT TODAY. Bogs -.1 Deaths repelled todas were Ed Lamb. age 61, Mrs Martha trial ceennaseilaner Wee:mpg/ for JACKSON PURCHASE Dodge Fair. age 79, and Mrs Winn* Alexander. age 92 Media Onmety, He ts the'llgentre PRODUCTION CRICIDET the -('' and will an on Ond hi egtioBtillsott -the City Of Murray is nOw Officially in the gas business" first piimeismer A SsOC I ATION 5 301 crivretnal and civil °''' irra, the report made last night by City Attorney Nat Ryan the Meet in MCA action which come before the rain- 4th Street. Ifftit,hes to the City Council itliteh Was meeting In regular tY A•11.011 , ,f1 311(11111111111111111111111111 IsAdttay.Y.:s cilUx Rhroat was re-elected pres.dent Of the Murray Res- 1 at the regular meeting of the eqquacl. William 0. Street f *es named eice-prealdent and Bernard 'raisers ix 4til . i dry- treasurer SHOLAR'S 3U3 DS. T.. C VarMinte of the edneation department (if Murray !I9', Pb 713-1711 St. 4' College Wils the stioAt sneaker for the meeting of the, 7th AUTO REPAIR Delta Department of the Murray Woman's Club.

• I



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RY 7, 1966 - FAG! Tann F'RIDAY - JANUARY 7, IMO TAP LPDGFR St TIM? - 11#142•AT. RINTIICICT 11:00 Hollywood Spaced . GREEN CREEK SUNDAY Ilt.CAMEOS: Bethel Leslie NEWS January 9 a.a

640 News, Wee., 'Tisietable. Bible Television Schedule for This Star • Happy New Year to everybody, 6 Solution won't be as dreary 61 Cethilal lops' Had a Hope all the year ReD°rt 7:00 God Is The Answer 83 January .1, was. 4:00 Jake Hew end The Imperials Cy ID MISURILL Christmas Is pest for some ie THE NICE thing about being 9:00 TV Gospel Time latbught, happiness, but for others 12:30 Catholic Hour a TV .reporter is a girl like January 13 9.30 Peter Potarnus brought sorrow. We lost a friend Channel 5-WLAC-TV 1 00 Weekend at the Movie 'Bethel Leslie. Those are the ▪ . _ 4:00 .II,Wottek4 10:00 literinkle and neighbor when death claimed -,fL3 Aellem Soul- yea - meet - -41e416-Hadar 20:10 Disereery be misrAd And you can't hardly get those Mr Bert Hodges. He will CitsS 6:20 Tbdary In Sports ' 4:00 Criss Awards 11:00 The Christopher' occasion around the video by his family and many' friends. 6.30 Lost In Space 4 40 College Boat The Laving Word 1.115 world except infrequently. Our sympathy to tes family. 7:30 Beverly Hillttnies (Color) 5-00 Frank McGee My Network Programs Also On 11 30 Light unto Path Miss Leslie- to be deserip We. Rebel Gibson, Kin Lavender' 8:00 530 The World of a Teenager various pabians Jackson Channel 7 and Green Acres (Color) 12.30 Issues & Answers momentarily (we'll tell .j and Jim White risked the Huston 8:30 Dick Van Dyke 7:30 Branded (Color) 1 00 NBA Game ic rectudedachigl Cape Giratdeau Channel 12 some of the things she had I Millers Ttiesday morning. Kaye 800 9:00 Danny 3 00 Travel Time say further down slender, Zelna and Eva Parris visited their 10.00 The Big News 9:00 The Wackiest Ship In the are Mimi L 3 30 Flintstones blonde, clearly blue-eyed. one of uncle Huston Christmas Day. Week of Jan. 8-4an. 14 1015 Radar Weather Army 4 00 Lew her at M Tanny those sirls who didn't use Care* Pasehall end children Are 10:20 Sports 10:00 News, Weather, Sports Matikag,ty. yrles Today to 4 30 Meadow Gold Family Theatre Brand X toothpaste, stands on the skit list the, week. A. M. MONDAY THROUGH 10 30 Daktari 10:15 Weekend at the Movies six in flats, has th MrS. JOtin 5:00 Defiant Men &boot five foot Witte Monty Wilson is In the 11:30 Million Dollar Movie See high cheekbones that look well trainable children PM MONDAY EVENING 6 .00 Voyage to Bottom of the Nashville Hamital, a very skit lit- FRIDAY, DAYTURE 1:00 Sign Off 7:00?, B. I, Stray on and, off camera, and has New Hope, &lid tle boy. We hope he Is soon bele* January le that rare quality of speaking meditally retarded 6:46 Perm News PM THURSDAY EVL7i..."LNG 8:00 Movie Lucille Hart visited the Mahn 10.00 News Scope to a man as though he were . 6:00 Country Junction Monday morning. 630 Hullabaloo (Coke) . 10:15 ABC Scope the only one in the room even -• 7:46 Morning Nem January 13 Mr. Leonard Wtsehart pissed a- ':00 John Forsythe Show (Color) 10:4,5 Surfaide Six though the joint were loaded 7:56 learning Weather way at his hod* Wednesday morn- 3. preekkot of the 800 Newberg 7:30 02, Kildare (Color 11 -45 R. Massey Reads the Bible with ROck Hudsons. 8:00 Captain Kankaroo • • • ing Our sympathy to his chtldren." las salted that ail 615 Radar Weather 8:00 Andy Williams 9.00 Spedlbound ALSO on the plus side, she I guess most people win firdsh Si. Mauve 4gie 6:20 Ty In Sports 400 Run For Your Life PM MONDAY EVENLNG O -30 The McCoys is intelligently frank about tele- stripping tC6(1,030. This rain prallthb.ei • • inning Friday the 6 30 The Monsters 10:00 News Picture 10:00 Andy of Mayberry January le vision, the medium in which ty came as a big to most to- Mil through (the 700 Gilligan, Island 10:15 Tonight Show 10:30 Dick Van Dyke she Is now pocketing a com- tanners are 7:30 My Three Son. 5:00 Huckleberry Beane tals scheduled for 14:00 Love of Life na TUESDAY EVENING fortable "take home" envelope learn of the 800 Thursday night Movie O'Clook We were sorry to tkarient Chum! 11 :25 Robert Trout News 6:30 12 High minus taxes and agent's fee. 10.00 Tin Big News January 11 deethe of Mr and Mrs. Jan Adams the organtheisunt. 11:30 Search for Tomorrow 7:30 Cheyenne All told, all woman. 1016 Balite Weather Place I and Mr. Jim Steele. OM SD that thdy 11:46 The Guiding Lght 6:30 My Mother the Car (Color) 8:30 Peyton A few short weeks ago. 1020 lin Sports IM1r. and Mrs. Collins and their with the -time 11111, 700 Please Don't Fat the Data 9.00 Ben Casey Bethel, who has an imposing 6 30 Yoling People Ckeleved eon and wife were caorkezoic ‘Veitt_ aveto etudy fur P. M. MONDAY THROUGH lee (Color) fiat of stage. TV and screen 10 30 Million Moiler Movie PM TUESDAY IYRuaiIO (feregmened) ors of Mr. and Mrs. IONS Mika '7:30 Dr. Kildare (Color) credits, took on the role of Dr. In typical detergent drama ittyk, UAW Leslie t AFTERNOON 12:00 Sign Off Fielding in NBC. The during a meant episode of The teeters. sad family. FRIDAY, 8:00 Tune*, Night USW (001O) Jamesty U Maggie ▪ seeks consolation Doctors, a soap opera telecast lady Lin visited Hueton Weer 16.00 News Anima as some per- Broadway productions, culmlna• PUPA! 12:00 The world At Noun 5-00 Superman every afternoon .in the 2:30 tol become anonymous Thursday afternoon. _ FRIDAY EVENING 10:15 Tonight elbow (Oder) have played ting with an appearance with Smarr 7 12:05 Oki Tine Singing Convention 6:30 Combat 3 p.m. slot. This was a good formers have who TV for a long time. Paul Muni in Inherit the Wind. Mee Dante . 111:30 As The World Turns . January 14 PM WEDNESDAY Eirnma 7:30 licHalet irony excuse for me to call up the : daytime very nice about my Dissatisfied with .ingenune 1:00 Password January 12 E other day to make a date with They were Samar, 8:00 Troop to the roles in New York, Bethel, who 1 :30 Houle Party 8•00News1,eat her to find out what prompted requests and agreed U with liesern 3:30 Peyton Place II here I had married director Andrew 1700 To TeR The Truth 6 15 Radar Weather 6'30 Vinrkdan her decislon. terms I asked for, so (10. Ants CVO 9:00 The'Fugitive McCullough,. went with her Murray Hospital 3:26 Doug Edwards News 6 -20 Today In Sports 8 03 Bob Hope • • • , the gone Intao Bethel, she had husband to Hollywood in 1957. O-30 Mee of Night 6-30 'Wild, Wild Welt 9-00 I Spry - HER REASONS, given in a According to T any live TV in a A succession of parts in various 300 Secret Storm 7:30 Hagana Heroes (Odor)' 10:00 New, Picas PM WIDNESDA EVENING New York office not far from hot done rPT•111191 - Meats 33 fOaUa7 U. January 12 before taking on the popular series led to her being 3:30 Loyd Tharton Show 8:00 Gamer [MUG (Dolor) 0:15 Accent the studio where she performs, while Census - Nursery 4 TS* Diana Maggie Fielding part. "I found chosen as one of the performers' 4:00 Big Show 8:19 Brothers 10716-Nnight Show (Cakr) were candid and simple. "Well," 5:00 Yoe Bear of doing a live on The Rsc hard Boone Show. Janearv 8, 1St Education Rued. Wal• 9:00 Trails luf O'Brien alio said, -"I came last looking the pressure Adesisidons. 1:110 OBS Iliverdeig Ness with 6.30 Biltensi a couple of The company operated in rep- . - 8. 10-30 Big News PM .THURSDAY EVENING for a play to do-and also a job half hour 'show Mrs. Dots lave Cresson. tee Cronkike 7:00 Perky Duke In ertoryiashion and Bethel played-' over my head times a week a little rough Benton: her. John Tom 10:46 Radar weal* 13 to keep the roof variety of roles, In- TURD A Y January 7 30 Blue Light the beginning." she explained, a wide Model. Tenn.: Ws David Rain. 8A 10:50 Today In Sports and my nine-year-old daugh- her an 8:00 The BM Valley (Other) "but now Land It exceedingly chiding one that won New CionccreL Mrs. Fred Anderson, 11 .00 Filinis of the 50's 6.30 Daniel Boone ter's. This job pays the rent out- January I 9 00 Ara= Burke stimulating. Unlike a play or a Emmy nomination for Route 1. Lynn CifOUP: Mrs Marv- 12:15 Night Train 7.30 Laredo well. One-shot, nighttime TV- movie, you're not expected to standing single performance. Rowiete. New Doreard: Mr Dennis 146 Sign au Mona -3S.13AT EVENING which I've been doing for quite over the rank! 6:30 Ellairke alettlester 8:30 Mc/Clunks/ PM TILL letter.,perfect in your lines. .After the series went thiehael therlawn. UI -S. 12th: Mr 'a %%Idle oh the west earat-iser4 , 9:00 Dean Martin or alter one here air, she 'did TV work here and 700 Captain Kangaroo January 13 one-way path to oblivion." If you miss Fkiward R Mathis, Rothe 2, Ben- 10:00 News Picture gets mad. I in London and appeared in the 11:00 Heckle and Jetede Before making up her mind or there nobody ton: Mrs. Erma Rudean Nannev, 15 Tonight Show (Odor) -611114egneisiesi -tried movie .4.-Jleoa to.iiiaa_Laat_ses, 1:30 'resigns Tuxedo --;-411111 to take on the role in the think It you 118 H TOM; Mint Jenium Marie center 6:311 illseaste role on the soaps,"son she was on Broadway for 11:00 MOW Mouse aerial, Bethel called a friend perfect in a M-tephy. Box 112, Elisabeth Hsi; TURES 7:00 Gidget a psychological four and a half months in MS 9 30 Limas. ter Lonithested Channel 6-*PSD-TV P M FRIDAY EVENING who was appearing in one. The you'd develop Mrs Garr Nance, 2214 S 12th: late Of Henry Phyla be able to carry Catch Me If YOU Con. . bleed! • 1000 Torn and Jerry 7:30 Double latter gave her the pros and block andnot Mr Vincent Ricci 460 N. Mr. January 14 running 10-30 Quick Draw UsOillee NBC 8:00 Bewitched cons. "I called my agent and the part well." "It was the longest John Nethers College Terrace; 8,X. Peyton near= him to explore the pos- To her role on the detergent Bop in history," quipped Leslie. Mrs Clifton Ethridge. Star Route, s * 11:00 rams Peat. 6:30 Camp Runs/Wet (Dolor) asked 9:00 Long Hot sibtlities," she said. "He said drama, the 34- year -actress Then, returning to the subject New Concord: 12.00 My Viand IRMO Network Programs Also On 700 Hank that there was a role-a re- brings two decades of exper- Of her soap opera role, she said, DISMISSALS. January 5, 1966 12 39111O Eke 7 30 Sammy PM FRIDAY 11V121114G Nashville Channel 4 placement-opening up on The ience. A native New Yorker, "It is • pleaasnt way of doing Mr Nolen Todd, Route 2: Mrs. 11111111111M. 1:0111e • _ 4.30 see hebetha_____ if I thought It was January ii Doctors. I watched it for a • aireloted Rrearley School things, but Clifton Lialeman, Mode)., Tenn; 130 Action I would do for 900 Nara from U. X. CI la L„ while and then said that I from kindergarten through high the only thing Mr Herman Wicker, 206 N. 8th: 3:00 CBS Goif Cheide Week of Jan. R-Jan. 14 1:00 Gator Bowl life, I'd slit my 10:00 News Picture' couldn't replace anyone else school. In her senior year she the real of my Master Michael Montgoery. Route 4-00 Big Show •si WM 1:00 Woody WoOpecker But I feel that way, -* 10:15 Tholg110 and suggested that they writs made her stage debut on Broad- wrists. 2: Mrs. Monroe York, Route 4, 600 Lloyd 'Maxon 6:30 The Lieutenant things-even ' A. 31. MONDAY THROUGH the part to fit me. I also asked way In Snafu. In the next too, about many Bertha: Mrs Joe Hsi Starks. Rt. 1:00 Newabest 7:30 Addams Parnily play." DA TIME for billing so that I wouldn't dozen years she played in 10 a great. 1, Hamel: Mrs. Buddy Pageherl. Rt. 6-15 Today tri Sports FRIDAY, " II:00 Haney West Distributot by King natures desfitsela 3, Puryear, Tenn.: Mr. Oda Edwin A:30 Pannor's Dmohler • 1.30 Jacide Gleason 6: 30 Operation Alphabet Warren. 102 N. fah: Mr. Dais Ray 9:00 Jimmy Dean Stow 7 30 Secret Agent • '7 -00 Thday Show Channel 8- WSIX-TV Askine. 1tou, LDover. Term.; Mr. 30 71se loner 9 00 Romper Room Carl R. Howard. Route I. Kirlowy: 9 00 Gunernoke 9.26 NBC News ABC CBS Civitan Club... Mrs. Katherine Miry Illeughn. 306 10 00 Saturday Pier News 9-30 Conoentratioo ABC-TV To Premiere Three New Shows; N. 7th; Mrs. RIO Garland. Route 10 15 Radar Weather 10-00 Morning Star Network Programs Also On (Continued Fres Page 1) 3: Mrs. Bobby Wood, 817 Broad; He ex- baby boy, 10 20 Talky in Boors 11 00 Jeopardy Harrisburg Channel 3 retary the preenuos year. Mts. William Mason and tO 30 Fans of the 50's 11 30 Let's Play 'Pest Office One New One; NFL Playoff is Scheduled pressed the club's regrets an he Routie 2, WWI. II 15 Night 'Praha 1155 NBC Day Report Week of Jan. 11-Jan. 14 departure and wished him success Wot- Glenn Feed a.nd Donald O'Connor. in his new field sa, JACK GAYER make off Seth sem** einklahr P. M. MONDAY THROUGH A. M. MONDAY THROUGH By born in the Presider* Nix announCed plans SUNDAY. International an hien an solnalvittedy eselte. Sernentha's baby Is 4 United Pram - far Clergy night to be held on FRIDAY, AFTERNOON FRIDAY. D A!TIBER The mkt- "Tuseday Naga at Oa Idlatees" Mande on ABC's "bewitched January 9 NEW YORK 171 - Pebruary 1. 1066 He urged ea ABC- on NIIC sereans "It Ibiganid In Dean Martin's litir5t. on his NBC 00 Color Bans valor) face lift is on at the members to Invite their respective Presbytelian. . 12 00 N.Penn Market. 6 Naples." steered Cleat Odds seed hour are Mahone Jackson. R•y 6.30 Sunrise Eternewer Time Table TV network next week. Thee new clergymen to the meeting. 1215 Pastor Speaks 605 Laren Starr, Vic Dein% and Soupy Selek ((katanseg Pres Page 1) 7:00 Singing Time In Dixie Imperials shows will have their premiers and Elophis 12 :30 Let's Milk! a Deal (Color) 6:15 The ABC's twicsoamet afar. Dorothy Malone returns to 7:20 U. 6. Perm Report 12:5e NIRO New. 6 30 Flu Phillips Show OM VIII be a - Friday new pro. "Peyton Place" Ire the role at Oon- 6:03 Heaven% Abider 1:00 Moment of Truth 7.30 Put Preston of the Yukon CBS will introduce one to be Installed at a Veneer Service essos MacKenne after her skew In 'The Wild, Wild Wet" on CBS, 9:30 Palle= for Levi* 130 The Doctors 8 00 Supermen mem to be held Sunday. January 16. at Ulna* This open* he Betty An- the two federal agents crack an ort• 10:00 Osman Three : 00 Another World 8 30 The Makey Wens Club Highlight,' detail*, Jan. 9-15: 4 30 °bloat. *mkt will be /*owed derson Oestideing for the pronecu- smuggles ring * Elan re- 10:30 Tab Today 2-30 You Don't Say (Odor) 9 00 Romper Room kanseen by a social hoer honoring the Sunday teon hi this murder trial of her ex- 71:00 Oriellthilissitel Report 3:00 Match Oarne (Coker) 10 00 Supermarket Sweep Pranoisio. tiring and incoming officers. hudiand Rodney Harrington. if 11:06 Pope,* 10 30 The Donne (hone Derkseni 3:36 NBC Afternoon Repot &in Everett M. tram.LI- N. C. -trieweissedeses-,Isdl-bassoneed-in. '12111Y-111r1111111101r- irrat'bob 11 1117Tkeina Heed Maur leader-Iat- --be -Wt. R- Dl.. minority Wyss - James Mason is narrator NBC cetera "The' Deadly Goddess FOR to fellowship and Quarterly Corn- 12 30 NIFI. 4:00 Popes 11'30 Pether Knows Beth ABC's "Daum end WORK this terrienved on for WS famed retraces of dw Affair." in which Solo and Days mutton MI be observed at 3 30 11010watal ilpectacsilar 4:30 (M. Wed.) Che 54 P. M. MONDAY THROUGH A nesters" endary Journey of titres ihmeigh MUM thWVI. On enemy pia to con- Vesper Service next week. 430 Antsfoter Hour 4:30 (T. Iti) DOW. Gelb Football League's The National the Mediterranean after the Tro quer Afrka 500T..Century 4:30 (nM) Dance Party to 5730 between Bath- FRIDAY, AFTERNOON playoff bowl game War. 6.30 Death Volley Days 6:30 IM. T. W. Th.) an Saturday more end Dallas. rminenup In the Wednesday 6 00 Wiaard of Or 5:30 Huntley-Bre**, 12 00 Ben Casey eastern and western diverse, will TAKE NO CHANCE WHEN YOU Martin NBC oho the American Poottlie YOU 4 30 My Favorite 600 News 1:00 The Nurses br Wisest by CRS ABC inteduces "Bannen" as a .. . . Os League's All-Star mune in Houle= TRADE WITH 7:00 Zd 01102111 Show 6:10 Weather 1 -30 A Time For ABC's rationed beakettall assic- tweteasek half hour series re Women Trout amino stars from ottkr AFL. 8:00 Peery Miss 6:24 Sports 1:65 News For skin gerneent-theseek features piecing -Me Adventurer of Gene 0•11141111 Hothrtal taws 9 00 Oandld 2:00 Genes* New Tort and Baltknore. and Harriet" This Is bawd on die MOTORS a Ms Line SATURDAY- Marrieds •A PARKER 9 30 What's 2:30 The Young "NBC apple in Malan" mores pursues criminal* but it is a live, ABC move; "The Adventures of Ilisiday Nes Never Too Young 10 -00 January 9 3 00 Iron Eiglairds, to Sunday. with 1)111 sots nether than an animated type Ozzie and Hans" front its foss P 34273 Murray, Ky. Deder Weather The Action Is Laza 10.111 3.30 Where Outten *Ink. Am ilkopecn as co- et SS Wednesday position, mph.** the 10 20 Wood* 74 Waters Cheyenne 7:00 RFD•TV 4:00 host. Dahill nasiseliteng and Tuba. Singes Mar Ratan Doubt turns 011111Deded terDoliar Movieie BI-Rite News LOW PROFIT 10:36= '110 Atop Ore Penal Ped 0:10 drag ming Me centred dogmatic solar Jn "Him Light.,7 • LARGE VOLUM - 'Weatherwoops coda_ NBC's "Saturday Hight Oftha 12 "The World of the Teenager" * new foittiour empennage Berke in- alsnime IMO Ow 'I'op - 5 : 45 ABC News Movies" strewn.% -The Dasetw." star- 9:00 Oat • one.hour ciaournentary spread co troduaed an ABC an a reularement IT WILL PAY YOU 1161 MIR is OR A NEW OR USICD CAM 6:30 Hector Hiellhoole (0.6k1r) 600 The Reams das- drac diem Ford and Debbie Rey- FM MONDAY EVENDINI l'113C telt:IMO/On, is the locale. far "041dgeti" Claukit plays a (Mice) 10 00 News erope nokte. 9:00 Daderdog That he perennial. the mo Ii World War U who January IS 10 15 Sports & Weather 10:00 Ttp Oat vie, -The Wizard Of Os." again will seed* undermine the Oran war 10:30 Fury 10 30 Divorce Court 9-00 Notate= be sired on C09. "leverie," "My Offort by mytending to be a de- 11:00 The First Lock 11.30 News 0:18 Reds: Weather Favorite Martian." and Ed Sulli- fector from the Aires Air 1130 Exploring 3:20 Tod= In Sports van* hair an- preempted. "A Smell Rebellion" is the drama 12:00 Pee 6 6 30 To Tell The Truth SATURDAY "The Sunday Night Movie" an on NBC* "Cbryaler 'Mr." Ben- 100 taper Bowl 7:00 I've Oct A Elea* ABC seers " From the Ternice." on eliencese.•(Isom Mahar* and 4.00 Wonderful World of Golf January 1: 30 Luoy Show (Oder) starring Paul Newnellk and Joanne Elam Imam Os In this story of a 5-00 Studio Bo.111111Z 8:00 Andy Griffith (Color) 8:46 News, Ws.. teneebatee, Mee Woodward. Ming plaser1081 who tries to per. 5 30 Repot 6:30 Movie Of the Week Stherer-MarNes1 '7:00 Partnere Almanac Monday awed@ • lama eters to appear Wagoner 10:15 Peg News 00 Porter 7 30 0a,p'n Cook's Crew to ph* 6 30 nippy Levee Utegmens a hostess 1030 Rader Weather 30 hewn and Cecil Sinner Nan I or hag "The Hater. Peter end 10:35 Itchy 111 Sprats 7 00 Jeannie 9:00 Shensolgans on NBCV "Hullabaloo" BIM aglinei lids, a tainageld girl 30 Get Smart 'Dee Mae* 10 45 Art Linkletter 7 9:30 The Beetles Cartoons Donlon. The McOoys. to um to worts Ihr a delieding Ntirht at the Mcn-les -Lae help out. 6 12:00 Sian Off 8 00 Sat 10:00 Camper Clartoone Blues and due Shaun Oonlineeist Mend* Pen" on ABC's 10 15 News 10-30 Maga* Ostia "The Slaulditer CODA Y EVENING Movies the as Thursday PM TU 10.30 Weekend at the 11:00 Bugs Bunny "12 O'Clock High" contemn eignment to Octi Dallaghert gresip January 11 SUNDAY 11:30 Milton Monster The week's second "Batman- Of an red personal enemy 12:00 Hoppa, Hooper node on ABC at 7 30 p. m. is "Smack Andy Wailers ham Rdche Mrther. 6:03 Newebeat • January 12:30 Anterioan Handeeend In the larkile." evhich the crime.- Weather Robby Darin, Herb Albert and the 1:15 Radar 130 Wyatt Dare fighter ointinues he battle against Today In Sports Tiluara Brans group as guests On 6:20 7:00 Faith for 'nifty 2 00 Trees Weet the Raddler. Hanel Tour NBC. 6:30 '7:30 Gospel Singing Jubilee 230 Pro Bowlers Marshall Dillon Shtich Nanette Jacide Coogan. "The Dater Life of Henry Mille." 7:00 8:30 Paducah Devotion 3 30 SoYe from 7.30 Red Skelton Sparta Red Buttons and Gloria Amman starring Rai Buttons and Peed 9:15 Hornlike) Brothers Quartet 400 Wide World Of Petticoat Junction appear an "Hollywood Talent on ABC. Buttons plias ,Ott 6:30 e.30 ptui.striphene 531) All-Star W reeding COWL both 00 (115 Reporte Scouts" for CBS. unpreponnesing accountant sud- 9 9:46 Spored Heart 700 The King Family an The Big News Tuesday thrust into tiw rote Of•count- 1000 10:00 This is Lhe Life /130 Lawrenoe Welk denly 10:16 Ftader Weather Land The long-run -Rawhide" series ta agent. 10.30 The Aisaer 830 This Proud F. teintaillgence 10:20 Italy in ISM:1118 8.30 11911ywood Place replies:I an COS by a new drain Movie 11 -00 Popeye Afrt -111e CBS Thursday Night Med. 10.30 Minion Dollar 10'00 1.15th Paten Shenandoah ceded "Datalart." deabnit ii 11 30 Southern Baptist Hour vies" screams "Cry Happy." starring 12:00 ago COY Shindig II can adventure. Two thieves try to WEDNESDAY ILTENING 12.00 Meet the Pres 10.30 PM •

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IsSDOSS lb Ti1151 u 11111SEST. SS/STUCKY FRIDAY - JA.NVART 7, wAi cxuato, LAMY at 9:30 p.m. •• • • Pisrsaptip "kW Prinipir (Wednesday, Jaassart 12 Mr. and Mrs. lap* Heater of The Wesleyan ramie og the First DCWATNEA N.*NOW The Lodger it rumps • • kbouse 763-1917 or 753-4947 Dear 'WOO WOO tredeeig roOPort Methodist Church WSCS will meat 'Cogo. ?MO 11•Iontlitioto$ Olorroy wore he Wary quaraday Now YORK lUll - pro- - ; at die home of Mrs: Eugene Burn. 10 • Madness tip. U tour pour 130S Overby, at 710 pm. Mrs. Max duces to ddlidat fae Ofty fp decallttera nary Lau. Dead& C•u-marbis cohooteas - or Just 00 Ode* INIP: and Its. N. Mug" Clad Illeanar, graduat- *WWI iti* B Piths is program chairman. ed -trod Risge..•IP- • • • Tact is Required!, Murray State College. nighttime booty products baking The Arts and Crafts Club wilt • • • *wile 610,14111116 "Pt PAWS Ptah* • inerodoced meet at the home of Mrs. Mac Radium Parlimaa teat Terry, /BM --bfe,end istat 1.enllan. Abigail V31) BUMP sou, sseugh-ot • creerarls body, wee a Slime, with Mrs. J. M. Linn ea Tony, el Peoria Id., mai pir: and deigned to nut through Om Width Whim at 2:80 pm. Mrs. Den Nix of Peallaith Rev. Galloway Is ane he halide," ipotesi sif Mar 40. tee. wit4 • owe 40,000-11P- containing a moistartper raid Guest Speaker For Social Calendar Parents, Mr. gad lairs. Laffiffela tax. Stick lite New Concord Homemakers • •• to teat the rapt *rough and Murray WSCS Meet (Mb will meet at the Mene of Wm DEAR ABBY: I am moving to PERPL.1.296D "abookstedy newer" come att o n Larearday. Jamary of the The Sane Department Charlie Stubblefield at one p.m. Smother city akin. earal friends MEAM PERPLE 3:ED: 4141 all linens, and with Bedtime Flutter- (wigwam. Mialeter Chapter M. P. Z. 0. eisteelsood. Club will meet • • • , Ba, %gm. Murray Weeminti here have said. "You MD= look your bi(-hearted friesa to write laahm a set or !Wig eyelashes. _ JraMairewsafVta nen Mellhodist will meet tor bandasto at 11.aohaary at the Ma house at 730 Phi- Faskionettes somewhat thicker and curlier than t4 The Missionary Auxiliary of the MP So and SO. Here is his ZatiOe and tria aid lie •ask and aims that Church, asas theIstalt MfaMes Stir Lotvo lLlllaista at Hostessee veil be Maideones Don- North Pleasant (trove Cumberland number Just cag and saY Pod are he pia 1W1.'OM way, Ada ge-be- United Peer Wenn/Masi daytime *she* end refauding Wo- be coide with Waiter ateang of the are to ald Vary, Clegg MUSD. Presbyteries:1 Mena will meet at a friend of mane.- tween can chre bis friend In en ell It sies bound ta lleiVeu.wIth all liner or mascars adelar:v 4 CUM:UAW aertict president by Thorseley Don Overtie • • • tan% the amilithe Jones, Jr.. and the church at erns pm Abby. is it proper for a newcom- the ideal ,wiatikebes. and leave S to the NIIIOttdrian 11111,11ehee thrOUIPOnt Tiowley • •• • • • of Me Mogen held Inienthg: er in town to call a reoident there hint to oat) roil Wise so chooses. the fashion world Now. Batondrien For eye drama clay or n, lag et ton co'ciora an the Bale • • • The That. Depuniesot of the • • • brush-on - Thursday. Jaiiwary 13 and put turn on the spot tat way? - alpha Or kik* Painter riot new a crease ofiesill Cape/ Biabie. laminar" la Wm* Warialla Club Will meet The South Mondrian and powder eits ihadow. Murray Homeinakers I cant mot call a stranger send my, DEAR ABBY. I am Some to be first given impetus WV 40 Om 66d The speaker presented a most 13twelly Moore Ore* of Oodepe as the ISO hew at TIM pin. by essay. to wait Club will meet at the home of Mrs. -Betio, I'm Mae Married in Fotiniary. My first Pans* Wes 10. Laurent - frees hs "UM* uatereaing and intormieve talk co women' mil lieleeld Bea- Prodniterisa Chub* Maamaasa WS he am Davy Hopkins at one p.m. am 34 years old. diverced. !MR two choice for matron gi honor is my to eye makeup. William Loma, streaking. saarnag or *IOW In Itie mean( at the Jai general home Alia. J Enid. acid Miss • • • at man. Idea. Eked children and am self-eupporting. stater, but atie's to a fansly way makeup deaigner for Charles of the tortarseitair.r compact itia a Mill sowiliname of ehe Masan 7:39 pm. Sradford at Bede Desach. 1'he Hazel Woman's Club sill My messiaremend, are 36-26-61, aoct and says If she% able to stand up Ritz and an Mist sea has (*t- furry applicator brush. tie Masa* eta of the • •• • • • • • • Albuteli. meet In the new club room of the Sam Jiltrangelove told me to gall dull to It. My next criotoe is my ithed the hook this my - square resownwital Malay, Jobbery M ramdb7.4mmary, Woodmen Hall at seven p.m. busband's sister. But she's in a off the upper lit all hunineseent wave otss • • • Practical as well as pretty- eye- ime The Olpo Mamma= Oda of OW The Paris Woad IIPMerliskire I'm afraid if I don't call I might hunily way, too, and although she, white. matimp. QV in- lecaground of the Chub wal mem at Abe hum of Mrs. lashes of a new hypo-alititgenic Was latest Mara Ito Dorrthy Circle of the Past nuss inestang goose tateratting pap- sags *root *a maw mall& she tense coking. am on the inner text pada Thompson at as pm. material that come tiwee to the mil mei et ifs down et mow Ho liftEtiWe Claurr.h WEIS will meet•at pie, and if I de mit zit appear looks like stub going to of tile upper Ad. Navy blue mike- , • •-w-- deliver package - a pair to wear and a 'awe'4ilfdlowhe p.m Mrs Catwã the bine of Mrs. Castle Parker at im ebuinpLuoub. 1kw iabould Ulla be before my slater In case neither up colors the "cuter portion of the Anise Waters Oren of the spare. by Mrs. Gills Owl. elodweof the ProPwal. AI Saw- 010 a.m. handled? me can do IS. amomitl it be proper lid - and gm& of UPS babe goes merailiNglattich W8013 of the lialast Illethottat over • • • of Me hers are urged to moon& to oak aay pataaelenuthate to be an it. OUtilas the bluets of or • • • Church will meet at the bane of In task tO *an off -the Itcl oace bed eagle at' the Sannery gat- matron of honor? At last. help ti near oraifx-. Mrs. John Winter. 906 North 10th ga for e - ; 011r. mie %teem of Um *like MU Medic Urges More Women 13/ SEMMIDE sighted gal who never could a.m. letnisisli. Street, at 9:30 rap pazwirapear 114n, peaddeM. bledandlat March w odoliima po • • • To Study In Medicine Field 0041 ,J114:1 •• • malrettp properly. SPAM her glass- . E90011191 'ftpgft._Lg____E •Vorious at 9/Aural at AIL mud, Mau Oa aglio.. ao es On Me otisid MO lite Man Tian (Arnie of the see an 08114 tititt circle etamimira.-. Mellaww. • • • 1 7:beAPW------olres.dy back in yati tithia Msabadist Chien& WEICH By MARGERY MeELHENY tcal sctsool now how 40 IP* leelke Pr With - secretaries at lie atom lanes of The ersoutave board of the Unit- accosts vecartew a9- ardent"Mom. she is in growing your "we on? %tithes* the slime- meet sa the home of Mrs. °cored retied Press Intereational ate wad. 'Mame is no wort were 11111111. ad Church Manna will meet In demend Mr their daughters. The es, how do you see to * the' lob? • Ames, Lao Webb Ikedevard. at CHICADO 131 - The increasing ta• ttle of sex now Two new ausaters. Mrs Jokingly &hen Cain. 1711 the criteria is - full toe is wining in the are 6 to The the lane of Mrs DEAR ABBY! answer Is a new Infrogr which.-.` Malur .0.10 aoa.. Mortoge of doctors in the Muted are you a good dootor?" else mid. I am consider14a- Wafter and Co I e. Mailer Avenue, at ten am • • • 19 category, reports the National i,ffem a clear, undistorted. organs" • • States shooki be countered by re- Dr. Sachs mid it Is poosible to fisamang a ulna alba has been leers eseiromed. The opang and • -Shoe -Readers Amociatien. al- eu image, onitke the ordinary mag- The Alm Homemakers Club will cruiting we women into medic- combine mecle. 'marriage and Marled before. AI hare oat) We closing prayers were led by Mrs. The Calloway County Getwalegi- though tipt mo)or einiphents still is nifying mace Avaliable to WO • meet with Mrs. D. M. risamea at. ine. Dr. Savoie, Sachs. past presi- motherhood. are both in our middle thirties and E A. • and Ora Neils Mas- cal acme* will meet et ate home on modigIMI and squire Mapes. basic prescriptions. one pm. dent of Me Isinertom Meciacal Wo- -AWN" and will are prime re- have gone thangper ter gour year.. ; ada reeneolesely. of Ma RIM Ilontetenary. 1619 • • • mons Aseociation. believes. gulates:* she amid. ,•And woman doc- We bove mob other airy much. My Sillim'at 1.39 pxo. • • • Murray Star Chaptex No. 433 Or- tor's ta goals are sell fulfillment AtqW 4.110.410old I know Otiit STANDARD OIL AGIN, Dr Sachs. ohs is inerried to Dr. about Oildu/44 the 01-,earn ther mi seat at a wile and mother stal & yearn- his ltanster Magginge? When gehle 7:111 litcaveo Mon Elsein. Apr. ,A ---101911/ a„ emu, p A). ot• Me Mame* HO at Vtle wetwIllEPlallw11091017WM nod he PERSONALS 1wegoono, „um, goon, is the na~ al' a 30-fear- bumenlers" ' HARMON WHIT/ELL • • • Ca Him! • • • Dr. Sada odd en estimated 116 ma a divorced man, and he has tri the rem Mambeen Hall locaced old moo and a Welenr-Ilid daughter. HOME HEATNG - FIATS - Faxicpm NEEDS Mr and -ea It R. Mass were vomaraiii titaialne The' Tapper. W.:.40C will kl[011 to MO cent of womeo medical never inade refereace to that nib- She was graduating SUM the UM- she mewing made of Wish aegis- - aintinue to pniotioe af- lent again. rve heid Off adene Pogue Avenue Phone 753-4452 mpg Maple AA somoliars *mu," mr"tuil" 'waxy of illighlgan aid since IOW him • Mrs. Clarke Mar ad ash six p tingesses will ter produation and three-dourths any (ivanacos hoping he br- wilp mama ilon at he hos pracnied- peptingiagolia. me- Msagoo. Wray elemiled she sOfe- • • Illissilamies incise Payee. Maw of daligahlle scorned. ing It up awn) delft want to • Maine r MOIR anis and of bohober-wegmmaa i aniost, baarge-ditser _ know ;POOP; Nom loAloor ed my ' - -Moyer and- tal-rd• 864116: - Real - ITALIAN SPAGHETTI A recent survey showed Oat wo- busanem bid _I want * - Hectare , More Mrs lailar as the epareg'Pe- thigh talNINIPNWe• ;eta& know as "Val? 6 per eent ag men practiced most Wino in these THE SPAGHETTI HOUSE CHICAGO simmea aid eke Me grogram sit -WI.maim CatiM Wie MOM the. •• • much as I alt.004. nmu give me Waren 7Mptair MOM Mier* genera/ -pragain-pediatnes. an-honed Isemisert, hinee of lam Drab& NS one cent in Rinsais, 34 per cent in (boat TRENHOLIVI'S DRTISTAff Mrs Mar ei eke ohou asear. Otaides of the %VMS01 the not pirchistry, Internet nedkene, an- CURIOUS IN Britain. and 14 pee cent in Cana+ Oiliapiaat at 12th - Phone 743-3125 • • • • • • Peollat Celan* esti masa as de- aschmkilogy. obstetrics -gynecology, Diu& cosacess•1 mai' de.- Dr. "sets said in an ma- pathislagy, Mr and Mrs. Ran- /maw I sok Mrs. bloat Idolucan. while health. radio- about that which gpay alalaira 50r Deliver Charge Orders Less Than 43 pp raimedge new. year a of glianders. ewe, the The Beam* Sonar tleheol M with Mrs. Midis Cade", and logy, dermatology, nod adeeinistra- Wall together amid you emery. Ora lag issehiesil ref her isro- Cif of eite otrot sworn Mire& W 10thMai Merl airier at 5.30 •"Ne are way dowit on the tolein the methaliae. nee be childoesd b his termer Loper Bryau mils, sag saw 701. mil meet at litio bum of NM B. WM, M .1111a1 Mow E. 0. Jones at -pale an emanating women for car- ''We iiime become OrevilPeotaltr- wife mill his financial remand". his Was Mon Mom. A. ebniser, Lego Owes AMA at le Goa ir as the cuipa at een im wiedscine," she mid. "The eel during the goo 50 years and the My? What were the krona* tar • • • same pitt lerren pal netior Mame.' hes been faulty peglent has been detioneiresed." diverse? Are they oh blendly • • • • I Dr Sac/B, aial. .ffle..Mm in r"---•••• 'The tad fatally linter Tide Iseforreatioe te Indeed and aseloor. ilhaimma, and twin want from parents she mid. cloCtor knew • plitiatit's paic.holo- your bodosies and yea *Lys a right The Donnas Cable lCiroup Women s Club imna. allreW Skamar. Elemwer. The Deinocratac Peal Quirks. his aocao-coonoanc know. of Me Plea Cbmarilaa4Pth CW7 f at ma • • • 506 W. Main Street Phone 74.1. 41bmiseacho wen, Ow Mei all most at the Cad Dr Baca said worsen are • nat- status and he was able to eralieste 01110.1 arisidaled to meat oath Mrs. 4 lira amber. Os. Pory p.m. All demosanc mimeo of liur- al they all these elements in the quer of CONFIDE.NTIAL TO "WOW Garret Besbear at 1Selb MY and Cadisivee Came are erg- the antaaillot.r atilltallecritaanceete formill lirera Mawr" • • • LAING,..endite PAULA VAL- • • • o. to amend. beeith and wiillare, have ceitals- The woman physician. because LEY: Qv& • • • wesidering sad esqleY Mr and Ws Dab Sohmens and The WiauJe Bell Hays Circle of won. and statna. of her natural concern for people, peer Iffffleffeel. Viand eve r- sem Scans 1101mhaittema mere ilse Pia likaiesat. aimen *BOW The MurraY-OallowaY Court" "Ja Use last 4,0 years there have las moose special contributions to samhel alma steeds na iniminsed will elm New Tsar a erimbend pans of will meet at she Mosel bail at 7 30 Rased resumers Meoetalaon been naanY raa44.0nie% to weeneo make in dais age of medical spec- inether-in-Saw." t Wader W. 154- on molt mei mem Mr mid Ma meet at the Murray-Cal/away warms medicine ten every mad- talAtawan,` Dr ache seld the) 4Miester gbabomen of Mead. INIOM DWI roo ----.•.••• TIME old , when Flattery TEMMATUEE Subtle Shown DAY OR Wr:44-T Ram In Imported Wog:arias you buy /-6363 Itotu Li/AL liallotlf • F. 1.1 P BANK Athiand

ra• Vitaliza avosirwit =twee GasOline PAJLWIR A.VI. AT l'Ith err 111.1101111G 42844111

Eboa•ag Saraiesa II am. Testaan1W Mamma beg 1111erbagalpp Om AIL AAR 'Tlie Bair Speaks Ts Yoe Inellies WNW. /11a We. • illeadar 01 SAS '

tra. - - • e . tql? WE DON'T RAMC IT, • •••"'" 11111111611111ParL4 7 - a „

igik• RISK• 0 .11111.4101 SO WarnIwo sicast Phase 714-11141 or S. L1-1. IWO 411.110-4IMN • _

Here's another outstanding bonus ogir *ill 4-1 ROBETkAI.FT§ your Good Neighbor Ashland Oil Peeler...... • Each time you buy seven gallons ofna Ash!lnil Vitatized Gasoline you got your &eke Of a 14t, light blue mug or bowl. .. FREE! The arlp coffee, tea, '• ideal for hot chocolate Or frilk. Thig t bowls are lust the thing for %blip, ,Lerliel, ice cream or dessert. You'll want to collect• ‘..0Ch. plete set.

411111111111T1 a he way is 441,911,11 by a doubt... This offer Is limited boasted Ja•Bat *la bro. beams Ord listed Padketa so hurry to your near- by Ashland Oil Dealer Sr ma ammo chspleYTng the "F-RE lin Adam gm Lemma A group af 'esite are new Mud OR BOWL- tor Abair atillip glosariegin and unmated. moor vv. In sign. He's waiting to Inenera Dhoti is meet • realser MIllouslitee with serve you. siege at radreires Shear cm- locale Mar if Riffereet ~At Mese Mint htti•IMMO ieirg0Ms. Moor are double- 0."ftmw begeseed; others aide :11,7 deally and amity are dash- Offer erplree Feb. 2ff, /066 0.„wow so .1,02,dt.. ahice. am_ ate l- Mese for leiZz Me sleekly 'straight plannatilp bessanniely teamed or Me JuilaatOir pleated 41061thr Mid& amen cense se, WISh 4111 malts thrrP Wady ewe ow moat ihosorniny ear 10ssSi at. irlotapea TAM," r,,m•,iirir. n an ,Vi t cAnt 4x.14i* Hu Is costume conflicting lett, the female figUra. or Port Mao riot& a stitt-trultoutd vest and striped wester. Of eard4611. shell and boalkstoil 'WM

• • • . t• . • parer averraar•-•••et u___--iplarlay•wearsarartarlAkzair awnipia. lama.-• ••••••••,...0....-••• 2. L.,•.:•••••M - • 44.....4. •. 1 ', 1,_,..,1•••....,40„.•••••••*•••• -06 • 4' . 44

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1.1.111TDC1.1, NIOR /WS FRIDAY - JANUARY 7, MS TEl 1.1.131GRIL4L-17.22.11 - IRDRILAT. AM Of Mr and Mrs...111131ga Math HOWE 8WOIR.N IN $56 datilkkon asel stanathildren were goldwater home with DIEM1 Ttetstasso day. W'AIIIHINGTON API - Plena Mr. and Mrs Leon Code and Mr. liceve LI was sworn in Wednesday a said Mm. Lea Hill were Friday eveso aducazion catnroallioner. ant W. NR,e911$ Mews $) iou damn guests of Mr. and Mrs. ceetilog 'Pewasis Kesiped, eits) ha lows101P0 Hugh Dowdy. been mined seateesnt seeremary c Now pro. - Tharsdp.y in Siang dinner goose of Reulth, gdidts,tion *id Welfare. 1 MO 210 rout Mr. and him, home '1'. Young were In his ism pos‘ Bowe, a new Si Sgt. S 0,02 kW: s.RehootoilibIMP and Mr. aml MM. Hubert Cuunissidtem gatailer nit *Me ampormsece alf9* so new Igr. eeklars. W. Bishop anti &mato 1 and children and lika *He liiiL mrsetsir ark adelbeezator, 55 b inducts Oohing of 94. Ilinc.Mageg Doorman. 'far-allenbabsealest slim MOE 2=20e= samitatlIMIII.--1•1111•110111011m aweelon. Ode HUL felepal eogentramalt sell array Muit"*...... e1-00- Martha - NOT1C.1 fait RENT SEW W ANTED arty 11r.21111111S------• ceitord Ur the_ 4iwit ww) Chrielnigh deo Mauer gown of reek body, was buena Comma In Mks. HOU Lee* SIBM son Jima" and -HIS amipa,mata Mc. and Ms. Earl Lamb were Me. Milt the Mid* for Ohl& L. Mast. mesh= Ingania dl elle. and Mr. J. B. Duneilit YOUTIC MEN AND WOMEN, Trav- I WILL NOT SE responsible TRAILEif. SPACES in Green Acre Sod Mat liturgene learik.1114 sere 4a3g030-rito • 9311-5054 or 763.3039. Mies Trove 'Pee Went Chiletraia el. New years expansion program. any debte incurred by anyone but Trigg Mort. Coe mile north of rive anE Mr. sod Mns. WI --'- eofigutigier Odd rho, dinner goats dl Mr. amid. Mrs. LYThn five mere needed to work in P1cr- myself, BO Swift. J-7-P Points on No. 10th St. extended. and family and Mr. Larry illealtikend ' s.nd SALESMAN FARM, 71 acrea, miles west of Caurl Clatelentierry. 4 oho Texas and return. Oars furnish- Deo phone 752-17.15. Night 763-4609. Mr. W. C. 8. K Olin* on ELECITROLUX SALM di Service, All Of Purye.,a Tenn Both bottom and Lamb and ed. Es:pewee itcloanood Average _ J-13.0 Sunda) guars of Mr. and Mrs. DSc Lamb ipazi Miss Althie arid. ticitime Flutter. Box 213, Murray, C Western Kentucky upiorki Ideal oattle and hog farni. mrtanin 2192.W weekly plus MOO KY- Sand- Bush Dowdy wale Mr. and Mrs. eyolaaheada ers Phone SK2-3476 LynamBe, Hy: Certified Electric Divi- Gooc soxsoil outs. with bath, goect Cackine Lamb, annual bonus. Must be 18-ZO white. Ward Hemel' and Mr. and Mrs. id curlier than February-4-0 NEW firDLTOE 'MAILER for rent. -Life out buildings, black top rood. Bee Mrs. Dan Hamel' is vortiang sengte, have some high_ sion, a leader in Long Wm. South and daughter all of 1 requiring no school and 10' x SO'. See or call Betty Hottedela. or mil Coon C. Name, Rayon. listallati in Micaligau and anendiesi able to Lighting Field, offers Un- Cialierville, Tenn., anti Mr. and Mrs. start immediately. Appty -178 -THE IPORESS FILE" th IIS&9131 or 79345796 TVG Tenn. flame 347-3603. J-7.P the fuanal of ber uncle. Mr limited opportunity on C. Tenors Of Lantiaster, Ky., and Perrier, Mai 'Towner Nitrite& flOnt.itigg man t Ocelfingerl tgaYibil kV or night, • klocurtimeoe to 5 p. ut. may. 1TP Ooday thru Saturday at the Capitol Commercial and Industrial $1121L P/L1NG CABINET. with 3 Mr. and Mre. Easi Hotorove of FOUR:ROOM and bath apannient, MUM accounts. drainers said oaribinatiou kok com- Mayfullrl. WNW Theatre!! telfUrneshed Inquireto should tail, it) !tisane' We offer: Peolinent. Cain be seen at 714 Olive. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Women and nal•IO I he Yesteeolnee Puerto NW WittifED at 313 North Pifth for the key. PUZZLE 5 "About J113 **tighter spent Olaristroao lidachty CROSSWORD lilatig WARTED TO UY J-7.0 * CompleteiVield Training dillaag. in a • with her pinata Mr. anti Mrs. Ed- ACROSS oh en grin" Maim MICA WOO •Permanent PosItion '11WO OHILDIVINI3 double Mit 110•0011411 03ill OWA BABY SITIYIR to sit in my ham Y. Caliber S & W revolves. win Warren and other relatives in I.Psi $O. Rarsiy NEZON ROOM with * Exclusive Territory sub -for girls, one am 7 and oae Cremate OU431 010 k144. .or your& Coll 7O3-7160. J-024C After 5 p 627 EltLy Drive TPNC FURNISHED private atintublry. 11 Inittal g3L. * Salary and Draw & Call 153.11102. Ten bee•e• IS -Sow• latla CC 19v; bath and erersake for Yvoi colder, Suposo choler guests of Mr and ,1 Topmost 16 Masculitui errant of dmomp nm^mm giro. S06 S. 16th Street, prome TN& * Generous Bonus Plan Mrs. Homed Paschall and dol- 19-13•6ies of NUM Mi. A ProttY- aro- AT THE MOVIES taco w•t4M ',7011114N 1721 J.115.0 * Insurance Benefits men were Ma. and Mrs. Charlie R. 12 Gra stones 21 -Bird's hems Matra EM9%. hypo-allergenic 14.4...asi not @MO& WANTED Business 22-Parformar QidL L. CUM7- to * Steady Repeat "FOR CAPITOL AND DRIVS-D1 Annet4 and ha Raul children and 15-British 25-Stage three the at rester unur selected could call 7513314 Mre whisper to wax and a Sat-vices Offered Salesman iJaeorrearian &Winne* 17.-Snustf tease 21.15moura .9M TV UOC!" CO • live in Western Kentucky. TPC Tueolay events dinner guests of ta•Kneek velett COT 20-Babylonian 20-Turn Inside DIU MTOOq Ms. and Mrs. R.:hart L. Darrell shcl h•ro 1411414 14113CD YOUR POODLE CLIPPED? If you have your own per- out MCWOU#%200 table Salesman • LOST/ POUND Danny were Made Kaye Sykes and 23-Praia drink 82-001.1mIcal 3006 Oa& 763-7160 for a profeselonal cap ennial for not 9.11O- 24-Portico compound 9r Mar°ors:41; Mr. arid -Mire W. Hanolme and Mr. 26•Choos• 34-Danish In any style. TPNC wering, newspaper ads, this LOWT: Dana Sate an black clue. 1111.14.0•46411- Wants or Quid and.Msec Prook.Peeolooll and NOM 44-Loved oases .4.WIng o Igen have high school edheation. between ages of 21 to 29. could be the ovponunity Lcet on Deceiniber 1'7, Reward. Call 'cal force 15 R•oasta Nab her glass. 0. Wlitsird.sati.311m.libientret V/11- 29-Taut 117•In truth 47-Challenge Mast have ambition to week to 60, 71=214. J-10.0 31-Holds in 40.eirraostaa 1 6.111 AV. btu, bael al* &With 4m 42e.ium Age 30 ford and Mies Luther 361Clein and high are. tnrdn 38-Dimpression 11111-7 onto WOULD Cflithrtieby att. Carron 33.a. a WI** W with Sae of the fellowlag phone numbers to arrange tee *Mee- you have been'lookingfor. Mrs. bezaell 40-lemielant 52-Openwork ity Mr. or Afro. J. L. Angill Shady Oaks 36-Sioasurii of 41.F•a•••• fabric riot t4e 000- yiew: "IS3-5601 or 7113-01133. •th I Write giving complete Hog Market aro. eiteldrs. Henry Pm spent weight (pl.) W elo the Job? Trailer Past cm Mayfield Highway. IS-Wrongful resume, Louis Balm, 914 libiteMY mutat with Bro. and Mrs. r minor which Phone 7il.11109. J-7-F' Federal State Market News Service, act West Delaware Street, Ev- Ceihnim Cromer and ciatighter. 39 Moving part Cain illgillidiai& iborted. ordure- Prolay, January 7, MO- Iteritucky rat Prater Indiana, Mr. and Mae. Wayland Mooted 42-Prunterhi 13,44.1- ansville, laco Repave IIMI IIII purehase-AMa Musket 'arid 'lees litligh Duncan were Wad. measure WHIM What 43. Was story luclucko 7 &aloe Station:a 'UI 's bang-bang neaday dinner gums of Mrs. Bao asastakan 14 Q15 Ilienill Marian Cochrell Reompte 1576,R, now, and .46 - Nary. aistwark EXPER1- MNCED- flonsoe installer, Gilts 2t1-50e Lower; 111;2 M rusweverr-- • &rob SteadY. , C• hristens day dinner guests of 46 Total 111 Min Call 753-48f,7 TPC 1-2 190-230 lbs. $38.40-29.00: ▪ 48 Shades Revoltellierelthricini Mr. Nod Mrs. Fred Karaland were 50- Meat g/ 11211 III10.0g1 \The U. S. 1.3 180-240 he. 827.05-26.2b; 51 Thin 19/IIEIDIATE OPSNING fix secre- anal Ire. Edmpabie111Emond -q aid +IL 43. ado-lifibiali $3-Sark cloth UUUJUI II }lint! /41m-Aii homely eta rniiia t:B.1-Y thrtkigh Augumt. . eaa sfr. ler* 511.eseenseeien 5111111I \ Men coulaiist sOWS: 56• Calm typbo and good iikeilhand Pad. Kirldend awl Fredied and Mrs. II**0 NEEDS ves U. 6. La 210.160 le Nealry.•at *Mill MINI b.:73,11',72 itt--;,-rbot..d.iriarcztirLexzt Some koowledge 01 Spanish dear- eZL0112140; liatrao.1. ii. HillIer 2 U. S 1-3 150-460. lbs $22.01123.01); 62-Vatint able, 0100410 tai See Framer Parr MI W. 'C. LAMP soil Mr. Larry ailUUdIIME U. 8 2-3 450400 11w $21.00-22.00.. DOWN at Oc.Can 782-SOM Detroit iipsnit Cbrinums ere 6/ Mil 1111- !ftil II 1.15uceestase 49 %MAI nrearseela••••• - J-7.0 Clacietnaastap nelb.lbass.tsiks. 2-Lcounl.:7/ 46 47 6 Mr. and leis. MONA Outer 44nst..) 41IUI. Ul - • - Strew rtd I REMO IT pane= et Worsen Illiebleta 4-501icitdd• • end east baps eiesited. JIIUlUIP.':.all- aass and eompro- -eSa Naar- pp tee les -de- rdilvbsit fin hours Appiy Oran at Jerrr's Reressw- TAM TIE . Cilia script • ....., be I ( 1 mime you thorvugaly." eat .3.144 reburials In.'MOINIMI on 11111111/ 110IIIIP..... "INp e Tau .. Perhaps it will WANT ADS_ • :crisawilm "Very well the t Bobby Bannill' spent Wilt at a dead Waite yet an As the end there was i.i.. 1.01) •• •-• troupe et players do you good to know Everyone Ntrta ileshari.••• IMil seerlee. IMO over this hush an St Ismer with his parents Mr. writ trilled Testitre SlialSeate. Int. the stagecoach and began plea. reason you and esiehallery bier. by ankstiown voice was heard , in Says- that the FOR SALE Mrs. WW1. Barret and dim me tenng tnetr posters all over get along is commie ataxy : "By golly. Persephone don't Mown IMO Otiose at last 011indicl you ito at Wives. town livery darned one of that you're DOM Of l-.ope sent a sae As, they killed gender OfiellERAL iilLECIlitIC Range. 1962 Marlin they?" treetive to the opposite rkine ed tater 'em didn't moild,fual nee. Call after 5 p. m. minding Sarah lo • • • that YOU Ire entailed with at• engagerneet oho atrocious elie and nave mare concern 768-11549. J4S-P £Pr,j,U-WA21 a tleautitul moonlit tention. Una: IN had /coerce tickets -scre-teetned than- tog) coo cold motto onow-you mesa grisiev. sum , not the other •••• Ute nest horse toward how you are tnotttng win better nearing, to keels them NEAR JOE 41,1a 511A114ii Can repeatedly urged turned the think it znit. Sarah gone the person, There And 1 ghlaning use Nee latiefre • carpet A 5ZEp.Z.17, me peaseordin i um asematame and _11NTU, Mertes to entree is perfectly time"' gl. 4 was outer ouggy riding couples elmanor. Rent ettente statapotar 0CRE ,AZE ,4AFS oAN' JEW?! Perieptione show out no 'Saran. dear • Have i ever Convention did not permit sod- Manor House R--edEi: J-11.4 - adamant Pereeptione nad re- you with anvthing but at UMW hour treated net driornation boo nad 1 utry Doggy-ride.; courtesy ,- ouverea AM, masedireation and tivitation hi one 05Me eu4bt..eut t13411011 well you 10,ACHEik modem 2-itednoma end were toe Valk, we chap- -You grimy wen ot et yoi• na men. aisatm t Sid timerge most kind ano gen• • haeamem. an'tlionk- tap road near. 2 were .up- hake oeen truste cotilln I be less ermung all rigs Saran -d erten to Me You nave ne'Pesa Restiouoky Late. Many choice budd- dies pusea to stay altrisn sight iniere.r ed , -tiartin a act!, every way. nave noon ing WIN rebated to only 0100.06. and the chaperone. me to and wits very Vac] that Saran each other kept my spirits up_ s wore to .drive tot nal/ an by me and HOUSE wilts he bantam on Notth (i/1 Koine With awn taw, I was not was then come You Know very well 9th and Olivi sworn Owner moved 01 the ploy Slow exactly and On the Mini talking about myself" out of town Price reduced beam Sarah dresseo fri def new Mee home 'But vuu see Sarah you were was ill no hurry. and' dress teelplg resentful "that Martin talking about my -- abWut Per- "' others pass him. riving fine was not going to be els let Inc a girl who• ma-, who salient to see now tat they could get- TI-4i1 Conte nv someone 10 the lee" OOPS-- MEANS company. more they were forced to cure ' Wen ia indiftdrint coot:gigabit -oupy her lbw of other pew- flow can , I WERE G-0040 *a) uy be ammo - DROPPED Minnie of oat Oho woaki Marry a Wirt he that' I must , _ -No you 'enjoy the perform' A FORK 1-14VE COMPANY Ilytnt - most of -nut attention to someone who will love Me . "Has culture have albeit at a distance once?" ne asked Perseetione. hinge' me- not Inmand-- martin. been given • helping nand?" 'riot In :his she misjudged "Why should you nave any . s cavallet mood1 "I'm afraid th e performancei - lot ne was in such living' Are von elrald-- I: left stomething to be desired " and • prepared to .enjoy unman ills lodged ? Do von want a drove or in rrOr• It 3aran Bain -ear yea. 1 enjoyed • As they sweet ciPnel ftal a wile to ._ they saw him everyUung And 1 think tbel thio., town Hen Iallage you Will gram or with- Palms, In the audience_ Was certainly. Inter- Higgins and the things as to • child' t': note I shall nave some Of the S bok, Palm buggy girimly hiking sated. I know ot pint such a wife for i It en roc e speeches from of tro:ra,niztil,nf_tslit:ioi„...t...1,telig Dsl u Why don't you marry Tu-j . ••• twill dura . ' . outside this Mntt of Itn. =erten and the parents stand . . "Heaven forbid." 1 passed be aeowly, piliv• recognize them and feel Out %hey . "Do you think Persephone. no atteaclon to rude pro- sr trig doesn't love you because she I. re obstructing I "Feel what?" . -1.-0:••,. tests that they you perfect' You ! __ informed To doe-ant find traffic . . "Why, feet her Vet Alik------will be • pleasure testAlml II" 9.1""St- Mrs Tweedy had no surf' some it • time her" pride led inforroOti -till recognise the nueglIttoim." tars* Teens- ."1 do sot love' her" Martin ten° passed through the portals , -1 believe votirereight. always said &eerily 'I carne out here they were boagied taregghl er Tell me did emu tere isiouy.,,yout company. and I c3r)!Kg: When she saw „Sarah yearn to be • echoeirnarm?" to rw 7t) USE EVEAY FIRST I'LL MAKE for rif;fi 'nod much twessetst -atul tdal "-Ma. --hut 1 Iladrill much' dull *V I nets MICK 1N TUE BOOK /7 SIT DOORS THE . larld-then-ftpk* it so far"- SIMPLETON COVER to such . choice, you see If I had been pleasure from TO RETURN we HALF .family 'site was earned MILLION.' WITH FRIGNT, AND -THEN Trl htTre been • "What • rude thing to say stentorian puen that She-rift ' able to Choose, Te-LER vtit.IEEVER. WAS (CHUCkLe) - editor like you " Please turn around- at Once" ' -Hatton fled to persuade tier to bewepaper A DAY tr A SHREWD was aal(3-1.1;win obi taste off • tittle ' Maw"' silent a hi"ment• . "DeitgOteo" EIA Ift[fR. C L DN'T thInleng horse knew •taasete--• a &osseous curtain, "I'm of Ch4leffing the before the kurpr1Sed OUTTHINK A he found painted wrth scenes, Of vtelettoe newspaper."., what fie was doing. sruptD MACKEREL he-Rile-it Moon, horn.- and drama had been drawn Wiry,tiedi- ntrnseit FISHERMAN you always want ed and nk.-1 He up nis feet across the front of the stage me now nicked happy YOU Were alien Shaw'. bs an arrangement of ropes one •how As they neared Um got it I! know what and reilleve Martin and Sarah YOU finally house Sara& put net hand on Persephone!" paw the George Salley' seated it is - It's rue arm. 'Moron. I am very Persephone is not tee near the freffit Led -1100k "No. sorry I nrudght up Perie is a cold girl She near them and Luke and Rusty me She phone's name It was most M- love. but there'll Vereuenri happened to an down likes to play at it-wove and Inexcusable Do for- affection to aer." tensed won Georgie strain- no honest kive me," - . Martin, you are wrong! ble,1 over the bench to sit down "Oh. -There!" be --Perse- . Persephone Ur a toying, beside Rusty. and Colonel Hart r know phone never salcOanything like- girl She's so kind took his vacated place affectionate that In her life. I'm sorry. too. and to all her family " MAMA noticed that Perse- to Nora Sarah I shall try never to quer play the fairy phone and Padre Were among II "She Wiese to TIM ,11411th volt a;7nin And that& the drudge group pt .inmarrted .men and godmother and torn you for coming with Me to , NO, SARTINLV re with no danger girls_ tele, all gat WItether Mar- into a prince's. 4rilrat 1 Wall never forget this PLAN TO NOT//- appearances did net of her becoming A . rival: of performance of Ifrpmic; tin to all bight's GENERAL ESULLPA0050 LINGER WE'LL SLEEP notice reef, nor mow for her course." no matter how hard I try.- U. • "You are very unfair! And 1 Is IN TN' Horatio Hand Was a conn- -- y.cypAssIN*THROLIISH happen to know that She is Most . - - dent Hamlet. fiery of eve !lb- gathering oh PnR THE GOAT PEN!! . diatressed over you " "Sarah was phatic of speech and he took sehoolnedu She hates to lone INST things in the EXCITEMENT!! salvor every Syllable "Naturally time to t„ when she heard the gound of a tendency .00 Ilinall‘Trae from her train,- °Toilette had me.* • nor...-s h es and a nio nervos'u "1 Mini eau See being - hts dines. and Made • step on the on beyond enduring And meat later when she thought it cal .. imp, !,esture• you are !use porch She turned and her to speak evrrVOne Says light he time for Standing U, the dinimay a till euelltiti by a RS - DUI Wall always - pray-haired Man With a stern tanning i "Don't Stop now, Miss •rar. Vallee ?Atm Kande,' presaton `the had IWVOI I list" . es Mark Feria •All the east excel,/ trefure in her life .* "I have nothing to say linen him 0,, Hamlet tended furefieak as fast eontinues :Monday. i I shall putt keep on The Moo possible, in an effort, per- "Then as IUD Marian Co. A...a. Trom the bend 111,•Rmy Co nimm Onp•i at' i• Sy DIstritnited by Kind Features Syndicate.


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I. -77- NOT ALL READABLE , v t ' . • 45/ • • 4

I 41.. • • 4s a

• • .•

• _ , .• • ""-. . ..M. atiseggratomsalitill

1918 & TIMES — KENTUCKY FRIDAY — JANUARY 7, ROE 1111X THE LEDGER Be Jimmy Brown Unitas'Shoes SEEN& HEARD . North Meets 'Final Work-outs May 1 BobHayes ICiatineed From Page faits are het up enough as it is. Bad On Green Fit Him • South Tonight ForAnnual Only taC Today Difference In Win, Anyway the meant of It this. CHARLES S. ALDINGER If your Property hap been heed United Prom International for abut* one third of its fair cash Leads,Par70 MIAMI CPI - Torn Matte hei value in the paA your taxes will In Hula Bowl Senior Bowl 4 Cowboys John Unitas' If It has been Loss For found that tying on be about the game. MOBILE., Ala. - North pod HONOLULU 111 The nouveau t Devaney Nalinilla wind M By Cialial /WINGER - eiaceak liki...putaaig on Lilt liatscL-for_kimar. than. ._third South- aqua& schechila tfai* rano of Asierioa' tato/tiding such agreement. -loovierlsolemealmisal Oesnie. ea gloss limper.- They iliabinesse men. yetril-papmene. If it hes-been list- " thillan workouts today in preposition for as Donny An. Owen!, prillid Noah brion Bob iloyea Bakamore matt Don MOM rill KIR Unsays on he is car- The gig', -Wits haltoda Oman ed for Over a third. you may even well-Paid Youngs/tars - MIAllEf-lOntosolkitlei Enturdin's 8s4or Howl gam. for learning emlownents. When with /us team's 13-10 km rying a football through Ilse line. It main Stm- get a little reduction. demon. Mike Clerreet, Jim Goabow- may prove the difference between satisfied quantorbodr win try Tho nalionsaly teirelood contest Green Bay in the payoff for the shoe= the lead at par 70 today leads Sr Baltimore ski and Carl McAdams. will dash asked Mint haibilligrht of the illptith. a vectors. and • kiss for the Dadm to day when he is a aseout. Oddroalters have rated die tie Division title. tem inept- with dadonetve back Dick Lebow Dalton Cowboys Vise Research Division of the Ken- under the pleasant Hawaiian sky be 0011141111,011 favwthew. Ctsisbotio Sunday Ii the National Western Calls .against Sr the South • point fioonte, but we why, with the Sims Foothill tucky Education Association has tonight when North meets South in answered. "I am Football League's beetle of -also- ed he will open up thia attack of Deana in the National In the Nit "Flay-tiff Boot" have" been trying to figure out some way cowbell considered it a timusi, the 20th Hula Bowl game greet mooned lbw dsy. League Players' Tourrament. The nationinly.telenead kickoff on MA" get snore tax dollars Thy.y esti- The content shapes up to buil= The South is favored by five points The Noah oilinnet will center touch-lenproved Eastern 'You can't yust run in this Mg- If Brown or Led.= can lassig on is at 1•46 p. in. Alfril in the Orange to Dana revenue from a 1 of the highest scoring or the his- are pre. the running of Ma Grahowaid, Who you've got to LWOW delle;1•11 the second arid final meld Bowl. mate that the In what both rival coaches DIAMoo runneruP behind the Cleve- 11010111111b wages tory of the game. lbe four quarter- Red Grange's Big lin rush- 0 today. the hold per cent oocupatioratl tax on dieting will be wide-open, high. broke Browns thanks to the Dan too." he end lburecloq. isMittilog of dot tournament two be- State's Tom land When Unites. the Oolle• golden and salaries in Calicnvay County backs on the squads have scoring affair A neetr.coper4ty crowd ing records. and. Ohio psamong duo. takes the teem work out of gimbals':1s on the piayers' com- Merialith.boHmes best quartettes* Ira pro would bring In $151.43680 each tween them 531 of 964 pass of is to view the col- Barrington- Colts. With Unitas at the helm. Sr champlomInp will be broken. arm and 23.000 expected en the herd-ludt Bethnore Sr sea- year Perish the thought. pletions for 6,570 yerds. 'Fullbacks threw an vicarage of 30 Polliew 71 an Ilbsir heels, however. was footled', was host Me in legians, any of wtiom repdlortey Steve Jay.ud who led Michigan The palm-fringed Orange Bowl Cons At was -- cei bath tmsea have compiled 9,535 surreasful more the signal son and his sub. Oary Owosso. .- melted moraxesb and seieries mils- lemon and gime. dubbed the 'NFL Myatt a wee and were King BM of Philadelphia, Here comes that quality of per- yarda rushing. State to an unbeaten differed • 1901 end also Injured. Matte was called upon. ing up to $000.000 for signing well Bolel." Is expected to draw a., live often Man not. Then he miler oho won in both sonality again. Jefferson County Randy Johnson of Texas A & I the national chariMionshiP. before foBowed by The Colts lost to the NFL cham- professional football clubs. the Rose Bowl, 'crowd of •roore than 410.000 It.irrti leg injury and it was 10032. Anil Mar/ow Oosk has it. will get the st.u-teng quarterback bowing to UCLA in pion Green Bay Packers 13-10 in Meth coach Jim Owens of Werth- . chores. nationally telleolord an infury to his sub Ouono But both 7..eke Bratkowski of nod fax the uth and the North will be handhng the pasong aim be the Western Diviaion liktiodf With ington end South mentor J. T King Csierbeyof HMIs Mays The spunky Matte we been run- Green Bey. who won the following He spoke yesterday at the Murray to alternate Tuba mat Matte at the holat. Banknore con- of Tema Tech math reported their Hayes is the MEM Muds of the ning • rollout pattern for the two years. and defending shamplon Rotary Club and appeared to be signal caller Bill Anderson, the na- are were centrated an a nimlni attack. but thinker. squats were ready for the contest. Cowboys Not oily dld he catch 12 three games but indications John Br-odder of San Francisco a man of coinnum onse. a uon's leadiny power. and Mosouril from the It ma not MM., enough. conviction. When asked what he thought of passes for touchdowns sod pock up that shwa will try ham trailing the contenders and a person of Gary Luse. often Sun- Joe Green Motto Mayod quortertecit fcr betng coneidered by most Misery. over 1 COO yards receiving this ma- packet and pass more Tied at 72 were BobM Alabama passing star Steve Sloan Ohio flisto to college. but lios been A reception was held out at the um be to rheerve houtbati. era as the favorites. King raised son but he was ins woe of the dial. of Chicago Dick lane of Detroit. for Sr and rum** st Bibs& during bit Sao Holiday Lir for hairs yesterday af- tos• eyebrows and asked in return. Mime eye. beer shot los ths- erns George lens organ Tamillito erns, SIM nurrang Me. • years - - ternoon at 200 p m where ire met "Are we the reecisfitesio several sows Cowboy seimons fro Joe Mkreard of Chicago. Head coaches Mika imam/ a k a The Cowboys are slight favorites same of the local gentry. "I thought the pew IPSO rand'a rich Tema sesleopilh- Top prise in the tournament Sr Boston Patriots. herding Sr .1be to the failure of Boitimane's North a.hd the South's %web pr. tossup. ." he said. whileassistant Bob gradmin;of Planda nworkers... 11106 Pbrd Mustang automobile. due WOK • attack. but Only 'tight rav- Max Hurt presented turn with a 10111pME passing New Aar IRles11114. INUAII-11 Page II have one of COCAI mad that even tick of um Yarlt Jets. rim fOreitimeed From e.. crites since the Colts ham. Judge KTSITIT_R_Y COLLEG E le- ese scene of tif-pist Owl he stilt. t.t":"..a,cetit•-•31Thura• throughouty. pct,Let4wortint raime--za the best defensive forward walls though he is a city boy. RESULTS Xi the Orange Mod Bo soginned suretccu for the rra tun BASKETBALL evicted to be Met an Ow 'Me in the business. knows how to cook a hiun. Orange IlloMIM AbnIms sow in three newt Mandav. ssaradig thanks mainlY to the kTI- ., Da 1la s . In a bid forced woo oak," ugp.-- By ratted Press internationai hgre and sesseeli 011111010 °enamel is ratified - Tllungi group flew to Murray Sr NEW CONS proved passing of quarterback Don The Louisville 10 A similar timetable is expected Beechcraft oern-d by coal tines. Tura 04 Meredith and retching of rookie twin engine 74 way for Sr Kentucky contract. with iCtinthised From Pine 11 landed Sanford 76 Cumberland lidereciatis his come a lonit speedster Bob Hayes. -the worid% a LautsvIlle industry. They trouble workers returning to their jobs alien having some hard fastest human." won four cif Its last it Kyle Field. Its resulting lois of revenue. Mender Aecesterl if all those who tbd not hit rear and mom bad woos games to finish second behind --- KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL The strike has affected mine 150 vote. bid wend for his opponent. five im- gnaw this year -The former aim the Eastern Divadon. Judge Cosh told us that a Is Ladd man came in this morning - BASKETBALL RESULTS ircemorkers in 9outhern nitride. i• the Moo* - Cleveland in tbern Medical= star wound up with "siceorrestishremo re perative- that • city and county and paid a bi.". wh.ich had been By United Press International she& 100 in Western Kentucky. • .l ..•••••••1•••41,111ti•g• '1"rslA tSsp It touchdown plea meal satkl-sibrt- BalUrnare coich Don Shula says work together as • °ammoniac marked off the books for some Briery County Invitational and others in bordei arms of P.e.nnel Dalin won four of res csoh and thelr eileeN he wel add • new twist to Sr mine h not enough the/. each carry out years He had riot been billed for wig role souri and Tenn. letwours con- reenopeldity Henry Co. 70 Trimble 03. e ternet and pommel putting Matte to an untandllar its own tut-lotions; but they must scene years and came in of his own meth 00 42 &maw{ 41 • Be canna said they woukl go by tamilicirs had e tin IT.Vrk of • /MA fitteen. he • • wort together for die common Icon will, voluntarily to iigge* tbo__, ignillnielt michat folk picksiagweeee. Dallas ining meth:Med as he twinted out quit fox) cd Sr menrounity as • whine. account ' - _ contract- Gamow at Adair Cio. to Illinois_ sod Tenammee Sr people can hare any kind of "Instaad of the rolkait. well drop to do the same. *Burt-wide 80 Lielnlinten 1111- - 11tw Cowboys are MOM PAWN ors are expected government they desire. htm Moir arid - we what in can do," As as exiimple he pointed out that He an 11011•Ot roan and his act began with the ex- pre-pame favorite& But the OAK , The walleout He 'mired interest in what roes Sr 36-yearbild Colt mach said. the olio of Lousier* last papule- restored our faith in human nature St' Al*Yalua" Cl°"1117:ce1 71 old contract at mid- by baninol-turced-quortertadi piration of the on in payernowat and saki that if UM Met year while the county of, amid igoothe belief that personal in- - affected sev- Wine Maks may urnftdcyWgod Alb Dec 31 11 has voters di)" Teri leorme -Of The con- JOITerson gained Many program oritesi

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