Mariner May Be ^Steered' to Venus
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Weilker Diftrfbution 9 »«. ttmptrtttire JS degrcci. Itita Wayj Utbett umperaart Today » n tftzrtn. Tralgbt cloudy, low- «*, temperature to the Mi. I8.97S V/cdMidayTl*ir, Ugh W. Tkm. <Uy, fair and warm. See Werth-. «, ptge i1 Dial SH 1-0010 Inuea dlllr. llDDdir tbroulb Frldiy. Second CUM Poatate VOL. 85, NO. 45 P«ld «1 Rid Buk Ud U Additional Mllllni Otficei. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Bayshore Air 141 Tax Appeals Project All From Kcyporl; One Asks $389,500 Cut Mariner May Be KEYPORT — No action was, cisions on all reserved cases Stephen Koyi, 288 Maple PI., Mapped taken yesterday on three of the1 Nov. 10. land, $3,900 to $200, and build- borough's largest ratables as the The following appeals were ing, $11,000 to $10,000. Monmouth County Board of Tax- stipulated, meaning the assessor Walter Stsnski, 210 Brcadway, Engineers Ask ation heard appeals from 141 tax- and the borough's revaluation land, $1,700 to $1,000, an-J build payers. firm, Municipal Revaluations, ing, $14,000 to $11,000. Congress to OK ^Steered' to Venus There were 143 cases on the Inc., Irvington, made prior agree- Richard Wilson, 371 Atlantic decket — an all-time record for ments on reductions. The reduc- St., land, $2,800 to $1,500, and Beach Work By HOWARD BENEDICT The spacecraft motor became The critical firing of the motor Venus if it is to gather the de- the municipality. One was with- tions, however, will not be of- building, $14,800 to $12,000. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) all-important Monday when analy by ground signal is scheduled ten- sired measurements. cawn, and one appellant did nol ficially announced by the board Vera Dennis, 320 Broad St., WASHINGTON (AP)-Congress — A small acein-the-hole motor sis of tracking data indicated an tatively for next Tuesday, Sept. 4, The trajectory error was caused until a later date. The amounts appear. land, $2,600 to $2,500, and build- has been asked by the Army En- weighing 37.3 pounds is the big excellent chance Mariner II can be by an unexplained rolling motion and Mil- below are appeal figures, not re- The Raritan Bay Co. gineers to authorize construction directed from the ground to the speed and other factors have been executed by the first stage of the ton Berger (Aeromarine Indus- ing, $12,800 to $12,000. key to America's attaining the duction figures: of hurricane and beach protec- vicinity of Venus even though it carefully computed. tries) sought an assessment re- Stanley Savitsky, 51 Rt. 36, world's most significant interplan- y Atlas-Agena B booster rocket. Edward Cohen, Division St., tion projects at New Jersey's Rar- It is essential that the probe ap- duction on buildings from $444,250 land, $9,400 to $5,000. etary achievement—shooting the 6,890 M.P.H. land, J2..300 to $1,200, anu build- itan and Sandy Hook Bays. Esti- to $100,000, and on land from Mariner II spacecraft on an ex- ing, $1,600 to $800. (See TAX APPEALS, Page 2) mated cost of the work is $4,748,- At the time of midcourse ma- $55,250 to $10,000, for a total cut ploratory mission past Venus. "00. neuver, Mariner II will be about of $389,500. The' appeal hearing If the complex space messenger one million miles from earth, was adjourned. The Engineers said Monday the sweeps within 10,000 miles: of Ve- traveling about 6,800 miles an Levlncorp., North PlainfiefJ projects would include 16,600 feet nus In December as planned—aft- hour. owner of Acme Supermarket, P> of beach, fill in Madison and Ma- er a 180-million mile trip—it would 35, withdrew its appeal for a re- tawan Townships and at Union mark a major breakthrough for At 2 a.m. today it had covered duction on building from $192,75r Reach; 1,940 feet of tie-back levee the United States in the race for more than 200,OOC miles of its to $150,000, on land from S75.50C in Madison Township: 14,150 feet space. planned 180 - million mile trek across space. to $32,500, and personal, froTi of beach fill, ,13,290 feet of tie- Information relayed by Mariner $25,000 to nothing. back levee and three rock groins II could help scientists and astron- Even though the midcourse mo- No date was set for any of the at Keansburg and East Keans omers unravel secrets concealed tor fires, scientists do not know appeals which were adjourned. bJrg. for centuries by the planet's con- whether Mariner H's instruments Architectural Realty Corp., The* Engineers' request was for stant cloud layers. It could deter- and transmitters will hold up in Perry and Cass Sts., asked for a congressional authority to build mine whether life as we know it the unknown environment of space , where they are subjected to radia-' reduction in personal property the projects. Appropriation of the possibly could exist on the planet, tlon, shifting temperatures and from $175,000 to $lll,32S-the ap- money would be subject to later something doubted by most scien- meteorites. peal hearing was adjourned - action. tists. • . - and its land on Rt. 35, from $12,- The Soviet Union fired a pay- £00 to $3,000 — decision on this load within 62,000 miles of Venus appeal reserved. last year but lost contact with it Raritan Inn early hi flight . Broad Brook, Realty Co., Inc. Bora Hall, Library Belmar, owner of Raritan Inn? foot of Brood St., which burned tc the ground several months Bids Before Council ago, sought a building assess- ColeQuits ment reduction from $17,450 to FAIR HAVEN - Bids for the The new municipal facility is nothing. Decision was reserved. construction of the proposed new to be located on the borough The board will announce its de- borough hall and library build- parking lot on River Rd. oppo- Race For ing, were received by Borough site Memorial Park. The archi- Council last night. Awards of tect is James F, Roper, Red contracts are expected in two Bank. Threaten weeks. Borough Council has appropri- Mayor Ed Doucette, Long Branch ated $50,000 from the capital im- builder, offered a low bid of provement account and author- NEW SHREWSBURY ~ W. MRS. SHERRI FINKBINE of Phoenix, Ariz., who under- Raceway $39,300 to complete the. general ized issuance of $25,000 worth of Donald Cole has withdrawn as went A legal abortion in Sweden to prevent birth of a construction work for the proj negotiable bonds to pay for the Republican.candidate for mayor possibly deformed child at a result of taking tht drug ect; M. S. McGuire, here, $4,900, building. ON ITS WAY — This is the Mariner II spacacrafUhat of this borough. plumbing; Sarbo, Inc., Middle- Sale Suit thalidomide, gestures as she explains her position on ar- Thirteen other firms bid on the was hurled aloft from Cape Canaveral, FUv, on a. IO9» Benjamin F. Pickering, chair- town, $7,895, heating and venti- general construction contract. man of the local Republican day flight toward the planet Venus. An hour after th» FREEHOLD—Fair Haven at- rival in Cincinnati. She and her husband, Robert, right, lating; G&R Electric Co., Mata- They were Patock Construction County Executlve.CommUtw, an- torney John E. Toolan says he were enroute to visit his parents in Itwrenceburg, Ind. wan, $6,027, electrical work. Co., Shrewsbury, $67,700; Stender launch, a tracking station at Woomsra, Australia,, picked nounced Councilman Cole'i with- intends to file suit to enforce de- (AP Wirephoto) The only bidder for the struc- Builders, R u m s o n , $45,616 up signals that indicated the spacecraft had unfolded drawal from the race, "for per- livery of Freehold Raceway tural steel and miscellaneous iron Charles G. Schulz, Long Branch, wnri mains/* at last night's propsrly and that the solar panels ware supplying powar itock to the Sommer Brothers of contract was the Park Steel and $51311;' Seacoast Builders, Inc., meeting of the Republican Club Woodbrldge. Iron Co., Bradley Beach, which Red Bank, $53,400; Carotenuto to the craft's battaries- •/. (AP WirephofoJ ol Hew Shrewsbury, Inc,, In the The action follows the an- ottered $2,763. Bros., Port Monmouth, 558,581; ttotft F«ll« First Aid JSqutd nouncement that Yonkers Race- Tne specifications ot the elec RockaTellow construction Co., way of New York has contracted tricil and heating and ventilat- Inc., Matawan, 460,179; Colonial to purchase the Freehold Race- ing contracts carried provisions Construction Co., Trenton, $64, way effective Nov. 1 at the close for alternates in bidding. 820; Donato Construction Co. Sandy Hook Sign of the current, 60-day meeting. Union House Team's Sagging Red Bank, $44,644. The two Sommer brothers, Sig Also, Chatlm Construction Co. mund and Abraham, were pros Bankroll Is Bolstered State Rejects Lakewood, $92,490; Frank Jasa- pective buyers of the raceway buza, Red Bank, $53,000; Wood- Will Be Removed earlier this month but the trans- RED BANK — Old Union It also was reported that if ward Construction Co., also Red action was never completed. Sea Bright's 1 House baseball team, competing Union House wins-its game to- Bank, $39,498; Robblns_Coj)struc- SEA BRIGHT — A five by and permissions for its erection Mr. Toolan said the Woodbridge in the National Baseball Con- night, a plane load of interested lion Co., Sea Girt, $59,800; Jack eight foot sign. designating have been obtained. Didders exercised an option to gress tournament in Wichita, fans in the area will head for Preston, Middletown, $49,500.