E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 5 No 1 ISSN 2281-3993 MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy March 2016 Women Rights and Gender Equality as Per Albanian law Evelina Qirjako, Ph.D. Candidate Member of Supreme Court;
[email protected] Doi:10.5901/ajis.2016.v5n1p195 Abstract Following the integration process with European Union, Albania has an obligation to progress on gender equality area. In this regard, Albania should develop a comprehensive legal framework and establish effective mechanisms to address and overcome gender inequalities, as well as efficient tools and concrete results for prevention of gender based violence, rehabilitation and integration of its victims, and concrete results for advancement of women rights in all sectors of life. This article provides an overview of albanian legislation on gender equality, and relevant reccomandations for intensification of institutional steps to achieve gender equality in Albania. Keywords: gender equality; women rights; gender based violence; referal mechanism; gender discrimination; national authority for gender equality; 1. Introduction Gender Equality (equality between men and women) constitutes substantial part of human rights. The Constitution as the fundamental law of ALBANIA, provides for the principle of equality for all citizens as guaranteed by law (Article 18.) Following this universal principle, men and women, being both subjects of the law, are legally treated equally, and have equal rights and obligations, but in real life the equality is not achieved. Gender equality may achieved when as a result of application of the law men and women have same gains and responsibilities. Gender roles impact crucial personal decisions: on education, on career development, on working potentials, on family and on fertility.