New Albania" Nr

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New Albania r IN GERMAN In line with a decision by the Central Committee of the Com­ munist Party of Germany (M. L.) a book has been publi­ shed with excerpts from volume 19 of the works of Comrade Enver Hoxha. The book bears the title -THE STRUGGLE OF THE PARTY OF LABOUR OF ALBANIA AGAINST KHRU- SHCHEVITE REVISIONISM-. It is published by the «ROTER MORGEN- Enterprize, Dort­ EXCERPTS mund, 1976. FROM VOLUME 19 IN GREEK A book in the Greek language has recently been put into cir­ OF THE WORKS culation under the title -ALBA­ NIA IN CONFRONTATION WITH KHRUSHCHEVITE RE­ OF COMRADE VISIONISM-, with excerpts from volume 19 of the works of Comrade Enver Hoxha. Publi­ cation -P oria-, July 1976, ENVER HOXHA Athens. ARE PUBLISHED IN VARIOUS ENVER HOXHA IN PORTUGUESE Under the auspices of the COUNTRIES OF Central Committee of the Por­ tuguese Communist Party (Re­ constructed), a book in the Por­ tuguese language has been pu­ THE WORLD blished under the title: -The Struggle of the Party of Labour of Albania against Khrushche- vite Revisionism- with excerpts from volume 19 of the works A UITA DO RARTBO DO TRABAIHO DA ALBANIA of comrade Enver Hoxha. CONTRA 0 REVISIONISMO KRUCHOVIANO It is published by the «Ba- ndeira Verm elha-. Lisbon 1976. OBK AS Volume 19 IN FRENCH The publishing House -Nou­ veau Bureau d’Edition, Paris- published a book under the title -Enver Hoxha. The Great Di­ vergence, 1960. The Party of Labour of Albania in Con­ frontation with Khrushchevite Revisionism-. The book contains 43 excerpts from volume 19 of the works of Comrade Enver Hoxha. The book has 309 pages, has a handsome lay out, and con­ tains explanatory notes for fo­ reign readers. V THE THIRTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE PARTY OF LABOUR OF ALBANIA All our people are celebrating the 35th an­ brought about in the political, economic, so­ tive, by methods of persuasion and compul­ niversary of the founding of the Communist cial and cultural fields of the country, great sion. In the process of this fierce struggle, the Party (now the Party of Labour) of Albania. victories of vital importance were achieved Party of Labour of Albania has maintained The Communist Party of Albania was which put an end to oppression and exploita­ the keenest vigilence and has mercilessly founded in Tirana on November 8, 1941, as a tion and ensured the uninterrupted and rapid unmasked all the enemies of the dictatorship result of the merging of the communist groups development of the country on the road to of the proletariat, all their open and secret which existed up to that time. Its organizer socialism. In all its activity the Party of La­ attempts from abroad or from within, at­ and founder is comrade Enver Hoxha. bour of Albania has always been guided only tempts which have aimed at liquidating the The creation of the Party marked a turning by Marxism-Leninism. Loyalty to Marxism- People’s State Power, either through armed point in the destiny of the Albanian people. -Leninism is the source of its inexhaustible counter-revolution or through «peaceful» re­ From this time onward our working class strength, its wisdom and farsightedness, of visionist counter-revolution. The experience and the other working masses had their own its courage and determination to surmount of the Party of Labour of Albania has shown leading staff, their own reliable compass the difficulties and obstacles and to forge that if one takes a firm Marxist-Leninist which would guide them in their struggle for ahead with unwavering confidence. It has stand, once the dictatorship of the proleta­ national and social liberation. The Party was succeeded in solving the great problems riat has been established, it is entirely possible born in the upsurge of the popular anti-fas­ which have faced it because it has relied to keep it permanently pure, free of distor­ cist movement of the Albanian people during firmly on the people, because it has inherited tion, and unshakeable, while constantly de­ the Second World War as a necessity which and carried forward the patriotic and revolu­ veloping and perfecting it. The Party of La­ the objective circumstances demanded. tionary traditions of the people. Both in the bour of Albania and its leader, comrade From the moment of its founding the Party National-liberation War and during socialist Enver Hoxha, have waged and continue to undertook the great historic mission of uni­ construction, the Party of Labour of Albania wage a constant battle against bureaucratic ting, organizing and leading the masses in brought out and raised to a high level the distortions which, as is well known, serve as the liberation war to throw off the yoke of lofty moral attributes of the people, their one of the main bases of revisionist and foreign occupation, From the very beginning it vitality as a nation, and turned them into a bourgeois degeneration. While waging a fier­ undertook the task of guiding the masses in great driving force. Their love for their coun­ ce struggle to the end against Khrushchevite the fight to smash all the shackles which had try was organically linked with love for and revisionism, the Party of Labour drew lessons kept the Albanian people for centuries in loyalty to the People’s State Power, to so­ and took tangible measures to block all roads bondage, to wipe out the backwardness and cialism. to revisionism in Albania, in order to keep ignorance into which the barbarous foreign Enlightened by the teachings of Marxism- the State power of the working class intact and internal rulers had plunged the country, -Leninism and relying firmly on the people and constantly strengthen it. The measures to fulfil the age-old dreams of the oppressed who gave birth to it and raised it, the Party which have been taken to uproot dangerous and exploited masses, the dreams of the Al­ of Labour of Albania has always been able bureaucratic concepts and practices, placing banian patriots, progressive-thinkers and re­ to work out and apply a correct general line the State apparatus under the constant, ef­ volutionaries. In its very first document it and find its bearings in any situation. It has fective and direct supervision of the broad stated that it was a Party of action, a Party always honourably discharged its obligations masses of the people implementing worker’s of revolutionary struggle. Its strength lay in towards the working class and its own people control over everything and everybody, abo­ its links with the masses and in the ideal it as 'well as towards the international com­ lishing big differences in pay, putting rela­ was striving for. It had only two hundred munist and workers’movement. Under the tions between cadres and masses on the right communists when it was founded, but with leadership of the Party of Labour of Albania, basis, the work of cadres in production, soli­ their communist ideas, they aroused a whole in Albania fundamental problems have been citing the opinion of the workers on major people, leading them in the National-libera­ solved, such as the elimination of any politi­ problems of the Party and State — all of these tion War, the most glorious and triumphant cal and economic dependence on foreign constitute a sound guarantee that the dicta­ war the Albanian people have ever waged. imperialist powers; the uninterrupted deve­ torship of the proletariat in Albania will ne­ The Albanian Communist Party succeeded in lopment of the people’s revolution; the crea­ ver degenerate into a revisionist-bourgeois becoming the sole leading force of the people tion of the alliance of the working class with anti-popular dictatorship. in the struggle for national independence and the working peasantry; the establishment and The Party of Labor of Albania, in its capa­ social emancipation. continuous perfecting of the State Power of city as the leader of our State of the prole­ The outstanding merit of the Party of La­ the People’s Democracy as a form of the tarian dictatorship, has always pursued an bour of Albania is that it closely linked and dictatorship of the proletariat; the abolition open and principled foreign policy, a policy merged into a single whole the struggle for of the exploitation of man by man, as well as based on Marxist-Leninist principles. It ho- national liberation and the struggle to smash the liquidation as classes, of the large estate nourabley performs its duty in support of the the old, antipopular and reactionary State holders and the bourgeoisie; the elimination peoples in their struggle for freedom and Power, to set up the People’s State Power. of the age-old economic, social, cultural and independence, and against the interference, The Party never allowed the bourgeoisie and technical backwardness of the country, the domination or attempts for hegemony of the large estate owners to deprive the people of continuation of rapid socialist industrializa­ two imperialist super-Powers, the USA and the power they had acquired at the cost of so tion; the collectivization of agriculture; the the Soviet social imperialists. Through its much bloodshed. With the greatest determi­ revolutionary education of the workers im­ principled and consistent stand, its uniyiel- nation it blocked the way to the intervention buing them with the scientific Marxist-Leni- ding struggle from Marxist-Leninist posi­ of the Anglo-American imperialists in the in­ nist world outlook, the strengthening of the tions, the Party of Labour of Albania has ternal affairs of our country. Because of this defence potential of the socialist homeland. won the sympathy and solidarity of millions consistent line, immediately after the libera­ The entire history of the Party of Labour of working people as well as of the revolutio­ tion of the country, there was only one state of Albania, all its activity, both during the nary movements all over the world and has power in existence in Albania, the power of National-liberation War as well as during the raised high the name of socialist Albania.
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