EXTENSIONS of REMARKS February 22, 1973
5200 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 22, 1973 ORDER FOR RECOGNITION OF SEN be cousin, the junior Senator from West DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ATOR ROBERT C. BYRD ON MON Virginia (Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD)' for a James N. Gabriel, of Massachusetts, to be DAY period of not to exceed 15 minutes; to be U.S. attorney for the district of Massachu Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD. I ask unani followed by a period for the transaction setts for the term of 4 years, vice Joseph L. mous consent that following the remarks of routine morning business of not to Tauro. exceed 30 minutes, with statements James F. Companion, of West Virginia, to of the distinguished senior Senator from be U.S. attorney for the northern district of Virginia (Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR.) on therein limited to 3 minutes, at the con West Virginia for the term of 4 years, vice Monday, his would-be cousin, Mr. RoB clusion of which the Senate will proceed Paul C. Camilletti, resigning. ERT C. BYRD, the junior Senator from to the consideration of House Joint Reso lution 345, the continuing resolution. IN THE MARINE CORPS West Virginia, the neighboring State just The following-named officers of the Marine over the mountains, be recognized for not I would anticipate that there would Corps for temporary appointment to the to exceed 15 minutes. likely be a rollcall vote--or rollcall grade of major general: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without votes--in connection with that resolu Kenneth J. HoughtonJames R. Jones objection, it is so ordered. tion, but as to whether or not the Senate Frank C.
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