DOUBLE Regation on Privately Owned Firms City Transportation Co
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t - : ' MOM i- 'V PAGB TWENTY FRIDAY, JUNE 98, 1«6I iHattcb(Bter JEttraitvs Avevpgi Dully Net Vreti Ri Vte Uw WMk EwM Mamhaia o f Maachaater Emblaim Staff Sgt. Norman Lt. Koss, U.S. drufi, WM oontlnmd laitil M y JWM M, 1M8 About Town Club have bean inWtad to a picnic Marines, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo 12th Circuit 11 m court trial at noon Wedneaday, July 10, at seph O. Koss of 14B Garden Dr., EAST HABTFGRO. SESMON TIm Rav. Lawranoe F. Almond, Lake Alexander, Putnam, by the Is serving wlOi the Third Marine Martin Haraiiurda, 60, of Wap^ 13,804 IMUitor c t South Methodlat Ohundi, Putnam Emblem d u b . Mrs. John Airoraft Wing at Ell Toro Marine Goiiit Cases ping, arrested bat night M^lCan- .MeulMr «f Uw AodiV wlH be 111 oberge of radio broad- Daltac, president of the Putnam Corps Air Station, Santa Ana, oheater . for intoKloatian, today BnnM «f OnmlMtai OHib, issued the invitation. Reser Calif. oaata aponaored by the Manchea- .1 MANCHESTER SE8UON had the charge noUed. Maneh«$ter—~A CUy o f Villagm Charm ter Mlnlatarial Aaaoolation oVar vations may be made with Mrs.. CraOUTT COURT t HOUSE atatlon WXNF Sunday at 7:86 p.m. Alfred Ritter, 46 Chaster Dr. The Rev. George F. Noetrand, Dennis Johnson, 67, WUllmantic MroiMJETOWN SESSION rector of St. Mary’s Episcopal was fined 1128 after being found and dally next week at 7:30 ajn. John P. F. cmeU, 18, of 10 TOL. LXXjKn, NO. 280 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1968 (ClMrifled Adverttotng em Page 16) and 8.:S0 p.m. In yesterday’s Herald story list Church, wUl serve as chaplain guilty of operating a motor t ^ c l e Mints Court, and Charles R. RBoy, next week at Manchester -Memo ing the new officers of the Town while under the influence of liquor 21. of 1T8H Charter Oak St., both Sabbath Bve aarvlcA will ba Insurance Advisory Committee, rial Hospital. Mandiester, yesterday were each held at Temple Bath Sholom at the name of Earle Rohan was or drugs. ’The disposition followed fined 8100 on similar charges of a court trial. Jenson was ar HALE T:S0 tonliht. omitted. Rohan, retiring chairman Thi SUktown Elites color guard destruction of private ptmerty. Woman Canes of the committee, was elected to will sponsor a car wash tomorrow rested by State Polibe in Marlbor MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER — 648-4128 State News ough Feb. 19. ’The youths w t n presented for Diplomat the post of adviser. at the Femmla Neon Sign Cfe., 199 jury trial a week ago and' were Spruce St., from 9 fo 8. ^ George Klndberg, 27, New Masked Youths Britain, was given 10 days at the found gufity, and the okse was Khrushchev Gathers Members of Cub Scout Pack 112 State Jail at Hartford for larceny. continued until yesterday for dis Roundup of Washington School and parents Cub Scout Pack 144 will leave position. CZBDARTOWN, "oa. ( A P I - BOTH NOW! by bus for Mystic Seaport tomor ’The charge stemmed from a Nov. Changes who plan to attend a family picnic Two other dtaiges brought Three teen-age youths were STORES row at 9 a.m. from Keeney St. 29, 1962, incident in Coventry, at cW ip Johnson, Bolton, will Klndberg appealed the decision against both youths—^for laiosny given the w o ^ s h ^ treatment g r e e n School. They will arrive back In and hampering with a motor ve meet Sunday at noon at the achool Manchester about 4 p.m. and an appeal bond of |200 was by an 87-year-eld woman who, Explosion Wrecks STAMPS grounds, rain or rtiine. hicle—were n ^ sd. ..runs a rural store In Felton. A ides on Red Schism Open set. y Joseph C. Gomeau, 26, Bristol, The pair was anrested in Bast Mrs. Ida Merritt was about to Goshen Gas Station Expected ’Two Manchester men w e r e Joaeph Jay photo was fined 826 for speeding. He Haddam several weeks ago follow cloM her store for the night The British American Club wUl awarded sefwage treatment plant MONDAYS J sponsor a dance tomorrow from pleaded guilty. ing' an incident at the £ e g str^ when three youths wearing operators’ certifioatee at the last Engaged in which, poUce said, they broke 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. for members and William Blazensky Jr., 18, of 69 masks entered. ‘They ordered GOSHEN (AP) — A 30- WASHINGTON (AP) — Premier G meeting of the New Elngland a window In a oar and allegedly Mrs. Merritt to the back of ALL YEAR! 1 guests. Charlie Varrlck’s orches ’The engagement of Miaa Unda Clinton St., was fined $6 after O r r a W J W a year-old Goshen service sta U.S. ambassadorial changes in e t g Water Pollution Control Aesocda- pleading guilty to intoxication. stole a wallet containing 836 and the store. She grabbed her tra will play for dancing. tlon. Charles A. Woodbury, 38 Jean Allen of Mancheater to Rich personal papers. walking cane, nnade from a tion owner escaped serious in a number of important posts Gary Meacham, 16, of Rt. 6. from Europe to Southern M Reception FAIRWAY J Server St., assistant foreman at ard Anthony Lyncheski of Troop, Bolton, charged with taking a broom handle, and gave the jury early today when an ex Manchester Emblem Club will the Elast Hiartford (MDC) Sewage Pa., haa been announced by her motor vehicle without the owner’s youths a thorough caning, Her plosion nearly demolished Asia are expected to be an sponsor a theater party Monday, Treatment Plant, has been certi mother, Mrs. Doria Hastings Beld- permission and theft of a motor his combination residence-ga nounced in the' weeks follow By July 22, at Storrcrwton Theater, fied for Grade in , and Raymond vehicle, had his case referred to (Continued on Page Four) West Springfield, Mass. Reserva V. Lavery, 40 Packard St., chief Ing of 64 Oambridge St. She is N E W C A R rage on Rt. 4. ing President Kennedy’s re- juvenile court authorities. Theodore Cioppa Jr.,"ln his apart tu)n from Europe. tions will dose Monday and may operator at the Elast Hartft>rd also the daughter of Joseph Allen Nolles were entered by prose be made with Mrs. John Zlemak, plant, has been certified for Grade ment at the time, suffered a broken The .switches in pro.spect involve BERLIN (AP) — p ^ of New Haven. cutor F. Joseph Paradise In the RENTALS pelvis and dislocated hip. 8 number of resignations. Still, 96 Cooper Hill St. IV. cases of Allan Burrill, 18, and Ed Khrushchev turned *^^ier THE MARRIAGE Her fiance ia a son of Mr. and Senate Vote 'The wooden living quarters and officials, pointed out that diplo from a lukewarm Mrs. John D. Lyncheski of ’Troop, ward Dailey, 19, both of South office space were demolished by matic as.signments are regularly CONSULTATION Officers of the Crlstoforo Co Windsor, on similar counts of lombo Society will be at the Ital Miss Alien is a 1951 gi'aaua,.e Vacation Specials the A 10 foot hole wa.s blown rotated and some of the envoys ception to a major Sovi^*’ of Manchester High School and a larceny (imder 816), out of one of the cement block appointed during the first year of summit parley call^ O F F IC E O F ian American Club, Elldiidge St., Richard Adams, 24, of 28 Depot One, two or thrSe weeks Unlikely for tonight at 7:30 to collect dues. 1959 graduate of Mt. Ida Junior garage walls. Two walls were left the Kennedy administration are ently to consolidate College, Newton Centre, Mass. She Sq., pleaded guilty to a non-sup Get Oar Rates standing. now up for reassignment afte:' two DR. ALBERT QUADE C H IL D R E N 'S port charge and his case was con for a showdown with ’The VFW Auxiliary will sponsor is a service representative at the State trooper Robert Blouin said years in their overseas posts. Southern New England Telephone tinued until July 11 for disposition. Paul Dodga PonHoe a gasoline tanker truck was pump Administration sources gave Chinese. Red IN STO R R S a card party tonight at 8 at the ’The case of Alan C. Edwairds, Bill on CD The (Chinese-Soviet HEALTH SAND post home, 608 E. Center St. Co., East Hartford. INC. ing gas into the storage tank when these among the changes in the 34, WUllmantic, dtarged. with op the explosion occurred. There was offing; feud broke into the ope^Ioglcaj WILL BE CLOSED Mr. Lyncheski is a 1963 gradu erating a motor v^lde whdle un Phone 649-2881 WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi 378 MAIN STREET no fire. Charles W. Yost, a deputy rep- as at least five (^ommuni*. ■KaJh W. H. ENGLAND Donald E. Besser, son of Dr. and ate of Troop High School. He re der influence of liquor or dent Kennedy’s 8176-million fallout tains responded to Khi-,, J Chief’ FROM JUNE 80 Mrs. Edward L. Besser, 114 Ade ceived a B.S. associate degree in re.sentatiye to the United Nations LUMBER C O . $12.98 shelter program—its legacy that under Adlai E. Stevenson, to be call. ^ *h ch ev , laide Rd., Is on the honor roll for engineering in 1966 from Keystone of a legislative stepchild—Cipcars Budget Signed (k)inclding with the me»»i TO J U L Y 11 “ At the Green”— 649-6201 the final marking period at Mount come ambassador to Yugoslavia.