Class Struggle Has N No

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Class Struggle Has N No Nettpublisering ved Forvaltningsorgan for AKPs partihistorie ( 2012 .811111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:n m a am m WORKERS AND OPPRESSED OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE! n a m . m . In . m n is n m n me n nt a a am TO OUR a a a a a n ma m a n in CLASS MUCCI, n in . a a a a so me mu READERS a m a .am a As our readers may have noticed, Class Struggle has n No. 1/79 INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN OF WCP(M-L) - AKP(m-I) not come out for quite some time. We regret this delay.E Kr. 4,00 Workers' Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist), Norway No. 13, July 1979 . However, we now hope to publish the paper regulary,: .n four times a year. urcumnemommmismammosuommossiziiiiimine AKP (m-I): INTRODUCTION m_ From August 14 to 29, Klassekampen printed im- portant excerpts — amounting to more than 40 of =-==7 the 54 pages of the English language edition — of COMMENTS the «Letter of the CC of the Party of Labor and the .--1=-7 Government of Albania to the CC of the Commu- on the open aLetter of the CC of the PLA and nist Party and the Government of China» dated July 29, 1978. Each excerpt was accompanied by an artic- the Government of Albania to the CC of the= le explaining the views of Marxist-Leninists in Nor- CPC and the Government of China,,. (PARTS 5 TO 7 ) way on the issues raised by the corresponding passa- ge of the Albanian «Letter». As an introduction to The PLA rejects Mao Tsetung the series, Klassekampen printed an article summing up its views. ney, reject the cultural revolution === Part one to four of the comments of AKP(m-1) were printed in Class Struggle no. 1/78 They hang on to the mistakes made in the in September last year. In this issue we print part five to seven . In the first issue in autumn 79 we will print the remaining comments, number eight and 'nine Soviet- Union ===. 4IIIINImmallumumummommummommiummimmulamommumummulumnommummoimmumemommosimmulmmommrsummommemsnalummommimumommommalummammommosimmosimimmummusimmulsomommosii The albanian leaders claim in the open letter that the cultural revolution in • s•,...40,,,..4...4.4.,,,,,...,-- . - ........... , , .... China »lacked principles». They claim that it was not led by a genuine workers iv party that was aiming at establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat. They - say that the power of state in China after the cultural revolution was dominat- Coitisteet ar , on ed by bourgeois and revisionist elements. The open letter from the Party of Albania to the Communist Party of China In the western world there has been a fashion prevail- that made it possible for Krutsjev to es this is manifested in the class ana- ing among some bourgeois newspapers and some small take power. lysis in the new Albanian constituti- Trotskyist groups to present the Albanian leaders as the on. Class struggle is not considered last supporters of the Chinese cultural revolution». The cut- something that happens in reality bet- IS THERE A ween different classes, but something ting from the letter to the CPC which we print today kills BOURGEOISIE AT that happens in the workers', peasa- this myth. The Albanian leaders say that they disagreed on nts', and intelectuals' thoughts, whe- many questions concerning principles as well as methods THE TIME OF re bourgeois thoughts intrude becau- of the cultural revolution, and they give the impression SOCIALISM? se of the influence of the old ideolo- gy, from surviving old reactionaries, CONTRADICTIONS Economy. As we have mention- that it did more harm than good. We approve of their pub- from foreign imperialist propaganda ed before, you can find Mao's criti- In Soviet.the party and Stalin lishing these opinions. We disagree with them and consider etc. We can see this subjective view of que of the economy under Stalin, denied the existence of a bourgeoisie AMONG THE PEOPLE the cultural revolution to be mainly positive with one mi- the class struggle under socialism for among other places, in the ten major nor unfortunate aspect. when collectivisation was terminated instance in the report for the 7th con- - THE ATTITUDE TO - relationships. We belive the Albanian in the 1930s. gress of the PLA. Here they say that leaders disagree with this critique also. More important than their sceptical attitude to the This error had to result in a lack of POLITICAL »the remnants of the ruling class» wa- The treatment of contradictions understanding for the bourgeois op- cultural revolution, are the deep ideological and political nt to restore the old bourgeois socie- position. This kind of opposition was OPPOSITION amongst the people. contrasting opinions the letter reveals on the question of ty »if the class struggle is allowed to only looked on as a reactionary plot, The contradiction also embraces Mao's way of separating contra- die down» (p. 234 Eng. ed.). But in socialism and the party. The Albanian leaders side against and it was not properly understood several other fields: Foreign Policy, as dictions between the people and the the real world the class struggle can- Mao on these questions, and in reality they have long dis- that the reactionary plot was a form we have already mentioned, Mao criti- enemies is in reality also developed not die away as long as there exist cised Stalin's tendency to seek hege- through his critique of faults made agreed with him. due to the continued exictence of a classes. bourgeoisie. This error also resulted mony, the Albanians reject it. See the under socialism in Soviet and Eastern of the Communist Party of China in In this area the Albanian leaders dispute on border questions (part3 in Europe. in a lack of vigilanceagainst the gro- defend the old faults of the CPSU. MAO: NO GOOD AT the concrete conditions of its coun- wth of a new bureaucratic bourgeoi- this series). One aspect of this line is that it But as an excuse for the great Marxist- try». sie in the state and party. The relations between parties. does not want to punish and terrorise Leninist Stalin we can say that he led LEARNING FROM What lies behind this pompous Against this, Mao declared that Mao criticised the role of the CPSU workers and people supporting socia- and breath-taking exercise? the world's first socialist state and as a »big brother party» dominating lism when they disagree with the go- SOVIET? under socialism there will still be a that nobody had exposed this fault. In order to understand it we other parties. Earlier the Albanians vernment, but to permit the oppositi- long time of classes and class struggle. Now, however over 40 years later, must examine the differences in par- have aired views that tended to go in on and discussion amongst the people. According to the Albanian lea- For this reason it is always important Mao has exposed and criticised this ty line in the socialist Soviet in Stalin's the same direction.(See the report on Another aspect is that it wants to Eders the reason for the »political, ide- to be vigilant and wage class struggle. fault. Now it is an even greater fault lifetime and in socialist China. These the 5th congress of the PLA in permit old capitalists and feudalists rological and organizational chaos in The cultural revolution, Which Mao for the Albanian leaders to reject this differences manifested themselves in the Communist Party of China and in initiated, was an offensive from the correct criticism and hold on to the But the report from the 7th congress to work and even to keep some of the Chinese state» was that »the great some disagreements already while proletariat in the class struggle in incorrect views that had so terrible has a paragraph that must be conside- their wealth if they will support soci- ideas of the great October Socialist Stalin was still leading the party. China. results in the Soviet Union. red an attack both on Mao's stand , alism because of that. Under Stalin revolution and the Marxist - Leninist Later in Krutsjevs time Mao develo- For a long time the Albanian le- and on what the 5th PLA congress the CPSU occasionally solved contra- ideology were not properly made ex- ped an extensive critique of the fau- aders have ment that there is no bour- said(see the dispute about Comintern, dictions amongst the people by force, ample for, the pillar and the compass lts in the socialist Soviet of Stalin eoisie in Albania. Amon g otherlac- especially D. 248-250 Eng. ed.). and Stalin disagreed with China's tre- Nettpublisering ved Forvaltningsorgan for AKPs partihistorie ( 2012 2 Class Struggle, July 1979 atment of capitalists who cooperated loss of most of the liberated areas in No communist party in all the job and that none had vaccillated in Albanian leaders reject this criticism. the main aspect of his time was that with the government. South China. world is as the Albanian leaders con- any question. Instead they clutch at and glorify the the people of the Soviet had a better »Let a hundred blossoms bloom», Later he wanted the CPC to put itself sider a communist party should be. Before the end of the congress very faults of the socialistic Soviet life, and that art and science blossom- the line for art and science, is also a under the command of Chiang Kai- They hold up Lenin's and Stalin's a number of these members who we- and hold them up as correct, in con- ed. At the same time he made mista- part of Mao's line for the correct shek in the fight againsFTapan.
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