Uile Teuisionists Ut the 1060 Buthrrest Ond Lilostorru *Leelimgs
No.6 (25), 1975 / NOVEMBER-DECEMBER uile teuisionists ut the 1060 Buthrrest ond lilostorru *leelimgs This issue of tlre aAlbania Todoyu is dedicoted io the lgth Volume ol fhe Works o{ Camrade Enver Horhs which wos distribufed throwghout Albtnio on filovem ber 8ith 1975. This volume includes speeches, reporls, leffe rs oad rodiogroms ol the.period June-December 1960 which throw light on the de- termined struggte woged by the Party ol Lobour of Albanio and Comrode- inver Hoxho agoinst Khrushchevite revisionistn, Rerl Unily ls Athieued ond Slrenglheneil Only on lhe Bosls ol Munisl-leninist Pfintiples r we shall Go to Moscouu nol with ren Bunnetrs! hul wilh Only One, uuith the Btnner of Morxism-leninism r &![hether Albonio ls o Sotiolisf, Country or not, Ihls Does mot Depend on Khrushcheu, hut it Hus Been Decided by the Albrniun Feop[e through f,he Wurs They llnve foughl onil the Blood Theg Huve Shed We Shotl Ardently Eefend Murxism-leninism sltd the lnleresls of the People IWc Haue Fought Emply-bellied ond Bore-fooled, huI Houe lleuer Kolowed Io Anybody I Other Repcrls, Speerhes, lellers, ond Rodiogroms A WORK OT GREAT POIITI( On Natember 8, 1975, the 3ath anniltersary of the ,founding af the Party, the 19th uolurne of the Worles bg cornrade Enoer Hoxha, First Secretary of the Central Comrnittee of the PLA, leader of the Party and of the Albanian people, oas distributed throughout Albania, In the series o7 the Worles by comrade Eruter Hoxha the materials of this oolume are of great political and ideological irnportance. They belong to the pe-' riod Jurre-Decernber 1960, a DerA complicated period ruhen deep ideological and political disagreements had arisen in the relations betru,een a nurnber of parties.
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