PH ZL Moy 2Q 1966 JOINT STATEMENT OF *[ CHINA AND ALBANIA &, torkers, Peasants and Soldiers Creatiuely $tudy and lpply ilao Tse-tung's Philosophical Thinking {^ Chinese Cammunist Youth leogue Will Not Send Delegotion to Soviet @ Komsomol Congress l I . _\'; 4b- Muy 20, 1966 PEKING REYIEW Vol. 9, No. 21 Published in English, french, Spanish, Joponese ond Germon editions THE WEEI( Communist Youth leogue Holds Plenory Session; Chinese, Rumonicn Lesders' Meet; Support {or Polestinion Arobs' Struggle; Guineon Donce Troupe dc- cioimed (p. 3) ARTICI"ES AND DOCUMENTS Joint Stotement oI Chino ond Albonio (p. 5) Comrode Mehmet Shehu's Speech ot Forewell Bonquet (p. 13) ' Comrode Chou En-loi's Speech ot Comrode Shehu's Forerell Bonquet (p. 16) Historic Significonce Fenmit Ribao Editoriol (p. 1S) A Docunent of Greot - Ghinese Communist Youth Leogue Will Not Send Delegotion to Soriet l(om- somol Congress (p, 20) Workers, Peossats . ond Soldiers Creotiraly Study cnd Apply Mco Tse-tung's Philosophicol Thinking (p. 21) , Tha -*White-Hcired Gid" - A New Revoltrtionory Eollet (p. 25) Evidence of U,S. lmperiolism's Wor Provocstion Connot Be Denied (p. 28) Chino's Nucleor Test lnspires the Oppressed Peoples in Their Struggle lor Uberotion! (p. 30) The True Renugode Feotures of Sholokhor - Tsoi Hui (p. 34) Foreign Ministry's Note to lndonesio: Chino to Send Ships to Receive Chinese Notioncls Who Desire to Return (p. 36) lndonesion Recctionq!'ies Intensify Anti-Chino Activities (p. 38) Topsyturrry Logic - Renmin Ribao Commentotor (p. 39) A Woming to Thoi Reoctionories (p. 41) lndio's Slonders Connot Cover Up lts Intrusions lnto Chinese Territory b. azl Published every Fridcy by PEKING REVIEW Poi l4lon Chuong, PeUng {37}" Chim ?ost OIfice Regktrolion No. 2-922 Coble Address: Peliag r8ll0 Printed in the Pmple's Republic of Chino L THE WEEI( Communist Youth Leogue Holds Plenory Session A COMMUNIQUE issued by the torch of revolution from one genera- tung's thinking. The Communist / r third plenary session of the Ninth tion to the next, therefore, first of Youth League must give top priority Central Committee of the Chinese all requires that the present younger to the creative study and application Communist Youth League was generation grow up as true succes- of Chairman Mao's writings. Mao published in Renmin Eibao on May sors to the proletarian revolutionary Tse-turng's thinking is the highest 4. The central theme discussed at the cause. The communique stated: "The peak of Marxism-Leninism in our session, whieh took place from April Party and Chairman Mao Tse-tung epoch, and the highest and most I to 20, was ways and means to put have taught us that the stmggle be- creative expression of Marxism- politics first and develop the move- tween the proletariat and the bour- Leninism. Mao Tse-tung's thinking ment to study Chairman Mao's writ- geoisie to win over the young people is not only a guide for China's ings in a stili better way so as to is an important part of the class revolution and construction: it is continuously promote the revolu- struggle throughor-rt the period of a powerful ideological weapon for tlonization of the nation's youth. soclalism. While the proletariat the proletariat of the r+'orld and Hu Ke-shih. member of the Secre- wants to educate and remould the all oppressed perples in ttreir fight tariat of the League's Central Com- young in aceordance u'ith its rvorld against imperialism, mo<iern revi- mittee, gave a report entitled: "The outlook. the bourgeoisie r+-ants to in- sionlsm and all reactionaries, and Communist Youth League Should Be fluence and remould the youth in it is a great banner for the libera- a School for Creatively Studying and accorddnce with its own rvoild out- tion of mankind." The communique Applying Mao Tse-tung's Thinking." look. The struggle between the two said that the paramount iask of the A resoiution was adopted calling on classes to win over the youlh is a Communist Youth League "is to put the youth to carry forward the move- protracted, fierce and compiicated N{ao'Tse-tung's thinking in command ment to study Chairman Mao's one which might take a hundred or in all its work and to make the writings. several hundred years to settle. This League a school where Mao Tse- ap- The session, said the communique, is the main contradiclion in yor.rth tung's thinking is siudied and analysed the present youth move- work throughout the entire transi- plied creatively." ment in the country. It pointed out tion period. This situation demands Sociolist that in the past few years a netv up- that the Communist Youth League Porticipote in the surge in the creative sludy and ap- put politics first and that all work Culturol Revolution of the League have as its key the plication of Chairman Mao's writings A new upsurge in the socialist cul- class struggie and the struggle be- had arisen among the young people. revolution has taken shape tween the socialist and capitalist tural Tempered in the socialist education the country, and all young roads." throughout movement and rvith their political people are called upon to take part. consciousness further heightened, the The plenary session held that put- The communique said: "The socialist nation's youth were playrng an in- ting politics first w'as the funda- cultural revolution now surging creasingly important role in the three mental guiding principle in revolu- forward is a class struggle in the great revolutionary movements: class tionizing the youth. If proletarian ideological sphere; it is of crucial struggle, struggle for production and politics were not put in command, importance to the deePening of scientific experiment. The upshot then bourgeois politics would seize China's soeialist revolution at the was a new high in the revolutioni- the opportunity to exert its influenee. present stage. Works of literature zation of the youth. Putting politics first, tkre session also and art, education, history, philosophy In view of the class struggle both maintained, was the correct and ef- and other fields opposing the Party in the country and throughout the fective way of bringing the young and socialism are Poison used bY world, it is of particular importance people's socialist initiative into full the bourgeoisie to corrode the to give top priority to the question play, the guarantee for the sound youth. When the masses of Young of putting politics first. It is a1l the building of the Communist Youth people have mastered Mao Tse-tung's more important among the young League, which is an instrument of thinking, they rvill be able to grasp people because it will not only affect the proletariat in class struggle, and the truth and they will be invincible, the course of the revolution at pres- for the Party's absolute leadership daring to break thoroughly with the ent but also the bringing up of the over the League and the key to rev- ideology of all exploiting classes and younger generations and the future olutionizing cadres among the youth. becoming an active and courageous of the country and the revolution The communique listed the tasks force in the current socialist cultural which will take the efforts of to be fulfilled in putting politics first revolution.'l The comrnunique stressed several generations, perhaps ten or and added: "Putting politics first that all League members and al-l more, to accomplish. Passing on the means giving first place to Mao Tse- young people should take an active May 20, 1966 part in this revolution, and that all Afro-Asian Solidarity sent a cable to perialist struggle of.the people of the young workers, peasants, soldiers Ahmed el Shukeiry, Chairman of the Arab countries-" and intellectuals should join in the Palestine .tiberation Organization, But the people of the Arab coun- struggle in order to distinguish rc'affirming. Chinese people's the tries.and the Palestinian Arabs could fragrant ftrou'ers from poisonous resolute support. for the.heroic strug- ncrt be deceived, Renmin Ribao said. weeds and to foster proletarian ide- gle of the people Falestine of against Not Iong ago, public opinion in the olog;' and eliminate bourgeois ide- U.S:-led imperialism and its tool of Arab countries had given a sharp re- olog5r. The session qalled on Com- aggression, Islael. munist Youth League organizations buff to the absurd allegation that The cable also expressed the set at all ievels, Leapue members and firnr sup- "Tashkent declaration" had port just an example the young people to raise still higher for the struggle'of the peo- for the Middie East. The ple Palestine Palestine the great red banner of Mao Tse- of for their return to Liberation Organization tung's thinking ahd to struggle for their homeland and restoration of had time and again declared that their, legiti4nate rights Palestins, armef road the great socialist cause. in .1tr11S_SlE was the only and for the just strugglq of the Arab ppoples against triple forces of Chinese, Rumonion Leoders .the aggression represented by U.S. im- Guineon Donce Troupe Meet perialism, West German militarism Zionism. Accloimed The Rumanian Palty and Govern- and ment Delegation led by Ernil Bod- fn an editoiial, Reilmin Ribao The Guinean National, Dance naras, 'Member- of the Executive declared that the Palestinian Arabs Troupe, 1'Djoliba," led by Sissoko Committee and of the Fermanent hdd every-right'to 'r.eturn to their Amadou and Kouy.ate Sori Kandia, Presidium .of '..the Central. Committee horneland. and" their .just struggle has made a big hit in Peking. o{ the Rumanian Conrmunist Party had won the sympathy and support Distinctively national in style and and .
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