Woodland Gardens OPEN EVENINGS Dustrialists Are .Reluctant to Say Action at Lower Levels

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Woodland Gardens OPEN EVENINGS Dustrialists Are .Reluctant to Say Action at Lower Levels ~ J FRIDAY, SBIPTEMBER 20,1961 ■ ^ 1 The .Weather PAGE SIXTEEN ATtMmgo Daily Net ProtM Ron ef D. a. WeeOMr Bnreen m an rb f0lpr Eoptiitta ISfralii For Use Week Ended Septenber 14. 1968. Partly ciondy cool tonight, Pvt. Joseph A. Mature, son of The Manchester Junior Square National Officer RANGE Mrs. Tflly Mature, 120 Bolton St,, Dance Club will have a dance to­ 13,630 LOW 4* te se. ai y p a r tly t m - About Town has been assigned to R Co. of the night at Waddell School gymnasi­ Of W W Visits ay amd pleasant. h 86 to 70. 4th Training Regiment of the U.S. um from 7:30 to 10:30. Refresh­ FUEL OIL Btenher at Um Andlt Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of Anny Infantry Training Center, ments will be served. Town on Sunday Boreen of Ojronlatton Manchester— ‘A City of Village Charm ' .attanoh, wlH meet Monday at 7:30 Ft. Dix, NJ., for eight weeks baMc GASOLINE 'i.m. at ti»e Masonic Temple. AJl training. The Rev. Abram Sangrey, pas­ Mra. WUUam S. Campbell of PRICE SEVEN CENTS tor of Bolton Methodist Ohurdi, (IXaaaifled AdvertMng ea Pago 18) itangers and Color Giisrda are re­ Neenah, Wia., national president VOL. LXXXn, NO. 300 (TWELVE PAGE»—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1963 minded to attend. The Omar Shrine Club will have will be In charge of radio broad­ of the VFW Auxiliary, will make BANTLY OIL "Pote’s Night” Friday, Sept. 27, casts sponsored by the Manchester hw offIdal vlrit to the Department (•()^ll'AN'i . I M '. The peach dessert festival, spon­ At the Mianchester Country Club. Ministerial Association on Sta­ of Connecticut Auxiliaryry tomorrowtomorri A steak dinner aWJI be served at tion WENT Sunday at 7:35 p.m. sored by the FWendrtiip Circle of and Sunday. ;:;i >:,\iN siiii;i:i iiie Salvation Army, will be held 7 after a social time beginning at and dally next week at 7:30 a.m. A state meeting will be held 6. Fred Ellis of Wethersfield will 'IKI.. Mltciull ;i-i iomorrpw at 7 p.m. at the Youth and 6:30 p.m. Sunday at 2 pm. at the VFW JFK s Moon Shot Bid Center of the Citadel, 861 Main St. narrate a f i lm , "Tanganyika Senate Ends Home, Manchester. Mrs. Campbell iJuikMlIr I K .\fter deewert and coffee, a fHm Safari.” The Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, pastor Will apeak on the goals of the will be Aown. of Concordia Lutheran Church, national organisation, the cancer, Mrs. Charles R. Baxter Jr., 34 will conduct a service Sunday at Olcott Dr., and Miss Nancy Cole, hospital, rdiabdlltation, youth ac­ The Manchester Oedarettea wlU 6:40 a.m. at the chapel of Man­ tivities, Amerioanism, civil defenae meet at the Center congregational 58 Stephen St., are volunteers from chester Memorial Hospital. “The N-Ban Debate and memibership program* of the Garners Wide Favor; ,'hurch Monday at 6:30 p.m. and this area working for the Cornell Rev. Joseph H. Dudley, associate Fund of Cornell Univereity, Itha­ ■VFW. proceed to Clark’s Restaurant, pastor of Center Congregational Memhers of the VFW Auxiliary, WlHlmantic, for dinner. Anyone ca, N.y, Church, will serve as hospital Manchester, who will assist at the WASHINGTON (A P)—The Senate has ended its general wishing transportation may call chaplain next week. visitation are Mrs. Charles Hirth, Tipuh/i Mias Poppy Gerard, daughter of debate on the limited nuclear test ban treaty and has one Mrs. Robert M u 1 d o o n, 152 department Junior vice president; pndridge St. Mr. and Mrs. John Gerard, 75 more hurdle before voting Tuesday on ratification. USSR Reserves Reply Mrs. Jane Fortin, secretary-treas­ Olcott Dr., j>articipated in the The Manchester Rod and Gun On Monday, the action centers on attempts by critics and Tufts University orientation ac­ Club will hold Its Quarterly meet­ urer; Mrs. Florence Streeter, past ing Monday at 8 p.m. at the club­ depatment president, and Mrs. lukewarm supporters to attach reservations to the pact which tivities and matl^ulatioin exercises UNITED NATIONS, N. held on the MedfOTd campus this house on Daley Rd., Coventry. Jdary LeDuc, publicity Erector. would ban nuclear tests except underground. Y. e t B BUILDINB week. She was \v^comed as an The Manchester Auxiliary wUl Republican and Democratic (AP)— President Kennedy’s ujjperclaseman to th^^tudent body The Hi-Leaguers of Trinity Cov­ serve a turkey dinner after the leaders have expressed confidence dramatic bid for a U.S.-Soviet of Bouve-Boston School\where she enant Church will have a get- meeting. Mrs. Florence Streeter, they have enough voles to win CONTRACTORS ratification by a large margin and moon expedition won general­ will be studying for hSr degree together tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. at chairman of the dinner, ■will accept DOUBLE CUSTOM HOMES the church. Touch football will be reservations. Senators’ to turn back any reserve.tiors. ly enthusiastic reaction. His in physical edi:cation. One of the reservations is a pro OUR SPECIALTY played before a hot dog and com WORLD GREEN -1 moderate policy statement Joseph Barth—649-0S20 217 TO 21* po.sal by Sen. Barry Goldwater, . Ensign Andretw T. SuhJe ofxthe roast. A special program to wel­ R-Ariz.. to postpone the treaty’s stirred guarded hopes for United States Navy.,, son of Mr. come Grade 9 students will be HARTFORD (A P )—The State Motor Vehicle Department’s dally Quotes effectiveness until the Soviet Union progress in easing cold war and Mrs. Andrew Suhie, 85 Holi held in Fellowship Hall. The event record of automobile fatalities as STAMPS removes its military base and tensions at the U.N. General St., is serving aboard the fleet i,s open to pupils of Grade 9 and of last midnight and the totals on any nuclear-capable weapons from Assembly session. ocean tug UBS Ute. a Pacific t^. the same date last year: Cuba. 2 FOR RENT WASHINGTON (AP) — Kennedy’* address Friday, fol­ Service Force Unit, currently op­ 1962 1963 ALL WEEK Although only 15 senators have 8 and 16 mm. Movie Projectors erating with the Seventh Fleet in Key quotes of senators who lowing an unusually mild policy The Ctovenant Women’s League KlUed ........................216 217 announced they will vote again.st speech by Soviet Foreign Minister -«aonnd or silent, also 86 mm. the Western Pacific. of Trinity Covenant Church will spoke Friday in the Senate de­ the treaty. Scv. George D. Aiken. sUde projectors. Andrei A. Gromyko, heartened dip­ meet* tonight at 8 at the church. bate on the limited nuclear R-Vt.. a treaty .supporter, pre­ lomats weary of bitter exchanges WELDON DRUG CO. Mrs. James Anderson and Mrs. test ban treaty: dicted Goldwater ria" mu.ster as between the two b'g powers. 901 Main S t—Tel. Ml 8-6821 Ronald Gocht will serve as host­ Sen. Hiram L. Fong, R-Hawaii many as 30 votes for his reserva- Gromyko welcomed Uie concil­ esses. Members are reminded to Penny Saver Volunteers Guests at Social "the weight of military, .scientif-j fi°n. iatory nature o f Kennedy’s bring Gleaner envelopes. A special Ic and dipIomaUc authority, bal-1’ Aiken, a member of the Senate speech, but reserved comment on program has been planned. A coffee time for about 35 volumteer workers o f the Penny Savor Thriift Shop wra held yeeterd^ ancing the risks against the bene-.Foreign Rclation.s Committee, at ^ “ o J ^ of Mm Howard Baldwin, 156 Wa^^noke Rd. Mrs Bdward the ^ ^ TAKE THE 10-DAY WALK TEST specific proposals, pending study. Mrs John E White, as Mrs. John J. Allison await* her turn. The thrw Me aome the volw fits to be gained from the treaty,' said there may be fewer votes He also conveyed to Kennedy the PERSONALIZED Robert G. Anderson, a hospital-” favors ratification.’’ hr a reservation by Sen. Russell "warm personal greetings” of t^ rs t S have .serv;^ the shop since it opened in N o v ^ CHRISTMAS CARDS man in the United States Navy b e o u r guest, try our famous shoes made of Sen. John G. Tower, R-Tex.: spell out that Premier Khrushchev at a recep­ Last Call For 16% 0 « to the Store. Sponsored by the Women’s Auxiliary of Atoivcheater Memory Hoapi^, t*« the United States has a right to and son of Mr. and Mrs, Iver G. Saver moved to its present location at 615 Main St. last May, from 474 Miam SE Stcro s iy . bas The verdict I have reached is tion after the President’s .speech. KUTMEO COUNTRY STORE Anderson, 15 Willard Rd., has ^ in^^ed sL h K voX^ of bualnees. R ie open Mton^y thim^ Satui^ from l^n u Bishop O^Brien Seals Cornerstone that this treaty is guilty. It. is use nuclear weapons to defend it­ Gromyko’s remarks seemed to ROUTE 6. ANDOVER been assigned to the staff p f the self or any of its allies. Resen'a- support the growing hope that the n m anH T*hitr«Hov eVtttill£S frOTTl 7 tO 9 pJTl. A.pp6iT€fl fOF Sil ITlCmbOTS otf tll6 fSITllly, The Most Reverend Henry J. O’Brien, Archbishop ra the Hartford Diocese, widds a now guilty of having created false OPEN DAILY and SUNDAY" newly established First Naval\Dis- househrtd'fumiBhingB and miecellanoaua Items are sold. All proffts are donated by the auxiliary to hopes for peace while we are tions can be rejected by a major- Soviets, seared by the Cuban trict 'Training School, DavisviUe, trowel of mortar, during the blessing of the cornerstone of SL Margwet Mary s _____ although ratification it- crisis and differences with Peking, 0 A.M.
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