PH ZL Moy 2Q 1966


&, torkers, Peasants and Soldiers Creatiuely $tudy and lpply ilao Tse-tung's Philosophical Thinking {^

Chinese Cammunist Youth leogue Will Not Send Delegotion to Soviet @ Komsomol Congress



. _\'; 4b- Muy 20, 1966 PEKING REYIEW Vol. 9, No. 21

Published in English, french, Spanish, Joponese ond Germon editions

THE WEEI( Communist Youth leogue Holds Plenory Session; Chinese, Rumonicn Lesders' Meet; Support {or Polestinion Arobs' Struggle; Guineon Donce Troupe dc- cioimed (p. 3)

ARTICI"ES AND DOCUMENTS Joint Stotement oI Chino ond Albonio (p. 5) Comrode 's Speech ot Forewell Bonquet (p. 13) ' Comrode Chou En-loi's Speech ot Comrode Shehu's Forerell Bonquet (p. 16) Historic Significonce Fenmit Ribao Editoriol (p. 1S) A Docunent of Greot - Ghinese Communist Youth Leogue Will Not Send Delegotion to Soriet l(om- somol Congress (p, 20)

Workers, Peossats . ond Soldiers Creotiraly Study cnd Apply Mco Tse-tung's Philosophicol Thinking (p. 21) , Tha -*White-Hcired Gid" - A New Revoltrtionory Eollet (p. 25) Evidence of U,S. lmperiolism's Wor Provocstion Connot Be Denied (p. 28) Chino's Nucleor Test lnspires the Oppressed Peoples in Their Struggle lor Uberotion! (p. 30) The True Renugode Feotures of Sholokhor - Tsoi Hui (p. 34) Foreign Ministry's Note to lndonesio: Chino to Send Ships to Receive Chinese Notioncls Who Desire to Return (p. 36)

lndonesion Recctionq!'ies Intensify Anti-Chino Activities (p. 38) Topsyturrry Logic - Renmin Ribao Commentotor (p. 39) A Woming to Thoi Reoctionories (p. 41) lndio's Slonders Connot Cover Up lts Intrusions lnto Chinese Territory b. azl

Published every Fridcy by PEKING REVIEW Poi l4lon Chuong, PeUng {37}" Chim ?ost OIfice Regktrolion No. 2-922 Coble Address: Peliag r8ll0 Printed in the Pmple's Republic of Chino


Communist Youth Leogue Holds Plenory Session

A COMMUNIQUE issued by the torch of revolution from one genera- tung's thinking. The Communist / r third plenary session of the Ninth tion to the next, therefore, first of Youth League must give top priority Central Committee of the Chinese all requires that the present younger to the creative study and application Communist Youth League was generation grow up as true succes- of Chairman Mao's writings. Mao published in Renmin Eibao on May sors to the proletarian revolutionary Tse-turng's thinking is the highest 4. The central theme discussed at the cause. The communique stated: "The peak of Marxism-Leninism in our session, whieh took place from April Party and Chairman Mao Tse-tung epoch, and the highest and most I to 20, was ways and means to put have taught us that the stmggle be- creative expression of Marxism- politics first and develop the move- tween the proletariat and the bour- Leninism. Mao Tse-tung's thinking ment to study Chairman Mao's writ- geoisie to win over the young people is not only a guide for China's ings in a stili better way so as to is an important part of the class revolution and construction: it is continuously promote the revolu- struggle throughor-rt the period of a powerful ideological weapon for tlonization of the nation's youth. soclalism. While the proletariat the proletariat of the r+'orld and Hu Ke-shih. member of the Secre- wants to educate and remould the all oppressed perples in ttreir fight tariat of the League's Central Com- young in aceordance u'ith its rvorld against imperialism, mo

May 20, 1966 part in this revolution, and that all Afro-Asian Solidarity sent a cable to perialist struggle of.the people of the young workers, peasants, soldiers Ahmed el Shukeiry, Chairman of the Arab countries-" and intellectuals should join in the Palestine .tiberation Organization, But the people of the Arab coun- struggle in order to distinguish rc'affirming. Chinese people's the tries.and the Palestinian Arabs could fragrant ftrou'ers from poisonous resolute support. for the.heroic strug- ncrt be deceived, Renmin Ribao said. weeds and to foster proletarian ide- gle of the people Falestine of against Not Iong ago, public opinion in the olog;' and eliminate bourgeois ide- U.S:-led imperialism and its tool of Arab countries had given a sharp re- olog5r. The session qalled on Com- aggression, Islael. munist Youth League organizations buff to the absurd allegation that The cable also expressed the set at all ievels, Leapue members and firnr sup- "Tashkent declaration" had port just an example the young people to raise still higher for the struggle'of the peo- for the Middie East. The ple Palestine Palestine the great red banner of Mao Tse- of for their return to Liberation Organization tung's thinking ahd to struggle for their homeland and restoration of had time and again declared that their, legiti4nate rights Palestins, armef road the great socialist cause. in .1tr11S_SlE was the only and for the just strugglq of the Arab ppoples against triple forces of Chinese, Rumonion Leoders .the aggression represented by U.S. im- Guineon Donce Troupe Meet perialism, West German militarism Zionism. Accloimed The Rumanian Palty and Govern- and ment Delegation led by Ernil Bod- fn an editoiial, Reilmin Ribao The Guinean National, Dance naras, 'Member- of the Executive declared that the Palestinian Arabs Troupe, 1'Djoliba," led by Sissoko Committee and of the Fermanent hdd every-right'to 'r.eturn to their Amadou and Kouy.ate Sori Kandia, Presidium .of '..the Central. Committee horneland. and" their .just struggle has made a big hit in Peking. o{ the Rumanian Conrmunist Party had won the sympathy and support Distinctively national in style and and . First Vice-Chairman of the of the Afro".Asian .people and other militant in spirit, the dances reflect Council of Ministers, arrirred in people of the world. the daily life of the Guinean people Peking on May 11 on its way home .noted and their aspilations fol progress. The paper that U.S. impe- after visiting the Democratic Repub- The Guinean artists also sang rialism, whigh rvas the principal Iic of Vietnam.' jAmong those rvel- popular Chinese songs to the warnr enemy of the Palestinian Arabs, had coming the delegation at the airport applause of the spectators among created Israel as one of its bases iri were Chen Yi and Li Hsien-nien, whom were Vice-Premier and the Middle East. Washington had Members o[ the Politica] Bureau of Madame Chen Yi. consistently aided and abetted Israel the Central Committee of the Chi- to menace the peace and security of Plemier Chou En-lai altended the nese Communisil Party and Vice- periormance. The same the Arab. counir.ies;, it said. April 29 Premiers. evening he met the leaders and i While That evening Chou En-lai, Vice- supporting lsrael in apply- members of the troupe and had a pressure people, Chairman of the Central Committee ing on the Arab friendty conversation with them. Washington also used softening-up of the C.P.C. and Premier, and Chen The Chinese.African People's' tactics, every means Yi and Li Hsien-nien met Emil Bod- trying by to Friendship Association gave a ban- bring the Arab a-"recon- naras and mernbers of the delegation. quel, on May B for the Guinean artists. Zionists Later, Chou En-iai and Chen f i gave ciliation" with the and an Vice-Premier Chen Yi and his wife acceptance status quo a banquet in honour of the Ruma- of the of Is- attended. nian cornrades. Both rael. that is, an acceptance of the Chou En-lai Speaking at the banquet, Vice- Emil Bodnaras proposed humiliating position of the victimized and toasts Premier Chen Yi congratulated the friendship Palestinian Arabs. to the between the Chi- visitors on their successful tour of nese and Rumanian Parties and Renmin Ribao added that the China. He recalled attending an ex- peoples. Soviet revisionist leadership was cellent performance by the "Dioliba" partner The next da.v, Chou En-lai and a in the U.S. impelialist troupe in Conakry last year rvhen he plan Emil Bodnaras held talks in a com- against the Arabs. Thb collu- visited Guinea. He expressed his joy radeJy and fliendly atmospher.e. sion of the Sovict revisionists with at meeting the Guinean artists agaih .Re- That evening, EmiI Bodnaras gave the Zionists was known to all in Peking. Chen Yi praised their journal a banquet for the Chinese leader.s. cently the Soviet Neto Times performance which reflected the Gui- openly advocated the application of nean people's fight for fleedom, The Rumanian their delegation teft the "Tashkent spit"it" to the settle- endeavourS in building a happy life Peking for horne May 13. ..Isr'ael-Arab on ment of the dispute.- and th.eir alti-imperialist stluggle. "This is a despicilble conspiracy o[ "Djoliba," he said, peaceful Support for Polestinion Arobs' the revisionist leadership of the . "is a river and the people living on its Struggle Soviet Union which rvorks hand in glove with the U.S. imperialists in banks are heroic people who have On the occasion of Palestine Day betraying the 'iriterests of the waged a valiant s!ryggle and finally (May 15), the Chinese Comn.r.ittee for Falestinian- Ambs and the anti=im- (Continued;-on p. 43;)

4 Pelcing Reuiew, No. 21 Joint Stotement of Chino ond Albonio

fhe two sides are determined to lurlher -slrengthen lheir"Iriendshlp and unity and resoluhly oppose U.$. imperialism and Souiet modern reuisionism

The two sides point out with greot sotisfoction thot the 'reyolutionory friendship be- tween Chino ond Abonio, forged by the Chinese Communist Porty heoded by Com- rode Moo Tse-tung ond the Atuoniln Porty of Lobour heoded by Comrod. Enr., Horho, hos witnessed o tremendous ond otl-round development. The two sides hotd thot throughout the historicol period of sociolist society, tlrere remoin in sociolist countries ctoss struggle, the siruggte between the rooi of so- ciolism ond the rood of copitotism ond the donger of the emergence of revisionism ond restorotion of copitolism. ln order to prevent the revisionists fronr grobbing Porty ond stote leodership ond restoring copitolism, ond in orrder b consolidote ond derclop sociolism ond ensure the future tsqnsition to communism, it is inperotire to persist in o Monist-[eninist rerolutionory line, uphold the dicUtonhip of the pro- letodot, corry the sociolist reuolution through to the end on tlre economic, politicol, militory ideologicol ond cuhurol-fronts, ond,koin ond bring up successors to the proletorion revolutionory csure who ore loyol to Morrism-leninism. The two sides point out thot Chino ond Alboniq odher! to proletorion interno- tionolism, resolutely oppose imperiolism ond oll reoctionories, firmly support the rev- olutionory struggles of oll oppressed peoples qnd notions, ond resolutely oppose greot-power chouvinism ond notionol egoism. The two sides point out thot the leoding group of the C.P.S.U. hcs olreody degener- oted into o group of renegodes from Morrism-Leninism ond occomptices of U.S. im- periolism. The recent 23rd Congress of the C.P.S.U. demonstrotes thot the generol line pursued by the leoding group of the C.P.S.U. remoins the rerisionist one for- muloted by it from the time of its ZNh to thot of its 22nd Congress. Morrist-Leninists of the whole world must step up their light ond follow up their rictories by corrying through to the end the struggle ogoinst modern revisionism whose centre is the leoding group of the C.P.S.U. The two sides stress thot the people of the world must form on internotionol united lront ogoinst U.S, imperiolism ond its lockeys, which is the broodest possible ond not norrowr ond the truest ond not shom, united front. Modern revisionism whose cen- tre is the leoding group of the C,P.S.U. hos long since been in teogue with U.S. imperiotism, set itsetf ogoinst the peopte of the whole world ond excluded itself lrom the onti-U.S. internotionol united front. The fight ogoinst impcriolism heoded by the United Stotes ond its lockeys ond the Iight ogoinst modern revisionism with the leoding group of the C.P.S.U. os its centre ore two inseporoble . Only by reso- lutely opposing modern revisionism with the leoding group of the C.P.S.U. os its centre will one win the fight ogoinst U.5. imperiolism.

A T the invitation of the Central Committee of the ple's Republic of Albania,. paid a friendly visit to the A Co*rnrnist Party of China and the Government People's Repubiic of China from April 26 to May 11, of the People's Republic of China, the Albanian Party 1966. and Governrnent Delegation headed by Comrade Mehrnet Shehu, Member of the Politicat Bureau of the During their stay in China, the Albanian Party Central Committee of the Albanian Party of Laboui and Government Delegation toured Peking, Shanghai, and Chairman of ttre Couneil of Ministers of the Peo- Ilarbin, Kunming and Hangchow, visited indust'rial

Mag 20, 1966 enterprises, people's corrrmunes and cultul'al institu- Comra-de Kang Sheng, Alternate Member of the tions, met people of various circles of China, acquainted Political Bureau of the Central Comrnittee of themselves rvith tire Chinese people's tremendous the Chinese Communist Party and Vice-Chair- achievements and highly rnil-itant spirit in socialist man of the Standing Cornmittee of the National construction and were everywhere accorded warm \ re}- People's Congress of the People's Republic"of come and most cordial and fraternal reception by the China, Chinese people. This was a vivid expression of the Comr.ade Polit- great friendship and fighting between the two Po I-po, Alternate Member of the '-rn;ty Bureau the Parties, the two countries and the two peoples. ical of the Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party and Vice-Premier Comrade Mao Tse-tung, Chairman of the Central of the State Council of the People's Republie Committee of the Chinese Comrnunist Part-'", met all of China, the comrades of the Albanian Party and Government Comrades Yeh Chien-ying and Wu Hsiu-chuan, Delegation and had most cordial conversations with Members of the Central Committee of the them. Chinese Communist Party, During the visit, talks were held between the Comrade Wang Ping-nan, Vice-Minister of Foreign Chinese Party and Government Delegation headed by Affairs of the People's Republic of China, Comrade Liu Shao-chi, Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee of the Chinese Comrnunist Party and Chair- Cqmrade Hsu Chien-kuo, Ambassador Extra- man of the People's Republic of China and Comrade ordinary and Plenipotenti*ry of the Peo- Chou En-lai, Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee ple's Republic of China to the People's Re- ol the Chinese Cornmunist Party and Premier of the public of Albania, and other comrades; State Council of the People's Republic of China, an.d the Albanian Party and Government Delegation headed b5r Comrade Mehmet Shehu on important issues con- cerning the present international situation and the On the Albanian side: international communist movement, on the experience Comrade Hysni Kapo, Member of the Political of the two countries in socialist revolution and socialist Bureau and Secretary of the Central Com- construction and on the question of ftrrther consolidat- mittee of the Albanian Party of Labour, ing and developing the unity, the friendship and the relations of mutual help and co-operation betlveen the Comrade Abdyl Kellezi, Member of the Central two Parties and the two countries. The talks proceoded Cornmittee of the Albanian Party of Labour in an atmosphere of the greatest sincerity and friend- and Chairman of the Albania-China Friend- ship. Both sides are completely at one in their stand ship Association, questions that were diseussed. and views on the Comrade Nesti Nase, Alternate Member of the Taking part in the talks were: Central Committee of the Albanian Party of Labour and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of Albania, On the Chinese side: Comrade Vasil Nathanaili, Ambassador Extra- Teh, Vice-Chairman Central Comrade Chu of the ordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Committee of the Chinese Commr-tnist Party Republic of Albania to the People's Republic the Standing Committee of and Chairman of of China, and other comrades. the National People\ Congress of the Peo- ple's.Republic of China, Ia the talks, the two sides point out r,r,ith great satisfaction that the revolutionary friendship between General Comrade Teng Hsiao-ping, Secretar-v of China and Albania, forged by the Chinese Communist the Central Comrnittee of the Chinese Com- Party headed by Comrade Mao Tse-tung and the Al- munist Party and Viee*Premier of the State banian Party of Labour headed by Comrade Enver Council of the People's Republic of China, Hoxha, has witnessed a tremendous and all-round Comrade Chen Yi, lVlember of the Political Bureau development in recent years. In the common struggle of the Central Committee of the Chinese Com- against imperialism headed by the United States, munist Party and Vice-Premier of the State against the reaetionaries of various countries and Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the against modern revisionism whose centre is the leading People's Republic of China, group of the C.P.S.U. as well as in the common strug- gle of their socialist revolution and soeialist construc. Comrades Li Fu-chun and Tan Chen-lin. Members tion, the Chinese and Albanian Parties, the t'*'o coun- of the Poiitical Bureau of the Central Com- tries and the two peoples have constantly strengfhened m.ittee of the Chinese Communist Party and their friendship, solidarity and sincere mutual help and Vice-Premiers of the State Council of the co-operaiion. The great friendship and fighting unity Feople's Republic of China, between the two Parties, the two countries and the

6 Peking Reoieu, No. 21 two peoples are based entirely on Marxism-Ler-rinism the imperialists, the revisionists and all reactionary and proletarian internationalism; they have stood all forces, bravely overcoming all kinds of difficulties and tests and are unbreakable. The steady consolidation persisting in a revolutionary line. Albania,s suecesss and growth of the friendship and unity between China and achievements in all fields of life are due to the and Albania are in the fundamental interests of the correct leadership of the Albanian Party of Labour two peoples and in the interests oI the international headed by Comrade , the beloved leader communist movement and the people of tl-re whole of the Albanian people. world. ?he two sides are determined to work for the further strengthening of the friendship and unity be- The Chinese side holds that the Albanian Partyz 6f tween the two Parties, the two countries and the turo Labour, holding high the revoiutionary banner of peoples and to support, assist, encourage and learn Marxism-Leninism in Europe, u'heLe imperialism and from each other and advance shoulder to shoulder in modern revisionism are putting up a death-bed strug- the struggle for the common cause. gie, illuminates the road of advance of the revolution- ary people. The European proletariat and the revolu- The Chinese side warmly acclaims the brilliant tionary people of the whole rvorld rtill for ever re- successes and tremendous achievements scored by the member socialist Albania's historie contributions. heroic Albanian people, pick in one hand and rille in the other, in socialist revolution and socialist construc- In the talks, the Chinese side expressed its sincere tion and in the struggle against imperialism and gratitude to the Albanian Party of Labour, the Govern- modern revisionism. It highly appraises the r,reasures ment of the People's Republic of Albania and the Al- for revolutionization recently adopted by the Albanian banian people for their inr:portant support to China Party of Labour and the Gorrernment of the Peopie's in her sociali-st revolution and socialist eonstruction Republic of Albania on the political, economic. mili- and in her stnrggle against impe.rialism, reaction and tary, eultural and other fronts. These measures testify rnodern revisionisrn. - to the Marxist-Leninist far-sightedrress of the Central Committee of the Albanian Party of Labour headed by No matter ',r'hat storms may arise in the world, Comrade Enver Hoxha, the rel-olutionary spirit of the the Communist Pariy of China, the Government of Albanian people in building socialism through self- the People's Republic of China and the Chinese peo- reliance and hard work and their unshakable deter- ple will resolutely stand by the Aibanian Party of Labour, mination to carry the socialist revolution through to the Government of the People's Republic of Albania and Albanian people the end. They are new brilliant examples of the crea- the who adhere to the tirre integration by the Albanian Party of Labour of line of fighting against imperialism headed by the the universal truth of lMarxism-Leninism with the con- United States, against modern ret:isionism 'w,hose cen- crete practice of AIbania. tre is the leading group of the C.P.S.U. and against all feactionaries, and will give them all possible suppcrt The Chinese side holds that these measures are of and assistance. great theoretical and practical significance and that they will not only give a great irnpetus to Albania's The Albanian side greatly rejoices at the briliiant socialist revolution and socialist construction but also successes achierred by the Chinese people in their so- enrich the experience of the dictatorship of the pr.oleta- cialist revolution and socialist construction. The vic- riat, thus exerting a far-reaching international in- tnry of the great Chinese revolution has shaken t"orld fluence. imperialism and colonialism to their foundation and br.ought about, a fundamental change in the balance The Chinese side holds that the Albanian Paliv of world forces, tipping it in favour of socialism. of Labour, the Government of the People's Republic of Albania and the Albanian people, holding high the Under the r,r,ise leadership of the Chinese Com- revolutionary banner of Marxism-Leninism and pl'o- munist Party and Chairman Mao Tse-tung, the brave letarian internationalism, have alrvays firmly opposed and industrious Chinese people, holding high the red imperialism headed by the United States and its banner of Mao Tse-tung's thought and adhering to a lackeys, consistently stood in the forefront of the correct Marxist-Leninist line, have faithfully follou,'ed struggle against modern revisionism whose eel'iile is the revolutionarlr- path of self-reliarrce, contirruousiy the leading group of the C.P.S.U. and made outstand- developed socialist agriculture as the foundation of the ing contributions in defending the purity of Marxism- national ecoilomy and socialist industry as its leading Leninism, in supporting and assisting the revolutionary facior, resolutely and unswerving)y combated' the struggles of all peoples and in safeguarding world bourgeois stand, viewpoints and ideas in the ideological peace. field, unfolded the three great revolutionary mcve- ments of cla-"s struggle, the struggle for production, The Chinese side hotcls that, in the strrrggle against experiment, and have achieved briiliant imperialism and modern revisionism, the Aibanian ::1"r."J;,rric Party of Labour, the People's Republic of Albania and the Albanian people have set for all Marxist-Leninists The Albanian Party of Labour, the Govelnment and revolutionary people a shining exarnt:le of fear- of the People's Republic of Albania and the e:itire lessiy withstanding the threats and hostile activities of Albanian people warmly congratulate the fraterrral

Mag 20, 1966 I

Chinese people, their Party and their Goveramenlt on they have rendered to the People's Republic of Albania the complete success sf China's third nuclear explo. both in the past and in the present. sion, which is a graphic evidence of the high level of The two sides exchanged the experience of the two science and technology and'the creative power of ihe countries in socialist revolution and socialist construe- great Chinese people, a most important positive factor tion. supporting all peoples opposing the nuclear monopoly, nuciear threats and joint schemes of the U.S. imperial- The tr,r,o sides point out that all Marxist-Leninists ists and the Khrushchov revisionists, as well as a must dra',v- an important. lesson from the Khrushchov powerful factor conducive to international peace. and revisionist clique's usurpation of Party and state leader- securify. ship in the Soviet lJnion, the land of the great October Revolution r,vith a history of several decades of so- The Albanian side holds l.hat unswerving the cialist construction, an event which has pushed the Marxist-Leninist policy pursued by th9 People's Re- Soviet Union onto the hoad of capitalist restoratiorL public of China in opposing imperialism, and above all U.S. imperialism, and waging a tit-for-tat struggle The trvo sides hold that throughout the historical against it, accords to the fullest extent *'ith th6 period of socialist society, there remain in socialist fundamental interests of the peoples of the socialist countries class struggle, the struggle between the road camp and with those of the anti-imperialist and anti- of socialism and the road of capitalism and the danger cnolonialist struggle of .all peoples fighting for freedorn, of the emergence of revisionism and the restoration of national independence, democracy, socialism and world capitalism. In order to prevent- the revisionists from peace. The Albanian people fully support the far- grabbing Party and state leadership and restoring cap- sighted, Marxist-Leninist and peace-loving foreign italism, and in order to consolidate and develop so- policy of the People's Republic of China. ciaiism and ensure the future iransition to communisnr, The Albanian side reiterates that by its unremitting it is imperative to persist in a Marxist-Leninist revolu- struggle in defence of the purity of Marxism-Leninism tionary line, uphold the dictatorship of the proletariat, and against modern revisionism, and above all against carry the socialist revolution through to the end on the the Soviet revisionist leading group, the Chinese Com- economic, political, military, ideological and cultural munist Party has been making most valuable contribu- fronts, and train and bring up successors to the proleta- tions to the international communist movement and the rian revolutionary cause who are loyal to. Marxism- working-class movement. Today, the Chinese Com- Leninism. munist Part5r is the main force in the struggie against Tl-re two sides hold that in socialist society there the modern revisionists who are agents of imperialism exist two types of social contradictions of different rvithin the communist movement; it is a strong cham- nature, namely, contradictions among the people and pion of the revolutionary struggle of all Communists eontradictions betrveen ourselves and the enemy, The of the world for the victory of socialism and commun- correct understanding and handling of these two types The Albanian Part"v of Labour the ism. fully supports of social contradictions have a vital bearing on the Marxist-Leninist stand taken Chinese Com- by the consolidation of the dictatorship of the proletariat and munist Party headed Comrade Mao Tse-tung by and the development of social-ist society. is determined, together with the Chinese Communist Party and the other Marxist-Leninist Parties, to carry The two sides hold that in to uphold and through to the end the struggle against modern revi- develop the socialist cause, socialist countries must sionism with the Khrushchov revisionists as its centre. constantly safeguard and strengthen the dictatorship of the proletariat led by the working class and based The Albanian side points out that the correct on the worker-peasant alliance. It is imperative to Marxist-Leninist line of the glorious Chinese Com- exercise dictatorship over the overthrown exploiting munist Party and Comrade Mao Tse-tung's great theory classes, reactionaries and all other enemies rvho resist and thought are the source of all the great successes socialist revolution and sabotage socialist constructron and achievements of the People's Republic of China in and at the same time to practise people's democracy socialist revolution and socialist construction and in among the workers; peasants, revolutionary intellec- the struggle to oppose imperialism, reaction and tuals and other labouring people in accordance with modern revisionism and to support and assist all the principle of democratic centralism. It is imperative oppressed peoples and nations. Comrade Mao Tse- to attach great importance to the constant consolida- tung's theory and thought are the creative integration tion and strengthening of national defence, the organ- of the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism with the ization and training of the broad masses militarily, and practice of the Chinese revolution and China's socialist the introduction of the system of turning every citizen construction, and are the further development of the into a soldier in addition to stepping up the building theory of Marxism-Leninism in the present age. of modernized regular forces so as to be read;r at all times The Albanian side expresses sincere gratitude to to smash any possible armed aggression by im- perialism the great Chinese people, the glorious Communist and its lackeys. Party of China and the Government of the people,s Re- The two sides hoid that in order to build socialism public of China for the fraternal internationalist aid successfully in our tr,vo countries, it is necessary to

8 Peking Reuieta, No. 21 ceaselessly develop the productive forces and attach regard, the Chinese Communist Party and the Albanian special importance to the development of agriculture Party of Labour have already adopted important meas- while developing industry. The two sides point out ures for revolutionization in the light of the concrete that our two socialist countries are following the policy conditions in their own countries and are resolved to of self-reliance in socialist construction. In the socialist continue to make their contributions- revolution and socialist construction, we are adhering The two sides point out that in foreign policy the to the mass line, closely relying on the masses and People's Republic of China and the People's Republic unfolding revolutionary mass movements. of Albania adhere to proletarian internationalism, reso- Historical experience shows that to carry out lutely oppose imperialism and aII reactionaries, firmly within the Party and among the masses education in support the revolutionary struggles of all oppressed peo- Marxism-Leninism, dialectical materialism and his- ples and nations, and resolutely oppose great-power torical materialism, and education in class struggle, the chauvinism and national egoism. The two sides hold revolutionary tradition and communism, to give prom- that the relations between the socialist countries should inence to proletarian politics and promote the rev- be based on the principles of independence, complete olutionization of people's thinking, are essential and equatity and proletarian internationelist mutual support fundamental conditions to ensure progress along the and assistance. road of socialism. Once people's political consciousness Both sides point out that the revolutionary people is raised, once the theory of Marxism-Leninism is a1l over the world are now locked in a fierce battle with grasped masses, powerful by the it will become a U.S. imperialism and its lackeys. The different world material force transforming society and the world. contradictions are becoming sharper and sharper. The Ttre two sides hold that it is necessary, by means whole world is in the process of great upheaval, great of uninterrupted revoJ.ution on the cultural front, to division and great reorganization. This is the inevitable thoroughly' eliminate the bourgeois stand and view- result of the deepening of the people's revolutionary points j.n all fields of culture, expand the ranks of struggles. intellectuals working class serving socialism, and The two sides point out that the peoples' national-

May 20, 1966 of historical development but will only stimulate more of Laos and firmly support the patriotic and just vigorous advance of the revolutionary struggle of the struggle of the Neo Lao Haksat and the Laotian people people of the world. against U.S. imperialism and its lackeys.

The two point out that the Vietnamese peo- The two sides strongly condemn U.S. imperialism ple's struggle against U.S. aggression and for national for instigating the Thai reactionaries and the south Viet- salvation now constitutes the focus of the anti-U.S. namese puppets to acts of aggression and provocation struggle of the people of the wor1d. In Vietnam, the against the Kingdom of Cambodia, firmly support the strategy of peopl.e's war is prevailing over the global Cambodian people in their just struggle against aggres- strategy of imperialism. The victories of the Vietnamese sion and in defence of territorial integrity and sover- people have exploded the myth of the invincibility of eignty, and support Cambodia's policy of peace and U.S. imperialism and once again proved that it is a neutrality. paper tiger, outwardly strong but inwardly weak. The Vietnamese people's struggle against U.S. aggression has The two sides firmly support the Korean people in effectively tied down and vreakened the aggressive forces their just struggle against the U.S. imperialist forcible of U.S. imperialism and greatly supported and helped occupation of south Korea and for the withdrawal of the revolutionary struggles of all other peoples. U.S. troops and the reunification of their country; they firmly support the Korean people's just stand against The two sides point out that, in order to save itself the "Japan-ROK Treaty." from its thorough defeat in Vietnam, U.S. imperialism is actively employing its counter-revolutlonary dual The two sides firmly support the Japanese people's tactics. On the one hand, it is accelerating the escalation heroic struggle against the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty of its war of aggression, attempting to spread it directly and the "Japan-ROK Treaty," for the dismantling of to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, to the whole U.S. military bases and against the stationing of U.S. of Indo-China and to China; on the other hand, it is nuclear submarines in Japan; they firmly support the vigorously peddling its "peace talks" fraud, vainly at- Japanese people's just struggle against the collusion of tempting to gain what it cannot win on the battlefield. Japanese monopoly capital with U.S. imperialism in reviving Japanese militarism. The two sides call on the people of the whole world to maintain sharp vigilance against the U.S. imperialist The two sides strongly condemn the fascist outrages plot of expanding its war of aggression against Vietnam, of the Indonesian Right-wing generals clique in usurping and ceaselessly and firmly to expose the "peace talks" the state power of Indonesia and massacring Indonesian tricks played by the imperialist U.S. Government with Communists and progressives; they strongly condemn the support of the Khrushchov revisionists. The two the Indonesian Right-wing forces for their barbarous sides reaffirm their resolute support for the four-point and frantic opposition to China and persecution of the stand of the Government of the Democratic Republic Chinese nationals. They express deep concern and firm of Vietnam and the five-part statement of the South support for the Indonesian Communists, revolutionary Vietnam National Front for Liberation. The United people and progressives who are persevering in struggle States must stop its aggression in the whole of Vietnam. under white terror. They express the firm conviction It must withdraw all its armed forces from southern that the Indonesian people with their glorious revolu- Vietnam. It must recognize the South Vietnam National tionary tradition will win final victory under the correct Eront for Liberation as the sole genuine representative leadership of the Indonesian Communist Party. of the people of southern Vietnam. The two sides pledge all-out support and assistance to the Vietnamese people The two sides firmly support the Pakistan people's in their just and heroic struggle to defeat U.S. imperial- just struggle in defence of national independence and ism, liberate the south, defend the north and thus to state sovereignty. They hold that the Kashmir ques- reunify their fatherland, tilI final victory. The two tion should be settled in accordance with the wishes sides point out that the attitude towards the struggle of the Kashmiri people. They reaffirm their support of the Vietnamese people constitutes a watershed be- for the Kashmiri people in their struggle for the right tween the anti-imperialist fighters and the accomplices to self-determination. of imperialism, between the supporters of the peoples' Both Iiberation struggle and its saboteurs, between the sides support the people of the Arab countries in their struggle to oppose imperialist fighters for revolution and the cause of socialism and aggression and oppression and to win and safeguard national indepen- the betrayers of revolution and socialism. It is impera- dence; they support the Arab people of palestine in tive to thoroughly expose the attitude of the Khrushchov their effort to recover their legitimate rights. revisionists, who claim to be friends and supporters of the Vietnamese people, but who actually work hand in The two sides firmly support the struggles of the glove with the U.S. imperialist aggressors, the murderers people of the Congo (Leopoldville), "Portuguese,, Guinea, of the Vietnamese people. Mozambique, Angola and Southern Rhod.esia.

The two sides strongly condemn U.S. imperialism The two sides firmly suppor.t the people of Guinea, for steadily extending its attacks on the liberated areas Mali, Tanzania and the Congo (Brazzaville) in their just

10 Peking Retsieu, No. 21 struggle against imperialist subversion and in defence imperialism is increasingly turning the United Nations of state sovereignty and independence. into a tool for pursuing its policy of aggression, and that the Soviet revisionist group, The trvo sides firmiy support the people of the leading in order to realize its fond dream of Dominican Republic, Peru, Colombia, Guatemala and world domination through Soviet-U.S. collaboration, Venezuela in their armed struggle for national libera- is increasingly making the United Nations place ticn. a for Soviet-U.S. political bargaining. The two sides hold that the domination of the United Nations by Both sides support the pecple of Asia, Africa and a few big powers must be ended and that the United Latin America in their just stluggle to oppose imperial- Nations must rectify its errors and undergo a thorough ism, colcnialism and neo-colonialism and to win and reorganization. safeguard national independence. Both sides point out that in the present international Both sides hold that the revival of West German communist movement the struggle of Marxisrn-Leninism revanchist militarism and the Bonn government's ex- against modern revisionism with the leading group of pansionist policy pose a serious menace to the peace the C.P.S.U. as its centre is developing victoriously. and security of Europe. Khrushchov's downfall was a great victory for all the Marxist-Leninists of the rvorld and marked the bank- The two sides strongly condemn U.S. imperialism ruptcy and fiasco of modern revisionism. for'its crime of vigorously fostering West German mili- tarism, attempting to give nuclear weapons to the West The trvo sides point out that the leading gr'oup German revanchists and aiding and abetting the West of the C.P.S.U. is carn'ing cn Khlushchov rer-isionism German militarists in their attempt to annex the Ger- rvithcut Khrushchov. It has gone farther than Khru- man Democratic Republic. The ts'o sides resolutell- shchcr in restoring capitaiisrn capirulating to U.S. im- oppose any betrayal of the interests of the Gerrnan Dem- perialism and practising splirrlsm and great-po\1-er chau- ocratic Republic. They reaffirm their support for the vinism tos-ards fraternal countries and Parties. It is German Democratic Republic in its just struggle against helping U.S. imperialism in its effort to extinguish the West German militarism and in defence of state sov- raging flames of the Vietnamese people's revolution. It ereignty, and they deem it necessary as soon as possible is working in eo-ordination with U.S. imperialism to to conclude a German peace treaty and, on this basis, form a ring of encirclement against China. In collusion to settle the question of West Berlin. with U.S. imperialism, it is selling out the interests of the revolution of the peoples in Asia. Africa, Latin The two sides firmly support the American people's America needs U.S. struggle against the Johnson Administration's aggression and elsewhere. To cater to the of imperialism, in Vietnam; they firmly support the American Ne.groes' it convened the Moscow Meeting o{ March struggle against racial discrimination and for freedom 1965 openly spiitting the international communist mor;e- and equal rights. rnent. trt has supported turncoats of a1l descriptions in sabotaging and intimidating fraternal Marxist-Leninist Bcth sides support the working class and other Parties and re'u,olutionary groups in various countries. labouring people of the capitalist countries in Western The leading gloup of the C.P.S.U. has already degen- Europe, Ncrth America and Oceania in their struggle erated into a grcup of renegades from Marxism-Lenin- against U.S. imperialism and domestic monopoly capital ism and accomplices of U.S. imperialism. and for state sovereignty, better living conditions. demo- cratic rights and social progress. The two sides point out that the recent 23rd Con' gress of the C.F.S.U. demonstrates that the general line The two sides point out that the deal on the "pre- pursued by the leading group of the C.P.S.U. remains vention of nuclear proliferation," which the Ur-rited the levisionist one formulated by it from the time of its States and the Soviet Union are now making at the 20th io that of its 22nd Congress. At the latest Congt'ess, Geneva Disarmament Conference, is a great conspiracy it energetically employed dual tactics. evaded ali im- to consolidate their nuclear monopoly and deprive other por-tant issues and covered up the va-r'ious ccntradictions. ccuntries of the right to develop nuclear weapons for This is an ir-rdication that the nen, leadelship of the self-defence. A1l peace-loving countries and peopies C.P.S.U. is stiil flabbier than Khrushchov. Beset with must resolutely oppose this conspiracy. The two sides all kinds of contradictions. the leading group of the reiterate that nuclear weapons must be completely pro- C.P.S.U. is at present in dire straits both at home and hibiteC and thoroughly destrcyed and that, first of all, abroad, and it is having an increasingiy hard time. the use of nuclear weapons must be banned. The A1- banian side reaffirms its full support for the proposal The two sides hold ti.rat Nlarxist-Leninists of the follow up of the Chinese Government for a summit conference of r'vhole u,orld must step up their fight and end the ali the countries of the rvcrld to discuss the question of their victcries by carrfing through to the centre is the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nu- struggle against mcdern t'evisicnisrn whose leading group C.P.S.U. and never allow it any clear weapons. of the respite. It is necessary to wage uncompromising and The two sides point out that, despite the opposition principled struggles against these renegades from Marx- of Albania and many other peace-loving countries, U.S. ism-Leninisnr and never to show them any flexibility;

M'a.g 20, 1966 L1 r

it is necessaiy to continue to exp.ose and criticize them must include al1 rcountries and people '"vho oppose U.S. f!rml.v and thoroughly and never to ''cease open polem- imperialist' aggression, control, inter-vention or bully- ics" with them; it is necessary to continue to give full ing. but in no circumstances must it include the lackeys slrpport to Marr

7' Peking Rdl);ew, No.'9!

I Cornrode Mehmet Shehu's Speech At Forewell Bsnquet

Follousing is a translation af the fult tert of the Party, Government and people. It encourages them to speech maile by Comracle hlehmet Shehu, Head. aJ th.e fight for the cause of sociaiist construction in Albania, Albanian Partg anil Gouernntent Delegation, at the 'for our common cause of comrnunism and for the cause farewell banquet giuen by him, in pekirtg on Mag of world peace. trYe will bring this great fliendship of 10,1966.-Ed. the Chinese people and their Party and leaders to our Party and our people. Dear Comrade Liu Shao-chi, The meetings and talks our Delegation held with Dear Comrade Chou En-Iai, the leading comrades of the Communist Party of China Dear Comrades and Esteemed Friends, and the Government of the People's Republic of China Ladies and Gentlemen, are unforgettable to us. Our talks rvere conducted between The visit of our Party and Government Delegation true comrades and brothers, between equal comrades-in-arms striving for to the People's Republic of China is coming to an end. the common aim and ideai. As in the past, rve are completel1. at one in ont' First of all, I feel it my duty to expr.ess. on behatf views on all questions we har.,e discussed. We have of the Albanian Party of Labour and Comrade Enver held discusrsions on the relations .betrveen our tu,o Par- Hoxha peo- and in the name of the Government of the ties and our 1wo countt'ies, on the soc.ialist constl.uclion ple's Republic of Albania, the entire Albanian people in our tvi,o countries, on the intelnational situation and and all the other comrades on the Delegation, our heart- the international communist movement. In pat'ticular'. gratitude to the great Chinese people, the glorious we have had fruitful exchange of cpinions on the ques- Chinese Communist Party and the Government of the tion of taking measures for preventing the emelgence People's Republic of China and to Comrade lVlao Tse- bf revisionism and the restoration of capitalism in our. tung, the great leader of the 700 mittion Chinese peopie t'uvo counlries. Our talks are characterized throughout and the great and devoted friend of the Albanian people, h,y identity of views and actions. The Joint Staten:ent for the rv&rrrltest and very brotherly reception accorded of Albania and China is an embodinrent of this un- us during our visit to your beautiful country. breakabie unity and constitutes one nicre in:portant We feel at home in your beautiful, vast, nrightv document for the constant stlen_g:hen:ng of the gl'cat and flourishing country. The- extremely u,arm, cordlal ftiendship and the revo!.rtionai"1- ila;ernal e-

May 20, 1966 IJ become an impregnable bastion of socialism, a bulwark ple. We saw that every worker, peasant, stuCent or of revolution and an insurmountable barrier to impe- fighter has in his mind implanted the idea of working, rialism and revisionism. studying, creating and fighting r-rot only for his own country but also for all other peoples. The reason is that China has all along been led by the giorious Communist Party. The Chinesd Communist Wherever we w,ent, we saw People's China's great Par tl' has always given brilliant leadership to the Chi- truth of putting' politics in command and giving prom- ne.e oeople because it is in possession of the imn-rortal inence to politics. During our visit in People's China, lierxist-Leninist ideas and the great thought and theo- we were affected by your revolutionary enthusiasrn, rres of Mao Tse-tung. Hence. glory goes to Comrade Mao joy, confidence in victory, tirelessness in work, deter- Tse-tung, who belongs not only to China but also to mination and ideological principle. We saw how Peo- Albania, .to the whole socialist camp, the entire inter- ple's China has become a great school for Marxism- national communist movement and the progressive man- Leninism, in which not only those of a higher educa- kind as a whole! Glorv for ever goes to Comrade Mao ti.onal and cuitural level are studying the great ideas Tse-tung and his great contributions! and teachings of Mao Tse-tung and of Marxism- Leninism, but all the u,orking masses, without excep- has deep impression on us. People's China left a tion, are studying them. This is the best example of country, the heroic Chinese people are plung- In -vcur mastery of these ideas by all the working masses and ing themselves an incomparable revolutionary zeal with their turning the great ideas of Marxism-Leninism into great revolutionary movements of class into the three material forces. This is the oniy road to ensure unin- struggle, struggle production and scientific ex- the for terrupted revolution, tempering of people's revolution- periment. ary consciousness, and training new people ready to The brilliant successes achieved by the Chinese sacrifice their very lives for the people and the great people in ideological education and material production cause of Marxism-Leninism, builders of socialism and and in giving play to the creative powers of the u,ork- communism and fight,ers for the world revolution. This ing masses have laid a most solid basis for neu, successes is the only road to for ever prevent the emergence of and for the futfilment of the great tasks under the modern revisionism or capitulation to imperialism. Third Five-Year Plan (1966-70). We greatll' rejoice over all these great achieve- We are fully convinced that the mass line. rvhich ments g.e have seen during the few, days of our stay is being so effectively implemented in People's China. in China. We regard these achievements as our own is pushing and will continue to push China's soc:alist achievements and are inspired by them. construction forward. It is the guarantee for still greater victories. The Tachai Brigade has become a banner for Our Delegation wishes to take this opportunity to socialist agriculture, the oil workers of Taching have sincerely congratulate the great Chinese people, the become a banner for China's socialist industry. New glorious Chinese Communist Party and the illustrious Tachais and new Tachings are now emerging in all Chinese scientists and scientific workers on the new parts of your country, and their banners fly all over and great victory of the explosion of their third nu- the vast land of China. This mass movement is irre- clear bomb yesterday. This is a very great victory not sistible, because it is a revolutionary movement; and only for People's China but also for the socialist camp it is revolutionary because it is guided by the great and mankind, because nuclear weapons in the hands thought and teachings of Con-rrade Mao Tse-tr-rng and of revolutionaries educated in lVlarxism-Leninism and the great principles of creative Marxism-Leninism. The Mao Tse-tung's thought are in the service of peace and socialism and throw into panic our enemy the U.S. momentum of this mass movement is more forceful - than the torrents of the Yangtse River, it is grander imperialists who are attempting to burn up the whole than the Pacific Ocean, it is more majestic than the world and bury socialism. Glory to the revolutionary Himaiayas, because the source of strength of this move- scientists of People's China! Glory to the powerful Lib- ment surpasses that of any other forces in the u'orld, eration Army of the great China! its because it has the science of Marxism-Leninism as The Albanian people and the Albanian Party of La- basis, because the labouring masses are the creators and bour are proud to stand side by side with People's China history. of material and spiritual wealth, the creators of on the road of socialist construction and in the great Wherever we went in your beautiful and glorious battle between Marxism-Leninism on the one hand and country, we saw the tremendous revolutionary enthu- imperialism and modern revisionism on the other. The siasm and passionate creative labour of the great Chi- People's Republic of Albania is situated in the south- nese people in building socialism. We saw the iron western part of the socialist camp. The people of our solidarity and unity between the Chinese people and country are working, constructing, studying and living the glorious Chinese Communist Party headed by Com- there "with pick in one hand and rifle in the other" Mao Tse-tung; we saw the determination, pre- because, geographically, they are encircled by imperial- paredness and invincible strength of the gre,at Chi- ism and revisionism. They have never yielded and will nese people in protecting their victorious and great never yield in future. "Rather die standing than live socialist country from the possible attack by any enemy; on their knees," they stint no sacrifices and are advanc- we saw the internationalist spirit of the Chinese peo- ing resolutely towards the peak of socialism- They have

14 Peking Reuiero, No. 21 never felt alone, because they have many loyal and of-the-road attitude of standing "neither on this side powerful friends like the People's Republic of China; nor on that side" cannot live long. In this struggle the people in the socialist countries and people the the polarization of various forces is inevitable. This is rvorld over are all their friends. The Albanian Party an objective lau' that is constantly at work independ- of Labour and the Albanian people will safeguard their ent of the rvill of anl-one lt'ho attempts to sit beiween gr'eat friendship with the fraternal Chinese people as two stools. the most pr,ecious thing, and will strive for the further tempering of this great friendship. Marxism-Leninism U.S. impelialism is ganging urp r,vith tire revi- is not restricted by geographical distance but lives in sionist Soviet leaders and o:her revisionists and with the hearts of the people. Therefore, our friendship the reactionaries of various countries in hatching all kinds plots, coups d'etat. that is based on Marxism-Leninism wiII bring happiness of engineering carrl,ing out to our two peoples, gladden all our friends and annoy schemes and setting traps in an all-out effolt to make revolution past. not our enemies. Our friendship, like Marxism-Leninism, recede. But, as in the thel' are abie to turn back the revoluiion that is su'eeping r,vill grorv for ever. tide of the world, to prevent the revolutionar5 storms in Asia, The Albanian Party of Labour attaches special im- Africa and Latin America, to stop the revolutionary portance to communist education so as to cultivate in actions of the international working class and to destroy our people a pure revolutionary consciousness, Our socialism, because the objective larvs of rvorld develop- Party has carefully studied the causes for the emer- ntent are propelling revolution forrvard anci pushing gence of revisionism in the Soviet Union and many imperialism and its offspring revisionism torr'ards other countries and Parties. It clearly knou,s the root- their inevitable doom. cause and reasons for the emergence of modern re- Look! Here is a vivid example which demonstrates visionism. Our Party is fully aware of them and has that imperialism is not as strong as it appears and that adopted and will continue to adopt, on the basis o{ it has no strength to put down the struggle of the Marxist-Leninist ideas and theory, all measures to world's people for freedom. This example is the legen- block the channels of the rise of modern revisionism dary heroism of the fraternal Vietnamese peopie and restoration of capitalism in Albania. We assure fighting against U.S. imperialist aggression. No maiter you, Chinese brothers and comrades-in-arms, that im- how many troops the enemies send and ho'rv many kinds perialism and modern revisionism will never be allowed of weapons they use and no matter lvhat plots the im- to succeed in the People's Republic of Albania, which perialists and the modern revisionists engineer for a is under the leadership of the Albanian Party of Labour 'lpeaceful" settlement of the Vietnam question, final and Comrade Enver Hoxha. The Albanian Party of victory will definitely belong to the \rietnamese peopie. Labour and the Albanian people regard it as their in- The Vietnamese people's freedom iies in the muzzles ternationalist duty to wage uncompromising struggles of their guns, and not at the negotiation table of L .S. against imperialism headed by the United States and imperialism. All peoples opposing U.S. imperialisrn are modern revisionism centred round the Khrushchov rrith the \::etnamese peopie. f-ne Aibanian petrpie leading ciique of the Soviet Union and to carr;- these regard. the struggle of the fraternal. Yiernarnese petrp.e struggles through to the end. as their orrn struggle. present. favourable At the international situation is The People's Republic of Albania fully supports freedom to the advance of mankind in the struggle for Comrade Chou En-Iai's four-point statement on China's rev- and along the road of revolution. Owing to the policy torvards the U.S.A, This statement bears out olutionary and anti-imperialist struggles of the people the correctness of the foreign poligy of People's China of all countries and the inherent contradictions of im- and her revolutionary stead{astnesi and firm strength perialism, the imperialist system has been irrevocably in opposing U.S. aggression and in defendiirg the peo- shaken to its very foundation. On the other hand, the ples and peacc. modern revisionists - the servants and collaborators of imperialism are also facing disasters. In spite of On the eve of our depallure from your country, people in- this, the people -and rerrolutionaries of all countries have we heartily wish the fraternal Chinese u,ork for the no reason to be off their guard. The enemy will never creasingly great successes in their noble glorious give up its position of its own accord. On the contrary, prosperity of their socialist motherland, in the and modern revis;.on- particularly in their dying days, the imperialists and common fight against imperialism defence of peace in Asia revisionists will put up death-bed struggles all the ism and in the struggle in more desperately and go in for adventures so as to and the worlcl. avoid their doom. Dear comrades and respected friends! Please allow me to you for attending this reception. The line of demarcation between the Marxist- thank Leninist front and the revisionist front has now been Let us raise our glasses and drink a toast intermediate drawn most distinctly. There can be no to the great and unbreakable friendship betu'een man's land" between these trvo fronts and zone or "no the peoples of Albania and China, these two ideologies that are locked in a life-and-death struggle. Historical experience proves that the middle- to the great and heroic Chinese people,

May 20, 7966 15 to the glorious Chinese Cornmunist Party and its to the Government of the People's Republic of great leader, dear Comrade Mao Tse-tung, esteemeci China and its Premier Comrade Chou En-Iai, friend of the Albanian people, to the health of Comrade Teng Hsiao-ping, Gen- to the fraternal People's Itepubiic of China and its eral Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Chairman Comrade Liu Shao-chi, to the health of the diplomatic envoys and their wives present at this banquet, to the Nationai People's Congress of the F-eo- ple's Republic of China and the Chairman of its Stand- to the health of everybody present here, and ing Committee Comrade Chu Teh, to the victory of Marxisrn-Leninism!

Comrode Chou En-lci's Speech ot Comrode Shehu's Fore!ryell Bonquet

Fallowing is a translation of the JuIl tert at Com- ships. Your visit has pushed to a new high the fighting taile Chou En-Lai's speech at the lvlay 10 fareutell unit5r which has long existed bet*,een us. ban4uet giaen by the Albanian Partg and Goaernment During the visit of your Delegation, our two sides Delegation headed bg Conrrade Meh,met Shehu. Ed. held sincere and cordial talks. We had a full exchange - of ideas and held completely identical views on the Ilear Conrrade Mehmet Shehu, major issues relating to the socialist revolution and socialist construction our two countries, the present Ilear Cornrade Hysni Kapo, of international situation and the international commu- Ilear Comrades of the Albanian Farty nist movement. and Government Delegation, We both hotd that it is inrperative to consolidate Comrades and Friends, and develop the dictatorship of the proletariat, carry It gives us great pleasure and honour to atlend the socialist revolution through to the end on the polit- this grand banquet today given by the Albanian Party ical, rnilitary, economic, ideological and cuitural floiris, and Government Delegation and gather together once dig up the roots of revisionism, ensule the complc'te more with Comrade Shehu, Comrade Kapo and all victory of the cause of socialism and create the condi- the oiher eomrades of the Delegation. Just now, Com- tions for the future transition to communism. rade Shehu has said many \ /ar-m and cordial words We both hold that it is imperative to carry through about our Party, our country and our people and spoken to the end the struggle against imperialism headed by very highly of our work. This eonstitutes a very great the United States and all reactionaries, and firrnly encouragement and support to us. For this, I extend support the national-liberation movement in Asia, Africa hearty thanks to you in the name of the Communist and Latin America and the revolutionary struggles of i I Party, the Government and the people of China. all peoples. During its stay in China. the Albanian Party and We both hold that it is imperative to carr5r through i Government Delegation toured some villages and cities to the end the stluggle against modern revisionism t- in both the northern and the southern parts of our rvhose centre is the leading gloup of the C.P.S.U. and country, visited industrial and mining enierprises. peo- constantly strengthen and expand the world ranks of ple's communes and cultural institutions, and came into Marxist-Leninists. extensive contact and had cordial meetings with the The Joint Statement of Clrina and Albania soon to broad masses of the working people and representatives be issued is a document of historic significance. It is a of ail rvalks of life in our country. You have acquainted new milestone in the annals of great friendship and us 'lvith the briiliant achievements and valuable ex- fraternal eo-operation between our two Parties and perience gained by the Albanian people in socialist rev- two eoun'cries. I am deeply convinced that our talks olution and socialist construction. The dauntless hero- wili not only greatly strengthen the friendship and ism and the spirit of uninterrupied revolution you have cc-operation between our two Parties, two countries demonstrated on the road of advance is an example for and two peoples and promote the further development the Chinese people to learn from. ol socialist revolution and socialist construction in our During these days of your visit, the Chinese people tw-o countries, but will also make an outstanding con- have been filled rvith bcundless, festive jovs. Wherever tribution to the cause of defending world peace and you went, the air vibrated with the great friendship pr.omoting human progress. between our two peoples. Such is the proletarian rev- Comrades and friends! Yesterday, our country olutionary friendship, the most precious of all friend- successfully condueted its third nuelear test. This is an

16 Pekirtg Reuiew, No. 27 irriportant contribution to the defence of China's security the world against imperialism and modern revisionism. and peace worid made by the Chinese people who, The fact that imperialism, modern revisionism and all hoiding high the great red banner of Mao Tse-tung,s reactionaries are making r?:ckless attacks on us precisely thought, have relied on their own efforts and worked shows that lve. have done the right thing and that hard to build a powerfr-rl country. Our sole purpose in truth is on our side. Their attempt to isolate China and. developing nuclear weapons is defence, and our ultimate Albania and so force us to change our poLicies is a sheer aim is the elimination of nuclear weapons. At the time day-dream. The people throughout the worlcl who are of the explosion of China,s first atom bomb, the Chinese for revolution are with us. We are not isolated, and Government already explained China,s fundamental never will be. It is imperialism, modern revisionism stand on the question of nuclear weapons and concretely and all reactionaries that are really isolated, because proposed the holding of a summit conference of all the they have set themselves against the people. Imperialism countries of the worki to discuss the complete prohibi- and all reactionaries are paper tigers. Taken together tion and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons. with modern revisionism, all of them remain paper Moreover, China has proposed to the United States that tigers. It is the people, and certainly not the handful the two countries undertake the obligation of not being of decadent reactionaries, who decide the course of the first to use nuclear weapons against each other. world historicaL development. But U.S. imperialism has rejected China,s proposal, con- tinued to deveiop and mass produce nuclear weapons of Let us hold stili higher the ever-victorious banner various kinds, further expanded its nuclear bases all oi Marxism-Leninism, the banner of opposing imperial- over the world, particuiarly those around Chlna, and ism headed by the United States and all reactionaries stepped up its nuclear blackmaii and threats against and the banner of opposing modern revisionism with Cl.rina and other peace-loving countries. In collusion the leading group of the C.P.S.U. as its centre. rally- the '*'ith U.S. imperialism. the revisionist leading group of revoiutionary people of the r*-hole world, advance brave- the Soviet Union is actively engineering a treat_v on the l;- and fight shoulder to shoulder for world peace, na- "prevention of nuclear proliferation', so as to maintain tional liberation, people's democracy and socialism, and their nuclear monopoly, intimidate the oppressed nations for a new world without imperiaiism, without capital- and peoples and realize its dream of world domination ism and without exploitation of man by man. through Soviet-U.S. collaboration. In these circum- Dear comrades! Your visit in our country has stances, China cannot but conduct necessary and limited successfully conciuded. On the .r. df your departur'e nuctrear tests to develop nuclear weapons. 'Ihe,success from our country, we once again request you to convey of China's third nuclear test is undoubtedl5r great a the Chinese people's fraternal greetings to the Albanian encouragement to the peoples who are fighting heroi- people and Comrade Mao Tse-tung's cordial regards cally for their own liberation. to Comrade Enver Hoxha, the beloved leader of the Alba- Elind faith in nuclear weapons is one of the main nian people and close friend of the Chinese people. characteristics of the Khrushchov revisionists. While Nowlproposeatoast succumbing to the nuclear blackmail of U.S. imperial- ism, they are trying to blackmail others rvith nuclear to the complete success of the visit of the Albanian weapons. They think that nuclear weapons in Party and Government Delegation, hand they can settle al1 world problems. This is an to the consolidation great utterly wrong idea. a reactionary idea. Like all oiher and development of the friendship between the Chinese and Albanian ParLies, new_ weapons in history, nuclear weapons cannot be the t'"vo eountries and the two peoples, monopolized. A1l reactionary forces are doomed to ex- tinction, whatever new weapons they wield. Nuclear to the victory of Marxism-Leninism, rvveapons can save neither U.S. imperialism nor the revi- to the giorious Albanian Party of Labour, sionist leading group of the Soviet Union. to the staunch People's Republic of Albania, China is developing nuclear weapons. but she ab- the heroic Albanian people, solutely will not piace blind faith in them. We will to never submii to the nuclear btackmail of anyone. nor io the health of ComraCe Hoxha. the beloved vr,ill we ever use nuclear weapons to blackmail others. leader of the A.lbanian people and close friend of the As '"1'e did on the previous tlvo occasions of nuclear Chinese people, testing, we declare again this time that at no time and to the health of Comrades Shehu and Kapo. out- in no circumstances will China be the first to use standing Party and state ieaders of Aibania, and aii nuclear \tr/eapons. We are deepl-"- convinced a that other comrades on the Alhranian Party and Government nuclear \ /ar can be prevented and nuclear- \\.eapons can Deiegation, be completely banned. provided that all the peace- lorring people and countries work together and persevere to the health of the diplomatic envoys and their in struggle. w-ives, and Comrades and friends! Excellent is the present to the health of all our comrades and friends situation of the struggle of the revolutionar.y people ot present here!

MaU 20, 1966 17 r


A lloeulrrent 0f Great Historic $ignificance

mHE Albanian Falty and Government Delegation ied and socialist construction and stresses the need to carry I by Comi'ade Mehmet Shehu, Member of the Folit- the socialist revolution through to the end. The joint ical Bureau of the Central Cornmittee of the Albanian statement is irnbued rvith the proletarian spirit of Partv of Labour and Chairman of the Council of Min- uriswerving and thoroughgoing revolution and inter- isters of the People's Republic of Albania, has suc- nationalism and embodies the common contribution of eessfully concluded its friendiy visit to Cirina. Together the Parties of the trvo countries in defending and rvith the fraternal Albanian people, the Chinese peo- enriching Marxism-Leninism. The rvhole document ple rvarmly hail the great success of the visit rvhich is glows rvith the brilliance of Marxist-Leninist ideas' It of historic significance. is a historic document of great theoretical and prac- tical signilicance. For more than two weeks, the envoys of the heroic Albanian people received the heartiest, warmest The international communist movement nor,v has and mcsi affectionate welcome on the grandest scale a history of more than a century. Facts have proved from the people of China. Throughout the length and that under the leadership of a Marxist-Leninist rev- breadth of the land. in the capital and all other pi.aces, olutionary Party and uniting with the broad masses a hciiday atrnospher-e prevailed n,herever the distin- of the labouring people, the proletariat can break the guished Albanian guests rveni. and. in the n-iidst of uni- chains of the old world. overthrou, the reactionai'y versal rejoicing. the jubilant crcrvds beat drums and ruie of the exploiting classes and take state ponrer into gcngs, sang and danced. Ear-th-shaking shouts of "Long its orvn hands. The international proletaliat has ac- live Sino-Albanian friendship." "Long ]ive Comracie cumulated rich experience in this respect. The victory Enver Hcxha" and "Long live Chairman Mao Tse-tung" of the f)etober Revolution, the victory of the Chinese reverberated to the skies. Such cheers have struck fear revolution, and the birth of a number of other socialist into the hearts of the enemy but tremendously en- countries are proof of this. Nevertheless, as is pointed out couraged our friends. It rvas not an ordinary visit. It in the joii-rt statement, systematic and all-sided experi- was a grand revieu, of the militant unity and revolu- ence on how to prevent revisionists from usurping the tionary friendship of the Parties and peoples of China Ioadership of the Party and the sla1e arrd les{oling and Albania, and a great demonstration against im- capitalism after the seizure of power by the proletariat, perialism, the reactionaries of all countries and modern on hovz to consolidate and develop the dictatorsl-rip of ret isionism. the proletariat and the socialist system, and on horv to ensure the gradual transition to communism is yet During the visit, the Party and government lead- to be summed up. The Khrushchov revisionist clique's ers of the trvo countries held the most sincere and usurpation of Party and state leadership and its taking friendi.v talks on irnpcriant issues concerning the present the Soviet Union on to the road of capitalist restora- inr.ernational situation and international communist tion are a serious lesson and warning to all socialist movement, on the experience of the tu'o countries in countries. It is now a historic task of great urgency socialist revolution and socialist construction and on and importance to solve this question in a serious and the question of further consolidating and developing thorough manner. the uniiy, the friendship and the relations of mutual It is the objective larv of social development that help and co-operation between the two Parties and throughout historical period socialist society, betrveen the trvo countries. The two sides are com- the of there remain in socialist countries the class struggle ple-rely at one in their stand and views on all the gues- between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, the strug- tions covered. The fruitful resuits find fuil expression gle between socialism of in their joint statement. the road of and the road capitalism, and the danger of the restoration of capi- The Jolnt Sino-Albanian Statement gives a pene- talism. After the proletariat has seized power, and has trating analysis of the present international situation carried out the socialist revolution in the orvnership and, holding high the banner of anti-U.S. imperialism, of means of production, it is necessary, while carrying it pledges firm support for the revolutionary str-r-rggle on the socialist revolution on the economic front, to of all peoples. It severely condemns the shameful be- carry through to the end the socialist revolution on trayal of the Soviet modern revisionists and elaborates the political, military, ideological and cultural fronts the fighting tasks faeed by all Marxist-Leninists and in order to uproot revisionism and ensure the com- revoiutionary people of the world. It generalizes the plete victory of the socialist cause, and in order to experience of the two countries in socialist revol,.rtion create conditions for the future transition to commu-

t8 Pelring Reoietn, No. 21 t t nism. In the joint statement, the Communist Party of international united front. The fight against China and the Party of Labour of Albania, basing them- ism headed by the United States and its lackeys and selves on the fundamental theories of Marxism-Lenin- the fight against rnodern revisionism rvith the leading ism, summed up the historicat experience of the dic- group of the C.P.S.U. as its centre are tlvo inseparable tatorship of the proletariat in their own and other tasks. Only by resclutely opposing modern revisionism countries, in particular the lesson of the Khrushchov u,ith the leading group of the C.P.S.U. as its ..centre revisionist clique's usurpation of the Party and state rv-ill one win the fight against U.S. ir-nperialism. leadership of the Soviet Union, and set forth a .series of important principles and measures for per- The struggle of the world i\Iarxist-Leninists against modern revisionism group severing in socialist revolution and socialist constr'uic- which has the leading of the tion. for consolidating and developing the dictatorship C.P.S.U. as its centre is forging ahead victoriously; the .,vas of the proletariat and the socia.List system, and for situation is excellent. The downfail of Khrushchov great preventing the restoration of capitalisn-r. To perserrere a victory for all Marxist-Leninists and marked in and carry out these principles and measures tvill the bankruptcy of modern revisionism and r,vas a big greatly enrich the experience of the dictatorship of defeat for it. After assuming power, the nerv leader- the proletariat, and thereby exercise a far-reaching in- -*hip of the C.P.S.U. have persisted in carrying out fluence on the entire international communist move- Khrushchovism without Khrushchsy. They are worse ment. than Khrushchov and have gone farther than him in restoring capitalism, capitulating to imperialism and The Parties of the two countries agree that the practising splittism and great-pou:er chauruinism towards w-ho1e rvorld is no.,v in a process of great upheaval, tl-re fraternal countries and Parties. The ieading group great division and great reorganization. Such phenom- a of the C.P.S.U. has already degenerated into a group enon is not terrible. It is exceilent. reflects a It of lenegades flom Marxism-Leninism and accomplices rieepening of the development of the revolutionary of U.S. imperialism. At the same time, the ieading group struggle of all peoples, particular in the national-demo- of the C.P.S.U. is still flabbier than Khrushchov, is in cratic revolutionary peoples struggle of the of Asia, a far tighter spot and is having an increasingly tough Africa and Latin America, and heralds inevitable the time. Marxist-Leninists of the world must unequivo- growth of a new, gr,eat and worldrvid,e anti-U.S. rev- caliy adhere to principle and draw a clear line of de- oiuticnary stor-m. marcation, politicaily, ideologically and organizationaily, The Parties of the two countries attach great im- between themselves and the rnodern revisionists who portance to the anti-imperialist revolutionary strug- have the leading group of the C.P.S.U. at their centre. gle in Asia, Africa and Latin America and give very It is out of the question to "cease open polemics" with high evaluation to the great victories won by the heroic them, to take any "united action" rvith them, or to Vietnamese people in their struggle against U.S. ag- allow them any respite. It is necessar5r to step up the gression and for national salvation. They u,,holeheart- fight and follon, up the victories b1- carrl-ing through edly condemn the heinous crimes comrnitted by the to the end the struggle against rrroCern revisionism U.S. imperialist aggressors in Vietr-rarn. expose the big '.r'hose centre is the leading group of the C.P.S.U. and fraud and big conspiracy of U.S. imperialism and its ne\-er to cease fighting before modern rer-isionism is accomplices over "peace taiks," and stand firm11' behind cornpletely defeated. the Vietnamese people rvho are waging a people's rvar The Albanian Party of Labour headed by Comrade thoroughly U.S- aggressor. to defeat the The Parties and Enver Hoxha is worthy of the name of a great, glorious peoples of China and Albania are determined to hold and correct Marxist-Leninist Party. The Aibanian peo- still higher the anti-U.S. banner, stand shoulder to ple are worthy of being called a her'oic people standing people, shoulder with the Vietnamese with all other Iearlessly erect in their fuII stature. They are not afraid peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America, with the of imperialism. of Khrushchov revisionisrrt, or of the peoples rvorkers of the wor']d and all oppressed and Yugoslav Tito group. They have no fear of ogres of nations, as promolers oppressed and fight unswervingly any kind. They are not scared by isolation. They are defiance of the u,'orld revolution and, in of all diffi- pr:epared to defy all difficulties and lhey dare to make culties and all r'isks, to carry through to the end the revolution, dare to struggle and dare to seize victory. stluggle against U.S. imperialism and its lackeys.. We should all Iearn from this example of indomitable, The trvo Parties hold that in the present situation fearless proletarian spirit. "Pick in one hand and rifle rvhich is favourable to revolution, in order to isolale in the other," they engage in arduous struggles and U.S. imperialism to the maximum extent and deal it stand everready. They neither fear the enenty's threats ihe heaviest blows, it is necessary for the world's peo- ncr believe in his "fine words," but ahvays maintain ple to form an international united fi'ont against U.S. a high degree of revoiutionary vigilance. They have imperialism and its lackeys. rvhich is the broadest pos- successfully defended the fruits of their revolution. sible and not narrow, and the truest and not sham, This stubborn fighting will corrrmands or-rr heartfelt united front. Modern revisionisrn rvhose centre is the adrniration. By leading the Albanian people in. the strug- leading group of the C.P.S.U. has long been in league gle against imperialism and modern revisionism the w'ith U.S. imperialism, set itself against the people of Albanian Party of Labour has made tremendous con- the rvhole world and excluded itself from the anti-U.S. tributions to the revolutionary cause of the people of

May 20, 1966 19 the world. Just as is pointed out by the joint state- a militant friendship and a great unity which is ever- ment, the Albanian Party, "holding high the revolu- lasting, noble and unbreakable. Our friendship and tionary banner of Marxism-Leninism in Europe, where unity is firmly built on the basis of Marxism-Leninism imperialism and modern revisionisnr are putting up a and proletarian internaiionalism, The relations be- death-bed struggle, illuminates the road of advance of tween us are a shining example for relations be- ihe revolutionary people. The European proietariat and tween fraternal Parties, fraternal countries and rht revolutionary people of the whole r,r'orld w,ill for f ra ternal peoples. Whatever the siorms and stresses erer remember socialist Albania's historic contribu- or the difficulties that may lie ahead in the course of tioris-" struggle for our common cause, the Chinese people will for ever unite with the Albanian people, and, with them, In their common struggle against U.S.-led im- support, encourage and learn from each other and perialism, reaction and modern revisionism which has march forward shoulder to shoulder. Our common cause the leading group of the C.P.S.U. as its centre and in is a great and just cause. Victory will certainly be the common cause of their socialist revolution and so- ours. cialist construction, the Chinese and Albanian Parties, the two countries and the two peoples have formed ("Renmin Ribao" editorial, Maa 15.)

Chinese Communist Youth Leogue Will Not Send Delegotion to Soviet Komsomol Congress

C.C.Y.L. Centrol Committee's reply to the Centrol Committee of the Soyiet Young Communist Leogue (Komsomol) points out thot the leqdership of the Soviet Komso- mol hos degeneroied into on instrument of the leoding group of the Communist Porty of Soviet Union for the qdvoncement of revisionism.

May 10, 1966 as an assistant to the great Marxist-Leninist Commu- nist Party must outright, clear-cut The Central Committee of the Komsomol of China, draw an line demarcation you. of the Soviet Union of between itself and Comrades, It is very obvious that the aim of your forthcom- ing Congress is to carry through the revisionist }ine of The Central Committee of the Communist Youth the 23rd Congress of the C.P.S.U. Acting under the League of China has received your dated March Ietter dictate of the leading group of the C.P.S.U., you are 30, inviting us to send a delegation to attend your 15th now engaged in a desperate, large-scale anti-China Congress. campaign. Your invitation to us is sent entirely with We must point out that the leadership of the ulterior motives. In these circumstances, we cannot Soviet Komsomol has, in recent years, degenerated into send a delegation to attend your 15th Congress. an instrument of the leading group of the C.P.S.U. for The broad masses of the Soviet youth and mem- the advancement of revisionism. Adhering to the bers of the Soviet Komsomol, who have a glorious general line of the leading group of the C.P.S.U. for revolutionary tradition, are for revolution and for Soviet-U.S. collaboration to dominate the world, you friendship '*,ith the Chinese youth and the Chinese have been pushing capitulationism and splittism in the people. As alu,ays. the young people of China will international youth movement and working against continue to q,ork for the safeguarding of the revolu- China, against communism, against the people, tionary friendship betrveen the Chinese and Soviet against revolution and against the youth organizations people and between the youth of the two countries which persist in anti-imperialism and in revolution. based on Marxism-Lbninism and proletarian interna- In order to meet the needs of the U.S. imperialist tionalism. We are convinced that the people and the policy of "peaceful evolution" and to serve the priv- youth of China and the Soviet Union, together with ileged Soviet bourgeois stratum, you have vigorously all revolutionary peoples and youth, will eventually been spreading among the Soviet youth a corrupt and s\4-eep awa;z all obstacles and unite, and march for- decadent bourgeois ideologicai .virus and way of life ward shoulder to shoulder in their cornmon struggle which paves the way for a capitalist restoration. You against U.S.-Ied imperialism, against modern revi- have betrayed the revolutionary orientation and rev- sionism whose centre is the leading group of the olutionary tradition of tire Soviet Komsomol, which w,as C.P.S.U.. and against all reactionaries. founded and nurtured by the great Lenin and Staiin. With greetings, Yoi; have betrayed the fundamental interests of the yor-rth and the people of the Soviet Union and of the The Central Committee of the whole world. The Communist Youth League of China, Communist Youth League of China

ZO Peking Review, No. 21 Workers, Peasants and $oldiers Greatiuely $tudy lnd ftpply ffiao Tse-tung's Philosophical Thinking - Using the l-aw o{ the Unity o{ Cpposifes Mony excellent essoys hove been written in recent yeors by workers, peosonts, soldiers ond revolutionory codres telling of tlreir experience in studying ond opply- ing in o creotive vroy the philosophicol thinking of Comrode Moo Tse-tung. Zhexue Yanjiu (Philosophical Reseorch), o mcgozine wiih o notionol circulotion which is published every other month, devoted the whole of its second issue in 1966 to se- lections from such writings. Under the heoding "One Hundred Exomples Illustroting the Lqw of the Unity of O'pposites," the journol printed 10O selections, oll throw- ing light, from different ongles, on this bosic lqw of moteriqlist diolectics, the low of the unity of opposites. lt olso corried o PreJace on the greot contribution to Morxist-Leninist diolectics mode by Comrode Moo Tse-tung. Peking Reuieiu hos selected' 19 of the 100 selections for publicotion in this ond subsequent issues together with the 12 editor's notes in thot issue of the journol. Ihe PreJace is printed below, with the first editor's note ond selections on the concept of "one divides into two." Ed. - Preface by THE EDITORIAL DEPAETLEIIT GF'IZHEXUE YANJIU,'

HE masses of workers, peasants and soldiers and affirmation and negation, etc., ai'e, in the last afialysis, revolutionary cadres are studyir-rg Chairman Mao's different expressions and extensions of this funda- works on an extensive scale while participating in the mental law the unity of opposites. - three great revolutionary movements of class struggle, The law of the transforrnation of quantiiy into production the struggle for and scientific experimer-it. quality and vice rrersa is the unity of opposites, of Their'creative Tse-tung's study and application of Mao quantity and quality'. quantitative change and qualita- thinking have yielded great and fruitful results. The tive change. in the development of things. The rnove- fact that large numbers of peopie are conscicusly using rnent and deveiopment of things invariably manifests the law of the unity of opposites to resolve conclete itseif in t\ro states: the state quantitatirre change problems in all kinds of t,ork has greatll.- promcted the of *-ith the contr-adictorl,- aspects a revolutionization of men's minds as rr,ell as their tu-o within a thing in '*-crk. state of. relative qualitative Mao Tse-tung's thinking, once it grips the broad rnasses, unity; and the state of becomes a stupendous force in transforming the wor1d. change, the dissolution of this unity, and the trans- formation of one thing into another. The struggle be- Comlade l\4ao Tse-tung has said: "The larv of con- trveen the two contradictory aspects within a thing tradiction in things, that is, the law of the unity of determines the continuous transition from quantitative opposites, is the basic law of materiaiist dialectics." change to qualitative change and from qualitative He al,so said: "The law of the unity of opposites is a change to quantitative change. fundamental law of the universe." Comrade h{ao Tse- tung has developed Lenin's idea concerning this law as The law of affirmation and negation is the unity the kernel of dialeetics. expounding the law of the unity of opposites, of affirmation and negation, in the devel- of opposites as the basic law of materialist dialectics, opment of things. The development of things is in- and disclosing the interconnections between this larv variably expressed as a process of affirmation nega- tion affirmation negation. The result- of the and the other laws of materialist dialectics. IIe has - - rnade a creative, all-round exposition of the content of struggle betv"'een the opposites, affirmation and nega- this law, thus bringing Marxist-Lenii-iist dialectics to a tion, is the dying out of the o1d and the growth of the new and higher stage. This is a great contribution by new, the development of a thing from a lower to a Comrade Mao Tse-tung to Marxist-Leninist philosophy. higher stage. The law of the unity of opposites is not parallel to, Other categories of materialist dialectics, such as or on ihe same level with. the other laws of materialist phenomena and essence, cause and effect, form and dialectics. The other lar.vs and categories of materialist content, the part and the whole, the particular and the dialectics, such as the iar.v of the transformation of general, possibility and reality, chance and necessit;,r, quantity into qurality and vice versa, and the law of freedom and necessity, etc., are all relationships of

Mcg 20, 1966 Z1 opposites in particular aspects of the process of the tung's thinking represents the highest peak of Marxism- development of things. Leninisnr in our time. We must sturdy it still better'. That is to say.'. the larv of the unity of opposites is We must studl' the revolutionar;r dialectics which he the controlling law rvhereas all the other laws and has deveioped. For us. Mao Tse-tung's thinking is an categories of materialist dialectics are expressions and invincible \veapon for correctly observing things, extensions of this law. In studving materialist dialec- studying problems, handling contradictions and waging tics, rve must first of all study this larv as Comrade struggles. We must more consciously make use of this A{ao Tse-tung teaches. Ali the other laws and cate- sharp weapon in our fight against modern revisionism, i gories of materialist dialectics are incomprehensible if dogrnatisn-r. metaphysics and scholasticism. I T divorced from the ]au, of the unity of opposites. Marxist dierlectics is not a dead philosophy confined Applying this law', Comrade Mao Tse-tung has dis- to the library. It is a living philosophy born of the closed and elucidated the contradictions in socialist revolutionarl.' struggle of the masses and in turn serv- society. He has taught us that u,e must learn to use ing that struggle. In studying this rerrolutionary dialec- this larv in observing and handling these contradictions; tics. ',ve must therefore pLlt great stress on its practical to be good at distinguishing contradictions anlong the application. peopie from contradictions betrreen the enernl- and our- The 100 n'ritings rve publish in this issue [of Philo- selves. and in handling both correctll-: to take class sophical Re'sealch] are taken fronr essay.s t-ritten by struggle and the struggle betu'een the socialist and the the s'olker. peasant and soldier masses and by ret'olu- capitalist roads as the key factor in all our work; and tionary cadres, essays written to show how their authors . to put proletarian politics first. We must follow creatively study and apply Comrade Mao Tse-tung's Comrade Mao Tse-tung's teachings more closely, never dialecticai thinking, solve problems and sum up work in forget the class struggle, always put politics in com- the light of the lalv of the unity of opposites. These mand and oppose eclecticism and unprincipled com- examples. presenting facts and comments, are vi\iid, promise. militant and convincing. They are radically different in Comrade Mao Tse-tung has comprehensively flavour from the philosophy of the library, from philo- advanced and developed Marxism-Leninism. Mao Tse- sophy that proceeds from abstraction to abstraction.

"One Divides lnto Two" Applies to All Things in the World

EDITOR'S NOTE: "One diuides into two" appli,es to "One diuides into" denotes a stand, a Dieu- all things in the usarld. Two, contradicLorg, ospects point and a method and in recent gears, the utorker, erist in euerything. When studying a question or yteasant, and soldier ??)osses ctnd reuolutionary cddres handli,ng any uork, ue ntust recognize its cantradic- haue used it in the course oJ their creatioe study and tions, analgse them and uork earnestlg to resolue them. application of Mao Tse-tung's philosophical thinking to Com.rade Mao Tse-tung has said that Marrist dialectics the class struggle, the struggle tor production and "teaches us primarilg horu to obserue and analyse the scientiiic e-tperirnent, to political and ideolagical uorlc, mouentent of opposites in diJferent things and, on the military training and, improving techniques, basis of such analysis, to irtdicate the methods for re- operating machines, farming, d,oing business, teaching, soloing contradictians." He has olso said.' "We must treating diseases and plaging ball games, i,n order to learn to take an all-round. tiew of things, seeing not remould thents:elues and do thei.r reuolutionary uork onlg the posititse side of things brLt also the negati.ue u,ell. The concept of "one dioides into ttoo" has side." The application of the concept of "one diuides gradually been mastered bg the broad masses of uork- i.nto ttoo" i,s for us a fundamental method in studying ers, peasants and soldiers, and by reuolutiondrq cadres; things. it has become the sharpest of weapons in their hands.

i The Fons Are Not All of One Fomily not been as these ex-Iandlords said. In the past, some Fans owned the bulk of the land in the village u'hile fN Hoyang County, Shensi Province, there is a village others had no land at all; some had been landiords and r called the Fan Family Swamp in which, with two others. hired farm hands; some had led a life of ex- exceptions, every household has the same family name travagance 'uvhile others starved to death. They n'right Fan. In 1962, some - ex-landlords there, capitalizing on have had common ancestors but their posterity had iong the clan idea stili persisting among some of the villagers, been divided into two, into landlords and rich peasants, tried to parre the r,vay for a come-back through sr-ich and poor and lower-middle peasants, In no sense were activities as the compilation of the "Fan Clan Ancestral these trvo groups "people of one family." Even in the Register." They argued that all the Fans had a common "Ancestral Register," sponsored by the landlords, people ancestry and so they r.r,,ere all of "one family." But the r.t ere divided into tu,o. Those rn ho had been officials facts brought to light by the former poor and lower- in the old society had their narles written in red; the middle peasants there showed that things had definitely names of those poor people who had been looked on as

22 Peking Reuiew, No. 21

i i ne'er-do-vtnells were not allog,ed to b,e entered in the In order to ensure a good crop by correctly com- main text their names were listed only in - the "sup- bining the fight against flood with preiautions against plements." drought. we suggested that members of our production People iu Fan Family Sr,rramp have been awakened brigade make a study of horv lve had battled against in the course of the class struggles in the village. They natural calamities in recent years and trv to dlscover have begun to break avi,,a;r from the old clan concept, the lau,'s governing these calamities. This is fine. The struggle classes the ba-sic between is They found that for man), --vears drought and flood contradiction in a class scciety. The chief distinction had often alternated, first one and then another and between men is a class distinction and not ,*,hether they vice versa. There is a local saying: "After a bad flood are Changs, Lis, Fans or Vtrangs. The Fans are divided there is bound to be a bad drought. and after a bed into tr,l-o, expioiter classes and the exploited; so are the cirought there is bound to be a bad flood." But, in Changs, Lis and Wangs. The same is true with the na- Nanliu, as in other parts of Shansi Province, more ca- tionalities. The Han people are divided into two and so lamities are caused by drought than by flood. So rvhen are the Tibetarrs, Chuangs, Uighurs and all the other fighting flood, we must take precautions against n'rinority nationalities. A11 nationaLities are divided into drought. We all finally agreed that the thing to do u,as exploiters and the exploited. The whole of China and to harrow well after the autumn ploughing. This was the w'hole world are likewise divided into two. On the done on the 1,020 tnu of cotton fields of our brigade one side are the imperialists, revisionists, and the reac- that autumn. We harrowed our alkaline soil two or tionaries of the various conntlies, and on the other side three times. In this way we succeeded in ensuring that are the people u,ho are oppressed and explcited. If u,e rve sowed at the proper tinre and that the seeds are to group people into one family, rve must see that sprouted rvell. we people of the working class, rve poor and los-er-mid- There rvas indeed a sei'ere drought in 1965, and rve dle peasants and the broad masses the rvorking peo- of r*'aged a resolute struggle against it. But at the same ple are genuinely one are one family of family. We of time w'e gave a lot of thought to the possibility of a sub- with the Chinese Communist Party ancl Chairman Mao, sequent flood. For instance, in tending the cotton, famil;y oppressed and and '*,e are of one with all. the sarv to it that manuring, pest control and pruning rvere people using the exploited the world over. Only by dsne as eally as possible to help early fruition and we acquire a cor- concept of "one divides into two" can earlier opening of the bolls. This would play a positivc of all men and in the world. rect understanding things role against both flood and drought. The result was published Zhongguo (by Yu Hsin-yen. Originally in that fields so cultivated yielded an average of 1.5 bolls 21, 1965, Notes the Qingnian (Chinese Youth), No. as on more per plant than others. The bolls were bigger and Ditsides Into Two.") Study oJ "One opened earlier, and produced longer fibres. We have also built 100 embankments on our wheat fields to improve the soil and water conservancy. Heovens One Must To Fight the In managing our land. rve have adopted a series of Understond How "One Divides measures including the follorving: periodic levelling of lnto Two" the fields. digging up the top soil to a depth not ex- ceeding 33 cm.. 6nd filling in earth to a depth of not lTtO farm means to deal u'ith the Lord of Heaven. more than 6.6 cm., using earth dug up to fill in de- I Drought and flood are his two notorious plays which pressions, and harrowing the new top soil immediately he often stages alternately. Fighting natural calamities is after it is spread. These measures are effective against mainly a fight against drought or flood, and in this re- flood and also ensure that in case of prolonged drought speci, the concept of "one divides into two" has proved we can still sow in time and get a full stand of seedlings. 1.o be our sharpest weapon. We shall always have the (Originally published in Renmin Ribao, January L6, initiative in our hands and stand on unassailable ground 1966, as t}ae Boundless Pouer of Dialectics if we remember to take precautions against drought and written by Chou Ming-shan when he was secretary while giving our main attention to fighting a flood, and of ihe Party branch of Nanliu Production Brigade, Nan- keeping the danger of flood in mind lvhile our efforts fan People's Commune, in Chianghsien County, Shansi are directed mainly against a drought. l Province.) In 1964 we got too much rain. Nearly 1,000 mm. for the year, or almost tlvice the average. There rn'ere Use the Concept of "One Divides lnto only seven fine days in October. In such circumstances lvhen it came to autumn ploughing, taking into con- Two" ond Be Alert for Gops in sideration the dampness of the earth at the time and a Our Work possible drought later, we suggested that the land be ploughed deep and given a thorough harrowing. But A S a result of a continuous series of innovations and some had other ideas. They said: "Since we've had 1\ tnu socialist labour emulation carripaign in the last too much rain and the soil is soaked, it is better not to few vears, big advances have been achieved in the pro- harrow the pioughed land. That will heip to break down duction of the trn'o open-hearth furnaces in our lvork- the soil and kili the pests." shop. But still from time to time gaps have appeared in ,, Mas 20, 1966 ,q the working of the two furnaces. Eor insta_nce, at one guide and try to find out where and why we lag behind tirrre, our No. 1 furnace, compared with the No. 2, was others and where and why others have got ahead of us, having shorter useful life between overhauls, consuming and follow this up with concrete measures to catch up more raw materials and taking longer to make a heat with them, we will then be able to turn the backward of steel. With No. 1 furnace clearly lagging behind No. into the advanced and the advanced into the more 2. rvhat should u,e of the No. 1 furnace do? Should r,ve advanced. (by Han Hsin-liang. Originally published in learn modestly from our more advanced comracles or JieJang Eiboo (Liberation Daily), December 18, 1964, as sho,-ild *'e be satisfied with the existing situation? We Shall We Look for Gaps or for "Common Points"?) chose the former attitude and method. We took a careful look at the work of our comrades of No. 2 and tried to learn from them modestly. We Doing Business in the Light of "One found that they did their work rvith greater revolu'Lion- Divides lnto Two" ary enthusiasm than we and made better use of gas. We realized that we should emulate their revolutionary day a shop assistant serves mahy customers. enthusiasm and master their advanced methods. After f,\VERY I]/In g"r,..ui, tn"y fall i"to i\\'o grcups, those who makc experiments with more than 300 heats of steel we finally a purchase and those who do not. Son-ie come in with the evolved a method of varying the proportion of gas used, definite purpose of buying something they need; they at different stages of the steel making process filling Lruy and leave the shop with the goods thel- had in mind. the furnace, melting, and refining the steel. This- method Some, dropping in casualiy, may Jind something to their soon enabled us not only to catch up with the No. 2 liking and on the spin of the moment decide to bu;r. furnace but to surpass it in economical use of materials others come in just to take a look around. In the past, and the time needed for each heat of steel. I took an absolute and static view of these different When they learnt of this, comrades on the No. 2 types of customers. Those who w'ele prepared to buy, furnace immediately came over to learn from us. With I thought, would buy if we could offer them the goods our help they soon mastered our new method. At the they wanted; while those rvho rvere not prepared to buy same time they passed on to us their experience in re- u,ou1d not buy no matter how I attended to then-r. Fail- pairing furnaces. Mutual help'and study"and the drhze ing to analyse them in the light of the concept of "one to overtake each other resulted in increasing the pro- divides into two," I used to give a warm reception to ductivity fur-naces. of our ts,o those who looked as if they intended to buy, but take a The tr*'o furnaces had notable achievements to their dilferent attitude towards those who r,vere merely taking credit in 1963. Compared with 1962, they shorred a 1{ a look at our counters. per cent increase in annual production; a l.i1 per oent Then a customer told me of an annoying experience increase in the ratio of standard quality steel ingots; a she had had at another shop. She had asked to see some 16 per cent increase in the average useful life of a shoes she thought of buying at a later time when she furnace betrveen overhauls and a 16-minute cut in the got her pay, but rvas given the answer: "I'11 show them time needed for each heat of steel. Marked economies to you if you really rvant them!" This led her to raise the u,ere effected in the consumption of iron and coal per question: Why do you shop assistants have a different ton of steel. attitude to those who buy and those rvha don't buy? We rvere able to achieve these successes mainly be- Couldn't a customer see the goods even if she did not in- cause educated by the Party, we had worked hard to tend to buy right away? Though this criticism rvas not ferret out the gaps in our work, and analyse and resolve directed at me, it gave me much food for thought. I think the contradictions discovered. Gaps in the u,.olk are we must apply the concept of "one divides into two" to contradictions. In the drive to compare tvith, learn all things and view our problerns dialectically. Custorn- from, and overtake the advanced and help those who ers w'ho do not make a purchase are also divided into lag behind, it is only by finding out first of all where tr,vo; their not buying is not absolute. For a customer, one lags behind others, that is, by discovering the dif- a lcok around today is for the purpose of buying ferences between one unit anC another, as well as be- tomorrow. For a shop assistant, this particular tleen one person and another, that one can determine customer has bought nothing today, but since ever),'one, whom one should in fact compare with, learn from and gets viewed collectively, his daily necessities - foods, catch up with, and u,hat measures should be taken to help clothes and other things* through the channel of shops, the less advanced. Only in this way can one correctly re* it may be said that there are no eustomers who do not solve contradictions and promote the transformation of buy. Viewed from our sales counters, she who does not things in the interests of the revolution. There are ahvays buy ihis time may buy next time; she who bu;rs this contradictions betg,een the advanced and the backward tirne may be the one rvho merely looked around Iast in production, betrveen various units and persons dif- tin-ie; she who does not buy now may come again to ferences in the amount of output, in the quality of- prod- buy sometime later. Viewed from the shop as a whole, ucts and in the an:ount of raw and other materials not buying at one counter does not mean not buying used and so on. But the important thing is: What is at another counter; not buying in our shop does not one's attitude towards these contradictions? If we take mean not buying at some other shops. With these the dialectical concept of "one divides into two" as our questions settled, I then ask myself how it could come

24 Peking Reoiew, No. 21

l about that I should have adopted different attitudes come back if you can't find anything better." Two towards customers who buy and those who do not. . I hottrs later she did come back, and this time asked me found that this was mainly because I used to look on to pick a case for her. She also expressed appreciation my work simply as a task to be done, and that the idea of our patience. This illustrates that if we treat all of wholehearted servioe to the people had not been custcmers, buyers or not, in the same \ ray, those who firmly implanted in my mind. buy nothing at the time will feel at home and have a good impression of us. This amounts creating Since then I have changed my way of working, and to conditions for them to come back again in the future. show the same warm attitude towards all customers, (by Fan Yu-chen. Originally published in Renmin Ribao, whether they are buying or not, For example, a January 16, 1966, as Contrad.ic- customer once came in to buy a leather suit '*,anting tions in Doing Business. Fan case. We had only three on display at the time but Yu-chen is a shop assistant none of these was to her liking. So we brought up in the Womenh and Children's another five from storage. After looking these over, Store in tanchow, Kansu Frov- she said she wanted to try some other shops. At this, I ince.) said: "A leather suit case will last you at least eight to ten years. So it's best to choose carefully. Please (To be continued.)

Product ol the Cultural Revolution The "White-Hoired Gi rl"- A New Revolutionory Bollet tfaHE White-Haired GitL, the Shanghai Dance School's it highlights and emphasizes the law of class struggle r new production, is a new product of the socialist that "wherever there is oppression, there is rasistance," cultural revolution, a good example of proletarian rev- as rn,ell as the truth that only armed struggle led tly olutionary innovation. Nightly performances since May the Communist Party will bring liberation to the Day at Peking's Tianqiao Theatre have been to capacity oppressed classes. In its eight seenes and a prologue audiences. Press coverage editorials, reviews, special and epilogue. it bi'ings the spirit of peasant revolution - led by the Party to the fore in characterization. articles, sketches and photographs - has been exceP tionally extensive and enthusiastic. For instance, in the opera, the heroine Hsi-erh's father commits suicide, after he a poor, debt-ridden attempt to remould Acclaimed as another successful peasant-is tricked and forced to- sign the deed turn- ballet in accordance with Mao Tse-tung's thinking and ing her over to the landlord. In the first scene of the make revolutionary, national, popular art form it a ballet, his hatred for the landlord knou's no bounds China, tlne White-Haired Girl is a bold advance by in when he finds he has been tricked and he is killed as young Shanghai school rn'as set a very troupe. Tlie he strikes at the landlord and his bullies with his 1960, has carried forward the up only in but it carrying pole. His death and the kidnapping of Hsi- initiative represented by the Peking ballet troupe's Eed erh enrage the peasants, and, counselled by an under- Detachment Women and produced second full- of a gror.rnC Party member (a new character introduced in length ballet that adapts the ciassical bailet to a modern the ba11et). Hsi-erh's betrothed aud other young men theme. The new ballet is based on the revolutionary understand that only organized armed revolt can opera of the same name that had its pre- well-known succeeC. Thel' go off to join the Eighth Route Army' miere in Yenan in 1944 and. with the liberation. came than in to be known and loved throughout China, first on the Hsi-erh too is a more forcelurl character slave in the landlord's stage and then as a film. the opera. Maltreated and a house, she is undaunted. When the landlord insults her, she slaps his face and hurls an altar tripod at him New Emphosis before making her escape into the mountains. Fighting The story of a poor peasant gir1, the original opera the elements and the evils of a comupt society, Hsi-erh's telis of the crimes of the landlord class in old China, hair turns *'hite but she is sustained by a burning the teruible oppression suifered by the former poor and desir-e to live and be avenged. When she meets the lou'er-middie peasants and their spirit of resistatrce. lancllord and his steu'ard in a deserted temple she The bailet version follows the opera fairly closely but attacks them ancl they flee in terror from this "appari-

MaTs 20, 1966 4J With this guidance, they began to examine more deeply their own at- titude to their art and to the masses. They had thought originaliy that they were serving the labouring masses if they perforn:ed baiiets such as Stuan Lake f(>r them and that it rvas uP to the latter to learn to enjo-v them. Nor,v enlightened, they reatize that if they perform r,vorks li.hich propagandize the lirciirridualism and humanism of the bourgeoisie ihey are, in fact, not really serving the masses but actually under- :::ir:ing the iCeclogical foundaiions of the socialist revolution and construc- tic::. Bu: hc'* io serve the peoPie with their iancir.rg? Cirairrnan Mao's teach- ings and ideas aisc gnicied them here prr-'blen:s as the use Ilsi-erh defies the landlor(I on such difficult of the cultural heritage and on the artists' approach to reality fr-om a tion." Meanu,hile the people's army has reached th.e materialist-dialectical standpoint. In a little over a village and called on the peasants to join the rev<-rlu- 1'ear, the l'oung teachers and str.rdents of the dance tionary str.uggle. Hsi-elh is found. The Party and the school achieved an as'ronishing success. New to almy lead her and the rest of the villagers to arrest b,allet though they were, they have produced a score the landlord and his underling and denounce them fr:r and dance compositions rvhich are effective and h,ave their crimes. Th,e opera ended here lt'ith the overthro{v a nai.ional si,yle. The danccrs mastet"ed great difficul- of these exploiters and oppi'essol's. The producel's of ties in cr eating auther-itic revolul. ic-'nary characters in the ballet, wishing to expl'ess the thought of carrl-ing ballet folm. Their experience corfirms that a revolu- on the revolution. have added an epilogue: Hsi-elh is tion in baliet needs in lhe first instance a revoiution gun seen marching off u,ith the revolutionary army. a in ideology. A deep iove f,cr the people and a rervolu- on her shoulder, to fight for the cause of the Iiberation ticnar-v deternrlnalicn to serve tiletrr rn,as decisive in the oppressed people. The ballet lauds the re.;olu- ol their advance. tionary spirit of the poor and lower-middle peasants led by the Chinese Cominunist Party. It is a clarion call encouraging the people to arm themselves with Weeding Through the Old to !.et the New Emerge Mao Tse-tung's thinking, to carry the revolution One of their basic problems rtas how to adapt the through to the end. foreign classical ballet form to lefle'ct the modcrn revolutionar.r, life Chinese p=ople. to sertre the Bollet Serues Sociolism o{ the socialist revoluticn and ccnstruction. This. in sum, they Fcstival 1964, teachers During the Spring of the t'ealized, rvas the problen-r of solving the contradiction students of the Shanghai Dance School went and beiween an old alt fcl'm and new revolutionary con- to perlorm lor the peasants and units of the Peopie's tent. Using the experience that had already been Liberation Army. They saw the enthusiastr-r with accumulated in China's modern theatre arts, the pro- u,hich the people greeted the nerv operas on modern reality and the need levolutionary tl.remes, and asked thet-nselves how they ciucers took as their starting point could bring classical ballei to selve the u,olkers and to make the characters true to life. Those classical peasants better. The success of the Red Detachntent of forms. techniques and movemen'us which could be used WonLen \ ras a big encouragement to them. They u'ere or adapted to express the new ideas, en-rotions and pariicularly attentive to the passage in Chairman Mao's sentiments, u,ere used. If they proved utterly intract- Talks at the Yenan Forunt an Literature and Art able. they v;ere discarded. rvhere he speal

26 Peking Reuieio, No. 21

t incorporating realistic mime and new movemer-rts, is based on the reality of her character and the situation. It is all cast in ]:aliet form. Soine have asked: If you start from revolutionary poiitical content and life won't this spoil the character- istics of classieal ballet? If one believes that ethereal, fairy-like poses and "charm" are the essence of ballet, then this may be said to be destro),ed. Without destroy- ing this it wili be impossibie to create a revolutionary style of baliet, to present the struggles, the ideals, the feelings and sentiments of the w-ori

The experience r:f t]ne W'h.ite-Haired. Girl confirms that a contempcrary revoltitionary therae can olfer rvide scope for using t1-re special advantages of ballet such as its pou-erful and su-eeping moy€men'.s. ieaps- and bounds, 1i-fts anC turns. and its basic forrns i.ike the solo and pos de deur, and the ensemble dancing of the corps de baVet. These are made more effective by successfuily absorbing traditional gestures and movements from the classical Chinese theatre. One of many examples is the way Hsi-erh's father uses traditional Peking opera ges- tures with excellent effect as he brings her a New Year present or at,tacks the landlord. An effective innovation is the incorporation of sing- ing with dancing. The effect is powerful. It is intermit- tent, stressing, expoundrng the content at moments of high tension. llne voices and words unfold the theme and sometirnes the thoughts and emotions of the char- aeters. This heips the audience follow the story and at The s'hite-haired girl - Ilsi-erb the same time, along rvith the music, inspires the danc- ers. The scene in the cave when Hsi-erh is rescued gives The ballet rras collectivell- choreoglaphed by teach- a fine exampie of this. The s-ords ''Chairman lvlao is the ers and students of the school. Besides hawing the con- the sun'' are sung as the red light of sun, the Party is stant advice of the Party, they benefited much from the dawn shines do-*-n into the cave. The song expresses concrete, clear and practical suggestions made by the rn'hat the dance cannot- They combine to produce a working people. They organized six forums where work- deep impression. er and peasant participants gave some 200 suggestions ranging from the theme to the music, the characteriza- The rnusic, played by a modern orchestra that in- tions, dancing, singing and stage settings. A great many cludes indigenous instruments, also helps to widen the cf ihem were accepted. appeal of the ballet. The comp,osers have incorporated a number of popular melc,dies of the time. They use In Peking, as in Shanghai, tire people have given the rnelody of The North Wind Blotos, the famous song high praise to the ballet. A peasant said: "This tells the from the op,era, as the leitmotif for Hsi-erh. Thus song story of us peasants. It says rvl-rat I lvant to say myself." and music coirr'bine to aid the success of this new at- A people's fighter rvrote: "Its militant sentiment ir-r- tempt to make classical bailet a revolutionary, national spires me." Many have s,aid: "Tl-ris is our own ballet" and popular art form in Chlna. and "It is a revolution in ballet, a revolutionary ballet." The success of the White-Haired. Girl is the fruit Approved by Working Peop[e of the efforis of artists u'ho have raised high the great The Whi,te-Haired Girl started as a short ballet and red banner of Mao Tse-tung's thinking, and who have has been revised scores of times in its progress to a fuil- put politics first and the I'esuit of the revolutionization Iength spectacle. Nlany rer;isions were made even after of their ideology. It is further proof that servir-rg the its premiere in Shanghai u,here it played to packed woikers, peasants and soldiers and socialism is the honses for 100 performances before coming to Peking. only correct road for Chinese culture and art.

Mag 20, 1966 27 Hsinhua Commentory Evidence of' U.S. Irmperiolism's Wor Proyocotion Csnnot Be Denied

r The debt of blood U.S. imperiolism owes to the Chinese people must be repoid! . Should the U.S. imperiolists dore to impose wor on us,. we witl cer- toinly toke them on right to the rery end. The U.S. oggressors will not be oble to escope the fote of beirqg riped out lock, stocl ond borrel.

May 12, five U.S- pirate aircraft intmded into Saigon. a spokesman of the aggressor forces flN -Ma- In U.S. \-, China's air space over the area northeast of said that U.S. aircraft "knocked dorvn a communist kwanrYunnan Province, and in a surprise attack, shot plane.'r But a while later. he declared that the na- down a Chinese plane on a training fiight. We now tionality of the plane was not knos'n and that the make public photographs showing the remains of the pilots did not see the markings on it. The U.S. military guided missiles and auxilialy fuel tanks jettisoned by spokesman said that the incident took place 105 miles the U.S. aircraft in the above-mentioned area while northwest of Hanoi and 25 to 30 miles south of the attacking the Chinese plane. In the face of these irre- Chinese border. Later, he placed the scene of the in- futable pieces of evidence, U,S. imperialism, try as it cident at a place 115 miles northwest of Hanoi and 50 may, cannot deny its crime of deliberately making itself miles from the Chinese border. They also told a the enemy ol the Chinese people and launching this fantastic tale that two missiles were fired by American grave war provocation against them. planes "over north Vietnam," and that apart from the For some time after this incident, the U.S. authori- one shot down, a second plane might have been hit, ties in Washington and Saigon did not dare to breaihe which could have remained in the air for tw'o or three a word of it. Only after China lodged a strong protest minutes and then crashed in China. These contradic- rvere they compelled to hastily come out into the open, tor;' lies, through u,hich the speakers have slapped making statements and concocting tales to deny aad themselves on the face, have clearly revealed the em- evade their responsibility for the crime. barrassment of the U.S. aggressors at being caught red- handed. U.S. officials in Washington, 'ivho had intended to remain behind the scenes and keep silent, found hor,r,ever that the tales made up by the U.S. military spokesmen in Saigon were riddled with discre- pancies and utterly unpresentable. They quickly came out wibh the statement that they had no evidence that Chinese aircrafi had been fly- ing from bases in China into Viet- nam. Both the White House and State Department spokesmen "rr,,ithheld comment" on the Chi- nese protest. They said that they would not say anything "to confirm or denl, the Chinese claim." After ali, facts are facts and cannot be denied. As abundant evidence is available, it is norv time for the Washington gentlernen to hang theil heads and admit their guilt. We can tell them thai the Evidence pira{e that U.S. aircraft usecl guiiled missiles to shoot fragments missiles used by dor'.-n a Chinese plane in training flight nortireast of Dlakwan in China's of tlie Iunnan Province: the remains of a "sidcwinder" air-to-air missile. the U.S. pirate planes in their sur-

Feking Reaieu, No. 2L prise attack on the Chinese trainer plane after they had intruded into China's ajr space, and the seven auxiliary fuel tanks jettisoned by them. have falien in the area nortl:east of Mak*,an, in the Chinese Frov- ince of Yunnan. The tanks bear tl-.e marks: "Mfd by Sargent-Fietcher Co. El }/Ionte, California." Dces this mean that the intru- sion took place "cver north Vietnam"? Is it ccnceivable that Chinese aircraft collld have carried the auxiliary fuel tanks of the U.S. Iighter planes into Chinese territory? It should be pointed out that this ser:ious war provocation against China by the Lr.S. imperialists is definitely not accidental. This incident has occurred at a time rvhen Washington is stepp!ng up ils effoi'ts to ex- pand r.r,ar the of aggression againsi Vietnam Evitlenee that U.S. pirate aircraft intruded into China's air and is shamelessl5' thleatening China rvith spaee: an auxiliary fucl iank jettisoned near Tangfaa8, 33 China's YunDatr rvar. Such a siiuation cannot but arouse a kiloruetres northeast of Makw'an in Province. high degree of vigilance among the Chinese people. During the last few days, U.S. President Johnson has successively called meetings oI Vietnam to China. Obviously. the provocative act of the Natior-ral Security Couneil, the supreme miliiary ' the U.S. aggressors is a part of the overall plan policy-making organ of the United States, to plot the of the United States to extend the war. further expansion of the aggressive rvar against Viet- In a statement on the U"S. imperialist plot to ex- naitr. U.S. pirate'planes have recently intensified their pand its aggressi'u,e war, a spokt'srnan of the Chinese reckless bombings of north Vietnam. The U.S. military M]nistry of National Defence has soler'nnly declared: authorities in Saigon announced that on the one day of The Chinese people and the Chinese People's Liberation May 12, U.S. aircraft made 135 raids on north Vietnam, Army have long been prepared. The debt in blood a daily total that greatly surpasses the past record. The ov;ed by U.S. imperialism to the Chinese people must U.S. press has disclosed that the U.S. military authori- be repaid. ties are preparing to put into effect "a rrrajor escalation We Chinese pecple mean what we say. Should the oi the to bomb Hanoi and Haiphong. For tl're .war," imperialists dare' impose war on us. u'e rtill past fortnight, Washington officials have repeatedly U.S. to certainiv take them on light to the t,er-'v end. Once the clamoured that "there is no sanctuary" in the aggres- v;ar breal:s out. it rr'ill have no boundaries. The L.:.S. sive rvar against Vietnam, so as to ereaie a climale of aggressors u-ill not be able to escape the fate of belng public opinion ready to accept the intr'usions of their r*'iped out lock, stock and balrel. pirate planes into China's air space and to carry out their plot to extend the U.S. aggressive war against (Mag 17, 1966.)

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Markings on an auxiliary fuel tank trelosrging to a U.S. F-4C tactieal fighter plane. Enlargement slrows the words "*IfrI by Sargent-Fletcher Co. El Monte, Ca.liforrlia," "Capacily 3?0 Gals," "Weight empty 294 lbs," etc.

May 2A, 19.66 29 I I i

Ch ino's N ucles r Test lnspires the Oppressed Peoples ln Their Struggle for Liberotion !

,TIHE nuclear explosion containing thermo-nuclear tionary liberation struggles of the peoples in Asia, I materiai which was successfully conducted b:r Africa and Latin America." China on Nlay t has had repercnssions throughout the rvorld. It has caused panic among the imperialists, U.S. The Albanian leaders also announce their support imperialists in particular, the modern revisionists and for China's stand on the question of nuclear arms all other rc.actionaries on earth. One feigned uncon- which, they affirm, is "an entirely correct stand and one principle, freedom cern. another simply kept his mouth shut, a third tried of in the interests of socialism, of and independence peoples." in every way to belittle the significance of the event of the I cooked up lies mud at China. . . . and a fourth to throrv Vietnam. Ho Chi Nlinh. Presicient of the Democratic But the broad masses ihe lt orld over, the overg'helming Republic of Vietnam. Truong Chinh, Chairman of the majoritl- of the s'orld's population. the revolutionaries Standing Committee of the D.R.V. National Assembly, r and progressives. iook the nerss in a c.ompletell- dit- and Pham Van Dong, Premier of the D.R.V. Govern- ferent s-ay- Ttrey q-elcomed tl.e erplosion qtth aII their ment. in their message to Chairman Mao Tse-tung, hearts, hailing the Chinese test as a support and great Chairman Liu Shao-chi, Chairman Chu Teh and Pre- inspiration to all progressive mankind. mier Chou En-lai, extended their r,r'armest congratula- tions. Pointing out that the successful test "will further strengthen the national defence potential of Greetings China and the forces defending rvorld peace," the Viet- narrrese leaders say that this success "constitutes a great stimulus to all nations now devoting themselves to the Tirana message of greetings Atbania. From came a fight against U.S. imperialist aggression, for inde- government signed by the Albanian Party and leaders pendence and freedom." Enver Hoxha, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Albanian Party of Labour; Haxhi Lleshi, Presi- In the name of all cadres and fighters of the Viet- dent of the Presidium of the People's Assernbly of the narllese People's Army, D.R.V.'s Vice-Premier and De- Albanian People's Republic; and Mehmet Shehu, Chair- fence Minlster Senior General Vo Nguyen Giap also man of the Council of Ministers of the Albanian Peo- sent his greetings to Vice-Premier and Minister of Na- ple's Republic. Addressed to Chairman Mao Tse-tung tional Defence Lin Piao. He said that China has of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist reached the peak of modern science and technology, Party, Chairman Liu Shao-chi of the People's Republic thanks to "the clear-sighted leadership of the Chinese of China, Chu Teh, Chairman oi the Chinese National Communist Party headed by the respected Chairman NIao Tse-tung." great achievement People's Congress Standing Committee, and Chou This of the Chinese people, he added, has inspired the people and the Peo- En-lai, Premier of the State Council, the message p1e's Army of Vietnam develop stiil further the in- stresses that this latest victory of the Chinese people is "to vincible might of people's war, and intensify their a blou, against the American-Soviet plot. "Nuclear determination to defeat the U.S. imperialist aggressors, !\,eapons in the hands of the Chinese people," it savs, to defend the north, Iiberate the south and achieve the "are an important guarantee for the maintenance of reunification of the fatherland." peace in the rvorld, a great inspiration and a new encouragement for the peoples who are fighting for From south Vietnam, a message signeci by Nguyen their liberation. The successful nuclear explosion by Huu Tho, President of the Presidium of the Cen- People's China is a heavy blow against the atomic tral Committee of tl:e South Vietnam National blackmaii and threats of the American imperialists and Front for Liberation, was seni to Chairman Mao Tse- against the American-Soviet plot to maintain a nuclear tung, Chairman Liu Shao-chi, Chairman Chu Teh and monopoly and to split up and sabotage the revolu- Premier Chou En-lai. China's "gloriotts achievement...

30 Peking Reoieu, No. 21

i stimulates the south Vietnamese people in their war Guinea. In a message to Chairman Liu Shao-chi and of resistance against the U.S. imperialist aggressors and Premier Chou En-lai, Guinean President Sekou Toure their henchmen, for independence, democracy, peace sent warm congratulations on behalf of his people. and neutrality. with a view to reunifying the country," "We have been particularly impressed by your re- President Nguyen Huu Tho said. The South Vietnam newed offer to convene a worid conference for the com- Liberation Armed Forces Command also sent its warm plete prohibition of nuclear and thermo-nuclear wealF greetings to Lin Piao, declaring that the new success ons. Your statement that you wiil never be the first in China's nuclear testing "is a direct and stunning to use such weapons does honour to the Chinese peo- blow at the U.S. imperialist policy of nuclear black- ple and proves your desire for peace," the Guinean mail." President declared.

Dernocratic People's Republic of Korea. Chairman Mao From Conakry Kwame Nkrumah sent greetings to Tse-tung, Chairman Liu Shao-chi, Chairman Chu Teh Chairman Liu Shao-chi and Premier Chou En-lai. In his and Premier Chou En-Iai received a message of warm messages, he said: "We of Africa understand and ap- congratulations from Kim Il Sung. Chairman of the preciate the deiision of the People's Republic of China Central Committee of the Korean Workers' Party and never .to use nuclear weapons except in case of self- Premier of the Cabinet of the D.P.R.K., and Choi Yong detence." Kun. President of the Presidium of the Supreme Peo- ple's Assembly of the D.P.R.K. The message reads in Thailand. Phayom Chulanont, Representative Abroad part: ''The recent successful nuclear test in China is of the Thailand Patriotic Front, in a letter to the China another victor-v of the fraternal Chinese people won Peace Committee and the Chinese Committee for under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party' Afro-Asian Solidaritl-. said the ne\ys gladdened and in the struggle for further strengthening national de- inspired peace-loving people all over the world who fence and safeguarding the securitl'of the countrl- and \yere opposing imperialism and its collaborators. He is a telling blorv against the U.S. imperialists u'ho are said his people, in common with all peace-loving peo- running wild in their policy of nuclear blackmail and ple the world over, resolutely supported the Chinese new war provocation machinations." stand: that it was essential to conduct necessary nuclear tests within defined limits and to develop nu- Prince Chairman of the Central Laos. Souphanouvong, cl.ear weapons in order to oppose the nuclear blackmail of the Neo Lao Haksat and Vice-Premier of Committee and threats by U.S. imperialism and to oppose the Laotian Tripartite National Union Government, in the U.S.-soviet collusion for maintaining a nucleat' his warm congratulations to Premier Chou En-lai said monopoly and sabotaging the revolutionary struggles that "the stupendous success of the third successful peoples and nations. nuclear explosion is an important contribution to of all oppressed safeguarding the socialist camp, enhancing the strength Premier Chou En-lai has received a letter of con- of the national-liberation movements in the s,orld and gratuiations from Pridi Banomyong, former Regent oi threats U.S. In opposing the nuclear of imperialism." Thailand. The letter reads in part: "I hail this victory Khang Khay, the Chinese Economic and Cultural Mis- in hard vvork and self-reliance under the leadership of sion to Laos was congratulated on the occasion by the Chinese Communist Party and its great leader' Sinkapo, Representative of the Supreme Com- General Chairman Mao Tse-tung. I hail the great victory of the Laotlan People's Liberation Army, who mand of the general line, the great victory in its [China's] three success Mao Tse-tung's thinking' attributed the to revolutionary movements and the great victory of Mao said, belonged only to the This great success, he not Tse-tung's thought." Chinese people but to all the oppressed and exploited people in the world, including the Laotian people. Ceylon. Basil de Silva, Deputy Leader of the National This was why "the Laotian people reioiced at this new Liberation Front of Ceylon, said in a letter that at a success," he said. time when the Soviet revisionists, who were in posses- sion of nuclear and thermo-nuclear bombs, had started Belgium. Jacques Grippa, Secretary of the Central to curry favour with the U.S. imperialists for world sent a Committee of the Belgian Communist Party, domination, "China's possession of these weapons gives message to the Chinese Communist Party's Central tremendous inspiration to peoples of Asia, Africa and Committee. He said that this latest success. ensured Latin America struggling against imperialism." by Marxism-Leninism and Comrade Mao Tse-tung's thinking, was another evidence of the brilliant victories Zandbar. Mohamed Mfaume Omar, Vice-Chairman of won by the Chinese people in their big leap forward in the Workers' Department of the Zaozlbat Afro-Shirazi every field of endeavour by relying on their own Party, in a letter to China, said the explosion "has efforts. "China's nuclear test," Jacques Grippa added, still further strengthened the confidence and determi- revolution- "demonstrates that nuclear weapons, like other weap- nation of the people who are fighting with im- ons, cannot be monopolized. On the other hand, it also ary and anti-imperialist zeal against colonial and Latin explodes the myth on which the nuclear blackmail and perialist domination in Africa, Asia and threats of the imperialists and their collaborators, the America and ,fQr reconstruction of the liberated coun- Khrushchov revisionists, are based." tries." 3I May 20, 7966

'.--€ The Congo {L}. The Congo (L) ,Supreme Council of result of the correct applieation of the scientific theories Revolution in a message to the Chinese Embassy in of Marxism-Leninism to the rvork of socialist conrstr-uc- Cairo said: "The Congolese people hail this new vic- tion in China. In every field of their construction work tory and regard it as their own victory. and as a vic- the Chinese people are making great str-ides in the tory for the struggle against U.S. in-rperialism, for understanding and application of Marxism-Lenihism." peace and progress of all peoples." V.G. Iililcox, Gereral Secretary of the Communist Somall Deputy to the Somali National Assembly Saeed Party of New Zealand, issued a statement on May 17 Far-ah Abdi in his ]etter to the Hsinhua office in on behalf of the National Secretariat of the C.P.N.Z. Nlogadishu said: "To us in Afi'ica, China's successful "This victory," the statement says, "is not just a Chi- development nuclear weapoirs means development of nese one it is a victory for the socialist camp, for against U.S. imperialist blackmail and its suppression - alt opposing revisionism." It points out that "U.S. im- of the revolutionary struggles of ail oppressed peoples perialism and the modern revisionists leadership and nalions." in the of the C.P,S.U. are finding out that nuclear weapons, A.A.J.A. Seeretariat. The message of conglatulations like all other neuu $/eapons throughout history. cannot be f the Secretariat oI the Af ro-Asian Journalists' successfuiiy monopolized and used to flighten others Association signed by Secretary-General Djau'oto and into subjection." In conclusion. it declar:es that "China's bomb the poor the sent to Premier Chou En-lai stated: "It is a crushing - bomb of the and oppressd of earth stands guard for socialism, for national libera- blow to the mad ambition of lhe U.S. imperialists and - their apologists to dominate the u'orld." While shatter- tion and for peace." ing the fond hopes of the U.S. imperialists and the The Ceylon Communist Party's Sinhalese rveekly fake revolutionaries ',r,ho collaborate urith them to blackmail freedom-loving nations by monopolizing "Kamkarurrya" (Ma;r 1?) wlote editorially: "The success- nuclear weapons, the Chinese explosion "has infused ful testing by People's China, which is the reliable and immense coul'age and confidence into peoples fighting most revolutionary bul,"vark of modern humanity fight- lcr their liberation." ing for national libet'ation, has brought a great joy to the peopies of various countries u'ho are heroicaily fighting against imperialism, modern revisionism and for national Stctements ond Foreign Press Opinion independence."

Masayoshi Oka, Member Presidium of of the Cen- Asio , tral Committee of the Japanese Communist Party, pointed out in a statement (May 10) that "China rvas Yoshitaro Hirano, Chairrnan of the Japanese Na- obliged to conduct the latest nuclear test to ensure its tional Peace Ccnrmittee, refet'ring to the Sato gor',crn- orvn safety in the face of the U.S. imperiaiist polic_v of ment's "censuLe" of Chinese nuclear testing, said: "The nuclear war." He quoted the Chinese gorrernment state- Sato government is under the U.S. imperialist nuclear ment issued previously that China "is developing umbrella. It has taken a hostile attitude towards China nuclear weapons for defence." Comparing the Chinese and regards it as a supposed enemy; therefole, it is attitude rvith that of U,S. imperi;ilism which has not entitled to speak about China's nuclear. tesiing," opposed the prohibition of nuclear weapons, and even which, he atlded, was rneant to support ali oppressed peoples and nations in their revolutionary struggles. persisted in clain-ring "the right to use nuclear weapons i first," Masayoshi Oka said that "this makes it plain I A Japanese friend lvho rvas a victim of the U.S. I who is the provocateur of nuclear war." The only J way atom bombing of Nagasaki more than 20 ago, i of elirninating radio-active 1'ears fallout altogether rn'as to asked the Osaka Chapter of the Japan-China Friendship I oppose the U.S. imperialist policy of nuclear rvar and to Associalion 1o convey to China this message: "l ac- struggle for the achievement the complete prohibi- of claiir:r: Long live the success of China's nuclear test! tion of nuclear weapons, his statement added. The Long live Mao Tse-tung's thinking!" Japanese Communist Party "will struggle to bring about the complete prohibition of nuclear weapons and Cambodian National Radio announced: .'We Cam- to smash the policies of I-I.S. imperialism and the Sato bodian people unreservedly approve China's nuclear cabinet for 'containing China' and turnitrg Japan into test." "'We unequivocall5, hold that only bv confronting a base for nuclear war," Masayoshi Oka declared. atomic bomb with atomic bomb can one stlike fear into the ."Vanguard," party hearts of the aggressors and force them to organ of the Communist of and make them afraid of menacirig Southeast Asia." Australia (Marxist-Leninist), said on May 12 that once more the great Chinese people, led by the Cornmunist The Pakistan press heartily applauded China's Party of China headed by Mao Tse-tung, have con- nuclear test. To quote only one or two statements, founded the capitalists and their "experts.,, "Anjam" catled it "a great achievement" 'ur.hich has Describing the explosion as "another triun-rph for the raised the prestige o{ the Afro-Asian nations, "Mushri- policy o.t self-rcliance," the paper noted thai "it is the que" of Lahore said that China had not only put an end

32 Reuieu., No. 27 to Western monopoly in the field of nuclear por;r,er, but mail perpetrated by the most ferocious enemy of the had also started to shift rapidly the balance of power people of the world the U.S. paper tiger. in the world. - Mahluza, Military Secretary of the Mozambique "Ludu" of Burma: "The Chinese people's possession Bevolutionary Committee, said: "The nuclear weapons of nuclear weapons is a great encouragement to the possessed by China protect us, the oppressed people, peoples who are fighting heroicalll, for their iibera- from the U.S. irnperialist policy of nuclear blackmail.,, tion. . ." The Swaziland Progressive Party hailed the test by China, the great "Naya Samaj" of Nepal: China's third nuclear test which, it said, is friend of the oppressed people. has aroused a wave of deiight in Asia and Africa. "There is no reason to condemn actions taken by China Aristides Pereira, Deputy General Seeretary and Al- for securit-,* and self-defence." is not the first mada Fidel, Memher of the General Secretariat of the eorintry to test nuclear \veapcns and has never used African Independenee Party of Guinea *nd Cape Verde them, it stressed. Islands also warmly cohgratulated China. .A.trdel Latif Deifallah, Yerneni Minister of Public In Conakry. Yoshio Narita, Secretary of the Per- I9orks, said: "China's nuclear explosion is a service to manent Secretariat of the Executive Committee- of the Afro-Asian Lawyers' Conferenee, to mankind and will safeguard u,orld peace. I observe said: "Contrary " those in the hands the Soviet Union, nuclear weapons and feel myself that China has follorved one principle, of in the hands of the People's Republic of China are very that is, to serve the peoples all over the r,vorld." useful for stopping the aggression of U.S. imperialism." "As Saorah" (Syria): "The people's fists, especially "African Eevolution," organ of the Algerian Na- the nuclear fists. frustlated the devil." "China's nuclear tional Liberation Front, repudiated the distortions explosion will lead to new revolutionary explosions in Ievelled against China's recent nuclear test. It said that the new emerging countries to hasten the doom of im- China's stand on the question of nuclear arms was quite perialism and end the people's disastels." clear and "throughortt the world. people are watching with admiration the road traversed in the field of The Singapcre Socialist l'ront in a statement said: science by the Chinese leehnical personnel." ". . . \t came as a shock to the United States and its ].\' , .,. ,: lackeys and made them realize that the;,, could no longer Americo reiy on nuclear weapons to dominate the w,orld." lotin Eobert W-illiams, noted American Negro leader, Africo issued a statenrent in Havana. saf ing that the Chinese bc:r.rb '.r-as a people'-i bomb. ''It is a might-r- freedom Ieballo, Acting President of the Pao-Africanlst -'All just-minded peoples rrho op- (South "The bornb.'- he stres,

aa Muy 20, 1966 The True Renegode Festures Of SholokhoY by TSAI HUI rFIIE law of history is extremely severe. At critical Most ironic is the fact that not so many years r moments of struggle, it always ruthlessly forces later Sholokhov himself gratefully accepted the Nobel the opportunists of various sorts and renegades to tear prize for literature which he himself once condemned off the veils covering their faces so that their true as having been awarded to "an internal emigre." Of features are exposed. Such is the case of Mikhail A. course, rn ith Sholokhov's "talents" he could not be Sholokhov. In October 1965, the "Communist" and so stupid as to openly admit that u,hat he accepted "proletarian writer" Sholokhov, in a state of awed was a reward for traitors. So Sholokhov and the small excitement, accepted the Nobel prize for literature handful of modern revisionist writers whom he rep- which even the French bourgeois writer Jean-Paul resents are now doing ali they can to make the Soviet Sartre would not accept. In Sartre's words, to accept people believe that the nature of the Nobel prize for the prize would be to receive "a distinction reserved literature has changed and has become extraordinarily for the writers of the West or for the traitors of the "unbiased." Speaking to a UPI correspondent, a lead- East." ing member of the Union of Soviet Writers even had Ever since the rrictorv of the Great October Social- the impudence to describe the au,ard as "a great prize ist Revolution, the organization in charge of awarding for socialist literature." The Central Committee of the the Nobel prize for literature has sought for "traitors C.P.S.U. and the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S,R. of the East" among Russian writers in a hundred anC also stepped, foru,ard and. in their orvn right. spoke of "another one ways. Although the;z loudly proclaimed hos verl- it as ploof of the s'orld's recognition" much thel' valued ''literary- talents." thev never rec- "of the indisputable achievements of socialist realist ognized the literary talents of Gor\' rshom I-enin literature." praised. And it is onll'those ''talents" among Russian worthy sorcerers! Brilliant though your ETNOUGH.I rtriters. l*'ho resolutely oppose communism and the ' sleight-of-hand, 5rour extr-eme excitement arising October Socialist Revolution, whom they approve, take from the unexpected flattery you feel about the prize be- pains to seek out, and reward lavishly. ing awarded Sholokhov has caused you to "neglect" an In 1933, that is, in the sixteenth year after the important fact, namely. that, Anders Osterling, chair- victory of the October Revolution, the Nobel prize com- man of the Nobel committee of the Swedish Acad- mittee for the first time gave the prize for literature emy of Sciences, had already provided a public ex- planation to a Russian writer. The writer was not Gorky or any of why they awarded him the prize. And the other author who supported the socialist revolution. reason is not that they had changed their position but It was "White Russian author" Ivan Bunin, who that "although Mr. Sholokhov is a convinced Commu- bitterly hated the October Revolution and fled to live nist. he kept ideological comment completely out of his in Paris. great, four-volume work. [Arzci Qu,iet Flotos the Don)." Well, norv, have you not you, the leaders of the With the same kind of political motivation in - 1958, the committee gave the prize to noto- Central Committee of the C.P.S.U. and ministers rious traitor: Boris Pasternak, author of the anti-com- of the U.S.S.R. Council of Ministers, you the im- munist novel Dr. Zhiuago. And through this, reac- pcrtant and the not so important commentators of the Soviet Union have you not been making absolu- tionaries all over the rvorld stirred anti-Soviet, - anti-communist wave. The Western bourgeois press ex- tely positive stzrtements that the arvard of the Nobel pressed great appreciation for the role played bv. the prize for literature to Shoiokhov shows "recognition'2 Nobel prize for literature and the Vienna paper Kut"rier of "socialist realist literature," and is "a great prize went so far as to call it "the Nobel prize against com- for sociaiist iiterature"? So now it is clear: Your munism." At that time, the Sorziet people angrily much advertised "socialist literature" is the kind of denounced the Nobel prize for literature as a "tool literature. a literature, so-called, "with no ideological of the West," and unanimously condemned the traitor- tendency" and "standing above classes," that is en- ous behaviour of Pasternak. The Soviet paper Prauda couraged by the bourgeoisie. You gli.bly profess to had to say on October 26 of that year: "The man to abide by Lenin's principles. Yet you have altogether whorn the reactionary bourgeoisie ar,varded the Nobel forgotten these slogans of Lenin: "Down w-ith non- pt:ize" "was one who had slandered the socialist rev- partisan writers! Down with literary supermen!" Is olution and the Soviet people." Even Shoiokhov, though there not powerful irony in this itself? unwillingly, felt forced to state his position by denounc- In fact, thcre is nn such thing as literature that ing Pasternak as "an internal emigre." "keeps out ideological comment completely," that

34 Peking Reoieu, No. 27. '.'stands above classes." These are simply fiterary communist doginas and practices." It is not hard to see terms used by the bourgeoisie and the revisionists to that the reactionary Western bourgeoisie look on fool readers, to mislead them and cover up the des- Sholokhov with favour for this important reason, not picable purpose of serving imperialism and the bour- any other reason. geoisie. In the present day world, all literature and art belong to a particular class and conform to a par- A QUESTION worthy of deeper thought is why, when ticular political line; hence, they necessarily propa- fl Sholokhov was previously put forward as a candi- gandize a particular ideology and have a particular date for the Nobel prize for literature twenty years ago political tendency. Literature that the bourgeoisie and (in 1946), the Western bourgeoisie did not choose him at modern revisionists style as unrelated to ideology in that time but only "discovered" his "talent" nineteen reality spreads the reactionary ideology of the bour- years later (in 1965). What is the key to this mystery? geoisie in a hundred and one ways and has a reac- When the mystery is solved, the reason turns out tionary political tendency. to be very simple; before the Khrushchov revisionists Sholokhov's And Quiet Flows the Don is just such usurped the leadership of the Soviet Union, Sholokhov a "great work." If this novel is analysed from the 'was not, after all, so bold as to reveal himself fully in Marxist, class viewpoint, it is not difficult to discover his true colours. Therefore, although the Western bour- that one of the important reasons why Sholokhov's geoisie greatly appreciated his And Quiet Flows the Don, name is listed together with that of Boris Pasternak on they could not as yet trust him fully; consequently they the "roll of Nobel prize winners for literature" is pre- took a "wait and see" attitude. At that time, although cisely because his "great four-volume work" produces Sholokhov had already attacked revolutionarrl- wars and the same effect as Pasternak's Dr. Zhiaago, although the October Revolution in his novel, ]'et he still on occa- in a diJferent way. If in Dr. Zhioogo Pasternak paints sions had to say something hypocritically in praise of a vicious picture of the "ruin" of the Rlssirn intellec- the October Revolution and of Stalin. tuals in the new society, and hurls all kinds of slanders T.ike Khrushchov, he used to call Stalin his "father." at the Soviet Red Army and the new life after the At Stalin's unfortunate death in 1953, Sholokhov had October Revolution, through portraying an old Russian cried out in a hypocritical tone: "Father, farewell, bourgeois intellectual, Zhivago, who hates the October farewell for ever, dear father whom I warmly loved Revolution and the socialist system, then it is equally throughout my life!" and he swore to store up for true that Sholokhov, through his undisguised praise of Stalin "sacred condolences for ever in my heart." the Grigory, who had frenziedly counter-revolutionary Yet within a very short period, at the 20th Con- fought the Red Army had committed many bloody and gress of the C.P.S.U. in 1956, he publicly embraced Arzd Flous the Don, veno- crimes, in his novel Quiet Khrushchov who was madly attacking Stalin, and close- Revolution and the mously attacks the October Socialist ly colluded with Khrushchov in unbridled attacks on because they not only "inhumanity" of class struggle Fadeyev, one of the chief leaders of the C.P.S.U. in the - and robbed of crushed the "fine soul" of Grigory him sphere of literature during the time when Stalin was in world everything which could "'connect him with the leadership. Ttren he wrote his short story The Fate of peaceful, happy and he lives in," but also ruined the a Man, which.can be called a specimen of modern re- tranquil life of the Melekhov family - and hurls out- visionist literature, and became Khrushchov's bell- right curses on revolutionary wars- wether in spreading revisionism in the fietd of Soviet literature and art. T the recent 23rd Congress of the C.P.S.U. which A Thereafter, wherever Khrushchov flew, Sholokhov A 6"gan with a big fanfare, Sholokhov condemned always remained, as he had sworn, "together" with him some Soviet writers as "renegades," and said: "There is "ideological1y." Still more revoltingly, this same Sho- nothing so foul and base as slandering one's own Iokhov brazenly announced at the 22nd Congress of the mother, vilely insulting her and raising one's hand C.P.S.U. that he felt a kind of "unutterable . . . man's against her." Actually, are not these words appropriate . . admiration" for Khrushchov. for Sholokhov himself? As far back as two decades ago, he had. already used his And Quiet Flouts the Don Naturally Khrushchov and his successors also to vilify the path of the October Revolution; he had showed unusual appreciation of this faithful mouth- already raised his hand against his own "mother," piece, who has a special role to play. For not only does against Lenin, Stalin, and the Great October Socialist he have the title of "Party member writer" but he is a Revolution! winner of the Sta1in Prize and has always been a deputy to the Supreme Soviet. This collection of titles can, at With a class sensitivity uniquely its own, the U.S. least for the time being, mislead some Soviet people bourgeois press has clearly seen the violent anti- and some personalities in international cultural circles communist ideology in And Quiet Flotns the Don and who do not know the real facts, and can play a certain has therefore given it a high appraisal' When Sholok- deceptive role among them. hov received the Nobel prize for literature, tlre Satur- d,ay Retsr,ew wrote excitedly that this Russian prize- Soviet-U.S. collaboration for the domination of the winner "represents those very Don Cossacks who had world is the very soul of the Khrushchov revisionist fought against the Red Army," and that he "has voiced Iine. This is why Sholokhov has worked hard to through his fictional characters certain doubts about peddle Soviet-U.S. cultural co-operation among Soviet

Mag 20, 1966 35 readers and in international cultural circles, and has self but does not allow others to rise up in revolution- become an eager fugleman for Soviet-U.S. cultural co- And he not only does not permit others to make revolu- operation. tions but wants all writers in the world "to unite" and On the one hand, inside the Soviet Union he has "collectively" forbid others to make revolutions. been actively spreading bourgeois thinking, the bour- These are the services for which Sholokhov has not geois theory of human nature and bourgeois notions only won the special favour of Khrushchov and his suc- of liberty, equality and fraternity, and has been instill- cessors but also prizes from the reactionary Western ing into the mass of Soviet readers reactionary bour- bourgeoisie. geois ideas of individualism, humanitarianism and Facts shorv that the nature of the Nobel prize which pacifism. And, on the other hand, he has completely the Soviet people calL a "tool of the West" has not changed his "hermit-Iike" way of life and has repeated- changed, but Sholokhov has already completely dis- Iy gone abroad on propaganda missions everywhere to carded the fig-ieaf rvith which he had covered his naked- prod ness and stands completell' revealed as a "tool of the writers of the oppressed nations and oppressed 'West." classes to take "united action" and "express opinisng Ttre reactionary bourgeoisie has finally found collectively" with imperialist and bourgeois writers. a more usefuI "traitor of the East" than Boris Paster- nak. Towards this end he has pleaded to U.S. imperial- ism: "Let us visit each other! We have nothing to quar- We can say to Sholokhov and the handful of modern rel over and no reason to fight one another!" Thus, at revisionist writers and artists .he represents: Do not a European conference of writers, he appealed with crow too soon. Do not get conceited too soon! Since all his might for writers to "come to agreement" and you have openly betrayed the cause of proletarian rev- "find a common language" "just as the great statesmen olution, you will surely be cast aslde by the Soviet peo- and diplomats" of the United States, the Soviet Union p1e and all the revolutionary peoples of the worId. The and Britain were doing. wheel of history mercilessly crushes all obstacles on its road of advance. The proletarian revolutionary cause, is his motive? He is trying to protect the in- \X/HAT cause of all the oppressed people of vY terests of the ruling clique in both the Soviet Union the revolutionary the world, full of youthfu-lness and vitality, will surely and the United States and he does not allow people to sweep through the world with the momentum of an rise up in revolution. Sholokhov is indiscriminately avalanche and the force of a thunderbolt. Proletarian against every kind of war; when it comes to a revolu- revolutionary literature and art will surely grow in tionary war of oppressed people or a war of liberation the struggle and will always serve waged by an invaded nation, he always wants the writ- vigour in course of as the drums and as the clarion call to inspire the ers of the world to be the first to rush forward and say war people to rise up in struggle. "no" and to speak up before those who s'ay "yes." In short, he not only has turned traitor to revolution him- ("Wengi, Bao," No. 5, 1966.)

Foreign Ministry Note to Indonesia Chino to Send Ships to Receive Chinese Notionols Who Desire to Return

r Expresses greot indignotion ot the lndonesion Government's ottempt to deny its re- sponsibility for opposing Chino ond persecuting Chinese notionols.

Follou:ing i.s the main text of a Chinese Foreign sonable, and the Chinese Government expresses its Mi,ni.strE note handed on Mag 18 to the Indonesi,an great indignation at it. EmbassE in China.-Ed. Since last October, you have conducted massive activities against China and Chinese nationals and ] N its note, the Indonesian Government tried to carried out inhuman persecution of Chinese nationals. r deny its responsibility for opposing China and per- Your doings run completely counter to the wili of the secuting Chinese nationals, openly prevaricated about broad masses of the Indonesian people, who want to its atrocious persecution of Chinese nationals and bra- be friendly to the Chinese people and to live in amity zenly rejected the four-point request of the Chinese with Chinese nationals. Hiring yourselves out to im- Government that the Indonesian Government transport perialism and conducting rabid crimes against China back to China the persecuted Chinese nationals. This and Chinese nationals, you have aroused the firm op- attitude of the Indonesian Government is moSt unrea- position of the Indonesian people. In your note, you

36 Reui,eta, No. 21 asserted that the atrocious persecution of Chinese na- It must be,pointed out that the demand of the per- tionals was "a .reaction , of- ttre indignant masses of the secuted and greatly suffering Chinese nationals to come people?' and that it was due to the broadcasts of Radio back .to China is a u'holly different case from that of Peking and the attitude and actions of the Chinese na- the departur:e for home of overseas nationals in normal tionals. You definitely cannot achieve your aim of circumstances. ' Even their lives and property are in- whitewashing your crime of opposing China and perse- secure; how can these Chinese nationals be asked to cuting Chinese nationals by usurping the name of the go through the aliens departure procedures as in f'masses of the people" of Indonesia. Your assertion normal circumstances? While the Indonesian Govern- is a gross insult to the Indonesian peopie. ment hypocritically said that it did not object to the What you called the "masses of the people" are return of Chinese nationals, it rejected the reasonable not really the masses of the people; to put it bluntly, four-point request of the Chinese Government and they are but the handful of Indonesian reactionaries. stressed the fulfilment of departure procedures in ac- You hate China precisely because she adheres to an cordanee with the rules' and regu'lations of the Indo- nesian Government. This be regarded. as a anti-imperialist revolutionary stand. You are cease- .can'only deliberate attempt to harass and obstruct the return of lessly abusing Radio Peking simply because it has ex- Chinese nationals. The Chinese Government cannot posed your crime of hiring yourselves out to imperial- but closely guard against this scheme. ism and your anti*Communist and anti'-popular crimes. You are wildly persecuting Chinese nationals solely ' At present, thousands of persecuted Chinese na- beeause the maSses of 'Chinese nationals love their tionals in Indonesia have lost their rneans of livelihood motherland and endeavour to develop the friendship and urgentl;' desire to return to their motherland. The between the Chinese and Indonesian peoples. In short. Indonesian Government has not only failed to provide your rabid opposition to China and persecution of Chi- them *'ith the necessary relief and rehabilitation, but nese nationals are w'holly unpopular and can in no way also refused to arrange ships for transporting them harm the great People's Republic of China; they will baek to China. The Chinese Government naturally only expose your ugly features as henchmen of im- cannot be indifferent to their fate. It demands once perialism in opposing China. again that the Indonesian Government undertake to a.rrange ships those The four-point request made by the Chinese Gov- for transporting back to China ernment for transporting back those persecuted Chinese Chinese nationals who desire to return of their own nationals who desire to return of their own will is a will. However, pending the fulfilment by the Indone- fully reasonable and" legitimate one. Yet in its note, sian Government of the duty incumbent on it, the Chi- the Indonesian Government asserted that it did not rrese Government has decided to send ships to.Indonesia deem it necessary to meet the request of the Chinese in the near future to receive the persecuted Chinese Government and that the return of Chinese nationals nationals who desire to return. In this connection, the would be due to orders or political measures of the Chinese Government demands that the Indonesian Chinese Governrnent. The Indonesian Minister of Government do the following: Foreign Affairs i\{r. Malik also openly declared that 1. Immediately stop its persecution of Chinese the Indonesian Government had not expelied the nationals, release all those w,ho have been arrested and Chinese nationals and driven them back home and that, detained, and effectively protect the lives and propefty if they tished to leave Indonesia, aII responsibility had of the Chinese nationals. q,ith to rest themselves and the Chinese Government 2. Ensure the safety of the Chinese nationals, who u,hich had proposed the repatriation. These assertions desire to return of their own will, while they are trav- ate most absurd. elling to or staying in port, provide them with the The whole world knows that the Indonesian Gov- neeessary transportation facilities and food and accorn- elnment has made the persecution of Chinese nationals modation, simplify the procedures for their departure an important component of its anti-China poiicy. In and refrain from stopping them from bringing back an organized and planned way, you have engineered a their personal effects and funds. whole series o[ atrocious acts of persecution o[ Chinese 3. Ensure the safety of the Chinese ships and their nationals so that large numbers of them, who have crews, that will come to receive the Chinese nationals, resided in Indonesia for generations, have become while they are entering, staying in and leaving Indo- of homeless and deprived of all property or means nesian ports; provide them with the necessary assistance subsistence and are unable to live on in Indonesia, In and facilities. these circumstances, the persecuted Chinese nationals trans- are naturally compelled to ask to return to China. How For the smooth carrying out of the work of the Chi- can it be said that the demand of these Chinese na- porting the Chinese nationals back to China, Governments tionals to return is due to orders or political measures nese Government proposes that the two concrete matters and of the Chinese Government? And how can it be argued immediately hold consultations on that the Indonesian Government bears no responsibility make appropriate arrangements. since it has not issued orders to expel them? No matter The Chinese Government hopes that the Indone- hor'v you quibble, you cannot shirk any part oI the sian Government will give a speedy reply to its de- responsibility resting on you. mands mentioned above.

Maa 20, 1966 37 Indonesisn Resctionaries Intensify Anti-Chino Activities

IITORKING hand in glove with U.S. imperialism and sure their personal safety, and fulfil its unshirkable Yr its accomplices, the Indonesian Right-wing reac- obligation of repatriating those vietimized Chinese who tionary forces are stepping up their brutal racist per- choose to go back to their own country. parts secution of Chinese nationals in various of In- Earlier, in a note dated April 25, the Chinese Em- dcnesia. Since the armed attaek on the Chinese Em- bassy had lodged the strongest protest with the In- bassy in Djakarta on April 15 by hooligans orgahized donesian Government against the fascist anti-Chinese by the Indonesian Government, new outrages against persecution and massacre of overseas Chinese nationals Chinese diplomatic missions in Indonesia have occurred in Bima County, west Nusa Tenggara Province. The quiek in succession. The Indonesian Right-wing mili- note said that since the middle of January this year, tary regime, with the active collusion of agents of the the Indonesian Right-wing reactionary forces had Chiang Kai-shek gang, even planning an- is actively never stopped their racist persecution of overseas other arrled raid on the Chinese Embassy in Djakarta. Chinese in Birna and had inflicted serious losses in life and property on them. Persecution of Chinese Nctionols In its April 25 note the Chinese Embassy demanded recently the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia .Tu'ice that the Indonesian Government immediately release has lodged the strongest protests rvith the Indonesian all overseas Chinese still under detention, severely Foreign It1ilistry over the savage persecution of Chi- punish the organizers of the outrages, pa;r pensions to nese nationais by the Indonesian Right-u-ing reaction- families of those Chinese nationals who had been ary forces. killed and ompensation to those who had suffered The Embass-v's note of }{ay Il expressed immense losses, and ensure the safety of all Chinese nationals. iildigntftrn at the outragesus persecution of overseas The Embassy also demanded that the Indonesian Gov- Chinese at Atjeh in North Sumatra and at Kediri in ernment reply promptly to the April 12 note of the East Jat'a- It said that since the army and police for- Chinese Foreign Ministry concerning the repatriation cibly took over the General Association of Overseas of overseas Chinese to their motherland and, in ac- Chinese and the Yang Hwei School at Lhokseumawe in cordance with the reasonable four=point demand in nor-th Atjeh County cn April 15, Chinese nationals there that note, first of all, help those Chinese nationals in have lived in an atrnosphere of terror, The note described Bima to return to their homeland as soon as possible. the April 18, 19 and 20 outrages in Lhokseumarne city Besides the shocking racist outrages mentioned and nearby towns ar-rd said that similar atrocities against above, the Right-wing reactionary forces are increasl overSeas Chinese have occurred in Bireuen, Lhoksukon, ing their persecution of Chinese nationals in other parts and some other towns in north Atjeh from April 18 Indonesia. The military authorities and hooligans to 22. The note also recalled that as early as mid Octo- of organized by the Right-wing forces have over," ber 1965, Chinese nationals in Peureulak, south Atjeh, "taken under control," or "closed down" overseas Chinese were subjected to savage persecution and that Woen "put societies, schools and enterprises, and have taken other Tat Shan, Oei Muk Siang, Tjan Ek Ming and Jap Pak measures systematically clamp down upon them Siang, leaders of the local overseas Chinese organiza- to and disrupt them everywhere. Many overseas Chinese tions, had been killed by the reactionaries. .families have thus been ruined. The note also gave an account of the outrages member the against overseas Chinese in Kediri, East Java, on April On May B, Huang Mu-he, a staff of Chinese Organizations 11 and declared that the facts quoted showed that the General Association of Overseas anti-Chinese racist campaign of the Indonesian Right- in Djakarta, arrived in Peking, Despite being seriously indomitable stand- wing reactionary forces had reached the height of injured, he had shorvn an spirit in savagery. ing up to the vicious assaults of Indonesian Right-rn'ing soldiers and thugs rnhen they attacked the General As- The En-rbassy in its 1\{ay 11 note demanded that sociation of Overseas Chinese Organizations on April the Indonesian Government immediatelS, end the agi- B (see Pekirtg Reuiew, No. 16, p. 10). tation against China and Chinese nationals, take measures to ensure that similar incidents re- ',vill not New A,ttocks on Chinese Missions cur, severely punish those u,ho master-minded and organized the outrages, release tlrose Chinese nalionals The Chinese Embassy in Indonesia on May 7 still detained, pay compensation fcr ail the losses the lodged the strongest protest with the Indonesian Gov- Chinese nationals have suffered, give quick emergencv ernn-rent against the extremely serious incident of the relief to and rehabilitate the victimized Chinese, en- wrecking and forcible oceupation of the Chinese Con-

38 Pelcing Reuieu, No. 27 sulate in Makasar on May 4 by Indonesian Right-wing armed raid on the Chinese Embassy. The military re- hooligans supported by troops and police. It demanded gime intends to call an anti-China rally at the Banteng that the Indonesian Government immediately remove Square. After the raiiy, armed Indonesian personnel the culprits who are forcibly occupying the Consulate, are to join the thugs and the agents of the Chiang gang eompensate for all losses, and guarantee against the re- in making another armed raid on the Chinese Em- currence of similar incidents in the future. bassy, setting fire to the building and kitiing the dip- lomatic staff. The Chinese Embassy's note sternly pointed out that, following the armed attack on the Chinese Em- This foul scheme of the utmost gravity rvas worked bassy by the reactionary hooligans organized by the out at the suggestion of Abdul Haris Nasution and Indonesian Government, "there have occurred in close Suharto, bosses of the Right-wing generals' clique. A succession as many as six cases in which the offices of meeting was held at the Moy Kong Restanrant in the Commercial Counsellor and the Military Attache Djakarta on April 29, presided over by Yang Wei-ping, of the Chinese Embassy and its living quarters as well an agent of the Chiang gang and a spy in the pay of as the office and living quarters of the Chinese Con- the Indonesian army authorities who took part in the sulate-General were wrecked and seized. Now again, criminal raid on the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia on the Chinese Consulate in Makasar has been illegally April 15. The meeting passed a resolution to coerce all seized. The whole series of outrages fully prove that Chinese nationals in Indonesia to pledge their allegiance the Indonesian Government has gone a step further in to Suharto and support ai1 his actions. taking most rabid actions in various ways to push the The agents of the Chiang gang said publicly after relations between the tn o countries to a complete rup- the meeting that they had obiained ''full support" from ture and have exploded the lie that it is 'u-illing to t he s upreme Indonesian Ri miiitar-a' authorities- maintain good and normal relations r*.ith China.' lio Ihel' a


A FTER organizing the armed forees and hooligans to One cannot but be shocked to see the Indonesian A out a series of fascist outrages against the Government openly claiming that its fascist outrages Chinese"u..y Embassy and Consulates, the Indonesian in violating the diplomatic immunity of the Chinese Government refused to reply to the many protests of Embassy and Consulates are a normal conduct in inter- the Chinese Government, and showed not the slightest national relations. sign of repentance. On the contrary, it resorts to all Maiik invented a strange logic to the effect that sorts of quibbling to deny its responsibility. In his May. 5 foreign policy statement to the Co-operation Parlia-' while the Indonesian reactionaries may engage in frantic ment, Adam Malik, Indonesian Deputy Prime Minister, anli-communist, anti-people, anti-China and anti-Chinese and Foreign Minister, cleelared that the anti-China out- activiiies, Chinese newspapers and radio must not report rages in Indonesia were "unde.rstandable and logical" the truth. If they clid, they "attacked" and "humiliated" tuLaa 20, 1966 39 Indonesia, ahd this resulted in- "strong ,reactions arid. the Chinese Embassy and, Consulates have been, so hard feelings among .the Indonesian peoplel' .who af€,. frequent, on so large a scale and,in a manner so des- therefore, entitled to comrnit fascist outrages against pieable that no parallel can . be ..found in the history Chinese diplomatic agencie-s, and that the Indonesiait of international rel4tions. In the.past seven months or Golrrnment is not to blame for these outrages.. rriore, it has raided, on more than 20 obcasions, the Embassy; Constr.lates and other agencies of ,Chinese representatives in Indonesia, beating up and injuring firis logie of Malik:s does not hold water. In the more than 40 Chinese diplo.matig officials, staff members first place, the question o{. 1'attackingl' apS and newsmen, wrecking and forcibly occupying most Qhina of the offices and quarters Chinese Em- ''humitiating" fndonesia does irot arise at ail.. Quite living of the the contrary. It is the Indonesian Right-wing reactionary bassy and Consulates, and seizing and looting the property forcas which hav.e been .daily apd viciously attacking and furniture of. C-hinese diplomatic missions and persg4rigl.. military China. In the seven months or more. aft€r thb Right- their In addition, the Right-wing regime persecution Chinepe wing generals' clique started the counter-revolutionary has conducted - massive of nationals Hitlerite coup d'etat, Indonesian newspapers and radio have and killed hundreds of them. Germany and militarist Japan did not dare, even in featured more than 2,d00 artietes attinking and slander- time of ruar, to commit such atrocities against the Em- ing China. A number of the-Indonesian Right-wing lassies and of tlrgy beUiger'6ntd. eu1. n91v leaders publicly .Consulale-s maligned Chinar'as 'iimperialist" and Malik has is."logical." -is- the impridence tir sdy that all this ':neo-colonialist.l2 It irnpossible for Malik to deny This is indeed unparalleled effroirtery! 'If this reai- the Indonesian Governrnent?s criminal responsibility by tionary "Iogic" of the Indonesian Government is turning facts' upside. down, or by nrakipg counter-charges. dccepted, can there be any normal diplomatic ielations Malik mouthed a mosL stupid lie when he clain'red or any elementary principle guiding international that the IndoneSiair people had perpetrated the anti- relations to speak about? China fascist outrages. 'It is well knoyn lhat.all these In his foreign policy statement. I\{alik alleged that outrages were committed by a handful of counter- China ''openl1' shorred its inCbility to understand the revolutionary Right-wingers who do not represent the deselopments" in Indonesia and "shoq'ed complete lack people at people Indonesian all. The Indonesian rvant of understanding" of the Indonesian situation and that be on good terms rvith peoples. to all including the China had "attacked" and "humiliated" Indonesia: Once gleatest Chinese pe.ople. It is the insult to the Indonesian again invoking the Bandung principles, he scurrilously people foist them foul io on the crimes of arson, looiing aciused China of "interfering" in Indonesia;s "internal and killipg committed by the Right-wing cutthroats. affairs." All this is sheer nonsense. Facts cannot be denied. AII the fascist outrages of raiding, wrecking and forcibly occupying the Chinese tndonesion Reoctionory Right-Wing Forces diplomatic agencies have been perpetrated rvith the Violotors of Bondung Spirit - Indonesian Government as the direct organizer and commander and tvith the undisguised co-ordination. of What change has taken place in Indonesia since the Indonesian armed forces. Indonesia today is com- October 1 last year is clear not only to the Chinese pletely under the sanguinary rule of the Right-wing people but to the people of the whole world. What the military regime; those who oppose it are to be Indonesian Right-wingers themselves have said and done slaughtered. In the Indonesian capital Djakarta. explains what has happened in Indonesia. After they thousands of hooligans and hundreds of army troops siaged the counter-revolutionary coup, the Indonesian have committed murder, looting and arson against the reactionary. Right-wing forces, with the generals' clique Chinese Embassy in broad daytight. The Army even as their core, plunged the country into rvhite terror and armoured cars smash dispatched to open the gate of conducted a wholesale massacle of Communists and Chinese Embassy so as the to clear the way for the patriotic democrats; thus hundreds of thousands of The troops also opened hooligans. fire and wounded. people rvere slaughtered by the counter-revolutionaries. a staff member of the Chinese Embassy. How could In their foreign policy, these reactionary Right:wing these incidents have ever tal

40 Peking Reoieu, No. Zl . reported the facts '' be acaused .of trattaek'ing" and his histrionics and. dual ta€tics. ,'As a matter of fact, "humiliating'? Indonesia and "interfering" in its his statement is not only'an effort at:.pBevarieation to "internal affairs?" To put it bluntly, those rvho have cover up the anti-China crimes, but, it is an encourage- plunged Indonggia-into .unparalleled humiliation and ment -to the Indonesian Right-u,ing thugs and a signal shame are none other than the handful of Indonesian for engineering nerv fascist outr4ges-,against China. reactionar:y Right-wing forces. It is the same forces, which warrants attention. We must warn the Indonesian and. the same forces alone, which have wantonly- Government: You may do all you can in your anti- trampled underfoot the Bandung principles of Afro- China activities, but no matter what tricks .you resort Asian solidarity against imperialism, and has desecrated to, you can never escape the full criminal responsibility the Bandung spirit. fo-r your deliberate attempt to bring about a completer .Indonesia. While unscrupulously vilifying and attacking China, rupture in relations betrveen China and your anti- Ma1ik stated with tongue in cheek that the Indonesian Hlstory will pass the severest verdict upon Government still hoped to "maintain norinal good rela- China crimes. tions'r with China. Mr. Malik had better put a stop to ("Renmin Ribao," May 11,)

Foreign Ministry Stofemen t A Worning to Thoi Reoctionories

! '-By brozenly ioining the U.S.-imperiolist wor of oggression ogoinst Vietnom, the Thoi outhorities ore inevitobly linking up Thoilond with the Vietnom bottlefield.

AN May 3, the Thanom government of Thailand tions in Thailand. Suffering one disastrous defeat after U declared that it *r, goi:ng to dispatch its naval dnother in the war of aggression in Vietnam, U.S. im- and air units to fight in. southern Vietnam. This is a perialism has becorne more isolated than ever. Now, grave step taken by the Thai reactionaries to partic- it has further instigated the Thai reactionaries to send ipate openly in the U.S. imperialist war of aggression troops to south Vietnam as its cannon-Iodder. This against Vietnam. On May 6, the N{inistry of Foreign shows that U.S. imperialism has reached the end of its Affairs bf the Democratic Republic of Vietnam issued tethei in the war'of aggression in Vietnam and is reck-, a statement exposing the U.S. imperialists' criminal lessly dragging in its lackey Thailand to spread th€' scheme of expanding the rvar of aggression against flan-res of its s'ar of agglession against Vietnam and Vietnam by driving their lacke;'s into it, and stronglS- Indo-China. condemning the acts of provocation on the part of the U.S. imperialisrn is doomed to failure in its war of Thanom government of Thailand. The Chinese Gov. aggression against Vietnam. It has been unable to eiriment and people fully support the just stand of the change its passive position of having to receive blows Government of the Defnocratic ltepublic of Vietnam even with the .more than 200,000 aggressor troops it and firrrfui denounce the acts of-aggression of the Thai has sent over and the tens of thousands of vassal troops reactionaries,'who-are serving as accomplices of U:S. it has mustered ft'om south Korea, Australia and Nerv imperialism Zealand. The addition now.of a few warships, a few U.S. imperialism has been using the Thai reac- pianei and a few hundred troops as cannon-fodder tionaries as tools for its aggression against Vietnam from Thailand can in no wav save it from its final that and the other Indo-Chinese states. It has long been defeat. But the Thai authorities should kno'uv directing the Thai reactionaries to commit naked inter- Thailand is right beside Indo-China. By brazenly joining aggression against vention in Laos and uninterrupted acts of provocation the U.S. imperialist war of Yietnam, you are inevitably linking up Thailand with and aggression against the Iiingdom of Canrbodia. In and setting yourselves against particular, Thailand has become an important military the Vietna-m battlefield the people of the Indo-Chinese and Southeast Asian for the U.S. aggressors in the U:S. imperialist war base countries. We hereby warn the Thai authorities: By Vietnam. The number of U.S. of aggression against unscrupulously selling out state sovereignty and na- personnel stationed in Thaiiand has exceeded rnilitary tional interests and willingly serving U-S. imperialism' Vietnam and 18,000. Most.of the U.S. planes bombing you will surely be spurned by the tndo-ChineSe peo- its Laos take off from Thailand. In order to expand ples, arouse the strong opposlfon of- the people of Indo-Chinese states, the. aggression against all. the Thailand and thus hasten your own downfall' United States is accelerating the'construction of har- (IrIay 13) bours,' airJieldq highways and other military installa-

41 Mag 20, 7966 r

H- Foreign Ministrv Note

Indio's Slsnders Csnnot Cover Up lts lntrusions lnto Chinese Territory

IIE Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a note responsible for all the grave consequences arising there- of May 4 to the Indian Embassy in China refuted from." "The Chinese Government hopes that history the groundless counter-charges about Chinese "intru- wili not be repeated. If unfortunately it should be re- sions" into Indian territory, made by the Indian Gov- peated, the Chinese Government believes that the whole ernment in its three notes of February 2, 3 and 8, 1966. world will be able to see even more clearly than be- The Chinese note points out that apparently, this was fore who should be held responsible for the tension a vain attempt to confuse public opinion and cover up along the Sino-Indian border." These words of the the facts of Indian intrusions. Chinese Government are perfectly clear and unequivo- cal, it says. The note says, "In its notes under reference, the Indian side repeatedly asserted that China had sent The note stresses that in the past three years, In- her troops into the 20-kilometre zone on her side of the dia has not only failed to make any positive response line of actual control along the Sino-Indian border and to China's initiative measures but has kept up her in- into the Longju, Che Dong and other areas which she had trusions and provocations on the Sino-Indian and vacated on her own initiative and where she had re- China-Sikkim borders, violated the 2O-kilometre de- frained from establishing civilian checkposts, and that militarized zone on the Chinese side of the line of she had broken her promise and violated the provisions actual control along the Sino-lndian border, and even of the Colombo proposals. This assertion is utterly repeatedl-v intruded into Longju, Che Dong, Wuje and absurd," other areas rrhere China had on her orvn initiative re- It points out "The said 20-kilometre zone and frained from establishing any civilian checkposts. There I-ongju, Che Dong and other areas are all Chinese terri- w'ere as many as 374 Indian ground and air intrusions tory. It s'as to seek relaxatisn of the border situatiori during the three years from late 1962 to the end of that" after reprrlqing the armed Indian attack in the 1965. What was more serious, in the latter half of 1965 u.inter of 1962, China took the initiative to withdraw the intruding Indian troops provoked several armed her frontier guards 20 kilometres behind the line .of clashes. In the face of such a grave situation, it was actual control between the Chinese and Indian sides only natural for the Chinese Government to adopt the and decided not to establish even civilian checkposts necessary precautionary and self-defence measures. in Longju, Che Dong, Wuje and the areas in the west- Such is what the Chinese Government has said and ern sector of the Sino-Indian border, where there was also what it has done. The Indian Government will a dispute about the cease-fire arrangement. This fully never succeed in its attempt to misrepresent China's testified to China's sincerity in seeking a peaceful initiative measure of withdrawal and to make China settlement of the boundary question. The statements put up with its expansionist and aggressive policy in- and documents issued at the time by the Chinese Gov- definitely without checking it. leaders, quoted ernment and its which were in the It says, "As for the charge that China has violated notes, precisely constitute proof Indian a convincing the Colombo proposals, it is even more absurd. In the of this sincerity." first place, since the Colombo proposals are mere pro- The note says that China's above action in no way posals, the question of violation or non-violation simply meant relinquishment of sovereignty over her territory does not arise. Next, it must be pointed out that it or of the right to take precautionary and self-defence was when China had taken a whole series of measures measures against Indian intrusions and provocations. on her own initiative that the Colombo proposals came While withdrawing and taking other steps as mentioned into being. China's concrete steps of withdrawing her above, the Chlnese Government sternly demanded frontier guards to 20 kilometres behind the entire line that India "refrain from making provocations again of actual control and refraining from establishing and from re-entering the four areas lvhere there is a civilian checkposts in Longju, Che Dong and two other dispute about the cease-fire arrangement" and that areas far exceeded the proposals of the Colombo Con- she "correctly understand China's effort for peace and ference. On the other hand, the Indian Government, respond to it favourably." Moreovetr, the Chinese Gov- while prating about its acceptance of the Colombo pro- ernment solemnly declared that, should India con- posals, in fact made no positive response whatsoever. tinue to make intrusions and provocations in disregard On the contrary, by her intrusions India demonstrated of the efforts made by China on her own initiativg that she had altogether cast the Colombo proposals to "China reserves the right to strike back in self-defenee, the winds. Obviously, India is using the Colombo pro- and the Indian Government will be held completely posals merely as a tool to compel China to make unilat-

42 Peking Rettieu, No. 21 eral concessions, hoping that China will tolerate In- the mantle of aggression from British imperialism. dia's renewed and unbridled intrusions and provoca- Frankly speaking, such unequal relationship in which tior:s. It is a great irony for India to continue to i-rarp a big eountry bullies a small one and encroaches upon on the Colombo proposals in these circuntstances." its sovereignty, has long been spurned by the people Afro- Dealing with the line of aetual control betrveen the of the world, and especially by the awdkened try two sides along the Sino-Indian border, the note points Asian peoples. It is most unseen'rly for India to out once again that the discrepancy between it and the her utmost to maintain this relationship. Talking about Sino-Indian traditional custcmary boundary is entirely 'military pressure on Sikkim,' it is not China that ap- her mili- due to the fact that India has invaded and occupied plies it, but precisely India, who is tightening pretext Is large tracts of Chinese territory. It is an objective and tary control over Sikkim on the of'defence.' undeniable fact that in the western sector it roughly not this the plain fact2" coincides with the traditional customary boundary. In The note says, "As the Chinese Government has the eastern sector, the so-caIled McMahon Line has be- repeatedly pointed out, lndia's purpose. both in con- corne the line of actual control between the two sides dueting border intrusions and in making slanderous because the Chinese side, proceeding from the desire counter-charges against China, is to meet the needs of to n'raintain the status quo pending a settlement of the its domestic and foreign policies. Although the Indian boundary question, decided not to cross it. But this has Government has flatly denied this, its denial cannot in no rvay altered the illegal nature of the "McMalron alter the objective fact. In order to ask for food and Line." No sovereign state can tolerate these ever- nroney from the U.S. irnperialists and the modern te- grorving and unbounded territorial ambitions on the visionists to solve the grave fanrine and economic diffi- part of India. India will never be able to realize her culties at home, the Indian Prime Minister has recently arnbitions of perpetuating her illegal occupation of not hesitated to repeatedly slander China as a 'threat,' Chinese territory, ihe note says. cry that 'China must be contained' and even boast about - The note sa5rs, "As for the China-Sikkim boundary, India's 'contribution' along the Sino:Indian border, in elearly the question now is that India has not only the hope of receiving more 'notice' and 'thanks.' This stationed large numbers of troops in Sikkirn, but has only enables the lvhole world to see more clearly the constantly crossed the delimited China-Sikkim bour-rd- role the Indian Government is now playing in the in- ary to intrude into Chinese territory and provoke con- ternational arena. Y[e u'ould like to tell the Indian flict. It is preposterous to assert that China attempts Governmeat that, as lhe government,of an Asian coun- to 'spoil the special and cordial relations which exist try, it witl bring no good to its country by continuing between India and Sikkim' and 'to apply miliiary to collaborate with imperialism and its accomplices and pressure on Sikkim.' What are the 'special and eordial even hiring itself out and serving as their pawn, and relations' between India and Sikkim? To put it bluntly, that attempts at expansionisnr and aggression against they aie the protectorship imposed on the people of its aeighbours rvill bring nothing except more and Sikkim by the Indian Government, u'hich has inherited nrore disasters to its people-"

THE WEEX geous sacrifice in defending the riglts Tse-tung's works as "an inexhaustible and honour of the country. After her source of strength" and Mao Tse- first son laid down his life for the. tung's thinking as "the never-setting (Continued from p. 4.) country, she did not hesitate to send sun which shines sn the vast territory her second son to the front to fight of China and in the hearts of the gained- their freedom. The chorus independence and freedom. Vice- fighting people throughout the Djoliba is a song in praise of African for said: are u'orld." The artists also expressed heroes." Chei-r Yi also spoke favour- Premier Chen Yi "There mothers like her in Guinea, in Africa, their desire to "dedicate this song to ably of the dance Deuil of the Moun- their black and white brothers in which rvas about the peo- in China, in Asia, Latin America and tain. Spring Europe and the United States. times discarded elsewhere in the world. Many Chi- ple in ancient rvho Wherever we go, we wiil lend wings fougiri nese theatre-goers are noved to tears superstition, and kiiled the to this voice of truth." The Vice- regained the source the by ihis dance. Imperialists do not, of Premier said that this song expressed and surviveri. He said the like it, but 'we like it very much and water that the Guinean people's boundless affec- conveyed to the people of the hope that it tvill be introduced dance we tion and respect for Chairman Mao present world the message that they ail parts of Asia, Africa and LatiI: to Tse-tung and his great works. On gain freedorn and independence could America." behalf of the Chinese people, he ex- overthrowing only by imperialism Chen Yi cited the sang Fighting pi-essed his thanks to the Guinean and colonialism. is the best "This AJrica Sirtgs th.e Praises of Mao Tse- artists. He added: "We will strive to hind of dance, and is of practical anci tung and His Great Couse as one of strengihen the militant friendship be- educational significance," he said. lhe best numbers brought to Chinese tween I,he Cl.rinese and Guinean peo- Another dance, lfiother, portrayed audicnccs by' the Guincan arlists. In ples and struggle together to over- a Guinean tvoman who made a coura- this song, they praise'd Chairman lVlao throw imperialism and colonialism-"

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