Albanian Resolution Wins Historic Victory in U.N. People's China Takes Its Rightful Ptace in World Body
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ALBANIAN RESOLUTION WINS HISTORIC VICTORY IN U.N. PEOPLE'S CHINA TAKES ITS RIGHTFUL PTACE IN WORLD BODY Overcoming intensive efforts by the U.S. than two-thirds, as a result of many countries olfices, marched to the Chinese Embassy in Ti- delegation and its supporters, the Albanian Bes- shifting their stand to go al0ng with the tide. rana to express their congratulations. olution on "Bestoration of the Lawful Rights Before the final vote was taken, the representa- MESSAGES BETWEEN ALBANIAN AND of the People's Bepublic of China in the United tive of Chiang Kai-shek, with defeat staring him CHINESE TEADERS Nations" won a decisive victory on 0ctober 25, in the face, walked out of th'e General Assembly. 1971, carrying the vote by 76 to 35, with 17 Enver Thus after ?2 years of obstruction by the Hoxha, Haxhi Lleshi and Mehmet She- abstentions and 3 absent. hu U.S. Government, People's China was able to sent a message of congratulations on 0ct.27 to Mao Tse-tung, Pi-wu, A crucial point in the battle came in the vot- take its rightful place in the world body. This Tung and Chou En-lai in Peking. The message said among other things ing on the "lmportant Ouestion" resolution victory was hailed with.ioy by many representa- that the restoration the rights People's sponsored by the U.S. and its followers. This tives of countries in the U.N., as well as by the of of China resolution if passed would have made the ques- people throughout the world, including the in the U.N. and the expulsion of the Chiang Kai-shek clique is a result ol the victori- tion of the restoration of China's rights an "im- people of the United States. portant question" requiring a two-thirds vote ous march of the Chinese people on the road of revolution and for passage. The U.S. delegation calculated that TEADING ROtE OF ALBANIA socialism under the leadership of the supporters of the Albania Besolution would their Communist Party headed by the great Throughout the struggle to defeat the U.S. Marxist-Leninist not be able muster a two'thirds vote. This Mao Tse-tung. lt is a result of to manoeuvres, delegation played a the Albanian the correct foreign policy of People's China and resolution was voted on first, and in a tense sit- just year leading role, as it has done after year its determined struggle in defense of freedom- uation was defeated by a vote of 55 for, 59 part in the U.N. for over a decade. Taking in the loving and peaceJoving peoples and states. The against, 15 abstaining, and two absent. This activities discussions and diplomatic during this General Assembly has recognized that the world cleared the way for the final vote on the Alban- question session on the China were: Nesti Nase, manage People's China, that ian Besolution, which did indeed carry more cannot without Albania's Foreign Minister; Reis Malile, Deputy without its participation no important problem Foreign Minister; Baholli, Sami Ambasador & can be solved. U.N. VOTE ON CHINA OUESTION Permanent Representative to the U.N.; Sokrat Plaka, Rako Naco and Abdi Baleta, Delegates; 0n Nov. I 3 the three Chinese leaders sent a Following is a record of the roll-call votes in Petraq Pojani, Counsellor of the Mission; Koz- message of reply to the three Albanian leaders the General Assembly on the Albanian Resolu- ma Moja and Sotir Shurku, Secretaries of the thanking the Albanian Party, Government and tion calling for the Bestoration of the Rights of Mission. people for the good wishes and consistentsup- People's China and expulsion of the Chiang Kai- port, and saying among other things: For many shek representatives, and the U.S. Resolution to All over Albania, the victory for People's years the Albanian People and the Albanian declare the matter an "important question": China in the U.N. was celebrated with great iu- Government, sticking to principle, opposing the Col. I lmportantAuestion - bilation. The newspapers and radio carried ioy- regressive trend, waging a tit-for-tat struggle Col. 2 Albanian Resolution - ful articles and editorials on the sub.iect. Masses Y-FOR China N-AGAINST China against U.S. imperialism and its f ollowers, have A-Abstain X-Absent of people of all walks of life, Irom factories and (cont. on pg.4) Afghanistan YY *Ceylon YY Gabon NN Kenya YY Nicaragua NN Spain NA *Albania Y Y Chad NN Gambia NN Kuwait YY Niger NN Oman XX *A lgeria Y Y Chile YY Ghana NY Laos Argentina N A ChiangKai-shek N X Greece N A Lebanon N A Norway YY Swaziland NN Au stra lia N N Columbia NA Guatemala NN Lesotho NN *Pakistan YY Sweden YY Austria A Y *Congo (B) YY *Guinea YY Liberla NN Panama Bahrai n N A Congo (K) NN Guyana YY Libya NN *Tanzania YY Barbados N A Costa Rica NN Luxemburg NA Peru YY Thailand NA Belgium A Y *Cuba YY Honduras NN Madagascar NN Philippines NN Togo AY Bhutan Y Y Cyprus AA Hungary YY Malawi NN Poland YY Trinidad YY Bolivia NN Czechoslovakia YY lceland YY Malaysia YY Portugal NY Tunisia AY Botswana A Y Dahomey YY Maldives XX Oatar AA Turkey AY *Mali * B razil N N Denmark YY lndonesia NA Y Y Rumania YY Uganda YY Bulgaria Y Y DominicanRep. N N lran A Y Malta A N Rwanda NY Ukraine YY Britain Y Y Ecuador Y Y *lraq Y Y *Mauritania Y Y Saudi Arabia N N U.S.A. N N *Burma Y Y El Salvador NN lreland YY Mauritius NA Senegal A Y Upper Volta N N Buru ndi Y Y Egypt N Y Mexico N Y *SierraLeone Y Y Uruguay N N B yel oru ssia Y Y *Ecuat.Guinea Y Y ltaly AY Mongolia YY Singapore YY Venezuela NN Cambodia N N Ethiopia Y Y lvor.VCoast N N Morroco A Y *Somalia YY *Yemen YY Cameroon Y Y Fiji NA Jamaica NA *Nepal Y Y SouthAfrica N N *Yugoslavia Y Y Canada Y Y Finland N N Netherlands A Y *So.Yemen YY *Zambia YY Cent. Afr. Rep. N N France Y Y Jordan N A NewZealand N N SovietUnion Y Y * Summary: on the lmportant Ouestion Resolution, FOR China 59. AGAINST 55, Abstain 15, Absent 2 The 23 countries marked with an were on the Albanian Resolution, FOR China 76, AGAINST 35, Abstain 17, Absent 3 co-sponsors of the Albanian Resolution. ALBANIAN PARTY OF LABOR HOLDS 6th CONGRESS Amid scenes of joy and celebration, the 6th FOREIGN OE[EGATIONS ATTENDING hails the opening of the Congress with the re- Albanian Party of Labor opened minder that the Party was founded just 30 years Congress ol the There were 26 delegations of foreign Marx- The delegates and ago by Enver Hoxha with only 200 communists in Tirana on November 1st. ist-Leninist Parties and groups attending the were greeted in the in the whole country. But this Party liberated invited foreign delegations Congress. From time to time during the pro- large crowds of cheer' the c0untry from the fascist occupationists, streets ol the capital bv ceedings, the leaders of the delegations took the people and were escorted into overthrew the exploiting clases, set up the dic- ing and singing floor to greet the Party of Labor. Also, many Palace of Culture where the his- tatorship of the proletariat, established the na- the hall of the messages of greetings were read to the delegates place. tional independence and dignity of the c0untry. toric congress took lrom foreign Marxist-Leninist Parties that could Learning the proper lessons from the revisionist The first item on the agenda was the main not send delegations. These included the Com- countries, the Party has barred the way to the report delivered by Enver Hoxha, First Secre- munist Party of China, the Workers Party of sources of revisionism, fighting against bureau- tary the Central Committee of the P.L.A. Korea, the C.P. of Burma, the C.P. of Thailand, of cratism, technocratism, intellectualism, separa- ( Report on the Activity of the C.C. of the P. L.A.) and others. All the greetings and messages re- tion f rom the masses lt has taught the commu- This was followed by the second item, Report ceived thunderous applause. nists and officials to always be servants of the of the Central Control and Auditing Commis- people and to go where the work was hardest. sion, delivered by its chairman, lbrahim Sina. FROM CHINESE PARTY GREETINGS The Party was the first to expose Yugoslav re- challenge After a discussion on the two reports by the The message from the C.C. of the Chinese visionisrn, and among the first to members of the Congress, in which 39 delegates C.P. was greeted with special enthusiasm. lt Khrushchov revisionism. We have withstood bargained with took part, both reports were adopted unani- praised the P.L.A. for its resolute struggle fierce blockades, but have never mously. Then the third item was taken up, the against imperialism, revisionism, and reaction, principle. We will never separate our socialist Report on the Fifth Five-Year Plan (1 97 1-1 975), for its support of oppressed people and nations construction f rom the fight against imperialism, delivered by Mehmet Shehu, Chairman of the and genuine Marxist-Leninist parties. "You have revisionism, reaction, and colonialism. Council of Ministers. After a total of 25 dele- made important contributions t0 the world 0n Nov.