Wise Foresight, Great Programme
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49 December 6, 1968 Wise Foresight, Great Programme The republication of Chairman Mao's report to the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China hailed Glorious and Militant Road Renmin Ribao editorial saluting the 24th anniversary of Albania's liberation Most Powerful Ideological Weapon Against U.S. Imperialism and Soviet Revisionism Fourth anniversary of the publication of Chairman Mao's statement supporting the Congolese(K) people acclaimed ~.+ _............. _ .................. ,r ..... ---1 UOTATIONS FROM CHAIRMAN MAO TSE-TUNG The revolutionary friendship between the peoples of China and Albania has stood the test of fierce international class strug- gles. The power generated by this friendship is inexhaustible and truly invincible. May our two Parties and peoples unite even more closely with the genuine Marxist-Leninists and the revolu- tionary peoples of the whole world and fight shoulder to shoulder for the final burial of U.S. imperialism and Soviet revisionism, the common enemies of the people of the world! The truth of Marxism-Leninism is on our side. So is the international proletariat. So are the oppressed nations and op- pressed peoples. And so are the masses of people who constitute over 90 per cent of the world's population. We have friends all over the world. THE WEEK Chairman Mao Meets Comrade Hill -iii!iiii!~;~iii!i!i~iiiii~i;~iill ii!!iii!ii!!!i:ii!:iiii2: i:giiiiii}iii!:ii!:~!~:::~,i~: i;:!i~)iiiiii:: • ::::: : ::: : ...................... ~:~s~:~;:~:~::............ ~s~:z~:~$':::~ ........................... i Z;:ii~ii!!i@!~;i; ; : ii:i::::~:!!!i~q! : :: ::: : !ilj/~ji!iiiii!!ii; : Our most respected and beloved great leader Chairman Mao meets Comrade Hill, UR most respected and beloved great leader Chairman Mao shook hands warmly with Com- O Comrade Mao Tse-tung, Chairman of the Cen- rade E.F. Hill, and had a most cordial talk with tral Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, him. met Comrade E.F. Hill, Chairman of the Australian Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist), on the eve- Comrades Chou En-lai, Chen Po-ta, Kang Sheng ning of November 28. and Yao Wen-yuan were present on the occasion. December 6, 1968 3 Comrade Hill Leaves Peking In his speech at the reception, he continued, the 700 million Chinese For Home Ambassador Mohamed Abdallahi people armed with Mao Tse-tung's Ould Kharchy spoke of the signifi- thought will fulftl their international- Comrade E.F. Hill, Chairman of cance of Mauritania's independence, ist duties still better and give more the Australian Communist Party the Mauritanian people's efforts in powerful support to the African peo- (Marxist-Leninist), left Peking for developing their national economy ple, the Arab people and the people home by plane on November 30 and consolidating their national in- of all countries in their just strug- after a visit to China. dependence by relying on themselves, gles against imperialism, modern During his visit, our most respect- and their struggle against imperial- revisionism and their lackeys. ed and beloved great leader Chair- ism and colonialism. The Vice-Minister wished the man Mao Tse-tung met him and had The Ambassador said: Our people friendship between the Chinese and a most cordial talk with him. and responsible officials have follow- Mauritanian peoples continual growth Comrades Chou En-lai, Chen Po-ta ed with unfailing interest the great and consolidation. He said that the and Kang Sheng, Members of the achievements of socialism in China. Chinese people would remain for Standing Committee of the Political We sincerely congratulate you on ever the reliable friends of the Bureau of the Central Committee of your great victories in the great Mauritanian people in the common the Chinese Communist Party, gave proletarian cultural revolution initiat- struggle against imperialism and a banquet in his honour. Comrades ed and led personally by Chairman colonialism. Chen Po-ta and Kang Sheng held Mao Tse-tung. cordial talks with him. He added: The peoples of Maurita- Correspondent Hsueh Ping of During his stay in Peking, Com- nia and China are friendly peoples rade Hill visited the Peking Hsinhua who support each other. Their Hongkong Hsinhua Branch Printing House, the Peking General friendship and co-operation are being Leaves Jail Triumphantly Knitwear Mill, Tsinghua University strengthened day by day. We highly and an exhibition on the whole- appreciate the aid and suppor t given Comrade Hsueh Ping, correspon- hearted service to the people by an us by the great Chinese people. dent of the Hongkong branch of the advanced health section of a Chinese Hsinhua News Agency, who had been The Ambassador expressed the People's Liberation Army unit under illegally detained by the Hongkong Mauritanian people's support for the the Peking Command. He was British authorities, came out of jail just struggles waged by the Palestin- warmly welcomed by revolutionary triumphantly on November 16, ian and other Arab people and the workers and staff members, revolu- thanks to the firm support of the people of other countries against great socialist motherland and the tionary teachers and students and imperialism and colonialism. P.L.A. commanders and fighters. continuous struggle by the patriotic While in Peking, he saw On the In his speech, Chinese Vice- compatriots in Hongkong. He re- Docks, a revolutionary Peking opera Minister -of Foreign Affairs Chi ceived a warm welcome from all the on a contemporary theme, The Red Peng-fei pr:aised the Mauritanian staff members of the Hsinhua Hong- Detachment of Women, a revolu- people's unremitting efforts since kong branch and the patriotic press tionary ballet on a contemporary independence in eliminating the circles on the island. theme, and the colour film Piano remnants of colonial rule and in Comrade Hsueh Ping was unwar- Music "The Red Lantern" With safeguarding their national independ- rantedly arrested by the British po- Peking Opera S~nging. ence. He also paid tribute to Maur- lice in Hongkong on July 11, 1967 Comrade Kang Sheng and respon- itania for firmly maintaining the just while on a normal reporting mission sible comrades of departments con- stand of opposing imperialism, co- in the Wanchai area. He was later cerned gave Comrade Hill a warm lonialism and neo-colonialism in illegally "sentenced" by the Hong- send-off at the airport. international affairs. kong British authorities, and unlaw- Speaking of the present excellent fully thrown into jail for 16 montl~s. Mauritanian Ambassador Gives world revolutionary situation, Chi Fearing that the great thought of National Day Reception Peng-fei strongly condemned U.S. Mao Tse-tung would be extensively imperialism and Soviet revisionism disseminated in Hongkong and that Mauritanian Ambassador to China for collaborating in a vain attempt their own fascist atrocities would be Mohamed Abdallahi Ould Kharchy to redivide and dominate the world. exposed, the Hongkong British au- gave a reception in Peking on the He said that, despite their frantic thorities have brazenly carried out evening of November 27 to warmly struggles, U.S. imperialism and wanton persecution of Hsinhua cor- celebrate the 8th anniversary of the Soviet revisionism would inevitably respondents and other patriotic independence of the Islamic Repub- be "lifting a rock only to drop it on journalists in Hongkong since May lic of Mauritania. their own feet," thereby accelerat- last year. Altogether, more than Vice-Premier Li Fu-chun and re- ing their own doom. 30 patriotic journalists were illegally arrested and "sentenced." To date, sponsible members of departments Tempered in the movement of the concerned attended. great proletarian cultural revolution, (Continued on p. 31.) Peking Review, No. 49 Wise Foresight, Great Programme With the greatest joy, the hundreds of millions of armymen and civilians throughout China are enthusiastically hailing the publication of Chairman Mao's latest instruction: "His- torical experience merits attention. Line and viewpoint must be talked over constantly and repeatedly. It won't do to talk them over with only a few people; they must be made known to all the revolutionary masses," They also warmly acclaim the republication of Chairman Mao's "Report to the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Com- munist Party of China," a Marxist-Leninist document of epoch-making significance (see "Pe- king Review," No. 48, p. 3). They cheer: Long live the victory of Chairman Mao's prole- tarian revolutionary line! As they study these, the revolutionary masses unanimously agree that Chairman Mao's report to the Second Plenary Session of the Party's Seventh Central Committe'e is a beacon guiding the revolutionary people of the country in their advance from victory to victory, a great programme for establishing and consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat and building socialism, a sharp ideological weapon for opposing revisionism and "Le'ft" and Right opportunist lines throughout the period of transition. They say that this report is the best study material, the best guide and the best weapon for waging the struggle between the two lines and that it is of great importance to re-study this brilliant document at a time when all-round victory is being seized in .the great proletarian cultural revolution. Following are articles written by a worker, a herdsman and P.L.A. commanders and fighters expressing their thoughts after re-studying this report of Chairman Mao's.--P.R. Ed. Road, the class enemies did