~ J FRIDAY, SBIPTEMBER 20,1961 ■ ^ 1 The .Weather PAGE SIXTEEN ATtMmgo Daily Net ProtM Ron ef D. a. WeeOMr Bnreen m an rb f0lpr Eoptiitta ISfralii For Use Week Ended Septenber 14. 1968. Partly ciondy cool tonight, Pvt. Joseph A. Mature, son of The Manchester Junior Square National Officer RANGE Mrs. Tflly Mature, 120 Bolton St,, Dance Club will have a dance to­ 13,630 LOW 4* te se. ai y p a r tly t m - About Town has been assigned to R Co. of the night at Waddell School gymnasi­ Of W W Visits ay amd pleasant. h 86 to 70. 4th Training Regiment of the U.S. um from 7:30 to 10:30. Refresh­ FUEL OIL Btenher at Um Andlt Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of Anny Infantry Training Center, ments will be served. Town on Sunday Boreen of Ojronlatton Manchester— ‘A City of Village Charm ' .attanoh, wlH meet Monday at 7:30 Ft. Dix, NJ., for eight weeks baMc GASOLINE 'i.m. at ti»e Masonic Temple. AJl training. The Rev. Abram Sangrey, pas­ Mra. WUUam S. Campbell of PRICE SEVEN CENTS tor of Bolton Methodist Ohurdi, (IXaaaifled AdvertMng ea Pago 18) itangers and Color Giisrda are re­ Neenah, Wia., national president VOL. LXXXn, NO. 300 (TWELVE PAGE»—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1963 minded to attend. The Omar Shrine Club will have will be In charge of radio broad­ of the VFW Auxiliary, will make BANTLY OIL "Pote’s Night” Friday, Sept. 27, casts sponsored by the Manchester hw offIdal vlrit to the Department (•()^ll'AN'i . I M '. The peach dessert festival, spon­ At the Mianchester Country Club. Ministerial Association on Sta­ of Connecticut Auxiliaryry tomorrowtomorri A steak dinner aWJI be served at tion WENT Sunday at 7:35 p.m. sored by the FWendrtiip Circle of and Sunday. ;:;i >:,\iN siiii;i:i iiie Salvation Army, will be held 7 after a social time beginning at and dally next week at 7:30 a.m. A state meeting will be held 6. Fred Ellis of Wethersfield will 'IKI.. Mltciull ;i-i iomorrpw at 7 p.m. at the Youth and 6:30 p.m. Sunday at 2 pm. at the VFW JFK s Moon Shot Bid Center of the Citadel, 861 Main St. narrate a f i lm , "Tanganyika Senate Ends Home, Manchester. Mrs. Campbell iJuikMlIr I K .\fter deewert and coffee, a fHm Safari.” The Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, pastor Will apeak on the goals of the will be Aown. of Concordia Lutheran Church, national organisation, the cancer, Mrs. Charles R. Baxter Jr., 34 will conduct a service Sunday at Olcott Dr., and Miss Nancy Cole, hospital, rdiabdlltation, youth ac­ The Manchester Oedarettea wlU 6:40 a.m. at the chapel of Man­ tivities, Amerioanism, civil defenae meet at the Center congregational 58 Stephen St., are volunteers from chester Memorial Hospital. “The N-Ban Debate and memibership program* of the Garners Wide Favor; ,'hurch Monday at 6:30 p.m. and this area working for the Cornell Rev. Joseph H. Dudley, associate Fund of Cornell Univereity, Itha­ ■VFW. proceed to Clark’s Restaurant, pastor of Center Congregational Memhers of the VFW Auxiliary, WlHlmantic, for dinner. Anyone ca, N.y, Church, will serve as hospital Manchester, who will assist at the WASHINGTON (A P)—The Senate has ended its general wishing transportation may call chaplain next week. visitation are Mrs. Charles Hirth, Tipuh/i Mias Poppy Gerard, daughter of debate on the limited nuclear test ban treaty and has one Mrs. Robert M u 1 d o o n, 152 department Junior vice president; pndridge St. Mr. and Mrs. John Gerard, 75 more hurdle before voting Tuesday on ratification. USSR Reserves Reply Mrs. Jane Fortin, secretary-treas­ Olcott Dr., j>articipated in the The Manchester Rod and Gun On Monday, the action centers on attempts by critics and Tufts University orientation ac­ Club will hold Its quarterly meet­ urer; Mrs. Florence Streeter, past ing Monday at 8 p.m. at the club­ depatment president, and Mrs. lukewarm supporters to attach reservations to the pact which tivities and matl^ulatioin exercises UNITED NATIONS, N. held on the MedfOTd campus this house on Daley Rd., Coventry. Jdary LeDuc, publicity Erector. would ban nuclear tests except underground. Y. e t B BUILDINB week. She was \v^comed as an The Manchester Auxiliary wUl Republican and Democratic (AP)— President Kennedy’s ujjperclaseman to th^^tudent body The Hi-Leaguers of Trinity Cov­ serve a turkey dinner after the leaders have expressed confidence dramatic bid for a U.S.-Soviet of Bouve-Boston School\where she enant Church will have a get- meeting. Mrs. Florence Streeter, they have enough voles to win CONTRACTORS ratification by a large margin and moon expedition won general­ will be studying for hSr degree together tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. at chairman of the dinner, ■will accept DOUBLE CUSTOM HOMES the church. Touch football will be reservations. Senators’ to turn back any reserve.tiors. ly enthusiastic reaction. His in physical edi:cation. One of the reservations is a pro OUR SPECIALTY played before a hot dog and com WORLD GREEN -1 moderate policy statement Joseph Barth—649-0S20 217 TO 21* po.sal by Sen. Barry Goldwater, . Ensign Andretw T. SuhJe ofxthe roast. A special program to wel­ R-Ariz.. to postpone the treaty’s stirred guarded hopes for Navy.,, son of Mr. come Grade 9 students will be HARTFORD (A P )—The State Motor Vehicle Department’s dally Quotes effectiveness until the Soviet Union progress in easing cold war and Mrs. Andrew Suhie, 85 Holi held in Fellowship Hall. The event record of automobile fatalities as STAMPS removes its military base and tensions at the U.N. General St., is serving aboard the fleet i,s open to pupils of Grade 9 and of last midnight and the totals on any nuclear-capable weapons from Assembly session. ocean tug UBS Ute. a Pacific t^. the same date last year: Cuba. 2 FOR RENT WASHINGTON (AP) — Kennedy’* address Friday, fol­ Service Force Unit, currently op­ 1962 1963 ALL WEEK Although only 15 senators have 8 and 16 mm. Movie Projectors erating with the Seventh Fleet in Key quotes of senators who lowing an unusually mild policy The Ctovenant Women’s League KlUed ...... 216 217 announced they will vote again.st speech by Soviet Foreign Minister -«aonnd or silent, also 86 mm. the Pacific. of Trinity Covenant Church will spoke Friday in the Senate de­ the treaty. Scv. George D. Aiken. sUde projectors. Andrei A. Gromyko, heartened dip­ meet* tonight at 8 at the church. bate on the limited nuclear R-Vt.. a treaty .supporter, pre­ lomats weary of bitter exchanges WELDON DRUG CO. Mrs. James Anderson and Mrs. test ban treaty: dicted Goldwater ria" mu.ster as between the two b'g powers. 901 Main S t—Tel. Ml 8-6821 Ronald Gocht will serve as host­ Sen. Hiram L. Fong, R-Hawaii many as 30 votes for his reserva- Gromyko welcomed Uie concil­ esses. Members are reminded to Penny Saver Volunteers Guests at Social "the weight of military, .scientif-j fi°n. iatory nature o f Kennedy’s bring Gleaner envelopes. A special Ic and dipIomaUc authority, bal-1’ Aiken, a member of the Senate speech, but reserved comment on program has been planned. A coffee time for about 35 volumteer workers o f the Penny Savor Thriift Shop wra held yeeterd^ ancing the risks against the bene-.Foreign Rclation.s Committee, at ^ “ o J ^ of Mm Howard Baldwin, 156 Wa^^noke Rd. Mrs Bdward the ^ ^ TAKE THE 10-DAY WALK TEST specific proposals, pending study. Mrs John E White, as Mrs. John J. Allison await* her turn. The thrw Me aome the volw fits to be gained from the treaty,' said there may be fewer votes He also conveyed to Kennedy the PERSONALIZED Robert G. Anderson, a hospital-” favors ratification.’’ hr a reservation by Sen. Russell "warm personal greetings” of t^ rs t S have .serv;^ the shop since it opened in N o v ^ CHRISTMAS CARDS man in the b e o u r guest, try our famous shoes made of Sen. John G. Tower, R-Tex.: spell out that Premier Khrushchev at a recep­ Last Call For 16% 0 « to the Store. Sponsored by the Women’s Auxiliary of Atoivcheater Memory Hoapi^, t*« the United States has a right to and son of Mr. and Mrs, Iver G. Saver moved to its present location at 615 Main St. last May, from 474 Miam SE Stcro s iy . bas The verdict I have reached is tion after the President’s .speech. KUTMEO COUNTRY STORE Anderson, 15 Willard Rd., has ^ in^^ed sL h K voX^ of bualnees. R ie open Mton^y thim^ Satui^ from l^n u Bishop O^Brien Seals Cornerstone that this treaty is guilty. It. is use nuclear weapons to defend it­ Gromyko’s remarks seemed to ROUTE 6. ANDOVER been assigned to the staff p f the self or any of its allies. Resen'a- support the growing hope that the n m anH T*hitr«Hov eVtttill£S frOTTl 7 tO 9 pJTl. A.pp6iT€fl fOF Sil ITlCmbOTS otf tll6 fSITllly, The Most Reverend Henry J. O’Brien, Archbishop ra the Hartford Diocese, widds a now guilty of having created false OPEN DAILY and SUNDAY" newly established First Naval\Dis- househrtd'fumiBhingB and miecellanoaua Items are sold. All proffts are donated by the auxiliary to hopes for peace while we are tions can be rejected by a major- Soviets, seared by the Cuban trict 'Training School, DavisviUe, trowel of mortar, during the blessing of the cornerstone of SL Margwet Mary s _____ although ratification it- crisis and differences with Peking, 0 A.M. to 9 PM. the hospital. (Herald photo by Oflara).______threatened with destruction. It R.I. GENUINE will shortly be guilty of aiding 1 "'ill require a two-thirds ma- are more interested in East-West Church in South Windsor this morning, as the Rev. Thomas C. 0 Neil, the church s pastor, assists. The dedication Mass was attended by record crowds from the two-year- and abetting the decline In Ameri-' senators are amity than in rocket-rattling. Michael A. Geciauskas, son of Manchester Assembly, Order of John J. Tanl, son of Mr. and can nuclear superiority.’ ’ , band. * Kennedy told the Ill-nation as­ Mr. and Mrs. Mykolas Geciauskas, Rairibow for Girls, will have an Mrs. James V. Tanl, 90 Concord old parish, divided from the existing St. Francis of Assisi parish just tivo years ago. Sen. Kenneth B. KeaUng, R- A" unofficial As.sdclated Pres.s . sembly the world may have 50 Starkweather St., and Jeremy initiatory meeting Monday ait 7:30 Rd., has entered his sophomore VALUE The church, barely completed in time for the morning’s ceremonies, is described on page N.Y.: The treaty Is "realistically survey shows 82 senators either reached "a pause In the cold B. Conklin, son of Mr. and Mrs. p.m. W the Masonic Temple. Offi­ yeM at St. John Fisher College, DEERSKIN 6. (Herald photo by Pinto.) limited to what can be accom -1 for or inclined to vote, ■ war.” He set out basic U.8.-Soviet John H. Conklin. 85 Olcott Dr„ cers wlH wear long white gvwns. Rochester, N.Y., where he Is en­ plished today within the shared, f®'" ratification 15 against and differences, but called for furthw have entered Colgate University, rolled in the pre-medical course. RATED the softesf shoes that ever walkedi interests of Uie United States, the i - J^n-s. Howard (^nnon D steps in easing cold war tensions, Hamilton, N.Y. Lt. (Jg.j John J. Drew, United Wallace Answers Mayor Lee Soviet Union and the United | ^ev,, John L. McClellan, D A r^, specifically by pooling U.8. and States Navy,\son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Luongo, son of Mr. GOP Demands Kingdom. ” Attachment of rescr- Smith, R- Soviet space research and exper­ and Mrs. Lawrence Luongo, 81 USED ience lor a moon shot. •p«oe doean’t al­ Miss Bnld Rosenthal, daughter Percy H. Prow, 18 Bond St., re­ vations "would be a serious mis- durfng the pa.st two low US to list our I of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Rosenthal, cently completed six weeks of pre- Preston Dr., is underling recruit taltb.” Delegates praised the tenor of huge variety. 38 Lawton Rd., will appear Sunday flight school at the Naval Air training at the Naval Training Spending Curb weeks has averaged 40.000 words Kennedy’s speech and echoed his Center, Great Lakes, 111. CARS Sen. Len B. Jordan, R-Idaho: a day. call lor peaceful settlement of at 8 pjn. in a performance at the Station, Pensacola, ,Fla. What We Mean By OUR 10- On ‘.‘Pearl Harbors do not happen to Hartford Modemm Duice ITieatre Probe Presses Sen. Len B. Jordan. R-Idaho, East-West differences. With Tax Cut nations which are -vigilant. Pearl became the 15th senator to an­ There was considerable specu­ at the Jerwish ComirRinlt ComirRinlty Center Harbors happen to nations which Theatre, Bloomfield ' Ave., West CONVERTIBLES DAY WALK TEST! Wear these wonder­ nounce he will vote against the lation why Kennedy suggested the have allowed themselves to be treaty and Sen. Olin D. Johnston, joint moon expedition. Some dele­ Hartford. She le^a ballet student WASHINGTON (AP) — Repub­ lulled into a false complacency." artce which features five premiere ful shoes for ten d a y s... if they do not prove For Boi bing Clues D-S.C., removed himself from the gates axpreseed the belief that '42 OLDSMOBILE licans have told the people that Sen. Olln D. Johnston, D-S.C.: doubtful list by announcing he will Kennedy feels the United States ance whch features fve premere just the right shoes to give you complete foot- Congress would be "playing Rus­ The treaty “ contains the hopes vote lor it. works of Joseph Albano, director start!re convertible. cannot beat the Soviets to the BUT sian Roulette with our destiny” for world peace and the way to Jordan said that he would gladly moon on Us own. of the Hartford School of Ballet. hoppineso, return them and your money will be ’THE ASSOCIATED PBkSS Ocese, which compriaes Alabama achieve this without sacrificing 85 East Center St. *42 CHEVROLET if it approves President Ken­ vote for the treaty If it “ provided It was noted that U.S. space Impala V-’S convorttblek '^•nslon eased in “ Birmingham, ■ and Northwest Florida. nedy’s tax cut bill without a our honor and freedom. The world officials at Cape Canveral voiced If It's a V«9etabl« or Fruit, you con bo suro refunded. Fair enough® Try them NOW , At Montgomery, Gov. Georke C. for full inspection'.’ to assure So­ At Summit St. Ala., as investigators sought a brake on federal spending. must emerge from the night of viet compliance. ■'* disappointment o v y this as an In- '41 OLDSMOBILE lead to Sunday’s church bombing, Wallace sent a telegram to Mayor Rep. John W. Byrnes, chief distrust and Into the light of "Without full inspection our best Mrs. Nhu and Daughter dicaUon that the President seems S PERO H A S IT! ! ! « WEEKEND CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL "88” convertible. while in mounted police Richard Lee of New Haven, Conn., GOP spokesman on tax matters, peace. I .wanted the United States ready to abandon the U.S. moon In which he said that he is "cer­ chance for survival as a nation Is were uMd twice to .keep demon­ presented the argument Friday of America to boldly and fear­ to maintain a competent weapons Mrs. Ngo Dinh Nhu, South Viet Nam’s official First project. '40 DODGE strators behind boundaries. tain that your political purposes lessly^ lead the way.” I^GroceriiK^^Sodai^Pastry^JDM^ SWEETHEART Polara eonvertible. night, saying the tM bill "offers superiority and a national deter­ Lady, holds bouquet as she stands with her daughter, lUs suggestion came at a time Blrminj^iam remained under have been. well, served’’ by caus­ a clear opportunity to tie down” Sen. Bourke 6. Hickenlooper, mination to annihilate any aggres­ Ngo Dinh Le Thuy, 18, on their arrival in Rome to d y when public enthusiasm for the tight patrol by a large force of ing Tale University to cancel '40 CHEVROLET federal sending tout Uipt O mi- R-Idwa: "On balance and in view sor who, dares to strike the first "from Athens for a four-day stay. She is on worm tour to project apparently is waning, ” Open 7 Days Every Week Impala V-8 convertible. sUte and local police. About_Jf)ft WkUaoa’Oi. spnaklng engagement gre*s-«B*»a»e»y “ fifone on Ken­ of tha- wliDle spectrum of iilruiJ**' "blow.” toiPHald costs are spiralling and Congres national guardsmen were an Wallace had been scheduled to nedy's pron^e to hold spending stances, it seems to me that we explain'her government’s stand in its dispute with Bud­ no longer Is rubber-stamping speak at the Yale Political Union, Johnston said if the Senate re­ For Your Convenience! ROSES '59 PONTIAC standby duty. down. have no firm choices — that we jects the treaty “ we are saying dhists. (AP Photofax.) '______space agency money requests. PERO Catalina convertible. a student debating society. New. 4. must, even though with misgiv­ ^ 'V i ro.Ni AM'K U.8. Atty. Macon L. Weaver “ It is time to Judge the admln- that we have given up all hope Delegates agreed that a com­ 276 OAKLAND ST.—MANCHESTER ■aid Friday that Investigators con Mounted police and patrolmen Istratlon by what it does, more ings, consent to the treaty. for peace and we are telling the bined moon journey would do a u).\i i’X)irr eluded the bomb which killed four on foot broke up a. sit-down dem­ than what it say’s,” Byrnes said Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, D- world it must look forward only lot for East-West amnity. E 2-DOOR Negro ^rls was placed under the onstration in front of a police sta- over the ABC and CBS television Minn.: “ Because the dangers both to an endless dark age of cold Editorial reaction in London C> MEANS HARDTOPS 14-step rear entrance to the tUon in New York. Two Negroes and radio networks and the Mu­ In war and In peace relating to war and ever-threatening nuclear New Leads Probed generally enthusiastic. In Bonn, HARDY MUMS church. were arrested on charges of as­ tual radio network. nuclear power are great, we must attack.” West German government and op­ Beyond that there was nothing sault and disorderly conduct. The Republican reply to Presi­ be willing to take some limited Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper, R- position leaders joined in hailing else to report. Weaver said. The demonstrators said they dent Kennedy’s appeal will be risks, to take reasonable precau­ Iowa, senior Republican member the speech. j^ V m b b i g a n O q a x < '42 OLDSMOBILE Stariire 2-door hardtop. Tan. Two ' white teen-agers were were protesting the arrest earlier continued kmight when Rep. Tho­ tions. . of the Foreigpi Relations Commit­ The Soviet news agency Tass All mas B. Curtis of ^Missouri speaks In Rothwell Case hound over to a grand Jury \vlth- of a Negro picket who police said Sen. John Sherman Cooper, R- tee and chairman Of the Senate gave extensive summaries of Ken­ for fuel oils, service, '41 T-BIRD out bond on charges of murder in punched an officer during a noisy on NBC television and radio at K y.: “ There are risks Inherent in GOP policy committee, gave the nedy’s address but made no men­ Colors 9 6 * 2-door hardtop. Blue. the shooting of a Negro boy last demonstration near the United Na­ 6 p.m. EST. treaty unenthuslastic support. tion of his moon shot proposal. heating equipment the ratification of the treaty, but Sunday. The slaying came in the tions headquarters. 'The networks, all of which car­ risks which most of our political, After reviewing what he termed Several newly-uncovered leads^ter^ Kennedy’s expression of support '41 OLDSMOBILE wake of the church dynamiting. Police on horseback pushed ried Kennedy’s speech Wednesday the hazards of the treaty, Hick­ have intensified police efforts in 'left " just’ ■ “ before 11 p.m. for civil rights in the United phone 522>8151 Deluxe 98 2-dr. h’top. Purple. military and scientific leaders, P Open Thurs. and FrL fo 9 PM At Mobile, Archbishop Thomas about 100 persons across a street night, made equal time available charged with 'responsibility, tell enlooper declared: ” On balance t h e disappearance Wednesday The deserted caf sparked an in­ States and human rights around 170 PEARL STREm J. Toolen said in a pastoral let­ near the U.N. to the Republican National Com­ the nation are manageable.” and in view of the whole spec night of Hope RothweU, 17, of tensive search Wednesday night in the" world were seen by Moscow '41 FORD mittee. HARTFORD. CONN. Oalaxle 2-dr. hardtop. Black. ter that "It is difficult to under­ In other developments In New trum of circumstances, it seems Bolton. the nearby woods. Police also Radio as propaganda. stand how a civilized human bei. j York: Byrnes of Wisconsin contended to me that we have no firm Police would not disclose any checked the Walker Reservoir lo­ Kennedy returned to Newport, '40 OLDSMOBILE could ’have In his heart such hat­ . —Three civil rights demonstra­ the Administration Is taking "an Coals to Newcastle choices — that we must, even information on the latest inves cated about a half-mile from the^Rj._ Friday night sdter a cordial "88” 2-door hardtop. Tan. red ttfTjm fellow human being as tors chained themselves to a unprecedented gamble with the though with misgivings, consent ligations as searching continues abandoned vehicle. They found no reception from delegates and entire economic system of the You can't make a better deaf to dem e or want to destroyoy life crane 160 feet above the ground LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Lans- to the treaty.” in the heavily wooded area where clues there to explain the sudden from U.S. citizens employed by '59 CADILLAC because a man’s color Is differs' at a construction site. Police United States” and that if "this Ing Fire Chief Mark Keeney was Hickenlooper expressed regret disappearance of the quiet Man- the U.N. "82” 2-door hardtop. K n a long shot does not come through” the girl’s abandoned car was found. to save your fife! ent from his own.” climbed the boom and brought the waiting for a ride to his office that President Kennedy refused to Vernon Chief Oinstable Edmund Chester High School senior. i Cuba boycotted his speech. Car- Shoes The letter la to be read Sunday tlOO billion may be added to the when he noticed a smoke stain grant his request during commlt- The^car ILself has provided sev-^ los Lechuga, head of the Cuban (Continued on Page Three) national debt before the budget Is Dwyer said today police are carefully and from Catholic pulpits in the. dio- along the siding of his garage Fri- tee hearings to give the Senate searching the outer circle of the era! leads for police. The front delegation, said he did not wimt 4-DOOR balanOed. day. "W e’ve got a fire!” he ex- access to all correspondence be- seat was found pushed back and to hear "distortions of truth EVERGREENS Byrnes, senior Republican on wooded area about five miles from HARDTOPS expertly claimed. He was right. The blaze tween Kennedy and Soviet Pre- the rear view mirror adjusted fo r, from Kennedy in regard to the ALIGNMENT AND the tax-writing ways and means thespot where the car was spotty apparently put Itself out for lack j mler Khrushchev prior to the during a routine patrol by Vernon a perfion taller than the 6 foot 8, Cuban revolution. The Israeli From fitted! committee, is . proposing A*} of oxygen after destroying Keeney’s treaty signing. girl. Police also disclosed that a seats were vacant because it was ^endm ent m ^ n g Uie tax cut what caused the fire. The administraUon did offer to Conistalble John Marshall. Volun­ '41 OLDSMOBILE Birmingham Violence teers, Vernon constables and state piece of paper was found with' a Jewish holiday BRAKE SPECIAL Inoperative unless the President Kenney replied: "Well, I smoke but “ 10:30-11” and what appeared to Gromyko’s mild speech Thure- "88” 4-door hardtop. Green. the spot wliere the car was spotted subnets. In January or earlier, g^idom use the ashtray." (Continued on Page Three) be either a "C ” or ” L” written on day was in sharp contrast to the Goodland Gardens '41 CHEVROLET ----- J.— estimates not above 897 • search. H bitter invective the Soviets usual- WE DO ALL THIS: Impala V-8 4-dr. hardtop. Tfaa. billion for the fiscal year that be Over 375 men have taken part Frightens Off Industry so far in search efforts. A close It is unknown if this information j ly employ when addressing the gan last July 1 and $98 billion is among the leads that have re- world forum. • correct caster, Moke Yonr Home Mere Colorful and Inviting! '41 CHEVROLET for next year. > - check of an abandoned quarry In newed police efforts. But Gromyko’s attack on West Impala V-8 4-dr. hardtop. Bed. Byrnes termed these "comfort­ AP AVERAGE Gf 60 STOCKS Bolton yesterday failed to uncover camber, toe-in Scores of people who knew the Germany made .^fl'fafes l o o k — SPECIAL PRICES FOR FALL PLANTING! EDITOR’S NOTE — Racial vlo-fslgns this week. The every able requirements” for a "rea­ any clues. • adfust brakes '41 OLDSMOBILE lence has had a sharp effect on Wednesday free shoppers mati­ sonably prudent administration, The girl’s car was found in the SPECIAL! DHnxe 98 4-dr. h’top. White, nee had a bigger than average have' been questioned. • adjust steering 9EE THESE DENSE AND VIGOROUS 2 to 8 f t White Birmtnghapi’s economy, business with a Congress pledged to spend­ traveled fiart of Reservoir Rd. at tensions in that direction. EVERGREENS — FRESHLY DUO! leaders report. The following ar­ audience. ing control.” about 11:20 p.m. Wednesday. The State Police Lt. Wilfred H. Belle- U.S. Ambassador Adlai E, Stev­ • add brake fluid ’ '59 CADILLAC - Nor has the impact been as se­ JAPANESE YEWS FOR LANDiSCAPE HEMLOCKS “62” 4-dr. h’top. Gray Sc White. ticle surveys their reaction. They would represent reduc­ girl had attended a 4-H meeting enson commented that Gromyko’s • balance front wheel* PINE TREES vere in suburban shopping cen­ tions of about $1 billion from the at the Tolland Agricultural Cen- (Oontinued on Page Three) professed aim to lower Interna­ LARGE SIZE— UPRIGHT and SP^A D IN G ; 82.36 ters. RHODODENDRON CAROLI 18” -24” for Hedging By BEX THOMAS spending level now In effect, and tional tempers was welcome to LINA 16”-18” , BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP)—Ra­ Bank clearings for Greater probably a 'Substantially deeper m i IN BUD—PINK O N L Y ...... / ...... $1.96 $2.35 TRANSPORTATION Birmingham, wldch includes the 340 the United States. But he noted ANDROMEDA — Full of Buds for Spring ... .83.86 $2.35 cial violence has tightened the cut next yeslr. But Byrnes said that the Soviet still “ claimed sill SPECIALS purse strings of Birmtagham shop- suburbs, totaled almost $416 mil­ the limit would permit $4 billion 1941 HARDY AZAtEAS Danbury Consolidation Vote virtues for the Soviet Union and 10 for $19.95 ers and scared off prospective lion during the week ended Thurs­ more expenditures tills year than 33J ; assigned all mistakes to the ALL COLORS ...... $1.96 up 10 for $19.95 idustry. day, compared with $866 million last. '54 CHEV. $395 g the week before. ^ 1^^ ! West.” Businessmen make little effort He said if spending can be tied 099^' First Under Home Rule Act Gromyko’s jibes' at Bonn and NOW! , 8 cylinder stick shift to disguise ttieir concern or mini­ ” We must rebuild the image of -4own “ future cuts will be a cer­ Chancellor Konrad Adenauer PERENNIAL station wagon. mize the impact on the cash reg­ law and order In Birmingham,” tainty as our economy expands.” brought criticism, .from Britain’s Feed and Seed Yonr Lawn ister. says industrialist Caldwell Marks. Promises are not enough, Sir Patrick Dean, who said It is With HAH LAWN FOIMD '54 OLDS. $195 But there were encouraging Byrnes' ‘said. Tjiiiiidav ' DANBURY (AP) .— The first at-^-pay ,51 mills, against" 30.6 paid on Super 88 Holiday coupe. "M ^ t happens in the future de­ properties outside the city limits diminished the conciliatory effect SPECIAL pends in isome measure on our f’What we need is a firm, un­ ■»SE tempt to consolidate two local FREE 60 Pounds Covers governments under the State Home (City residents pay all their own of the Soviet speech. ability to solve these bombings breakable commitment.'. .we sim'- 6,000 Sq. F t ...... 82.44 '55 PONT. $145 Rule Act will be decided by Dan­ road coets and half the town road 12 Canterbury BeUs 12 Fox­ 4-door sedan. and punish those responsible. This ply ask that (Congress make this glove, 12 Sweet William, 12 L IM E ...... 60 lbs. 69c SdtIfltizMtnd colonyDuhavo Fischer Quints we have to. do.” bury voters next Tuesday. costs, sdl their own health, recre­ 2 NEW Nearly 21,(XX) persons are eli­ ation and administrative costa and Basket of Gold. ASGROW LAWN SEED '54 PONT. $75 He referred to the killing of four (qonttnned on Page Twelve) Any 12 or mixed. Only Chieftain 4-door sedan. gible, to.vote on a proposal by a half these costs in the town as a Highest Quality. From S9c Up Lively, Kicking Negro gdrls * church last Sun­ city-town consolidation, commission whole. Bulletins day and the 21 other unsolved that the present town and city of R. Milton Boyce, chairman o t WHEELS 9S9BH...... i. bombings in the once-booming Methodist andEUl^ Danbury—now separate govern­ the bi-partisan consolidation com­ Culled from AP Wires DRIED MATERIAL 1940 FALCON ABERDEEN, S.D. (AP) — The steel mill city in the last eight mental units — be replaced by a Hardy (potted) Mums 2-DOOR SEDAN by D E S C O mission, has estimated that con­ WITH PURCHASE OF Fischer quintuplets — all 15 years. Union Is Proposed 3S new city with a strong mayor and solidation will lower taxes in the See our selection ot colorful Flowers of fall beauty, Radio and heater, standard pounds, 10 ounces of them — ob­ Marks Is chsdrman of the Com­ strong local legislature. mittee of 100, a group of business­ present city by six mills and in­ CHARGES MURDER PLANT N O W FOR A Strawflowers, Com, Wheat,* blaze of color for yonr transmission. Green with with the miracle-soft RED CARPET* served their first week’s birthday Danbury is one of four (Con­ crease them In the town generally SAIGON (AP)—-President Ngo Pods, Oats, Beautyberiy Leaves, whitewall tires. today with their weights on rec­ men organized to seek new indus­ (AP) — Thi-teen bis­ A i ' !N D '< Of .S iVHOifCA wma ^ jiaa m garden. 99c hops of the Methodist Church emd necticut communities which have a by four mills. Fringe areas getting Dinh Diem has asserted that the 2 NEW Fridt, Coaitainers, etc. Large bushy plants. ord for the first time. try for Birmingham, where unem­ city not contlnguous with town COLORFUL SPRING! TmS WEEKEND ONUY comfort to pillow every step Here's a ropeot ployment is 20 per cent higher the Evangelical United Brethren water or sewer service would go up fiery death of the Buddhist monk ’’Lively,- squalling and kicking” p g rsn vn * boundaries. The city of Danbury, about eight mills and about 200 o f our aietl enprocedenled - obr most successful offer, wra vmjM was the word from 8t. lake’s than the national average. Church have unveiled a plan to Thich Quang Due on June 11 waa In Our Green­ Blue Spraoe, $28$ Down form an ,U million-member United in addition, is one of the last three properties, getting txith water and murder, the official Viet Nam GENERAL yew to wear these bidter-soft, feother.light, fobulousiy flexible Hospital where the four ^ I s and Along with four other commu­ In the country with a bicameral TuHps, mixed . 79c dei. houses — Philo­ Arbor Vitae, Balance In 24 months. a bi^ have been since Uielr ar­ nity leaders, Marks has been cho­ Methodist (Jhurch. .1 TIT: sewer service would go up 14 mills. press reported today. The agency dendron, large J ^ p e r , Mugho shoe*... feel how they caress your foot and moke pillows out of I i f 1 I (two body) local legislature. | No geographic tax districts are | s^id the president made him rival. sen to 'talk over Birmingham's ra­ The plan to unite the two de- The town of Danbury, dating Doffodils. King Alfred spUt leaf. Rubber iPtaie, Holly, $42.04 per month povewents — how the H inch deep Red Carpet Urethane cushion 7!iny scales pushed through cial problems with President Ken­ nominations of jiarallei history provided in the consolidation o r -; statement Wednesday In ah in- ' Flowering 0 3 3 3 from 1685, has no charter and no dinance. There i^uld be a sur-1 ter^'iew with V. T. Samban«h»n, MUD and . - $1.T9dex. Plants, African Mto-o-t-s you through busy days In hedvenly foot comfort... plastic cuffs- of the incubators nedy in Washington on. Monday. was smnounced Ftlday following a fU J E J i I I Z O legislature except the general t^olets, etc. Yes, Shrubs. Also showed that James Andrew, as It takes weeks, sometimes two-day -heeling in (Chicago. Tsdks charge above th e ^ s ic tax rate for Southeast Aslan correspondent we’m ^ad to help Feat Moss, (m I how M e a dream they fit...o(id see what o foshlon Hftthey town meeting. Some 22,000 are eli­ properties getting water or sewer for The Hindu of New Delhi. The expected, was the heaviest at 8 months, to negotiate for the loca­ and study have been underway gible to vote In the town meeting, Hyacinths $1.49 dm. you with yonr Redwood Tnlw, MANOHESTER gfne to your woweu. imortoit daytime clothet. And you can wath pounds, 18 ounces. TTie smallest tion of new plants. Bo it is too for about eiiflit years. services and a qecond surcharge Viet Nam pres* quoted Diem as phmttng Clay and Flaatto Including property owners who are for pioperties getting both, saying: “ Extremists, with the SNOW TIRES iietii efeoN wMi iwt a twlth of o domp doth. la M ^ Ann, first bom and early to measure the effect of last The target date for final mer­ not Danbury electors. Crocus, mixed 59c dec. problems! Pota, ete. named after -her mother, who Sunday’s bombing ' on that phase ger Is 1988. Another joint meeting Politically, the new city would voonlvance of the foreign tele­ MOTOR SALCS The City, incorporated in 1888, Is visions sic, organized the spec­ wrifhed in at 2^ pounds, of Birmingham’s economy. in Nashville in December will re­ successor to the borough o f' Dan­ be divided into seven voting wards, Yonr l!ioeal OldsinobUe Dealer The second and third arrivals. But, says Marks, estrlier vio­ fine th ^ plan for aubmUsion to each electing three members to a tacular murder of bonze monk Buy With Assurance and Satisfaetion At YOUR SHOE SALON—Main Floor . . . bury, founded in 1822. The city Thich Quang Due.. MANCHESTER BRANCH Maty hOigdalene and Mary Cath­ lence unquestionably marred the the M eth^st Church's general takes In the built-up area, includ­ now common coimcil. Mandatory 512 erine,. weigh 8 pounds e a ^ and image the city offered to expand- conference in Pittsburgh next ing the downtown business district. redistricting is required once the Mary Margaret, last after James ing indiistriea. spring. largest ward exceeds the smallest STOLEN OAR CRASHES West Center St. Open Tubs, 'n Thurs'. fill 9 While It has only one-tenth of the BERUN. Coon. (AP) — An Andrew, weigh 8 pounds, 6 ' Juat ' bow many proapectlve Approval there is “ almost a cer­ land area of the town, It has more by 1,0(X) voters. ounces. planta Blrmin|b*nti has loat be­ tainty,” a spokesman said. The Stocks Continue ^Week Gain City and town are divided into unidentified man was killed to­ GENERAL than half the jK^ulation and half day iriMtt the stolen onr he was GENERAL Dr. James Berbos said feedinga cause of racial strife cannot be EUB Church would act on tiie For the eighth straight week the Associated Press aver­ Oie grand list. It operates the four voting wards now. In the 4 4 3 -1 5 1 1 ■re acaled according to weight, gauged accurately because there proposal at its 1966 general con­ city, each ward elects one aider- drtviag ooUlded with another age of 60 stocks advanced, closing today at a new his­ water, 'sewer, police and fire de­ osir on Bonte 71. poUoe said. TIRE with the boy getting 12 cubic cen­ ■re other futors, Mariu qaid. In­ ference in Wichita, followed by partments. man and two eouncUmen to the TIRE CO. „ Woodland Gardens OPEN EVENINGS dustrialists are .reluctant to say action at lower levels.. toric high of 281.5. A w e^ earlier the high was 280.5. Critically Injured In toe smaahup HQUSE &. HALE timeters of artificial milk formu­ In addition to providing new separate board of aldermen aiid OPEN DAI^Y t i U 9 lj*.M. < JOHN J. ZAPADKA la every two hours, three of the wiiat influences their declstons, he Methodist Bishop Glenn R. Phil­ L ^ by food and non-ferrous metals the commodity in/- board of oouncilmsn. These two was the driver o< the other czur, MAIN «T „ MANCHESTER • 648-4128 government, another aim ot oon- Ybemns BMiflcn. 88, Ot Mow 15S CENTER STREET ~ TEL 649«28l8 gttis 9 cos ^lieoe and Mary Mu- added. lips of Denver, Joint president of I dex moved up to 169.9 from last wedc’a 169.L ^AP Pho- ■oUdaUon to to oorraot tax to- boards SMks up tbs prsssnt soor 148 W O O D LA N D ST. MANCHESTER 4 4 3 ^ 7 4 •quittoa. OMy prop*t47 ownen aow Read Herald Advs.* m ftofo Twelf i liofax.)

e ■ t ■ 1 . J:

r \ ■■ ^ . II

PAGE THREE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 EVENING HERMJ), M ^CH ESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1963 PA G E TWO South Windsor Wallace Answers Mayor Lee Miss Krause Named Coventry Writer’s Mail Sheinwold on Bridge State News RockvillcrV ernon New Leads Probed Zbners Grant Packed with Three Grants Farnbam Unit Probe Presses On QUIZ KID EXPERT < Sooth dealer Unmani M. BoUcy Girl Scout Advisor STARS IN DEaPENSE Eut-West vulnereble Two Requests Mixed Facts ’ NORTH , ^ . Roundup WiUlam l€. Ballsy, 64, of Vsm- In Rothwell Case AsksRyeSt. By ALFRED 8HE1NWOLD 4 A 10 97643 wood Dr., Vernon, died jresterdsy Given by Qub Miss Mirs Krause of West Hartford, formerly of Hartford « Hartford Hospital. The zoning board of ap­ By HAL M YLE The prettiest hand in the recent 10 8 For Bombing Clues and St. Petersburg, Fla., has been appointed district advis&r NEW YORK (AP — Things a national tournament In Los An­ 0 6 4 He wms bom. in Newport, R. L, Three loosl ooHeg* students (OoaOiMd from Page One) Area School peals ha.s granted two appli- Goldwater to Talk and has lived in Vemon for one for th e Connecticut Valley Council of the Girl Scouts of the cifV.ons for variances of zoning reg­ columnist might never know U he geles was defended by Richard A. 4 10 9 hiave each received 8100 grants didn’t have to open his mail: Freeman, of Washington, D. C. WEST EAST year. He worked for 13 yearn in fleur o t the Stafford Springs Troop Several residents of Farnham (Conttnaed from Rage One) Wagner, In tribute to the girls United States of America. She assumed,her duties earlier this ulations with reservations and spe­ How long you will live may de­ Freeman, one of the original Quiz At Hartford Parley the main office of the Hartford from the Pohah American Ottzena reported there appeared to be no who died in the church bombing, month, r^>lftclng Miss Jean Camp-^ cifications, and has denied one ap­ Estatea have asked the Town pend partly on how old your Kids of radio fame, is one ot the $ 1 cT 9 7 $54* National Baqk and ’Trust Co., and Club and ttM PAC Auxiliary. ’Thie sign of struggle In the car. He is Franols J. BonaxUee, 36, Hert- Council to build a school in their demonstrators back to earth, proclaimed Sunday an official bell, who accepti^ a similar post in plication. mother was when you were bom. great bridge stars of the country n i « 7 3 * .. was a membir of its Men’s Club. “day Of sympathy, respect and Meuachusetts. Ha -old Higgins wa.s denied p-^r- 4K3 2 4Q8754 MSRIDEN (AP) — Sen. Barry is the third successive year ihaf directing state police efforts In the foid, and Robert W. Pearson, 41. where they were charged with misAion to construct a carport on Children of young mothers have and is a living legend at the high­ Goldwater, R-Arie., wlU apeak He attenddd public schools In New gnanits have been awarded. They EBlingtcsi, yesterday we*« pteked Residents from this area had determination to speed the day of flbe was bom hi Hartford, a*- fewer birth defects and a longer ly technical Job of tournament • SO U T H .,, Bedfmd, 1 ^ ., and graduated case. trespassing, coercion and resisting equal opportunity for all.” t«Mtod ta»e Witson St. School and the west side of his present ga- Oot. 24 ait the annual meeting at are gl'ven on the basis o t aoholas- up by Manchester Polte* on sep­ previously appeared before Uie .age at his property on Rt. 4iA. life span- than the offspring of scoring. the Connecticut Asaoclation of Ih- from Morse Busineas College, t&c adiievement, fiRsnclal need and Thoi'g^i a heavily-traveled road. arate counite of obtaining money Board ot Education lequestlhg a arrest. Baldwin spoke at a memorial tlM Moytan School, and graduaied older women. The agO of the South dekler t? A Q 6 3 service for the slain children. fliMn Hartford Public Higti School The decision wa.s based on board 0 9 3 d^endent Insurance Agents, John Hartford. leadership- Reservoir Rd. is popular as a lov­ under false pretenses which In­ school for the Rye St. area. They —Negro author James Baldwin father doesn’t seem to make much Bhist-West vulnerable He leaves a brother, Everett M. Those reoei'vlng the 1963 grants feel that because many children called on Americans to give up Among those in the audience were hi 1967. She earned her B. A. momiier’s feelings that the eight difference. ' Opening lead—Ace of Diamonds 4 A I 6 F. ^ e la n of Meriden, prerident, er’s lane. There ere no houses with volved the passing of bad checks. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McNair degree eit Wttoon College, Cham- feet variance requested "is a rath­ Sooth N of* announced yesterday. ’The tiwo-day Bailey of Ashtabula, (Xilo, and are Rnnsld J. Janton, Francis A. Bbnadies, who faces tour counts would he able to walk to a school Christmas shopping "until,this na­ Americans write about 13 bil­ FTeeman led the ace of dia­ two sisters, Mrs. HJlizsheth Osier Liszewrtd and Lois Otka Koelow- in a mile each way of the spot tion earns the right to celebrate whose daughter Denise, 11, was berMbuig, Pa., graduating in 1961 er substantial variance” and that lion checks a- year. monds-when this hand came along 14 i A 4 All r m meeting will be held in Hartford where the car was found. of bad checkB passing in Rock- In tho Rye St. area, the town one of the girls killed at the vrtth depeitmontal honors in his- Higgins should make an effort tj Beginning Oot. 33. yrith whom he lived and Mra. Ruth ski. The Rothwell girl has been ac ville..,and Manchester, one here on would save transportation costs. the birth of Christ." He made the purchase more land in order to Accidents take the lives of twice in the Mixed Team Championship. Baker of South Dartmouth, Mass. Janton, a senior at Georgetown Aug. 30, 1963, when poa.ice say he plea during a memorial service church. tory. Mrs. Ekhvard Walters as many men as women. The Hla partner, Mrs. Louise Robin­ live in high school groups and be­ The Board of Education, however, The cancellation of an invitation While hi college .she was on the take care of the proposed carport. Kenneth Yeomans In his own hand, or would take The funeral services will be held School of Denitistry hi Washing­ cashed a $56 check at the 'Dre feels this factor is practically the for the children killed at Birming­ The Salvation Army through stress diseases of civilization also son, of Hendersonville. N.C., the last two tricks with the ace- B a^ Gets Passport ton, D. C., Is the son of Mr. and longs to the Youth Fellowship at ham last Sunday. to speak at Yale University Judloial board, secretary and are far more fatal in weakling played the ten of diamonds, con­ Monday at 1 p.m. at the Wilson United Methodist Church where Caty Inc., 367 Broad St„ later re­ same as It would be In the board’s prompted Wallace to send a tele­ treaeurar of the legislative coun- Robert J. Waldron has permission queen of hearts. , DUBLIN, Ireland (AP)—^Atmed Chapel, County and Elm Sts., New Mm. John J. Janton of 113 Brook-, turned from a Glastoribury bemk preferred location — the Hilltop At North LltUe Rock, Ark., a Legion Commander, President man than In the more durable sidering this a high enough card with her own passport, 18-month' lyn St. she is a member. white woman who enrolled her 6 gram to Mayor Richard Lee of ci9, and was a member of the to add to the present dining n-'l Daily Question Bedford, Maas. Burial will be In marked "no funds,” ■win be pre­ Etatates - South Windsor Heights iv __ *Y___ _ *‘T ■ facilities at the camp on Lake St., Kenneth Yeomans of 399 Wood-^ sex. to encourage a continuation. As dealer, you hold: Spades, old Patricia Mangan 'was ached' liezewsld a student at SS. Cyril She weighs about 140 pounds year-old son in a formerly Negro ■ New Haven. Conn., saying "I am Candle Club, an academic and If your plastic table' tennis ball Freeman led smother diamond to Island Cemetery, Ne-wport, ,R. I. and has rtiort brown hair and sented in CSrcutt Court 12, Itock- area. The reason the board favors said she i certain that it is distasteful to the service honor society. matching the existing construction land St. last night was installed has been a member of the auxili­ None; Hearts, K-J-0-7; Diamonds, tiled to fly home to Hartford, Memorial contributions may be and Methodius Seminary in Or­ vllle, on Oct. 8. Det. John Krin- Lhool two weeks ago of Dllworth-Cor- gets a dent in it, simply dunk it the queen, smd back came the five Oonn., some thne this weekend. chard Lake, Mich, Is the son of hazel eyes. On Wednesday eve­ the latter area Is that they feel quit the National Association fo r (Yale Political Union to find that After graduation. Miss Krause by placing it on concrete piers, as commander ary for four years, and served as A-J-8-7-8-2; aubs, K-8-S. made to the Arthritis and Rheu­ jak made the arrest on the charge this is the area of greatest pop- similar to the present building. nell-Quey Post, American Legion in boiling water. If the ball has of hearts. South played low, and It was the baby’s lack of a'pass- Mr. and Mrs. Bruno liszewski of ning she was wearing a brown toe Advancement of Colored Peo- its cherished tradition of went to Orlando, FVl, where she ffrst vice president last year. She no holes, it will quickly reassume What do you zayt ' matism Foundation, 66 Wethers­ striped dress with a brown belt, here. 'Ulation growth, and will therefore , I ing the views of ail can be cur- Waldron was informed by the at joint ceremonies of the Post is also a member of Emanuel FTeeman won with the jack.' AxiBW€r; Bid ono diamond. Tou nort tliat kept her parents, Mr. and 26 Grant St. Pearson, ■who police say passed taught the sixth grade. its proper shape. Now Freeman made a fast off­ Mrs. Patrick Mangan, on a visit to field Ave., Hartford. Mrs. KoSlowBld, a junior at the blue sneakers and cairying a present serious overcrowding in Yvonne Fitts, 26, said toe tailed overnight.” . . . . Her soouting career has been board that "It Is understood, how­ and Auxiliary at the Legion Home. Lutheran Church and Elmanuel nmy have an awkward time show­ ’The Newkirk and Whitney Fu­ three bad checks in June at the ever, In connection with this vari Mrs. Edward Walters of 43 Forty years ago Americans paid hand play that might take the rest ing the hearts later, but you must Ireland longer th w planned. University of OonneOUcuit major­ brown handbag. The hand^g was the near future. NAACP promised to provide pro- The political union had invited long. She was a Brownie. Irtter- Lutheran Church Women; Chamin- only 84 billion a year—837 a per­ of us ten minutes to work out. neral Home, 818 Burnside Ave., also missing when the oar was Oak St. Grill for a total of $27, The Farnham Bistates group m ^ a te and Senior GM Scout In ance that the area contains trash Church St. was seated as presi­ ade Musical Club, Temple Chap­ start with your 6-card suit. Mangan, 30, mlgr^ed to the ing in phystoal education, is the will have those charges iiKorpor- tection and legal counsel, and did the governor to speak. Lee s^ d son—for state an‘d local taxes. He returned the only card to de­ United States in 1967 with his Bast Hartford, is hi charge of ar­ found. told the council they had surveyed not keep toU promise. She sa id i Wallace would not be welcome the fonner Greater Hartford cans, etc., will not be Increased m dent of the auxiliary. ter, Order of Eastern Star; Order daughter of Mirs. Meida Whiting ated with cither simitar counts in width.” It was suggested that Wal­ Today, state and local taxes have feat the contract. For Shelnwold’B 86 - page book­ 'Wife. 'When Patricia was bom rangements. Otka of 10 King St. and the late A report that a second car was Rockville when his case is pre- the properties In question and felt her house has been hit by stones cause relations between Yale M d COunoH. and was a counselor at An installing team for post of­ of Amaranth, of which she is a soared to $44 billion. See if you can work it out tor there in 196S she automatioally be­ seen near the Rothwell car is that the Rye St. land was better and eggs. ' Ne^o community in New Ha- Camp Alice Merritt. HartJand, in dron ’ contact Bernard A. Dion of ficers was headed by James Pat­ let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge,” Otto F. Otka. servted In Rockville court session Miss Mira Krause the town's building department for I>ast matron, and Connecticut State "When archaeologists discover yourself before you read on. came an American citizen, ttwugh Wllllmn D. DeForge Auxiliary Installation still under investigation. Two men suited for a school. Also, addition­ L. C. Bates, field secretary of ven might be distorted, 1966, 1968 and 1959. She also terson, commander of the First Music Teacher’s Association, Hart­ send 60 cenU to Bridge Book, BOCKVILLE — WlUlam D. De next Tuesday. Det. Sgt. Joseph was- an officer of the Senior Plan- permit for the Salvation Army the missing arms of Venus de Cannot Be Passive Manchester Eve. Herald, Box 8818, her parents were not. Mrs. Gertrude Edwards will be who attended the meeting and Sartor made the arrest on the al houaes will soon be built In this toe Little Rock chapter of the The white youths charged trito District of Hartford. He was as­ ford Chapter. Milo, they will find that she was When the Mangans were making Forge, 06, of 163 Vemon Ave., died installed president of the American traveled the same road home told areq, and a city water line is being NAACP said, "this is the first killing Virgil Ware. 13, while the ning Board. This part summer Cajnp expansion plan. sisted by John Sllvay, executive Commander Yeoman’s associate Freeman couldn’t mske a pas' Grand Central StaUon, New York, counts here. hhe was assistant direotor at filing Grades 7-8 Michael J. Peace was granted wearing boxing gloves" — John five return because he didn’t have 17, N.Y. ready for a trip to Ireland recent' yeeterday morning at his home. Le^on Auxiliary Unit 14 Wednes­ police that they saw the aban­ Howard W-amock, 63, no cer­ brought there. Th6y feel these fac­ time I have heard of her com-' Negro boy and his brother rode committeeman; John Beebe, sen­ officers for the year are Eugene Barrymore. ly, Mangan said, Irirti Consular of Mr. DeForge was bom In Man­ day at 8 p.m. in the GAR rooms. doned vehicle. The girl’s car was plaint. I know of nothing we can by on a Mcycle last Sunday iw e camp AMoe Merritt. permission to move to the property ior vice commander; Milton Hus­ a trump. He knew that a heart Copyright 1968 tain address, yesterday was charg­ tors .also contributed to their of Armando Peace on Rt. 44A a Freeman, adjutant; Robert Gag­ For the first time in history, return* would give South a free Oeoeral Features Corp. flclals In the United States told chester Oct. 20, 1694, a son of Hen­ Mrs. Dorothea Preuss, Fourth found with lights turned off and ed with intoxicaitlon. He has been preference for a school on Rye St. .. bound over to the grand jury Fri- Plan Open House sey, junior vice commander; Mar­ non, first vice commander; Henry fewer than 10 out of 100 Ameri­ him little Patricia could travel on ry and Brmerise Thimineur De­ District president, will be the In- with the ignition keys still inside. 'Two state troopers assigned to day. building to be u ^ as a roadside lon Cox, adjutant; William Rich, finesse and allow him to discard taken to the State Jhil at Ifart- The council suggested that the ataind which will be requuing 24 Wierzblckl, second vice comman­ cans are now farm dweliers. a club from dummy. A diamond ANTI ■ FALLOUT TOOTHPASTE his Irish passport. Forge. He was formerly employed stalling officer assisted by Mrs. Police are also checking a. com­ tord in lieu of a $25 bond and his Farnham Estate residents again Birmingham to help maintain or- j Michael j* An open house for pupils of aqua' e feet more than is all iwed treasurer; Lionel Dugas, chap­ der; Albert Frederick, finance of­ Several smaller nations have return would allow South to ruff All went well until thne for the at P ratt and Whitney division of Beatrice McConvllle, Fourth Dis plaint by two women riding in the der were involved in a brief scuf- Joe Sims, both 16 have VERMONT CHEESE lain; Jerry Wagner, judge advo­ HELSINKI. Finland (AP) — case will be presented here Mon­ speak to the board of education, as Grades 7 and 8 at Illing Junior by zoning for such a stand. ficer; Anthony O’Bright, chap­ outstripped the United States in vdille dummy got rid of a club. fllg'nt back to the States ’Thursday. United Aircraft Corp., Blast Hart­ trict aargeant-at-arms. area Wednesday night that a car day in Circuit Court 12. the council has no authority In fie Friday night with a Negro, a statement saying cate; Clifford Gates, historian, and the matter of literacy. Iceland, for Toothpaste which removes radio­ who, police said, later stabbed an- fired two pistol shota at * * ^ Nutmeg Country Store High School and their parents will Pesce was advised by the board lain; Herman Wagner, historian; Only a ‘club return could save active strontium from the system Bmigratian officials at Shannon ford. Other newly elected officers who with two yentths or men inside fol­ school matters. that it felt tho conditions as tet Elliott Jenkins, sergeant-at-arms, Joseph Vigneault, sergeant-at- example, has no illiteracy among the defense, and this would work Alipo^ said Patncla had to have Survivors Include two sons, Ed' will be installed are: Mrs. Helene lowed them. man Rro bov ffom a motor scooter tne be held Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at all First District Officers. its normal adults. by way of the saliva, claimed to her own passport—an American Also, at this meeting, Norman The Trw% rs off duty, were in white youths were riding, ROUTE «, ANDOVER forth in zoning regulations in leo- arms; Miqhael Nimirowski, service only If East had the queen or ace be the first of its kind in the ward DeForge of Bkurt Hartford Hiller, first vice president; Mrs, Dr., Valley View Dr. and Felt Rd. OPEN DAILY and SUNDAY the school. Uona 10.3 as to lot size, 11.2.1c as Mrs. Earl Amo of Windsor officer, and Atty. John Rottner, In 1447, the Irish pushed a law of clubs. one. ^ ^ and William DeForge of Stafford; Dorothy Allen, second vice presi­ Four Accidents , street S e s Police said toe Ne- ^ Sheriff Melvin Bai ey arid Locks, First District president, that no man could wear a beard world, has been developed by With his money running short, were accepted as the town roads. • A.M. to 9 P.M. Students will take their parents concerns sufficient parking area judge advocate. Freeman led the king of clubs specialists in radiation research three daughters, Mrs. Bhrelyn An- dent; Mrs. Shirley Novak, score Walter Joensuu, Laurel St., was gro, booked as James Hall, ap- has been J*"®*’*® and 11.3 piroviding for ample area and her staff, seated the officers Officers serving with Mrs. Wal­ above his lips unless he wanted to set up his partner’s queen. Mangan was reluctant to stay on gelone of Blast Hartford, Mrs. tary; Mrs. Norine O’Brien, treas­ Checked by Police parently shoved one of toe troop- j vocation for the on a tour of the school and intro­ of the auxiliary. Members of her to pass as an Englishman. The at Helsinki University. hi Ireland any longer than neces­ urer; Mrs. Bemlce Perzanowskl, Senators End appointed to the Public Building ers and was dragged away by, boys will remain in jail unm a duce them to their teachers. All for loading and unloading of nec­ ters are Mrs. Bessie Farris, first Then, as declarer ran* off dum­ Using the toothpaste twice a Blaine Nemeoek of Elllington and Commission. essary vehicles Involved in such staff are Mrs. Anthony Morganti, vice president; Mrs. Robert Gag­ English themselves started the sary. Besldee, he was due back chaplain; Miss Ann Gworek, his room.s will be open, including the first idee president; Mrs. Matthew custom of daily shavihg around my’s trumps, FVeeman could save day is said to eliminate most of Mrs. Genevieve Clarke of Hazard' One motorist was issued a writ­ The sum of $16,000 was allocat­ a business, be adhered to. A'so non, second 'Vice president; Mrs. his king of hearts and East could the fallout absorbed under normal Yesterday tor hla Job as a super­ 'vUle; four ststers, Mra. Daniel torian; Mrs. Mary Hartensteln, N-Ban Debate ten warning and two passengers fnito S e T e X e c ‘r p“ "saidico^^^^^^ ‘ music, homemaking, physical edu­ Peace is to contact Dion for a per­ Moore, second vice president; 1660. In Russia, beardless Peter visor at St Francki Hospital In sergeant-at-arms, and Mrs. Mae ed for the constmctlon of Glendale cation rooms, audio-visual labora­ Ruth Hickox, secretary; Mrs. Eve­ the Great made noblemen pay a save the queen of clubs. Nobody conditions. A cream for applica­ Creamer eff Bkwt Hartford, Mra, were shaken up and examined at Rd. and drainage Improvements on mit. Mrs. Lionel Ditgan, junior past rett Kennedy, treasurer; Mrs. J. F. got squeezed. Hartford. , , Dunlap, assistant sergeant-at' Manchester Memorial Hospital as tory and Ilbrsury. Dr. Potter Preaehea president; Miss Barbara Wallett, special tax if they 'TO memberships will be sold A change has been made in the secretary; Mrs. John Pounds, diartler, historian; Mrs. Wilber East’s queen would be captured, yesterday after Mangan hurr.^ Members of the Stafford Springs Manchester police yesterday. and a new parents’ handbook will scheduled worship service Sunday treasurer; Mrs. Shirley Norton, lived of fruit-bearing trees, ^ m e 120 miles from Shannon to Dublin and Mrs. AJdea Pettljean of Old ______and Bllington_ units permit are key among members the of the com- meeting will be the discussion and be given to members. The hand­ Little, jimior. past president; Mrs. in the Garden of Gethsemane in and West 'would have the only in a hired oar. The U.S. Oorwwlate Saybrook. Invtted guests. Following the cere-, mittee to examine the correspond- Shortly before noon, Althea M. consideration of a resolution con­ The Ladies Benevolent at 11 a.m. at the B'lrst Congrega- chaplain; Mrs. Blugene Mlkolls, Clifford Walker, sergeant-at- stopper In hearts and In clubs. book gives the 1963-64 goal of the tionsd Church. Because of the in­ historian; Mrs. John Strempher, the Holy Land are estimated to issued Patricia a peaapost ot her The funeral will be held Monday monles, refreshments will be serv-, ence. Hlckenlooper and supporters Barber of 185 Maple St. was given cerning dates on which taxes Society of the Bolton Con­ arms, and Mrs. Leon Bradley, .as­ On dummy’s last trump. West ENDS SUNDAY! at 8:16 am. from the Burke BHi- ..a _ tata__ AVIam of lafathis request vtAFiiaArVrefused to take that a written warning for following too should be paid to the town by fi­ PTO: "To promote a closer rela­ ability to receive in time garments sergeant at arms, and Mrs. F^mnk be over 2,000 years old. would have to throw the queen own. ed by Mrs. Dorothy Allen, assisted gregational Church is spon­ tionship .between teachers, admin­ of the Colonial period, the Rev. Garris, assistant sergeant-at- sistant sergeant-at-arms. Sermon sign on a Los Angeles neral Home, 76 Proepect St.,'with by unit officers. responsibility and lost a motion closely after she drove her car nancial institutions holding such Elarl Petersen, past oommand- of clubs or unguard the king of a requiem Mass at St. Bernard’s Into the rear of a vehicle, operated funds in escrow. soring a New England Corn­ istrators, students, parents and James R. MacArthur said this type arms. church during a heat wave: "So, hearts—and either would be fatal. MA NSnEL L 7 i1 ^ YOUTH K n J JM) ^ a t John’s Beta Fair demanding that the documents be the community to the end that ir, was master of ceremonies for you think it is hot here?” NHWTOWN (AP)—a youth Church at 9. Burial wW he hi St. The Fair Committee of St. John’s provided for the committee. by Melvin Varley, 31, Vemon, on Four ordinances were passed: should__, J refrain from ohr-iQimnsChristmas shoD-shop ’ oltv(rfty policeman policeman Jack Parker, and ed B ^ f Hash Supper on service will not be conducted. How­ The newly Installed commander presentations after the installa­ South would win the ten of clubs Main St., just south of Park St. Agencies receiving town grants that there was some evidence Saturday, September 28th. the welfsus of the school may be ever, the Rev. Dr. Rockwell Har­ enlisted in the U.S. Navy in Fel>- A medical survey showed the In ^mmy and the ace of hearts from the Botaford section was Bernard’s Cemetery. B^acopal Church in Vemon has ping until toe nation "earns the enhanced.” tion. He presented outgioing LitaL last night at Manchester Memorial Mrs. George PhUUps and Mrs. ciation selected the pictures of the MS-6816 of operation. Walter Von Hone, commander Arnold H. Qlasow. Hospital. Kodes, SO, of 17D Garden Dr., or nine hours after sunrise if the At 9:80 a.m. to 10.45 a.m. the He was born in Manchester and of the Disabled American Veter­ CARETAKERe State police said they could not Noel MicCarthy have been named month last night at a meeting held dri-ving north on Broad St., struck snow fell during the night; or, the MRS. KNEELAND JONES Studies at UConn teachers of the forthcoming Church Quickies: California and Nevada ^DAILY IMMM4 VMITtO A im m be sure whether David or hla The Rev. Mr. Austin was pastor oo-ohalimen for the fair with the Biriniiighaiii Violence is a 1944 gpiewhiate of Manchester ans, presented the Legion with a have a car for every 3.8 persons. of the Church of the Nazarene in Whlton Auditorium. the left rear fender of a parked car walks should be covered with sand Bolton Center Road School program, which will start High School. He is married and check in appreciation of the co- ^LUNCHEON brother Ralph. 32, was the driver. luncheon headed by Mrs. Itaonard owned by Choman’s Enterprises or other similar substance. The 643-7452 Oct 6, will meet for a training pro­ Pigs at one time were considered David was thrown from the ve­ from 1920 to 1927, when he left Green and the supper committee "Still Life,” an oil painting by Henry J. Manning, a teacher sA has three children. He is pro­ opeiation the Legion has given the weather prophets—if their tails ^SPECIAL Manchester. He returned about 18 Inc. of 22 Clark St. Elizabeth ordinance provides for prosecution gram at Kingsbury House. The duction superintendent in cluirge DAV, and for the use of the Le­ hicle and R a ^ was found in the by Mrs. Robert Forester. Membwa Louise Seymour -will be shown at Royser of 362 Adams St., a Bennet Junior High School, has course will concern the new United curled tightly, look for rain. Polo 85 bo(^ seat, they said. years ago and, upon retirement, of "Mouses______and Spouses,” the the Savings Bank of Manchester. and a fine. Frjglitens Off Industry of bottling at the Coca Cola Bot­ passenger in the Kodes car, was completed studies at. the Univer­ Church curriculum which will be gion Home. started in ancient Persia. New RESTAURANT was associate piaster at the church o ^ l e s clrib of St. John’s Church, I "Swamp Simset,” another oil, by Wapping Community Cziurch tling Co., Ihist Hartfoird, Mrs. Walters presented Miss Zealanders eat more butter per for 10 years, during the pastorate shaken up and taken to the hos­ The Junior PYF will meet to­ sity of Connecticut to qualify for used for the first time in the Yeomans has been a membeir Baroara Wallett \^th. a personal f O A K 4 'wtil arrange the supper. 1 M. L. McGrath will hang In the pital where she was examined and /{Continued from Page One) they could walk the streets wllh- Church' School teachings. capita than any other in the world of the Rev. Clarence Winslow. W80S Meets Wednesday Mary Cheney Library. A water morrow from 6 to 7 p.m. in the out fear. state certiflcation as a peycho- of the American Legiion for four gift for her service during the post —^Americans rank 13th. M Oak St., Maneheater 4 Groceries Stolen Before his retirement, he was discharged. Moderate fender dam­ Community House for a "get ac­ Hard core segregationlsta are logical examiner. The Senior Pilgrim Fellowship years. He has served as second year. The first meeting of the fall color by Ida Mae Lee, titled "Glou- age was reported to both •vehicles But, Marks said, his committee will meet at 7 pim. Sunday at It was Sherwood Anderson who pastor of a Nazarene church In season for the 'WSOS of the Rook- cester Pier,” may be viewed at the quainted” meeting. All seventh boycotting some stores where Notice He formerly taught classes of 'Vice commander in 1961-62, and Among the 100 members and observed, "The true history of ,Alr-Coadltloned—Free P a rk in g I Burlington, Vt. His other pastor­ which were driveable, police re­ and eighth graders are invited to has received substantially fewer Quandt Hall. gvksta who attendsd from neigh­ From Parked Cars vine Methodlat Church is set for 'Whlton Library. "East Glaston- ported. There were no arrests. lunch counters were desegregated mentally retarded children at Kee­ Parents of children planning to first ■vice commander in 1962-63. life is J;ut a jilstory of moments. ates Include Nazarene churches in attend. __ „ , A ,j inquiries from out-of-state com­ after Negro demonstrations last ney Annex. Mrs. Walters was bom In Man­ boring posts and units were' Mrs. It Is odly'at bars momeAts that Wedneeday at 8 p.m. at Fellow- bury,” a water color by Sue Mather At about 6 p.m. a two-car crash The Senior PYF wlH also hold V n HAVE DAILY enroll in the Church School pro­ A mighty hungry thief or thieves Watervllle, Vt.; Everett, Mass.; ship Hall In the church. will be shown at the Connecticut panies than it did last year. The spring. But merchants said they Manning obtained his B.S. de­ chester. Her husband is a veteran WiUiam Proftltt of Bast Hampton, we live.’’ Portland, Maine, and Lynn. Maas. occurred on Center St., just east a “get acquainted” meeting Sun­ really began to feel toe pinch after gree at Suffolk Univm lty In gram are asked to kindly send in of World War H. The eouple has Department president; and Fran­ lost night walked o ft with almost M». PauUne Fox, a teacher and Bank and Trust Co., Parkade Chamber of Commerce reports toe their enrollment registrations if The retired pastor was bom July certified grapho-analyst, will be branch. "Malaya Still Life,” an oil of Victoria Rd., when Robert M. day at the Community House toe church bombings. DELIVERY TO THE Boston, and earned an M.S. and one daughter. cis Garris of Wethersfield, Depart­ $30 worth of groceries 'which had 13, 1883, in Swampscott, Mass., a j Finley, 39, of 106 Birch St., slow­ from 7 to 9 p.m. same-’ experience. they have not already done so. HAVE YOU A SWEET TOOTH? tho evening’s speaker. A business by Lou Gustafson may be seen at There was the telephone call The president of a large depart­ a sixth year certificate from the Those needing the forms may ob­ •nie newly installed president ment commander. been left In parked vehicles at the son of Gustavus and Ruth Salton- ed to make a left turn. A second The Couples Club will hold an ment store, comparing hla sales University of Connecticut. He is Then be sure to order one of Chef V.’s Frozen Cream Puff De­ Manchester Shopping Parkade. stahl Austin. meeting prior to the program will I Johnson’s Paint Store, vehicle, driven by Joseph Karch, outing Saturday, Sept. 28, at Monday, the day after toe church tain them from the Rev. Mr. Mac­ lights. Flaming SnowbaU, Peach Supreme, or PoUlns Chocolate complete plans for the annual I Mitchell Pappas, associate pro- volume with last year, found president-elect of the Connecticut Hall Sept. 30 at 8 pjn. to act on E flS T U J O O D Mrs. Norman Hall of Lake St., Survivors include his wife, Mrs. 33, of 49 Courtland St., then struck Clearwater Beach Club, Crystal bombing, from toe head of a com­ receipts down 40 per cent tor w BOLTON Arthur at his study in the base- Parfait. How sweet It is! •Vemon, reported that someone Hbltday Bazaar scheduled tor Nov. feasor at Trinity College, presented pany which had been dickering for Council of Exceptional Children. men of the church during the day. the request of Dr. Reginald H. Una Mann Austin; a son, Hulburd Ig. , a lecture and demonstration on oil the right rear fender of the Finley Lake. The day will begin at 2 p.m. first two. days of this week. By Hehron took $8.88 in groceries from her Austin of Manchester, with whom vehicle. Moderate fender damage and a buffet wlU be served at 6:30 a plant site in Alabama. Married ^ d the father of four Masses Helifferich, to allow the placing LAST TIMES TODAY! The very popular BILL DONAHUE Is Ah 'women of the church are in- painting, "The deal is off,” said the call­ Wednesday, business had picked AREA children. Manning resides in Blast Sunday masses at St, Mary’s ot a trailer on his farmland on here at his organ Wednesday, 'Thursday, car. and Mrs. Wayne Bolduc and he made his home; one grandchild; was roported, Mary Finley, a pas-, p.m. up some, and toe decline waa only Mrs. John Wennergren, both Man­ vited to Wednesday’s meeting. Kenneth Skinner, a representa- senger in her husband’s car, was Wapping PTA er to toe Birmingham business­ Killingly. Church will be at 7:30 a.m., 9:30 the Old PapermiU r A In Hebron, "SUMMER MAGIC" (la Color) Friday and Saturdays with dinner musie three great-grandchildren, and sev­ Sponsors Contest tlve of the Lions Club, reported on man who had been negotiating 25 per cent. a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m Players Pick to be occupied by a farm hand Hayley Milla—Burl Ives , from 0 p.m. to 10 p.m.—mood musie chester, reported that someone eral nieces. shaken up and later examined at The Waipping PTA membership The same pattern followed oth­ walked off with some $20 worth of Funeral services will be held The Conservation Committee of the exhibit sponsored by that or- the hospital. Both cars were driv­ drive ■will begin Mortday under the with him. and at St. Joseph’s Church in who will also act as caretaker for 1:80-4:15-7:00-9:40 ^from 10:80 p.m. to 1 a.m. the Vemon Junior Women’s d u o ganlzation to be held in the high Shoppers have stayed away er outbreaks of violence, toe mer­ LENOX Eagleville at 8:30 a.m. tUl buildings on the premises in plus—Disney Featurette groceries which had been left In Monday at 1 p.m. at the Church en from the scene, police said. direction of Mrs. Roy Browning, chant said. Other downtown Slate Tonight Centrally Located At of the Nazarene. The Rev. Robert is sponsoring a poster contest for I school' auditorium Oct. 25, 26 and No arrests nor Injuries, but chairman. She will be assisted by from downtown stores — at least SWEET CIDER ’The week's mission by the Rev. the absence o t the owner. 'nUs "YELLOWSTONE CUBS” their cars for not more than 10 fourth through sixth graders In I 27. Members of the B’lpe Arts Asso- until they had some assurance businesses made similar reports. PHARMACY Direct From The MUI John Zeller will start Sunday and hearing also Includes two others 3:15-6:05-8:45 7 WALNUT ST. minutes. J. Shoff, pastor, will officiate. Buri­ local schools. elation are reminded that any work moderate vehicular damage 'was Mrs. Albert Gagg, Mrs. Fted Sey­ continue Until Sept. 29 at 7:30 p.m. ■Hie Podium Players will hold previously reported. The housewi'ves reported the al will ^ in East Cemetery. reported by police who investigat­ mour, and Mrs. Earl Reichle. 299 E. CENTER ST. Opening Sun., Sept. 22nd MANCHESTER Friends may call at the Holmes The objective of the contest Is registered after Oct. 1 cannot be ed a fourth two-car crash at 2 On Monday, Tuesday and Masses during the week. Monday their annual general meeting to­ 08 Fund Drive Phone 648-4628 OiefU between 7:30 and 8 o’clock. to make children aware of the Im-1 Bated on the progrram tered whole kernal corn, potato BOLTON CIDER MILL through Saturday will be at 8 a.m. The annual Girl Scout Council SUNDAY Biarller In the day, a theft of a B^ineral Home, 400 Main St., to­ p.m. on E. Middle Tpke., just west Wedne^ay, membership cards chips, fruit. Milk is served with night in PheVps Hall, next door morrow from 8 to 6 and 7 to 9 p.m. portance o t the nation’s natural re­ BOY SCOUT T E L Ml 9-0896 New Bolton Rd.. Rolton All religious denominations are in­ Fund Drive is now on and will "OmOBT GOES TO ROME" 24-lnch griri’s bike, a blue Speed- sources. Winners wlU be deter-. ... of Vemon St. will be available to the children at all meals. vited to attend. to St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, continue up to Sept. 30 here, as (In Color) master, was reported by Mre. Eve­ The family requests that friends Police said that motorist Carol the school. Awards will be made High School Menus E. 8. SUverstebi—643-6889 may contribute to a Book of Re­ nxlned on the ^s o* andELlD Notes and News Ihillstment Sunday Hdbron. ITie nwst impcH'tant items announced by Mrs. Charles Wal­ James Darren—Cindy Carol lyn Aronson of 399 Adams St. The neatness and aptness of thoughL I G. Hull of Coventry stopped to to the first two rooms achieiring Monday—ciheesoburgers, potato The Rev. James H. Ameling, lace, chairman. AH returns must 3:80-6:50-10:00 iririrkir'k'kir'kiK'k'k'k'kir'kirkir'kir'kirk bike, belonging to her daughter, membrance at the Church of the make a left turn, when a second 100 per cent enrollment. chips, pickles, peaches; Tuesday on the agenda will be the election Nazarene. BTrst prize In the contest 'wlU he la T^i'rkrkrkSf'H The theme of the PTA member­ pastor of the Second Congrega­ o< officers and the disbursement be made to her by Sept. 30. Cap­ plus was taken from the rear of the $6; second prize, $2, and third LJIllOn IS rrupOBCU car, operated by FYank M. Otis, (breaded pork chops, boiled pota­ Pack 148 tional Church, will use "Remem­ of funds. Stace this is probstoly the tains for the drive are: Gilead, "SCREAMS OF FEAR” home and was valued at $60, Mrs. prize, .$1. 67, FJast Hartford, following her ship drive is "A Strong PTA from toes, corn, applesauce; 'Wednesday Cub Pack 143 held Its first ber God” as his sermon topic at with Susan Strasberg I MJas Mabel A. Manning vehicle, skidded on wet pavement Our (Parents and Teachers Grows.” —chicken noodle soup, grilled most important meeting of the Mrs. H. Clay Osborn; London Aronson told poBoe. Miss Mabel A. Manning, 82, of Entries will be judged by Mrs. (Conthmed from Page One) meeting last night at Nathan Hale 11 a.m. Sunday in observance of Park and Abby Estates, Mrs. Rob­ 2:00-5:15-8:40 Police are investigating the Alice Welti, art Instructor at Rock-1 and stmek the right rear fender A bulletin board wiU be on dis­ cheese sandwiches, chocolate cake; School. The opening ceremony was year, ail members are urged ^ to 130 Prospect St. died this morning play In the school lobby Illustrat­ MelNTOSH Christian Enlistment Sunday. attend. Rofrertunents 'Will be served ert Links; East St. and Burnt HIU, thefts. -vUle High School; Mip. J- Norman the Chicago meeting with EUB and tallllght of the. Hull car. The Thursday—ravioli with meat sauce, led by Assistant Citomaster Ted Members and parishioners are at MAnchester Memorial’ Hoq>ltal. Otis car, -with left fender and grille ing membership growth in the salad, gelatin with whipped cream; at close of the meeting. Mrs. Hugo Lederer; Hebron Cen. Wed.: "Come Blow Your Horn" t Watkins-West Funeral Home, Bourque, an art In stru c ^ at the Reuben H. Mueller of In- Kubiak. with Danny EkiwaTOs, asked to make their pledges to­ BOLTON NOTCH $ CORTUND APPLES Another item on the agenda will ter, Mrs. David K. Itorter; Hope damage, had to be towed a-way. form of a PTA family tree. Prlday-^baked fish, mashed po­ Jimmy LaChapelle, Tim Mhaon. ward the church budget for the Valley and Burrows^.,Hill, Mra Jgoutes6amiJ4/l ^ 142 E. Center St., is in charge of The Hull car was driveable, po­ The Wapping PTA will sponsor tatoes, peas and carrots, cookies. Greg MiUer, Clifford Kubiak and new year starting Oct. 1. Greeting be the creation o< a new office, arrangements whirii are incom­ STs.SS'B'SSi, SS'ri.SS 1"“ • a "Melody Ball” Saturday, Nov. that of workshop director, estab­ Clifford R. Wright; Amktpn, Mrs. Ends Tonight—Show 8t»rta At 7:80 With B'Nlmt imOSkVMC b l a c k M u s e u m gress SL no problems of theology or of New Modem Oct. 11. Petitions signed by six or d»r» Minnie England, division of land For Your Shopping full repairs wlto dealer U- social attitude. No big problems, Mrs. Cynthia Doyon, Btast Hart­ REAL ESTATE PRINCin.ES more eligible voters nominating CINEMASCOPr IN Ol. i»OD-(. URDLING COLOR Y a r i a n o e , 172 School St. jusj trivial ones of church gov ford: Mrs. Juliet Wheeler and persons for membership, received ★ — ON THE SAME SHOW ~ ★ Richard F. Hughes, repairer.B- Convenience oense. Established 85 years daughter, 57 Tanner St.; Mrs. of eonttamons servloe. Good erilment.” M il PRACTICES Service Station at the county office up to Oct. 11, Whether they said ... or •ense, 270 West Mid. T^pke. The plan announced by the six Kathleen Squires 'and son, Ware­ with the names of said persons will Robert OBver, used car Bcense, We WiU Be locatioii. Fine opportunity for Methodist and seven EUB bishops house Point; Mrs! Lorraine Mur­ Instructor—^Mr. Dogherty be included In the slate Of ^ nom­ merely “Monroe” . . . you always 461 Main St. ambltloas party. About $6,000 calls for a six-region organlza- dock and son, 236 Center St.; Mrs. Patricia Reece and son, Wapping; inees, if willing and eligible to knew they were talking about the CimSlFHORgOIlS Stoner Smith, used car license, Investment required. Located tloo, similar tp the jurisdictional Wednesday Evenings From 7:00-9:15 P.M. serve. Nominees should be active One and only.. 678 Center St. „ „ OPEN setup now used by the Methodist Mrs. Patricia McKenney and For Lease The above -will be effective Sep- 8 milea from Manriiestw. Ad- daughter, 3(K Colonial Rd., Bol­ fanners qualifted for community ENDS TODAY Church. Begfaining September 25, 1963 — Fee S 3 5 .A 0 committee work, representatives Oember 38, 1963. „ . _ AU. DAY SUNDAY dresa eonfldentlaL Write ’The United Methodist Church, ton; Mrs. Tberesa Hubbell and I DUDISNEY’S "SUMAIEB BIAGICr Shoim A t 2:66-5015-8:50 NoUce filed in office of Town daughter, Hartford; Mrs. Louise You Can Taste The Quality of agricultural condiUona in their I PLIPLUS “YELLOWS’TONE CUBS" Shown At 2:10-6:10-8^)6 ^SnciAaiUlfl with all seven present EUB bis­ GOOD! Manchester High School — Room 144 South Covontry Contor Olerit—September 19,1963. Box P hops being assigned to existing Glode and daughter, 302 Main St. Routes 6 and 44A — Manchester, Conn. sireas. W ofdi for Wodnosdoy't Show! It's Groat! Zoning Board of Appeals SMOKE DISCHARGED ’TODAY: Mi­ Hearing Set TUESDAY At 6:00 Jurisdictions, would follow the Both Cheece Will Meet For 12 Sessioni CoU 423-1631 John F. Clifford, DAVE'S SHOP Manchester Evening Herald Methodist plan of electing bishops chael Voronovltch, Wapping:" Scott A aoning board of. appeals hear­ EVE. ONLY' and 8:M "The Kinq and I" Brown, RFD 2, Vemon; Mrz. ing will be held in Hebron Town Chairman in Oeater St^TsL M8-8000 tor Ufe and asaigniiig mom by John A. Cagianello, jurisdictional conferences. Carol Dufour, 899 E. Middle ’Tpka. Secretary ■ t i >r 1 -'I- 1 , ■

\ V

PAGE YtVB MANCHESTEB IVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, C O ^ ., SATURDAY, gkFl'EMBBR fL MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1963 Wonders of the Universe w hi^ flouiishM under democ- racy.- Connecticut It 'M bad enough that any Ameri­ Rockets May Be Used cans, white or Negro, should con­ C h u r c h e s VtTBUBdBD BY THB clude that the way to "Improve” Yankee V taRALDnuimNo co. me. the woiklngs of the democracy Is jM BUaeU Street By A .H .O . iiinriM»n«J lAMheran Church T o Sample Moon Dust lianclieater. Conn. to hamstring Its processes. South Methodist Ciniroh < St. BartiKdomew's Cbnrch Rev. PhiUp Hnasey, Pastor Rev. C. Henry AMensw, FaMior THOMAS F EEROI^N It Is worse still when those t^ o Rev. J. Manley Shaw, D.D. WALTER R FERGUSON As one quietly competent former Rev. Ray O. Hollis Jr. Rev. Richard G. BoUea, Rev. Melvin T. Feterson, Publl.ihera commit this grievous error shout newspaperman, Keith Schonrock Assistant - Pastor Aaslatnnt Pastor , By OB. I. M. tEVrrr mulated, scientists at the -Ames Founded October 1. 1881 Director, The Fels Plnneterlnm (^ tes went into the lahoratory "police brutality!” almost auto­ formerly of the Hartford Coumnt, fi and 10:45 a,m.. Morning Wor­ succeeds another quiet competence, Of The Franklin Instttate and fired small particles wltii Buhllehed Every Bhrenln* Except matically when their interference ship. Church School for nursery Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10:16 and 9 am., Divine Worship ahd hypervelooitiea at targets.- They fluadmye and Holidaye. Entered at the Carl Lalumia, formerly of the As­ Ohuresh School; nursery olaaa fo r JL novel scheme to collect lunar post Office at Mancheiter Conn., as with orderly life Is curbed. through Grade 9. Grade 8 and 9 11:15 a.m. verified the concept that the ma­ sociated Press, In the post of ex­ 3-year-olds; chapti choir. I ------suithce------dust without going_ _ to the Second Class Mail Matter. Such cries were heard from "stu­ classes will attend church. terial ejected is many times the ecutive aide to Governor Dempsey, 10:46 a.m„ Second Mile Club for St. Jamea Church 10:80 a.m., Divine Worahlp and 1 moon haf been proposed by astute amount striking the surface. At SUBSCRIPTION RATES dents" whose avowed aim was to such a compounding of quiet talent Camrch School; Emanuel Choir. At aclentlats of the Ames Research Payable In Advance Grades 8 and 9. Senior High forum. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Reardon the same time Dr. Osoilt made a Onem« Tear ...... n—• — disturb hearings by the House un- In the post leads us to pronounce 4 p.m.. Policy committee. Pas­ Pastor both services, sermon by Pastor I Center of thd Ifational computer study of trajectories of SiK Monlh* ...... IJ W American Activities Committee at least a temportuTi oration over tor’s study. Rev. Eugene F. Torpey Anderson, “Why Do You Worry and Space AdmlnistretiOT. Neil H. the ejected moon particles and Thr^f Montlis ...... the erstwhile image of the press So?" Reception of new membera. Farlow Md Donald ^ G a ^ t have OB6 Month ...... *...... loP into unauthorized student travel to 7 p.m., Junior High FeUowahip Rev. Joseph H. McCann found that after meteorfd Itopacts agent. , , for Grades 8 and 9 in Cooper Hall. Rev. John D. Regan Nuraerv proposed the launchldg, ol sound- in certain lunar regions, ejected MEMBER OF _ Cuba. The fa ct that the official In­ Senior High Fellowship in Wesley T ^ pm .. InstaUaUon of the ^ «>ckete ^ travel to particles Would travel into direct THB ASSOCIATED PRESS When a violation of order is the volved Is no longer called a press Rev. Mr. Peterson as M»l»tant tu^of m ^ earth orbits. With this verification The AJBOclaied Press Is exclusively Hall. Panel diacuBslon by members Masses at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:16 and moon dust before falling back-to entitled to the use of republlcatlon of stated goal, police action to re­ agent, or even a press secretary, on "The Ideal Boy and Ideal Girl.” 11:30 ajn. . the wheels were set into hiotion all news dispatches credited to It or store order is invited. Such action but an "executive aide” is perhaps 7:30 p.m., Memlberrtilp Seminar, to provide proof and at the same not otherwise credited in this paper symbolic of what, now that we Wetoeaday, W 6-®- ^r^^J'^r^lhsTpropoBal la baaed on meas- and also the local news publi.ehed here. will surely follow. Indeed It must, Susannah Wesley Hall. S t Bridget’s Church p ^ , Bible Study in chapel led by I g m acto^th Vanguard HI. time .ooUect lunar surface dust All rights of republlcatlon of special— think of it. has been happw ^, g ^ Twenties and Thirties, from the atmosphere. dUpatches herein are also reserved. if we are to keep democracy as a Rev. John F. Delaney, Pastor PTistor Anderson. > Telemetered Information from this rather s t^ ly ever yj Bond St. parsonage. Elder Car- Rev. Stanley E. HastUlo EssentiaUy what they are plaiv mond E. Baldwin, In year 1B3 , Mormon Missionary, will speak satelUte indicated that an Increase nlng is to launch trhec sounding B>tll service client of N. E, A. Serv­ peaceful mechanism. Rev. Dennis R. Hussey Second Congregational dm rdi o f 4 In the average num ber o f roMcts, in all protiabillty Aerobee ice, Inc. The automatic shout of "brutal' oame storming into the * on "Present Day Mormomism—Its . 386 N. Main St particles in apace was experienced office on the wings of oolor^ Mission and Its Program." 160’s during an appropriate me­ MVth»w«**^c1a”*“Agency-^^ j ity” has an empty sound when ut- and stirring slogans engineered for ______M asses at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 a m . F elix M. Davis, MOnlster during the Leonid meteor shower M rs. RlolMurd H. Finney, teor shower period. The first W E » r e E ^ ° a u d it '* BURE^^^^^ ‘n s«cb circumstances. It him by what was then something o f Novem ber 18 to 16, 1969. Two Community Baptist Church Associate Mtnlster sounding rocket to be launched CIRCULATIONS amounts to contending that one of a novelty In Oonneaticut poli­ Church of the Assumption days later on November 16 to 18 before the shower will rise to an 585 E. Center St Adams St and ’Thompsim Rd. there was another drastic rise in should be left alone to disrupt tics—openly hired press agents. Rev. Alex H. Elsesser, Minister altitude of 120 miles and then The Herald Printing C o m p ly , Inc ’There has been only one real Rev. Frands J. Mihalek, Pastor 10 am:. Morning Worship. Nur- the number of particles—this time open extendable sampling vanes no financial responsibility for democracy and that anyone who Rev. Ernest J. Coppa sery. Church School Service cf by a factor of from 7> to 201 One typoxrapnical errors appearing in aa- break In the chain since then, and 9:30 a.m.. Church school for all on which to collect the dust. When vertliements and other reading matter is interrupted in this m ischief Is by Baptism. Sermon by tiie Rev. Mir. interpretation of this result was the sounding rocket falls to an Jn The Manthester Evening Herald that oame when Abe 1 ages. Classes through Grade 4 Davis, "The Importance of Per- that the second Increase resulted that fact the victim of “undemo­ pernor, was muchmuen ^ too smart I have ___ expandedt,hw,„iyh session through Masses ait 7, 8, 9, 10:15 and altitude of about sixty miles, the himself and much too accurate In 11:30 a.m. sons.” I from the arrival of the particles -vanes will close In to jirevent be­ Display adverusing closing hours: cratic’’ brutality. 1 1 :1 5 a m ., Church 8chool,|from the lunar, surface. For Monday—1 p.m Friday. shTOting 10:30 a.m.. Morning worship. ing contaminated by dust from the F or Tuesday—1 p.m. Monday. In no stronger position are those The Concordia Lutheran Church Grades 7 through 12. Where do metorids come from? earth. These counts will Indicate For Wednesday—1 p.m. Tuesday. demonstrating Negrofes who have Sermon: "When Faith Falters.” 6.to 8 pm., Junior High PUgrim Astrofiomers realize that about For Tnursday—1 p.m. Wednesday. any professional prese agent. Nurserv 40 Pitkin St. the content of "clean” space, that F or Friday—1 p.m. Thursday. chained themselves together to bar Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, Pastor Fellowship group. Grades 7,8 and ten times a year the earth passes Is, Interplanetary space before the For Saturday-1 p.m. Friday. work at building sites, or tied 9 meet at olrurch with Mr. and throu^ swarms of meteorids In arrival of the meteor Shower. Classified deadline: 10:30 a.m. each 9 a.m.. Holy Communion, Church Mrs. Marshall Layton. space. These can be seen to fall The second sounding rocket will , day ol publication except Saturday — themselves to cranes and other ma­ From the south driveway. St. Margaret Mary's Church shows its steeply sloped roof, and the adjoining six-suied baptistry. * a.m. ______School and Nursery. 7 pm , Mu Sigma Chi group will through the atmosphere and dlS' be launched during the meteor chinery. 10:30 a.m ., ’The Service, Church meet at church with Mr. and Mrs. appear In a blaze of glory as shower and this will iilck up par­ Saturday, September 21 They should be extremely cau­ beque^[thS^ Dempsey, wai the cussed Informally by pastor in 1 School and Nursery. Stanley Matteson. Teenage woi> "shooting stars.’’ ticles which originate to the show­ tious hi how they charge police Lalumia who has now retired, so | social hall. 6:80 p.m., Luther League, ship service: "Silly or Sacred?” | Evidence accumulated In the er itself. The difference in the number of particles , collected is *>• ■■' * Joint Effort whose minimum responsibility at quietly and modestly, from the past century indicates that meteor i . ; St. Mary’s Eptooopol Ohuroh I streams are the remains of com- the difference between normal such times Is to remove them as pollUcal scene. And lAlumia, In President Kennedy’s courageous contrast to some of the spectacular Area Churches Church and Park Sts. ets wich have come Into the solar space and that through Which a proposal yesterday for cooperation obstacles to work which reasonably extixrvert talents who operated Rev. George F. Nostrand, Rector system from the deep-freeze of In- meteor shower movee. • must proceed. baidt in the Baldwin era, had Rev. John D. Hughes Iterstellar space and have been Tjimxr D ost Freed batween the United States and the But when the'shower interoepts There Is police brutality In this more or leas completed the gradual First Congregational Church of O'The First Congregational Church Rev. WnUain F. Gender HI [disturbed by the gravitational ■ 4 f* Bovlet Union toward exploration of United Church of Christ Rev, Ronald E. Haldeman j forces ot the major planets to the earth. It also intercepts the country-^ln all sections. But it Is a evolution toward the expert In Vernon 'B I the moon Is one which captures the Ideas and words whose presence R«v. John A. Lacey, Minister R t. 6, Andover make them continuously circle the moon and If the shower Is obosen winw “ imagination of peoples everyvdiere. thing of excess, and needs In every Janies HumiHirey, Rev. Raymond H. Bradley Jr., 7:30 am., Holy Oonununion. [sun with periods varying from a so that it passes the earth when and service were so self-effacing the moon Is between new and-first The econ^lc advantages of such Instance to be proven. you oooW hanky teU they were Dirsetm* ot Religious Education Pastor 9 a.m.. Morning Prayer -with in- j few to thousands of years. How- ^ a i structlon by the Rev. Mr. Hughes, ever, every time the comet ap- quarter. It will blast partiolca of is !:! lx J » Joint effort over competitive ven­ The charge is not one to be level­ there. 9:46 a.m.; Church School. Church School claseee foUow this preaches the sun, more^and more lunar dust from the surface which tures In space are self evident. ed as a matter of course against ’The original preaa agents were 9:25 and 10:56 a.m., Church will then fall toward the earth. personaRtiea In their own right, School 11 a m ., M orning W orship. Ser. servioe. Nursery and Kindergarten of Its mass Is dissipated by the ' lisp Not only would It make possible an officer who has no choice but to mon; “Participation In the Cruci­ In the Children’s Chapel. sun’s radiation. Finally the comet These are the particles the scien­ who inoiated chi being noticed, said B:3o and 11 a.m., Worahlp. tist la looking for. 1 untold savings In money. It would remove a screaming demonstrator who somethnes won as mitch no- Monday, 7:80 p.m., Meeting of fixion .” 11 am., Momdng Prayer with disintegrates with the tiny par- I III • 7:30 pm.. Pilgrim Fdlowshlp. sermon by the Rev. Mr. Nostrand. tides that make up its substance Thus, several days after the also permit the pooling of human frmn a congressional hearing room tice aa the masters they presum-1 junior Division teachers. Gwtoes shower has passed, a third sound­ ! m ami m Tuesday, 8 pm.. Board of Re­ Baby-sitting nursery In the Chll- strewn out along the path of the yesources. If the moon is a legitl- or a chained group of Negroes afldy served. There was no doubt g and 6 Church School, dren's Cha^. comet. When the earth iiasses ing rocket wlU be launched. This that they were Ihe experts, the g p.m.^ ’Trustees meeting, ligious Educ».tlon at the Church. mata goal at all, H ought to be a from the path of opnstruotion Wednesday, 10 a.nl.. Holy Com- through the path, It collides With sounding rocket wUl bring back Iwi II maater-nilnids o f wtoaitewer admin-1 Tuesday, 7:30 p.m ., Bylaws dust which should oontato samples l^bal, aa tha PresideRt insists, for trucks. United Methodist Church munlon. these particles and a meteor m mm •• IstraUon operation waa In prog- committee. Dally, 7 pm ., Evening Prayer. shower results. Infrequently the of the lunar surtoce. An analysis aU of mankind. \ Thoee who so glibly make the Teas. ’They liked to have their g p.m., Ways said meana coifh- Rt. 44A, Bolton of these tiny grains may give Rev. Abrsun W. Sangrey, Minister earth will pass through the nu­ More important sUn are the in- complaint damage no cause but own dev®- techniquee be spotted, mjttee. Oslvmry Church cleus and we vrill see tremendous scientists some knowledge of the bcmatlonal political advantages their own. When the police become rrhoy liked to duel openly with -Wednesday, 7:30 pjn., Fumldi- (AssembUes of God) meteor showers as evidenced In lunar surface even before we land w 3 ■ ! thelr adversaries. They could start committee, 9:15 and 10:45 am., Worship an unmanned probe there. that could accrue from such scien­ a total and autmnatlc enemy, the 647 E. Middle Tpke. Novem ber o f 1799 and 1833. What a controversial Issue going over Thursday. 7:30 p m.. Meeting of Sermon: ” What It Means To Be R ev. K. It. Gnstofson, Pastor must be realized is that the me­ This .concept has been formal­ tific oooperatlan. Despite the per- rule of law Is not respected. For nothing more suhataatlal than a jjigh teachers, A Christian.” teor path has appreciable size, so ized as Project Luster. A contract alating and seemingly Inecondl- the police sje among the neces­ suspeoted vacant spot on some Friday, 6:80 p.m., Potluck. 9:15 a.m., Sunday School begins 9:45 a m ., Sunday School dla that when the earth Is subject to has been signed w"h Electro-Op­ with registration and first classes. ’ i B - . ! ! . abla differences between East and sary guarantors of the orderliness Sim^ newepapM’s^ rf page. church," program for all ages. _a ______meteor shower, . so la the moon tical Systems, Inc., of Pasadena, With Lakimia the breed came to 6:30 pm.. Junior High Youth CaUfomla, for a systems analysis The crucifix hangs suspended over a green marble altar, the focus of the church. W- peUowFhlp tea. 7 p.m.. Senior High Youth Group. al director of The Servicemen’s D4- Say- Begistratlon Rev. Boy R. Hntcheon, Minister Wednesday, 8 pm., Servioe of Thus they reason that perhaps the Leonids on November six­ septa show the four Evangelista— said, in a quick, emotive voice. ft tions of movements which are But, on the other hand, never was tor church eahod children. Intro the meteorids on hitting the moon teenth. If this program Is success­ Iff " I A ny auch eacample w ill spur el- (Bible study and Prayer! p h o t o s b t JOSEPH SATEBNIS Matthew, Mark, Luke and John “These have never been used any- peculiar to the male of the spedes a Governor more thoroughly pro- ductlon of new church school staff 9:30 and 11 a.m., Morning Wor­ will spray out a mass of particles ful, periiaps by the end of 1964 —and Saints Peter, Paul and where before; they were cast for forttow art better international re- ship. Rally Day. Sermon:.; "The we may have some dcjOnltive and certain others which are the tected and Insured and Iwwlated mkI youth leaders. Deacon of day The Salvation A m y which can escape from the mo.was Mtohiiohoiiestablished fmm from nartpart a symbolic crown of thorns, carved has been choice, and technique, as 8 p.m., Rellgloua education meet- 10:46 ajn.. Holiness meeting. L conducted in the sanctuary of H artford. n i Diuiger signals which began to but also wives and mothers, con well as a famous smile, In the tog at Mrs. Chester Rau’s home, for all ages. Adult Bible clasa at 10:30 this morning. of South WiniUor’s pi^sn of St., and then esmt In aluminum. Music by Citadel Band and Song- oburdh. * w u S * * * ! afiilsar sems months ago now seem use the outstretched forefinger, business of not making enemies, j Taylor St., Talcottvllla Teacher training class. sters. Sermon by Cadet Dixon. Wsdnesdsiy, 7:30 p.m.. Midweek V —u will Francis of Aaalsl, itself created In Mil BP m ,10:15 a.m.. Church service. Ser­ St. John’s PoHsh National The church building, which wUl under the Rev. Edward Above the altar, suspended from oonJlnhed; ’s post- first describing a precise orislt In which Is on* way of being succesa- 2 p.m.. H ostel vlsltoUon by gjjj study and ^wyc*"- CbthoUo Church serve m on than 1,000 parlahonera, Rosenbeiger. the celling. Is a crucifix, the figure mon: “Building the Church.” Mrs. Elizabeth WUeon and Mre. i ^ wajihutlding boom is beginning to the space before an erring face, and fu l In politics. The Presbyterian Church Rev. IValter A. Hyzko of Christ made of wood, carved Schonrock will be a little more 43 Spruce St, Nursery. Thomas McCann. waa begun with a groundbreakli^ then comlf^ to rest squarely on Monday, 7:30 p.m., Adult mem­ North Methodist Ohuroh a -loM 4,.^ O voar after Tro® » beginning membership and stained a light t«ie by Behind the intimately scaled baptistry, attached by a corridor to the church, is the rectory. turn Into a bust; the amount o t amenable to the clqck-conscious- Rev. James L, Ransom, Bllnlster 7 p.m., Salvation Meeting. Mu-1 800 Parker St. Miosses at 8:80 and 10:80 man. an Sept. 31, laex, jusi • year ^ about 260, the parish grew so Jonynas, and mounted on a rose- pannRs being iasusd and oootraots target, to bring home some im­ neas of us poor reporters. But, as bership class. sic by Citadel Bond. Sermon byj Rev. Earie R. Custer, Pastor Archbishop Henry J.T n'Rrion'O’Brira, Hart-Hart 600-seat church, wood cross, ■ i he has already demonstrated in his | 9 :S0 am.. Rally Day in Sunday Thursday, 7:30 p.m.. Church Maj. Lemie. ford diocese, eatahllshed the par­ bchig let la sharply down. mutable truth. women’s work, night. built In 1942, waa inadequate for And, of oourae, the powers that Let a man point for any more ; lost as publicity chief for the School. 9 and 10:30 aon., Woeshto 8 «v- ish. the population. Above the crucifix is another iJemocratic state orgranlzaUon, he 10:46 am., Morning worship, Church of the Nazarene Ijoes. SesTOon: •'The Bo6y and huge symbolic crown of thorns, of Including the dty government vital reason than to indicate the prefers the quiet, deft, competent Rally Day message by the Rev, Union Congregational Chnrch 236 Main St. the Spirit.’’ Crib nursery for With leas than 34' hours to tiie Cooaequently the pariah of St. aluminum colored silver and gold. •litasvr .are trying to do som ething way to Buckland, and the effect is Rockville Rev. Robert J. Shoff, Pastor dedication, workmen were MU Francis bought a 16-acre tract off In the middle of which hangs _ touch, and he is definite^ no Mr. Ransom, '“Together.” Junior Rev. Paul J. Bowman, Pastor both services. 'sKf mm M HI ^4hat wlil revive the boom, and pathetic. It is as impotent for a showboat coming around the bend church program for youngsters in 9 son., Sunday Church School FALL putting finishing touches on me fuj. ^ new pariah In 1961, dove — the Holy Ghost — under a church’s Interior yesterday morn- aj^ug with a five-room house to be round silver tester. -Mtl ...... ^^0 ww s»* "**> 'tgnarantee that It will be peima- man to point for emphasis as it Is with a second wWsUe he sounds Grade 1 through 6. Supervised 0.30 a.m., Church School class- Gradea 4 through 12, 9 a.m., Church School, Grades es for all ages. 10:30 am., Sunday dumii Ing. a temporary rectory. for a woman to shake her first for himself when somebody asks nursery, 5 through 12. Mnti H ia dty Itself la starting what makes ths steamboat go. 7 p.m.. Evening Bible service 10:30 a.m.. Children’s church School tor Grades 1-3, idadergar- SPECIALS 10:30 a.m.. Church School, In­ ■t. M^arri M ^_^^ueJor Margaret M ^a f 1 r s t h m i I. for°^hlch°* St**’*Maigarot Hi I pcojeota, to.ke^ the building trade We have come to regard most and nursery. ten, 3 and 4 yearn oM nurneQ;. m ^ 5S The trend In press agents Is to-1 with hymn-sing. Message: fants through grade 4. on .payrolls up. it has sbnpUfl^ pro- differences like this one as inevit­ ward fancier titles, but sUU In the “Strange Sayings of the Sa-vlour,” 10:45 a.m.. Worahlp service. 6::30, Sender Methodld: Youth ’ r»n Do. were at Oie VVanpli^ Mary stands and which represents 10:45 a.m.. Worship Service, kv iha twstoi- Theme: Aluminum 17 th ttntuiy Vlsltsticm . School on Sept. M, IWl, with Christ’s love for mankind, is close- S B r ' t e .cedmes for builders. It is condder- able and, very probably, desirable. goieral direction of anonymity, •’Y the pastor. Nursery, Fellowship meeting at diurch. Sermon: "^ptaln of ^L^tcLialWatchman, What^of What of the Night?”Night? Mlonday, 8 p.m., Oflldnl Board. cem ber 27, 1678, wWle clolstw subsequent cerlmotoM at toe Eais- jy the encircling crown One, however, has been plaguing and we suspect we are not likely Monday, 6:30 p.m.. Council of Rev. Mr. Bowman preaching. • WINDOWS Paray-le-Monlri to France. worth Memorial High School, the thorns - thus toe symtol la In- !lDg relaxing some of the zoning to have any reason to mention Church meeting for church dele- 6 p.m., Youth service. Wednesday, 7:30 pm.. Trustees ^lawB, designed to protect property lu for years. Why can’t a woman 8 p.m., Junior Ifilgrlm Fellow­ '7 p.m., Evangelistic service. • CANOPIES favorod with toe first of several ^.vety St. school, and the new eluded as toe focus of toe church, !lP r Executlve Aide Schonrock again, 1 gktes at United Methodist Church, ship meet at church for mystery m ed in g. revelations. South Windsor High School. i viluas, tf only somebody will build strike a match like a man? unless it la to praise the subtlety iltoh. Message by the pastor. Theme: Thuraday, 7:30 pm . School for • DOORS R 1l ride. “The Holy Spirit Convicts of _ wimI Entering toe church from the ■move e t something somewhere. When a man strikes a match to with which he has faded into the Friday, 8 p.m., Meeting of lead­ 6 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim Fellow­ Christian Laymen. ™!!Liwin»5 Father OTfell stUl recalls the front, toe worshiper passes ership trsdning class with acting Righteousness.” • AWNINGS One feasen the New York City light a cigrarCtte, the process, as background. ship- meeting canceled, Friday Itovotion toe ro confusion and the mix-ups that re- through a low vestibule, over which session of Presbytery. Wednesday. 7:30 pan.. Prayer Zion Evangelic^ Lutheran Church • JALOUSIES ^mm^on^reparatum _ suited when, paririiloners of St. la the organ loft. Into the nave of IhuHdlng boom is having trouble everyone knows, is efficient ac­ Saturday, 6 p.m., Fellowship and Praise service. St. George’s Episcopal Church (Missouri Synod) YES—EASY TERM8I the Friday of the m _ jt^^ret Mary'e and tooee of toe church, of a large and pleha- .keeping its boom permanent is curate, graceful, dignified, and box supper prior to .congregation­ Cooper and High, Sta and the custom of rep e g g^^th Windsor’s Lutheran congre- antly simple shape, lit through toe Bt. 44A, Bolton First Church of Christ, Scientist Call Your Frlend-i^ Itba^ it has been such a big boom furthermore, usually successful. A Thought for Today al meeting at 7:15 p.m. tn sanc­ Rev. Edward W. Johnson, Vicar Rev. Part G. Prokopy, Pastor Christ s love tor manxmo y gation shared quarters In the same stained glass windows and topped ■ftCft tuary. Masonic Temple Sacred Heart. ,9or the peat 18 years. It has been When a woman strikes a match Sponsored by the Manchester BILL TUNSKY school on Sundays. with the steep sloped, pine board­ m m 9 am , Sunday School. ed roof. ?. m so big, in fact, that It has gone to light a cigarette, the process, as Council of Churches 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. 11 a.m., Sunday service, Sun- BignlfyiDg SiL Margaret The pariah began a buUd'ng RockvUle Methodist Chnrch 10:15 d.m., Morning prayer and 9:30 am., Adult Bible time. -ahead of certain other capacities all men know. Is ilIog;icaI, chancy, 142 Grove SL iday School and nursery. 10 am., Divine WorAlp. Text: 649-9095 revelation is toe o r ir a In o fl9 6 2 , directed by Supporting both walls and ceiling Church School registration. idow which risM ^ full hei^ a professional fund raiser, to cci- •of the metre^Us. It now has more awkward, uncomplimentary, and One of our basic principles In Rev. Laurence M. Hill, Pastor "Matter” will be the subject of laalah 40: 1, Theme: "Comfort ye, ------. . f >.w. are dark stained laminated pine 7 p.m., Young People’s Fellow­ the Lesson-Sermon. The Golden ef the facade of t^ ***iHI*’J ^ lect 3250,000 neceasarynecessa to begin ^ beams, rising from toe foundations, furthermore, usually l\itlle. human relationships is human dig­ Comfort ye, my People, Saith, your •bidldingB than It has people for, nity. Where there is the dignity, 9:30 a.m.. Church School for all ship. Text la from'Matthew 6.24. Scrip­ the entrance loggia fr^ te m the 3660,000 building, curving behind a concealing val­ jsad tt has more expensive sleeping Women have superior digital tural selections will Include 1 God.’’ Nursery in parish hwse, white mariJle to the peak of the ■- ance to form exposed roof r^ers. jiaradoxlcally, there Is responsi­ ages. Vernon Methodist Church 11 am., Gottesdlenst. ^ Iroem than R can rent, and it has dexterity. It la said tmiversally. bility and burden-bearing. ,’Ihere Is 10:48 a.m., Church School, nurs­ John 2:17. Correlative passages steeply elented n e t . Daniel P. AnUnooBl of Stratford. Route 30 7 pm., Young People’s Society. • was appointed the architect, and From the nave, toe organ loft la >S .mora anoommodatian inside the Why then cannot the nimble fin­ a basic understanding that every ery through Grade 8. from "Science and Health with 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship. Rev. Robert Firby Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Wednesday, 7:30, Sunday School Moat BtrikiBg from the nave cf j^ u S l OonatrucLon Go. of Man- fronted by a low wall with regular eity. **>»« It has In He trensporta- gers that knit, crochet, tat, remove man carries a heavy load. There­ Btoff. Ihe church, with the southern sun ^ oho*cn to do toe fluting toe width of toe church, fore, whatever we say or do will be Sermon: "The Renewal of Streng­ Baker Eddy, include p. 458: 32-8. 1hm faoHlties in and out of the splinters, and ably point, also han­ th.’ ’ 9 a.m., Morning worship and ,8 p.m„ Wednesday meeting. Saturday, 9:30-3:16, Sunday shining from behind It, the window bUUdlng. fluting which combines with simi­ colored by this light. And this new child care. Sermon by pastor — School Teacher's Association In- la made by a technique which the lar oak strips on toe walls to sug- aity. £a short, some hard-headed, dle a matchbook and a match at 6:30 p.m., Methodist Youth Fel­ Reading Room hours at“ 749 light -will becom e reflected In Parables of our Lord “T^e Elder Rev. ’nicenas C. O’Neil, pastor of Antinbsil toured toe new church organ ~ pipes, now outmoded The Revelation of St. Margaret Mary — in stained glass. anemotional observer might oon- the same time? Why Is It that lowship. Main St., excepting legal holidays, CHRIST'S FOLLOWERS people’s reactions-to you. Monday, 7:16 p.m.. Prayer and Brother.” Church school, nursery, (he chupch, deacrlbee as ’chipped ’nwisday with Father GNeU, w m by jji electric organ. Monday through Saturday, 11 seemed harried but calm, and U. shzde that New York City Is al- those fingers can never seem to Rev. Robert Kilmoda, discussion time. kindergarten, elementary Grades a.m. to 4 p.m.; Thursday, 11 a.m, ARE HAPPY PEOPLE glaM .’ ‘rsady aa big as it can sensibly get, light the match on the first TalcottvUle Church. Wednesday. 8 p.m.. Woman’s 1 and 2 and senior high. No matter what the teoton,, ,. FL Jonynas of Jonynas A Shepherd, The wooden pews, stained disrk to 9 p.m. Thick hunks of colored glass, HoIUs , N. Y., who designed toe windows, with blue glass. The huge parking lots, with a connect­ Society of Christian Service. 10 a.m ., Morning worshllT and thoie who seek God’e will as is toe rest of toe wooden trim, ing drive. West of i the church is and that, therefore, it has no bud- st^e? Why, can’t they make a child care. Sermon by pastor — la shades ranging from Intense ^^ar fittings. have gently carved ends and run southern sun gives a strong blue ‘hess even pretending that It needs sheltering cup adequate to protect Iron Symbol of U.N. Center Congregational Chordh ere filled with Hit . • • • i blue to muted olive, from brilliant cast to toe ivory window case- toe new rectory, alAo designed by Jehovah’s Witnesses Parables of our Lonl — “The United Church of Christ to the front of toe church where Antinozzi, with living quarters or oan ba-ve such a thing aa a per- the nasc^t flame froih being Elder Brother.” Church school, BRIGHTEN YQUR PATH yellowallow to a mottledmoitiea rad,rea, arem n castcoai. .imi-uu—,Antlnoxsl — is » a quiet man,. with s marble railingraiUng separates tnetoe ments—In strong contrast to toe UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.—A Kingdom Hall Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, Minister rframss of coswrete, wWoh sirve m^kisdly Italian featigr a .^ sanctuary from toe body of very white light of the Interior in toe two-story portion of the ziranent building boom. It ootdd be snuffed out by even so faint a Rt. SO, Rockville nursery through Junior high, and 2 building, and .offices for Father 6%-ton block of polished mag­ adult class. Rev.Joaeph H- Dudley, ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY to outline and aoraathnes------tiiade prefm •— *- ^ J**' his areltttocturs toe worshipers. ■' uiumination.Illumination. 1 . ttiat K has building enough, and breeze as that which might be netite iron ore dominates the 8 p.m.. Public Bible talk given Associate Minister O’Neil and toe newly appointed by a representative of the Watch- 2:30 p.m., Methodist Youth Fel­ the flguws. curate, the Rev. Joeeph P. Schick. jsesds, for the future, no additional, made by the wing flutter of United Nations. It was described lowship tinning class at the Rev. Frands O. Hawea ^ .u.. the Behind toe back wall of toe From toe outside, toe baptistry by the late Secretary-General D«ig tower Society. O. B. Cochran Jr., Minister of Christian Edneaton The design and constnwUon H#_^ ^ t^««nt sanctuary are two sacristies for Is Just as inviting, sitting lower but merely replacemont building. nearby gnat? Subject: "Faith Heallng-Is-It From Methodist Church, Crystal Lake. With a capacity of 900 in toe Hammarskjold as "a symbol Thursday, 7;S0 p.m., Second ses­ RALLY DAY were all done In the workshop of church !• a toe priest and toe aRar boys, In a than toe church itself with a Must New York City keep grow­ A gentleman we know has de the firm and permanent.” G od?” 8. 9:16 and 11 a.m.. Worsbp Jean-Joeque DuvaL of New York, dealga, with the nave f« « ^ low addition to toe church buUd- heavily textured outside wall made nave and two transepts. Father 4:15 p.m., Group discussion of sion of school for Christian laymen O’Neil hopes that toe new church ing' forever bigger, with more and voted many hours of effort to edU' at North Methodist Church, Man­ Service. Sermon: "Now My l^rea and the windows wer# Inatalled, and the tmnaepta at right angles sanctuary Is entered from wto even rows of protruding brick more bulkUi^ and rooms for red- eating the ladies on this subject. Aug. 16, 1963 Issue of the Watch- See Thee.’’ 9:30 A.M. scmplet* last mototh. to either tide. toe sides; above the two side doors end a rigid metal sheathed roof will not be outgrown by toe parish tower magazine. Article: "Each chester. with a small standing cross. aa fast as was that of St. Francis. denes and roome for budneaa, and He has a regular illustrated spiel 9:15 and 11 am , Church School, "Although the tiispe is eharac- ^ d ^ r^ra^^ eym- HEALTH CAPSULES One will Render an Account.” Page St. Frands of Assisi Church Toddlers through Junior High. CHURCH SCHOOL Betidaa the window representing ^ nhurch boU Of toe Eucharist. never any kmit except hterally which he often delivers at parties, by Mkhiiel A. Petti, MJX 496. , 6:30 p.m., CYP Club In Woodruff Bt. Msxgarst Msiy In‘the front t^ tto of In f^mt of the baptistry runs a Perhaps to answer some ques­ Soath Windsor (jLASSES FQft AU. path, from the west parking lot the aky? S Step by step he explains and Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Group H all. E lection Of officers. sf the oburdi, there sr# tw o'm ' architecture, the sty^ hi, eon- To either aide of the aanctuary tions about toe size of St. Marga­ -WHAT PERCENTAGE OF AAEN Bible study In the book'"Let Your Rev. Gordon B. Wadhams, Pastor ere toe transepts, also fitted with to the entrance of the church. ret Mary’s, toe dedication booklet shows the fine points of extracting WHO HAVE HAP A CORONARY Rev. Edward J. Radzidi the baptisby, wWch flanks the temporary, Name Be Sanctified” held at the Gospel Hall 10:45 A.M. eburch to the west, five In the. pews and In toe south wall of each Separated from toe grounds by a recalls that when St. Francis built Criers Of^avoc the match from the book, striking HEART ATTACK CAN Assistant Pastor low brick waU, toe baptistry wing its church Ip 1942, It had only RBTURN TO WORK* Kingdom Hall and at five other lo­ 415 Center SL aennaotiiM! hallway, ■ and many *ra toe confessionals. At toe end it sharply and surely, and shielding cations In the Rockville area. encloses a ganlen plot, plsmted about 300 members — yet the Borne historians may decide to Mjaanee at 7, 8, 9, 10:15 and MORNING WORSHIP SJSJTonboth wells qf toe nave, ^SJetlc^ tathw thra ^turglcaJ **** transept Is the moto- It. He has never yet succeeded In Friday, 7:30 p.m., Theocratic ond tl>e two transepts. er’s room, glassed off from toe with even rows of young g;round chiirrti could seat 500. BtA 1963 tl^ "Year of the Demon- 11:30 a m . 10:30 am.. Breaking Bread. I'fURSEjRY and CttUItCSt reasons.” plants and two low bushes—an teaching the trick to any woman. Ministry School. 12:16 pm., Sunday School bulk of toe church smd equipped ktratlons.” 8:30 p.m.. Service Meeting. Those lighting the nave, done In Wbra he firat designed the with a loudspeaker and at toe end area of as inviting a scale as toe "At toe time,” the dedication The last time he tried, he burned Sacred Heart diurch 7 p.m., Goiqiel meeting. the same bold' but not impious Interior. book continues, “ many questioned We have bad all types. Including Theme: “ Each One Will Carry His and ------. rfuirch. Antinoral had Included a of -the east transept stairs fiescend his fingers. Own Load.” Gal. 6:6. Rt. SO, Vernon Tuesday, 8 p.m„ Prayer 7:00 P.M. . , forms,,ropresent toe 15 mysteries bsptistry. to a 6(X)-seat haU, with a stage and the size of the church with toe re^ fitat old familiar variety aimed at Rev. Ralph Kelly, Pastor Bible meeting. of the Rosary—the Annunciation, storage areas, The brick which tiieaths the mark, "Why are they building so dlaruptlng a congressional hear­ ANIMAL EVENING SERVICE the Visitation, the Nativity, the majority of the building Is not ^large a ch u rch ?” FAR FLOATING FLOATS St. John’s Episcopal CXraroh 10 and Bt. 80, Vernon Miaases' ait 7:30, 8:80, Covenant Ohoitdi NURSERY Presentation, the Flnd^ in the ,i„ fT** haptlstry, which is reached continued tor Hon, and bk wfi* sharsa bk 6. ■ » iBterference with the orderly proc m union. Rev. Patrick P. Mahoney, Paator buikHng k tanked by 9w* BOW patitii k loqabodT net to some 600 small floats. In I inl»iw»Hia in iw ilf H m m attending i ^ jh (tie trsBSspts sd ths eburch, gray tiacke. lbs sonth ww wMb ara aarresr , jfC domoeraey. or with the $ ant., Hedy Oommuo^ kmch. the Florida Keys the larger floats Maiami at T. S, 10 and 11 am. to bring a pkxio ------o f Ilia aoonomlc sgra- bav* mM. for mwa tbaa |IOO. Ion. ts. ■ , A, -T-. Sf '.■i


j/CO(V\e OtiVsM. HOW tH E * Table Fore BtFROMIHEFReSHAIB/OH,BfeFKOMlHfel-KtOHAm* /iiv»JeOM\[30(HOOPt* ^LBBP > AO tO U TBavaraga M A H V O F Q O R g r e a t e s t tJEYCT —THlNKk/tHROA * IBIt«( bottw 3Ugbt-colotad EXEcan^e^RBLY o h c a t h a p s ) ^ 1 : H E’D W^KbI t V Of AD Kindi 33 Moon goddeat MACHDCE SHOP SERVICE 34Repe (trend 14 IT IS e q u ip m e n t J, A. WHITE 3SEx]NiDged PARTS (new nnd rebuilt) Seafood * ^ COMMUNITY PRESS 36 Landing raeaM IT iS f ACCESSORIES 9 East Middle Tpke. 37U viM maaanra GLASS CO. 30 Hardy hareina IT 1 . 8UPPUES Telephone 643-5727 ntton I Du Pont Point, Suppltei 43 OAK ST. ' ! . 81 BUaeU SL— TeL 646-7833 IT Open Sntttrdnyn Until S PJd. TEL. 649-9987 ------J wtagi 45 B a ^ 40CoatlniMd ABC APPLIANCE JjSEVW f 31 Yellow bagte BT PONTIAC Luke -m is- B S ^ ^ o r ending AND REPAIRS S3HaaenIliM HT CAR LEASING Bieknaina U n it e d MNetther IT 19 M npl. $t—44t-a*7t SSCnttlfon Try Plens for Car Hepairs TEMPEST CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER BOParadlM and RENTALSu 858 BURNSIDE AVE. REPAUIS UN—■ ■TOMaln IT II Pint la Mnneheoter. New onm, EAST HARTFORD More end more motorl«ta * d IT IT work and with the prices charged, S A L K and SERVICE GRlLLd. BLEUTRIO OtONM, DOWN tall mnlntennnoe, tally Insured talcing their cars to Reuben TOASTERS, PBROULATOM, IChnaa r II 289-6333 and all the work is guaranteed. SAthana to reduce your problemn nnd Plen's Texaco Station, 38ert advice is yours for Lower Level of the Parkade satisfied with the gasoline you are General Repair Woili 485 MIDDLE TPKE., EAST experience In working on aU cars, . Right now the malls are filling the asking. Most people do not 649-68M OaU 648-0013 Reuben Plen spent ten years now using? If not, why not try yrtUi fall wedding invitations and Phone 643-4865 realize how important all of working for , a General Motors a tank full of Texaco and *ee why be for a while to come. More these things can be in getting a 3d)A Y R. A. PEARL, Prop. firm In Manchester. He specialized so many car owners rely on Tex- ^nd more brides are choosing message across to the public. In hydramatlc tranamtasiona and aco Sky Chief, the high test gas, raised printing for wedding Ln- When you spend money to send CUNLIFFE SERVICE! was a fully trained mechanic, so or Fire Chief, the regular gas. Try vltatlons and announcement*. The out printed matter you want to TOURAINE much so that he was promoted to a tank full and see how much bet- reason for this Is an easy one. — nine — insure its being read, for If it foreman. It was only natural, ter your car performs. Raised printing adds a touch of does not attract reader attention MOTOR SALES FURNITURE OLEANINO CAMPING with thla background of experi­ There is an axided bonus when elegance, and what bride would your money Is wasted. If you EXPERT AUTO BODY and PAINTS ence, plus' his specialized training you have work done on your car not want her wedding invitations have a message you want to get FENDER REPAIRS EQUIPMENT In hydramatlc transmissions, that and also enjoy the fine products and announcements to be distlnc- across to the public, let either Mr. For Best Resiihf Mr. Plen decided to open his own put out by T «aco.- You get valu- tlve? Does this raised printing or Mrs. Larson help you and you ENAMEL and LACQUER Tent*, Cots, Sleeping Bags, Texaco station, which' he did on able S and H Green Staunpa when c(,gt a lot more than the regular will be sure that you ar# getting REFimSHTNGS Air Mattreasea, Stove* July 10. 1982, and since that time you do buaineaa at Reuben Plen’s printing ? Aotuafiy is is only sllght- advlde from the experts. Lanterns more and more motorists have Texaco Station. ly more expensive than the regular Community Press is equipped REASONABLE PRICES PAUL'S come to depend upon him for re^ Bstimatea on any work- are kind, and there is no co'mpMlson to handle all jobs, large or small, FREE ESTIMATES .^PAINT SUPPLY T u R h P I K E MANCHESTER pair work. gladly furnished by Reuben Plen when It comes to distinction. If a and they do job as well as com­ RT. 88— VERNON. CONN, 645 Main Street BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL •'Mom BEy* he’s Just lik« on# of th# family—*rtck# In SURPLUS SALES C O . If you are having trouble with and there 1s no drilgation. Drive wedding is In the near future, mercial printing. The genuine gust Above the Traffic Circle AUTO BODY your car, why not drive over to in and let him look tae job over don't delay, go'hver to Commiailty pride the Larsons take in turning mud, k«opB her busy plckine up and Is ie » N. M Am ST. TEL. 648-0016 TeL 649-0300 always hungry Reuben Plen’s Texaxo station and for you; you can depend upon his prees and place your order now. out fine work is evident in the fin­ at Depot Square let him solve your difficulties. He advice. For guaranteed service, Perhaps you would like to see ished product. Should an emer­ Open Daily to 0:00 P.M. is more than capable of taking dependable Texaco products and samples o f in-vltations and an- gency arise. Community Press J. FARR—643-7111 care of any mechanical difficulties valuable S and H Green Stamps, nouncementa done In raised print- will make every effort to accom­ W R E C K E R that might arise, no matter what take advantage of a three-fold ing, and if so, the Larsons vdll bs modate you. For all around fine work, you cannot do better than Berube's make of car you drive. You will value and g o , to Reuben Plen’s more than happy to show you. TYPEWRITER 8BRV1CH SERVICE be more' than pleased with his Texaco Station at 381 Main St. | Business firms have Joined the to depend upon the fine sendees increasing number of those using offered by the Conununlty Press. 479 Middle Tpko. B. PORTABLE TV RENTALS Manebester ority life, many school officials I Motorola and Zenith Sales have spelled out formally and of­ REBUILT TYPEWRITBRS and Service Negroes Rate ficially the Institution’s dis­ ’ 3 0 Days to Better Grades- ROYA1.8. UNDERWOODS. IF y o u H AV EAN Y^ I approval of discrimination. U O. SMITHS Bte. OlFFICULTy P L & ^ We Service AU Make* of TV, Some have required that I We Handle Statlooery Afeag LET/WE KNOW. BUT Radios and Pbonograph* Cam pus Bias officers of the individual houses With Office Marhiae SnppUeo IWSURE PR.CASBV sign pledges not to choose mem-1 Some Tips on Making Addressegraph Plates As UNPe^ANP. MODERN hers On a racial basis. Desired M i n o r T a r g e t Some observers believe there is I a reluctance on the part of the | A. J. BERUBE. P r ^ T V SERVICE By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Negro to demand that he be al­ Tests Work for You 649-3477 — 148-6841 9 9 SUMMER ST. Negroes, who have tumbled lowed to associate with the whites I By The Reading Laboratory, Inc. 3 Blocka Prom McKee St. educational racial barriers In a on such an intimate basis as SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEa i. DUC0andDUlUXREFINISHIN6 massive national drive, so far would be the case in a sorority or Written for NBA TEL. 643-3205 have paid little attention to one a fraternity. The members. often VIC’S PIZZA SHOP eat and sleep In the same house, HERE -THEY YOU THINK w e SH0UU5 JKNOWJ SHOULD TRY ID aspect of college life — the fra­ Before we start today’ s arti­ question test, If you got 40 'l5 8 W. Middle Tnrapika BENICEIDYOURRElATIveS 16« MIDDLE TURNPIKE, WEST ternity and sorority. sometimes sharing dormitory | right and 60 wrong, your score Phone 649-8700 COMB. UXX1ME O1H0? WAY. JUST SNUB THEM? MANCHESTER quarters. cle, a little perspective will be BUTIMEfRE SUCH BORES In some colleges and universi­ a good Idea. If you have pre­ would be •t'wice as high as It HAimr Muu ties across the country, the Ne­ The traditionally fraternal and I ■would be If you took your time Call 644-1111 PIZZA social campus organizations won't) pared adequately for the test, gro already is included on the if you have been studying day and got 20 right and none STEVENSON’S rolls of such campus organiza­ actually bejgin screening member­ FOR REPAIRS, SPAGHETTI by day, you will be able to get wrong — just the right an­ REPLACEMENT Norajitee 5 4 3 .7 0 4 3 tions. ship candidates until late this | swers are counted. RAVIOLI month or later. a good mark without any ON ALL TYPES OF In other schools there exist all- trouble. But at the same time, You must be careful, BY DICK CAVALU ESSO Negn^ sororities and fraternities. One of the few reported Inci­ though, because some tests— OPEN DAILY MORTY MEEKLE dents involving Negroes and a | you will be able to . raise your 405 MAIN ST. 1 1n most other institutions where score a few points if you know College Boards are one—^pe­ 7:30 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. TEL. 64Q-8290 fraternities and sororities have no campus orgamsatlon took place nalize you for wrong amawers. COMMERCIAL recently at Long Beach State a few tricks of test-making and a SUNDAYS nonwhite riiembers, the Negro so test-taking. 'Ihe thing to do is to ask I'LL eenuB PEone WHO * Tune-ups far has done little to Indicate he College, Calif., when three Negro | your proctor how the test is 4 P.M. to 10:.30 P.M. coeda attended off-cantpus soror­ Psychologists have recogniz­ RUN THe SeiSMOORAPB Reuben Plen’s wants to join. scored—whether it’s a right- CLOSED MONDAYS WINTHROP/ * Engine Cleaning Several regional officials of the ity rushing parties and reported I ed for a long time that some minus-wrong test or if just the COMB is n u e IN WASHINGTON THINK National Association for the Ad­ others present were "sort of | people tend to be better on a right answers are counted. If WOODCOCK Houee/ ■nHeY'VEJOSTPickja? Texaco Station * Minor Repairs vancement of Colored People said shocked." test than some others—regard­ there are no penalties for BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE LIP AN BAeiHOUAKS 381 Main Street the Neg;ro feels being admitted to "Because there is no Negro | less of Intelligence. This is wrong answers, fill in every REFMGERATION CO. IN T I B E T : previously all-white schools was a sorority," said one of the girls, partly due to the tact that some blank on the test! Blven If you * Piaid Stamps people work better under stress Ostrinsky Phene 643-9149 big enough step for the present. "we have to go to the rush." take some wild guesses, the" DEALER IN WASTE Chester Lewis, president of the Shortly after, the three said 1 than others do, but it is also law of averages says taht you they were giving up their attempt true that some people are sim­ Hydmmntlo Tranamlsaion Wichita, Kan., chanter of the ■will get some of them rightr MATERIALS NAACP, said he believed the because, “ it just Isn’t worth all| ply more test-wise than others. Finally, never just give up MANCHESTER RepAliing CUSTOM MADE breaking of any racial barriers the trouble and expense." They know how to make a test AU Work Onaranteed and leave an essay question CANVAS AWNINGS that might exist In fraternities "Sororities are social organiza-l work for them. blank .That is the surest way MEMORIAL CO. RAGS, IRON Texaco LnbriostioD Service and sororities "Is the farthest tions,” one of the girls said. "Youl Take ..the example of objec­ to get a zero. PUt something talhg from the Negro thinking can’t force yourself upon some­ tive tests, that is, true-false down! Make it sound as plausi­ Opposite East Cemetery SCRAP METAL We Give jt v f Green Stamp* right now, what with other prob­ body under such circumstances. tests, multiple-choice tests, and ble as you can and you will lems they face.’’. If they were Interested in accept-1 so forth. The unsophisticated get some points—perhaps for Quality Memorials and PAPER However, Laplols Ashford, na­ ing Negroes, they wouldn't try to) test-taker starts to answer the orlgrlnallty. But never just Over 80 Year* Experience sBMU tional director of the youth and get out from under school regu­ first question and works his quit. 781 PARKER ST. j college division of the NAACP, lations.” way through to the end.- That « H E OIPTOtt PRtTWPS TO POZE, Remember, that these are Tel. 648-0785 or 648-5676 '' tr yin s oT m p e his nervoushesL said his group was "planning The college suspended six of the I sounds sensible, but it really is all ways to make the structure Call 649.5B07 BY LESLIE TURNER some type of activities through eight UE^ UP FDR AM « A L MBCT W A R . CAPTAIN EASY "Suburbia sororities on charges' they not. The test-wise student reads of the test work for you. They A. AIMEITI, Prop. HIS CAREER COULP HE UHERLY which we eventually hope to in- attempted to bypass a college ban| the test all the way through are little tricks that may help . Rl«MBPIVTHISn.V R)y. I tegrate these fraternities and against racial restrictions by hold­ before he starts. He is looking you out, but they are no sub­ Harrison St., Manchester whan H*a sim a •• THwMldWf Today" i sororities.” ing their rushing activities off | to see If the test gives away stitute for good, solid prepara­ 2 6 HOURS'AOOl C R U S THE MAGAZINE OF "It Is true that the Negro has campus. ^some answers. Most long ob­ tion. M &M * TIN KNOTS. S M b KTOOLATBl SEE US FOR: NBMUSTTRy PLEASANT PLACES a lot on his mind right now and jective tests will. For instance, (NEXT: Summing up.) MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD aON#AMir297IMUS. • Aluminum Roll Up Awntegs It might be a little while' before the answer to question 6 (or a m SHOULP o v m c t a k m A MONTHLY FEATURE OF s Venetian Blinds we can begin on this problem in ood clue to the answer) may • The entire ”30 Days to Bet­ WATKINS-WEST HER M TWO HOURS, 820 YOUR HOMETOWN DAILY s Storm Doors fun force, but It is in the plan- Implied by question 20—or MILSS UP THE CflSSn NEWSPAPER Radio Today I ter Grades” series is now ■apart * .Combination Window* inlng stage," he said. . ' maybe by question 8, 21 and 23, available In an 80-page, spiral- FUNERAL C A L L . MonelMsHir Awning Co. I He said that when such a pro­ when' they are taken together. bound book. To order your * MOVIN* gram is put into effect, “ the drive "• 648-6663 195 WEST CENTER ST. WOBV—IMt The true-false test^ are an­ copy, send your name, stodress, * FhOKmO wlil be made on the campUse.s of | 1;UU Wtesend Review ■ other case In point. Watch out city and state plus $I to: Bet­ SERVICE Telephone 649-3091 northern, mldwestem and western . 3:06 Jerry Bishop lEum tis ilrralJi Established 1949 6:0(1 Weekend Review for the little but so-important ter Grades, c /o The Manches­ ----- schools first." I '8:0b Raynor Staines universal qualifiers on the ter (Conn.) Evening Herald, URMAND J. WEST A nationwide sampling by The I 00 News Sisn Off P. O. Box 489, Dept. A, Radio Associated Press showed that; WTI&-1MS true-false tests. The univers­ l:U(i News al qualifiers are ‘‘always,” City Station, New York 19, Director very lew of those colleges checked | 1:16 Times Farm N. Y. i had fraternities or sororities "never,” "aJI,” “none,” and 1:30 Red Sox vs. Twins (3) words like them. The sentence 142 B. CENTER ST. which had racial clauses written 6:(X) News, Sports and WaaUiar VETERANS EARN MORE into the charters or bylaws. 6:3U Monitor In which they aiH>ear Is usual­ 51anche*ter’s Oldest Manchester Maying 1U:>> Just JssB ly false. For instance, we have WASHINGTON — The nation’s However, such clauses do ap­ 11:00 News I the sentence, "Men are created 23,000,000 ex-servicemen are bet With Finest FacllKle* and Tnieking Co. pear in the . constitutions and 11:90 Starllxbt Serenade ter educated than comparable cl- charters of some national fra­ 1:00 hlim on equal”—which may be a true W B AY -O l* sentence. But oompane it to: vlhaass—12.1 to 9.4 years of school ternities and sororities. 1:0U Bob Slrkln —and earn more money— $5,100 to DAVY JONES BY LEFF and McWlLLIAMSW^I In most such cases, college of­ 2:00 Pulaski vs. Middletown "Men are created equal in all B'4;00 Mets vs. Olants ways.” This Is obviously false. 88,125— the CenouB Bureau an' You Stiiw n* lob. . . ws hn* |wt «>« rifM ficials said, the Individual fra­ 6:30 Bob Sirkin Show nounced. Paint loi it . . In eoloR to match snythmil Have • ternities contend they do not abide 7:30 Dance Party Some men are smarter than qiMriion on color?. . . what to uao?.. -.how to do It? by the regulations., In some in­ 10:90 Tonight at My Place others, stronger than others U;0o Sign Oft and so forth. See v/faat a dif­ MUM U US lor aiport mlt Pays parUct^Uon In fraternity and eor-' tern. n m t means that on a 100- ,' 'i - ■ t j ■ r

\ ' ... \ PAGE- NINE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONiJ, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, f P A cntE iG R r ■■■...... t..... 9 ' ■ ■ ' ~ " THE Dodgers Herald Angle My E4RL YOST UNFAIR CATCH Miami Upset; Sports Editor U naw are Three Spoits Shows Turkey Day D rysdale On Collegiate’ , Three sports attractions vrill be offered Thanksgivinsr Day in Mailchester. Both Manchester High and East Catholic High O f Lewis 0 Football Front- will be featured in football games. East against Southington Wins 18th / at the Eagles’ field and the Indians versus Windham High of NEW YORK (AP)—This Willimantic at Memori&l Field. The biggest event will be the could be the year that Fknrida annual Five Mile Road Race, sponsored by Nutmeg Forest, D ealin gs State University climaxea its TaU Cedars of lAbanqin, Again D ecision Turkey Day aU proceeds from the AMERICAN LEAOVE three-year campaign to escape lesson for good. T've been td d to MEMPHIS, Tenn. (A P)— " bunion derby wlU te turned over to watch for the pans In that sitiia- W. L. Pbt 0 3 . the also-ran category and tho Muocular Dystrophy Fund. Charley Conerly, former star New ILork,ork .., . . . 101 M • .653 — tlon. Now I know what you were NEW YORK (AP)—The bolts into college footbalTs big talking about.” . . . And after the pro football quarterback, says Los Angeles Dodgers have Chickib ----- 88 65 A78 U ;4 t ? Minnesota . . 87 68 M l 14 time. Here ’n There game, Cleveland Coach . Bkmton he is certain his financial rec­ stolen several steps closer to a 83 78 Jl36 36 Armed wiUi a fierce line, a pro­ Ohriotle McOormick of Manchea- CoUler said of Benz: "I don’t know Baltimore ., w.hat I would have done without ords will prove checks made National League pennant, and Detroit ...... 76 79 .487 35Vi type offense and quarterback tar wtU be among the missing out to him by accused gambler 73 81 ,4'I4 27^ Steve Tensl, the Semlnoles Sprang when Upoom plays foottell this him. His development has solidi­ things are going so smoothly Olm-eland . . . fied our secondary.” Bmiz, a free Boston...... 78 82 .471 28 the first full-blown upsst of the fall at Storrs. The local man, a Maurice I. Lewis of Memphis that even a right-handed season Friday night In a 24-0 retired active football official, has agent from NorUrwestem, has re­ were for pajnnent of loans. Kansas City 70 84 .456 SOVi placed the late Don Fleming in the Cl AC Accepts pitcher can win. Los Angeles 68 88 .445 S3 romp over Miami. operated the electric clock since The former star of the New Tennis Tourneys Aided bv a supporting cast that 58 100 446 47 In other major games bn open­ H was tootaUed ait UOoim ...Hop­ Cleveland defensive backfleld and York Giants of the National Foot­ W’ashington was one of 25 rooklM to start in stole five bases, Don Drysdale re­ Friday’s Results ing night of the first fuU weekend ing to live a tetter than average ball League said he was unaware Giants at Pittsburgh East Catholic duced the Dodgers’ magic number of college activity, Texas, ranked arowd into the Polo Grounds Sim- Nattonal Football League openers. of any alleged gambling dealings In Final Rounds . Chicago 2 ,'Detroit 0. fifth In the pre-seeMon poll by The Including Injured players, there to three Friday night with a sev­ Loe./togeles at Cleveland, PPD. dsiy the New York Jeito 'wiU have by Lewis, who •was Indicted. Jan. Membersblp In the Connect­ en-hit, 2-0 victory over Pittsburgh Associated Press, blanked stub­ four varsity college teams os their are 99 rookies on NFL rosters. 8 on football gambling chaiig;e^- Ohamplona will te crowned Minnesota at Boston, PPD. born Tulane 31-0; PltUburgh. beat icut Interscliola.'.tlc .Athletic that made him the first Los An­ New York 5-3, Kansas City 44. guests, Cohnribia, Hofstra, Kings Conerly’s comments were made- In both singles and doubles di­ ConftT«'nce (CTAC) ruling iMHly geles right-hander to break Into Baltimore 7, Washington 6. UCLA 20-0; and Catawba upset Point and Upaala. The Jeta enter­ from his farm In Clarksdale, Miss, visions of the 1988 Town Ten- Davidson 18-14. Interceptions Hurt for the state’s sohoollwiy sports the victory column In 14 games. Today’s Games tain the Houoton OUera In their to the Memphis Commercial-Ap­ nlc Tournament this afternoon As NFL Resumes Play is official now for F.a.st Catho­ “Thoee intercepUona were par­ The Dodgers’ 16th victory In 20 FIVE POINTS—The Yankees have a five-point plan for winning the upcoming World Kansas City (Drabowsky 6-12) Saturday nine of the country's League opener. peal In the wake of the NFL’s following the doubles match. other 10 top teams open action. ticularly outstanding," sold Coach lic High School. .\(hletic Direc­ 2 games, coupled with a 1-0 loss by at New York (Terry 17-I4). The Original Hobo Band of Pltmar, disclosure In New York that the Winner of the singles title was Series. Like the Dodgers’, theirs is a pitching pattern. Making it work in the American Only Ohio State, which tied with George ‘Wilson after hla Detroit yards tor Don Bums aiin«unc*‘d the second-place St. Louis at Cincin­ Chicago (Horlen 8-7 or Ackley NA., •will perform between the league Is "assembling all the determined this morning. 'MFW Y O R K (AP)— Is De-'^'November Is still the big prob-^showing against Dallas—29 s<'hi>ol luul Itecn iMS-eptcil as a nati, increased Los Angeles' lead League race are, left to right, A1 Downing, Whitey Ford, Ralph Terry Stan Williams Wa^lngton for the No. 10 spot In defensive backs had picked four facta” on checks written by Lewis XNliiVV lU rtiv (Ar) lb Tiem for Vince Lombardi’s Pack-1 In eichteight carries — whenwhe the 0-0) at Detroit (Lary 4-8 or Mc­ baWea. The bond, organized in Rams’ paseea in the Lions’ 23-2 This afternoon’s doubles fi­ Class B (medium) school. to five games. Any combination of and Jim Bouton. the pre-season poll, Is idle. and cashed by Conerly. troit really better than Green ers. Tlije Lions intercepted four Browns play the Cowboys. Cleve­ Clain 0-0). Washington is at the Air Force 1946, has 100 marchers.. .As an opening ■viotory over Lios Angeles nals— Oari Komor and Phil “We have 269 boys In our Dodger victories and Cardinal Minnesota (Siebler 2-0 had added attraction. Jet players wiU The Memphis Press-Sc'mitar, In Bay? Or was last Thanksgiv­ Los Angeles passes last week and land was hot last week against upper two classes (sophomore losses totaling three will clinch Academy in the national tele'ri- “ Often,” WUs(^ said, “when copyright story by James H. Hyde vs. Martin Duke and Washington and Brown was the Stange 10-5) at' Boston (Cooley throw 260 minature footballs Into Harvey Pastel—Is scheduted to ing’s shocker a “ once in a life­ the Packers’ Starr saw four of his and junior),” Burns said. Next the pennant slon game of the day—CBS-TV, you get a lot of toteicepUone It is ■White, revealed Friday that fl've big man. 2-4 and Monboquette 20-9), 2. the stands prior to the kickoff. The because of preosure on the passer, start at 2 o’clock. time’’ upset? Intercepted by the Bears. If Green year, when we have four class­ Drysdale, trim hadn’t won since Washington (Jenkins 0-0) at 3:80 p jn „ BST. Southern Califor­ checks endorsed by Conerly total­ Bay has trouble on the ground— Baltimore, beaten by the Giants Aug. 30, brought his record to 18- nia, picked to repeat as the na­ Jets are bound to do tetter now but the boys did it ■with greac In- ing 39,575 were produced at Lew­ Pro football fans should get an In the opener, makes the long trip es. we exivet to be just un­ Pitching Just as Good as Dodgers Baltimore (Roterta 12-18), N. that Harry 'Wlemer Is no longer on di'vidual effort against the Rams.” Inkling Sunday when the two clubs the Packers ran tor only 77 yards der 42.'), maximum figure for B n as he struck out three, walked Los Angeles (D. Lee 8-10 or M. tional champion, opens at Golo- is’ recent bankruptcy hearing. again.st the Bears—Starr must to San Francisco whet^e Johnny none 'and did not permit a run­ nulo. Alabama. No. 3, Is at the scene.. .Jackie FarreU of the In the same vein, Los Angeles One of the checks, for 33,500, was HaiTiers Downed clash for the first time this sea­ Unltas will be passing again.st the schools. Whether or not we Lee 1-1) at .Cleveland (Grant New York Yankees’ front office, Coach Harland Svare paid tribute son at Milwaukee. ■show great Improvement or the ever reach Class A (large ner past second bMe. 11-14) or Krallck 12-13). Georgia. dated Nov. 26, 1661, about u month champs may suffer a second 49ers' vulnerable defense. Left-handers had received cred- Says New York Boss Ralph Houk Fourth-ranked and rebounding slated to speak in Manchester next to the pass blocking of Jon Arnett before Cfonerly retired after 14 The Detroit-Green Bay game Saturday night finds the Rams schools) will dep«'nd on futnre Snnday'a Games month, is hospitalized with a raUd and Dick Baas . . . "They usually In Rain and Mud tops pro action thl.s weekend with .straight defeat. enrollment.” K for the Dodgers’ last 18 vic­ Chicago at Detroit. Oklahoma is at home to Clem- years with the Giants. A victory for the Lions would going with Zeke Bratkowski, vet­ tories. son, sixth-ranked Northwestern Is heart attack, suffered earUer this get the credit for their running,” NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle seven games scheduled In the Na­ eran quarterback, against the Washington at Baltimore. week. Svare said, “but this time they Yesterday's hea'vy rainfall failed tional Football League and three throw the'Western (inference into Tommy Davis took over first NEW YORK — (NEA) — All In the 12 games'of the.last to weather in the spring, I Kansas City at New York, 2 at Missouri, and seventh-ranked • • • said In New^York his top Investi­ a wild scramble and would make Redskins. Both club.s lost their place in the struggle for the Na­ Wisconsin Is at home to Western really (Ud a fine job protecting the gator, Jim Hamilton, Is looking to slow down Bulkeley High's in the American Football League. openers. anybody hears about Is the Bronx stand which preceded had him In the bull F>en in p.m. paaser.” . . • ’Ihe Detroit Inter­ the Bears-Llons meeting Sept. 29 Pony League tional League batthig title with a the long weekend in Baltimore order to give him work, but Michigan. toto the details. cross country team and It scored All games will be played Sunday In the AFL, Buffalo opens wltli Dodger's pitching. Minnesota at Boston, 2 p.m. One Game Decisive ceptions ■were by Dick LeBeau a 20-35 victory over Manchester except the Washington at Los An­ at Detroit most Important .324 mark. and Detriot, Whitey Ford, A1 knew he was a starter all the The other two ranked teams The National League's oham- (Jonerly produced two canceled Dick Hudson and Wray Carlton It Is outstanding, of course, Los Angeles at Cle\'eland, 3. Gary Lowe and two by Night at soggy Memorial Field in the geles NFL Ult Saturday night at The Bears may have their work Davis stroked three singles in with Sandy Koufax, Don Drys­ Downing, Stan Williams, Ralph time. NATTON.4L LEAGUE open with night games, Oklaho­ pionahlp has been won by the checks Friday night, made out to cut out for them against the Vik­ out of action and Cookie Gilchrist four trips, overhauling Dick ma State at elghtlr-ranked Ark­ Train Lane, who ran his caieer to­ cash and endorsed by Lewis. He opening event for both clubs. Los Angeles. an uncertain factor because of an Raiders Open dale, Johnny Podres and the Terry and Jim Bouton yielded “Downing really has had w . L. Pet. GB nerve-tlngUng margin of one game tal to 84, 'StlU 15 short of the ings, who were tough in the ex­ Oroat, triio went l-for-4 in St, Lou­ only 18 earned runs for and ansas and second-ranked Missis- showed a reporter for the Com­ Jack Godfrey of the Hartford The New York Gianfo continue ankle Injury. Kansas City showed magnificent relief worker, Ron only one full season In pro- Loa Angelea .95 59 .817 OWN PIN-PULLER— Jack Nicklaue may look to be do­ on five ocoasiona since 1900 and league recoird o f 79 held by re- their early season road schedule hibition season and squeezed past is’ loss an^ slipped to .322. Rob­ average of 1.46 in 111 innings. feasionsi ball prior to this one, I sippl at Memphis State. mercial-Appeal a scribbled lOU school won the 2.8 mile race In plenty in Its opener against Den­ Perranoski. St. Loots . .91 65 ..58.7 5 four of them have occurred in the tlicd Ehnlon TunmeJl. 15 minutes, two seconds. A junior. at Pittsburgh and the Chicago San FYanclsco In their opener. With Windsor erto Clemente of the Pirates and But fom the way people talk Ford. Downing, Bouton and so you can see how quickly 84 70 .545 11 ing a caddy’s work here pulling the pin for himself on the I When Florida State hired BUI last 14 years. The most recent Was, • • • note from the Memphis man. He The Giants may face their ver. Han Francisco’s Orlando Cepeda San Francisco 84 said he would show the checks to It was Godfrey’s first victory in a Bears, fresh from an upset of the about the Los .^igeles club's Terry tuned In shutouts. Bouton he has come along. Cincinnati . .. .82 74 .626 14 10th green in theJ*ortland Open. But he was golfing like Peterson from Louisiana State of course, last year when the toughest challenger In the Steel­ The Jets signed Galen Hall, are tied for third at .80. had a no-hitter going Into the three years ago, one of the first" Jivided Opinion the NFL Investigator In Clarks­ varsity race. Packers, move Into Minnesota to former Washington Redskin, to Competitive football in Man­ difficulty in scoring, you'd sus­ “These two kids complement Philadelphia.. 81 78 .526 14 a man a^ter a pri^e. He shot a five-under-par 67 for a Giants edged the Dodgers t w o play the surprising Vikings. ers, especially If injured Y. A. Ditvls scored the Dodgers’ first pect that, the Dodgers were a ninth inning. .81 74 .528 14% things he did was corral Tensl A team effort by the Chicago dale today. Bulkeley anivexed the first four Tittle Isn’t up to snuff. Except for back up Dick Wood In the quarter­ chester will kickoff Sunday after­ run, slhUng home in the second one another perfectly — right Milwaukee halfway total of 139. He was six strokes behind leader games to one in that dranxatlc The Commercial-Appeal said It Baltimore and San Francisco lot of All-American outs, which "Offhand, I would say that Chicago ...... 78 77 AOS 17% and swift Fred BUetnUioff. From Bears teat the Green Bay Pack­ places with Pldl Kenney taking linebacker John Reger, Pittsburgh back spot for the tilt with Hous­ noon when the Pony League Raid­ inning on the hunt end of a triple and left. They are the same Mason Rudolph who had a 64, but in contention, Nicklaus LSU he brought the three-platooh playoff series. ers last week, but Bear players had photographed copies of two meet at San Francisco, St. Louis ton. The Oilers have Charley To­ ers travel to Windsor for a Char­ they definitely are not. was pretty good,” commented type of pitchers— fast as any­ Pittsburgh .72 82 .468 28 In 1966 the “senior circuit” en­ fifth to pace Manchester. Co- Is ready. steal. Maury Wills stole third in Houk, lighting his cigar. "An system. ’ couldn’t decide among themselves seta of checks, those held by Con­ Captaln Jim Coleman was sixth. invades Philadelphia and Cleve­ lar, Dave Smith and George Blan- ter Oak Conference meeting. Conversely, comparatively body and with a good curve Houston .. .60 04 .390 35 was lining up a birdie putt in this shot but it didn’t drop. joyed one o f the most bltterly-con- land travels to Dallas. It figures to te a pitching duel the fifth and raced home on a imeamed aversige under 3.50 is New York .48 105 .818 48 Paul Harney (left) was having putting troubles and took Both proved good moves. Th4 to whom the credit belonged. . . erly add those produced by Lewis Alan Covlello and Co-Captain Rick In PhUadelphla with Charley John­ da ready to go but Billy Cannon Coaching the local entry in the wild throw by catcher Smcdry Bur- little has teen said about the and change. Downing now has 6-foot-5 Tensl over-shadowed M t testsd races of ak time. The Brook­ Said offensive back Johnny Mor­ at his bankruptcy hearing. Four In the AFL, Kansas City re­ has a sprain^ ankle. seven-team circuit will be Bill mtching that enabled the acceptable even with the way Friday’s Results Lallberte were other Indians In sumes after a one-week layoff, son throwing for the St. Louis Car­ the pitchers have to keep tear­ tremendous poise for a young­ a 74. ami All-America George Mira lyn Dodgers won the pennant on ris: “You 'Saw what our defense of the five from Lewis to Conerly, Boston's big question Is the phy­ Smith, former Brown letterman. ... Yankees to {wai^cally run ster and the smioother delivery. Chicago 1, >niwankee 0. the £Lnal day of the season 'with a the first 10. moving Into Buffalo, where the In­ dinals and tor ing down today.” dndnnatt 1, St. Louis 0. and Peterson proved that the did. They played a whale of the newspaper said, were made Summary: 1, Godfrey B; 2 Wan- the Eagles. The Cards are crip­ sical, condition of quarterback John McNary, another ex-Ivy KCD6-OASD6— away and hide in the American Bouton has a more jerky de­ three-platoon system can b^ beud-fought 8-6 win over the out to cash and endorsed by eith­ jured BlUs open their home sea­ Babe Parllll, who has a pinched Leaguer via Dartmouth, will as­ League and which the Dodgers The Y a n k e e s’ seasonal Houston 8, Philadelphia 2. game. They won it for us." . dy B; 3, Holzmeister B; 4, Parkyn son. Oakland, winner of tvro pled with John David (jrow and At Chicinnati, the Cardinals eamed-run averages are livery and is the bulldog type. Davis Takes Over Batting Lead worked effectively In spite of new Pirates to edge the MUwaukee Said defensive back Dave White- er Conerly or his wife. The fifth, B; 6, Kenney M; 6, Coleman M; Prentice Gautt out of action. The nerve. If the Babe can throw free­ sist. Brian Tupper will manage will tackle In the World Series. They pitch high and low and Los Angeles 2. Pittsburgh 0. straight. Is at home to the Bos­ were held to three singles by John Downing 2.35, Bouton 2.46, San Francisco 6, New York 8. substitution rules. | Braves by a single game. CSncto' sell: “No we didn’t. The offense the 38.500 check of Nov. 26, 1961, 7 Godin B; 8, Covlello M; 9, Uali- Eagles will be minus guard Pete ly he should teat the Oakland club the club. Tsitoinls and lost their fourth Ralph Houk was asked about have so much stuff they Tensl passed to BUetnlkoff for natl remained In contention imtll, waa made out to Conerly and en­ ton Patriots and the New York which has shown surprising offen­ One week from Sunday the this as the Bombers returned Wirnams 3.1, Ford 3.16 and Today’s Games won It. You guys gfot that ball berte M; 10, Souza B. Jets make their home bow against Case and safety man Don Bur­ straight. Ken Walters, a .200 hit' Terry 3,33. Downing has make a mistake and get a'w^y two first-half touchdowns, cover­ the bitter end and was not elimi ' and stuffed it down their throats.’ dorsed by him. roughs, the latter suspended tor sive strenth with Tom Flores and Raiders, sponsored by the Fire & to Yankee Stadium after a long PIttsItorgh (FTteod 17-16) at Omerly said the 38,600 check the Houston Oilers. San Diego and ter £ o v e in the only run off Ray struck out nvore batters than with It." Los Angeles (Koufax 24-5), N. ing 38 and 17 yards. And Blletnifr nated imtU the next-to-last day of • • • jostling an official. Clotton Davidson passing. Art Pow­ Police Junior Athletic Association, Sadecki with a single in the fourth weekend in Baltimore and De­ off, a flanker back who last year the cami>algn. The Reds finl^ed written Nov. 26, 1961 by Lewis Tiger Stadium In Detroit now Denver are Idle. ell catching and Clem Daniels will open their home slate at Me­ troit. he has pitched inninge. Con­ Queried about the Yankee New York (Jackaon 11-17) at Control Big Factor Start Like End The fierce Detroit defense that Jimmy Bro'wn wants to make Inning following a two-out double secutive completed games cre­ firemen, Houk said Hal Renift San. Frandsco (O’Dell 18-9) 4 p. played end, picked off one of just two games behind the win­ was from the sale of a Cadillac seats 63,089 following box seat al­ cUmted up t o / last December's sorry running. morial Field against Glastonbury. by Don Paidetlch. and an infield ‘‘Pitching has teen the high­ Mira’s passes and returned It M Irv Cross, ’ Lewis sold for him. terations. ^ ated a pleasing problem. Mem­ (light) had Improved a ton m. ners. defensive back, opened the 1963 The schedule; bit by Tommy Harper. light of our season,” said the and lauded the lanky left­ PhlladelphU (Green 6-4) at yards for another touchdown. • No one will ever forget Bobby He said on May 23 and on June Sept. 22 at Windsor; 29 Glas­ S Juan Marichal won his 24th with manager, in the dressing room bers of the bull pen crew were season the same way he opened 20. 1962, he wrote checks to Lels g;rowlng stagnant for lack of hander, Steve Hamilton. Houston (FWrrell 13-18). Mira constantly was harassed . Thomson’s “shot heard around the Canvass Continues tonbury; Oct. 6 at Meriden: IS at the support of a fotir-homer bar­ scribbling dwn a batting order In Drysdale’s Win by the determined FSU team thsl the ’62 schedule—by blocking an for 32,ayment of a $3,000 loan to Amherst beat Middlebury, 24-2, In beat Fhiladelidiia 8-2 on a three- as good as the Dodgers’ or any a good year with Amarillo You left Houk convinced third and deciding gome when the too." (The game ended 21-21, Mi­ Lewis In the summer of 1961. Lew­ that the manager didn’t ctwi- p.m. tistry, was begiiming to make the across them when I tried to throw. I Tulane, which lost its 12th League program will be held Sun­ a football scrimmage but lost first ru nhomer by Carl Warwick. other club,’ ’ he replied, “ As a (Texas League) in 1961 and experience somewhat leas ipalnful. Gian'ts came to life, IVlth one run chaels kicked three field goals is, he said, needed the money for last season went until April 24, final and the World Series of string fullback Itevid Joys for sider himself shortchanged in Philadelphia at Houston, N. “They say nine times out of 10 straight. Shoeless kicksr Tony NEW YORK — (NEA) — Golf. The fan didn’t know day afternoon. Boys, wearing game New York’s American League matter of fact. It has teen was better with us last season, UntU last night, he hadn’t won a they’re caused ly nerves. What- Crosby Mcked field g^ Is of 27 In, Thomson came to the plate but missed both extra points; one his asphalt company, now de­ the Boston Celtics and lakers the season. Joys was carried from, pitching, not even against the ■with two runners on and winf 3-for-4 for a 3’24 aver-1®*" Jose at Stanford, Richmond until Dec. 7. yesterday as the teams competed Willie McOovey led San Fran­ Giants,and Pirates tied for second shoulder Injury. top pro football game of the week' National Hockey League trade nostalgia. Soccer Jamboree — Manchester, officials in Milwaukee can guarantee a new television and 5 p.m.—NFL HlghUghta 1-0 to CinclnnatL Now any oombi,- clubs start playing 40 exhibi­ At the World Series of Golf in a steady rain. Vetersm fullback cisco’s attack with his 39th and Channel SO aife, scored the first Dodger run vhSnla*Mll?ta^*V^omlne^ place, finishing just a single game end. The sporto world has gone Staples, Hall, Greenwich at West- radio contract in excess of |1 million, £he Associated Press nation of Los Angelea 'victories and on the front end of a trip'e steal tion games right away. Na­ in Akron, sports writers cover- Bill Grana, re.serve Stan- Yas­ 40tb homers while Cepeda hit his 5 pjn.—Wide World of Sporto St. Louis losses totaling three behind the dm i^lons. crazy and It’s a lot of fan going port. learned today. ^ In the second toning. Maury Wills Howard at Mlssfo- The greatest margin any Na­ End of the Line Commissioner Pete Rozelle’s tional Basketball Association ering It sat watching the Cleve­ along with it. trzemski and quarterback Jerry 33rd and Bkl Bailey his 19th. Mari- progressing, and "they must get (Water Skiing, Grand Prix wlU give the Dodgers the naticmal Dick McGfll, hard hitting short­ schedule calls for the defending land Browns and Pittsburgh Monday, Sept. 23 Mechling all scored touchdowns cbal limited th Mets to eight hits, “ WhUe no definite commitment soored the other to the fifth, steal- "PP* tional League pennemt winner ever clubs play no fewer than 90 out.” of Italy ) league pennant. The Dodgers lurve ing third and then coming home . ®^''day n^ht, Tedi stop last season ■with RockvUle National Football League cham' exhlbirions starting the end of Steelers on television while Soccer—Rham at Coventry. while sophomore Roger Noback including a two-run homer by Ron has teen made to the Atlanta del­ If the Braves were to move tor Channel 8 wijoyed over Its nearest rl'val was egation, only a complete change eight games to play, the Cardinals when Pirate catcher Smokey Bur- “ « Texas -ARM . $X .. High and the' Rockville Lieglon plons to face the C^cago Bears this month. The championship waiting for Jack Nicklaus, Ar­ added a 33-yard field goal for Bunt the 1964 season, the only stadium six. 27H games, the distance by which Detroit and Baltimore on the first nold Palmer, Julius Boros and Boxing Fans Buzz • • • of heart, which Is very unlikely available in Atlanta would be baseball teams, has aligned a . con­ hockey season opens Oct. 8, A complete physical examina- Harvard. Sophomore Wally Grant SUNDAY With oos er two sxc^tkMU, Kansas’ at Texas Chria- the 1902 Pirates outstoppM seC' tract with the Minnesota Twins.. three weeks of the season. AI which could te before the Bob Charles to come within YANKS-A’a— at the moment, 'wUl keep the P<«ice de Leon Park, which seats 1:45—Pro Football Klekofl _ ond-place Brooklyn. tion, conditioning, proper coaching! was the game's top ground R ib ­ Braves from .moving to Atlanta Drysdale had not pitched 'weU Art Shorts, Instructor with the ready beaten by the Bears, Coach World Series winner Is deter­ closer range on the Firestone After P^alta Win and proper protective equipment er with 101 yards in nine caries, ITie Yanks, blanked on one hit 12,000, and has parking tor 700 Channel 8 • • I Vince Lombardi needs no pep course. The next afternoon on for next season,” a high Braves autos. However, It cam te en­ since early September, when he shutout of the season, wtrh’u . Stote^ t l ^ Manchester Riifle Club, is compet­ mined. The basketball goons are listed as the most important | Grana added 90 in 13. Brace by Tom Stwrdivant in a brilliant 2 p.m.—Giants vs. Steelers came down 'with the shingles. talk to whip up his Packers for start playing for keeps Oct. 16. televirion the people in the six-inning relief stint, cashed in source said. larged to 25,000. Channel 8 Mrill make two more starts and Will Sf*®,*'***.,*^*J^“ " “ Learned LesBon ing in the UB. Bitematlonal Shoot­ MIAMI BEACH (AP) — Box­ factors in preventing football in-1 Brieigh was 13-for-38 for Tmts At the same time, two men “At first,” be said, "they made have to win them both to bs.ome at ing Chainipionahiipe at Ft. Benning, their date irith the Lions. Playoffs take the basketball New York area had their pick juries. and Ralph Doran was ll-for-40. on John Wyatt In the 13th. Phil ■nje Braves apparenUy would be 2 p.m.—^Yanks vs. A’a •When Redskin Bobby MitebeU Here’s the way the weekend ing fans were buzzing today about high in baseball’s hierarchy re^ me feel as though my ribs had a 20-game winner ter the - scored on a 99-yard reception Ga. Com'petition ends Monday. and hockey finalists Into mid- of two baseball games, two pro Linz led oU with a single, Joe willing to wait tor construction of Channel 8 schedule looks from here: (All football games, the Daxis Cup the latest importation from the Fepltone singled with two out, and vealed that the Braves made. an a plamned' 45,000-seat park — ex­ 8:55—Mets va. Giants been tom. After that 1 got bum consecutive year. He had a 25-9 against' Cleveland last Sunday, Shorts is comipetlng In the srnaH- April. The basketball playoffs Argentine, a hard-rock man ■with informal request to move the fran­ STRETCHING II!— Ma­ ing flashes. Theiy’re Uke blisters record last year. This season he Is Drake at (jlncinnSti, Colorado Stmday unless otherwise noted.) John Blanchard and Hector Lo­ pected to te ready by the 1968 Channel 18 State at Pacific and North^ Texas rookie Brawns’ defensive back hore event. • .Midget Football lightning-like fists. pez walked, forcing in the winning chise at a meeting In Chicago season — because they have been 4:80—Patriots vs. Raiders ria Bueno of Brazil w m and my shirts would go scraping 18-17. Larry Benz walked to the sideline League will conclude its house to NATIONAL LEAGUE Hoople Starts OH Strong Sept. 10 — and were promised by State at Texas Western. ' ’ Green Bay 13, Detroit 7—Lorn He’s Gregorio Peralta, who run. sold on the idea that Atlanta Is Channel 8 positiirely brilliant in end sold to hJs eoach, “You don”^ house can’vase for funds Sunday Yale Not Taking UConn Lightly stands six feet, weighs 183% The A’s. roughed up 20-game seven of the other nine clubs that the fsLstest growing metropolis in 7:15—AU-Pro Scoreboard have to say anything. I learned a aiftemooin. bardl may have a surprise for the they will vote tor a move If a for­ beating Margaret Smith Lions In this bitter battle of two pounds and takes a punch like a But Selects Only Winners (?) winner Jim Bouton in the second the country. Channel 8 and winning the U.S. •Stuart vs, Killehrew- leather bag. ame, with Charley Lau's homer mal request is made. The big lure Is a radio and tele­ top defensive units. The field goal women’s singles cham­ M 0|or League should win again for the Packers Fundamental Rule of Football, Peralta made his first appear­ S1 the sixth the deciding blow. Or­ A franchise shift requires the vision network deal, ranging over ance In this country last night and affirmative vote of eight of the 32 states, that would provide the Bal^ Ruth’s 393 batting average pionship |or the second U.S. Davis Cup Good Business just as It did in their first meeting By MAJOR AMOS B. HOOPLE « lando Pena held the Yankee)! to in 1923 still stands as a New York last year. • ' gave Willie Paatrsmo, light heavy­ Sage of the Sidelines seven hits. 10 clubs. Braves with 31.5 mUlion annually time at Forest Hills, N. Y., = = L e a d e r s = weight champion, a boxing lesson BUI DeWitt, president and own­ for the first five years. Tankee club record. Home Run Leaders New York 20, Pittsburgh 16— Never to Underestimate Foe Egad! A hearty hello to the mil­ NATIONAL LEAGUE The Steelers always are tough for before 2,142 ringside spectators lions of football fans from their er of the Reds, said he will vote ‘.‘I don't see how the Braves can Batting—T. Davis, Los Angp; For Australia Tennis Support for a franchise shift If the Braves’ turn down that offer,” sold the the Giants with their solid defense. and a nationwide television audi­ favorite correspondent. I les, .824; Groat, St. Louis, .S2t| Lou Michaels’ field goals will keep ence (AiBC). Yes, friends, I am back, fresh as officials feel it Is In their test In­ Milwaukee baseball source. “ And, Oemeate, Ptttoburgb sad Oepedfi; NEW HAVEN - The BASEBALL HEROES Quarterback Serious Problem Meet Face to Face NEW Y O R K __ (NEA) — 'Ihe^surf^tod with_ suoceu, Winnl^ Pittsburgh in the game but the tal rule of football la never under- It ■was a ncwi-title fight and Per­ a brand new dollar bill and just terest to move. I don't see bow Milwaukee can Son Frandsoo, ,820; Pinson, Oin- have been the highest, disappoint­ match that.” ' ■United Statte Davla Cup threat In the Challenge Round 11 out of 13 Giants' air arm is too strong. eatimate your opponent. 'iTiat’a alta was well In front In six of the itching to kick off another sea.son of BATTING — TSnmiy Davis, a^mater clnnatt snd H. Aaron, Mllwaukse, yearn would lead to that. Chicago 21, Minnesota 17—^The ment has dug the deepest It has 10 rounds on all score cards. He forecasting the results of. the lead­ , The radio-television revenue .817. the lively persons "of Ouwk Mc- precisely the way Yale’a neyf coach, For Graham at Coast Guard BOSTON (A P )—Dick Stu­ Actually the game brings “Another thing Is that so many Bears cannot afford to let dowm John Pont, small in height but tall been In the so-called off-year.s finished stronger than he started ing collegiate football games..' DeWm said, “ sure- would be topped only by the New Home Runs—H. Aaroi^Milwsii- those fall In which UConn was York Yankees’ Income. art of Boston and Minnesota’s together the individual statU Kihley and Dennis Ralston Is of our better players turned pro­ after the Packer game because In dedication, feels as the Bulldogs and at the end “Willie the Wisp" I must admit I was a little skep­ ^ Unmr'* >y enough judgment to kee, 42; MoCovey, San Ftancisoo, the Vikings w ere' the terrors of. rated as UtUe more than a breather preserve their Invest- Officials of the Braves maintain Harmon KiUebrew get two tieal leaders in almost' every teartUy welcomed by the Lawn fessional that our people began to prepare to launch their 1663 foot­ was a thoroughly beaten man. tical of some of my own figures af­ NEW LONDON (AP) — A new^suffwed a leg Injury In p rac^ e shots at each other — and 'tepartment: 40; Mays, San Frandsoo, 86; Get the exhibition season. —that Yale had to virtually scram­ ter completing the first draft of famUiar with the they have not made any commit­ last Sept. 12 but it is expected that Tennis Association of Australia. question the oaMber of our am­ ball campaign on Saturday, Sept. "He reminds me of Max Schmel' man. at qu ^ erback and letterman the AmMican League home Batting—Carl Yastrzemski, p e ^ Iten Francisco, 88; Howard, Baltimore 21, San Francisco 7 ble for Its football life. this week's foreca.st. * ‘^ ’ situation In MUwaukee, but I ments to Atlanta. he will be ready for the season’s Los Angeles and White, St. Louis, “ We aie-badly in need of gen­ ateurs 28 in the beauUful Bowl against ing," said Angelo Dundee, Pas- at ail the other positions — ^that run crown — at Fenway Park Sox, (.322). Fourth place Rich —Unless Johnny Unltas was the University of Connecticut. As a for-instance take 1956. trano’s manager. "It’s no dlgrace However, a painstaking, recheck "*piw w n n w f‘ Jnhn TidfiiiiUi ' would have to accept the judgment “ We have made no commit­ opener against Drexel at Phila­ |27. , uine competition," said EJeca R. This despite the fact that we ment to any city — and that In­ Is substantially the football pic­ today. RoUins of the Twins (.307) roughed up too much by the The Huskies—or, at least. It ap­ Connecticut, in its opener, ate to lose to a fighter like this. Wh­ of my worksheets reve'aled no mis­ of the group that owns the club.” ture at tfoast Guard Academy delphia on Sept. 28. Pitching—Perranoaki, Loa .Angs; Stephens, captain and manager of start with such a amooith and oon-' Giants, he should shred the 49ers, Badfl, checked St. Louis on three _ ^ cludes Milwaukee — tor the 1964 Rain washed out the sched­ and fifth place Frank Malzdne the Australian teem In the U.S. pears that way at first glance — sorbed a horrendous 41-12 clote ile didn't lose any prestige. He’s calculations. Hence, I can give you singles, dropping second - place O"® Murce saW he had been where Ckndr. Otto Graham Is em­ (Dffenaively, the line couW go uled opener of the weekend I lea, J.6-8, A42; Koufax, Loa Ange­ slstent all-round perfoaroer as Roy pass defense. tering from little Springfield. season," said the club president of Boston (.296), also are in­ Champlonshlpe at Fforeet Hills. Emerson.” are crjdng wolf. Pont isn’t buying still the champion.” not one, but two colossal upsets to Cardinals five games tediind I ^y^Braves’ officials who have barking on his fifth season as with Tom McCarthy and BIU Miac- series last night with the volved. lea, 24t5, .828; McBten, Plttolrargli. Los Angeles 21, Washington 14 Connecticut’s catechism of cyni­ Only the foolhardy assumed the Inaugurate the 1963 season — hak- watched attendance dwindle from John McHale. Chairman of the Donald ait ends, Pete Po»doe and 18-8, .828; Maloney, Cincinnati, 22- Stephens, a rud(^y-faced, soft But Dundee conceded his fight­ «rs with only six games to^iriay. Board William C. Bartholomay In­ coach of the Cadets. Twins still having a chancs to Unfortunaitely, Eknerson w a a (Saturday night)—The 'viUnerable cism. This young man who was Huskies had more than a token kaff! 2,215,404 in 1957 to 766,027 last TVxn Omri at tackles,, Oo-Oaptaln Pitching — Rated on lowest 7, .756; Marichal, Son Franoisoo, spoken man in his mld-SOe, is the Redskin pass defense can be had er was the loser. The Old Boy Himself sisted “ the club's owners will sit praham, thf former 411-pro finish in the second place earned run average; Dick Ra- unexpectedly eliminated In an early honed at Miami of Ohio, proving chance the folio-wing week in the The first shocker will take place year, that industry Is moving out Bill Thompoon and Jim Sharp at 124-8, .750. ^ ■ registrar of tho New South Wales round ait both Wimbledon and If Swede Svare picks the right It was Gregorio’s 42nd consecu­ down to discuss the future when quarterback of the Cleveland money. datz. Sox, 2.02 (14-6). ground for many of the name Bowl against Yale. What hap­ tive irlctorylin 44 fights aa a pro­ in Columbia, where Missouri's .\rkansas ‘47. Oklahoma St. 3 John Pont, Yale’s new football of Milwaukee, department store guards, and Ronald (HOOt) Otpson As a result of the pooteone Land Valuation Court. He has Forest Hills. quarterback. the season Is over.” Browns, has three leading con­ RBI—-Stuart, Sox, U2 (Run- * been a Davis Cup selector for a coaches of the day. Is reluctant to pened? Yale’s eventual Ivy fessional. It waa Pastrano’s 80th Tigers will turn back highly re­ Army 14, Boston Unlv. 13 eoach, is a naUve of Canton, Ohio, sales are down, the city is not at center. ment, a doubletaeader was set AMERICAN lEAOUE No other country ever pr^»red Cleveland 24, Dallas 21—Jimtiiy League championship team—re­ garded Northwestern. I predict a ______tenders for the signal-calling job, nerup Ai Kaline, Detroit, nas Batting Yaatixemski, Boatoo,' decade. He brought two pre'vlouB be conned Into complacency by the professional fight over a 13-year .\ubiira 16, Houston 6 On defense, Thompson and Gip­ for 1:30 p.m., BDT, today. tennis players for Da'ivis Cup com' Brown is hot and Frank Ryan has UConn party line. plete with Dean Loucks, Denny thrilling 18-16 triumph for Mis- syraouse ^irBoston College 15 and no doifot would like to com­ 100). I SZZ; Pearaen, Los Angeles, J112; teams to the West Side Tennis won the quarterback job. The span and his 12th defeat. Bridgeport Youth bine the principal attributes of all son wou'W become Hnrijackere; Red Sox officials added that petition as tbotoughly as Aus He Is aware that history has a MicGlll amd AI Waixl, avoided hu­ souri — harrumph I Brigham Young 28. Kansa.s St. T Bob Cfiristlansen and Bill Wilkins “Family Night” actlirttlea let Home runa — Stuart, Sox, Kalliie, Detroit, A l l ; BoIUns, Min': - Club, when Frank Sedgman won Cowboys looked bad last week THIS SUNDAY three. 41; KUlebrew, Twins, 40; Bob * In IKSl and AkWey Cooper pre- tralia. Four youngsters adjudged way of repeating Itself with be­ miliation only because time ran Only a little less surprising will c:alUurnia 22. Iowa St. 15 would take over at ends; Peter- for last night will te held to­ I neaoto, A07; DbUzone, Boaton, ,296v of eventual Da'Vis Cup caliber— against St. Louis. Colclough ‘Ready* Stabbed at Game Dave Livingston, a junior. Is an Allison, Twins, 35; Jimmy ■vailed in '68. So, you see, there St. Louis 28, Philadelphia. 21- wildering rapidity. Although over­ out on the UConne 'with the ball be the 17-13 -victory, of. the Air Oklahoma 24, Cleiiison IS ★ MODIFIED ★ AT 2:30 F.M. nvan would become left comer morrow with tlcketholders ad­ Home Buns—Stuart, Boston, 4 I{ Tony Roche, 18; John Newcombe on the Ell three-yard line at the Force Falcons over Washington'^ Colorado St. U. 19, Pacific U. 9 able field general and punter; Ed Hall, Twins, 82. I BUUebiew, Minnesota, 40; Alllsonr were no Uanke in his record go­ Could go either way. Eagles will all performances of the past two man and Frank Wright would be vised to exchange their tickets and Owen Davidson, 16; and Ken years would Indicate that Yale is end of the game. Yale escaped, 16- OAKLAND, Calif. (A P )— Huskies, a perennial Big Six pow- so. Calif. 16, Colorado U. IS BRIDGEPORT (AP) —Ronald Barrett,' a sophomore, is a swift at right.comer, with Tom McCar­ for tomorrow’s game, Runa—Allison, Twins, 96. Minnesota, 85; Btoll, Minnesota, SX^ ing into the 82nd 'USLTA Cham­ miss suspertded Don Burroughs on HIU — Yastraemritl, Sox, Fletidier, 23—have been on tour on a treadmill to nowhere, hope Is 14. Pltmker back Jimmy Colclough erhouse. So. Carolina 28. Duke 14 , STOCK CAR L Rsbi Dates «, ( Dulka, 14, of Harding High School, runner. thy and Jte Maka as safety men. . Red 'Sox first baseman Stu­ Howrard, New York, 28. pionships. pass defense against (jharley has pronounced himaelf fit and I Sept. » Use Pro Plays- 177. since early April. They swung Jdlmson. a plant which blooms with great In 1960 Yale raced to its first In two other contests worthy of Florida 18, Georgia Teqh 17 was stabbed in the abdomen lost art has 41 homers, one more Pitching-—Ford, NeW York, 28-’!^ His kick ran out this time when ready to play for Boston against special note. South Carolina will Nevada 21, Idaho St. 12 night during a football gome be­ Whoever gets the nod as No. 1 Viggy and Zlggy Doubles—Yastrzemski, Sox, Roy Emerson was eliminated in through the Flar East and Europe abundancy .before opening games. undefeated and untied season in 37 Backfleld reserves include Wal­ than KUlebrew. Nether Is n 1.767; Peters, Chicago, 19-6, .760t . AMERICAN LEAGUE Oakland tomorrow in their Amer­ stun Atlantic Ctoast football aflcio-; Wm. t Mary 16. CltadeJ 8 tween HardUng and HWhquae of quarterback will become chief en- ss the fourth round. and are returning via Saudi Arab­ This Is as true at Storrs, the Hus­ yeara. Hiey clobbered Harvaurd, gniitri desBOBa of tba ter Vlglienaone and OraM 2fon- a mood for a title tie. Anyway, Dovmlng, New Y oA , 18-4, .75S|. Houston 23, New York 14—The 39-0. They taUlied 48 points ican FootbaU League game. Col­ nadoe by trouncing the conference ^ Karisa.s 11, Texas Christian 1 RACES NVnv Hlaven. gliwer of Coast G u ^ ’s largely- Triples — ZoOo VenaUes, Boaton, New York. 20-7, .74t| Stephens bopped right Into fig­ ia, Japan and Hbng Kong, ratum- kies’ lair, as it is In New Haven. Eaat at the Hidlan- oU, who figured pcomlnentfy laM. KiUebrew, the Idaho poUto ing to Sydney in eoriy October Jets make their home bow and against undefeated Princeton. clough sat out lost week’s San favorite Duke, 28-14. i Kentucky 22, I'a. Tech 6 I Of The Eaat” in a eyelopk His oondtUon was teemed fair airborne offense, which, incidental­ grower with the swoUen knee, Twins, 18. _ Rodatz. Boston, 14-6, .700. ures to make It olear why the should te improved over their In some 84 football games play­ year as the ‘’Viggy and Zlggy” after teiiiig on the road six solid ed over a period of 88 years, Yale They thiwacked Dartmouth 29-0. Diego contest, the first game he’s And Colorado, playing Its first La. State 24, Texas A4M 21 at Bridgeiort Hospital. ly, la based on virtually the same oomblnation, and Cecil AHfson, went through that with Rocky L/TAA is so eager to ha've some­ opener two weeks ago. game under the direction of Eddie \o. Carolina St. 23, Maryland 21 SPEED JAMBOREE ptohoe A id the stsbUng occur­ body make a good run at the months. has never lost to another team However, in the opener against missed In four years. ------• ------plays used by Qraham in coadi- an aitemate fullback whose pri­ Colavito in 1959 when both hit Kansas City 21, Buffalo 17—The TTie return of Cfolclough leaves Crowder* who served a long ap- Mississippi 40, Memphis St. 14 red during a light over a girt. The Ing the College All-Stars who de­ Finale at L incoln Australians. It Is just good busi­ Another group, headed by Emer­ Chiefs romped over Denver and from this state. Fourteen times (lonnectlcut the. Bulldogs ne^ed a mary rtUe Is place-kicking. AHi- 42. I field goal from an objure sopho- rookie Art Graham free for re­ prentlceship under my old friend yiusouri 18, Northwestern 16 youth who did the stabbing was feated the mighty -Green Bay “ Second place is much tet­ ness. son, FYed StoUe, Bob Hewitt and have had a week off to get ready Connecticut has come into the Bowl, Bud Wilkinson at Oklahoma, will west Va. 21, Naxy 18 also 14, they said. He waa brought son's field goals last year providsd that concrete kennel of the Bull­ mofb named Wally Grant to gain serve duty at both flanker back Packers last month. the margin of vtotory in four of ter than third,” says Twins’ UNOOLN, AMERICA^ Poof Attendance Marty Mulligan have traveled UtUe .lor the Bills who have lost two in Bend a cWll through all of Southern i No. Carolina 24, Virginia 8 SO-LAP in by fata parestta a few hours after less extenolvely. Flay tennis in dogs. Fourteen times they have an 11-8 trictory. . and split end, which is Graham’s ‘T hope,” said Graham, “the tSie five games won by the oodetn Manager Sam Mele from thorougbbeed rsefog at the ou^ PowoU (25), Ortolas; Tresh (25), “The Dands Cup Matches in Syd* a rt»w. California before succumbing to i penn State 19, Oregon 9. FEATURE tli6 incixlcoit. nay ki„1664 played to a record Austzalia and see the wortd—with Oakland 28, Boston 20—AI -Davis been defeated, four times in the It oeema, or so say past per: best position. CadeU wUl execute the plays as while lotdng two and tying one. neighboring Quincy, “even if it rm t Ltnooln Downs msettog bowed KiAek (7), Yankees; to n (8), AUu^ the Trojans’ might. The Hoople i Pittsburgh 16. U.C.L.A. 6 High school attUMic events at is 14 games behind the Yan­ 26,678 each day,” he recalled. all expenses paid and then some. appears to have come up with a past eight years—that’s a figure fotmances, Connecticut comes the well as the AU-Btafs.” Sept. 28—Drexei, away; Oct. 5, closest when Its chances appar­ Phil Regan, a Detroit pitcher System foresees a 18-13 win for Texas 28. Tulane 8 nigtit were banned In Bridgepoet If he had to name his other kees.” out last night as 9,276 fans “ Last DecMnber the Challenge The Auatreliana ,wlU compete In good scoring club that will be too of 50 per cent—Connecticut has Wisconsin 44. West 6Uch. 12 several years ago because of oooa- NPorwteh, night: 12—Wesleyan, nnui 8648 145 at the raln-soaked, NATIONAL LEAGUE threatened to write finis to the ently are the slimmest. ainoe 1960, turned In his first use. starters right away, Graham away, 19—Amherst; 26—Worces­ *rhe Red Sox plan to jUtch gered 5643,140 at tne |I Warwldc Round with the Mexicans In Bris- five major toumanoents at .home much for the Patriots unless 6abe Now go on with the forecast. Tennessee 18, Richmond 14 stonal incidents of violence. School before tbe team is named to defend Paiilli has a hot day. longest winning streak still alive No wonder, then, that Pont has major leag6>a shutout when te would probably have Larry Hyde ter Tech; BUl Monbouquette (20-9) and' muddy Rhode island strip, ‘ “'ici), obMs; bane played to only 9,0(X). Air Foraa 17, Waohlngtoa IS Washington St. 14, Tex. Tech O suthorlttes allowed them to re­ Gens Conley (2-4) against Ai (88), BtaOmray “It ta only natural,” stressed I the Davis Cup starting in Adelaida | Denver and San Diego have the In collegiate football. ■ posted stonn waminga on the SM blanked the Clavalaiid UM m w, THOMPSON SPEEDWA.iu aa running halfbctok, BUI Peter­ Nov. 2—' 864oy-ifigbt Biaat ootieludaa with g BoUoy 14-0, oh llirea fatta Mia^ 10. Alabama 44, Georgia 7 Tnlaa 16, Montana St. 14 sume In 1961, but 'warned thist fur­ Stephans, *diait our p e < ^ beosina I I>efo 26. wsrii ott. It to. the loud aUa t man as slot back, and Co-Gaptain OoBoeettotit, Rtsim (104) nad Dwiglit ther out|)MalDi w«MRd end ttie pr^ •Ubfor (84). M Dudley at.CuUbaok. IM R ey fleM. ■/ I sji.'. : ■ ; ■ ■'' ■ r 'i


Houses For Bale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 Apartments— Flat*— Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sslc^ 72 Houses For Sale Apartments— Flats— HILLIARD STREET — Trim and PAGE •/e n FIVE ROOM CAPE, fireplace, oil BOLTON VICINITY — Neat, spa­ SPACIOUS 8 ROOM Oartlson OO- DogB-«ii!Krd»—Peto 41 Household Gooifa SI Tenements 63 Tenements 63 bCANCSESTER — 6 room Ranchi tidy 4 room home near bus line. By FAGALY and SHORTEN heat, combination windows, con­ cious 4 room ranch home, garage, lonial, 4 bedrooms, office a t den, Antomobiles For Sale 4 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW 2-years-old, Isffge kitchen ■ with MANCHESTER 1% wooded acres, only $13,900. formal dining room, recreafioa Deep wooded lot, no maintenance. PROFESSIONAL ’Trimming, batt­ POUR ROOMS, first floor, automa­ buUt-ins, diniiig toom, S bwlroams, venient location, excellent neigh­ Asking $11,700. Robert Wolverton TWO LIYINO room chain isr aale, M RbOH APARTMENTS, 649- borhood. Circumstances make it Hayes Agency, 643-4803. room Witt fireplace, attached 3- ing, all breeds. Poodle specialist tic hot water, full bath, central. attached' garage, lot lOOxSOO with Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. FORD — 1958, Intercepter engine, like new. CaU 649-3286. 6229, 9-6. 848-6872. necessary to sell substantially be­ car g a n ge, 100x160 lot, etaa^le standard transmission with over­ It costs no more to have the MSt trees, $16,900. Phllbrlck AgMcy, Country charm near center of low appi^sal for quick sale. 643- EXCELLENT 6 room ranch, 8- trees, atumlmim siding, PTiUbrick MANCHESTER Ustlng 62 — Cen­ drive. Excellent condition, 8526.00. WHVirZlT, AT THE in professional conditioning. 849- BVERYTHINO in sterUlnd n- jTVB ROOM apartment, , stove, re­ 640-8464. town. 8 bedroom ranch with 1% Agency, 640-8464. CLASSIFIED baUl8.^ Large living room with «B16. years-old, built by Ansaldi, full ter Street. 6 room older Cape, Call 649-6678. 9798, 649-0600. condlUoned used furniture and a{>- frigerator, garage. CaU between CORNEQ SANi^ Famished Apartments 6S-A MANCHESTER — Newly Usted. fireplace. Walkout basement. basement, tile bath, hot water oil business zoned, ideal for profes­ pUances, high quality — km 7-8 p.m., 643-0082. BOLTON — 6'a room rtmeh on heat, plastered walls, 2 fireplaces, MANCHESTER — Large 6 room 'fOU VJAIT AND WAIT BEAGLE, PUREBRED, male, 4- Gorgeous 6 room ranch, 8 bed­ Screened patio. PMk-Uke set­ Cape, 1% baths, nicely landscaped sional office, only $14,600. Bent A prices. LeBIano Furniture, 196 TWO ROOM . auartment Heated.- Route 86, 2 Ijedrooms, living room amesite drive, combination win­ 1968 RENAULT DAUPHINE — OK LIKE*- years-old, excellent health, all a v a i l a b l e OiJi.'OBER 1—6 room rooms, ceramic tUe bath, kitchen, ting. O ose to recreation, lot with shade trees, on bus line, Bent, 236-3211, eve. Mr. Bolton, Soutt St„ RockvlUe. 878-2174. Kitchen set, bedroom s e t ,' gas dining room, kitchen, open stair­ dows and doors, near bus,, all utili­ ADVERTISING $126.00. Call 643-1804. \MHILE KOUB ACCHE6 shots, $20. 648-2887. ______flat, second floor, oil burner, dining area, 16x18 Utrlng room schools and shopping. 4%% 4% % mortgage may be assumed, 643-7097. ______Open 9-8. stove, refrigerator. Free gas, way up for expansion, breezeway ties* 30 days occupancy. Priced steam heat, Rusco storm win­ with fireplace. Oarage. Nice lot mortgeige. Price $18,200. $16,200. Owner, 643-0807. 5L0WLV FLATTEK FREE TO GOOD HOME — 1%- electricity. Adults, Low rent. 10 and garage, plus full basement, for quick sale. Charles Lesper­ GREEN MANOR home, paint and 12 CU.. FT. FRIQIDAIRE refrig­ dows, Venetian blinds, garage. with trees. $16,200. Robert Wolver- 1954 PONTIAC 2-DOOR IWrdtop, AKO A FAIK SHOOTS yew-old female besigle, had all Depot Square, Apt. 4. ton Agency, Realtors. 649-2818. lot 100x250. A steal at $15,900. T. ance, 649-7620. SETVEN ROOM spacious home in decorate to your taste and save CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS erator, suitable for cottage, now Adults. 648-7965. OWNER J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. over $1,000. Dishwasher, dispoeal, $126. 742-7646. UP VOUR SPIKE- . shots, 649-1048. running, $28. 649-1048. Manchester on quiet street, 4 bed­ ROQKVILIjE — Nicely furnished VERNON — ASSUME mortgage, Gall 649-6181 after 6 p.m. ROCKLEDGE — 8 bedroom L- rooms, enclosed porch, 2-car ga­ extra ■ kitchen cabinets, washer 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. 8% room apartmeilt, 15 minutes VERNON — Miriam Drive. Lovely ranch, large li'ving room, fire­ and dryer, attic fan. 4%% mort­ f o u r ROOM cold flat, IS Vine weU kept 5-room raneb, biUlt-ln or weekends. rage, asking $19,500. Out of state Trucks—^Tractors FOUR WHITE angora kittens need from Hartford, adults only. 649- custom * built 3 bedroom ranch place, family kitchen with dining Wearing Apparel Fmni 57 Street. Call 742-8180 or 742-7338. kitchen, natural woodwork, walk­ owner wants offers. Phllbrlck gage. asking $15,200. Call owner good home. Csdl 649-746L______4824, 876-1168. out basement, large sloping lot with 2-car attached garage, bullt- area. Basement with full size 649-6091. COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 1961 CHEVROLET one ton pick­ Agency, 649-8484. DRESSES, SKIRTS. SUITS, sUwrf f i v e ROOM PLAT, all conveni­ Hayes Agency, 648-4808. 1ns, fireplace, wall-to-'wall carpet­ windows, garage, private wooded mS a V Thn. raiDAT 10:80 A.M.-8ATURDAY 9 AM. up; 1960 Chevrolet V-8 two ton FIVE ROOM furnished apau-tment, FORD STREET. — Five room ing, combinations, excellent con­ lot, $21,500. Phllbrlck Agency, 649- 12-14-16, like new, reasonable. 640- ences; also, nice rtore, fine for house, all utilities, bargain, $12, ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S Area — 6 long wheel base truck. 649-8082. Live Stock 42 gentlemen preferred. 120 Charter LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN - Beauti­ dition. Make an offer. Asking $18,- 8464. room family sized nondevelop­ 9816. professional office or gift shop on Oak Street, 649-8038. 900. Joseph Bartt, Broker, 649- Main Street. Phone 649-9836. ful 7 room Colonial, family room, 900. Owner 876-6320. ment Cape Cod situated In coun­ PLEASE READ YOUR AD A nd thek, JUST vwek HORSES FOR SALE — Palomino 3-car garage, 3 fireplaces, 1% 0820. Manchester Auto Orlvtnit School 7-A mare and gelding, one stallioh. TWO ROOM APARTMENT, bed­ try atmosphere. Ideal for chil­ riMuiifl<>d or “Want Ads” are taken over the phone as a con^ TOUNE MADE IT, t h r e e ROOM apartment inter­ tiled baths, all buUt-lns, porch, VERPLANCK-Assumptlon area, 6 dren, yet convenient to chimih, Can be seen evenings or anytime Wanted— To S8 room and kitchen, all improve­ COLONIAL RANCH - 6 roams, ve^l^e% radvertlser rfiould read his ad the FIRST DAY IT section of Clinton and School city utiUties, Uurge lot, fuU . attic, room Cape, .brick front; alumi­ schools, and shopping. Many ex­ MORTLOCK’S Driving School Inc., AKD START TQTAliE ^Saturday or Sunday, or call for ments. Inquire 186 Bissell Street. 1% baths, modern kitchen srttt PIPE DREAM? APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the next Inser- WE BUY, SELL or antique Street, ground floor, garage. Call lastered walls, full insulation, num siding, one block to schools, tras. R. H. Gates Agency, 649- offices, classroom located Man­ SOUR TURK, ' appointment Columbia 228-9077 bullt-lna, 3-car attached garage, AUTUMN don. The Herald ts responsible for only ONE incorr^t or omitted and used______furniture, l. glAM. 649-1828 or upstairs, rear. Slundry in basement, hatchway, bus line and stores. Early occu­ 5552. / chester Parkade, lower level Be- OUT COKES THAT OLD lot 300x250. $22,900. Phllbrlck Insertion for any advertisement and then only to the extent of a g;inners, older, nervous students, silver.— picture franaes and old Bosiness Loeations many extras. Charles Lesperance Agency, 649-8404. pancy. John H. Lappen. Inc. 649- “make Rood” Insertton. Errors whleh do not lessen the value of our specialty. Teen-age driver’s coinp, old dolls and guns, hobby S% ROOM APARTM ENT in pri­ 640-7620. 048-6664. 6261, 649-7446, 643-8219. Dreaming of the perfect home? FAMILIAR SIGK- Articles For Sale 45 Large lot, spacious 5%-room the advertisement will not be corrected by “ make Rood Insertion. education course. State certified. collections, attic contents or whole vate home. Furnished or unfur­ For Rent . 64 VERNON — Like new 6 room L- SPECIALS CTIMEOUTFORflA/t estates. Furniture Repair Sendee, shape brick ranch, manicured SPRING ST.—Spacious 5% room DUPLEX - $15,300 Ranch. 3 bedrooms or 2 and 649-7398. SCREENED LOAM for tt« best In nished, steam heat. Working BUILDINO 60x40 suitable for stor­ sio v ts u m ) lawns from our screen !^ plant TalcottvlUe, Conn. TwL 848-744#. adults, reasonable. 643-6389. grounds, sparkling condition. Un­ ranch, modem kitchen with built, den. FTreplaced living room, age, .B-1 zone, Buckland section GOOD VALUES Manchest^^^-.--r shape. plenty of closets, in perfect YOUR COOPERATION WILL | ) IA L A4^ -?7 11 Andover Columbia. Oeorge Orlf- 649-3458. der $20,000. Hayes Agency, 648- ins, 8 large bedrooms, unusual Auto D rlvlnir School 7-A R ■•U-McClWf Sri4ie«t* FMtW« 4803. decor eeldom found in this price $240 a/bU LU P"® condition. Reasonably priced. BE APPRECIATED Af I i ting, Inc., 742-7886. t h r e e ROOM apartment, steam $8,900 - ELLINGTON won t lafet hey Agen­ Rooms Withont Board 69 $15,800 — Two family, good invest­ range. One car garage, large lot This is it! Call Jeff Keith and heat, hot water. Electric cable for EXCELLENT LOCATTON for Assume 4% % mortgage and $56 cy, 649-2083. LARSON’S — Connecticut's first (7fm k L tir FOR BAf.m — Flat stone for walls, stove. CaU 643-8063. ment. with trees, $24,900. Phllbrlck see it today. 649-6306, 289-8258, S4JjeA/ffy OAHtEUi FURNISHED ROOM conveniently beauty salon. New. Located be­ monthly pays all. Big kitchen and / licensed driving school, trained fireplace, veneer, and patloe. Call tween barber shop and general Agency. 649-8464. 649-9125. /■f n e u s in c m u located one minute from Main $31,700 — Two family, plus com THREE FAMILY living room. 3 bedrooms, beach C^ainly, If you’re ever think­ certified and approved, now of­ 649-0617. BEAUTIFUL 8 room apartment. store. Apply Bolton General fering classroom and behind MOUTSEAL, CAKAOA Street, light housekeeping. Wom­ m e r c 1 a I building. West rights. Hurry. ing of selling your property, it DARK, RICH stone-free lo€un, Ideal for middle aged, profession­ Store. FOUR BEDROOM raised ranch, /Will pay to call my agency. TROUBLE REACHING OUR ADVERTISER? wheel Instruction for teen-agers. an only. 640-6242. al or business couple. Heat, hot side. 135 Bissell Street large recreation room, 3 full BARROWS & WALLACE 649-8076. $14. Also, fill, gravel, sand, and ONE ROOM office for rent, aU con­ tetts, 2-car garage, excellent con­ stone. 648-8603. ROOM WITH cooking facilities water, garage. Residential. 20 $18,600 — 36 Scott Drive. $9,500 - COVENTRY minutes from Hartford. Adults. veniences. 390 Main Street. CaU dition, $38,900. ^ b r l e k Agency, E. E. BUSHEY 2 Help Wanted—Femhlc 35 across from Mary Cheney Beautiful ranch, 3 baths 4 room ranch freshly redecorat^ s 24-Hour Answering Service Special Services 15 Business Opportunities 32 876-4120 evenings. PersonsUized Floors, 649-9388. 7-8-4 room apartments. Entire 649-8464. 56 E. Center St., SNOW BLOWERS — Arlens, Snow Library. Free parking. Call 648- kitchen built-ins, attached building In top condition. 2-car inside and out. Good tree shaded Manchester , E-Z LERN CLERK-TYPIST — Diversified du­ Bird, Toro. Moto Mower, and 7383. garage. Owner transferred lot and friendly neighborhood. .'Alu­ 649-2083 t r e e CUTTING and removal, lots CLEAN APARTMENT, 4 rooms, garage, 100x140 lot. Inquire COUNTRY CLUB area — Charm­ cleared. Insured, - Joe Pelletier, ties. Knowledge of shorthand Bolens tractors, parts aind serv­ Houses For Rent 65 about till* fine Investment. minum combinations, low /taxes Free to Heraid Readers Driving School necessary. Apply Manchester ice. Capitol Equipment Co., 38 FURI7ISHED ROOM for gentle- heat and hot water furnished, $31,500 — 62 Duval Street. ing 5% room ranch, garage, and heating costs. 416 Main Street, 742-7658. man only, near bathroom, free $120. 649-6968. Handsome Colonial, 1% screened porch, terrace, lovely Bast Hartford ENFIELD Modes, Pine Street. Main St., Manchester. Open dally SO. WINDSOR — 6 room ranch, MANCHESTER Listing 63 — 6% Want Information on one of our classified advertisoments? No Connecticut’s largest, auto­ 7-6, Thursday 7-9, Saturday 7-4. parking. Inquire 146 Center Street baths, 2-car garage. WARREN E. HOWLAND wooded lot, priced below appi^- matic and standard shift, garage, 2 baths, $160 month. Call room Colonial, $500 down, near answer at the telephone Mst'OdT Simply call the Rootmg^^iding 16 648-9120. t h r e e r o o m s , first floor, heat­ Ray Holcombe, 644-1286. Realtor al. Hayes Agency, 643-4803. $11,900 - MANCHESTER free pick-up service, teen-age GENERAL ELECTRIC upright ed, stove, refrigerator. Parking. 77 - • - 22 Bowers Street. shopping, schools, churches, good MODERN 360 Main St. 4 room ranch In con,Venient neigh­ cohdtUon, under $16,(XX). Bent ft classroom, older and nervous R. DION ROOFING and siding, al­ Help Wanted— Male 36 freezer. Boat, motor amd trailer. TWIN BEDROOM for one or two Available October 1. CaU 46 Flor­ Handsome compact Coloni­ NORTH COVENTRY — $18,800. SINGLE HOUSE, 6 rooms, 2-car 643-1108 borhood’within walking distance of Bent, 236-8211, eve. Mr. Bolton, MANCHESTER ANSWERING SERVICE students our specialty. 116 terations, ceilings, painting and Excellent condition. Call after 8 with or without kitchen privileges. ence St. or 648-5286, Thursday-Fri- garage, large yard, Keeney al, many extras, 2 bed­ Neat completed 6 room Cape, oil bus and shopplng/'excellent condi MANCHESTER — Large 6 room Center St., Manchester. Call gutter work. Satisfaction guaran­ SERVICE STATION TWO ROOFERS, must be good, ex­ p.m. 643-1870. 649-5663, mornings; 648-8624 after­ day after 4, Saturday all day. Street, available first part of rooms. Will listen to offers. hot water heat, large fenced yard. 643-7097. ranch, fireplace, garage, wall- perienced, $3 per hour. Call 649- tion OiroughouU' VA, no money wall carpet, aluminum storm*. for free booklet. 643-8662. teed, free estimates. 643-4362. noons. October. 643-4719. Bel Air Real Estate, 648-0832. down. FHA, $400 down. Monthly A49-0500 FOR LEASE 0726. 6% room Cape, Immacu­ WASHINGTON Street — Excellent NEAT AS A PIN. 4 room ranch Trees, landscaped. $16,600. Carl­ DOUBLE OR TWIN bedroom for late, 2-car garage, breeze­ home, 6 rooms, 2 porches, oil payments of jess than $90. with no required work, inside or and leave your messaRe. You’ll hear from our advertiser In jiR A. A. DION, INC. Roofing, siding, STANLEY 60V4 MITER BOX with FIVE ROOM RENT, second floor, SIX ROOM DWELUNG, E. Cen­ QUIET SECLUSION — Huge ton W. Hutchins, Realtor 649-6182. painting. Carpentry. Alterations Machinists and tool makers saw, 2 house jacks. 643-8527. working people, all comforts of 2 or 8 adults preferred. 649-0482. ter Street, full cellar and attic, way and rec room. steam heat, large recreation screened porch. Immaculate 7 out. Close to all conveniences, set LEARN TO DRIVE!— Special at­ Major oil company, unlimited time without spendhiR all evenluR at the telephone. and addlUons. Ceilings. Workman­ home, central. 643-6746 or 649- large garage, $150 monthly. Week­ \ room, fireplace, garage, city room SpUt, 1% baths, garage, on nice wooded lot, this home Is 3PLIT-LHJVEL, 7 rooms, 1% baths, tention to nervous and elderly, i I $12,^00 - ANDOVER ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. potential. For appointment call Overtime schedule. SIX FOOT lighted showcase. Very 3108. LARGE 6 ROOM first floor apart days 649-4581, eve. 649-1421. utilities, center hall, near ele­ large rooms, Manchester, $18,000. ideal for young couple starting large famUy room, kitchen srlth Classroom for teen-ager. Pickup Newington 686-0027, eve. 629- Year 'round lakefront 2-story 6 643-4860. reasonable. Inquire Russell's Bar­ ment, heat, hot water, garage, re­ mentary, junior high and high Carlton W Hutchins. 649-6182. out, or retired. Asking $11,700. buUt-lns, intsreom system service. Day or evening lessens.! 7293. E. J. CARPENTER, school. Priced at only $16,900. room older home. Oversize kitchen' throughout the house, garage, Automobiles For Sale 4 Also, two apprentices with ber Shop, 195 Spruce St. 649-9659 cently renovated, $116 per month. Robert Wolverton Agency, Real­ Announcements Rea.sonable rates. Manchester FRONT ROOM, centrally located, BROKER Charles Lesperance, 649-7620- and living room with fireplace. 100x200 lot, S-years-oId, $22,900. BIDWELL HOME Improvement trade school Question in ma­ Avadlable October 1. CaU 649-3981, tors, 649-2813. 1969 OPEL STATION WAGON, ex­ Driving Academy. 742-7249. FREE — STONES for leach fields, parking. 69 Birch Street, 849-7129. Wanted To Rent 68 O'Wp'er moving — wants quick sale. PhUbrick Agency, 64#-8464. COMPLETE LAUNDRY service, Company — Roofing, siding, al- chine shop. 6-9 p.m. cellent condition. Please call 649- temtlons, additions and remodel­ dry wells, or retaining walls. Just 649-5051 — 649-9152 GERARD STREET — 4 bedrpom MANCHESTER — 8 room Ranch, diy cleaning, shirts finished, wash BEAUTY PARLOR — Rockville ATTRACTIVE sleeping room, gen­ A RELIABLE PARTY looking for 6409. ing of all types. Excellent work­ area. For sale or lease. Excellent pay for ad. 122 Newmarker Road, Colonial, 26 foot living room With dishwasher, disposal, attic fan, at­ MANCHESTER—8 bedroom Capa dry, fold, delivery service. Lucky Garage— Service—Storage 10 tleman, shower-bath, private en­ FIVE ROOMS, parking, gas heat three bedroom apartment, prefer­ fireplace, family size k: ^JXCELLENT VALUES $14,500 - VERNON 1% baths, dishwasher, disposer manship. 649-6495. proposition for Wide awake op­ off Dart Hill Road, Vemon-So er, on bus line, second floor, no tached garage, nicely landscaped Lady Laundry, 43 PumeU Place. MANCHESTER TOOL & trance, parking. Inquire 196 ably a six room duplex. Conveni­ formal dining room, center en­ Excellent buy! 6 room ranch, base­ lot, close to schools, $16,9(X). double garage. Owner 649-6484 1966 OLDSMOBILE Holiday, fully 1,000 FEET STORAGE space for erator. Jack Felnberg, 249-7639. Windsor line. 644-0304. pets. Apply in person 22 Winder 649-2002. equipped power, black and white, DESIGN Spruce St. ent and central location in Man­ THE PHILBRICK AGENCY offers trance, 2-car garage. Tree shaded ment garage, living room with fire­ Phllbrlck Agency, 649-8464. 233-6177. rent. Rear of 11 Main Street. mere Avenue, Rockville. chester. References. Write Box D, lot. $22,800. Robert Wolverton good conditloh. New battery. $225. Reasonable rent. J. D. Realty, Roofing and Chimneys 16-A 180 Hartford Road this real neat compact Cape han­ Manchester place, aluminum storms and Manchester NEAR MAIN STREET for genUe- Herald. dy to everything. Large living Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. screens. $2,000 assumes this. Close FBBRUAKY 1 occupancy or soon Petsmaii 648-2587. 643-6129. Florists—Nurseries 49 man, private entramce, parking, room with fireplace, family size to Route 15. er. WeU built 5 room house Oov ROOFING — Specializing repairing MANCHESTER—Split-level home, 1967 CHEVROLE3T convertible V8, DRIVING INSTRUCTORS — Full­ SALE OF AFRICAN VIOLETS — 23 Pearl Street. 643-7236. kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath entry Lake. Many features. 742 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service, roofs of all kinds, new roofs, gut­ MANCHESTER close to all conveniences, deep power steering, automatic trans­ ter work, chimneys cleaned, re­ time men wanted to train as driv­ down, 2 finished rooms up. $16,- 263-265 Highland Street. 7 ROOM SINGLE 6728. bonded representative, Alfred Wanted Autos— Several varieties. 27 Ridge Street, Wo m e n o n l y , between high MANCHESTER Business Property For Sale 70 landscaped lot, garage, utility Amell, 206 Henry St. 643-0460.____ mission, very clean. 643-2123. paired. Aluminum siding. 80 ing Instructors. Must be capable 643-4664. 900. Dial 649-8464 for appointment 4-4 duplex older — but com $15,200 - TOLLAND Motorcycles 12 SERVICE STATION •• of being on their own and get school and hospital, off Main St., AND room, oil hot water heat, fire­ pletely remodeldd inside years’ experience. Free estimates. light housekeeping faciliUes. 648- MANCHESTER — WeU located In­ to see this one. 6 room ramch non-development. WANTED REDE from Hawthorne 1956 CHEVY CONVERTIBLE, new along with people. Company car FOR SALE — Mum plants, dig place, two full baths, three bed­ and out, 2 heatihg systems, Aluminum storms and screens, at­ motor, standard shift. $800 Interi­ WANTED — ENGINE for 1953 Call Howley, 643-8361. 643-0768. 6689. come property, 14% rooms on bus rooms, $19,600. Robert Wolverton (4 Bedrooms) Lots F o r ! TS and Ashland StreeU to vicinity of FOR LEASE furnished. $100-$136 per week. your own and save. Bring your line in business zone n , parking, MANCHESTER RANCH — 8 bed­ aluminum stoj^fns, lot I38x- tached garage, full basement with or. 25 coats o t lacquer. Call 649- Ford or Mercury, good condition. Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. 740 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, Box B, Herald. own container. Many varieties to VICINITY gross yearly $4,200. Robert Wol- rooms, kitchen with built-ins, 200 feet. Asking $18,600. picture window and walkout Into a 7318. 643-9610. birch cabinets, dining room, living TWO BUILDING lots, prime loea- hours 8:80-6. 648-1319. Radio-TV Repair Serricea 18 choose from. 876-6769. ROOM FOR WOMAN, kHchen verton Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. VERNON — Just over Manchester nicely treed lot with running brook. tion, city utilities. Fhill“ 'telck Agen- i room with fireplace, natural As.sumable mortgage. Owner wants New tile bath, plumbing, heat­ RTOE WANTED from Route 30, 1962 VOLKSWAGEN station wag­ Major oil compsmy, assistance privileges. Call after 6. 649-6136. woodwork, aluminum combina­ line. Like new 6% room ranch, 1% cy, 649-8464. on, gray, 13,000 miles, private Business Services Offered 13 CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, available after small Invest­ AMERICAN E. CENTER STREET — C-zone baths, built-in kitchen with di­ 27 Himtlngton Street. offers! ing, roof, painting, interior Vemon, near Sacred Heart available all hours. Satisfaction ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, cen­ dwelling. Ideal for business and tions, 8-years-old, $18,300. Phil- 4-4 two family, beautifully completely new, excellent loca­ IN BUSINESS ZONE S, a corner Church, to Hartford, vicinity of party, 643-6690. ment. Company training pro­ BEAUTIFUL nette, fireplace. Hayes Agency, LAWN MOWERS sharpened and guaranteed. Call 649-1316. trally located, parking available. professional offices or combina­ brick Agency, 649-8484. decorated, fine neighborhood, tion. Immediate occupancy. lot of 70x150, plus an adjoining lot Pratt Street. Hours 8:80-4:30. 876- vided. For details call New­ ENKA CORP. 643-4803. $17,300 - MANCHESTER 1989 BLUE MG ROADSTER, ex­ repaired, free pick-up and deliv- ington 666-0027, eve. 629-7298. FALL PLANTINGS 643-6127. tion apartment and office layout. 2-car/ garage, reduced to in the rear of 60x140. EbcceUent lo­ 9875. cellent condition, side windows, . ery in Manchester. Russ’ Mower Weekdays 649-4681, eve. 649-1421. ROCKLEDGE — OWNER. Custom $17,900. Custom built 6 room Cape Cod, cation. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, new engine, brakes stnd clutch. Service, 742-7607. Moving—TmckiBff—• is looking for built. 7 room Colonial, 8 bed­ convenient to all schools, churches, 648-1677. S Mums 99c; spreading and up­ Apeitmenta—P lats» To Serve You and transportation. 3 spacious bed­ SISTER ANGELA Will sacrifice. Call 649-9386 after SHARPENING SERMCE — Saws, Storage 20 rooms, large living room with fire 6 p.m. right yews, from $1 - $2.28, Tenementa 68 Houses For Sale 72 BOLTON place, beautiful mahogany family rooms, large kitchen, dining room ARTHUR A. KNOFLA, knives, axes, shears, skates, ro­ MANCHES’TER Package Delivery PRODUCTION OPERATORS 12-24” high. — with fireplace, 1% baths. Unusual BUILDING LOT for sale, 70x14$. 68 tary blades. Quick service. Capitol Better room, picture book kitchen, 1% J. D. REALTY CSiaracter Reader and Advisor Light trucking and ^ ck a g e de­ Help Wanted— Female 35 THREE ROOM cold flat, second value. Scarborough Road. 648-8126. Equipment Oo., 38 Main St., Man­ baths, garage. Distinctive home AGENT on all problems of life is now 1980 m e r c u r y , excellent motor livery, Refrigerators, washers and Good' pay, steady work, com­ floor, 64 Birch Street, elderly HARTFORD - $15,900 U ft R built 4-year-old, 8% for quality conscious buyer. Im­ located at 231 Main Street, and tires, $60. Call 643-9409 after 6. chester. Hours dally 7-6. Thurs­ stove moving specialty. Folding NUTMEG couple preferred. See Mr. Colby, room ranch that offers 8 bed­ day 7-9. Sa.iirday 7-4. 643-7968. BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST — Ac­ pany paid insurance program. W E TRADE mediate occupancy. 643-7798 for 618 Center St. Hartford. Call for appointment, chairs for rent. M9-0762. COUNTRY STORE premises. rooms, 2 baths, Uving room appointment. $17,990 - VERNON 1961 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2-door counts payable, posting, state­ Apply Employment Office, six room T^^iths, right 643-5440 — 649-5938 VERNON 827-1907. LET’S GO TO RYDERS — Every­ DIVIDEND ROAD, ROCKY 18,500— Green Manor ranch in off Frank,**^ )| J J House In with stone fireplace, kitchen 643-5129 Like Split Levels? You’ll love this! Hardtop, automatic, power steer­ ments, etc. 5-day, 40-hour week. Route 6, Andover excellent condition, recently and dining area, G.E. built-ins, NEW 8 ROOM Garrison Colonial on f ro6ms. Includes fireplace, recrea­ WANTED — RIDERS trom south ing and brakes. After 5:30, 643- thing for the rock hound. Gem cut­ Apply in person Gaer Bros., 140 HILL, CONN. Tel. 629-7418. im m acula^ n. E. E. Huge w elU ^ y .p,. lanorantic Painting—Papering 21 Open daily and Sundays, 9-9. painted outside. Immediate oc­ birch cabinets, breakfast bar. wooded acre lot. $36,000. For ap­ tion room, outdoor patio, basement west Manchester to Pratt A Whit 9600. ter, Jewelry making. Gem cut­ Rye Street, So. Windsor. Legal Notices Bushey Agency, 649-2088. riew, » jS O L D “2ii“' *• ting Instructions, silversmith. 945 cupancy. Close to, Woodbrldge Basement has brick fireplace, pointment phone Mrs. Suzaiine garage. Professionally landscaped. Bushey A »88. ney, 8-4:48. 843-8777. OUTSIDE PAINTING at a low E walk-out door, to a patio. 2-car Shorts, 648-8886, J. Watson Beach Center St., Manchester. 643-9905. WAITRESS, experience not neces­ St. bus. Certainly, if you’re even think­ MANCHESTER — 6 room Cape price. No job too big or too small. attached garage, plus 1 de­ ft Co., 21 Central Row, Hartford, EXCELLENT 6 ROOM Garrison 1962 TEMPEST, RED, 14,000 miles. sary. Apply In person Armando’s FOR SALE — Day lilies. Oriental INVITATION ing of selling your property, Cod in nice neighborhood. This Call now, 649-0726. WANTED — Barber with Journey­ 16,900 — East Hartford. Very tached, dituated on a one acre 822-2114. Colonial, aluminum siding, beauti­ $21,000 - HEBRON Certainly, if you’re even think­ Call after 6, 643-8726. HAROLD A SON Rubbish Re­ Restaurant, Route 6, East Wind- poppies. Rock Garden plants, it will pay to call my agency. house features fireplace, 1% Automobiles For Sale 4 man's license. Call 742-8082. clean 6-room ranch, 8 bedrooms, wooded lot, only 6 minutes fully landscaped lot, $19,000. Jo­ ing of selling your prtq»erty, it moval, cellars, attics, and yards. Yews, Spruces, Shrubs. Reason­ OVER lOO-YEARS-OLD PAINTINO, EXTERIOR and In­ TO BID living room fireplace, large from the center of Manchester. JUKT OVER' the line in 'Vernon — seph Barth, Broker, 649-0320. baths, ntoe yard. $800 down. How­ wlU pay to call my pgency. 1964 OLDSMOBILE 2-door HoUday. 1963 BUICK, radio, heater, defrost­ I weekly or monthly pick-up. Har- terior. paperhanging, wallpaper OIL BURNER service man want­ able. John Baron, Burnt Hill AND STILL STANDING ard Realty Company, 282-6276. Request for bids, a commercial screened-in porch. Lot 76 x 180, E. E. BUSHEY Like new throughout. Priced at Ranch with 1100 square feet of Can be seen at 74 Woodland Street er, low mileage. Guarantee trans­ I old Hoar, 649-4084. CLEANING WOMAN for large ed, year ’round job, excellent pay Road, Hebron, Conn., 228-9080. Carl Zinsser, 643-0038. removed, dry wall work. Reason­ size refrigerator, minimum 40 en. exceptionally attractive back only $24,800. Uving area, walk-out ’ basement, MANCHESTER — beautiful young TALL! between 6-7, 649-1919. ferable. 643-6308. ab le rates Fully Insured. 649- home to live In. Please call 649- and benefits. Apply Fogarty Bros., UPRIGHT YEWS, 3-year-old root­ "HAVE TIME, will work.’’ All odd ft. for school cafeteria. Specifica­ yard, ideal for children. 649-2088 three large bedrooms, family size 6 room Cape, like new, 1% baths, 7 room Colonial farm house, 10' 9658, Joseph P. Lewds- 6416. 319 Broad Street, Manchester. ed cuttings, 8-12” tall, 18c each, CONCORD RD.—Beautiful ranch, E. E. BUSHEY 1961 DELUXE ENGLISH FORD jobs done. Everirthing our special­ tions may be obtained jn the office kitchen, school bus at door, bet­ shed dormer, many extras, $18,- acres and outbuildings. Country, 649-4539. $12 per hundred. 1992 Manchester 17,600 — South WIndMr. Abby ter than new coi>dltlon, $16,800 large Uving room, formal dlnliK Anglia, 2-door sedan, radio, heat­ 1953 MERCURY, stick shift. Good ty. You name It. Call us anytime, EXPERIENCED waitress. Apply of the Superintendent of Schools, 900; short way out — 6 room sized kitehen, fireplace in both PAINTING- Exterior an< Interior, Road. Tel. 643-6801. Road, 8Vi-room ranch, 8 bed­ Robert Wolverton Agency, Real­ ranch, over 2 acres land, $11,600. room, cabmet Mtchen, 3 bed­ 649-2083 er, whitewalls, 4 speed floor shift, condition. First $140. 643-6241. 649-4343. in person, Cavey’s Restaurant. 46 Ellington High School, Maple St., U & R REALTY CO., INC. living anU dining rooms, family paperhanging, floors sanded and rooms, modem kitchen with BOWERS SCHOOL — 8 room Cape, tors, 649-2818. 3 bedroom ranch, garage, % acre, rooms, recreatlac room, land­ very low mileage, good condition, E. Center St. Ellington, Conn. Bids due in the 6 finished, lifetime siding, very room, 3 bedrooms up, 4-car de­ ^tobisrt- LAWN MOWERS, sharpened and finished. Get the best for lees. built-in oven and range, living $12,900. Over 120 more listings scaped yard. Mancn E. 30 miles per gallon, 643-8806 af­ 1967 PLYMOUTH, 4-door hardtop, Salesmen Wanted 36-A superintendent’s office by Sept. 27, clean livable home. Immediate 643-2692 tached garage. repaired, sales and sendee, rental Call "44-0601. DAY GIRL WANTED for fountain Fnel and Feed 49-A room fireplace, garage, % acre $13,900 — HEIR’S A CAPE on a to choose from. Call or stop to see son. Realtor, 648-6868. ter 6 p.m. original owner, 64,000 miles. 643- occupancy. Only $18,900. Hayes equipment. L A M Equipment work. Apply or call Holiday Lanes 1963. lot full of beautiful trees and us. Open nights till 9. The Ells­ SCENIC ONE ACRE building lot. 4823. PAINTING — 5Hve room ranches WOULD YOU UKB to earn from Signed lot, high GI mortgage to as- Agency, 648-4808. Robert D..Murdock — 643-6472 EXCELLENT 6 room Cape, front 1963 OLDSMOBILE F-85, 4-door Corp , Route 83, Vemon, 876-7609. Bowling Alley, 643-2125. __ FOR SALE — Seasoned hardwood Bums. shrubs that Affords the maximum worth Mitten Agency, Realtors, Beautiful countryside. 849-1817. and capes for $50. Trim and paint $8,000 to $10,000 a year for what Mr*. Walter Berthdd, of. privacy. All six rooms finished dormers, tile bath, hot water oil sedan, ra^o and heater, power Manchestei exchangre, Enterprise for fireplace. Immediate delivery. 643-6930, 553 E. Middle Tpke. heat, fireplace, combination win­ extra Al.-!0, scraping. 742-8101. WANTED — WOMAN, part-time to you do and not for who you know? Secretary IDEAL 3 BEDROOM ranch, 1% plus a nice enclosed rear porch. steering, hydramatlc, seat belts. 1965 MERCURY, 9 passenger sta­ 1946 Progressive auid young multi-mil­ Also available by the trunk or 18,990 — Bush Hill Road, Man baths, screened porch, full base­ dows and doors, city utilities, near work in local laundromat morn­ T. J. Crockett. Realtor, 643-1677. BEAUTIFULLY IJBMODELED 5 WOODED BUILDING lot, 166x430, Low mileage. 649-8736 after 6 p.m. tion wagon. 643-6989. lion'dollar company interviewing trailer load at the yard. B. J. cheater. Brand new L-shaped ment Includes finished rec room SAMUEL M. .. bus line. Charles Lesperance, 649- CLEANING AND REMOVAL serv­ EXTERIOR AND Interior painting. ings. Must make nice appearance Begin, 164 Manchester Road, TOWN OF MANCHESTER ranch ready for Immediate oc­ room Federal Colonial, 3 room $3,200. 643-8887. Wallpaper books. Paperhanging. applicants for sales training pro- and den, dishwasher, attic fan, BOWERS SCHOOL district — 7 7620. MGA 1960, white roadster conver­ ice, satisfaction guaranteed, Ray and be willing to meet people. Glastonbury. 633-2933. cupancy, 8 bedrooms, 1% baths. room Cape, 3 or 4 bedrooms, 2 ALL BRICK ClUFOM built 3 bed­ guest house, on -village green. Hlx- NEED CAR? x o u i credit turned Ceilings. Floors. Fully Insured g;ram. Call 844-0202 between 6 and and many extras Handy to shop­ room ranch, Tear garage, fine tible, good condition. Call 643- Hardy, 643-6541. Write Box H, Herald. ASSESSORS full baths, large kitchen, li'ving cellent retirement home. $26,900. LAVITT HOLLISTER STREET — Colonial. down? Short on down pajonent? workmanship guaranteed Leo 8 p.m. ping and schools. Good neighbors! ■view. $29,900. For appointment Suburban For Sale 75 7486. ______19.900— 415 Woodbrldge St. 6% - room with fireplace, dining room For appointment phone Mrs. All schools walking distance. Fire- Bankrupt? Rep'esession? Don’t WE HAVE THE TIME, we have Pelletier, 649-6328. If no answer, FULL-TIME counter g;lrl, 8 a.m.- 62 Hilltop Drive. CaU owner, 849- phone Mrs. Suzanne Shorts, 643- Garden— Fann—Dairy OFFICE room Oambalotl built ranch In and den, aluminum siding, ga­ Suzanne Shorts, 643-8886, J. Wat­ placed li-ving room, dining room, despair! See Honest Douglas. In­ the tools, will do most anything. call 643-9C4S. 0242. 8886, J. Watson Beach ft Co., 21 LOCATED IN VERNON — We 2 p.m. Please apply Mister Do­ Prodnets 50 top condition, finished rec room rage, $18,800. PhUbrick Agency, son Beach ft Co., 21 Central Row, AGENCY kitchen-den, 3 bedrooms up. Ga­ 1969 FORD CONVERTIBLE, ex­ quire about lowest down, small­ Free estimates given. Call us any-; 41 CENTER ST. Central Row, Hartford, 622-2114. have what we beUeve to be an ex­ nut, 255 W. Middle Tpke. Help Wanted— with fireplace also living room ONE WEEUC! Be li'ving here In one 649-8464. HarUord, 622-2114. rage. Deep, treed lot. Aluminum ceptional house because of its de­ cellent condition. 649-0156. est payments anywhere. No small time. 643-2097, 633-2987. |NEW GAME for Manchester Her­ Male or Female 37 CANNING PEACHES l^d pears, MANCHESTER, CONN. fireplace, large kitchen-dining week. Only $1,600 cash to assume 643-2158 Realtors 876-8297 storms and screens. $18,500. Rob­ sign, layout and locatloi. Biiilt loan or finance company plan. ald customers. You buy the paint, WOMAN TO DO cleaning and some Bottl Fruit Farm, 280 Bush Hill area, laundry room off kitchen, 814,600 — 6 ROOM CAPE, immacu­ CUSTOM DBSraNBlD executive Douglas Motors, 333 Main. FOR HIRE — Heavy Duty roto-1 OFFICIAL NOTICE the mortgage. Modern -7 room home In oneof .Mancheatar’a ert Wolverton Agency, Realtors, with the needs and extras people you name your price — we do ironing on Friday afternoon from Road, Manchester. one-«ar garage. late condition, nearly finished, Vemon Circle - Parkway Exit 95 tiller service, attachments includ- i your painting. 649-7863, 875-8401. 12-4:30. References. Own trtins- Inhabitants of the Town of Man­ ranch, 1% baths, bus line. Ray prime locations. 7 spacious 649-2813. desire, it features 6 rooms, buUt- ed for lawns, gardening, and chester are hereby notified that: Holcombe, Realtor, 644-1286. Eve. fireplace, open stairs, recreation ins, fireplace, carport, 1% ^ths. Charm For Women portation. 644-8876. PART-TIME — PTJLL-TIME MAC AND GRAVENSTEIN apples 19.900— Dart Hill Road, Vemon. room, wooded lot, Manchester. rooms, sunken li'ving room, MANCHESTER landscaping In general. Leaves at the farm prices. Bunco Farm Oct. 1 ef each year is the assess­ I.arge 8-room garrison Colonial 628-8762. cathedral celling. 2 huge fire­ Open 7 days a week. on a large wooded lot beside a Heirloom Emjjroidery! raked or mulched. 649-3920. ! Carlton W. Hutchins. 649-6132. e x p e r t wallpapering . Dial EXPERIENCED WOMAN to care 629 W. Center Street. 643-8116. ment date in Manchester, Conn., 4 bedrooms plus family room, places,'landscaped lot. Call own­ OLDER HOME — vacant piece of land. Within walk­ 649-1063. for two children in my home and all personal property must be 5 ROOM COLONIAL er 649-6286, after 6 p.m. or Satur­ ing distance to schools, shopping ATTENTION Homeowners — Let POSITIONS OPEN AT formal dining room plus Idtchen- MANCHESTER — New U*tlng. every Thursday, 3 p.m.-lO p.m. declared to the assessor by the day and Sunday. MANCHESTER centers churches and buses. The Bill put new life In that old lawn. dlnette area, Uvlng room fire­ Built 1962. Beautiful 6 room ranch Just Usted — 6 room finished References. Own transportation. owner during the month of Octo­ 8 BEDROOMS - $12,900 wlto 1% baths. G.E. kitchen, in­ MANCHESTER — Ideal home for price, too. is exceptional. May we Call 649-3920 for information. Fertilizers 50-A place, All In fine condition. EAST HARTFORD — North end, Cape. Oversize garage, ame­ EIectr*iCaI Serviees 22 649-0630. GRAND-WAY ber to avoid a ten per cent penalty cluding dishwasher. Carpeted liv­ a small family. 4 rooms Just like Large older home in exception­ show you this “ picture book” sturdy custom-built 6 room Cape site drive, wall-to-wall carpet­ GOOD COW MANURE. DeUvered, imposed by the Connecticut State 22.900— Constance Drive. 4 bed­ ing room with fireplace. Alumi­ new. 2-car garage. Centrally lo­ ally good condition. Extra home. Call 875-7171. FREE ESTIMATES. Prompt serv WANTED — LADY on stand-by $5 and $10. loads. Bbccellent for statutes. Modest, authentic colonial, with, garage and enclosed front ing. Immaculate condition. COVENTRY — New oversUed Household Services room raised ranch with 2 full country setting, excellent kitch­ num storms and screens. Large cated. $13,900. T. J. Crockett. large yard with privacy. Must Ice on all types of electrical wir­ basis to care for girl 10 and boy Full-time, 40-hour week, in fall fertUlzing. Call 643-7804, 649- Personal property consists of: porch. Pretty yard with fruit WeU landscaped lot. City utili­ Cape, full dormer, 4 rooms com ­ baths, finished rec room, kitchen en, oil heat, garage, on bus lot. Robert Wolverton Agency, 643-1677. be seen for full appreciation. Offered 13-A ing. Licensed and Insured. Wilson 12 In my home on days when not Misses Ready To Wear Depart­ A lrcr^, machinery, water power, trees. Unusual value at $17,800. ties, walking distance to Junior pleted, bullt-lns, walk-out base­ 8731. has all the bnllt-ins with many line, quick occupancy, very Realtors, 649-2813. and Senior High Schools. $16,- Ideal family hpme. For indi­ Electrical Co., Manchester, 649- attending school. Transportation ment. Some retail experience dams, horses, cattle, sheep, goats, cabinets, 2-car garage. Tip-top Now vacant and needs an owner. ment with picture window, lake REWEAVTNG of bums, moth holes. 1817 Glastonbury, 643-1388. 'to and from home is required. required. good condition. Easily fi­ 900. vidual attention call swine, poultry, commercial furni­ condition. $8,600 — Well kept 6% room ranch, Gfenn Roberts Agency, MLS Real­ privileges. $14,000. Buy direct. Zippers repaired Window Shades Call 643-1069 after 6 p.m., or 633- Household Goods '51 nanced. tors, 644-1621, 289-5149. MANCHESTER made to measure; all sized Vene­ ture and fixtures, boats, farming a bedrooms, attractive dining C!all after 6 p.m.,, 742-8863. 9455 days. Part-time, nigjtits, 6-10, and 22.900— Notch Road, Bolton. Re­ area, suburban. Owner anxious. Three family apartment house, B & N AGENCY tian blinds. Keys made while you RUGS. NEVER USED, 9’xl2’ tools, tragtors, road machinery, DRASTICALLY REDUCED! 126 6-4-3, interior completely re­ STAFFORD AREA — Colonial, 9 Floor Finishing 24 Saturdays, Infants and Chil­ farm produce, mechanics tools, decorated 6-room ranch with Carlton W. Hutchins, Realtor, Roger M. Negro wait. Tape Recorders for rent. FIGURE IT OUT: If you sell just beige, $25. 9’xl6’ ruby oriental, BRAE-BURN REALTY Avery Street. Six room ranch, full U & R REALTY CO.. modeled, 2-car garage, ideally room hpuse. steam heat, 1% Marlow's, 867 Main. 649-5221 dren’s Department. goods of manufacturers, traders finished rec room nicely situated 649-6182. 643-8727 FLOOR SANDING and refinish- one Avon gift set to only half the $36. 9x12’ blue broadloom. 289- on shaded acre lot, 8 large bed­ 643-6273 basement, fireplace, tile bath, 643-2692 located, excellent investment, baths, one acre lot. shade trees, women in your neighborhood, your I and merchants, utility equipment Ing (specializing In older floors). 6956. rooms, screened porch. MANCHESTER — Duplex 6-8, as­ large closets, garage, combination $23,900. large barn with garage. $10,000. REPAIRS ON all makes small! earnings ^11 reach $3 to $5 an and fixtures and all other taxable MANCHESTER — 6 room home kitchen appliances. Table, floor: Painting, Ceilings. Paperhanging. Nights, 6-10, and Saturday, in bestos siding, aluminum storm windows and doors, large lot, ex­ Immediate occupancy. Tom hour during our Christmas selling BOOKCASES? MARLOW’S have goods. with 1% acres, oil heat, full baae^ cellent condition, stove, refrigera­ Robert D. Murdock lamps rewired. Doorbell systems I No job too small. John Vcrfallle, Boys’ and Men’s Department. 28,700—Converse Road, Bolton. doors and windows, two hot water BOLTON Minor; Broker, 875-6042. season. Take advantage Today of them - unfinished - mahogany, Do Not Declare Real Elstate or ment, only fll,600. Large down tor and hi-fi system Included, 643-6472 checked and Installed. Free plck- 849-6760. 7- room split level custom built heating systems, 2-car garage. Two homes on 2 acres of land this dignified way to earn In your walnut and lime oak. Modem and Registered Motor Vehicles In Man­ nicely landscaped. Everything for STAFFORD SPRINGS—Cape Cod, iq) and delivery. Free estimates. home. 8 spacious bedlooms plus payment needed. Hayes Agency, 11% return. Shown by appoint­ for,2 families all in one parcel, GARTH ROAD spare • time. Extra prizes and Early American styles. Prices? chester. finished rec room, I'/j baths, de­ 643-4803. ment. $23,800. Owner 876-7382. $21,900. Charles Lesperance, 649- modern 3-bedroom ranch with large living room with fireplace, Call 649-1608 anytime, preferably bonuses too. We will train you. Apply in person MARlow. Shop 867 Main Street, Attention: You May Be Entitled large cabinet kitchen, 3 bedrooms, after 4 p-™- The appliance Hos­ Bonds—Stock! lightful shaded acre lot. 7620. 2-car garage; 4 room ranch Call 289-4922. Furniture Department. to an Exemption. OWNER TRANSFERRED. -- Com­ ■with basement garage, both 5% room quality built ranch, sewing room, hot air heat, ga­ pital. • -Mortgages 31 SWEEPING VIEW — 1963 three family kitchen with built-lns, GRAND-WAY 1. Veterans of any war period—- 27 .0 0 0 - 138-187 Bissell Street pact, clean, easy to care for 8 6% RCXJM expandable ranch type quality built, $22,900. rage. Immediate occupancy, $8,- WOMAN TO LIVE in as house­ GLENWOOD HEATING and cook­ bedroom ranch, handy to good honte on high and dry 1% acres, bedroom Gold MedalUon Ranch excellent condition. For Indi­ SECOND mortgages — Unlimited (a) If you have filed your hon­ 8 famUy, 7-8-4, aU basic facll NEW LISTING 900. Tom Minor, Broker, 875-5042. keeper, private room, family of ing gas stove, 4-years-old, in ex­ orable discharge papers with school and shopping. If interested, 2-car garage, space for pets and built-in‘stove, huge lot, (^ y $14,- vidual attention call . . . Building— Contracting 14 funds available -for second mort­ itles modernized, new roof, sId 900. Carlton W. Hutchins, Realtor, VERNON four. Call 649-0600 for interview. Shopping Parkade cellent condition. 643-5789. the Town Clerk of Manchester tng and aluminum ooinbination stop in at 64 Woodhlll Road or call privacy, early- occupancy. Ask­ Practically new 7 room split, STAFFORD AREA — 6 tenement gages, payments to suit your ing $16,500t Robert Wolverton 649-6132. house, 5 tenements furnished. CALL ME on your fonntca need*, budget Elxpedient service. J. D. b^ ore Oct. 1, 1963. windows, 2-car garage, large 643-7161. kitchen with bullt-lns and fruit- POUR-YEAR-OLD Easy combina­ Andover — 8 family 6-3-3, good Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. B & N AGENCY Over $400 per month income. $18,- CREWEL bars, counters, kitchen -cabinets, Realty, 643-6129. 2. Disabled Veterans shaded 100 x 140 lot. Ideal in BOWERS SCHOOL AREA — 4 wood cabinets, jalDusled en­ EXPERIENCED SHOE salesper­ tion washer-dryer, $60, needs a $13,900 — Extra large 3-bedroom Income, 8-car garage. 32x60 000. Tom Minor, Broker, 876-6042. vanltory units, table-topa and few repairs. 643-1672. J a ) lif you have filed your hon­ vestment property. bedroom Cape, 1% baths, dining closed porch, lovely lot, high EMBROIDERY SECOND MORTGAGES — Funds son, 44-hour week, Tuesday and Ranch, fireplace, aluminum sid­ outbuilding suitable for small MANCHESTER GREEN Area — Roger Negro island stands. 649-8986. orable discharge papers with ing, aluminum storms, garage, Like new 6 room Colonial with room, U-vlng room with fireplace, elevation. Asking $21,-900. available for second mortgages. SEWING MACHINE Thursday nights. Good :^ a ry . the Town Clerk of Manches­ 89.000— Glastonbury. Executive business. Gd finEuicing avail­ I 21” MOTOROLA TV - UHF and 106x300, trees. Carlton W. Hutch­ able. CaU now. recreation room, combinations, garage. High location and deep 643-8727 Farms For Sale 76 QUALITY, CARPENTRY—Rooms, For individua,^ attention call House A Hale. VHF. In good condlUon. $65. 649- ter and 8- room mised ranch residence, lot. Ideal for children. $17,600.' basements refinished. buUt-ins, B & N Agency. Roger M. Negro, 4 bedrooms, expansive living ins, 649-6132. fireplace, fenced yard. Near J. D. REALTY OPERATORS 6624. (b) If you have filed a certifi­ schools. Owner 643-4034. Robert Wolverton Agency, Real­ STAFFORD AREA — Farm, 80 formica tile, general repair. No 643-8727. cate of disability with the as­ room with stone 6oor-to-celling tors, 649-2813. acres land. 6 room stone house, job too small Call William Rob­ MOVING — G.E. DRYER, 10- sessors showing the percent­ flreplaoe, formal dining room, JOHN H. LAPPEN, INC. 618 Center St. 1% baths, fireplace, oil burner, A~BETTER ARRANGE»IENT of Situations Wanted— $12,900 — NEW qN MARKET, Im­ bins Carpentry Service. 649-8448. Elxperienced operators and months-old, warranty-guarantee age of disability obtained completely modem kitchen / maculate four room ranch with Vernon STATELY 10 ■ room mansion. All hot water heat, excellent condl- your finances will make more of Female - 38 643-5129 trainees needed. Excellent op­ in effect. $126. Call 643-0761. from the Veterans Adminis­ Witt large dining area. Thinking of Real Estate? 649-6261 — 649-7446 — 643-6219 detached one car garage. Nice ,SPACE HOUSE rooms extremely large. Five fire­ tiem, high elevatiOTi. Tom Minor, HOME MAINTENANCE, repair your income available for person­ places, 4% baths. 2-car garage. portunity for qualified train­ CAPABLE SECRETARY — 10 tration. 2% baths, rec room. Ample use See A level lot, trees. Located up on the broker, 875-5042. and sdteratlons. Rec rooms, roof­ al use. Lump debt into one MAGIC CHEF gas . stove, 40 . ot celling-^to-floor windows and BuUt on' a knoU, panoramic Spacious grounds add beauty and ees to learn sewing. Apply years shorthand, dictaphone, typ­ (c) If you have reached the east side, all utiUties, an excep­ ing and aluminum siding. Russ monthly payment of $22.26 for good condition $28. May be seen at view. Here's a custom built distinction to this beautiful home. o- ing experience, etc., 2 years Col­ age of 66 and were receiving a doors reveals exceptional pano- tional home. T. J. Crockett, OVERSIZED CAPE. 7 rooms, Atkins, Builder, 643-0411. "The each thousand dollars including 110 Ridge St. ramle view. CAPE — 8 ROOMS in Manchester, split, dining room, etc. Asking $39,000. PhUbrick Agency, 649- Wanted— small job carpenter.” repayment over five years. Frank MANCHESTER MODES, lege education, desires part-time disability at that tinie, you ar# Realtor, 843-1677. full baths, 4 bedrooms, large Uv­ Real Batate 77 4 or 6 bedrooms, panelgd famUy $16,900 ing room, tormal dining room, at­ 8464. 8 2 1 8 2 8 2 5 H Burke, 246-8897, Connecticut Mort­ work while finishing courses for NEW HOMEMARK zlg zag sewing entitled to $3,000 exemption, if -P ALSO — REALTOR INC. room, attached garage. Owner $13,800 — SIX ROOM cape, now S2-44 gage Exchange, 16 Lewis St., College degree. Hours negotiable. TT,"all attachments, $60. you file a copy of your birth Just minutes from Manchester. tached garage, UHhaeO wooded lot c a s h f o r y o u r p r o p e r t y . Tempt your embroidery skill 34 Member Realtors wants sale within 30 days. Selling vacant. Recently redecorated. Oil $22,900. Phllbrlck Agency r a n c h — Newly redecorated in Customers waiting fot ranches, Hartford, Conn. Pine Street, Phone 643-9328, 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. 849-104S. I ' certificate with the assessor. ir Main St. modem office space, Call now - here’s another buy, established neighlxirhood.. Large Hii8 q;>eciai design for women 'With this beautiful desi^ worked below appraisal. His loss, your heat, combination windows. WUl 649-8464. capes, colonials, Manchester area. in Icrewel stitches! You’re sure to Manchester \ 3. The Blind— commercial properties. gain. $17,800. Phllbrack Agency, by the Uving room witt fireplace, extra aecents the popular costume look SECOND , MORTGAGE money INFANT OR CHILD care in my Should be notified that proof of ONE CALL quality for FHA or VA minimum rioward Realty Co., 232-6276. Carl win many compliments whether 649-8464. financing. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, large kitchen, 8 bedrooms and — Witt a graceiful brief-sleeved WANTED available; Confidential, courteous home by day or week. Telephone their disability must be filed with -Ar Desirable residential lots, BUSHEY AGENCY SO. ^WINDSOR — 8 room raised Zinsser, 643-0038. baUi, Hrilsherd recreation room in draw topped with a cardigan-type It’s the pahel or pillow!' 643-9137. acreage. SER V E S ALL 843-1877. rtincli, .4 Ijedrooms, dining room, Pattern No. 2825-H has hot-iron CLEAN LATE MODEL service. Gaston Realty Co., Route SEPTIC TANKS the Town Clerk. • MANCHESTER — 8 bedroom 649-2083 basement. This home realistically WANTED TO BUY — 6 room flat bolero. 83 by Conn. Golf Land, Talcott- family room, 1% baths, fireplace, transfer for 2 motifs—each 12% a n d 4. Farmers— Manchester ranch. Just-painted Inside suid cut, LOOKING FOR A 4 bedroom Cape priced at $16,900. PhUbrick Agen­ from owner in good location and No. 8218 with Patt-ORama is in vUle. Phone 649-1902, 876-0319. DEPENDABLE PERSON wlU care built-ins, 2-car garage. FHA ap- X 10%” ; color chart; stitch illus­ CLERK-TYPIST - Medical termin­ Application for exemption for . excellent buy at $16,800. 640-8688. in attractive, central location? FORTY ACRES of lovely high cy, 649-8464. repair. Write Box K, Herald. •tees 82, 8%. 36, 38, 40, 42, 44. Bust for child In my home, dally, week­ Board of Realtors' , praised at selling price,' $21,500. trations. USED CARS ology and typing necessary. Per- livestock, poultry apd machineiy fireplace, storms, shrubs. Rea­ land, large frontage .and charm­ 34 to 46. Size 34, 36 bust, dress, ly. Autumn-Oak Sts. Box TT, pluccEd sewers ing 6 room pre-revolutionary Robert WolvertMi Agency, Real­ To order, send 36c'in coins to: aom to do abstracting, coding must be filed with the assessor dur­ MANCHESTER' — Reduced. Near sonable. 649-6436. MANCHESTER — Most immacu­ PRIVATE PARTY desires to b«y TOP PRICES PAID Business Opportunities 32 Herald. home, barn. Move right in. $28,- tors, 649-2813. 414 yards of 36-inch; bolero, 1% Anne Cabot, The Manchester Eve­ and analysis ot patient's medical ing the month of October each schools. SoUd bridk 7 room ranch. late. 6 room Colonial, walking dis­ from private - owner 4-bedrpoin MANCHESTER — If you ars look­ ' 000. For appointment phone Mrs. ysurds. FOiR ALL M AKES THREE BAY Gulf service station records. Pleasant working condi­ WIDOW WOULD LIKE position as MaeMM GIsaasd year. 2-car garage. 1% baths. Tree SPLIT-LEVEL — 7 rooms, garage, tance to school, features kitchen hotAe, preferably colonial, good ning Herald, 1160 AVE. OF Suzanne Shorts, 648-8886, J. Wat­ To. order, auid 60c' in coins to: available for lease. Excellent op­ tions. 40-hour week, Mcniday housekeeper in rectory. Ebeperi- Septic Tanks, Dry Weils, l^w- All Property Owners:—If you shaded lot. Fieldstone fireplace. ing for a horns that you can move with buUt-in oven, range and dish- condition, good location. No brok­ AHERIOAS, NEW YORK 36, into without touctUng even so fireplace, hot water oU heat, all 8u« Buxnstt, Manchester Evening portunity for the right individual. through Friday. Call Manchester enced. Write Box Q Herald. e t lines Installed—Cellar Wa­ have changed your address in ths H. B. Grady, Broker, 643-8009. son Beach ft Co., 21 Central Row, buUt-ins, city utilities; excellent wa^ea. birch caUnets,; U'ving ers. Write Box R. Herald. ____ N. Y. much as a - paint brush, call us H arald, U56 AVE. OF AMER­ Carter Chevrolet Paid tridnlng program. For ad­ Memorial'Hospital, 643-1141, Ext. terproofing Done. past year, you should n o t^ ths as­ Hartford. 622-2114. condition. Present mortgage may room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, For Ist-^lass mailing add 10c for 8 look at this immaculate 7 PWVA'TB I^ T Y wanU 4 to • ICAS. NKW Yses, meeting at RockviUo them. William Knight also has 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Craig ner of the Presidential Gold Medal measures from one-quarter cup to Interei additional auction slips. wich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard settled In its new bircih paneled, Raymond F. Donahue of 297 High School, Loveland Hill, will Belcher, 363 Spring St. P. Getzewlch, 371 Hartford Rd. well lum-inated and alr-coriditioned for exposure of the drug thalido- full cup at a time. This Hackmatack St. on Aug. 30 begin the week of OcL 7. Most lively Also-Frank Maloney, son of Mr. offices and closing room. ■mide, to comedienne . marked his 30th anniversary with class^r are held once a week from Dr. John C. Wright of Manches­ The office-oar two-way radio Henry P. Haefs of Newlngtonj tainly and Mrs. Frank H. Maloney, 22 the Hartford Gas Oo. Donahue is 7 to 9:05 p.m. bachel ter. Dr. John L. Phiffer of Rock­ Englewnood Dr.; Frederick EJrnest communication (30-^mlle range to TO HEAD GROUP formerly of Manchester, parts in The evening school Im sponsored superintendent of Customer Serv­ spectlon foreman at Pratt * Whit' who rl ville and Dr. Allyn B. Dambeck Jacobs, s*on of Mr. and Mrs. John all towns bordering Mandiester in Raymond S. Pilkonis of 47 Hoff­ ice at the Hartford firm. by the Vernon Board of Education. of Vernon are serving on the ar­ Which the Arms have listings), 24- ney Aircraft, Earn Hartford, next rolls I E. Jacobs, 125 Brookfield St.; man Rd., business manager of the portra rangements committee for the Ronald Arthur Kilby, son of Mrs. hour automatic telephone secretar­ Wednesday will mark his 25th an^ University of Hartford, will be in­ Mrs. Alfred A. Dion of 299 nlversary with the firm. ance I twelfth annual Scientific Sympo­ Prank Cristelli, Rockville; David ial service, up-to-the-minute office stalled as chairman when the New Autumn St. is one of 270 ■winners sium of the Connecticut Academy equipment and filing systems, all and w I>anlel Les5>ard, son of Mr. and England Regional Group, National In a recent nationwide Tyucky a r o ^ of General Practice to be held Oct. Mrs. Joseph Lessard, Rockville; add up to In-stant service. Some 24 Association of Educational Buy­ Many Manchester-RockvUle serv' 3 at the Statler-Hilton ' Hotel, easy-angle parking spaces are Gals Sweepstakes,” sponsored by ice station dealers will attend an George W. Moberg. son of Mrs. ers, holds its semi-annual meet the A. E. StUey Mfg. Co. of De­ Hartford. Marlon Mioberg, Bolton; and Wil­ a'vai'lable at the firm’s offices. Ing Sept. 30 through Oct. 2 at AP All-Star Muffler Clinic on Oct. WESTOWN Howland will soon present the catur, 111. She will receive a Norge 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the VFW Home A. liam John Bums, son of Mr. and the Eastern Slopes Inn, North Refrigerator-Freezer. Mrs. Dion 1 1 PHARMACY I I ().\i I'o irr The annual EIk’s clambake will Mrs. William J. Bums, Coventry. newest in appraisal forms. “Quite Con-way, N.H. on E. Center St. The clinic is one be held tomorrow, beginning at 10 different from any other put out said fiiat she sent in just one con­ of several "Hlgnway Safety” clinics 469 Hartford Rd.—MI 9-9946 before In this area,” Howland Other officers for the year 1963- test form (from a newspaper ad­ sponsored by the Manchester Auto MEANS a.m.. on the grounds of the East 64 are: T'homas Hallorain, vice C Hartford Elk’s Club, Robert St, said. vertisement) and won. Parts, Inc. Charles Daugherty, ter' To maintain our continuity Party to Hear The firm is on the mailing list chairman, purchlsing agent, Uni- ritory manager for the AP Parts of Pre'views InC. of New York Eugene M. Fay, a 28-year em­ Corp., will conduct the clinic. of medical service we are ploye for AftP Food Stores, has ^ A a IBRIOAN O o A I i Talk on Elections and has carried one perspective been named sales manager of A&iP on a sale of Victor Borge’s 310- The Newton Co. at 55 Elm St. OPEN AU DAY acre estate at Southbury. The Food Stores, Springfleld-N«w Open All Day for fuel oils, service, The Democratic Town Commit­ Haven Unit, succeeding Frederick has announced recent sales of four tee will learn next Wednesday how price of that fabulous home and Power Pulse Control systems (for SUNDAY grounds was $375,000. N. Bromage, now New England the detached remote control of heating equipment the new state election laws, which Sales Director. SUNDAY supercede election provisions of Howland Is president-treasurer overhead electric beams—a concept phone 522-8151 of the Home 'Traders Exchange similar to those techniques used PINE PHARMACY the town charter, will affect tl Elias F. Sahadi, exclusive Lin­ n o PEARL STREEX current party procedures. Inc. The purpose of the exchange, In the telemetry systems in missile 664 CEN’TER ST.—»n 9-9814 a subsidiary firm, is to help pro­ coln Continental salesman with and space devices) to the Revere HARTFORD, CONN. The Town Committee meets at Moriarfy Bros. Inc. on Center St., 8 p.m. on Sept. 25 at the Municipal spective home buyers go from a Copper and B rus Cio. to be installed heelei small to a large home, or vice- has been awarded a certificate of in ^Itlmore, Md., and Clinton, HI. Building hearing room, to hear a versa, on guaranteed sale of the merit upon completion of a four- orang report from Towm Clerk Eldward Earlier sales by Newton Co. in­ Matei buyers’ present home before they day special training session in clude Canal Division of PAWA, PUT NEW Tomkiel on the state’s new elec­ home go into their desired home. Dearborn, Mich. the Scovlll Manufacturing Co., THE ARMY AND NAVY tion laws. With membership in both Man­ and General Electric of Erie, Pa. Selection procedures for town chester and Hartford Real Es­ John C. Beggs of 85 Baldwin committee candidates and rules tate Boards, and participation in Rd., project engineer on the Moon governing primaries may both be both boards’ multiple listing serv­ Suit Program instituted last year affected by the new legislation. ices, the Howland firm today of­ at Hamilton Standard under con­ The town directors will also of­ fers a complete portfolio of exist­ tract with the National Aeronau­ G & B BUILDING fer reports to the committee, and ing properties now on the market tics and Space Administration LIFE plans for a fund raising event, like for sale. j Tuesday at 8 p.m., at the new CONTRACTORS BINGOAND last year’s costume ball, will be ' The realty firm has member- , Physics • Auditorium of Trinity IN YOUR CUSTOM HOMES discussed. ship in the Manchester Chamber College, Hartford, will discuss the of Commerce. National Associa­ life support in outer space at OUR SPECIALTY DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ’Two vacancies must be filled Joseph Barth—649-0820 tion of Real Estate Boatds, Inter­ Ray S. Pilkonis joint meeting of the Hartford from' the party ranks, one for a chapters of the American Society 8 O'CLOCK new town committee representa­ national Traders Club, National CARPETS of Mechanical Engineers and the tive. the othfer for justice of the Institute of Real Estate Brokers. versity of Connecticut, and Thom­ Howland is presently serving as as Huckins, secretary, business Scientific Research Society of peace. America. Mrs. Audrey Allen, who has re­ vice president of the newly form­ manager of the Middlesex School, PERSONALIZED WITH ed Connecticut* chapter of the In­ Concord, Mass. CHRISTMAS CARDS signed as representative from the ternational Traders Club, and is James A. Murray of 34 West- District One, must be replaced by Pilkonis became controller wood St., assistant treasurer, Lost CaU For 16% Off chairman of the local Board of shortly after the University of the committee. Realtors’ Advisory Committee. People's Sa-vlngs Bank, Rockville, NUTMEG COUNTRY STORE Robert Kiernan, who resigned as Hartford -was formed in 1957. He ROUTE 6, ANDOVER Garners yesterday and today participated was advanced to business manager justice of the peace, was to have JOINS FIR M In a panel group In meetings at­ OPEN DAILY and SUNDAY been replaced by a directors’ ap­ in March 1962. He holds a bach­ tended by 61 persons of 20 sav­ 9 AM . to 9 PM . Francis A. Huaarik, son of Mr. elor of science deg;ree in Business DRIVEWAYS pointment. When they did not act and Mrs. Frank J. Husarlk of 201 ings banks held at the Griswold within 10 days, the appointing Administration from the UofH. School St., has joined Rodgers and The Neiw Ehigland group which power reverted to the town se­ Company, Inc., a publicity, pub­ Free Estimates On: lectmen. Pilkonis -will head has 250 mem­ lic relations, and marketing firm bers, and is the largest unit in its ^adquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, parent organization. Membership PLUMBING BITUMINOUS ASPHALT PAVING its senior editor. is composed of business .offices, Husarik, formerly a writer-edi­ purchasing agents, facility super­ Water Heaters CLEANING • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS tor in the Apparatus Sales Divi- visors and food service executives HEATING .sion. General Electric Co., Sche- • GAS STATIONS • BASKETBALL COURTS WHEE! WATER’S at colleges and secondary schools Humidifiers SERVICE in the six New Ehigland ktates. ALL WORK PERSONALLY SUPERVISED ffOT-ffOT...AI^D Dehumidifiers AIR CONDITIONING CALL FOR BRIEFS FREE PICK-UP WE ARE 100% INSURED THERE’S A LOTI Sanol Jay Solomon of 19 Robert Air Cleaners Rd., a 20-year member of the {Jon- AND DELIVERY nectlcut Association of Phibli-c Ac- Heat Pumps 649-1752 DE MAIO BROTHERS SINCE 1920 Nowl For only a Water Pumps day for fuel...hot water \ WILLIAMS SPECIAL ONE DAY TEL. 643-7691— WE CARRY JENNITE SEALER Water Coolers SERVICE IN YOUR HOME for all—all the time! OIL SERVICE, Inc. e Fitted Carpets • Fumltare FREE DELIVERY Water Softeners cleaned in . Home, Office or Store. If you live in a typical house, 9 A.M. tp 9 P.M. Zone Control you could easily run out of hot GENERAL ELECTRIC DEALERS water several times a week. ARTHUR DRUG Batli Rooms Known for Qnallty Prodnets and Service GARNER’S JYoui you can have all the hot RUG CLEANING 21 VICTORIA ROAD water you need at one time for 841 Broad St., Maaohester—^AU 9-4648 only a day. Think of it— 8 GRISWOLD ST. OPEN HOUSE — SUNDAY, 3 P.M.-5P.M. only a day! Yes, tbankw to Mobilhcat— m d an oil-fired hot water heater DR. RUTH ^FANTA of correct capacity— your fan^y can take care of oil their washing PODIATRIST needs at one time. (House and Hale — THIS WE BELIEVE— Mom can do the family wash. Francls A. Husarik 1. We beUeve that the Scrlpturea of the Old and New Testamenta were given by bisplmUon of Sis can do the dishes at Vie same Buildins:) God and that they only constitute the Divine rule of Christian faith and practice. time Junior takes hie bath, and nectady, N. Y.., has had a lengrthy career of eng(ineering and writing 2. We believe there ia only one God who is infinitely perfect, the O eator, Preserver and Gover­ you enjoy a shower. HAS RESUMED experience. nor of aU things and who is the only proper object of religious worship. D o n 't delay— phone us t o ^ y . From 1961-54, he was a researoh HER REGULAR 3. We beUeve that there are three persons in the Godhead: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Fihd out how easy it is to switch engineer at Hamilton Standard di­ cihost undivided In essence and co-equal In power and glory. ‘ to a Mobilhsat-fiied water heat* vision of United Aircraft Oorp. OFFICE HOURS 4. We believe that In the person of Jesus Christ the Divine and human natures are united so He designed installations for en- t ^ t He is truly and properly God and truly and properly man. ^ .j. ■vlronmental testing of jot aircraft TEL. 643-1484 6. We beUeve that our first parents were created in a state of kmocency but by their disobedi­ accessories and later taught pro- ence they lost their purity and happiness and that in consequence of their fall, aU men have be­ 'oAamm>fe*dty oltrm. }>eller overhaul, jet fuel control come sinners totally depraved and as such are jiuitly exposed to the wrath of God. systems'! -~4Ad aircraft refrigera­ 6. We beUeve that the Lord Jesus ChlHst has by His suffering and death made an atonement for tion sy^ems at the firm’s service the whole world so that whosoever wiU may be saved. . „ school. 7. We beUeve that repentance toward God, faith In our Lord Jesus Christ, and regeneraUon by He majored in mathematics and the Hidy Spirit are neceasary to salvation. , physics at Siena College, Loudon- CASH FUEL 8 W e beUeve that we arp justified by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus CUirist and that he WE GIVE vllle, N. Y „ and studied mechani­ that belleveth had the witness In himself. , ^ v ^ GREEN STAMPS cal engineering at the University SERVICE 9. We believe that continuance In a state of salvation depends upon continued obedient faith m of Hartford, plus graduate work in Save $3.00 On 200 Gallons ChriflL M. We beUeve that It is the privUege of aU beUevers to be VhoHy sanctified’ and.,^that their 7-Room Single. Everything new bnt the frame. FHA ap­ American and Elngllsh literature at Trinity Ckrilege. 24 Hour Burner Service ‘whole sjUrit and soul and b ^ ‘ may be ‘preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord praised. Small down payment. Husarik is married and the cou­ Jesus Christ’ (IThess. v. 23). , . i MORIARTY ple have one boy at their Cleve­ 11. W e beUeve In the Immortality of the soul, in the resurrection of the body, In the general land Heights residenoe. Judgment at the end of the world, In the eternal happiness of the righteous and in the ei^Ueaa punishment of the wicked. RROTHERS IN WHO’S WHO ARTHUR KNOFLA Mrs. Agnes B. Clough of South :UMIKR & SUPPLY CO. I THE SALVATION ARMY SUNDAY SCHOOL Rd., Bolton, secretary '6 f the Ml 3-5135 Cariyle-Johnson Machine Co. at taU 1947 — Dolton 861 MAIN ST. CI-ARARW f o r A L L AGES •i86 A M . 87S MAIN ST. — Tel. 643-5440 • 649-5938 52 Main St. since 1948, has been TeL 643-2141 301-315 Cmitw St. named tp 'i^ o ’s Who of American

't '' "'j

water feed* pipes ' food, fj § E P T .21lhriiSEPT.27 ndrew i--I re the OHANinaLS S-»-18-SI-S4-SMS-M le can W eek >bably I caring 1—also vmao ■ ¥ ■ !■ » WBBH—A U l RIOBTd RBHiWVBP. T. PICMN 80W • 0 6 ~ I — * ported 9 on famed Iplents Gene Barry Lands cash rm' Is ires of Millionaire Cop Role I coni* feal. gets to expect. "The public Is your be the Thougli he's put away hie Bat Masterson ow\e» that amoottile true rating system," he says. to the "People feel betrayed If the tribal Gene Barry is bowtag the home screens as a lady Wller switch is too drastic. . . they’ll stay nclude with you through an occasional bad egalia. _cnodeni dress but Just as sharp __in “Burke’s Law" (Fridays at show If they’ve already Identified g;80 p.m. on ABC-TV) though with a series.’ ’ when it comes to murder, it's most Gene Is probably going to enjoy likely one of the luscious ladles being a modern-day city slicker for who’s doing the p erp etratln g^ - another reason too. Though he’s a oause Amos Burke Is on the right naUve New Yorker, who went lied straight from the Chathem Square side at the law. School of Music Into Broadway lool (About a down guest c e lo ^ - musical comedy, he found when tles will highlight each show but he returned to do a play in New like Amoo, keep your eye on York last year that the critics In 1#-Ver- Rhonda Fleming, Martha wUl be the big city “ now look on me as al beoause It’s often the likes of a Western type fella.’’ •y next these fair danvsela who do other rclovlUe Though the record of one tri­ folks hi.) , . , » umph after another doesn’t show Network programming (at l^ t usSnesa It, Gene InalsU his early career had on ABC) has grown up a lot with enough rough moments to scare mathe* a season diversified enough to him but good. The Job uncertain­ lan- make room at last for som eth!^ ties of all stage actors really got AJso that’s been sadly lacking.. .the him "when we were expecting our lenrii'p, liJiwt of elegant mystery-spoofery first baby and I opened four shows igfricul- the movtea did so well In the ’30s In Philadelphia without ever open­ womcn itnd *40fl. ... ing In New York." railab.'e “ And our pc^uction* look like In fact the polished, eleg;ant I Intend ■ very expenelve motion picture*. Gene la currently advising that la. BvSn the bacUgrounde are plush; "first baby,” Michael now 17, to no over Beverly Hills, Holmby Hills, Mal­ •tay away from acting. "I opened tending ibu Beach.” Barry knows whereof the door to a summer job In the lai reg- he speaks. His money Is where hU production end for him, but he sn rssi- words are (his own production I made It on his own. Of course he’s oompany has a major financial going to college come fall, but If ocicviUe Intereat). ' he continues his Intere't In show 111, will This Amos Burke promises a business I sincerely hope I’ve Moet lively season’s viewing. He cer­ talked him out of acting." Younger »ic from tainly Is quite a character—a son, Frederic is only ID . . . and bachelor, millionaire policeman apparently pop hasn’t tried to anaoTCd who rides to work in a CMudferM brainwash him yet. ncatioii. rolls Roy«e. The late Dick Powell Of course, the kids might decide Dortrayed Amos for one perform­ to take another look at their ance in "Who Killed Julia Oreer” youthful dad's success and do aa and wanted then to build a series he doee, not aa he says. Hie sum­ around him but had to forget It ming up thoughts for me were: “I beoause hts heaHh had already be­ bite off a lot. I’m not satisfied gun. to fall. , with the golden rut alone. I’m look­ ing forward to playing the London Barry, who says of himself. Smooth sleuthing 1 ^ the ^deW^^^ "U-Bquad wouW never have been Palladium next sprihg.” Which should make It quite a Barry year Burke, millionaire policeman hero of Burkes L,aw, ana o a r j J for me, nor would a straight U over ABC-TV Fridays at 8:30 p m.______— W ssUm ," nearly didn’t bother to in Britain. "Bat Masterson" le Just getting there (kept out until now read the script. ^ . __ . debut in 1954 id “The H igh Green A “hootenanny to end all hoote- , Mbch as he enjoyed Bat, ‘“Two by quota reetrictlone) and . . Gotten a Job as a.sistant stage nannies” and a taste of what is yearn tied to a series was enough Burke" bo*hi, too. "I like them manager and understudy to Lynn Wall,’’ a filmed TV version of an currently "hot" on French televi­ both," Barry mused about hts . , .- so I gave myself two years Overman in "Dancing Partner." In Evelyn Waugh story. Then he sion are highUghU of "Chrysler ks do what 1 wanted.” What he tolfm, "they both make me feel a i a Bob Hope Special,” UtUe larger than life. It’s a good 1931, Gotten became leading man harrated “The Diamond JuWiee of wanted to do—and did—was exer- raising the. curtain on the ekl- feeling.’' nt Boston’s Gonley Theater, and a Lights," a two-hour all-networks oy Mse his excellent musical comedy few months later he got his fli*st tiosed comedian’s new weekly vari­ wtiee as well as his scting talents It U Indeed, from an audience program. Gotten and his wife, Pat-, point of view too, “a good feel­ break on Broadway In “Absent ety and drama series Fridaor, Sept. find In a one-man show, pluh a ing” . . . Just watching the Master- Father." ricia Medina, recently concluded 27 (NBC-TV Network, 8:30-9:30 BbUe musical comedy and play- sons and the Burkes makes us all the play “Calculated Risk” adter p.^. EDT). noUng first In the United States While doing "The Postman Al­ feel “ a little larger than life.” ways Rings Twice" on Broad'vay. 222 performances In New York. then In South America. Like Upon his return to Hollywood, and Bethel Leslie Amos, Gene Is sufficiently well Gotten met Orson Welles with whom he later Joined the Federal Cotton refused a variety o f offers star as a ruthless prosecuting at- ^ heeled to Uke off, what with an Including films abroad, preferring tomey and a woman suspected of orange ranch and other Barbety Theater. When Welles established the Mercury Theater. Gotten went to spend some time at his Pacific murder in "Statement of Fact,” ■nlepprlses working for him at j TV Personalities Palisades home. However, within a permiere full-hour drams on "The home whHe he was away. Of with him and played the lead In several productions. A successful ferw weeks after his arrival he was Richard Boone Show" Tuesday, sourse since them ss has, gets signed by producer David Wolper . . . he made a mint on the tour, Joseph Gotten radio series followed and then Sept. 24 (NBCtTV, 9 !>•"»• E)DT). Welles called his friend to Holly­ to narrate the new NBC-TV se­ too. ( ^ t having preceded him to ries, "Hollywood and the Stars” Lt. Bill Rice (series star Gory South America, there were wel- ■What oouW be more unusual wood to play a leading role In the film “ Citizen Kane." Then Gotten (Mondays, 9:30-10:30 p.m. NYT, Lockwood) aids a young woman eomiiig crowds averaging 15,000 than a Brooklyn paint wHesman starting Sept. 30). he hears scream in a dark alley greeting him at airports when he who had a Southern accent*. . . un­ starred in Welles’ next two prod­ uctions, "Journey Into Pear" and ' Gotten is a dedicated horticul­ and finds himself facing charges arrived, a friend of his tells me). less It wae a potato salad tycoon turist and spends much of his free in “Cool of the Ehrening” on NBC- "Woiw, this Is for me.” Is what who became one of America’s best “The Magnificent Ambersona.” After other important films and time gardening. He also has a val­ TV’s "The Lieutenant’’ series Sat­ he said when he was finally cor- known actors. urday, S6pt. 21 (7:30-8:30 p.m. ■ered into reading the Burke script. stage plays, Gotten made hts TV uable collection of figurines, etch­ Unusual as It may seem, that Is ings and paintings. EDT). "W hy? Well, Amos has what I precisely the course of events char­ always look' for, what Bat had. I ted by Virginla-boi'n Joseph Got­ always ask myself is humor In­ ten, host of NBC-TV’s Monday herent In the script or can It be night feature series, "Hollywood Imposed? ft there’s a twinkle in and the Stars.” SATURDAY re/^»isio« PROGRAM thfe role, then I f s for me. Anything Shortly after graduating from 7:00 ( S) Weather, Sports A News 11:20 (30) Late Show _ . . tiut’s too real Is Dullsville.” Time cluuisei "The Damned Don t Cry." high school in hts hometown of ( S) Sky Kins I 8) True Adventure . Jew Barry, whose acting range is I Peterbburg. Va., Gotten was so (22-301 Hr W iu td (40) Mantovani Crawford. wide (and who admlta he still feels ( S-2«) B bei Bonny 7:30 (22-30) The Ueatenanl 11:80. ( 8) News. Sparta aad Weather 1 sure of his acting potential that (lOj CantlK‘,j.u liutvling ^ Gary Lockwood. Robert Vaughn. 11:35 ( 8) Big Movie _ the atomic scientist he portrayed "First Man Into Space. ’ he convinced his father to advance 12 ;M ( 3) Satnrday News ■- > Lt. Rice aids a young woman In Ws first movie In 1951 was still 1:00 (40) The Lard's Prayer him tuition and board for a year (22-Se> Bnllwinkir (C) only to face trial. his best acting Job) went on to < S-20) Haxic Land of .A|lakaaam ( 3) Lnry-Desi Hour 1:1k ( 5) News sad Weather at the Hickman School of Expres­ Guest. 'The late Paul Douglas. 1:20 (.8) Saa FraacUce Beat explain that though he’s against (18) HUlion i>vllar Mnvie 1:30 ( 8) Newncope. Mameato •lsOn«i sion in Washington. D. C. 1:*0 ( 3 ) BtU Ob. 3 Complications start when Lucy "golden ruts” after a time a cer­ ( 8) Ratpk Kaana , gets a job as TV gicl-Fridsy. (R) fort aad Hymn tain style "which Is not Imposed A year at Hickman and an op­ (SO) Adveatnre ( 8-20:40) Hootenanny 1:50 ( S)-Mameato of Medttattew from without, but which evolves timistic Joe Gotten headed for New (48) Prn Bowlern T ««r Jack Linklelter. host. Guests: York and an unsuccessful round 1:2« ( 8) Baneball r Nancy Ames. Vaughn Header, from within’’ gets to be something Yankees vs. Kansas City ■ Chad Mitchel. Trio, others. 'FVom tiie public as well as the performer of producers’ offices. He then took 1:30 ( 3) Bix Three Theatre Boston University. a meat-and-potatpes Job as a paint •'The Lost Tribe.” J. Weisrtmller. 8:80 I 3> The lleleBders salesman in Brooklyn, but sOon de­ "Stage to Tucsefri.'■ R .' Cameron. E. G.' Marshall, Robert Reed. A (20) Amerirtut Baadstaad ' foreign national .is charged with serted this In favor of a get-rlc^ Dick Clark, emcee. • obtaining cins.sif’ed documents. JOHN L. lENNEY quick potato salad scheme, which (22) Loax dnha Silver t ' : ■ (R ) found expression In the Tip-Top 2:M (22-34) Baseball (22-301 duey Bishop Shew (Color) Salad Go. (Joseph Gotten, presi­ Hinn. at Boston . Tonight's episode deals with "The AOENCY 2:30 (20) Film Baby’s First-Day." ^ t a m k dent and treasurer). ' ^ , . (40) Baseball (' 8-2040) Ijtwrence Welk Show He moved to Miami and Joined (22) M cK eevor Songs dancing and Instrumental 4:00 ( 8) Bioxraphy solos by the Welk regulars and ELECTRONICS a little theater group of p lie r s (18) Third Maa . the Champagne,music makers. ■. from the Unlveiwity of Miami. As 4:80 ( 1) N.C.A.A. Fastball ” 0:00 (2'2-,'iei Sarardav Nighi At Tke LABORATORIES the lead In many of the group pro­ University ol Washington at U.S. Movies ductions, Gotten early In life Air Force (Color) "Seven Y ear Itch," (18) Biwe st the WetJc Mari yn Monroe, Tom Ewell. achieved the role to which all (20) AFL HighUghU Comedy about the surtimer bache- 277 BROAD actors must aspire — that of a Curt Gowdy and Paul Christman . lor and the girl upstairs. O. LEROY NORRIS recal the week's American Foot­ drama critto reviewing his own ball League. _ ' 0:10 ( 3) Have Gna Will Travel nOMB President pUyx for a local newspaper. (30) Valley Tea Pta Tear. Richard Boone. Paladin must umitare Insnrance of All KMto In 1980, ejotten decided to try (40) TV B ace of the Week thwart a Samurai Warrior and S:00 (22-30) NFL Highlights Japanese priest. (R) trice er. Bonds New York again. A letter of In^ Filmed highlights of the week s < ^20) Jerry Lewis Skew to r B. Center SL—MS-4UT troduction to David Belaaco got seven National Football League Guests: Kay Stevens. Mort Sahl, CLOSED .mes. Jim Learning comments. Harry James, others. (Premiere 8.20-40) Wide WsrM ef SpsrU 2 .hours). rWater Ski Channplonships. Vicy. 10:OfT“3) Gnnsmoko SATURDAYS iS-ance. Also Grand Prlx of ' James Arness, Dennis Weaver. Italy. Jim McKay, host. Marshal Dillon risks Dodge (18) Top Star Bowllag City's wrath to befriend an In­ AT NOON ICE PLANT OPEN . K:N (80) Capt. G allaat- dian bent on revenge. (R) .0:00 (22) Hecital Hall U :00 ( 3) News. Sports and Weather (80) Satnrday HepeH ( 8-30) News aad Weather <:U (M). Aroaad Tewa (22) Satarday Night Hepert 8:M < 8) The Story (40) Satarday Rmtloa (801 Film I U :10 (22) Curtala Time LT. WOOP CO. “hSfSm (22) Wide Oenatty_. 11:15 ( 3) Satarday Sp*eta*al« ! \ K \ HIM '-Ml (Ml lathraatfonal Simwtinw "The Franchiae Affair. H . Dettl- T m Bipit nram Mata A t State Thepter ftatoBIsacH (40) Grand dnry son:

obMi- fe be­ nt for MANCHESTER EVENING HERAtJD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, »ATIB»DAT, SSTTEMBER M, 19M P A G E T H R E E P A G E TW O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, SEir’lEMBER 81, 1968 tloB on I wro-year ksteanabip and be- ieerlea atar Lee J. Cobh) to defend NBC-TV^t "Mtoadtr W lM her son on a murder charge—al­ at the MoviaB S- e p t . 86 “ «ri«o-a6 .jn e e a reaideiliit doctor a t Bhdr BELLE OF pjn. IBDT). General HoapMai aa the T3r. KU- though the boy la already dead—ta SUNDAY Television PROGRAM dara” aaiiaa bagina Ms tMrd sea- *rro Make This Place Remember” lIMeh Miner nots M hM own __A on NBO-TV Thursday, Sept. on NBC-TV’a 90-mbrute color « I « < 8) SMred 8:88 ( 8) Natfeaal FasthaB Laatma entangled In mystery. drama, "The Virginian,” Wednes­ ■ iH I S> Tha BIk PlciBn Giants vs. Steelera. ( 8-8848) Arrest and chief stagehand, when he tsdeeg 30 (6:30-9:30 pan. XIDT). Raymond ( 8) laaltht (18) Tapia Ben Gsisarra, Howard Imff. Mur­ “* over the controla of a mil”— Mhinwy «o-stars as Dr. L«enard day, Sept. 26 (7:30-9 p.m. B D T ). •iM < 8) The OhrUtoiikan (88) Snndut Attaraeaa Marta ' der la embellished wUh esploB- ( 8> Davey aaA OaHiiO 8)88 (18) Tha^lMstaphess age and marital strlfa theatrical devioe Tvhkh moves OUlac^, chief of stalf. (88) AxiloaHaM Oa F— (88) ^ ery m a a ’s FaasUy f :88 (8 ) The Beal MoCoys HEADQUARTERS goenory Into place—gnd gets the Temple Houston (aeries star ( 8) D «v n • GolUUk (48) Wianlag Flaa Walter Brennan. Luke does some goeneg fo r varioae muakwt num- Ein McCarthy heads an Ml-etar Jeff Himter) aedie to dear George ( 8) o n T* Adycatay* 8i88 (18) O arFB th plucking to try to get a Job M bcfg in the new geaaon’g ptemiere Taggart (oo-atar Jaok 6Uam) of I ( 8) Tales OI Tka Bhrar Baak (88) Sanday MslMsa dog catmer during the slack east aa an athwney who attempts ( 8) Tkla la The Ufa ^ r o l t In The Big Hoase." Seaa farm season. (R) oelor broadoasE o f ‘QMng Along to vindicate a former police an unjustified murder charge in (n> OiBK Haas Sebaal Brans. (8848) BoaansaJCole*) wtth MMoh” Monday, 86 on tain convicted of hiring gunmen to T in d A i « e l Chaves," the aeoond (88) The ChHsto^ars 8:88 (18) Insight Lome Greene. Hoes falls la h>ve J h S L S s l &L («8) Baorad Heart 8:88 (18) Basahan with an Infamous San Frandseo NBC-TV oolor (10-11 pjn. N T T ). MU a man, in “Man mthout a drama to be presented on NBO- ; (88) Saerad Heart Mats vs. Giants beauty. This te a new dsiy and obm 6or the Witnees,” on NBC-TV’a “Kraft TVa new "Temple Houston” series, ' ( 8) Uadarstaadtatc Oar Wm M 4:88 (8 ) Ameitoaa FaatbaH Leatgas A eries. -nwreday. Sept. 86 (7:30-8:»0 pm. < 8) The Aaswar Boston Ts. Oakland 8:18 ( 8) Trae Mystery Theatre” Wednesday, Jack Webb, host-narrator. A malr Sept. 2S (9-10 p.m.. BDT. This la B D T ). ______(88) This Is The tM » (88) The Fear Seas lard nesting in downtown Milwau­ IN RADIO. TELEVISION (48) Oral Hebarta 8:M ( 8) I've Oat A Saerad kee sets a gmat newspaper Ogoar iMvamt, Ootidoa and gheBa the first broadcast in the United M;N < 8) Lamp Data My Feat ^ (88) Laag John SUrar MaoRae and new ciomedton BUI Drawings and dlsu7 of Kaatha (88) Big Fletare story. (R) States of “Man Without a Wtt- Joey Bishop aa Joey Barnes and KollwiU. pliiloaopher. 8:88 ( 8) Great Artlsta 88:88 ( 8) Caadld ^ C a a ^ ^ . and STEREO Ooeby will be studio guests on the nesa.” ) Ma oo-atar Ahby Dalton aa Mrs. ( 8) bearish News Views (88-88) Oanege Basri (Calsg) Durward Kirby, host. Alien radsy, 87 “Jaok Fsnr P*o- (88) Challea el Sahratlaa (Seasaa Fremlera) Guest: Composer LoRoy Ander- fMun” (NBO-TV odor bruetdeast. Bmnea, wlU introduce infant Mat­ (88) Saorlflee at the Hass Moderator, Robert Daria. Intar- Ham (Jomied and Hal March thew David Smith, TV’s yowyeat U;15 ( 8) The Ohristaphars oolleglate question - and - answer (S W l^ '^ ew Of The 77e«* Service On All Models 10-11 pjn. BDT). Atoo featured in star in TIoldup!” — a fuU-bour (Color) Hans Coorled, Hal hlarch. aerleg regrular, as the newborn < 8) Lbah Dp And Lire series. oemeo tqipearanoes In a brief oesnedy set agahiet a mUUon-ddler Bamea son, in “ The Baby’s F irst Religious Series 8:48 (88) Scarabsard Coinray' of armed robbery m filmed oomeily gketoh wU 1m Do- esnusement park robbery —' bo be ( 8) Haslo (ar Yam Ripper 8:88 ( 8) The Baets of FTsadsm amusement park. Day” episode of "The Joey Bidiop (48) ralth Far Today Special "The Odden Age of ( 8-88-48) 188 Oraad (Ue Goodman, HiylUa DUier, Wediy broedoaet in color Sunday, fiept. 23 Jaack ■ Clark, “ ■ emcee. Amateur t Cte, Jonathan winteeu and Phil Show” color series Saturday, SepC I (8 ) Camera Three i^eoe." King Paul and Ofietia IF YOU OWN A BOAT CHECK OUR (lO-U pjn. HHW) on NBC-TV’e 81 (NBC-TV Network, 8:80 pm. Experimental aeries; Jamas Ma«- Frederika <» Greece discuss perts are pitted against profes­ Fostee. THi Pont Show of the Week." andraw host Greek philosophy and art and sional authorities. BDT). ( 8) Cammaats A Peapla guide viewers through Parthenon. 88:88 ( 8) TThat’s My LWe , MARINE EQUIPMENT (88) Mahalla Jaehsaa (88-88) Meet The Frees (Calar) John Daly, moderator. J P »n ^ BEansl (series star ahh»#y Booth) Orlndl Iseriee star Rnogene (88) FraaUars at FaMh Public Affairs Discussion lets: Dorothy iQlgallen, Beimett changes Mr. Baxter's yiafting Coca) becomes a heroine when die Oaptaln GaUant (series star (48) Western Jamharaa (48) Prdbe Cerf. Arlene Francis. I ( 8> Capital Baperta oouain Oraos ftrom a Shy ■Pi***!*'^ folia fcHreign spies searching for a Buster orabbe) (hscovers a plot by (88) Film ( 8-88-48) News bandlta to murder a French gen­ (88) Amerleaas at Wash 8:88 (88) OperatlaB Saeoaaa U:88 ' 8) News . Citiwiis Band Radio Sales and Service to an outspoken bachelor g M in seiuret rocket formula in ‘^ rin d l. I ( 8) A Qaest far Certalaty (88) Have Oaa Win Travel ( 8-8848) Mews A Weather An BMatnple fo r Hassl" on MBC- Counterspy" on NBC-TV’s “ Orlndl" eral who has come tp Aftrloa to ( 8) Legaay at Ught (88) Faatare (48) Sunday Bdlttoa sign a treaty with the border (88) For Yoar InfarmaHaa (48) Atrlcaa Fatral U :U ( 8) Mevie Masterpieees TV*s *rHsael” oolor ssrisg Thuts- series Sunday, Sept. 22 (8:80 p.m. (88) Jewish Ufa 7:88 ( 8) Zaarama "The Bowery." G. Raft. J. Ooop- day. Sept. 86 (9:60 pan. MOT). BDT). tribes, in the “Introihiotlon Stoey." (48) Eraagel Hoar (88-M) Bill Daaa Shaw ' _ Dumont Color TV Tliis episode starts a repeat as- tl;45 ( 8) BriUsh Calendar (Premiere) Oiuy Croeby, Jooar 11:88 V n BIjr Moyle Rossana Doble (guest star Joan rlea of “Captain GaSant” adven­ ItrM ( 8) D.N. lalaraatlonal Sana than Winters. Jose Jimenes Is In ■'The Mirror Has Two Faces." Dr. Jamas KUdare (a irtea star ( 8) Dragnet danger of los'ng his Job as bell­ Morgan. , Richard Chaenlieiiain) flseee a Blondell), an aging dancehaU tures Saturday, Sept 81 (6:30 to 6 (88) Film hop, (38) Late Show ELECTRONICS major deeiaioii wtien ha mualiea queen, persuades Judge Garth pm . B O T ). (88) Wild Bin HlehofA (88) Hawaiian Islaads "At Capone." U:W ( 3) We Believe ( 8) Sanday MatUea (48) Wanted: Dead or AHve 11:86 (48) Featare 48 LASORATORIES 7:15 ( 8) All-Fra Booreboard 1:88 (48) Lord’s Prayer "Go West. Marx Brothers. ( 8) Newscepe (28) Dlsearary *88 7:88 ' 8) Dennis The Measoe MVBBOADflO. Frank Buxton, boat. "The Jay North, Herbert Anderson. 1:86 ( 8) News „ American Cowboy.’* Part I. Tnrlng to help Hr. Wilson keep 1:18 ( 8) Maa to Maa . ift tickets to Hawaii a secret, I M ( 8) Msmeato of Oonsfeid aad TUESDAY Television PROGRAM Modem cowboy life In South Goodnight Hymn 649.1 IM Dakota. gennls causes major complica­ STAHEK when politicians won’t extend A (88) Blag Araaad Sanday tions. (R) Ftaas Ohaaael (26-48). qeeei (8 ) Year Caagreasmaa from (88-88) Wonderfal World of Color S:M ( 8) Swnmnr ■■miotor (18) MUileaIllUea DelUr M ^ needed pipeline. Cenaectleal (Color) , Buddy Bb- Jose Jimenes (BUI Dang) comes i:M ( 8) M*Birati •fO eB w t 6:66 ( I) Fe TeU The Trath ( 8-2640) McHale’s Navy I 8) Perceptloi sen Davy Crockett Joins the fight erUousljr cloee to losing his bell- 8:88 < 8) NewMope (22-M) Yse Doa’t Biw (Osleri Sneaky (xtpers convince Ithe (88) Eternal Light tor Texas Independence. 7:8 8) Floras of JBMO ^ (2648) Trim Do Y ea T n a tT tain that the crew Is plotting SpecialBpaclal dramatic progrim tor ( 8-88-18) The Travels of JalmIe op Job but g(X)d deeds save him 8248) Tetar _How 6:68 ( 6) News, Deagiss Edwasis demise. i Yom Klppur about 18tn Century MePheeters gIn “Tou (Jotta Have Heart,” pre­ TtM < 8) Y M tW H H Meeslgeee 4ri8 ( f ) B s u e r Aaijr Show 6:88 ( 6) Fetiioeitt Janetlaa Dkranlan rabbi. Dan O’Herllhy. Kurt Russell. miere episode of NBC-tV’s ''The (88) Wealher (224»M atoh Gaase (Premiers) Bea Benadaret, Hd- (88) DIreetlaaa 88 Members of the Beaver Com­ 7:88 ( 8) hteraaMonal Sraa (,6) ASailral Jack gar Buchiman. A railroad trouble (88) SohIne 18 Fla BawHiu pany encounter Indians and di­ BUI Dana Show” Sunday, Sept. 38 ( } ) Frleada ef Hr. Gioob (2 8 ^ ) TraUmastsr shooter investigates a forgotten (48) Westorar Frasants, Air lemma (7-7:30 p.m. N TT). 7:86 ( i) Let’s h ik Aksul 4 ill (2248) News Alteraeea Hegsri spur line whicn leads to liiilow Faroe 8:88 ( 8) Unoohi Center Day 8:88 ( 6) Kaiuniee 4:88 ( I ) Big • Theater Bradley’s Shady Rest Hotel. i < 3> Year Caagreasmaa I Special program commemorating Si88 (88) Krattei afBelraee (26-SriMake Be) Flret Shew torney tries to silence a sberIH Boston at Oakland ert Merrill, Davld Wume, Rlcb- the 1M3-G4 season prem iere at­ ^en easa* aestls aote Ketfcle . (48) - In a murder case. (48) DirectUas *88 ard Rodgei JacqueS iVAmbolse, SweAhg ( 8-2848) Greatest Shew Oa (88) Sunday Matfawa Allegra Kent. Conductor, Alfredo traction on NBC-TV’g "Baturday (28) ib u '^ M e r Market Karri (Oeler) Antonlni. < •> i!8 t Ow e hf 8 ftl i (68) B w If Shew Jack Palaace, Stuart Brwla "Kansas Padflc.” Night At the Movies" Sept. »1 A oB eS h ew Artlats aad Models.” Jaok . I ( 8) Fra Fbathall RIehaft I (88-88) Griadl (color broadcast, • p.m. NTT to SiM ((M> S g Tuesday Weld. "Silent Love, I ( 8) BasabaR Imcwene Coca, James Mllhollin, 6)68 < 8) Qalok Draw MeOraw Secret Love” agnlnst a ctreri Yankees vs. Kansas Mlld-manner domestic becomes conclusion); A paint job in or outsioe your home, i6 not how eheep you can fit R— ’• '• IL f ( 8^ n erin sf ~ background. low lonjr you want it to la s t! I f you lik e a good jo b eall M r. Chariee M9-4920 6166 I News aad Wsaihra 6t68 ( 6) Jack Brany Fregiam Hews EkMKdal guest: Bvangelist BHIy «• 844-0601. Brush or spray. Homes, Ofnees, IndustriaL Graham. Regulars: Dennis Dny, BMMt unueuAl dropout book to the SiS ( 6) mssts.“^!^ws aril Wsathw Don Wilson, Bddie "RocHester-’ 6t66 ( 6) News And^fton. MONDAY Television PROGRAM eampuA. H ie aeiiee eterg Jemeg ( 6) OsMaws Mi88 ( 6) Gnry Meeee riww Coming Shows Franclacug eg the young BngUgtt as ss! sssarA (M ) Olabhaase Gueata: Alan King, Dorothy (48) Lose Baager ( 648-28) Sovra K«t» (66) HaaHer HttaMra teachor, John Novak, and Dean (M ) Advratares la TIsss Lioudon, Blleen Farreu. Featured: 8:8# ( 8) Sammer Semeetig 8:tf (88) Newa ms the school prinelpnl, ------ard Kirby. W e Scdl and InstaU 8:88 ( 6) Memenle et CamieH 7:88 ( 8) After Dtnaer Mavis CHARLES MODERN NOME 6td6 (26) Nows_ _ _ „ >) The Andy WBIiama » e w 6:46 ( 6) Newacepe *VlM Negro te WAaMagton,’* ab V an«. < 64^28) ToMMams Htale FW4 7ri6 ( 8) To M Ih s TM "Tbe Girt He Left Bebliid. Tab (22) Wsathsr. Lseri Nsjes (Season Premiers') 6:46 ( S) Operatlea Alphabet Hunter. N. Wood. iB -d q ^ appraigfU by NBO Mewe HtW Janet Leigh. Art Caraey. RESIDENTIAL 7:68 (88-88) Teday Shew U ^ 6 q % & m* Si S emMseiB (6 8^ Haws . Aad Wearier (U ) Sabserlftisa TY MnoApoodent Chat Htmtlay oC (66) Ftetne ------Brothers, Good Tkaa ( 8) The laqalriag Mind (11) Local news aad Weather Painters, Bwlders, Decorators Tiioo relatioiig in the BAtkm’a e i^ Jim Redigo (gorisg stAr Rlehard ( 6-8848) FaMwr Htwmi B ari Bliucftrs. GARAGE DOOR 7:16 ( ■) Baiiuner Time (1848) News aad Weather 26)66 (t6)______Hsw8_ 7sM (26) Speelal Ital—A predomliiantly Negro oify gan) narrowly ascqpas daatb 1:66 ( S) Bari Sallar Hghllghli X i-2848) The Fe|Mve (88) Weather (M) Film TtM (62) WitSSn 2M“_. M o r s e . 7:88 ( 8) Fereeatlea 7:18 (88) Special Beport —win be preeented on the NBC- hen a horse fails on him during (16) Sawte Oaatera Rlebard Kimble makes another OPERATORS 2648) m iM lM (M ) NOwe ^ ( 8) FrImiAi el Mr. Oeebe* 7:16 (88) Wooten Maso. UghUghla TU Network Thundny, Sept 86 an Indian uprising, in "tiAdy War- move to find the real murderer 7:66 ( 8) Let’a Talk AbMt 2d6 (46) B «* a m I ( 6) in rit la Tike WaeM ta rie ease for which he was con­ Key operated er vadie : (18) ^ r t s Camera Bonnet,” premier episode of “ Redi­ 1:18 < 61 As Tlw^Werid (6646) Mr. Novak ^ ____ 6:68 I 6) Oaptaia Baagarae (48) News (M -ll pjB. SDT). victed. trolleS from ear. f:W (48) Freattera el Seleaee go,” new NBC-TV series about the ( 8| Qjde (Nsrai Shew (Premiere) James Fraoriseus. U:88 ^ Rev*. Wearies A 8:88 ( S> Hap Biduada 7:88 (1848) Monday Nigh4 At She contemporary West, Tuesday, Sept Dem Jagger Die new teaohw at (6) Jack La Laaae Shmr Movies It r . Novak," new NBO-TV 84 (6:80A p.m. NTT). (SS) Harvsr Olsra Shew school gets embroiled with Big News (88-N) Heiaaer Haem (Oolor) "David and Bodbabeba." MANCHESTER (46) News ^ bolUng nudent the first dag. dramntlo eerlee revolving nround 1)66 M ( J ) Teasday Starlight 8:16 ( 8) Debbie Draka Shaw The love story of King David and B E S T 'Jan et L d g h ainga and daneaa Rick rJason. Nick Adams. F o n ^ "War of ttie W lld c ^ ." Jbim the wife (>f Uriah, OLDSMOBILE 'SSS led young high atdiatU tenoher, pre- tasB-dninuner Intends to survlvt 8:88 ( S> MiUteaalre for the first time on television *■“ iS8 S^SSS Payne. < 8) Beat Of Greaehe i 8.88-48) The Oater Limits InUeree Tuenany, Bm H< 84 (T;80- unscathed regardless of his comr U mM. Steve Allen Shew Sidney Blackmer portrays a for­ "TOim OUMMOraJB DBAUni’’ a t s s b : ™ * . radea’ safety. 8:46 (48) Klag Aad Odie Shew |S:80 pjn. N T D tHu a drama ot when she apiiears, along wHh Art M<6{ (M) Sports Benndep 18:88 < S> Newa eign agent who through molecular " CAR, Camay, aa a apecial gueist on "T h e (26) Film . ^ 6<86 ( t) Hed Hkelton Hrar _ U;26 ( 8) Sportoview (8848/ Say When rearrangement turns Into a per­ §12 WEST CBNTIR WWWT • tlM tea^er’a atruggle to lure a (46) Best st G r e e ^ GuesU; Shirley Temple. Frankie U:88 (2 2 ^ Tonight Shew (O) ( 8) Girl Talk fect likeness of the presidential Andy WUliama Show," musleal- Daurro, Bill Shannon. S k ^ n la ( 8) Big Movie (46) Heraiag Marie candidate he murdered. M l 6-19U VAriety color broadcast sariaa ra- seen aa a construction worker os | (48) lord ’s h a y e r I8:M ( 6) Hememakera Marie 8:18 ( 888-48) Wagon Traia (Calor) tuming to the NBC-TV Network <2646) The D e ^ n hla first day on a high rise steri “illsi *2 Newseope,pa. Holomeats ef Oeue- (8848) FUy Year H a ^ John Mclntire, Robert FiUer, ( *-*H4> *■ fob. f m A Hymn SpBckily Tuesday, Sept 81 (10-11 p.m. BDT News ledigo (Fromleeo) (SO) News ( 8) Who De Yea TraatT Ronald Reagan. A commandant eO fin jM 6*66 (2246) H « ^ _ I 11:88 (88-88) CeneeatratiaB forces an army (x>uple to separ­ in color). Rltdiard Bigan, B!| Roger jMtIs. M-| ’ (8 ) Nitwsooge, Wearier WILSON 11:88 (88-88) Mlaalag Llaka (CMer) ate. NEW or USED TMILY DELICIOUS dlans attacitack a nstruetlan Best SeUer *■” wtOi hM ( 6) To ToU Tho^ l* r ik f«8*> Pierre Aumont A Frem^ (Color) Soloists: Lralle Uggams, ^ INVESTMENTS N B C -TV ’S oolor aeHea, "Bonamm,” g ^ ( S) Memeale Of Oearieri (1648) Yen Dea’t BayJ^Orieri ( 8-88-48) General Hospital Gloria Lambert, Victor OriftlD. teacher becomes a subject of to- (8848) At Rome With KHly MS. eBOKOB g . MNEDfSOM nu, Usmmtmr Sunday, Sept. 88 (G-IO p.m. N T T ) (1848) TYhe De Y s v Ira riT B,1B l®®it"nlike cousins. Musical segments: Paris; vaude­ QAU. IN OBDHB VS !!! 1:86 (46) Barbara Beraaid Shaw ville Gilbert and Sullivan. (Sea­ gmnCNDLX AND HBUPTHL IBANMAOnONS HANDLED Mefc D p 16 MhMteg L n lar (2240) Teday Oww ■:66 < 2) Nm s. Dei glas Edwards IFromlere) 1:M ( 8) Aa The World Taras 648 (2|4V Hatch ae - Keith Andes, prowling in mi son Premiere). (m ALL EXOHANOB8 USnOD AND I7NL18TBD—MDTIJAL rUNDS Gregory Pack and Susan Nay- eerie mansion. Olynls seta her- ( 8) Gale Storm Shaw ( 88848) The Breakiag Point \ 4 \ Show (88) This la the Aaswee ward star in the tRIa rotas of Anthony Frandoaa. Brenda Scott. 689 M A IN STRBBX S B U DO 6-1106 \ 8) Admiral Ja SMalXttor."** (88) Harvey Olsea Shew An ex-mental patient tries to DEOI’S DRIVE N "David and Bathriieba," a tsfo- ’ •“ | 8 55SJl%f*Mr.0.ek.. (88ri) Trallmaster ' (48) Newa 4 and-one-balf-lKNir ooknr praeehta- 6*26 (1148) News, Aften 1:86 (46) Barbara Beraard Shew keep hla experience a secret -m 6-8666 & r5 "'5 ia n . when he- returns to teaching *t68 ( 2) Big 6 Theatre ^ .. ning, guest. 1:86 (88) Speelal Bepwt school. 518g,l8 hi (88) Freariire ^ Sete (tS48ribke Hewss ^ r Daddr (38) lir a ef DesHay (18) MUUea DoHar Movie 648 C 8) Beverly BlUbilUee U:88 ( 8-888-48) Mews. Weather aad 8:88 ( 8) Passward gi88 ( 8) Blflesnea Fred (Mark. The (88-88) People Win Talk (^) First ^ w b ^ e fills rm>idly with paUents (88) Film ?fi)MSlg News when Granny resumes practlee (88) News sad Weather Midie A DtffeMMt W litit You 8uv6l| (48) Beat of Oraaebe iT DOES t:M ( I ) Debbie Drake Shew I I S r A S J S J S r aad ■wahkr of mountain medicine. 1:M (88) Newa U :U < 6) Moaday Starlight 8:18 ( 2) Minteaa^ . Theatre 1:88 ( 8-88-48) Day la Oaart "Reaching For The Sun.' Jod (28) Film Un McCarthy. Patricia Medina. W ell be glAd to show you a mAteh- ( 8) Bsase Party BeCrea, Ellen Drew. ofteAim*Aa% -it h It . . . (88) Barly Show ^ attorney tries to clear a leas selection o f MohAtrik cr (8 8 ^) 'n o Doctors (46) Stevs ABra Show T h e Had Doctor." former p^loeman of a munder- 8:66 (88-3U News 11:86 (88) Sports Beaadap - for-hlre charge. Bigelow carpet right in yomr owb 6:88 Boelqr A Friqads 8:88 ( 8) Edge el Night _ U;88 > 8) ^ H s View 4% Sheriff ef^o^se ( 8-28-tt) Bea Casey home. Make your home imrpet (88-88) LeretU Yoaag Shew 11:88 ( 8) The Big Movie vS A V 1 M c; s i « ) Meralng ^ 848 ( 8) News A Weather Vincent Edwards.. Ann Francis. ( 8> Trallmaster "Battle Flame.” Scott Brady. 18:68 (.6) Homemakers Movie (18) Fletare A poor r iii girt shatters eomfortable! (88-48) Qaeea For A Day (88-88) Tonight (Color) Ogyvent ^ s e y 8 Whs De You. Trastf (M) Yenauc World MANCHESTER CARPET 8:18 < 8) To Tell The Trath 1:88 ( 8) News, WtMher and Moment Dlvldetid :88 (2248) Ooacratr^sa 6:86 (46) Victory at Bea 6:18 ( ^®blek Vaa Dyke Show (88-38) Y ob Don’t Say (color) of Meditation g tOeisel Bob aad Ijaura recall their 9rei :68 ( 22-28) Missing Uok* 6:16 ( 6) Sperfe. News aad Wearies days aa parenta. (88-48) TTho Do Yea Trast? ( 8) Newseope, Momrals of Oosa- K a v ts fm w ( 84848) Seven Hoys 6:66 ( 6) Kawa . . 811 Main St. — 646-6166 1:56 I S) News Dooglas Edwards fort sad Byma DID YOU KNOW? 12:88 ( 2) Levs Of L ^ ^ ( 8) 87th Preciaet (J[> The Daaay Kaye Shaw 4:88 ( 8) Baaaer Aady Shew (88) Newa nAtienisT»8*^s U llU iJIl (2248) Your First (18) Ltto of Wloy (PrMnlere) Gueata: Jackie Coop­ (88-80) Rrateb Game 1007 MAIN ST- MANOHESTEB • BODTB 81, O O VBNTBT Niat SpoetoelM Can bidiiee Mnsek Dfserdors? ( 8-28-48) Tennesse Ernie (12) News A Weather er. Lovelady Powell, Joe and M - ( 8) Admiral Jack U:18 ( 8) Search For Tomorrow (88) Hantiey Brinkley die, folk^apel-jazs' slngera. (88-40) Trallmaster (22-18) Trath or OonsequeneM (48) Sheena (M’JD) The jEleventh Hoar . 4-.86 (88-88) Newa Afternoon Beport "G-E Oollege Bowl," Peatoody When lenAee ar« prescribed to a cross-eyed patient k is usuaHy ( 8-28-48) Farier Knows Best (28) British Oaleadar K to Hunter. I^ t Hingle. Over- 4:80 - 8) Big 8 Theater indulgent parenta learn their un­ Award-wining intercollegiate quee- intended to induce binocular vision, encourage muscle activity, U:6I (22) News, 6:16 (22) aabbonse wed dau^ter ia expecting a (88-M) Make Boom For Daddy 1:08 ( 2) Best Seller 6:46 (28) News _ ^ (18) Million Dnllar Movie tion-afid-anawer geries, will become reduce headachy eye strain aijd correct for other visual imbal­ ( 8-28-48) General HosplW baby. (R) 6:88 ( 8) Bineman 7:18 ( 8) Uttlest Hobo_^ < S-DD4ft) ChauUng a live oolor Sunday feature on (22-88) At Heme With Utty (18) Sehsoriptlon TV Henry Jones, Jason Evers. Be- (88) Movie At 6 ance b o^ latei^ and verticaL 1:86 (48) Bartara Beijmri Show (22) Weather. Local News (M) Three Stoogra NBC-TV during the 1963-64 sea 1:88 ( 8) As The World Turns hlnd-the-Bcenea a professor*! (48) The Admiral aad Swabhy M a lens is created with such incompetency that the optical (SO-tO) News A Weather career ia threatened w h ^ a , son, starting Sept. 22 (5:30-6 p.m. SETTER HOMES SOLOS TV CENTER ( 8) Gale Storm Show (28) Film ed accusesacet him of making Show BUT). (20) The Christophers 7:18 (22) Special Beport (88) Film centers are unaligned, then ail of the above discomforts W ILL (88) Harvey Olson Show vances 8:18 (M> E^rly Show 7:16 (22) Tfostern hwuis. HighUghts n:88 ( 84-2848) Newt. Wenrier nnd BE ENCOURAGED. (40) News (88) Sports Camera Sports■ ■•The General Died at Dawn.’ 1:16 (4“ (40) Barbara“ * Beraard Shew (48) Nerws 6:M ( 8) Yogi Bear Davy Crockett Joins the fight for 1:55 (88) Men of-Destiny (22) Big News (48) Sheriff of Cochise 7t28 ( 8) TV Beports _ ■ (38) Newa A Wenther Texas Independence In “ Davy RCA ..n,i ZeiiHli (22) Speein) Beport "M dfamara and the Pentagon, U:16 ( 8) Wednesday Sterilght 8:88 ( 8) News and W ein er Crcickett at the. Alamo," the fron­ 648 ( 8) Password _ „ The S^relaty of Defense will dis­ "RoELdhouse.” (18) ITie Big Fletare (22-38) People Will Talk cuss his controversial oluinges. (48) Steve Allen Show (88) For Voor Infornutioa tier hero’s third and concluding Sales and Service (28) Film ^ 11:28 (30) Sports Roundup Customized Seat Covers (40) New, ' adventure on "Walt Disney’s Won (48) Best at Oronohe (22-88) The Tlrginiita . 8:06 ( 8) Yoar Senator From Cona. 2;2i (28) Mldday_BoMH (Color) Lee J. Cobb. James U:26 ( 8) Sports View Customized Auto Tops 8:18 ( 3) Sports. Newa and Weather derful World of Color” Sunday, ’)i-( (M \ I r>i:i( I - \ \ I) i HI i;i i - \ i \ i i; \ ^ > i ii \i:(-i Don WILLIS (sarags Drury. An airing dancehaU queen U:88 (22-38) Tonight Show (Color) 2:38 ( S) Howm I>rty wants her aipeady-dead son de­ < 8) Big Movie (48) Call Mr. D Sept. 22 (NBC-TV color broadcast, 1 ui: OM ) i \l; l\ iliiTii 1 i;\ i, i 8PECHALUTS IN (2 2 ^ ) The Doetors __^ U:46 (48) The Lord's Frayor - TURNPIKE 6:16 (88) Americana At Work WHBBL ALIGNMENT anri < 6-2848) Day In Ottnl fended on a mutder charge. 6:88 ( 8) Newa 7:30-8:30 p.m. BDT). Fess Parker ( A6848) Adveatares of Ossie 1:88 ( 8) Newseope. Memeute ef Oese- heads a cast which includes Buddy BBAKB SHByKai MiU Sftnlftl iori A Hymn ( 8) FeUow the Saa 68 UNION STREET — ROCKVILl h "(88) Lgte News _ ^ ^ AUTO SEAT COVER (18) Life ef BUey Ehsen, Hans CkHiried, Kenneth c h m b b a j l a u t o B K P A IK David’s behavior convbUM U (M ) Amerleaaa at Weak j 8) ’^raSriaster ____ a oounterapy for me 146 ( I) News nnd Weafher aad Me- 166 W . Middle Tph Baallra Brtafcley Cravat. L

VOL. ]


ticn, “H ow dose U Phtt Bitveni ts Bttko?’’ . ■ T H U R S D A Y Tetevishn P R O G R A M Very close, yes sir. PhU h is been ______■ ■ ' ■■ ' r ' ■ • pUying BUko in one way or an­ < W Measests at Oiwl irt (U) WUlea Dellar.lfovie -m Hollywood SiSt ' S)' Te~ TeUTel The Tratb other practically bB of Ms life, > < S> Mewuape Important dinner d4t« Ja over* : » The Beehers (SUS) Tea M b'I^Sm (Oelert lo^ed. you might say. (n^> Teisi u~_ . (SbS)______WbaDe TwiiTjr * I S) K.W., (St) Btojrfraphy ^ But for the first time, he’s now ( 8> Visit with Sfaasisear S:IS < s i^ ) Dr. Kildare , , on TV In a position to let the fsst-talk- DsSerstssSlss Osr Wm M (tS-M)• HRtch------Game Rule. Kildare must decide whHh- Ing scamp set hhn up financially < •) rriesds •! Mr. OMbec ( S) Admiral Jack er to tell a frlvolou* wife her Secret; for the rest of his life. ( t> Let’s Talk Abe# (SS-4S) Trallmaeter husband U dy^g. Hj ERSKINK jrOHNSON ( S) Csptala Kaackiee . (SS-SS) Newe—AHeraeea Repert *ty Three Beae S. McI As Harry Grafton, Phil will I •( S) Bis 8 Theater Ifewspaper Entaiprise Aasoclatk* (40) f^BlieTB e( Scieaee Frod MacMurray. Steve Md the have as many things going for him ( I) Has Blebaide (tbSO)) Make—..C Boom .Fer . . Daddy boys go to Scotland to collect sa ■well r HOIX.TWOOD (NBA) — Sgt. as Bilko. His “sidelines” as the ( S> jiSk La Laaae Bbew (tS) Hilllon Dollar Hevie inheritance. _ „ - the Jo BUko— oops, I mean H arry Orar- <«-8e>______BT»p«r — Si« ( S) HHIemaa ( S) Perry Naaea (Seaeea Pre- maintenance boss in the factory (SS) First Bhew t;SS toB of the “N E W PW l Silver* (M) Beae Tbe OU« to Sou include a sliding , wnU, behind ( S> Debbie Drake Skew (M) Three Btseses ■ .... Raymond Burr. Beulah Bm#. Show”—leaves the fwtory set which he operates a Httle factory . ( SI Mllllei^.. (M) Admiral aad Swabby Shew Believing he Is -their nephew, special and plops down on a c Kies aaS M le Shew defend ■ a young man accused of warehouse after hours to an ama­ leroe ( S> Nmre . ( S) Haekleberry Haaad slaying his accomplice. Their Stasre 10 at the Fox studio. teur theatrical grroup, and owner­ (SMS) A r Wkea (48) SherUt at Cechlea (- sJsMgl^The______Jinmy,njnj mrwd^Deaa Stew t:SS '(• a> Newe A Weather plane **Just a little dlasy,” apologlxao ship of a coffee wagon. ( S> QM Talk Karen borrow . Musical variety (4S> Meralas Mavto (18).IS). HIBI k Ptetare“ ■ hour' with guest stars. Base al Sttimrs, who is H arry Grafton Such a coffee wagon you’ve nev­ ( S> Hawesaakan Karla (4t) News M:te imeat Oadarwatar (SS-SS) llaiH (Oelar) defense no#. “Maybe It’s tension— tho er seen. In addition to coffee, (SSAS) T e n Kaaek (48) Aeeicaa ^Iriey Booth. Hasel transforms new show, my wife expecting our ( S> Wke De Tee TmlT ( S) l^rte. News aad Weather George's visiting spinster cousin man of there are dally foreign food de­ 'Ceaeealrsliea ( S) News fourth child, the freeway traffic from Rhy to ontunoVAin. rerelvei lights Which usUaHy are served Misslas Liaki (OeleaS the Pre this' morning. A little hot tan along with dancing ^ r ls costumed < Bevea Keys <(U ** ) ure ------, Shir’. Conway. Zina Belhune. should fix me up; Boy, a little ( t> Lave OI Ufa (SS) Newe A Weather Unknown lo h«r cowork«ra, a They to match. (ts-st> Taar First laepreeeiet (SS) Haatley B rla k ^ nume ho« nrqnlr^a tn^ narcotic 82 nil hot tea, please.” For foils snd SpOoompHoes, Phil’s ( S-ie-tS) TeaBeesee Krale. FeeA (4t)> Adveeteres la Time ( g ) Uabhoaes habit ^ State G The NEW PhU Silvers show factory crew Includes his old pal ( t> Searek Fer Teaserrai* (U “9#) Th® WaiihiiiRfon Near* makes Its debut on C B S-TV Sept. (S t^ l Tratk Ov Oaaeesaaaeea Newe In-defkh appralnal of rac® rel^ assistat Herbie Faye as "Waluska,’’ and (A S M #) Fatker Kaewe Best ' (40) Bpem Parade 28. But as almost eveiyone Rons In th(* notion’s capital br attende Jim Shane, a six-foot, six-inch (»> Newe I (• S) * W^W Chet Huntley. knows, ^ t. Bllko is still with us ( t> Beat Beller ( S) Wewesad Wi Spea) 236-pounder who will be the fall ( SeM>4«) The HdHe Adams oMcept he Is a factory mainte­ ( S-SbAO) Geaeral ■eseltal (IB) SebeeripileB TV Shonr before guy for PhU’s wildest schenves. (SbN) At Beaee WHk Kitty (SS) Nekrs aad WeaKw Guests; Zsa Z sa. Gabor Blan that un nance boas now in a blue baseball (40) Barbara Beraarl Bbew (SS^> Newt A I t e a ^ Gets and Eddie Sauter a Orches­ eap and gray coveralls. Stafford Hepp, as the plant man­ ( S) As The WerM Taras (SO) NaU Order Market. „ .. tlic ant ager, wUI be as confused as Bll- (S) Weetera Maas. MIxkHgbta tra. The name of Grafton is an ap­ ( S> Gale Blarae Shew I ( S) Lee Marvla by the ko’s old army boss. (Si) Fallb Far TeSay Newe BpoHs gambling on myself. But Pm not 1 (4t> Barbara BeraarS Bbew Game ^ow. A’len Ludden. heal. He SI gives him full say on his laugh- I (SS) Mea al Deattay (SS) Temple Heastaa (ft) Big Newa_ ^ gettkig and a chance to keep more playing the big tycoon behind the (IS) Bpeeial BeaaH Jeffrey Hunter. Jack Elam. (SS) News A Waathsr Ing to scenes. I ’m sitting in only , on what Houston seeks g witness who. c u llilS ( A) Tkarsaay SlaHight of the big money the network is lies ( S) PaeswarS "Cry..., ..of the City.'; V .. Mature, country I know about." (It-SS) Peeple Will Talk clear Taggart of faked murder paying him for hie enormous tal (SS) Film charges. (48) Biove Alloa Mow that m ants The tea and the disxiness gone, (40) Beel af Greaabe ( g.M-4S)_FllalsUaes U:SS (SS) S#H s KoOBdap versely Harry Grafton, like Sgt. BUko, PhU goes back to work as a baby (SS) KIMay BeaaH (Color) Fred dreams that newa- U:SS ( t> Bparts View the pa; < S) Haase Pain boy Arnold has eloped with IliiS irS-SS) Toalgkt 8h*w (01. hi aU “graft” m Ms diverse activi­ sitter with a 14-month-old baby (tS-SS) Tbe Deeiars grown-up Pebbles. ( S) Big Movio ties. The “Gladasya” goes back to boy on his lap. As_ the father of (St)in . Asi>s ”Bchools ■ ■ "Match WUs (48) Lord’s Pvayee (SS) Mows . . - PhU’s'early movie career when he four girls, Phil erseks between (llS)**"New* S-.SS ( S) BawhMe (Seasoa. PremleM) ( S) Edge Ot Nix Eric Fleming. Neville Brand. Ac­ ( S) Newsoopo. Momea4s of Coas- always played the friend of the scenes; cidents follow when Oil takes a IsH sad Hyma. Prii (St-SSi bretta f i ( S) Mewseope, Woatter aad Ma- hero. HU most important and "It better be a boy, this n s x I ( S) Trdllmaster new hands advice to drive cattle across an expanae of desert. moats of MedItaSUa . sometimes only line always seemed girl.” (SS-4S) qaeea Fer A Day to be, “Glad to see ya.” That’s hnw. “Gladasya Prod.’’ was bom PhU U hsppy to snplain b Harry Grafton was bom. F R ID A Y Television P R O G R A M Sipping the hot tea, he says: I TV NoteKook himself a # . S) Mamaata Of OaastsH (48) BSibgm Deman Uollig. 'peychlatrlet la **Sure I waa disappointed when ic r Mtr'eatment. e^bisreist* B y MOK KUHNBR ( S) Bswscape iSS) Mbs at DesBay d ^ ti C B S canceled the K lk o show.. I ( S) The Btary ot Maly (SS) Bpeeial Depeat i •■ts.*#). FIghI er tbs W e e ^ (NEA) ( S) Fasewsra George Chuvalo, Canadian heavy­ didn’t understand then, but I do (SS-SS) Taday Bhaw SidS weight vx ■_Mlke ssiae .dejolm,'.arvuna- hh You’ve heard o f the poor little ( S) Tte' Chrietapteep (tS-SS) reaple WBI Daft now. It oast too much. It was split (ft) Waalhar (S») Film rMiod h^favyWclrtr-cotltesl. Loule- too many ways. The netwoik t r ^ rWh girl. N o w meet the poor lone­ vine.^lllA Ky,WV * - ( S) A QacH tar Cartalaty I ( d A S ^ ) M e ke T k a t 8 | ^ ts help me swing a deal to bring ly beautiful girl. ( S) Frieads ot Itr. Oaabts is ; S B i u r ^ -tew lirs <»)lnpet^ for Nancy Kovack la B xh M t A. ( 8) Let’s TaBi Abaol ' ( M Dsaae Parti 'front ^Kui'mue. ■ New BUko back to television, but It W M ( S) Csptaia Kaagaraa (M S ) Tbe Dedeia. PAR] Day la Oeart ^K $M SI News. Weetter aid est Pn s C out too many ways." dark, brooding beauty. You can ( S) Hap Blebards I (St-SS) Bewa < S) Jack Ml Laaae Bhaw feet, tl So how dose is Harry Grafton see it dispiayrf now in the movie (M-W) IdPFRim t #wmm (ft T w g Naws _ (SAJS) Baam e Beaaa (SS) Nfwa aad W e a t ^ He lool ts Bllko? “Jason and the Argonautd,” the (48) Baas Tbs daws I g) Amerlea’s OreaWst Mrtrlae room T h e answer Inelisdee the sues- latest step toward the heights foe ( S) Debbie Drake Bbew “Waterloo .Bridge. V. T-elgh, M. ( S) MHHeaa^ ^ “ wall.' the girl who started her career as ( S) Beet ot Qrtefbe •ids I Tba Taylor. Arou (SBAS) Tea DaA’4 lhW_»Op*w» (48) B4SVO Alloa Btew one of Jackie Gleaeoft’a glrla. '4S> Kiag aad Odie Bbew tSS) Bparts Daaadap brick LioneUneaa? She claime she has ( S) News (SbdS) Wte Da Tea TraalT (St-SS) Bay Wbea ( S) Mew* “ door,' always been lonely. j (■ S) jtaaxer Aady BbaW (SMK)'’T«slgfct’ Bhew (eelerl ( S) OIH Talb_ ( SI Dig Marts Ernest "All my life,” she says matter- (48) Maratag Mavle (SS-tS) Ifateb Oi------(It) Lard’s Frayar ____ M;SS ( S> Bameasakere ( t) Admiral Jaek words, of-facUy. ”I w as on only chMd. And (te-IS) TraliBwwJar ( t) Mewscape. Mamaata ot Oaaa- I prMv up outside Flint. W e (tSAS) PIte Taar Baaeh lart aad Hyma. accom) ,( ,,S) Wte______De TeaTraHT I (tt-SS) News. AMen- !Por Ei (MAS) Ceaceatr^w .„ ■ I ( 8 ) D ig 8 T t e a l r a . (SSI Hawa (M-Jt) MlHlag Llaka (Oelert (SSAW^^tea* Dasai Far DaddF ginning ^ M n e k ( S-S A M ) (IS) MiUlaa DaHor Mavla Digng he ( S) Leve Of Mle - ( S) Dinemka (St-SS) Tear T I r e I tapraeeiaB (St) First Bhaw Erne ELECTRONICS ( S-SS-ie> Teaaeeaee Erale F »“ (SS) Throe Btoogoo PAINTING are er ( t) Seardi Fer Teaeerrww^^ (48) The Admiral Aad I Danced (tt-SS) Traib Or D?"*****?!!?* OrnSBIOR, EXTBBIOR iflBORATORIES ( 8-te-4t) Falkav Baewa Beat S:U (SS) Early•Ijr Bbew8h*w (M) Newi „ t;se ( S) Beete • WAIXPAPER BOOKS t( 8)Of nwmsBest Beller «»weewa ^ ex a (tS) The lJvlag_ _ weld PAPERHANOINO rid ef Ceehise. ( S-SeAS) (4t) BberHI PIXIORS aad CElUNOg .277 BROAD (Zr-WI(tt-SS) AtIII name WHb KI.My (tt) ladastry ea Farads R o (48) Barbara_lte!m^ Bhaw < S) News A Weather PAINTED aad RUnNlSHED ( S) Aa Tbe War4d Tarae (18) ( S) Gale Btarm B l ^ (SS) ------WerkimtasUp Onaraateed (tS) Thli la The IMe (48) News Fully Insured To (SS) Harvay Olaaa BbaW (48) Taacy Itorrtagar _ ____ (48) Newa ( t) Bpants. News ate Wsalbsr CLOSED ; V( S)•/ News*vx»vv» ( S) New BrerA LEO PELLETIER US) Life Of Bllte ^ Us. SkTURMYS keep myaelf buey. I cry. I Don’t (M) Newe ate Weather 846-8326 think of anything etoe to do. (SS) Haaller Brtahley Or CAP (M) Social Seesvlir 64S-604S ST NOON (48) BapennaB —Two Ralph Bellamy is spending Ws 1 (M) ClablinBee rocketi I (*S) Newe time tryin g. to g;lve himself a Ht- ) ( t) Death Valley Daya Uquld tle personality. (18) BahecrlpMea TV 7 SHOP and groom' (M) Film manne It Isn’t Bellamy who needs the (M) Weather. Lac# News SAVE grni'ns 1 \ i; \m o . s \ I I -.1 I. s n • personality but Dr. Starke, the (S8-4S) Newe «i8 WMthM K (M) Weetfva Maeearhaeette WHERE They character he plays on the “ B ^ - Bixhilxhie „ _ _ of the enth Hour” this season over (S8)"8port« Camera YOU SEE the O TV. Bellamy and Dr. Starke will (48)IWf Now*WBIWD ^ . . ORRKN PETS ( S) TTi* Or®Ai Ad vw w P * ^ . . .BTAMPS. THIS Atlas-( be taking over the kook beat from IKrcmMTe;(PrcmW're) Van v«aii Hcn^.a.v...... -Jackl« - - - Diffl Cooper James SIGN Wendell Corey and Dr.- Bassett. o( the first submarine to sink an liquid PET FOODS “The problem for an actor In a enemy warship. velopn continuing role .like this,” sgys (iS) International fth©wMtn« ing sli Don- Ameche. host. ’ ’P arielte PET ATTIRE Bellamy, “Is that the writers fig­ Holiday Ice." (Taped In ects, ure the character Is 'always there, Cauluyv/Europe) ■ - C. s probes ( S-S8-48) 77 BaaseS ®*rlp H v i i h 's so they won’t bother giving him "F iv e ” Part II. FJrem ZImballat Aernni GordM Supplies any personality. They spend their Jr., many guest.stars. 8tu turna tratlor rertWiiers Nancy Kovack energ;les writing a personality for up new clue* but tne muraerer FURNITURE tory s the guest star. atl’l evade* him. . 1115 M A IN ST. solved Secfb, Shnd2s lived in a field. I had no playmates; Have Gnn Will Travel "The result is that guest stars (M) Featnre The Lub^' Mahrtenaiice even when I went to high school, are frequently more well-rounded OLIVA’S ESSO over I we were too tar from town (or me MartSr*Mllner. Glenn Coi^tt. 411 HARTFORD RD, Lawn Mowers than, the continuing star. I don’t S em ^' Hayaicawa. An axed JaPr las Ai to have friends to play witli want Dr. Starke to be like that— anese with a- atranRe------'notr mative join* Cfeltf. “ But I had a d<^ and a tree. I Ropoired. Sliorpened just somebody who Is there. I ’m Tod and Line In .aearchlnR tor UM SURWELL’S TEXACO hangei would g;o up the tree and look at ace pilot who ha* disappeared in 1475 Silver Lane, E. Hartford trying to g;ive him a little persiin-. the Everijlade*. ^ , with a the highway—I wasn’t allowed to unden erhss It until I was 18— and wonder ality, In various ways.” (22-M) Bob Hope Special U T T U & For one thing. Bellaxny is care­ Guest*: Dean Martin. Tuesday RUDY’S SERV. STATION In 1 where all the people were going. I Weld. Barbara ' Strelaand. Lea 134 E. C E N T E R ST. c i n n e y would see men alone in cam with fully (xmsidcrlng the cW hing he Brown ahd his B*»nd. Jame* Gar­ the tv M K their right arms flung acrtxK the will wear. He says he won’t al­ ner bit th IB WOODBBIDOE ST. ways be Bhtalred in a shirt and Ue; ( S-EG’da) Borfce’s tAW WYMAN OIL CO., Inc. back of the passenger seats, and Gene Barry. Elizabeth Montgom­ 34 M AIN ST. Haacheeter— 648-8020 I would think that they wanted a when he’s relaxing he’ll wear ery. Ann Hardlnc. Amo* must (I girl thege.” sweaters or sports jackets. Identify murdered; tycoon before "And, for another thing.” Bei- sTfUiTe*^ for motive. WM. PECK LUMBER, Inc. That Whs the past. There !e lone­ (\ S)9f TwIllRht ■.tellSRIl* Zone«*s»»es- __ 2 M A IN OT. liness in the present, too. kuny says, " I want to ^ v e him Jack Kluxman. A small^mo COMPLETE some quirks which the audience bookie makes a barsain for his .“I ’m terribly lonely in Cali/oinia, son’s life. (Season Premiere) PLEN’S TEXACO where I live,” she saya ‘T can't will recognize. That way, they’ll ■EAUTY (M-S8) Harry’s .Girls 381 M AIN ST. D find anyone to talk to, anyone who have a clue so they’ll know when Larry^ Blyden. When the Ameri­ SERVICE MriU- do things. Just down the street he’s really mad. Or perhaps I ’U can FI««tr lecL hitsiiitn them r Riviera.svivvx-s#. Harryaa».. .y have them write a series of ques­ think* he'* found a way to bet NASSIFF ARMS We attend to where I live is a nutty art museum on a “sure thlna." _ 991 M A IN OT. every detail that ■—not paintings hut all kinds of tions he usee with every patient, ( 8-SMt) The Farmer** Danchtei ending with a gag—give hkn a Inger Stevens. Wl'Uam Wlndom. M keeps you look­ weird things. I can't even get any­ l^tv Holstrom *e|.tles down to DICK’S GULF SERV. ing. your best. body to go with me. bit of humor, too. ' work a* goveme** In the Wash- 'Two more things.may be added 476 HAR’TFORD RD. “Ar»d nobody is IH> at night. .Last In^on household df her Congresa- By ' week, I had to return p typewrit­ to Dr. Stapke’s personality—a son man. ' ‘ Tho and a daugfttbr. ’Thte has not 18:88 (tt-M) The Jack Paar Pragrdm GARNER RUG (5.EAN Cameo Beauty er to somebody at 3 a.m. I drove (Color) Guest*: Oscar Levant, 8 G R IS W O L D ST. praye home and there wasn’t a soul yet been definitely decided («, hot Gordon and Shlela MacRae. Do- ” Goodman. Phyllis Dlller, In m< around.'In New York, I (xxild walk Bellamy would Hke It. No wife, die gro cl Studio though (he’H be a wfdower) be- Wally Cox. Jonathan Wintera, STATE SERV. STATION around the block at 3 a.m. and find others. __ . a — 770 M A IN OT. Ala., M9-2748 seven people I knew to talk to. oause th ^ (xnitd (xamg) Wb rotnan- ( S) Alfred HHeheock Hasr MDBteiD Si.. MaBolMsier Ray Mllland. A brilliant proo- Soi *Tm so lonely, honestly. To ttc style. ^ aome ’The Tloler Datior obedi. speak again — the •hildr The held taigtoi In squad deput 1,000 parad J

ATcratre Dally Net Prea* Run The Weather . ForeoMt of U. & Weather Bnrean For the Week Ended September SI, IMS Clear and cold with front hi many Mand area* tooiitht. I»w 13,720 in SOn. Tnesday moatly nimny and Bleraber of the Andlt eool. Hli^'arotmd *0. BnreM of Otronletlon Manche»ter—~A City o f Village Charm

(Classified Adverttalng on Pace 14) PRICE SEVEN CENTS TOL. LXXXn, NO. 801 (SIXTEEN PAGESJt MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1963 McNamara, Taylor State N ew s Roundup Roth well t)n Saigon Mission Ally of Kowalski WAS|1INGT(>N (AP) —< By unrest, McNamara obviously meant the political turmoil within Says Appointment Secretary of Defense Robert South Viet Nam resulting from a S. McNamara and Gen. Max­ recent crackdown by the Viet­ Purposely Stalled Struggle Evident at Scene well D. Taylor, chairman of namese government on Buddhists, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, flew students and other opponents. These actions by President Ngo HARTFORD (AP)—It’s no to South Viet Nam today on a Dlnh Diem have brought his gov­ accident that hearings on for­ r special fact-finding mission ernment Into policy conflicts with mer Congressman Frank Ko­ for President Kennedy. Uie United States. Their sliver Air Force transport When reporters asked whether walski’s appointment to a fed­ Dodd Cuts T een-ager plane left Andrews Air Force his mls.slon indicated a deteriorat­ eral post have been postponed Base at 10 a.m., shortly after the ing military situation in South five times, says one of his po­ defense secretary and the chair­ Viet Nam, McNamara replied "definitely not.” litical allies. 5 Provisos man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Frank Russo of Hartford, who is received final Instructions from He added that he did not want Bruised, to draw any conclusions in ad­ seeking the Democratic nomination the President at the White House. for U.S. Senator next year, and They were with the President vance of his’ week long Inspection On Treaty and survey. supported Kowalski for the same 82 minutes. Undersecretary of nomination last year, said last State George Bali and presidential The defense secretary said he was not carrying any instructions night the postponements are a "de Shoe O ff assistant McGeorge Bundy also liberate stall." WASHINGTON (AP) — attended. to change any U.S. personnel in Viet Nam. He said," however, that State and Sen. Thomas J. Dodd, D- Speaking with reporters briefly National Democratic Chairrnan By EDWARD FREEM.AN before takeoff McNamara said There have been reports of dis­ j cleared the way for John M. Bailey has gone to bat vote^ on a h alf dozen The body of 17-year-old that until recently the progress of satisfaction in Washington with for Kowalski” and sincerely w ants senate voies on a nan aozen tlic antl-Communiat military effort the performance of Gen. Paul D. him to get the $20,000 a year post i proposed reservations to the , Hope Fern Rothwell of Bolton by the South Vietnamese forces Hopkins, top U.S. commander on :he Subversive Activities Con­ ' limited nuclear test ban treaty | was discovered about 4:1.'5 with U.S. support had been "pro­ there. trol Board. yesterday, lying between two ceeding very satisfactorily." McNamara's 30-hour flight is today by dropping his own - Bailey and Sen. Abraham Ribl- mounds of dirt in a secluded He .said he and Taylor were go­ due to end in Saigon Tuesday coff, D-Conn., Kowatski's oppo­ fight for five “ understand-' ing to the vital Southeast Asian night, Viet Nam time. nents during the preconvention ings." lovers' lane off Dockerel Rd., country to determine "whether The McNamara - Taylor plane Democratic and Republican Tolland. will make one refueling stop on campaigning last year, were wait­ that military effort has been ad­ ing with him for the Senate Judi­ leaders voiced confidence of .suf­ According to police an autopsy, versely affected by the unrest of ficient votes to reject all proposed perforined late last night at Hart­ (Continued on Page Seven) ciary Subcommittee hearing to be­ the past several weeks.” gin last IVednesday when It was reservations, and predict over­ ford Hoapital by Dr George Mr- suddenly called off, ostensibly be­ whelming approval of the treaty Adams. pathologist, disclosed that cause the Senate was in se.ssion. when the final vote is taken the girt was .strangled. There Here Also present was Sen. Thomas J. Tuesday. no indications of sexual molesta­ Prince Edward County, Va, Dodd, D-Conn., who Russo wants Dodd announced in a Senate tion. the report .said. to beat out for the Democratic speech his decision to drop his Major Leslie Williams of the nomination next year. call for understandings. He urged state police said this afternoon that Kowalski's nomination was sub­ ratification of the pact, saying he c.atise of.death is believed to be. Free Schools Report mitted. last Jan. 17 by President believes "the good in it outweighs mechanical strangulation as op­ Kennedy. the bad." ■ -* posed to manual He .said investi­ If his appointment is not con­ He said he would offer later a gators now believe the girl was firmed, he may join Russo's cam­ separate resolution calling upon strangled with the strap of’ her paign against the party leadership the Senate pre)Jaredne.ss subcom­ handbag since it fits tlie pattern Smooth Beginning in Connecticut, Russo said. mittee to make periodic reports of a bruise on her throat.' The Hartford insurgent said he to the Senate on the status of the When diaeovered. the body here was going to try again to present U.S. underground nuclear testing marks of violeiu'e incltidrng a program, the status of nuclear bruise on the right side of her Bv BIIX JOHNSON iterated by the Prince Edward Free his views as a candidate to the Hartford Democratic Town Com­ laboratories, "the observance of head and neck. One sneaker was FARMVILLE, Va. (AP)—Ern­ School Association. When the the treaty,” and its impact on doors opened last Monday, it was mittee Tue.sday night and renewed off her foot. Her open pocketbook est Pratt studied the sign by his national security. was fotmd near the body, some of feet, then softly read out "fl(3 o r." the first time in four years that his attack on Committee Chair­ man Robert Killian, calling him a In saying he would not press its contents spilled on the ground. He looked toward the front of the free education was available to for understandings, Dodd said he all children in this southslde Vir­ "cheap imitation of John Bailey." There were small, superficial room at another sign and read reached his decision on the basis wounds on other parts of her body "wall.” ginia County. of Pre.sident Kennedy's recent "The week was a.s smooth as and additional bruises on her Around the room in the small .TruckerB for Rale Hike. solemn guarantees" the United thigh, it is reported. brick building were other signs, could be expected when you bring States will continue a vigorous a faculty together from all over HARTFORD (A P )—The State Her bod.v was found by Robert "door,” "window” and "chair." Public Utilities Commission underground test program, that Usher. 47, of 31 King St., Rock­ Ernest could read most of the the United States and there are atmospheric testing facilities will no textbooks,” said Dr. Neil V. Sui- (PUC) was told today that Con­ ville, He is assistant building in­ words, admittedly not much of an necticut truckers need a rate in­ be kept in operation and that fa­ spector of Glastonbury and the accomplishment for an 8-ycar-old. livan of Eaat Wllllston, Long cilities for monitoring Soviet nu­ Island, N.Y., the free schools' crease to (sffsel steadily rising son of Rockvillei-building inspector For Ernest, though, it was the be­ clear activities will be strength- Girl’s b(xly lies in clearing near power line cut. (Hei-ald photos by Ofiai'a, Freeman.) Roland Usher. At the time, he ■was ginning of the new world of leam- superintendent. "The fact that we operating expenses. Atty. Herman Matthel, general ended and improved. - ;-- *> condticting a routine inspection of big he entered only one week ago. survived at all is a tremendous Dodd .said that if the Senate re­ tribute to the teachers.” counsel for' ths-New Sktgland Mo­ the property, owned by relatives Ernest and 1,801 other children jected the_ tje a ^ at this peint, Because trash was often discarded are enrolled in the privately fi­ With children who had not been tor JEtate Bur«aM-*in^ made this statement at the first session of ' ‘the Communists would launch a Search Party in the area, various members of nanced and gradelcss schools op- subjected to classroom discipline tremendously effective propagan­ for four years, or perhaps never a PUC hearing on a proposed 10 the family have condticted in.spec- in their 11 year, the transition per cent hike in Intrastate freight da war against us as hypocrites tions of the area about once a rates. The New England Motor and warmongers" Com bed Area month. The checks had been going from an unregimented environ­ "The stature and leadership of Rockets Vital ment could have been difficult. Rate Bureau Inc. is agent for 220 on for about 20 years. But Sullivan said that except for Connecticut intrastate truckers. the President, so important to the State police' di.sclosed that they free world alliance, would be un­ For Evidence had sent a patrol car into the area "one minor Incident on a school dermined by such a crushing re­ bus, there have been no disciplin­ late Friday night but thev had To Moon Tests Plan Benefits Cities buff,” he said, "and the moral beon looking for a car with the ary problems. Decorum has been HAiRTFORD (A P )—A Republi­ posture of our country and thus, Over 300 men shivered a little excellent.” Rothwell girl in it. and it had been Use Hydrogen can proposal that would imerease in a benge, our capacity to lead, in chilly weather in the country. raining heavily. According to Maj Since 1989, when the Prince Ed­ the strength of city and suburban would be badly tarnished.” They were^ participating in an inch- Leslie Williams, State Police execu­ ward Board of Supervisors closed delegations to the party's state Dodd had proposed understand­ tive officer, there was no way of public schools rather than submit by-inch .search of the area where CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) conventions is under study. ing that the treaty involves no the car, driven by Hope Rothwell, knowing yesterday if the girl's —Two revolutionary upper stage to a federal court order to de­ The proposal, calling for an in­ recognition of the East German segregate, Negro children had no crease In total convention seats was found late Wednesday night. rockets which bum high-energy Communist regime; permits U.S. Her car was discovered at about (Continued on Page Eight) liquid hydrogen are being access to free education in the from 660 to 950—with the addi­ withdrawal immediately in the county. White children have paid tional seats to be given communi­ 11:20 p.m., parked on the narrow groomed for test flights vital to event of a violation by any other pavement on Re.scrvoir Rd., over manned and unmanned space pro­ tuition to attend private, segre­ ties making a goi^ showing on signers; does not inhibit the U.S. gated schools. election day—is being placed be­ use of Nuclear weapons to defend a mile in either direction from the grams. nearest house. The keys were in They are the S-4, second stage "The date of Sept. 16 is as fore the Republican study council. itself or its allies; any amend­ of the Saturn super-booster, and famiiar to the children in our The council is assessing the ments to the treaty must be rati­ the car, the motor and headlights Bulletins the Centaur, second stage of an schools as July 4 is to children party's position and prospects in fied by the Senate; and the treaty off. and no mechanical defects Atlas-Centaur vehicle. elsewhere,” Sullivan said. "The the state today and in coming elec­ would permit the use of peaceful could be detected. Culled from AP Wires Difficulties in harnessing frigid first day of classes the children, tions. Vernon Chief Constable Edmund Hquid hydrogen have delayed de­ many of whom had no calendars Presently, each town in the state (Continued bn Page Nine) F. Dwyer and five men searched velopment of both rockets, caus­ at home, could tell their teachers has two convention delegates for through Wednesday night without BARRY VOTED DOWN ing slippage in several key proj­ what the date was. It was an epic each seat in the General Assem­ success. On Thursday, state po­ WASHINGTON (AP)—Fhe Sen­ ects, principally unmanned moon day for them." bly. Thus Hartford, with three sen­ lice were notified, and a massive ate rejected toda\ a proposal by probes. Officials of the National Four white children al.so have atorial dLstricts and two repre­ New Haveners search party of police, volunteer Sen. Barry Goldwator, R Arii., Aeronautics and Space Adminis­ entered the new schools. They sentatives, has 10 seats in the (30P fire department ■ members. Boy to require Soviet removal of nu­ tration are confident that labora­ are Letitla Tew, 7; Rlchrd Mo.ss, state confabs. Scouts and interested citizens clear weapons and military per­ tory and ground-firing tests have 17, and a brother and slater, The proposed formula would al Divided over combed the area. sonnel from Cuba as the priee solved the problems. Brenda Abernathy, 18, and George locate the extra seats according to Until 4;1.^ ye.sterday afternoon for U.S. ratification of the limit­ The 41-foot S-4 was flown here Abernathy, 7. the 1962 Republican vote for gov­ police sought to find what happen­ ed nuclear test ban treaty. The i’ over the weekend from the Doug­ "There are still 'children, both ernor in each town. Wallace Ban ed to Hope. They quc«tioned all vote was 17 for the reservation las Aircraft plant in Sacramento,- „whlte and colored, who are not per.sons who attended the meet­ 7.5 against. The reservation of­ fin any school,” Sullivan said. fered by Goldwater. a possible Calif. After several weeks of JSA4CP Asks Probe NEW HAVEN (API—The sud­ ing; they checked Hope's friends hanger checks, it will be joined "Our bus drivers have reported to NEW LONDON (API — Only and classmates at Manche.ster 1964 Republlran presiden­ with an 82-foot Saturn boo.ster now us the homes where they have den withdrawal of an invitation tial nominee, was regarded as two Negroes are attending the re­ to Gov. George Wallace of Ala­ High School where she was a sen­ undergoing tests. seen children. We will visit these gional technical school in Norwich. ior and a member of the Drama-' the biggest hurdle for the treaty In December, if all goes well, homes and try to get the chil­ bama to speak before a Yale banning nuclear testing except As a result, the New London group was still being denounced tic Club, the French Club, the Li­ Capt. Robert Rundle speaks to the girl’s father. the two-stage combination will or­ dren enrolled.” brary Club, and participated in underground. (Chapter of the National Associa­ and defended today. bit the world's large.st satellite, a He added that after the tobacco tion for the Advancement of Color­ after .school sports. Tile speaking engagement for Members of the United Meth­ ROCK5 ABROAD ed People (NAACP) called la.st Nov,, 4 was broken by the Yale (Continued on Page Five) (Continued on Page Five) night for a probe of Negro admis­ odist Church in Bolton, where NEW YORK (.API—CJov. Nel­ Political Union, a student debat­ Hope was an active member of son A. Rockefeller and his wife sions into the state's regional tech­ ing society, on Thursday after nical schools. the Youth Fellowship, held an all t»M(k off from New York today, acting university president King- night v'igil Thursday. with the governor saying he"A,. Chapter president Linwood Bland man Brewster said a visit by the said the local group does not know On Friday, state police dragged would not be critical of President segregationist governor would an abandoned quarry in Bolton. Kennedy’s administration dui^g Deaths in Birmingham if the Negro youths are being dis­ impair Yale's relations with the criminated again.st. On Sunday, with no publicity a 12-day tour of European^pi- New Haven Negro community. and protected by tight security tals. ,\t Idlewlld .\irport,^o<-ke- He said there is a possibility that Mayor Richard C. Lee also en­ guidance counselors in area high feller told newsmen, ‘‘^ e role of tered the controversy by wiring (Continued on Page Eight) a citizen abroaort Marked Across Nation schools are not "pushing young Wallace that h? would be "offi­ Negroes into attending the tech the adminlstrathtn. Therefore. I cially unwelcome" in New Haven. will not hold ^ y press confer­ schools.” The Rev. Edwin R. Edmond-s of Bv THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ^anyone's heart toward anyone To attend a technical school, he ences nor imviie any s|HM^hps.” else,” said a Negro minister, the New Haven, a Negro minister, Carpenters Build 'Thousands marched, rallied and added, young men have to be ad­ commented shortly after the can­ prayed across the land Sunday, Rev. J. R. Hicks, at one funeral. vised df the opportunities at the CAIJFOKNIA Ql AKE "The Lord glveth and the Lord cellation was announced that it Ladder, Save Boy j PASADENA. Calif. (AP) — An bi memorial services for six Ne­ school and have to be recommend­ seemed a mistake to refuse Wal­ gro children slain in Birmingham, taketh away." ed for admission. .earthquake shovik millihns of Other cities where memorial lace the right to speak. Southern Californians today but Ala., racial disorders. "We don't know what the trouble The Rev. Mr. Edmonds said he Trapped on Ledge! Some expressed bitterness, services or marches were con­ is,” declared Bland. “ All we know surprisingly little damage was ducted Included Miami; Fort felt an.v demonstrations against re|M>rted. Only injury reported some charity. is that there apparently is some­ Wallace would be peaceful. ■ AUGUSTA, Mont. (API—Work-| There were calls for a "non- Wayne, Ind.; New Haven and thing wrong when only two Negro was in Coronado, where .Jeff Hartford, Conn.; North Little If New Haven police were In­ ing in early morning darkness to­ Ciiberson, 16. was eiit by flying Tlolent uprising” and a “ massive boys are in Norwich Regional capable of protecting Wallace's day. two carpenters assembled a nationwide campaign of civil dis­ Rock and Fort Smith, Ark.; Ro­ Tech.” glass when a light fixture fell chester, Albany and Troy, N.Y.; right to speak, he said, "It would 100-foot ladder, a board at a time, and shattered on a breakfast obedience” to protest what one be the same thing that Wallace Is ; and rescued a 10-year-old boy Speaker called "the last crime Cincinnati, Columbus and Yellow table. Residents of I.os Angeles, Springs, Ohio; (Columbia, S.C.; Parrel Corp. Struck guilty of in Alabama.” trapped more than 2Q hours from ' Orange, Riverside, San Bernar­ against the spirit of brotherhood the ledge of a cliff. —the senseless slaughter of the Raleigh, N.C.; Milwaukee; Detroit ANSONIA (AP) — The Ansonia Yesterday the' minister was chid- dino. Imperial and San Diego and Derby plants of the Farrel, ed for his remarks by the executive The men, A. R. Bender and •hildren.” and Grand Rapids, Mich.; Chi­ counties felt the shock. Many cago and Freeport, 111.; Omaha; Corp. were hit by a walkout of board of the local branch of the Na­ Charles Welsh, won a race against said windows and dishes rattled. The largest demonstrations were time to get Bruce Krummel off a held in New York City and Wash­ Des Moines; Baltimore; St. Louis union workers today in a disputp tional Association for the Advance- Residents of Fallbrook, near the over the suspension of the local'^ m'ent of Colored People. two-foot ledge some 1.000 feet ington. . and Kansas City, Mo.; Richmond. center, heard a nunbling noise. 'Va.; Pasadena, Calif.; Seattle* president. 1 An NAACP spokesman accused above the Sun River in the foot­ In Shreveport, La., police riot hills of the Rocky Mountains, squads and mounted sheriff s Phoenix and Tucson, Ariz.; Port­ Company spokesmen « said the the Rev. Mr. Edmonds of misrep­ BIGGEST .AIRLH-T land, Or,e.; Roxbury, Mass.; and walkout vftsis unauthorized. Spokes; resenting “ the current mood of the The boy had become trapped W.ASHINtiTON (AP) —Tho deputies broke up an attempt by on the ledge Sunday morning 1000 Negroes to hold a memorial Princeton, Newark, Orange ' and men for local 3571, United Steel Negro community in connection . Defense Department announced East Orange, N.J. Workers of America, said they urgp with what the governor repre- while on a climbing expedition today that 240 .Air Force trails- parade. That was followed by a alone. He vvas on a weekend fish­ brief clash between Negroes and In Phltadelphla, members of the ed the members to return to their j sents.’ port planes will airlift a 15,000- Congress of Racial Equality Jobs. The spokesman said the NAACP ing trip with his parents, Mr. and man armoreil division to eete