US009 150613B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,150,613 B2 Harding et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 6, 2015

(54) HEPATOCYTE MIMICS C07K5/083 (2006.01) AS THERAPEUTICAGENTS A61 K38/00 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. (75) Inventors: Joseph W. Harding, Pullman, WA (US); CPC. C07K 5/02 (2013.01); A61K38/06 (2013.01); John W. Wright, Pullman, WA (US); A6 IK38/07 (2013.01); A61K 45/06 (2013.01); Caroline C. Benoist, Nashville, TN C07K 5/021 (2013.01); C07K5/0808 (US); Leen H. Kawas, Pullman, WA (2013.01); A61 K38/00 (2013.01) (US); Gary A. Wayman, Pullman, WA (58) Field of Classification Search (US) None See application file for complete search history. (73) Assignee: Washington State University, Pullman, WA (US) (56) References Cited (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS past list: G adjusted under 35 2005/O113369 A1 5.2005 Zembower et al. M YW- y yS. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (21) Appl. No.: 14/009,459 EP O 805203 5, 1997 (22) PCT Filed: Apr. 2, 2012 WO WO 2008OO5531 * 1 2008 WO 2011 019400 2, 2011

(2),S371 (4) (c)(1), Date: Dec. 9, 2013 B.J. Yamamoto et al.:"The IV Analog Nile-Tur-Leu-psi s 9 (CH2-NH2)3-4-His-Pro-Phe (Norleual) Can Act as a Hepatocye (87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2012/138599 Growth Factor/c-Met Inhibitor'; Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, vol. 333, No. 1, 2010, pp. 161-173. PCT Pub. Date: Oct. 11, 2012 * cited by examiner (65) Prior Publication Data Primary Examiner — Thomas S Heard US 2014/OO88004 A1 Mar. 27, 2014 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Whitham Curtis Christofferson & Cook, PC Related U.S. Application Data (60) Provisional application No. 61/471,122, filed on Apr. (57) ABSTRACT 2, 2011, provisional application No. 61/471,124, filed Small molecule, peptidic hepatocyte growth factors mimics, on Apr. 2, 2011. which act as both mimetics and antagonists, have been gen erated. These molecules have been shown or predicted to have (51) Int. Cl. therapeutic potential for numerous pathologies including C07K 5/02 (2006.01) , neurodegenerative disease, diabetes and metabolic A6 IK38/06 (2006.01) syndrome, cancer, and defective wound healing. A6 IK38/07 (2006.01) A6 IK 45/06 (2006.01) 1 Claim, 39 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Oct. 6, 2015 Sheet 1 of 39 US 9,150,613 B2

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US 9,150,613 B2 1. 2 MIMICS The realization that HGF application might represent a viable AS THERAPEUTICAGENTS treatment option for dementia should be no surprise. HGF is a potent neurotrophic factor in many brain regions (Kato et STATEMENT OF FEDERALLY SPONSORED al., 2009; Ebens et al., 1996), while affecting a variety of RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT neuronal cell types. Neuroprotection/Neuroregeneration: HGF and c-Met are This invention was made, in part, with government Support actively expressed in both the developing and adult brains and under Grant Nos. MHO86032 awarded by NIH. The govern nerves. The Met system is essential for both the central and ment has certain rights in the invention. peripheral nervous systems to function properly. A large 10 number of studies have shown that HGF and c-Met are SEQUENCE LISTING expressed in multiple areas of the brain including the frontal This application includes as the Sequence Listing the com cortex, Subependyma, thalamus, cerebellar cortex, deep gray plete contents of the accompanying text file “Sequence.txt. matter, and the hippocampus, an important area for cognition. created Apr. 2, 2012, containing 1022 bytes, hereby incorpo 15 The biological activities described above also characterize Met functions in the brain where HGF/c-Met signaling is rated by reference. neurotrophic (Honda et al., 1995) and protective (Zhanget al., DESCRIPTION 2000: Takeo et al., 2007: Tyndall and Walikonis, 2007: Takeu chi et al., 2008). Similar to its activities in other tissues, Met Summary in the brain is involved in development, acting as a guidance factor during differentiation, motogenesis and neuritogenesis Field of the Invention (Ebens et al., 1996; Sun et al., 2002; Tyndall and Walikonis, 2007). HGF/c-Met signaling has also been shown to promote The invention generally relates to the development of hepa healing of neuronal injury (Trapp et al., 2008), especially tocyte growth factor (HGF) mimics that can act as mimetics 25 after ischemic brain injury (Takeo et al., 2007). HGF also (agonists) or antagonists. Mimetics act: to enhance cognitive displayed neuroprotective effects in animal models for neu function; as general neuroprotective/neuroregenerative rodegenerative diseases including amyotrophic lateral scle agents; to facilitate wound repair, to improve sensi rosis (ALS). The various functions of HGF, plus its highly tivity and glucose transport; and to decrease tissue or organ potent neurotrophic activities, promote HGF as a potential fibrosis in order to prevent or reverse the symptoms of demen 30 therapeutic agent for the treatment of various diseases of the tia, to protect from or reverse neurodegenerative disease, to nervous system. facilitate repair of traumatic injury to the nervous system, to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: ALS is a fatal rapid-onset augment tissue and organ vascularization, to improve neurodegenerative disease that is characterized by degenera impaired wound healing, and to decrease or reverse fibrotic tion of motoneurons in the spinal cord and efferent neurons in changes in organs like heart, lung, kidney, and liver. Antago 35 the motor cortex and brainstem. The impact of this degenera nists act, for example, as anti-angiogenic and anti-cancer tion results in a progressive loss of muscle function culminat agents; to treat various malignancies and diseases like macu ing in total paralysis. Approximately 90% of the cases of ALS lar degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, which are associ are classified as sporadic with no known etiology, while the ated with hypervascularization. remaining 10% appear to be familial, resulting in part from Mimetics: 40 defects in copper/zinc superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), Dementia: There are approximately 10 million diagnosed which leads to exaggerated oxidative stress and an unfolded dementia patients in the United States alone and that number protein response. The one thing that both forms of ALS have continues to grow every year as the populationages. The costs in common is that there is currently is no effective treatment of treatment and care of these patients are in excess of S70 available. billion annually and are increasing rapidly. Unfortunately, the 45 Despite the paucity of effective treatment options, several current treatment options for the management of dementia are studies have highlighted the potential benefits of using hepa severely limited and largely ineffective. The lack of treatment tocyte growth factor (HGF) as a therapeutic agent. These options for a burgeoning health problem of this magnitude investigations have demonstrated that application of hepato necessitates that new and innovative therapeutic approaches cyte growth factor (HGF) in a murine or rat model of familial be developed as quickly as possible. 50 ALS significantly slows motoneuron degeneration (Aoki et At its core dementia results from a combination of dimin al., 2009); reduces gliosis (Kadoyama et al. 2007), which ished synaptic connectivity among neurons and neuronal contributes to the degeneration process; delays the onset of death in the entorhinal cortex, hippocampus and neocortex. paralysis (Kadayama et al., 2009); and increases lifespan Therefore, an effective treatment would be expected to aug (Sun et al., 2002). ment synaptic connectivity, protect neurons from underlying 55 The realization that HGF application might represent a death inducers, and stimulate the replacement of lost neurons viable treatment option for ALS, however, should be unex from preexisting pools of neural stem cells. These clinical pected. HGF along with its type I receptor, endpoints advocate for the therapeutic use of neurotrophic c-Met, have long been recognized for their role in the devel factors, which mediate neural development, neurogenesis, opment of tubular structures (Santos et al., 1993) and their neuroprotection, and synaptogenesis. Not unexpectedly neu 60 general proliferative, anti-apoptotic, motogenic, and mor rotrophic factors have been considered as treatment options phogenic actions on hepatocytes and cells of epithelial origin. for many neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's Most pertinent, however, is the more recent realization that disease (see reviews—Nagahara and Tuszynski, 2011, Calis HGF is a potent neurotrophic factor (Maina and Klein, 1993; sano et al., 2010). One particularly attractive but mostly over Kato et al., 2009) in many brain regions and that it is particu looked neurotrophic factoris HGF, which has a provenability 65 larly effective as a pro-survival/regenerative factor for moto to both stimulate neurogenesis (Shanget al., 2011, Wang etal, neurons (Ebens et al., 1996; Yamamoto et al., 1997; Hayashi 2011) and synaptogenesis (see preliminary studies below). et al., 2006; Elsen et al., 2009). US 9,150,613 B2 3 4 Parkinson's Disease: A treatment option long considered scaring. This loss of neurons and diminished synaptic con for many neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson's nectivity is particularly apparent in the hippocampus (Gao et disease (PD) has been the application of growth factors with al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2011a; Zhang et al., 2011b) resulting the intention of halting disease progression, restoring lost in defective long-term potentiation (Schwarzbach et al., function, or hopefully both (review, Rangasamy et al., 2010). 2006) and cognitive deficits (e.g. Dikmen et al., 2009; Patelet However, this dream has gone largely unfulfilled at the level al., 2010). The prevalence of TBI associated injuries that of clinical medicine because of limitations related to brain result in neuronal loss and decreased synaptic connectivity delivery and costs. Growth factors are universally large pro denote the need for therapies which Support neuronal repair teins that are both metabolically labile and too large to pass and/or replacement. These clinical endpoints advocate for the the blood-brain barrier (BBB). As such, most approaches to 10 therapeutic use of which mediate neural delivery have utilized gene therapy methods with the hope development, neurogenesis, neuroprotection, and synaptoge that the growth factor will be expressed in the correct location nesis, for treating TBI. Not unexpectedly neurotrophic factors at a high enough concentration and for a long enough period have been considered as treatment options for TBI (Kaplanet to provide clinical relief Although a number of creative and al., 2010; Richardson et al., 2010; Qi et al., 2011). One par Successful approaches in animal models have been employed 15 ticularly attractive but mostly overlooked neurotrophic factor to deliver growth factors like GDNF (Wang et al., 2011) to the is HGF, which has a proven ability to both stimulate neuro brain, these methodologies are technically complex and pro genesis (Shang et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2011) and synapto hibitively difficult to bring to practice with large numbers of genesis (see preliminary studies below). The fact that HGF patients. application might represent a viable treatment option for TBI While many growth factor systems have been examined as stems from the recent realization that HGF is a potent neu potential therapeutic targets for PD one that has been largely, rotrophic factor in many brain regions (Kato et al., 2009: and we think mistakenly, overlooked is the hepatocyte growth Ebens et al., 1997), while affecting a variety of neuronal cell factor (HGF)/c-Met (its type I tyrosine kinase-receptor) sys types (Yamamoto et al., 1997; Hayashi et al., 2006; Eisen et tem. Nevertheless, the potential utility of HGF as a PD treat al., 2009). ment has been highlighted in a study by Koike et al. (2006) in 25 HGF and wound healing: Excessive scarring is typified by which an HGF plasmid injected directly into the substantia unnecessary accumulation of ECM components in the nigra (SN) resulted in localized over-expression of HGF, and wound, due to an inappropriate balance between synthesis acted dramatically to prevent neuronal cell death and preserve and degradation. Therapy for pathologic scarring may be normal motor function in the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) directed at inhibiting the synthesis and promoting the degra PD rat model. This observed neuroprotective effect of HGF 30 dation of the ECM. HGF in the skin promotes wound healing on dopaminergic (DA) neurons meshes with its ability to effectively in several ways: motivating the proliferation and augment the proliferation and migration of dopaminergic motility of dermal vascular endothelial cells; stimulating the progenitor cells (Lan et al., 2008) motility of epidermal keratinocytes; enhancing local blood The neuroprotective effect of the HGF on the nigrostriatal Supply; and accelerating the re-epithelialization of the wound pathway, however, should be no Surprise given its recognized 35 (Nakanishi et al., 2002). Re-epithelialization inhibits the for role in stem cell regulation, the development of tubular struc mation of scars. Studies have shown that HGF gene transfer tures (Santos et al., 1993) and its general proliferative, anti accelerates dermal wound healing by stimulating angiogen apoptotic, motogenic, and morphogenic actions on many cell esis and re-epithelialization (Nakanishi et al., 2002). Thera types including hepatocytes and cells of epithelial origin (Gh peutic approaches that augment HGF/SF would be expected erardi et al., 1993). Maina et al., Particularly pertinent is the 40 to promote wound healing and prevent scar formation. demonstration that HGF is a potent neurotrophic factor for HGF as a treatment option for metabolic syndrome and many neuronal cell types (Kato et al., 2009) including moto diabetes: Several recent studies have implicated the critical neurons (Eisen et al., 2009; Hayashi et al., 2006), hippocam role of the HGF/c-Met system in the regulation of glucose pal neurons Lim et al., 2008), cerebellar granular cells (Ieraci handling, insulin secretion, and tissue insulin sensitivity. et al., 2002), and sympathetic neurons (1999). Moreover, 45 Together these investigations have highlighted the therapeu HGF appears to be a critical regulator of neural stem cell tic potential of augmenting the HGF/c-Met system for the expansion and differentiation (Nicoleau et al., 2009) suggest treatment of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome (Fa ing that neural as well as many types of peripheral stem cells falios et al., 2011: Flaquer et al., 2012)). These investigators are under the control of the HGF/c-Met system. have shown that: 1) c-Met, the HGF receptor complexes with Traumatic Brain Injury/Spinal Cord Injury: TBI often 50 the insulin receptor; 2) c-Met is critically involved with negatively impacts cognitive function and can elicit effects hepatic glucose homoestasis; 3) HGF restores insulin respon that range from mild, with temporary decrements in mental siveness in a murine diabetic mouse model; 4) that HGF gene abilities, to severe, with prolonged and debilitating cognitive therapy can prevent the renal damage that typically accom dysfunction (Kane et al., 2011). Cognitive difficulties along panies diabetes, and 5) HGF ameliorates the vascular com with other neurological deficits including: anxiety, aggres 55 plication of diabetes (Peng et al., 2011). siveness, and depression result in a significantly reduced The HGF/c-Met signaling pathway potentiating Angio quality of life (Masel and DeWitt, 2010). With military opera genesis: Angiogenesis is defined as the formation of new tions concluded in Iraq and continuing in Afghanistan TBI blood vessels from existing vascular bed. It is a prime require has become the major combat injury representing 28% of all ment in physiological processes Such as wound healing and combat casualties (Okie, 2005: U.S. Medicine, May 2006, 60 the menstrual cycle, on the other hand, it is an essential step Vol.42). Total estimates of military service members suffering for multiple pathological conditions, like cancer, macular TBIs between 2001 and 2010 range from 180,000 to 320,000 degeneration, atherosclerosis, diabetic retinopathy, neovas (U.S. Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center). cular glaucoma, psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. Conse Underlying TBI is physical injury to the brain resulting in quently, the modulation of angiogenesis, whether it was decreased synaptic connectivity among neurons, loss and 65 through encouraging therapeutic angiogenesis or by stopping death of neurons, damage to cerebral blood vessels resulting pathologic angiogenesis, is an exhilarating prospect for mod in ischemic/hypoxic-induced damage, and secondary glial ern medicine. The equilibrium between physiological and US 9,150,613 B2 5 6 pathological angiogenesis is mediated by the communication tion after hepatoctomy especially in the cases of cirrhotic of numerous endogenous angiogenic and anti-angiogenic liver (Boros and Miller, 1995: Kaibori et al., 2002: Borowiak modulators. et al., 2004). Conversely, studies have shown that the clofi Numerous studies have shown HGF to be a powerful brate-related compounds, which increase HGF/SF levels, can inducer of neovasculature formation. Moreover HGF/c-Met induce hepatomegaly, proliferation of hepatic peroxisomes, inhibitors are clinically relevantanti-angiogenic agents. (Gh and hepatic carcinoma (Xu and Wu, 1999). The linkage of erardi et al., 2012). This is probably attained through multiple HGF/SF both positively and negatively to hepatic diseases pathways, achieved either by direct or indirect action on has made HGF-related therapeutics a hot area for pharmaceu endothelial cells. tical development. HGF as anti-fibrotic agent: Fibrotic disease takes many 10 Limitations to the direct use of HGF: The direct use of HGF forms and is a major contributor to degraded function in the or any other protein neurotrophic factor as a therapeutic agent heart, kidney, and liver secondary to many pathological states has two serious limitations: 1) large size and hydrophilic including myocardial infarction, diabetes, and alcoholism. character precluding blood-brain barrier permeability Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is showing a strong anti (BBB); and 2) the need to be manufactured by recombinant fibrotic effect with remarkable effectiveness in ameliorating 15 methods at high cost, thus limiting its widespread use. These tissue fibrosis in a wide range of animal models HGF exhibits impediments can be overcome using one or more of an exten a remarkably powerful anti-fibrotic effect that ameliorates sive library of small molecule HGF mimetics which are tissue fibrosis in a wide range of animal models and tissues described herein, some of which are orally active, display (Liu and Yang, 2006). Evidence has documented the thera profound pro-cognitive/anti-dementia/neuroprotective activ peutic effect of exogenous HGF in chronic allograft nephro ity, and are inexpensive to synthesize. pathic rats, a model of chronic inflammation and progressive Antagonists: Improperactivation of the c-Met receptor can tissue scarring. The intramuscular administration of the be encouraged by genetic activating mutations, transcrip human HGF gene reduced the rate of mortality, restrained tional upregulation or by -dependent autocrine or para inflammation and infiltration, and reduced renal fibrosis (Liu crine mechanisms. and Yang, 2006). 25 c-Met activation in cancer: Cancer is a heterogeneous Coronary artery disease (CAD) ischemic events and myo group of diseases that result from the accumulation of genetic cardial infarction are the major causes of cardiac failure in the mutations. These mutations cause altered function in proto Western world. The only option for severe coronary blockage leading to dysregulation of DNA repair, prolifera and atherosclerosis is bypass Surgery. Two pathological tion, and apoptotic signaling (Tannock, 2005). The dysregu events in CAD play major roles in the loss of cardiac function 30 lation in the signals within a group of cells leads to the observed in CAD: 1) blockage of the coronary arteries result uncontrolled growth, and invasion that either directly intrudes ing in decreased blood perfusion to the heart; and 2) the upon and destroys adjacent tissue or metastasizes and spread formation of fibrotic tissue after cardiac insult resulting in to other location in the body through the lymphatic system or Ventricle remodeling and decreased compliance. Increased the blood stream. levels of HGF in the circulation have been reported after acute 35 A dysfunctioning Met and HGF system appears to be a myocardial Infarction (Zhu et al., 2000; Jin et al., 2003). This critical trait of numerous human malignancies. Ectopical increase in circulating HGF can be used as biological marker overexpression of HGF and/or c-Met in mouse and human for heart injury and gives a clue regarding its protective role cell lines leads them to develop tumorigenic and metastatic (Ueda et al., 2001). Pharmaceuticals that enhance the HGF/ phenotypes in athymic nude mice (Rong et al., 1994). A large Met signaling could potentially be used in the treatment of 40 number of studies have shown that the HGF/c-Met pathway is myocardial infarction, providing protection against oxidative one of the most dysregulated pathways in human malignan stress and cell death due to apoptosis as well as reducing the cies, which include, but are not limited to: bladder, breast, formation of fibrotic tissue (Ahmet et al., 2002: Kondo et al., cervical, colorectal, endometrial, esophageal, gastric, head 2004: Pietronave et al., 2010). Moreover, another beneficial and neck, kidney, liver, lung, nasopharyngeal, ovarian, pan effect of HGF following myocardial infarction could lie in its 45 creatic, prostate, and thyroid cancers ( ability to induce neovascularization, which could support met/). Lastly, an activating mutations of c-Met has been dis formation of new cardiac vasculature that would improve covered in sporadic and inherited fouls of human renal reperfusion of the myocardium. papillary carcinomas (Danilkovitch-Miagkova and Zbar, Although HGF is known to protect the liver against exter 2002). These mutations which alter sequences within the nal insults, HGF generation has also been associated with 50 kinase domain have also been found in other types of Solid several liver and extra-hepatic diseases. Experimental and tumors and metastatic lesions. At this point it’s worth men clinical evidence indicates that HGF plays a crucial role in tioning that HGF over- or miss-expression often correlates liver regeneration. Liver cirrhosis is the irreversible end result with poor prognosis and that the down-regulation of c-Met or of fibrous Scarring and hepatocellular regeneration and is a HGF expression in human tumor cells reduced their tumori major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide with no 55 genicity (Abounader et al., 2002). effective therapy. Although there is no specific etiology for Activation of Met in cancer occurs most often through this disease, cirrhosis has been defined as a chronic disease of ligand autocrine or paracrine activation. Osteosarcomas and the liver in which dispersed damage and regeneration of globlastoma mutliforme, which express both c-Met and HGF hepatic parenchymal cells have taken place and in which are examples of dysfunctional autocrine control. In other dissemination of connective tissue has resulted in inadequate 60 instances where paracrine control is paramount, c-Met Over organization of the lobular and vascular structures (Fujimoto expression has been reported in human primary tumors while and Kaneda, 1999: Kaibori et al., 2002). Ideally, approaches HGF is provided by stromal cells and not the tumor itself for the treatment of liver cirrhosis should include attenuation (Houldsworth et al., 1990; Kuniyasu et al., 1992; Hara et al., of fibrogenesis, encouragement of hepatocyte mitosis, and 1998: Tongetat., 2004; Milleret al., 2006: Beanet al., 2007). reformation of tissue architecture. 65 The list of in which c-Met overexpression has Studies have shown that exogenous administration of been detected is growing relentlessly. In the case of carcino recombinant HGF increases the potential for liver regenera mas, excessive levels of c-Met expression have been found in US 9,150,613 B2 7 8 virtually every malignancy (Danilkovitch-Miagkova and these, HGF has the most pronounced effects on endothelial Zbar, 2002). Receptor over-expression can lead to local growth and mitogenic activity (Boulton, 1999). Studies have receptor oligomerization generating cells reactive to Sub found that levels of HGF in the vitreous fluid of PDR patients threshold ligand concentrations. HGF itself is able to trigger are considerably higher than in non-diabetic patients, and that the transcription of c-Met (Boccaccio et al., 1994), and it is the levels of HGF are especially high in the active stage of thus HGF, which is universally expressed by stromal cells PDR (Katsura et al., 1998). This suggests that HGF stimulates throughout the body that typically drives tumor over expres or perpetuates neovascularization in PDR. Therefore, it is sion of c-Met (Aguirre Ghiso et al., 1999; Parr et al., 2004). plausible to think that an HGFantagonist would be a prom This uniqueness of HGF permits it to play a critical role, ising option as a prophylactic treatment, or to ameliorate the which engages paracrine positive feedback loops that prop up 10 the growth and metastasis of cancer cells. Interestingly, this progression of PDR. notion is in agreement with the observation that c-Met acti Vating mutations require HGF to enhance their catalytic BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS effectiveness (Michieli et al., 1999). HGF can also abnor mally stimulate c-Met in an autocrine manner, as depicted in 15 gliobastomas (Weidner et al., 1990), breast carcinomas FIGS. 1A, B, and C. Effect of Dihexa on spatial learning in (Potempa and Ridley, 1998), rhabdomyosarcomas (Hart the water maze. A: 30 minutes before beginning testing rats mann et al., 1994) and osteosarcomas (Ridley et al., 1995). were given Scopolamine directly into the brain intracere With multiple mechanisms of activation, it is clear that both broventricularly (ICV) and 10 minutes later Dihexa was given Met and HGF are major contributors to the progression of ICV at 10 pmoles (low dose) or 100 pmoles (high dose). This most human cancers. Additionally, the demonstrated activi was done daily before the first training trial. There were 5 ties of c-Met and HGF in proliferation, invasion, angiogen trials per day for 8 days. The latency to find the pedestal was esis and anti-apoptosis (Weidner et al., 1990; Rong et al., considered a measure of learning and memory. Rats receiving 1994: Kitamura et al., 2000; Xiao et al., 2001; Wang et al., high Dihexa were able to completely overcome the scopola 2002: Derksen et al., 2003) demarcate the different stages at 25 mine deficits and were no different than controls. B. 30 min which these molecules can participate in tumor development. utes before beginning testing rats were given Scopolamine Although, c-Met is used as a general marker for cancer, is directly into the brain intracerebroventricularly (ICV) and 10 also an indicator of biological significance with respect to minutes later Dihexa was given orally 1.25 mg/kg/day (low malignancy and patient prognosis, with high levels correlated dose) and 2 mg/kg/day (high dose). This was done daily with a poor prognosis. Molecules that inhibit c-Met and HGF 30 before the first training trial. There were 5 trials per day for 8 can therefore be expected to interfere with the molecular days. The latency to find the pedestal was considered a mea causes of many cancers, and should significantly help in Sure of learning and memory. Rats receiving high dose attenuating Recent studies from the Harding lab have con Dihexa were able to completely overcome the scopolamine firmed the potential use of HGFantagonists as effective anti deficits and were no different than controls. B: Aged rats of cancer/anti-angiogenic agents (Yamamoto et al., 2010, 35 mixed sex and age (22-26 months) were randomly assigned to Kawas et al., 2011; Kawas et al., 2012). a control/untreated group or a Dihexa treated group (2 mg/kg/ Macular degeneration/diabetic retinopathy: Age-related day). Rats were not prescreened. Note that normally-50% of macular degeneration (ARMD) is the most common cause of aged rats show deficits, thus the large group errors. The irreversible vision loss in Americans over the age of 60. It is Dihexa group performed significantly better than untreated predicted that 10 million Americans will suffer from some 40 level of this age-related visual damage during their retirement controls. years. In not mal healthy eyes, retinal pigment epithelial FIGS. 2A and B. Dihexa and Nle'-Ang|V dose-depen (RPE) cells form a polarized monolayer adjacent to the pho dently stimulate spinogenesis. A) Dihexa and B)Nle'-Ang|V toreceptors and are involved in various activities that are increase spine density in mRFP-3-actin transfected hippoc essential to retinal homeostasis and visual function. In the 45 ampal neurons in a dose-dependent manner. Neurons were case of macular degeneration, unfortunately, adhesions and stimulated with Dihexa or Nile"-Ang|V over a 5 day period at communication between RPE cells are lost because of a wide range of concentrations. Data obtained from separate inflammation. When inflammation occurs, RPE cells secrete cultures; cultures were 12 days old at time of fixing. The many growth factors including HGF/SF, which stimulates the number of dendritic spines on representative 50 um dendrite division and migration of RPE and the formation of new 50 segments were hand counted. *=p-0.05 and **p<0.001; vasculature from existing blood vessels (angiogenesis). HGF also stimulates the production of other growth factors (e.g. n=50; meantS.E.M.; S-significantly different from control. VEGF), which further promote the formation of new blood FIG. 3A-E. Time dependent effects of Nle'-Ang|V and vessels that invade neighboring matrix (Jun et al., 2007). Dihexa treated neurons on spinogenesis. Hippocampal neu Hence the use of HGF blockers could be used either prophy 55 rons transfected with mRFP-3-actin were treated with 10' lactically, or as a treatment to slow down the progression of M Dihexa or Nile"-Ang IV for 5 days in culture or for 30 the disease and Subsequent loss of vision. minutes prior to fixation on day in vitro 12 (DIV 12), promote Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR), which entails a spinogenesis. A) Representative image of the dendritic arbor distinctive neovascularization of the retina that is character of a 5 day vehicle treated hippocampal neuron. B) Represen ized by the invasion of vessels into the vitreous cavity, is 60 tative image of a dendritic arbor from a neuron stimulated for coupled with bleeding and Scarring around the proliferative 5 days with 10' M Dihexa. C) Representative image of the channel (Katsura et al., 1998). There is substantial evidence dendriticarborofaneuron stimulated with 10 MNle'-Ang that multiple growth factors are involved in the onset and IV for 5 days. D) Bargraph representing the number of spines progression of the neovascularization process in general and per 50 um dendrite length per treatment condition following in the PDR in specifically. These include basic fibroblast 65 a 5 day in vitro treatment. *** P-0.001: n=200. E) Bargraph growth factor (bfGF). Insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I), representing the number of spines per 50 um dendrite length vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and HGF. Of per treatment condition following an acute 30 minute treat US 9,150,613 B2 10 ment. *** P<0.001: n=60. *Data obtained from separate cul um thicknesses), representing a more intact environment, tures; cultures were 12 days old at time of fixing. were biolistically transfected with the soluble red fluorescent Mean+S.E.M. by one-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test. protein Tomato. CA1 hippocampal neurons were selected for FIG. 4. Nle1-AnglV and Dihexa increase spine head width. evaluation because of their known plastic response during The width of the spine head was measured as an indication of 5 learning. Slices were obtained from postnatal day 5 rats. A) synaptic strength. Spine heads with a greater Surface area can Representative images of CA1 neuronal dendrites from accommodate more neurotransmitter receptors and are more Tomato transfected hippocampal slices. Images represent a 2 likely to form functional synapses. The Ang|V analogue day treatment with 10-12 MNTel-Ang|V or Dihexa. B) Treat ment-induced spinogenesis is observed in CA1 pyramidal treatment-induced increase in spine head width Suggests hippocampal neurons. Spine numbers measured for control facilitated neurotransmission. ***=p<0.001; meantS.E.M.; 10 slices were 7 per 50 um dendrite length vs. 11 spines per 50 n=100. um dendrite length for both Nle1-AngW and Dihexa treated FIG. 5A-G. Neurotransmitter patterns for Nle1-AngTV neurons; Mean+S.E.M., n=17: *=P<0.01 Statistical signifi and Dihexa stimulated neurons. Dihexa and Nle1-AnglV cance by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey Multiple Com treated neurons were immunostained for the universal parisons Test; Experiments were repeated at least three times. presynaptic marker synapsin and the glutamatergic presyn 15 FIG. 8. HGF dose-dependently enhances spinogenesis. aptic marker VGLUT1. The percent correlation between the Effect of HGF on spinogenesis in dissociated hippocampal postsynaptic spines (red) and presynaptic puncta (green) neurons. Dissociated hippocampal neurons from 1 or 2 day were measured as an indication of functional synapses. A) old rats were transfected with mRFP-B-actin and stimulated Bar graph representing an increase in the number of spines with HGF for 5 days. Treatment with 2.5 ng/ml HGF did not following treatment with vehicle, Nle1-AnglV or Dihexa. affect basal spine numbers and was considered sub-threshold. This ensures an active phenotype in the neurons Doses of 5, 10 and 20 ng/ml significantly increased the num (***=P<0.001; meani.S.E.M.; n=25). B) Bar graph repre ber of spines per 50 um dendrite lengths compared to vehicle senting the percent correlation of treatment-induced postsyn control treated neurons. *** P-0.001; meantS.E.M.; n=50 aptic spines to the glutamatergic presynaptic marker per treatment group. VGLUT1. A high percent correlation between the presynap 25 FIGS. 9A and B. Effects of Dihexa and HGF on spinogen tic marker and the postsynaptic spines suggests that func esis in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. Hippocampal slice cultures were biolistically transfected with the red tional connections are formed (P-0.05; meantS.E.M.; n=25). soluble protein Tomato on DIV3 and stimulated with Dihexa C) Bargraph representing an increase in the number of spines or HGF on DIVS. Organotypic hippocampal slice cultures following treatment with vehicle, Nle1-AnglV or Dihexa, maintain a more intact perforant path and therefore represent ensuring health of the neurons (***=P<0.001; meantS.E.M.; 30 a more intact environment. A) Representative images of CA1 n=25). D) Bar graph representing the percent correlation of neurons, the neuronal type in the hippocampus that exhibits treatment-induced postsynaptic spines to the general presyn learning associated synaptic plasticity. Hippocampal slices aptic marker Synapsin. No significant differences between were stimulated with vehicle, 10' M Dihexa, or 10 ng/ml the stimulated neurons and vehicle control treated neurons HGF for 2 days. B) Bar graph representing the number of were observed (P-0.05; meant S.E.M.; n=25) suggesting a 35 spines per 50 um dendrite length for each treatment group. majority of the presynaptic input is glutamatergic. E) Bar Dihexa and HGF significantly increase the number of spines graph representing an increase in the number of spines fol on CA1 hippocampal neurons compared to control treated lowing treatment with vehicle, Nle1-AnglV or Dihexa, ensur neurons. *** PK0.001; meaniS.E.M.; n=20 for control, 26 ing an active phenotype (*=P<0.001; meantS.E.M.; for Dihexa and 38 for HGF stimulated neurons. n=25). F) Bar graph representing the percent correlation of 40 FIG.10A-D. Effect of HGF treatment on synaptogenesis in treatment-induced postsynaptic spines to the postsynaptic dissociated hippocampal neurons. HGF treatment Supports marker PSD-95. G) Bar graph shows no significant differ the formation of functional synapses as indicated by a high ences (P-0.05; meantS.E.M.; n=25) between the postsynap correlation between postsynaptic spines (red) and markers of tic marker PSD-95 and the postsynaptic spines suggest that presynaptic active Zones (green). A) Representative images of the newly formed spines have a functional postsynaptic ele 45 hippocampal neurons transfected with mRFP-B-actin on ment. DIV6 and treated with 10 ng/ml of HGF or vehicle for 5 days FIGS. 6A and B. Mini-excitatory postsynaptic currents in vitro. The neurons were stained for the general presynaptic (mEPSCs) in dissociated hippocampal neurons. Nle1-Ang|V marker Synapsin and glutamatergic presynaptic marker and Dihexa treatment increase the frequency of mini-excita VGLUT1. B) Bar graph representing an active phenotype as tory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs). Recordings were done 50 indicated by a significant increase in the number of spines per on dissociated hippocampal neurons treated with vehicle, 50 um dendrite length following stimulation with HGF (10 10° MNle1-AngW or Dihexafor 5 days prior to recording. ng/ml). Mean number of spines=33 vs. control=23; The currents recorded were spontaneous bursts of AMPA ***=P<0.001 by one-way ANOVA and Tukey Multiple Com mediated synaptic transmission in the absence of action parisons Test; meantS.E.M.; n=25). C) Percent correlation of potentials carried in the presence of Strychnine, picrotoxin 55 actin-enriched postsynaptic spines (red) juxtaposed to the and tetrodotoxin.A) Representative traces of mEPSC record universal presynaptic marker Synapsin (green). A high per ings from Nle1-AnglV or Dihexa treated hippocampal neu cent correlation suggests functional synapses are formed. D) rons. B) Bar graph representing the increase in AMPA-medi Percent correlation of actin-enriched spines (red) juxtaposed ated frequencies from Nle1-Ang|V or Dihexa treated to the glutamatergic presynaptic marker VGLUT1 (green). A hippocampal neurons. The increased frequencies indicate 60 greater than 95% correlation suggests many of these inputs that spines induced by Nle1-AnglV or Dihexa support func are glutamatergic. tional synapses. ***=p<0.001:.S.E.M.; n=25. FIG. 11. Effect of Dihexa and HGF treatment on the fre FIGS. 7A and B. Evaluation of Nle1-Ang|V- and Dihexa quency of mEPSCs in dissociated hippocampal neurons. Dis dependent spinogenesis in CAT hippocampal neurons from sociated hippocampal neurons transfected with mRFP-3-ac rat organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. Nlel-Ang V- and 65 tin were stimulated with 10° M Dihexa or 10 ng/ml for 5 Dihexa were found to Support spinogenesis in CA1 hippoc days prior to recording mEPSCs. Neurons were treated with ampal neurons. Organotypic hippocampal slice cultures (400 tetrodotoxin, picrotoxin, and Strychnine to Suppress action US 9,150,613 B2 11 12 potential, GABA-dependent inhibition, and glycine-depen ern blot. Saturating doses of HGF (100 ng/ml) and Dihexa dent inhibition. Treatment with both agonists significantly (10' M) effectively augment c-Met phosphorylation in enhanced AMPA-mediated currents compared to vehicle acutely stimulated adult hippocampal slices compared to treated neurons (** P<0.002:+S.E.M. by one-way ANOVA vehicle treated slices. Sub-threshold doses of HGF (50 ng/ml) followed by Newman-Keuls post hoc test; n=9, 9 and 11 and Dihexa (10' M) did not significantly increase c-Met respectively). receptor phosphorylation compared to control. However, FIGS. 12A and B. Effect of maximal and sub-threshold combined sub-threshold doses of HGF and Dihexa pheno doses of Angiotensin IV analogues and HGF on spinogenesis. copied the saturating doses of HGF and Dihexa. A) Sub-threshold levels of HGF, Dihexa or Nle1-Ang|V do FIG. 17. Effect of the HGF mimetic, Dihexa, on c-Met not affect basal spine numbers. Combined sub-threshold lev 10 activation. HEK 293 cells were treated with HGF--f-Dihexa els of Dihexa (10M) and HGF (2.5 ng/ml) phenocopy the at various doses, incubated at 37° C. for 30 minutes, and then effects of Dihexa at its biologically effective dose alone: analyzed for phosphorylated (activated) c-Met by immunob #=10' M and S=2.5 ng/ml. B) A sub-threshold dose of the lotting. The results clearly demonstrate the ability of HGF parent compoundNle1-Ang IV (10M) also does not affect and Dihexa to work synergistically to activate c-Met. basal spine levels. Combined sub-threshold levels of Dihexa 15 FIG. 18. Effect of the HGF mimetic, Dihexa, HGF-depen (10 M) and HGF (2.5 ng/ml) phenocopy the effects of dent cell scattering. Cell scattering was assessed in MDCK Nle1-AnglV at its biologically effective dose alone; #-10'- cells. Cells were grown to confluence on coverslips, which M and S=2.5 ng/ml. The ability of combined agonists at were then transferred to a clean plate. After treatment for four Sub-threshold doses to generate maximal responses Suggests days, the number of cells that had scattered off the coverslip a commonality of receptor pathways. *** P-0.001:tmean was quantitated. HEX=Dihexa at 10'M. S.E.M.; n=50. FIG. 19. Verification of c-Met receptor knockdown. Recep FIG. 13 A-D. The effect of the novel HGFantagonist Hinge tor knockdown was confirmed by transfecting HEK cells with on angiotensin IV ligand- and HGF-mediated spinogenesis. mRFP-3-actin (untransfected), a 6Myc-tagged cMet gene A) The effects of the HGFantagonist Hinge (10' M) on product that served to verify presence of protein, shRNA spinogenesis were evaluated. Hinge does not affect spinogen 25 (c-Met) sequences (only sh1 was employed for the knock esis in neurons over a wide range of doses; Dihexa was down experiment) and both shRNAs combined. The trans included to ensure the neurons were responsive to treatment. fected cells were cultured for a further 24 hours then lysed B) Hinge inhibits HGF induced spinogenesis C) Hinge with RIPA buffer and prepared for gel electrophoresis. The inhibits Nle1-Ang|V-induced spinogenesis D) Hinge inhibits samples were probed against Myc by Western blot. Untrans Dihexa-induced spinogenesis. H=10' M and S-10 ng/ml. 30 fected cells serving as the negative control showed no signal, The above data further indicate that the actions of Nlel the 6-Myc-tagged cMetgene product was the positive control Ang|V and Dihexa are mediated by the HGF/c-Met system. and had a strong signal. Both the shMet1 and shMet2 *** P<0.001; mean S.E.M.; n=50. sequences considerably attenuated the signal and combined FIG. 14A-D. Effect of the HGF antagonist Hinge on did not have a signal indicating effective knock down of the HGF and Dihexa-mediated enhancement of mEPSCs in 35 receptor. dissociated hippocampal neurons. Dissociated hippocampal FIG. 20. Effect of c-Met knock-down on spinogenesis neurons were treated with Hinge (10' M), HGF, Dihexa using a shRNA. The picture shows a Western blot probed for (10'’M) or HGF (10 ng/ml) for 5 days after at which time Myc. Hippocampal neurons transfected with mRFP-B-actin mEPSCs were recorded in the absence of action potentials. A) alone or with shMet to knock down the c-Met receptor were Representative traces of a Hinge treated neuron. B) Repre 40 stimulated with HGF (10 ng/ml), Dihexa (10-12 M) or Nle1 sentative trace of a vehicle treated neuron. C) HGF signifi Ang|V (10-12 M) for 48 hours. Neurons transfected with cantly augments AMPA-mediated frequencies compared to mRFP-3-actin and stimulated with HGF, Dihexa or Nle 1 control treated neurons. This effect is attenuated by Hinge Ang|V significantly increased spinogenesis (* P<0.05; while alone Hinge has no effect. D) Spontaneous AMPA meantS.E.M.; n=100). Those neurons transfected with mediated frequencies are significantly increased following 45 mRFP-3-actin and shMet did not respond to stimulation with treatment with Dihexa and significantly reduced following HGF, Dihexa or Nle1-AnglV treatment, confirming HGF and pre-treatment with Hinge, which alone has no effect on base c-Met are the target (P>0.05; mean+S.E.M.; n=100). line frequencies. * P-0.001; meant S.E.M. by one way FIG. 21. HGF and c-Met have a function in spatial learning ANOVA followed by Newman-Keuls post hoc test. and memory. The latency to locate a Submerged pedestal in FIG. 15A-B. Distribution of c-Met protein in the adult rat 50 the Morris water maze task of spatial learning and memory brain. Gross brain regions were obtained from adult Sprague was tested on rats to ascertain the effects of HGF/c-Met on Dawley rats and acutely frozen in liquid nitrogen. The learning and memory. Rats received i.c.V. injections of samples were homogenized, separated by electrophoresis and amnestic or HGF/c-Met receptoragonists. Rats treated immunoblotted for c-Met protein and actin. A) The bar graph with the scopolamine->scopolamine are unable to learn the represents the amount of c-Met (unspecified units) in distinct 55 task as measured by latency to escape. The group latencies for brain regions of importance to cognition. The brain samples rats treated with aGSF->acSF were significantly shorter than were compared to liver where HGF is produced. B) A repre the Scopolamine treated group on day one of training sentative Western blot of the samples probed against c-Met Scopolamine->Dihexa treated rats and rats treated with protein (bands are at 145 kDa) and actin serving as a loading Hinge->Hinge, while not significantly different from the sco control. Equal amounts of protein were loaded in each lane 60 polamine treated group on day one of training show rapid based on BCA protein determinations. facilitation of the task. The group that received scopolamine-- FIG. 16. Stimulation of c-Met phosphorylation by HGF Hinge->Dihexa was not significantly different from the sco and Dihexa in rathippocampal slices. To test whether Dihexa polamine treated animals and has long latencies to escape. could activate the c-Met receptor in the adult rat brain, hip Group latencies to locate a submerged pedestal in the Morris pocampal slices were acutely stimulated for 30 minutes with 65 water maze task of spatial learning and memory. Hinge alone HGF, Dihexa or vehicle (aCSF). Receptor activation was has no effect on learning; however Hinge in addition to Sco measured by phosphorylation of the c-Met receptor by West polamine prevents facilitation of the task. US 9,150,613 B2 13 14 FIG. 22. Stability of Norleual in rat blood as compared to migrate rapidly is the classic response to HGF. MDCK cells, D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH. the gold standard cellular model for studying the HGF/Met ran Norleual and m-D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH-(CH) - system, were grown to 100% confluence on cover slips and CONH2 were incubated in heparinized rat blood at 37°C.; the then placed in a clean plate. The cells were stimulated to figure shows percent recovery over time (meaniSD). The scatter off of the cover slip by adding 20 ng/ml of HGF to the calculated Stability t based on single phase exponential media alone or in combination with Nle-X-Ile-(6) amino decay for Norleual was 4.6 min and for D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH hexanoic amide analogs (X-L-amino acid). After 48 h of (CH) CONH stability t was 79.97 min. scattering, the cells were fixed with methanol and stained FIG. 23. Binding of D-Nle-X-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH with Diff-Quik. The coverslips were removed to reveal the analogs to HGF. Representative curves illustrating the com 10 ring of cells that had scattered off of the cover slip and onto the petition of D-Nle-X-Ile-NH (CH) CONH analogs for plate. (A) The effect of HGF on scattering was quantitated by H-Hinge binding to HGF. The D-Nle-X-Ile-NH-(CH) determining by densitometry of the digital images from scat CONH analogs and H-Hinge (13.3x10'’M) were incu tered cells. ANOVA analysis indicates that the Tyr-i-HGF, bated with 1.25 ng of HGF for 40 min at 37°C. in 0.25 ml of Cys--HGF, and Trp--HGF treated groups were different from buffer. HGF-bound Hinge was eluted from Bio-Gel P6 col 15 the HGF alone group but not different from the control group. umns after the addition of different concentrations of the The HGF and HGF+Met groups were not different. N=8, D-Nle-X-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH analogs (10'- p-0.05 (B) Representative pictures of MDCK cells scattering 107M). The radioactivity of the eluted solutions was quan off the coverslips. titated using Scintillation counting. These data demonstrate FIG. 28. Correlation between inhibition of MDCK cell that the D-Nle-X-Ile-NH-(CH2)5 CONH analogs exhibit scattering and interference with dimerization and the affinity a range of affmities for HGF. The Ks for the Met, Trp. Cys, to bind HGF. Three derivatives of the D-Nle-X-Ile-(6)amino and Tyr analogs were respectively determined to be: 1.375x hexanoic amide, where X is: Cys, Trp, or Met were examined 1097M, 3.372x100M, 1.330x100M, and 2.426x100M; to determine whether the percent of inhibition of dimerization N=9. cities D-Nle-Cys-Ile-NH (CH) and the binding affinity for each compound for HGF could be —CONH2, -- D-Nle-Met-Ile-NH. (CH), 25 correlated to in vitro cellular activity, namely inhibition of —CONH2, as a D-Nle-Trp-Ile-NH-(CH) MDCK cell scattering. The figure shows a strong correlation CONH -- D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH. (CH) CONH. between percent inhibition of HGF dimerization (0. FIG. 24. Inhibition of HGF dimerization by D-Nle-X-Ile R=0.9809) and for binding affinity to HGF (O: K. Values: NH-(CH2)5 CONH analogs. HGF spontaneously dimer R=-0.9903) and percent inhibition of HGF-dependent cell izes when incubated in PBS in the presence of heparin. HGF 30 Scattering. was incubated without (control) or with various candi FIG. 29. Inhibition of B16-F10 melanoma lung coloniza dates at 10'M. These include the derivatives of D-Nle-X- tion by D-Nle-Cys-Ile-NH. (CH) CONH. 400,000 Ile- (6) amino-hexanoic amide, an AnglV-based analog fam B16-F10 murine melanoma cells were injected into the tail ily, where X=Tyr, Cys, Trp, and Met. After 30 minute vein of C57BL/6 mice. Mice received daily IP injections of incubation, samples were cross-linked with BS3, separated 35 D-Nle-Cys-Ile-(6)-amino-hexanoic amide (10 g/kg/day or by gel electrophoresis, and silver stained. Band density was 100 g/kg/day) or PBS vehicle. (A) After 14 days, the lungs quantified and used to determine the level of HGF dimeriza from D-Nle-Cys-Ile-(6)-amino-hexanoic amide treated mice tion in each group. Treatment groups (Tyr, Cys, Trp) were exhibited an obvious reduction in melanoma colonies when statistically different than the HGF treated group (P<0.05; compared to untreated controls. (B) After removal, lungs N=8) (A) Representative gel. (B) Pooled and quantified data. 40 were homogenized and total melanin content was determined FIG. 25. Inhibition of Met phosphorylation by D-Nle-X- spectrophotometrically and used to quantify total pulmonary Ile-NH-(CH) CONH analogs. HEK293 cells were melanoma colonization in vehicle treated and D-Nle-Cys-Ile treated for 10 min with HGF+/-Nle-X-Ile-(6) amino-hex (6)-amino-hexanoic amide treated. Ungrafted age-matched anoic amide analogs at the indicated concentrations. HEK293 control lungs exhibited a background absorbance at 410 nm. cell lysates were immunoblotted with anti-phospho-Met and 45 N=15, Mean-SEM; * P<0.05, *** P<0.001. anti-Met antibodies. The differences in the mean values for FIGS. 30A and B. Metabolically stabilized AngV analogs Met phosphorylation among the indicated treatment groups reverse scopolamine-dependent spatial learning deficits. A. (Nle-X-Ile-(6) amino-hexanoic amide analogs) compared to Group latencies to find the submerged platform in the Morris the HGF treated group were greater than would be expected water maze task of spatial memory. Data from six groups of by chance (P<0.05; N=6). The Met group was not different 50 rats (N=8 each) that were pretreated withicv scopolamine (70 than the HGF group (P>0.05; N=6). nmol in 2 ulaCSF) 20min prior to training followed by the icv FIG. 26. Effects of D-Nle-X-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH infusion of the designated analog (1 nmol in 2 JulaCSF) 5 min analogs on MDCK cell proliferation. MDCK cells were prior to daily training are shown. A two-way ANOVA with treated with a PBS vehicle (negative control), HGF, or HGF in repeated measures indicated that all groups were different combination with Nle-X-Ile-(6)-amino-hexanoic amide ana 55 from the scopolamine acSF on at the last five days of test logs (X=L-amino acid) at 10'M concentration. The Hinge ing. MeaniSEM: ***p<0.001. B. Day 9 probe trials by each peptide (KDYIRN), which represents the dimerization experimental group. Time spent in the target quadrant was domain of HGF, was included as a positive control. The cells recorded for each experimental group. All treatment groups were allowed to grow for 4 days. Cell numbers were esti were different from the scopolamine aGSF group mated on the fourth day with an MTT assay by measuring 60 (**p<0.01) but not significantly different from the vehicle absorbance at 590. HGF-dependent proliferation: control val group (p-0.05). The GABA-Tyr-Ile group was also different ues were subtracted from all values to determine HGF-in than all the other treated groups (p<0.05). aOSF-artificial duced increase in cell proliferation. N=6. *** p<0.001. ** cerebrospinal fluid. p-0.001, * p-0.05, ns: not significant. FIG. 31 A-D. Metabolically synthesized AnglV analogs FIG. 27. Effect of D-Nle-X-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH 65 induce dendritic spines. Hippocampal neurons transfected analogs on HGF-dependent scattering in 1 MDCK cells. Cell with mRFP-3-actin were treated with vehicle (PBS), 10-12M scattering in which cells lose the cell-to-cell contacts and then Nlel-Ang V, as a positive control, or various concentrations US 9,150,613 B2 15 16 for several stabilized analogs for 5 days in culture or for 30 training followed by oral delivery (gavage) of dihexa at 1.25 minutes prior to fixation on day in vitro 12 (DVI 12). A. /kg and 2.0 mg/kg 0.25 mg/kg (Suspension in isotonic NaCl), acetyl-Nle-YIH; B, D-Nle0YI: C, GABA-YI; D, Nle-YIH 5 min prior to daily training. The high oral (2 mg/kg) dose of amide. All analogs increased spine numbers at 10-8 and 10-10 dihexa completely reversed the Scopolamine-dependent M concentrations (p<0.05) with acetyl-Nle-YIH and 5 learning deficit (***p<0.001) while the effect of scopolamine D=Nle-HI increasing spine numbers at even lower concen was partially reversed at the 1.25 kg/mg dose on days 3-8 trations (p<0.05). Mean-/-S.E.M., n=100. (p<0.01). aOSF-artificial cerebrospinal fluid. Mean +/-SEM; n=8-10 FIG. 32. Dihexa is concentrated in multiple brain regions. FIG. 36A-C. Dihexa increases time in the target quadrant Rats fitted with a carotid cannula were anesthetized and during day 9 probe trials. Time spent in the target quadrant infused with 0.5 ml of isotonic saline containing 10 uCi of 10 was recorded for each experimental group following icV, ip, H-dihexa and 2 uCi "C-Inulin, a vascular marker. Thirty and oral delivery of dihexa. A. In the icv study the scopola minutes after infusion the rats were decapitated, the brains mine group performed below the chance level (30s) and was removed, and various brain regions dissected. The tissues significantly different from the vehicle control group and the were then weighed and solubilized with NCS, an organic scopolamine dihexa 1 nmol group (***p<0.001) while the protein solubilizing agent, and 10 ml of Scintillation was 15 scopolamine dihexa 1 nmol and vehicle control groups added. Samples were counted with a scintillation counter were not different (p-0.05). B. In the ip delivery study the using two different windows to quantitate both H and ''C scopolamine PBS group preformed below the chance level counts. H/C ratios were determined so that blood derived and was different than the vehicle control group dihexa contamination of tissues could be determined. The (***p<0.001). Each of the treatment groups was different results indicate that all brain regions concentrated dihexa than the scopolamine PBS group (***p<0.001-p-0.05) (***p<0.001) when compared to blood but no area was sta while each of the treatment groups was different than one tistically different from any other (p-0.05).The average another (***p<0.001-*p<0.05) exhibiting the same dose-re H/C for blood was 1687. Mean+/-S.E.M.; n=4. sponse relationship observed in the initial water maze study. FIG. 33. Dihexa plasma levels after intraovascular (IV) C. In the oral delivery study the scopolamine PBS group infusion. Representative distribution/elimination curve for 25 preformed near the chance level and was different than the Dihexa. Dihexa was administered to adults male Sprague vehicle control group (***p<0.001). Both of the treatment Dawley rats at 10 mg/kg. Plasma samples were collected and groups were different than the scopolamine PBS group analyzed by HPLC-MS. Plasma data were modeled by non (p<0.05 and **p<0.001 respectively) while both of the copartmental analysis. Dihexa exhibited a lone half-life (t/2) treatment groups were different from one another of 12.68 days. 30 (***p<0.001) exhibiting the same dose-response relationship FIG. 34. Phase I metabolism of Dihexa. Phase I metabo observed in the initial water maze study. Mean+/-S.E.M.; lism of Dkhexa was investigated using pooled rat liver n=8-10. microsomes. Dihexa exhibited an average intrinsic clearance FIG. 37. Dihexa improves spatial learning in aged rats. (Cl) of 2.72 uL/min/mg and an average half-life of 509.4 Group latencies to find the submerged platform in the Morris minutes. The stability of piroxicam, Verapamil and 7-ethoxy 35 water maze task of spatial memory are shown. Five minutes coumarin were also determined and utilized as high, moder before beginning testing 24 month old mixed sex (3 male and ate and low metabolized controls, respectively. Data is pre 3 female/group) Sprague Dawley rats were administered sented as the percent remaining time (n=3; mean +/-SEM). dihexa (2 mg/kg) orally by gavage (Suspension in isotonic FIG.35A-C. Dihexa reverses scopolamine-dependent spa NaCl), on a daily basis. There were 5 trials per day for 8 days. tial learning deficits. Group latencies to find the Submerged 40 The latency to find the pedestal was considered a measure of platform in the Morris water maze task of spatial memory are learning and memory. The learning curve for the treated rats shown. 20 minutes before beginning testing 3 month old male was significantly different than that of the non-treated rats Sprague Dawley rats were given Scopolamine directly into (Mann-Whitney U, *p<0.03). Mean+/-S.E.M.; n=6. the brain (icv) and 15 minutes later dihexa was given either FIG.38A-E. Nile"-AnglV and Dihexa increase the number icv, intraperitoneally (ip), or orally. There were 5 trials per 45 of dendritic spines. Time dependent effects of Nile"-Ang|V day for 8 days. The latency to find the pedestal was considered and dihexa treated neurons on spinogenesis. Hippocampal a measure of learning and memory. A. Rats were pretreated neurons transfected with mRFP-B-actin were treated with with icv scopolamine (70 nmol in 2 ulaCSF) 20 min prior to 10' M dihexa or 10' M Nle-Ang IV for 5 days or 30 training followed by the icv infusion of dihexa (0.1 or 1 nmol minutes in culture prior to fixation on day invitro 12 (DIV12). in 2 ul acSF) 5 min prior to daily training. A two-way 50 A) Representative image of the dendritic arbor of a 5 day ANOVA with repeated measures indicated that all time points vehicle treated hippocampal neuron. B) Representative for the 1 nmol dihexagroup were different from the scopola image of a dendriticarbor from a neuron stimulated for 5 days mine group, which received vehicle (aCSF) instead of dihexa with 10' M dihexa. C) Representative image of the den (***p<0.001). The lower, 0.1 nmol, dose of dihexa was also driticarborofaneuron stimulated with 10 MNle-Ang IV significantly improved performance when compared to the 55 for 5 days. D) Bargraph representing the number of spines per scopolamine group on days 5-8 of testing (p<0.05). B. Rats 50 um dendrite length per treatment condition following a 5 were pretreated withicv scopolamine (70 nmol in 2 ulaCSF) day in vitro treatment. **p<0.001; n=200 dendritic seg 20 min prior to training followed 15 minutes later by an ip ments. E) Bargraph representing the number of spines per 50 injection of dihexa in DMSO (<1%) at 0.05 mg/kg, 0.25 um dendrite length per treatment condition following an acute mg/kg, or 0.50 mg/kg. A two-way ANOVA with repeated 60 30 minute treatment. **p<0.001; n=60 dendritic segments. measures indicated that the latency curves for dihexa at 0.25 Mean+S.E.M. Analysis by one-way ANOVA and Tukey post mg/kg and 0.50 mg/kg were different than the Scopolamine hoc test. DaCSF group's learning curve (***p<0.001). The 0.50 FIG. 39. Nile"-AnglV and Dihexa increase dendritic spine mg/kg group was not different than the vehicle control group head width. The width of a dendritic spine head is considered (p>0.05) while the 0.05 mg/kg dihexagroup was not different 65 and indicator of synaptic strength. Spine heads with a greater than the scopolamine group (p-0.05). C. Rats were pretreated Surface area can accommodate more neurotransmitter recep with icv scopolamine (70 nmol in 2 ulaCSF) 20 min prior to tors and are more likely to form more responsive synapses. US 9,150,613 B2 17 18 Neonatal hippocampal neurons transfected with mRFP-B- Dihexa were found to indued spinogenesis in rat CA1 hip actin were treated with 10° M. Nile"-Ang|V or 10' M pocampal neurons. The number of spines presnt was deter Dihexafor 5 days in culture prior to fixation on day in vitro 12 mined. Slices were obtained from postnatal day 5 rats and wer (DIV12). Both Nile"-AnglV and Dihexa treatement induced biolistically transfected with the red fluorescent dye Tomato increases in spine head width suggesting augmented neu to visualze dendritic structues. CA1 hippocampe neurons, rotransmission. ***p<0.001; Mean+S.E.M. n=100. which could be morphologically identified, were selected for FIG. 40A-G. Localization of synaptic markers following evaluation because of their known plastic response during Nle'-Ang|V and dihexa-dependent dendritic spine induction. learning. A representatice images of CA1 neuronal dendrites Dihexa and Nle'-Ang|V treated neurons were immun after 2 days of treatment; B, treatment induced spinogenesis ostained for the universal presynaptic marker synapsin, the 10 is observed. Spine numbers measured for control slices were 7 per 50 um dendrite length vs 11 spines per 50 um dendrite glutamatergic presynaptic markerVGLUT1, and the postsyn length for both Nle'-Ang|V and Dihexa treated neurons. aptic density maker PSD-95. The percent correlation between p-0.01; Mean+S.E.M.; n=17. Experiments were repeated at the postsynaptic spines and presynaptic puncta, which repre least 3 times with similr results. sented a different marker in each panel, was determined and 15 FIG. 43. H Dihexa (N-hexanoic-YI-6AH) binding to used as an indicator of functional synapses. A) Representative HGF, HGF was incubated with H Dihexa (250 ul of solution images of hippocampal neurons transfected with mRFP-B- containing 10 uCi) for 30 minutes at 37° C. HGF-bound actin and immunostained for the excitatory presynaptic Dihexa was eluted from Biogel P6 columns after the addition marker VGLUT1, the general presynaptic marker synapsin, of different concentrations of HGF. The radioactivity of the and the postsynaptic marker PSD-95 following a 5 day treat eluted solution was detected using a scintillation counter. ment with vehicle, 10' M Nle"-AnglV or 10' M dihexa. These data demonstrate that Dihexabinds to HGF. Kd=2.21 x B) Bargraph confirming the expected increase in the number 10-' M: N=4. of dendritic spines following treatment with vehicle, Nle'- FIG. 44. Dihexablocks HGF dimerization. HGF dimeriza Ang|V or dihexa(***p<0.001; meaniS.E.M.; n=25 dendritic tion was assessed in the presence of various analogs including segments). C) Bar graph showing the percent correlation 25 Dihexa. Dimerization was carried out for 30 minutes in the between dendritic spines after treatment and the glutamater presence of heparin. Samples where cross-linked with BS3 gic presynaptic marker VGLUT1. No significant differences and separated by native PAGE. Bands were visualized by between the stimulated neurons and vehicle control treated silver staining and quantitated by densitometry. N=6, *** neurons were observed (P-0.05; mean+S.E.M.; n=25 den p<0.001. dritic segmnets). D) Bar graph confirming the expected 30 FIGS. 45A and B. Effect of the HGF mimetic, Dihexa, on increase in the number of dendritic spines following treat c-Met activation. HEK 293 cells were treated with HGF +/- ment with vehicle, Nle"-Ang|V or dihexa (***p<0.001; Dihexa and analyzed for phosphorylated (activated) c-Met by meantS.E.M.; n=25 dendritic segments). E). Bar graph by immunoblotting. A, immunoblot results; B, graphic rep showing the percent correlation between dendritic spines resentation of the data. after treatment and the general presynaptic marker synapsin. 35 FIG. 46. Dihexaprotects neurons from growth factor dep No significant differences between the stimulated neurons rivation. Dissociated hippocampal neurons were starved for and vehicle control treated neurons were observed (p-0.05; 72 hrs +/-HGF at sub-threshold concentrations 5 ng/ml and meantS.E.M.; n=25 dendritic segments). F) Bar graph con or Dihexa at 2 different concentrations 10 M and 10M. firming the expected increase in the number of dendritic (**p<0.001.***p<0.0001; Mean+/-SEM). spines following treatment with vehicle, Nle'-Ang|V or 40 FIG. 47. Dihexa protects neurons from oxidative stress. dihexa (***p<0.001; meantS.E.M.; n=25 dendritic seg Dissociated hippocampal neurons were treated with 100 uM ments). G) Bar graph showing the percent correlation HO for 24 hrs +/- HGF at sub-threshold concentrations 5 between dendritic spines after treatment and the postsynaptic ng/ml and or Dihexaat 2 different concentrations 10M and marker PSD-95. No significant differences between the 10.M. (p<0.05,**p-0.01; Mean+/-SEM). stimulated neurons and vehicle control treated neurons were 45 FIG. 48. Dihexarestores performance in the rope hang test. observed (p-0.05; meant S.E.M.; n=25 dendritic segments). After 2 weeks of 6-OHDAlesion, rats were treated with either Together these data indicate that dendritic spines formed after 0.5 mg/kg or equivalent volumes of the vehicle ip. Dihexa treatment Support functional synapses. completely restored the performance of the treated animals FIGS. 41 A and B. Increased frequencies of mini-excita on the rope hang test. tory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs) in dissociated hippoc 50 FIG. 49. Oral Dihexa reverses motor deficits in the ampal neuronstreated with Nle'-AnglV and Dihexa. Record 6-OHDA Rat. Baseline was calculated from 4 naive animals ings were carried out on rat dissociated hippocampal neurons to get the pre-op baseline for normal un-lesioned animals. 2 treated with vehicle, 10' MNle'-Ang|V or 10'’M dihexa animals were lesioned with 6-OHDA in the right Hemi for 5 days prior to recording. The post-synaptic currents, sphere. 14 days post-op, treatment with vehicle started. 2 which were recorded in the presence ofstrychnine, picrotoxin 55 animals were lesioned with 6-OHDA in the right Hemi and tetrodotoxin, represented spontaneous bursts likely medi sphere. 14 days post-op, treatment with Dihexa started. Ani ated by AMPA receptors. A) Representative traces of mEPSC mals were tested every other day. Dosing regimen (2 mg/kg recordings from Nile"-AnglV or dihexa treated hippocampal by oral gavage/48 hrs). neurons. B) Bar graph illustrating the increase in mEPSC FIG.50. Step gait analysis of rats after 6-OHDA lesioning frequencies in hippocampal neurons that resulted from Nile'- 60 and treatment with Dihexa. Ang|V or Dihexa treatment. The increased frequencies indi cate that dendritic spines induced by Nile"-AnglV or dihexa DETAILED DESCRIPTION support functional synaptic transmission. ***p-0.001; Mean+S.E.M.; n=25. Peptide analogs or mimics of HGF (also referred to as FIGS. 42A and B. Evaluation of Nile"-Ang|V- and Dihexa 65 “growth factor mimics' or “analogs) having a variety of dependent spinogenesis in CA1 hippocampal neurons from therapeutic utilities have the following general structural for rat organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. Nile"-AnglV and mula: US 9,150,613 B2 19 20 Acylation of the N-terminal of the Peptide: O After final deprotection, the peptide resin is incubated with 20% of the appropriate acyl anhydride in DMF and DIPEA (1.5 equivalents) for 30 minutes at room temperature. The resin was now washed twice with DMF, twice with methanol, 1 2 3 twice with dichloromethane, and finally twice more with DMF. The solution was removed by filtration and a Kaiser test was performed to Verify the completeness of the capping. If where free amine was detected the capping procedure was repeated. R is an N-acyl group Such as, for example, hexanoyl, 10 heptanoyl, pentanoyl, butanoyl, propanoyl, acetanoyl, or ben Insertion of an N-terminal Reduced Peptide Bond: Zoyl, After deprotection, hexanal (3 equivalents) DMF was a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl, added to the resin and allowed to mix for 5 minutes. Next, 3 a D or L norleucine, 15 equivalents of sodium cyanoborohydride were added and the an amino acid (D or L) Such as, for example, lysine, argi Suspension was mixed for an additional 2 hours. After the nine, norvaline, ornithine, or S-benzyl cysteine amino standard washing procedure was performed (see above), the acid residues; Kaiser test was again used to verify the completeness of the R is an amino acid (D or L). Such as, for example, tyrosine, reaction. If coupling was deemed incomplete, the procedure cysteine, phenyalanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, was repeated. tryptophan, lysine, homocysteine, homoserine, homopheny Cleavage of Peptide from Rink Resin: lalanine; R is a D or L isoleucine, leucine or valine amino acid After the last amino acid was deprotected and washed the residue, and resin was transferred to a sintered glass funnel (4 porosity) in ranges from 3-6. 25 and the DMF removed by vacuum. The semi-dry resin was and wherein covalent bonds 1, 2 and 3 are either peptide then suspended in 20% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) with 2.5% bonds (e.g. —CO. NH- or reduced peptide bonds (CH triisopropyl-silane as a Scavenger, incubated at room tem NH). perature for 15 minutes, and filtered. The resin was washed An exemplary peptide bond and reduced peptide bond are three times with additional DMF and filtered. Ten volumes of depicted below: 30 ice-cold diethyl ether were added to the combined filtrates and the mixture allowed to set at 4°C. overnight. Precipitated peptide was recovered by filtration and washed three times O OH with ice-cold ether. For very hydrophobic peptides the com bined ether washes were re-extracted with DMF, allowed to 1n 1 1n 1 35 precipitate peptide, and filtered to recover additional peptide. Peptide bond Reduced peptide bond Peptide Purification and Analysis: Crude peptides were first purified by reverse phase HPLC Compounds within the general structural formula have using a C18 column using gradient elution. The typical gra been synthesized and analyzed according to the following 40 dient was 10% to 40% component B over 30 minutes at a flow procedures. rate of 1 ml/min at 37°C. where component A was 80 mM Standard Synthesis Method: triethyamine phosphate, pH 3.0 and component B was aceto All compounds were synthesized by Solid phase methods nitrile (ACN). In all instances only a single peak with 215am using an AAPPTEC Endeavor 90 peptide synthesizer using absorption was detected and collected. The collected com Fmoc protected amino acids. All peptide amides were Syn 45 pound was lyophilized and redissolved in 20% methanol and thesized on a Rink resin. The resin was pre-swollen in dim injected onto a second C18 column. The HPLC/MS system ethylformamide (DMF) and deprotected with 20% piperi used was from Shimadzu (Kyoto, Japan), consisting of a dine/DMF for 30 minutes. The piperidine/DMF was then CBM-20A communications bus module, LC-20AD pumps, removed by filtration. After deprotection, the N-C. Fmoc pro SIL-20AC auto sampler, SPD-M20A diode array detector tected amino acid was added to reaction vessel as a dry 50 and LCMS-2010EV mass spectrometer. Data collection and powder (3 equivalents). The vessel was then filled with 2/3 full with DMF and dry diisopropylethylamine (DIPEA; 3.5-4 integration were achieved using Shimadzu LCMS solution equivalents) was added. Next N-(H-benzotriazol-1-yl)(dim Software. The analytical column used was an Econosphere ethylamino)methylene-N-methyl-methanaminium C18 (100 mmx2.1 mm) from Grace Davison Discovery Sci hexafluorophosphate N-oxide (HBTU; 2.9 equivalents) was 55 ence (Deerfield, Ill., USA). The mobile phase consisted of added and the suspension mixed for 30 minutes. The solution HPLC grade methanol and water with 0.1% trifluoroacetic was then removed by filtration. The resin was then washed acid. Separation was carried out using a non-isocratic method twice with DMF, twice with methanol, twice with dichlo (20%-50% methanol over 30 min) at 37° C. and a flow rate of romethane, and finally twice more with DMF. Solutions were 0.3 mL/min. For MS analysis, a positive ion mode (Scan) was removed by filtration after each wash. Coupling efficiency 60 used and peaks analyzed at the anticipated m/z. Typical peak was monitored using a Kaiser test for free amines. If the test purity analysis revealed a peak purity index of >0.95. Wave was positive the amino acid was re-coupled to the resin or length ratioing with the diode array detector further con growing peptide chain. If the test indicated a good linkage, the firmed peak purity. resin was washed once more with DMF, deprotected with Table 1 below presents a listing of compounds in Family 1, 20% piperidine/DMF for 30 minutes as indicated above, and 65 drawn to mimetics, and Famillies 2-5, drawn to antagonists, again washed with DMF. The coupling then proceeded as all of which have been synthesized and analyzed according to indicated above. the procedures described above. US 9,150,613 B2 21 22 TABLE 1. at R and R, respectively, a wide range of amino acid and other residues might be used for the mimetics or agonists General Structure of Family I (Minetics) and Families 2-5 (Antagonists (Family 1 and Families 2-5, respectively) in the practice of embodiments of the invention at these other positions includ ing, without limitation, tyrosine, cysteine, methionine, phe nylalaine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, histidine, tryptophan, lysine, leucine, Valine, homocysteine, homoserine, and homophenyalanine. Further, while the mimetics include cer tain N-acyl groups as specified in Table 1 (Family 1), in the 1 2 3 10 practice of various embodiments of the invention other N-acyl groups or Substituted or unsubstituted phenyl groups Family # R1 (N-acyl group) R2 R3 1 may be used at R. In addition, while a number of the agonists 1 hexanoyl Tyr Ile pb in Table I (Families 2-5) have norleucine at R, or an amino heptanoyl Tyr Ile pb acid residue, in the practice of various embodiments of this pentanoyl Tyr Ile pb 15 invention a number of an amino acid residues (D or L) may be butanoyl Tyr Ile pb used at residue R, including without limitation, tyrosine, propanoyl Tyr Ile pb acetanoyl Tyr Ile pb phenylalanine, aspartic acid, arginine, isoleucine, serine, his benzoyl Tyr Ile pb tidine, glycine, cysteine, methionine, tryptophan, norvaline, hexanoyl Tyr Ile ornithine, S-benzyl cysteine amino acid residues. Finally, while all the compounds synthesized and tested in Table 1 Family # R1 R2 R3 included 5 methyl repeats, the methyl repeats (n) could range 2 D-Ne Tyr e from 3-6 within the practice of the some of the embodiments D-Ne Phe e of the present invention. D-Ne Asp e Compounds within Table 1 have also been assessed as D-Ne Arg e 25 follows: D-Ne Ile e D-Ne Ser e Assessment of HGF Mimetic Activity: D-Ne His e HGF mimetic activity was typically assessed by one or D-NIe Gly e both of two methods: augmentation of HGF-dependent c-Met D-Ne Cys e phosphorylation in HEK293 cells, or 2) augmentation of D-Ne Met e 30 D-Ne Trp e HGF-dependent cell scattering in MDCK cells. All the com D-Ne Lys e pounds in Family one were tested using the c-Met phospho D-Nle Val e rylation assay. N-hexanoyl-Tyr-Ile-(6) aminohexamide was D-Ne Gly D-Ile further evaluated and found to have spectacularly augment 3 D-Ne D-Tyr e D-Ne D-Phe e HGF-dependent MDCK cell scattering. Table 2 presents a D-Ne D-Asp e 35 Summary of the results. D-Ne D-Arg e D-Ne D-Ile e TABLE 2 D-Ne D-Ser e D-Ne D-His e D-Ne D-Gly e Compound (10M) HGF Mimetic Activity D-Ne D-Cys e 40 N-heptanoyl-Tyr-Ile-(6) aminohexamide ------D-Ne D-Met e N-hexanoyl-Tyr-Ile-(6) aminohexamide ------D-Ne D-Trp e N-pentaanoyl-Tyr-Ile-(6) aminohexamide ------D-Ne D-Lys e N-butanoyl-Tyr-Ile-(6) aminohexamide ------4 Tyr Tyr e N-propananoyl-Tyr-Ile-(6) aminohexamide ---- Phe Tyr e N-acetanoyl-Tyr-Ile-(6) aminohexamide -- Asp Tyr e 45 N-benzoyl-Tyr-Ile-(6) aminohexamide -- Arg Tyr e N-hexanoyl-p (CH-NH)-Tyr-Ile-(6) ------Ile Tyr e aminohexamide Ser Tyr e His Tyr e Gly Tyr e Cys Tyr e Cell culture. Human embryonic kidney cells 293 50 Met Tyr e (HEK293), Madin Darby canine kidney cells (MDCK), and Typ Tyr e B16F10 murine melanoma cells were grown in DMEM, 10% Lys Tyr e fetal bovine serum (FBS). Cells were grown to 90-100% 5 D-Tyr Tyr e D-Phe Tyr e confluency before use. For most but not all studies HEK and D-Asp Tyr e MDCK cells were serum starved for 24 hours prior to the D-Arg Tyr e 55 initiation of drug treatment. D-Ile Tyr e Western blotting. HEK293 cells were seeded in 6 well D-Ser Tyr e tissue culture plates and grown to 95% confluency in DMEM D-His Tyr e D-Cys Tyr e containing 10% FBS. The cells were serum deprived for 24 D-Met Tyr e hours prior to the treatment to reduce the basal levels of D-Typ Tyr e 60 phospho-Met. Following serum starvation, cocktails com D-Lys Tyr e prised of vehicle and HGF (2.5 ng/ml) with/without the test Arrows 1-3 denote pb = peptide bond; compound were prepared and pre-incubated for 30 minutes at n = reduced peptide bond (CH-NH2) room temperature. The cocktail was then added to the cells for n = 5 10 minutes to stimulate the Met receptor and downstream 65 proteins. Cells were harvested using RIPA lysis buffer (Up With reference to Table 1, while a number of compounds state) fortified with phosphatase inhibitor cocktails 1 and 2 which have been synthesized include tyrosine and isoleucine (Sigma-Aldrich: St. Louis, Mo.). The lysate was clarified by US 9,150,613 B2 23 24 centrifugation at 15,000 g for 15 minutes, protein concentra TABLE 3-continued tions were determined using the BCA total protein assay, and then appropriate volumes of the lysates were diluted with 2x General Structure: reducing Laemmli buffer and heated for ten minutes at 95°C. O Samples containing identical amounts of protein were resolved using SDS-PAGE (Criterion, BioRad Laboratories), transferred to nitrocellulose, and blocked in Tris-buffered saline (TBS) containing 5% milk for one hour at room tem perature. The phospho-Met antibody was added to the block ing buffer at a final concentration of 1:1000 and incubated at 10 1 2 3 4° C. overnight with gentle agitation. The membranes were pentanoyl then washed several times with water and TBS (PBS, 0.05% butanoyl Tween-20), a 1:5000 dilution of horseradish-peroxidase con propanoyl acetanoyl jugated goat anti-rabbit antiserum was added, and the mem 15 isopropanoyl branes further incubated for one hour at room temperature. tert-butanoyl Proteins were visualized using the Supersignal West Pico isobutanoyl benzoyl Chemiluminescent Substrate system (Pierce, Fenton, Mo.) hexanoyl and molecular weights determined by comparison to protein heptanoyl ladders (BenchMark, Invitrogen; and Kaleidoscope, Bio pentanoyl Rad). Images were digitized and analyzed using a UVP phos butanoyl phoimager. propanoyl acetanoyl Scattering assay. MDCK cells were grown to 100% con isopropanoyl fluency on the coverslips in six-well plates and washed twice tert-butanoyl with PBS. The confluent coverslips were then aseptically 25 isobutanoyl transferred to new six well plates containing 900 ul serum free benzoyl hexanoyl DMEM. Norleual, Hinge peptide, and/or HGF (2.5 ng/ml) heptanoyl were added to appropriate wells. Control wells received PBS pentanoyl vehicle. Plates were incubated at 37° C. with 5% CO, for 48 butanoyl hours. Media was removed and cells were fixed with metha propanoyl 30 acetanoyl nol. Cells were stained with Diff-Quik Wright-Giemsa isopropanoyl (Dade-Behring, Newark, Del.) and digital images were taken. tert-butanoyl Coverslips were removed with forceps and more digital isobutanoyl images were captured. Pixel quantification of images was benzoyl hexanoyl achieved using Image J and statistics were performed using 35 heptanoyl Prism 5 and InStat v.3.05. pentanoyl For the general structural formula presented above, and butanoyl propanoyl reproduced below for ease of reference, there are several acetanoyl different compounds which can be prepared according to the isopropanoyl synthesis procedures described above and used for therapies 40 tert-butanoyl described below. Table 3 identifies various exemplary fami isobutanoyl benzoyl lies with various listed compounds in those families (identi hexanoyl fied by substitution of moieties within the general formula). heptanoyl pentanoyl TABLE 3 45 butanoyl propanoyl General Structure: acetanoyl isopropanoyl O tert-butanoyl isobutanoyl R-R-R-NH-(CH)-C-NH benzoyl 50 hexanoyl heptanoyl pentanoyl butanoyl 1 2 3 propanoyl acetanoyl 55 isopropanoyl Family # R R2 R3 in 1 2 3 tert-butanoyl 1 hexanoyl Y I 5 pb pb pb isobutanoyl heptanoyl Y I 5 pb pb pb benzoyl pentanoyl Y I 5 pb pb pb hexanoyl butanoyl Y I 5 pb pb pb heptanoyl propanoyl Y I 5 pb pb pb 60 pentanoyl acetanoyl Y I 5 pb pb pb butanoyl isopropanoyl Y I 5 pb pb pb propanoyl tert-butanoyl Y I 5 pb pb pb acetanoyl isobutanoyl Y I 5 pb pb pb isopropanoyl benzoyl Y I 5 pb pb pb tert-butanoyl 2 hexanoyl Y I 5 pb pb 65 isobutanoyl heptanoyl Y I 5 pb pb benzoyl US 9,150,613 B2 25 26 TABLE 3-continued TABLE 3-continued

General Structure: General Structure: O O

1 2 3 10 1 2 3

9 hexanoyl D-norleucine heptanoyl D-norleucine pentanoyl D-norleucine butanoyl D-norleucine propanoyl 15 D-norleucine acetanoyl D-norleucine isopropanoyl 344 D-norleucine tert-butanoyl D-norleucine isobutanoyl D-norleucine benzoyl D-norleucine 10 hexanoyl D-norleucine heptanoyl D-norleucine pentanoyl D-norleucine butanoyl D-norleucine propanoyl 345 D-norleucine acetanoyl D-norleucine isopropanoyl 25 D-norleucine tert-butanoyl D-norleucine isobutanoyl D-norleucine benzoyl D-norleucine 11 hexanoyl D-norleucine heptanoyl D-norleucine I 5 pentanoyl 346-349 Same pattern as families 342-345 with R3 =V butanoyl 30 350-353 Same pattern as families 342-345 with R3 = L propanoyl 354-365 Same pattern as families 342-353 with R1 = D norvaline acetanoyl 366-377 Same pattern as families 342-345 with R3 = D-lysine isopropanoyl 378-389 Same pattern as families 342-345 with R3 = D-arginine tert-butanoyl 390-401 Same pattern as families 342-345 with R3 = DS-methyl cysteine isobutanoyl 402-457 Same pattern as families 342-401 with n = 3 benzoyl 35 458-513 Same pattern as families 342-401 with n = 4 12 hexanoyl 514-569 Same pattern as families 342-401 with n = 6 heptanoyl pentanoyl Arrows 1-3 may be pb = peptide bond; butanoyl n = reduced peptide bond (CH-NH2) propanoyl acetanoyl 40 Alternatively, the analogs or growth factor mimics of the isopropanoyl tert-butanoyl present invention may also be represented as comprised of isobutanoyl four elements joined by covalent peptide or reduced peptide benzoyl bonds, as follows: 13-16 Same pattern as families 1-4 with R2 = S I-II-III-IV 17-20 Same pattern as families 1-4 with R2 = T 45 21-24 Same pattern as families 1-4 with R2 = D where 25-28 Same pattern as families 1-4 with R2 = E 29-32 Same pattern as families 1-4 with R2 = Y, R3 =V Ian acid such as heptanoic, hexanoic, pentanoic, butyric, 33-36 Same pattern as families 1-4 with R2 = F, R3 =V proprionic, acetic, benzoic, or Substituted benzoic acid, 37-40 Same pattern as families 1-4 with R2 = C, R3 =V 41-44 and isoforms thereof, or D or L norleucine, lysine, argin Same pattern as families 1-4 with R2 = S, R3 = V 50 45-48 Same pattern as families 1-4 with R2 = T, R3 V ine, norvaline, ornithine, or S-benzyl cysteine 49-52 Same pattern as families 1-4 with R2 = D. R3 V II a D or L cysteine, phenyalanine, aspartic acid, glutamic 53-56 Same pattern as families 1-4 with R2 = E, R3 V acid, serine, tyrosine, glycine, homocysteine, homoserine 57-85 Same pattern as families 29-56 with R3 = L or homophenylalanine amino acid residue, 86-170 Same pattern as families 1-85 with n = 3 171-2S6 Same pattern as families 1-85 with n = 4 III—a D or L isoleucine, leucine, or valineamino acid residue. 257-341 Same pattern as families 1-85 with n = 6 55 and IV-amino-hexanoic, amino-pentanoic oraminobutyric acid; R2 l wherein elements I, II, III and 342 D-norleucine IV are joined by peptide or reduced peptide bonds. D-norleucine In one embodiment, the analog is: hexanoic-tyrosine-iso D-norleucine 60 leucine-(6)-amino-hexanoic amide. Using Formula I as a D-norleucine generic formula, for this particular analog, R1-hexanoyl; R2 D-norleucine is Tyr; R3 is Ile; and n=5. Alternatively, using the I-II-III-IV D-norleucine D-norleucine nomenclature, in this embodiment, I-hexanoic acid, II=Tyr; D-norleucine III-Ile; and IV-hexanoic amide. 343 D-norleucine 65 Embodiments of the invention involve providing one or D-norleucine more HGF mimics to a subject in need thereof. Exemplary Subjects or patients which might benefit from receiving US 9,150,613 B2 27 28 therapy such as administration of the one or more HGF mim The HGF mimic compositions (preparations) of the ics described herein are generally mammals, and usually present invention may be administered by any of the many humans, although this need not always be the case, since suitable means which are well known to those of skill in the Veterinary and research related applications of the technology art, including but not limited to: by injection, inhalation, are also contemplated. Generally a Suitable Subject or patient orally, intravaginally, intranasally, by ingestion of a food or in need of therapy are identified by, for example, a health care product containing the mimic, topically, as eye drops, via professional or professionals using known tests, measure sprays, etc. In preferred embodiments, the mode of adminis ments or criteria. For example, in the treatment for dementia, tration is orally or by injection. In addition, the compositions a subjects already having symptoms of dementia, or being at may be administered in conjunction with other treatment risk of developing symptoms of dementia will be identified. 10 modalities such as other agents which are used to treat, for Similar identification processes will be followed for other example, dementia or the conditions which cause dementia in diseases and/or disorders (e.g., cancer therapy, other cogni the patient, examples of which include but are not limited to tive dysfunction therapies, etc.). A Suitable treatment protocol the administration of anti-depressants and psychoactive is then developed based on the patient, the disease and/or drugs, administration of dopamine and similar agents. Simi disorder and its stage of development, and the HGF mimic 15 larly, in cancer treatment modalities, the HGF mimics may be and its dosage and delivery format, as well as other relevant administered together with analgesics and other Suitable factors. The subject then receives treatment with HGF mimic. drugs. Thus, in embodiments of the invention, one or more Embodiments of the invention also comprise one or more HGF mimics may be used in combination with one or more steps related to monitoring the effects or outcome of admin different bioactive drugs. istration in order to evaluate the treatment protocol and/or to The amount of HGF inhibitor that is administered may be adjust the protocol as required or in a manner that is likely to in the range of from about 0.1 to about 1,000 mg/kg, an provide more benefit, e.g. by increasing or decreasing doses preferably in the range of from about 1 to about 100 mg/kg, of , or by changing the particular type of mimic although as one of skill in the art will recognize, the precise that is administered, or by changing the frequency of dosing amount may vary depending on one or more attributes of the or the route of administration, etc. With particular reference to 25 drug recipient, including but not limited to: weight, overall the embodiment of providing cognitive enhancement for health, gender, age, nationality, genetic history, other condi example, while in Some cases the improvement in cognition tions being treated, etc., and larger or Smallerdoses are within (or the prevention of loss of cognition) that occurs may be the practice of this invention. Dosing may also take place complete, e.g. the functioning of the patient returns to or periodically overa period of time, and the dosage may change remains normal (as assessed in comparison to Suitable control 30 (increase or decrease) with time. subjects or standardized values obtained therefrom), this need The HGF mimics of the invention may be used to treat a not always be the ease. Those of skill in the art will recognize variety of cognitive function disorders (cognitive dysfunc that even a lower level of improvement in cognition may be tion) as well as other disorders that are related to HGF activity highly beneficial to the patient, as may be the slowing of the or lack thereof. "Cognitive function' or “cognition” as used progression of a disease, as opposed to a complete cure. 35 herein refers to a range of high-level brain functions, includ The methods of the invention involve administering com ing but not limited to: the ability to learn and remember positions comprising the HGF mimics disclosed herein to a information; the ability to organize, plan, and problem-solve; patient in need thereof. The present invention thus also pro the ability to focus, maintain, and shift attention as necessary; vides compositions which comprise the HGF analogs/mimics and to understand and use language; the ability to accurately as described herein, usually together with a pharmacologi 40 perceive the environment; the ability to perform calculations. cally suitable carrier or diluent. In some embodiments, one Such functions include but are not limited to memory (e.g. substantially purified HGF mimic is presentina composition; acquiring, retaining, and retrieving new information); atten in other embodiments more than one HGF mimic is present, tion and concentration (particularly divided attention); infor each HGF mimic being substantially purified prior to being mation processing (e.g. dealing with information gathered by mixed in the composition. The preparation of pharmacologi 45 the five senses); executive functions (e.g. planning and pri cally suitable compositions for use as medicaments is well oritizing); visuospatial functions (e.g. visual perception and known to those of skill in the art. Typically, Such composi constructional abilities); Verbal fluency and speech (e.g. tions are prepared either as liquid solutions or Suspensions, word-finding); general intellect (e.g. “intelligence'); long however solid forms such as tablets, pills, powders and the term (remote) memory; conversational skills; reading com like are also contemplated. Solid forms suitable for solution 50 prehension; etc. Conversely, by “cognitive dysfunction we in, or Suspension in, liquids prior to administration may also mean the loss of Such abilities. Losses may be measured, be prepared. The preparation may also be emulsified. The detected and/or diagnosed in any of the many ways known to active ingredients may be mixed with excipients which are those of ordinary skill in the art. Such methods includebut are pharmaceutically acceptable and compatible with the active not limited to: the use of standardized testing administered by ingredients. Suitable excipients are, for example, water, 55 a professional (puzzles, word games or problems, etc.); by saline, dextrose, glycerol, ethanol and the like, or combina self-reporting and/or the reports of caretakers, friends and tions thereof. In addition, the composition may contain minor family members of an afflicted individual; by observation of amounts of auxiliary Substances such as wetting or emulsify the activities, life skills, habits and coping mechanisms of the ing agents, pH buffering agents, and the like. If it is desired to individual by professional or lay persons; by the results of administer an oral form of the composition, various thicken 60 questionnaires administered to an afflicted individual; etc. ers, flavorings, diluents, emulsifiers, dispersing aids or bind Such disorders may be caused, for example, by a decrease ers and the like may be added. The composition of the present in synaptic connectivity and/or neuron density due to a vari invention may contain any Such additional ingredients so as to ety of factors. In some embodiments, the loss is caused by a provide the composition in a form Suitable for administration. brain injury, e.g. traumatic brain injury. Traumatic brain The final amount of HGF mimic in the formulations may vary. 65 injury, which is occurring at record levels as a result of wars However, in general, the amount in the formulations will be and sporting activities, is characterized by reduced neuronal from about 1% to about 99%. connectivity. Hence, the use of HGF mimetics represents a US 9,150,613 B2 29 30 viable treatment option. Such brain injuries may be the result invention may also be the result of other conditions or ill of an external trauma to the brain, e.g. caused by a high impact nesses. For example, there are many medical and neurologi accident (e.g. a car accident, a fall, etc.), a shooting incident, cal conditions in which dementia only occurs late in the a sports injury (e.g. caused by impact to the head such a illness, or as a minor feature. For example, a proportion of boxers and football players experience); injuries received in 5 patients with Parkinson's disease develop dementia, Cogni combat, etc. Alternatively, such injuries may be the result of tive impairment also occurs in the Parkinson-plus syndromes internal brain trauma, e.g. as the result of stroke, aneurism, of progressive Supranuclearpalsy and corticobasal degenera Surgical procedure, tumor, etc. or other types of conditions tion (and the same underlying pathology may cause the clini which result in lack of oxygen to the brain or to sections of the cal syndromes of frontotemporal lobar degeneration). brain; injuries due to inhalation of toxic gases; due to aging of 10 Chronic inflammatory conditions of the brain may affect the brain; to diseases and disorders which exert a deleterious cognition in the long term, including Behcet’s disease, mul effect on the nervous system and/or brain, such as multiple tiple Sclerosis, sarcoidosis, Sjögren's syndrome and systemic Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, brain lupus erythematosus. In addition, inherited conditions may disorders such as Schizophrenia, etc. also cause dementia alongside other features include: Alex As a specific example of a therapy contemplated by 15 ander disease, Canavan disease, cerebrotendinous Xanthoma embodiments of the invention, the HGF mimics may be used tosis, fragile X-associated tremoriataxia syndrome, glutaric for the treatment of dementia. By “dementia” we mean a aciduria type 1, Krabbe's disease, maple syrup urine disease, serious loss of cognitive ability in a previously unimpaired Niemann Pick disease type C, Kufs' disease, neuroacantho person, beyond what might be expected from normal aging. It cytosis, organic acidemias, Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, may be static, the result of a unique global brain injury, or urea cycle disorders, Sanfilippo syndrome type B, and progressive, resulting in long-term decline due to damage or spinocerebellar ataxia type 2. disease in the body. Although dementia is far more common In addition to treating dementia, the HGF mimics of the in the geriatric population, it may occur in any stage of adult invention may be used for neuroprotection and/or to treat hood. For the purposes of embodiments of this invention, the neurodegenerative diseases, some of which also involve term “dementia” may include and/or becaused by e.g. Alzhe 25 dementia as described above. For neuroprotection, the HGF imer's disease, vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy bod mimics may be administered propylactically, i.e. prior to a ies, etc. or combinations of these. In other embodiments of the Subject's encounter with or exposure to a potential neurohaZ invention, Alzheimer's disease may be excluded from this ard. For example, the mimics may be administered prior to definition. Other causes of dementia which may be treated as exposure to a drug, chemical or medical procedure that is described herein include but are not limited to hypothyroid 30 known or likely to cause neuronal damage. With respect to the ism and normal pressure hydrocephalus. Inherited forms of treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, the general pro-Sur the diseases which cause or are associated with dementia that vival anti-apoptotic activity of HGF supports the use of HGF may treated as described herein include but are not limited to: mimetics for treating neurodegenerative diseases including frontotemporal lobar degeneration, Huntington's disease, but not limited to Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, vascular dementia, dementia pugilistica, etc. In younger 35 and amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis (ALS), etc. populations, progressive cognitive disturbance may be In addition, the mimics may be used for the treatment of caused by psychiatric illness, alcohol or other drug abuse, or “depression', by which we mean major depressive disorder metabolic disturbances. Certain genetic disorders can cause (MDD) (also known as recurrent depressive disorder, clinical true neurodegenerative dementia in younger populations (e.g. depression, major depression, unipolar depression, or unipo 45 and under). These include familial Alzheimer's disease, 40 lar disorder) and also depression that is characteristic of bipo SCA17 (dominant inheritance); adrenoleukodystrophy lar disorder, etc. Depression is ultimately a disease in which (X-linked); Gaucher's disease type 3, metachromatic leukod neurons and synaptic contacts are lost in the hippocampus. yStrophy, Niemann-Pick disease type C, pantothenate kinase The capacity of HGF to induce new synaptic connections and associated neurodegeneration, Tay-Sachs disease and Wil stimulate neurogenesis in the hippocampus Supports the use son's disease. Vitamin deficiencies and chronic infections 45 of HGF mimetics for the treatment of depression. may also occasionally mimic degenerative dementia. These In addition, the cognitive abilities of persons afflicted with include deficiencies of vitamin B12, folate or niacin, and certain genetic predispositions to cognitive dysfunction may infective causes including cryptococcal meningitis, HIV, also be increased, e.g. persons with genetic disorders such as Lyme disease, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, Down's syndrome, lack of properbrain development e.g. due Subacute Sclerosing panencephalitis, syphilis and Whipple's 50 to lack of oxygen before or during birth, various congenital disease. With respect to rapidly progressive dementia, disorders which interfere with brain development, etc. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease typically causes a dementia which As demonstrated in the Examples below, the HGF mimics worsens over weeks to months, being caused by prions. The can inhibit the HGF/Met system, and therefore can be used as common causes of slowly progressive dementia also some anti-cancer agents. The HGF mimics may be used to attenuate times present with rapid progression, e.g. Alzheimer's dis 55 malignant and metastatic transformations. ease, dementia with Lewy bodies, and frontotemporal lobar The HGF mimics have application in the therapy of degeneration (including corticobasal degeneration and pro Fibrotic Disease. Hepatic, renal, cardiac, and pulmonary gressive Supranuclear palsy). fibrosis is a growing problem in ouraging population. Unfor In addition, encephalopathy or delirium may develop rela tunately, the degradation of function that accompanies tively slowly and result in dementia. Possible causes include 60 fibrotic changes is difficult to treat. The dramatic ability of brain infection (viralencephalitis, Subacute Sclerosing panen HGF to inhibit or reverse tissue fibrosis suggests that orally cephalitis, Whipple's disease) or inflammation (limbic active HGF mimics provides a therapeutic option. encephalitis, Hashimoto's encephalopathy, cerebral vasculi The HGF mimics have application in the therapy of Periph tis); tumors such as lymphoma or glioma; drug (e.g. eral Vascular Disease: Lower Extremity Arterial Disease. anticonvulsant drugs); metabolic causes such as liver failure 65 Vascular disease resulting in poor perfusion is a common or kidney failure; and chronic subdural hematoma. The sequel of diabetes, obesity, and atherosclerosis. One treat dementia that is treated according to methods of the present ment option is the induction of new collateral vessels in the US 9,150,613 B2 31 32 effected organs and tissues. The potent angiogenic activity of form (diameter: 12 cm; height: 24 cm) was placed 30 cm from HGF and HGF mimics can provide a clinical utility for the the wall and submerged 2 cm below the water surface. The treatment of vascular insufficiency. maze was operationally sectioned into four equal quadrants HGF mimics may also be used for Wound Healing. Defec designated NW, NE, SW, and SE. For each rat the location of tive wound healing is a hallmark of diabetics and burn vic the platform was randomly assigned to one of the quadrants tims. The ability of HGF to promote wound healing because and remained fixed throughout the duration of training. Entry of its angiogenic and mitogenic activities Supports the use of points were at the quadrant corners (i.e. N. S. E. and W) and HGF mimics to enhance the wound healing process. Data were pseudo-randomly assigned such that each trial began at indicates that several HGF mimics are effective wound repair a different entry point than the preceding trial. Three of the enhancers in both normal and diabetic individuals. 10 four testing room walls were covered with extra-maze spatial Without being bound by theory, it is believed that the likely cues consisting of different shapes (circles, squares, tri mechanism underlying this marked pro-cognitive activity is angles) and colors. The Swimming path of the animals was augmented synaptic connectivity. This is likely due to an recorded using a computerized video tracking system (Chro increase in miniature synaptic activity brought about by motrack; San Diego Instruments, Calif.). The computer dis increasing dendritic spine densities and altering the morpho 15 played total Swim latency and Swim distance. Swim speed logical phenotype of postsynaptic spines. was determined from these values. The foregoing Examples are provided in order to illustrate Each member of the treatment groups in the Scopolamine various embodiments of the invention, but should not be studies received an icy injection of Scopolamine hydrobro interpreted as limiting the invention in any way. mide (70 nmol in 2 ulaCSF over a duration of 20 s) 30 min prior to testing followed by Dihexa 10 min prior to testing. EXAMPLES Control groups received scopolamine oraCSF 20min prior to testing followed by aOSF 10 min prior testing. The behavioral Example 1 testing protocol has been described previously in detail (Wright et al. 1999). The rats in the aged rat study on received Regulation of Synaptogenesis by Dihexa and 25 Dihexa of aOSF (control group).Briefly, acquisition trials Nle1-Ang|V were conducted on 8 consecutive days with 5 trials/day. On the first day of training the animal was placed on the platform The tetrapeptide (Nle1-YIH) and tripeptide (Nle1-YI) for 30s prior to the first trial. Trials commenced with the fragments of the Nle1-Ang|V analog of Ang|V were previ placement of the rat facing the wall of the maze at one of the ously found to be the Smallest active fragments capable of 30 assigned entry points. The rat was allowed a maximum of 120 overcoming Scopolamine-induced cognitive dysfunction in a s to locate the platform. Once the animal located the platform spatial learning task. Using the tripeptide as a new template, it was permitteda30s rest periodonthe platform. If the rat did additional active analogues were synthesized with improved not find the platform, the experimenter placed the animal on metabolic stability, blood brain barrier permeability, and oral the platform for the 30 s rest period. The next trial com activity. In this Example, we show the characterization of the 35 menced immediately following the rest period. novel, orally active, angiotensin IV analogue Dihexa. Following day 8 of acquisition training, one additional trial Materials and Methods was conducted during which the platform was removed Animals and Surgery. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (Taconic (probe trial). The animal was required to swim the entire 120 derived) weighing 390-450 g were maintained with free s to determine the persistence of the learned response. Total access to water and food (Harland Tekland F6 rodent diet, 40 time spent within the target quadrant where the platform had Madison, Wis.) except the night prior to surgery when food been located during acquisition and the number of crossings was removed. Each animal was anesthetized with Ketamine of that quadrant was recorded. Upon completion of each daily hydrochloride plus Xylazine (100 and 2 mg/kg im. respec set of trials the animal was towel-dried and placed under a 100 tively; Phoenix Scientific: St. Joseph, Mo., and Moby: Shaw watt lamp for 10-15 min and then returned to its home cage. nee, Kans.). An intracerebroVentricular (icy) guide cannula 45 Hippocampal cell culture preparation. Hippocampal neu (PE-60, Clay Adams; Parsippany, N.Y.) was stereotaxically rons (2x10 cells per square cm) were cultured from P1 Spra positioned (Model 900, David Kopf Instruments; Tujunga, gue Dawley rats on plates coated with poly-L-lysine from Calif.) in the right hemisphere using flat skull coordinates 1.0 Sigma (St.Louis, Mo.; molecular weight 300,000). Hippoc mm posterior and 1.5 min lateral to bregma (refer to Wrightet ampal neurons were maintained in Neurobasal A media from al. 1985). The guide cannula measured 2.5 cm in overall 50 Invitrogen (Carlsbad, Calif.) supplemented with B27 from length and was prepared with a heat bulge placed 2.5 mm Invitrogen, 0.5 mM L-glutamine, and 5 mM cytosine-D-ara from its beveled tip, thus acting as a stop to control the depth binofuranoside from Sigma added at 2 days in vitro. Hippoc of penetration. Once in position, the cannula was secured to ampal neurons were then cultured a further 3-7 days, at which the skull with two stainless-steel screws and dental cement. time they were either transfected or treated with various phar Post-operatively the animals were housed individually in an 55 macological reagents as described in (Wayman, Davare et al. American Accreditation for Laboratory Animal Care-ap 2008). proved Vivarium maintained at 22-t1° C. on a 12-halternating Transfection. Neurons were transfected with mRFP-B-ac light/dark cycle initiated at 06:00 h. All animals were hand tin on day in vitro 6 (DIV6) using LipofectAMINETM 2000 gentled for 5 min per day during the 5-6 days of post-Surgical (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer's protocol. This recovery. Histological verification of cannula placement was 60 protocol yielded the desired 3-5% transfection efficiency thus accomplished by the injection of 5 ul fast-green dye via the enabling the visualization of individual neurons. Higher effi guide cannula following the completion of behavioral testing. ciencies obscured the dendritic arbor of individual neurons. Correct cannula placement was evident in all rats utilized in Expression of fluorescently tagged actin allowed clear visu this study. alization of dendritic spines, as dendritic spines are enriched Behavioral testing. The water maze consisted of a circular 65 in actin. On DIV7 the cells were treated with vehicle (HO) or tank painted black (diameter: 1.6 m; height: 0.6 m), filled to a peptides (as described in the text) added to media. On DIV 12 depth of 26 cm with 26-28°C. water. A black circular plat the neurons were fixed (4% paraformaldehyde, 3% sucrose, US 9,150,613 B2 33 34 60 mM PIPES, 25 mM HEPES, 5 mM EGTA, 1 mM MgCl, CaCl2, 25 glucose, and 5 HEPES; pH was adjusted to 7.3 with pH 7.4) for 20 min at room temperature and mounted. Slides KOH, osmolality was adjusted to 310 mCsm. Cultures were were dried for at least 20 hours at 4°C. and fluorescent images allowed to equilibrate in a recording chamber mounted on were obtained with Slidebook 4.2 Digital Microscopy Soft inverted microscope (IX-71; Olympus optical, Tokyo) for 30 ware driving an Olympus IX81 inverted confocal microscope min before recording. Transfected cells were visualized with with a 60x oil immersion lens, NA 1.4 and resolution 0.280 fluorescence (Olympus optical). Recording pipettes were um Dendritic spine density was measured on primary and pulled (P-97 Flaming/Brown micropipette puller; Sutter secondary dendrites at a distance of at least 150 um from the Instrument, Novato, Calif.) from standard-wall borosilicate soma. Five 50 um long segments of dendrite from at least 10 glass without filament (OD=1.5 mm; Sutter Instrument). The neurons per data point were analyzed for each data point 10 pipette-to-bath DC resistance of patch electrodes ranged from reported. Each experiment was repeated at least three times 4.0 to 5.2MS2, and were filled with a internal solution of the using independent culture preparations. Dendrite length was following composition (in mM): 25 CsCl, 100 CsCHOS, 10 determined using the National Institutes of Health’s Image J phosphocreatine, 0.4 EGTA, 10 HEPES, 2 MgCl, 0.4 Mg 1.41o program (NIH, Bethesda, Md.) and the neurite tracing ATP and 0.04 Na-GTP: pH was adjusted to 7.2 with CsCH: program Neuron J (Meijering, Jacob et al. 2004) Spines were 15 osmolality was adjusted to 296-300 mOsm. Miniature EPSCs manually counted. (mEPSCs) were isolated pharmacologically by blocking Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Culture Preparation and GABA receptor chloride channels with picrotoxin (100 uM; Transfection. Hippocampi from P4Sprague Dawley rats were Sigma), blocking glycine receptors with Strychnine (1 M: cultured as previously described (Wayman, Impey et al. Sigma), and blocking action potential generation with tetro 2006). Briefly, 400 um slices were cultured on (Milipore, dotoxin (TTX, 500 nM; Tocris). Recordings were obtained Billerica, Mass.) for 3 days after which they were biolistically using a Multiclamp 700B amplifier (Molecular Devices, transfected with tomato fluorescent protein (TFP) using a Sunnyvale, Calif.). Analog signals were low-pass Bessel fil Helios Gen Gun (BioRad, Hercules, Calif.), according to the tered at 2 kHz, digitized at 10 kHz through a Digidata 1440A manufacturer's protocol, to visualize dendritic arbors. Fol interface (Molecular Devices), and stored in a computer using lowing a 24 hour recovery period slices were stimulated with 25 Clampex 10.2 software (Molecular Devices). The membrane vehicle (HO), 1 uMNle1-Ang|V or Dihexafor 2 days. Slices potential was held at -70 mV at room temperature (25°C.) were fixed and mounted. Hippocampal CA1 neuronal pro during a period of 0.5-2 hafter removal of the culture from the cesses were imaged and measured as described above. incubator. Liquidjunction potentials were not corrected. Data Immunocytochemistry. Transfected neurons were treated, analysis was performed using Clampfit 10.2 software (Mo fixed and stained. Briefly, cells were permeablized with 0.1% 30 lecular Devices), and Mini-Analysis 6.0 software (Synap Triton X-100 detergent (Bio-Rad; Hercules, Calif.) for 10 tosoft Inc.; Fort Lee, N.J.). The criteria for successful record minutes. An 8% bovine serum albumin (Intergen Company; ing included the electrical resistance of the seal between the Burlington, Mass.) in PBS was used to prevent non-specific outside Surface of the recording pipette and the attached binding for one hour at R.T.: Primary antibody incubations cell-2 GS2, neuron input resistance>240 MS2. The mEPSCs were at a 1:2500 dilution (see below) in 1% BSA in PBS at 4° 35 had a 5-min recording time. C. overnight. Secondary antibody, 1:3000 Alexafluor 488 Results goat-anti-mouse (Invitrogen: Carlsbad, Calif.) was applied Nlel-Ang V has long been known to be a potent cognitive for two hours at room temperature. Coverslips were mounted enhancing agent (Wright and Harding, 2008) but is limited in with ProLong Gold anti-fade reagent (Invitrogen; Carlsbad, terms of clinical utility by its metabolic instability (t=1.40 Calif.) and all washes were done with PBS. Imaging and 40 minutes in rat serum). In order to exploit the pro-cognitive analysis were performed as described above. For presynaptic properties of AnglV like molecules more metabolically stable excitatory transmission the VGLUT1 (Synaptic Systems, analogs needed to be developed. As part of this development Goettingen, Germany) marker (Balschun, Moechars et al.) process Dihexa (N-hexanoic-Tyr-Ile-(6)-aminohexanoic was employed and for general presynaptic transmission syn amide) was synthesized and characterized (t. 330 minutes apsin1 (Synaptic Systems, Goettingen, Germany) (Ferreira 45 in rat serum). To determine if the stabilized analog, Dihexa and Rapoport 2002) was applied. A postsynaptic function was still possessed pro-cognitive/anti-dementia activity it was established by PSD-95 (Milipore, Billerica, Mass.) (E1-Hus tested in two dementia models-the Scolpolamine amnesia and seini, Schnelletal. 2000). In each instance the total number of the aged rat models. These studies demonstrated that Dihexa spines was counted for the treatment groups, control, Nlel was able to reverse the cognitive deficits observed in both AngV and Dihexa, to ensure an active phenotype. The total 50 models. Dihexa delivered either intracerebroventricularly or number of actin enriched spines adjacent to VGLUT 1 or orally by gavage improved water maze performance reaching Synapsin were counted and converted to a percentage as the performance levels seen in young healthy rats. In FIG. 1A percent correlation of treatment-induced spines to presynap Dihexa delivered at 100 pmoles (n=8, p<0.01) but not 10 tic markers is a strong indicator of ability to transmit excita pmoles reversed scopolamine-dependent learning deficits as tory signals. In our application the number of correlations 55 evidenced by an escape latency equivalent to non-scopola consisted of red fluorescent-tagged actin spines against green mine treated controls. Similar results were seen when Dihexa PSD-95 immunopositive puncta which, when merged, was delivered orally (FIG. 1B) at both low (1.25 mg/kg/day) resulted in an orange spine. and high (2 mg/kg/day). The high dose group's performance Whole-cell recordings. Patch-clamp experiments were was no different than controls (n=8, p<01). Randomly performed on mRFP-B-actin transfected cultured hippocam 60 grouped aged rats (20-24 weeks) included both sexes were pal neurons (vehicle control) and on transfected hippocampal similarly treated with oral Dihexa over the 8 day test period neurons with 1 pM Nle1-Ang|V or Dihexa 5 day pretreat (n=8) and compared to untreated controls (FIG. 1C). The ment. Recordings were taken from neurons that were pyra results indicate that the treated rats preformed significantly midal-like in shape (~20 um cell bodies and asymmetric better in the water maze than untreated rats. (p<0.05). dendrite distribution). The time after transfection was 6 days. 65 One hypothesis that was put forward to explain the pro The culture medium was exchanged by an extracellular solu cognitive effects of Nle1-AngV and Dihexa was that they tion containing (in mM) 140 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 1 MgCl2, 3 were acting as hepatocyte growth factor mimetics and as Such US 9,150,613 B2 35 36 may be supporting he expansion of neuronal connectivity by meani.S.E.M.) and Dihexa=0.80 um (*=P<0.01; inducing the growth of dendritic spines and the establishment meantS.E.M.) respectively compared to control head size of numerous new synapses. To determine the influence of (0.67 um). Dihexa on spinogenesis and synaptogenesis in high density Dihexa and Nle1-AnglV Mediate Synaptogenesis mRFP-3-actin transfected hippocampal neuronal cultures 5 To quantify synaptic transmission, mRFP-B-actin trans was assayed. Actin-enriched spines increased in response to fected neurons were immunostained against Synaptic mark Dihexa and Nle1-Ang|V treatment in a dose-dependent man ers. Hippocampal neurons were stimulated for 5 days in vitro ner (FIGS. 2A and B). An apparent ceiling effect was pro with 10' M Dihexa or Nle1-Ang|V (FIG. 5A-F). Nle1 duced by 10° M Dihexa application (mean+S.E.M.; 30 AngV and Dihexa’s neurotransmitter patterns were probed spines per 50 um dendrite length vs. 19 for control; 10 for excitatory synaptic transmission by staining against the ***=P<0.001; n=50 and 100 respectively) while the results of glutamatergic presynaptic marker Vesicular Glutamate a 10' M dose were not significantly different from control Transporter 1 (VGLUT1) (Balschun, Moechars et al. 2010). treated neurons (mean+S.E.M.; 21 spines per 50 um dendrite The universal presynaptic marker Synapsin was employed to for both groups vs. 19 for control: *=P<0.05; n=95 and 100 measure juxtaposition of the newly formed spines with respectively). They were however statistically different from presynaptic boutons (Ferreira and Rapoport 2002). PSD-95 the 10' M Dihexa dose. Neurons receiving a 10' M dose served as a marker for the postsynaptic density (El Husseini, of Dihexa had fewer spines than vehicle treated neurons Schnell et al. 2000). (Mean+S.E.M.; 11 spines per 50 um dendrite length vs. 19 for Dihexa and Nlel-Ang V treated neurons significantly aug control; #=P<0.01, n=50 and 100 respectively). Mel-Ang|V mented spinogenesis; mean spine numbers per 50 um den similarly induced a dose-dependent increase is spine density drite length for Nile 1-AnglV 39.4; mean spine numbers per 50 um dendrite length for Dihexa-44.2; mean spine numbers per with a marked difference in the 10'M dose which promoted 50 um dendrite length for vehicle treated neurons=23.1 spinogenesis (meantS.E.M.; 22 spines per 50 um dendrite (mean+S.E.M., ***=P<0.001) (FIGS. 3B, D and F and Table length vs. 17 for control: **=P<0.01; n=50). Maximal 4). The percent correlation for the newly formed spines to the increases in spine density were again observed following 25 synaptic markers was calculated as a measure for the forma treatment with a 10' M dose (meaniS.E.M.; 25 and 26 tion of functional synapses. Dihexa and Nle1-AnglV treat spines per 50 um dendrite length respectively vs. 17 for con ment-induced spines did not differ from control treated neu trol: **=P<0.01, n=50). The 10' M dose of Nle1-AnglV rons in percent correlation to VGLUT1, Synapsin or PSD-95 also had no effect on basal spine numbers (meantS.E.M.; 17 (P>0.05) (FIGS.5A, C and E and Table 4). spines per 50 um dendrite length vs. 17 for control; 30 **=P<0.01, n=50). TABLE 4 The effects of a long-term application (5 days) of the AT4 agonists Dihexa and Nlel-Ang V were compared to an acute Summary of the percent correlation to markers of synaptic components and the number of spines induced by Dihexa and Niel-AnglV treatment. application of the agonists (30 minutes) at the biologically 35 effective dose of 10°M (FIG. 3A-E). The results revealed a Treatment Control Nle1-Ang|V Dihexa near 3-fold increase in the number of spines stimulated by Number of spines/50 m 22 39 44 Dihexa and greater than 2-fold increase for Nle1-AnglV % Correlation WGLUT1 95.2 95.1 94.4 stimulated spines following a 5 day treatment (FIG. 3D). Both Number of spines/50 m 19 31 37 % Correlation Synapsin 93.4 94.2 96.3 treatment groups differed significantly from the vehicle con 40 Number of spines/50 m 18 36 43 trol group for which the average number of spines per 50 um % Correlation PSD-95 98.03 97.38 98.71 dendrite length was 15. The average number of spines for the The total number of spines for eachtreatment group is indicated as the number of spines per Dihexa and Nle1-AnglV treated groups was 41 and 32 spines 50 um dendrite length. The percent correlation of the presynaptic marker Synapsin, the glutamatergic presynaptic marker VGLUT1 or the postsynaptic component PSD-95 is per 50 um dendrite lengths, respectively (mean+S.E.M., reported directly below, N = 25 for each treatment group. n–200; ***=P<0.001 by one-way ANOVA and Tukey post 45 hoc test). The behavioral data (data not shown) suggest a The above results suggest that the newly formed dendritic quick mechanism of action is taking place during acquisition spines produced by Dihexa and Nle1-Ang|V treatment are of the spatial memory task. Therefore the ability of both creating functional synapses. To further Support this conclu Dihexa and Nle1-Ang V to promote spinogenesis was mea Sion, mini postsynaptic excitatory currents (mEPSCs), the sured by an acute 30 minute application on the final day of 50 frequency of which corresponds to the number of functional culturing (FIG. 3E). The acute 30 minute application of synapses were recorded from mRFP-3-actin transfected hip Dihexa and Nle1-AnglV, on the 12th day in vitro (DIV 12) pocampal neurons. A near two-fold increase in the AMPA reveals a significant increase in spines compared to 30 minute mediated currents was measured following treatment with vehicle treated neurons (Dilhexa mean spine numbers per 50 10-12 M Nle1-Ang|V and Dihexa (FIGS. 6A and B). The um dendrite length=23.9+S.E.M.; Nle1-AnglV mean spine 55 mean frequency of AMPA-mediated mEPSCs recorded from numbers=2.6+S.E.M.; mean spine numbers for vehicle con vehicle treated neurons was 3.06+0.23 Hz from 33 cells. trol treated neurons=17.4+S.E.M.; n=60: *** p<0.0001 by Nle1-AnglV induced a 1.7 fold increase over percent control one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey post-hoc test). frequency (5.27+0.43 Hz from 25 cells; Mean+S.E.M.; Strong correlations exist between spine size, persistence of ***=P<0.001 vs. control group and Dihexa produced a 1.6 spines, number of AMPA-receptors and synaptic efficacy. A 60 fold increase (4.82, 0.34 Hz from 29 cells; ***=P<0.001 vs. correlation between the existence of long-term memories to control group confirming an amplification of functional Syn spine Volume has also been Suggested (Kasai, Fukuda et al., apses. No differences in amplitude, rise- or decay-times were 2001; Yasumatsu, Matsuzaki et al. 2008). With these consid observed (data not shown) which Suggests that the individual erations in mind spine head size measurements were taken. properties of the synapse were not altered. Results indicate that 10' M doses of Dihexa and Nle1 65 To further assess the physiological significance of the spine Ang|V increased spine head width (FIG. 4). Average spine induction witnessed in dissociated neonatal hippocampal head width for Nle1-AnglV=0.87 um (***=P<0.001; neurons the effects of Dihexa and Nle1-Ang|V on spine for US 9,150,613 B2 37 38 mation in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures was evalu The data presented here suggest that Nle1-AngV and Dihexa ated. These preparations, while still neonatal in origin, rep increase miniature synaptic activity by increasing dendritic resent a more intact and three dimensional environment than spine densities and altering the morphological phenotype of dissociated neurons. Hippocampal Calif.1 neurons, which postsynaptic spines in-vitro and may represent the mecha have been functionally linked to hippocampal plasticity and nism that underlies facilitated learning observed AnglV ana learning/memory, could be easily identified based on mor logues (Wright, Stubley et al. 1999; Lee, Albistonetal. 2004). phology and were singled out for analysis. Dihexa and Nlel To bridge the adult behavioral data to the in vitro mecha AnglV significantly augmented spinogenesis in organotypic nistic theory, organotypic hippocampal slice cultures that hippocampal slice cultures when compared to vehicle treated maintain an environment representative of an intact hippoc neurons. There were no differences in spine numbers between 10 ampus were employed and evaluated for treatment-induced the Dihexa and Nle1-AnglV treatment groups (FIGS. 7A and spinogenesis. Application of 10' M Nel-AnglV and B). Spine numbers measured for control slices were 7 per 50 Dihexa in ballistically transfected hippocampal slices signifi um dendrite length vs. 11 Spines per 50 um dendrite length for cantly increase spine densities (FIG. 7) implying that Such both Nle1-Ang|V and Dihexa treated neurons; mean+S.E.M., changes may in fact be occurring in the intact hippocampus. n=13-20; **=P<0.01. 15 Thus, Dihexa fits the criteria necessary for an effective Discussion anti-dementia drug: 1) it is orally active, as it Survives passage In this study, Dihexa like Nle1-AnglV was a potent cogni through the gut and enters the brain; 2) it augments neuronal tive enhancer when given either ICV or orally. As predicted, connectivity, a necessary property when faced with loss of Dihexa and Nle1-Ang|V both promoted spinogenesis and neuronal connectivity; and 3) it is inexpensive to synthesize enhance synaptogenesis in cultured rathippocampal neurons. thus making it accessible to patients. As expected of an angiotensin IV analogue, Dihexa exerted spine induction effects at Sub-nano-molar concentrations Example 2 (Harding, Cook et al. 1992: Krebs, Hanesworth et al. 2000) with some spine formation by Dihexa and Mel-Ang|V occur The Target of AnglV Analogs is Hepatocyte Growth ring as early as 30 minutes after stimulation (FIG. 3D). The 25 Factor maximal effect, however, requires a significantly longer treat ment period (FIG. 3C). This Example shows that the novel angiotensin IV ligand Spine head size measurements were taken as an indicator Dihexa and its parent molecule Nle1-AnglV act through the of synaptic potentiation. Larger spines with a greater Surface HGF/c-Met receptor system. area tend to have larger synapses, a larger PSD to recruit 30 Materials and Methods scaffolding proteins, and a greater number of glutamatergic Animals and Surgery receptive neurotransmitter receptors (Kennedy 1997). Male Sprague-Dawley rats (Taconic derived) weighing Although not different from one another (P-0.05), both 390-450 g were maintained with free access to water and food Dihexa and Nle1-Ang|V treatment groups exhibited large (Harland Tekland F6 rodent diet, Madison, Wis.) except the expansions in spine head size. Changes in spine morphology 35 night prior to Surgery when food was removed. Each animal and numbers are proposed to be mechanisms for converting was anesthetized with Ketamine hydrochloride plus Xylazine short-term synaptic changes into highly stable and long-last (100 and 2 mg/kg im. respectively; Phoenix Scientific; St. ing changes (Hering and Sheng 2001). Joseph, Mo., and Moby: Shawnee, Kans.). An intracere To evaluate the functional significance of these spine broventricular (icy) guide cannula (PE-60, Clay Adams; Par changes Nlel-Ang|V and Dihexa Stimulated hippocampal 40 sippany, N.Y.) was stereotaxically positioned (Model 900, neurons were immunostained against the glutamatergic David Kopf Instruments: Tujunga, Calif.) in the right hemi presynaptic marker VGLUT1 (Balschun, Moechars et al. sphere using flat skull coordinates 1.0 mm posterior and 1.5 2010), the general presynaptic marker Synapsin (Ferreira and mm lateral to bregma (Wright et al., 1985). The guide cannula Rapoport 2002) and the postsynaptic marker PSD-95 measured 2.5 cm in overall length and was prepared with a (Kennedy 1997; Han and Kim 2008) to decipher neurotrans 45 heat bulge placed 2.5 mm from its beveled tip, thus acting as mitter phenotypes. The high and unaltered correlation a stop to control the depth of penetration. Once in position, the betweenVGLUT1, Synapsin, and PSD-95 in both treated and cannula was secured to the skull with two stainless-steel control dendrites Suggests that the newly minted spines Sup screws and dental cement. Post-operatively the animals were port functional synapses (FIGS. 5 and Table 4) (Han and Kim housed individually in an American Accreditation for Labo 2008; Yasumatsu, Matsuzaki et al. 2008). Further, a near 50 ratory Animal Care-approved vivarium maintained at 22+1 perfect correlation between mRFP-3-actin labeled spines and C. on a 12-h alternating light/dark cycle initiated at 06:00 h. the general presynaptic marker Synapsin and VLGUT1 stain All animals were hand gentled for 5 min per day during the ing, which identifies excitatory glutamatergic synapses Sug 5-6 days of post-Surgical recovery. gests that most AnglV-dependent effects on hippocampal Behavioral Testing spines were restricted to excitatory synapses. These findings 55 The water maze consisted of a circular tank painted black correspond nicely with the findings of De Bundel et al. in (diameter: 1.6 m; height: 0.6 m), filled to a depth of 26 cm which no effect on the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA by with 26-28°C. water. A black circular platform (diameter: 12 native angiotensin IV was observed (De Bundel, Demaegdtet cm; height: 24 cm) was placed 30 cm from the wall and al. 2010). submerged 2 cm below the water surface. The maze was The increase in mEPSC frequency observed by Dihexa and 60 operationally sectioned into four equal quadrants designated Nle1-AnglV treated preparations further supports that new NW, NE, SW, and SE. For each rat the location of the platform spines form functional synapses (Malgaroli and Tsien 1992: was randomly assigned to one of the quadrants and remained Hering and Sheng 2001; Tyler and Pozzo-Miller 2003). The fixed throughout the duration of training. Entry points were at consistent strengthening of neurotransmission initiated by the quadrant corners (i.e. N. S. E. W) and were pseudo Dihexa and Nle1-Ang|V could not be attributed to intrinsic 65 randomly assigned such that each trial began at a different fluctuations of neurotransmitter release or metabolic and entry point than the preceding trial. Three of the four testing mechanical influences (Yasumatsu, Matsuzaki et al. 2008). room walls were covered with extra-maze spatial cues con US 9,150,613 B2 39 40 sisting of different shapes (circles, squares, triangles) and Transfection of Dissociated Hippocampal Neuronal Cell Cul colors. The Swimming path of the animals was recorded using tures a computerized video tracking system (Chromotrack; San Neurons were transfected with mRFP-B-actin on day in Diego Instruments, Calif.). The computer displayed total vitro 6 (DIVE) using LipofectAMINETM 2000 (Invitrogen) Swim latency and Swim distance. Swim speed was deter according to the manufacturer's protocol. This protocol mined from these values. yielded the desired 3-5% transfection efficiency thus enabling Each member of the treatment groups received an icy injec the visualization of individual neurons. Higher efficiencies tion of scopolamine hydrobromide (70 nmol in 2 ul acSF obscured the dendritic arbor of individual neurons. Expres over a duration of 20 s) 20 min prior to testing followed by sion of fluorescently tagged actin allowed clear visualization Dihexa (300 pmol in 2 ul aOSF), Hinge (300 pmol in 2 ul 10 of dendritic spines, as dendritic spines are enriched in actin. aCSF), or Hinge Dihexa (300 pmol in 4 ul aGSF) 5 min prior On DIV7 the cells were treated with vehicle (H20) or peptides to testing. This scopolamine preparation is a generally (as described in the text) added to media. On DIV12 the accepted animal model of the spatial memory dysfunction neurons were fixed (4% paraformaldehyde, 3% sucrose, 60 that accompanies dementia (Fisher et al., 2003). Control 15 mM PIPES, 25 mMHEPES, 5 mMEGTA, 1 mM MgCl, pH groups received scopolamine or aOSF 20min prior to testing 7.4) for 20 minat room temperature and mounted. Slides were followed by aOSF 5 min prior testing. The behavioral testing dried for at least 20 hours at 4°C. and fluorescent images were protocol has been described previously in detail (Wright et obtained with Slidebook 4.2 Digital Microscopy Software al., 1999). Briefly, acquisition trials were conducted on 8 driving an Olympus DM inverted confocal microscope with a consecutive days, 5 trials/day. On the first day of training the 60x oil immersion lens, NA 1.4 and resolution 0.280 um animal was placed on the pedestal for 30s prior to the first Dendritic spine density was measured on primary and sec trial. Trials commenced with the placement of the rat facing ondary dendrites at a distance of at least 150 um from the the wall of the maze at one of the assigned entry points. The soma. Five 50 um long segments of dendrite from at least 10 rat was allowed a maximum of 120 s to locate the platform. neurons per data point were analyzed for each data point Once the animal located the platform it was permitted a 30s 25 reported. Each experiment was repeated at least three times rest period on the platform. using independent culture preparations. Dendrite length was If the rat did not find the platform, the experimenter placed determined using the National Institutes of Health’s Image J the animal on the platform for the 30s rest period. The next 1.41o program (NIH, Bethesda, Md.) and the neurite tracing trial commenced immediately following the rest period. program Neuron J (Meijering, Jacob et al. 2004) Spines were Upon completion of each daily set of trials the animal was 30 manually counted. towel-dried and placed under a 100 watt lamp for 10-15 min Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Culture Preparation and and then returned to its home cage. Transfection Statistical Analyses Hippocampi from P4Sprague Dawley rats were cultured as One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the dendritic spine previously described (Wayman, Impey et al. 2006). Briefly, results and significant effects were analyzed by Tukey post 35 400 um slices were cultured on (Milipore, Billerica, Mass.) hoc test. Morris water maze data set mean latencies to find the for 3 days after which they were biolistically transfected with platform during each daily block offive trials were calculated tomato fluorescent protein (TFP) using a Helios Gene Gun for each animal for each day of acquisition. One-way ANO (BioRad, Hercules, Calif.), according to the manufacturers VAs were used to compare group latencies on Days 1, 4, and protocol, to visualize dendritic arbors. Following a 24 hour 8 of training. Significant effects were analyzed by Newman 40 recovery period slices were stimulated with 1 uM Nle1-An Keuls post-hoc test with a level of significance set at PK0.05. gIV or Dihexa for 2 days. Slices were fixed and mounted. Scattering assay. MDCK cells were grown to 100% con Hippocampal CA1 neuronal processes were imaged and mea fluency on the coverslips in six-well plates and washed twice sured as described above. with PBS. The confluent coverslips were then aseptically Acute Hippocampal Slices transferred to new six well plates containing 900 ul serum free 45 Adult Sprague-Dawley rats (250 g+) obtained from Harlan DMEM. Norleual, Hinge peptide, and/or HGF (20 ng/ml) Laboratories (Ca, USA) were anesthetized with isofluorane were added to appropriate wells. Control wells received PBS (Vet OneTM, MWI, Meridian, Id., USA) and decapitated. The vehicle. Plates were incubated at 37°C. with 5% CO, for 48 brain was rapidly removed and placed into ice-chilled artifi hours. Media was removed and cells were fixed with metha cial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) for approximately 30s. Both nol. Cells were stained with Diff-Quik Wright-Giemsa 50 hemispheres were separated by a mid-Saggital cut and both (Dade-Behring, Newark, Del.) and digital images were taken. hippocampi removed. Slices were sectioned cross- and Coverslips were removed with forceps and more digital length-wise (400 um) to ensure penetrability of the drug, images were captured. Pixel quantification of images was using a McIlwain tissue chopper (Brinkmann, Gomshall, UK) achieved using Image J and statistics were performed using and transferred to a gassed (95% O/5% CO) incubation Prism 5 and InStat v.3.05. 55 chamber containing acSF for 90 minutes at room tempera Dissociated Hippocampal Neuronal Cell Culture Preparation ture. Slices were transferred to fresh tubes, aOSF was Hippocampal neurons (2x10 cells per square centimeter) removed by careful suctioning and replaced with aGSF con were cultured from P1-2 Sprague Dawley rats on plates taining vehicle (aCSF aGSF), 100 ng/ml with carrier free coated with poly-L-lysine from Sigma (St. Louis, Mo.; adult recombinant Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) (Rand molecular weight 300,000). Hippocampal neurons were 60 D Systems, Minn., USA) in aOSF, 10' M Hinge (Harding maintained in Neurobasal A media from Invitrogen (Carls lab), 50 ng/ml in aGSF, 10' M. Dihexa (Harding lab) in bad, Calif.) supplemented with B27 from Invitrogen, 0.5 mM aCSF, 10° M Dihexa in aOSF or 50 ng/ml HGF 10 M L-glutamine, and 5 mM cytosine-D-arabinofuranoside from Dihexa in aGSF for 30 minutes at 37°C. with gentle rocking. Sigma added at 2 days in vitro. Hippocampal neurons were aCSF was removed and the slices were lysed using RIPA then cultured a further 3-7 days, at which time they were 65 buffer (Upstate/Milipore, Billerica, Mass.) and inhibitor either transfected or treated with various pharmacological Cocktails I and II (Sigma, St. Louis, Mo.), Sonicated on ice reagents as described in the text or figure legends. and clarified by centrifugation for 30 minutes, 13,000 rpm at US 9,150,613 B2 41 42 4°C. The supernatant was removed from the pellet and stored Whole-cell recordings at -80° C. or processed immediately for gel electrophoresis. Patch-clamp experiments were performed on mRFP-B-ac shRNA tin transfected cultured hippocampal neurons (vehicle con A target sequence for c-Met was designed using RNAi trol) and on transfected hippocampal neurons with 1 uM central design program (see the website located at can Hinge or Dihexa, or 10 ng/ml HGF (R&D Systems) 5 day The target sequence GTGTCAGGAGGT pretreatment. Recordings were taken from neurons that were GTTTGGAAAG (SEQID NO: 2) was inserted into pSUPER pyramidal-like in shape (~20 cell bodies and asymmetric vector (Oligoengine, Seattle Wash.) which drives endog dendrite distribution). The time after transfection was 6 days. enous production of shRNA under the Hi promoter. The The culture medium was exchanged by an extracellular solu shRNA was transfected into cells using the lipofectamine 10 tion containing (in mM) 140 NaCl, 2.5 KC1, 1 MgCl2, 3 method described above. Verification of receptor knockdown CaCl2, 25 glucose, and 5 HEPES; pH was adjusted to 7.3 with was done by creating a c-Met-6-Myc tagged gene product KOH, osmolality was adjusted to 310 mCsm. Cultures were using the Gateway cloning system (Invitrogen). The Met allowed to equilibrate in a recording chamber mounted on protein coding sequence was cloned from rat whole brain inverted microscope (IX-71; Olympus optical, Tokyo) for 30 cDNA using primers obtained from Integrated DNA Tech 15 min before recording. Transfected cells were visualized with nologies, Inc. The amplified product was gel purified and a fluorescence (Olympus optical). Recording pipettes were band corresponding to 190 kDa band excised and cloned into pulled (P-97 Flaming/Brown micropipette puller; Sutter a PCAGGS-6-Myc destination vector (Gateway). Instrument, Novato, Calif.) from standard-wall borosilicate Gel Electrophoresis and Western Blotting glass without filament (OD=1.5 mm; Sutter Instrument). The Protein concentration of the samples was quantified using pipette-to-bath DC resistance of patch electrodes ranged from the BCA method (Pierce, Rockford, Ill.) following the manu 4.0 to 5.21\40, and were filled with a internal solution of the facturers protocol. Samples were added to SDS-PAGE buffer following composition (in mM): 25 CsCl, 100 CsCHOS, 10 and boiled for 10 min. before loading onto a 4-12% Bis-Tris phosphocreatine, 0.4 EGTA, 10 HEPES, 2 MgCl, 0.4 Mg pre-cast gel (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif.) for electrophoresis. ATP and 0.04 Na-GTP: pH was adjusted to 7.2 with CsCH: Proteins were transferred onto PVDF membranes (Bio Rad, 25 osmolality was adjusted to 296-300 mOsm. Miniature EPSCs Hercules, Calif.) and blocked with AquaBlockTM (New (mEPSCs) were isolated pharmacologically by blocking England Biolabs, Ipswich, Mass.) for 1 hour at room tem GABA receptor chloride channels with picrotoxin (100 uM; perature (RT). Primary antibody incubation was done in Sigma), blocking glycine receptors with Strychnine (1 M: AquaBlockTM with rabbit anti-Met and anti-rabbit phospho Sigma), and blocking action potential generation with tetro Met (Tyr1234/1235) (1:1000, Cell Signaling Technology, 30 dotoxin (TTX, 500 nM; Tocris). Recordings were obtained Danvers, Mass.) overnight at 4°C. Alternating washes were using a Multiclamp 700B amplifier (Molecular Devices, done with PBS and PBST. Secondary antibody (IRDye) Sunnyvale, Calif.). Analog signals were low-pass Bessel fil (Rockland, Gilbertsville, Pa.) incubations were done in tered at 2 kHz, digitized at 10 kHz through a Digidata 1440A AquaBlockTM for one hour at RT. Blots were imaged using interface (Molecular Devices), and stored in a computer using LI-COR Odyssey Infrared Imaging System (LI-COR Bio 35 Clampex 10.2 software (Molecular Devices). The membrane Sciences, Lincoln, Nebr.). potential was held at -70 mV at room temperature (25°C.) Immunocytochemistry during a period of 0.5-2 hafter removal of the culture from the Transfected neurons were treated, fixed and stained as incubator. Liquidjunction potentials were not corrected. Data previously described in Chapter two. Briefly, cells were per analysis was performed using Clampfit 10.2 software (Mo meablized with 0.1% TritonX-100 detergent (Bio-Rad; Her 40 lecular Devices), and Mini-Analysis 6.0 software (Synap cules, Calif.) for 10 minutes. An 8% bovine serum albumin tosoft Inc.; Fort Lee, N.J.). The criteria for successful record (Intergen Company: Burlington, Mass.) in PBS was used to ing included the electrical resistance of the seal between the prevent non-specific binding for one hour at R.T.: Primary outside Surface of the recording pipette and the attached antibody incubations were at a 1:2500 dilution (see below) in celld-2 G11, neuron input resistance>240 MS2. The mEPSCs 1% BSA in PBS at 4° C. overnight. Secondary antibody, 45 had a 5-min recording time. 1:3000 Alexafluor 488 goat-anti-mouse (Invitrogen: Carls Results bad, Calif.) was applied for two hours at room temperature. Hepatocyte Growth Factor Augments the Dendritic Architec Coverslips were mounted with ProLong Gold anti-fade ture and Supports Synaptogenesis reagent (Invitrogen; Carlsbad, Calif.) and all washes were Dihexa and Nle1-Ang|V have previously been shown to done with PBS. Imaging and analysis were performed as 50 induce spinogenesis in mRFP-B-actin transfected hippocam described above. For presynaptic excitatory transmission the pal neurons (see Example 1); however the mechanism under VGLUT1 (Synaptic Systems, Goettingen, Germany) marker lying this action was unknown. Because of the ability of (Balschun, Moechars et al.) was employed and for general Norleual, another Ang|V analogue to block the action of HGF presynaptic transmission synapsinl (Synaptic Systems, Goet on c-Met (Yamamoto et al., 2010) we hypothesized that tingen, Germany) (Ferreira and Rapoport 2002) was applied. 55 increases in spine density initiated by Dihexa and Nle1-An A postsynaptic function was established by PSD-95 (Mili gIV are mediated by the HGF/c-Met system. As such, the pore, Billerica, Mass.) (El-Husseini, Schnell et al. 2000). In effects of HGF on spinogenesis in dissociated hippocampal each instance the total number of spines was counted for the cultures were evaluated. Hippocampal neurons were trans treatment groups, control, Nile 1-Ang V and Dihexa, to ensure fected with mRFP-3-actin on day in vitro (DIV) 6 and stimu an active phenotype. The total number of actin enriched 60 lated with HGF for 5 days. spines (red) adjacent to VGLUT1 or Synapsin were counted A dose-dependent increase in spine numbers following and converted to a percentage as the percent correlation of HGF stimulation was observed with the lowest effective dose treatment-induced spines to presynaptic markers is a strong being 5 ng/ml dose (mean spine numbers=24.7: **-p-0.01 indicator of ability to transmit excitatory signals. In our appli vs. control; ns vs HGF 10 and 20 ng/ml). The most significant cation the number of correlations consisted of red fluores 65 effects were produced by 10 and 20 ng/ml doses (mean spine cent-tagged actin spines against green PSD-95 immuno-posi numbers=27.5 and 27.0 respectively; n=50 per treatment tive puncta which, when merged, resulted in an orange spine. group: *** p<0.001; df 4/245; F=13.5). A 2.5 ng/ml dose of US 9,150,613 B2 43 44 HGF, however, had no effect on basal spine numbers (mean formed. Sub-threshold doses of HGF augmented with sub spine numbers=18.6 vs. control=18.0) (FIG. 8) and was threshold doses of Dihexa or Nle1-Ang|V were previously therefore considered to be sub-threshold. shown to promote spinogenesis, Suggesting a common To evaluate the ability of HGF to augment spinogenesis in mechanism of action. Dissociated hippocampal neurons a more physiologically relevant environment, organotypic 5 transfected with mRFP-B-actin were stimulated for 5 days hippocampal slices were employed. Hippocampal slices, with sub-threshold concentrations of HGF and Dihexa (2.5 which were biolistically transfected with the soluble red fluo ng/ml+10 M, respectively), biologically active doses of rescent protein Tomato were stimulated with 10 ng/ml HGF, HGF (10 ng/ml), Dihexa or Nle1-Ang|V (10'’M) or a com 10' M Dihexa or vehicle for 48 hours. CA1 hippocampal bination of sub-threshold doses of 2.5 ng/ml HGF+10' M neurons, which are known to undergo plastic changes in 10 Dihexa or 2.5 ng/ml HGF+10'’M Nle1-Ang|V. The results response to learning were easily singled out for analysis are presented in FIGS. 12 A and B. Sub-threshold concentra based on morphology. Dihexa and HGF significantly tions of HGF (2.5 ng/ml), Dihexa and Nle1-Ang|V (10M) increased the number of spines per 50 um dendrite length in had no effect on basal spinogenesis and did not differ from the CA1 hippocampal neurons (mean spine numbers=15.0 control treated neurons (mean+S.E.M. spine numbers for and 18.5 respectively compared to mean control spine num- 15 control=17.4, HGF=16.5, Dihexa=17.1 and Nle1-An bers=6.1: ***=P<0.001 and **=P<0.01 between treatment gIV=16.5 per 50 um dendrite length; p-0.05). Biologically groups; df 2/81; F=41.5) (FIGS. 9A and B). active doses of HGF (10 ng/ml), Dihexa and Nle1-AngW Previous studies in which neurons were treated with (10 M) produced a significant effect over control treated Dihexa and Nle1-Ang|V indicated that most of dendritic spines (meantS.E.M. spine numbers for HGF=29.3, spines that were induced co-localized with both pre- and 20 Dihexa-26.4 and Nle1-AnglV=29.8 per 50 um dendrite). postsynaptic markers indicated that these new spines Sup Combined sub-threshold doses of 2.5 ng/ml+10M Dihexa ported functional synapses. In addition, the majority of syn and 2.5 ng/ml+10' MNle1-Ang|V phenocopied the effects aptic input appeared to be glutamatergic. Because Dihexa, of each agonist at its biologically active dose alone Nle1-AnglV, and HGF are proposed to all act through a (meant S.E.M. spine numbers for HGF--Dihexa are 28.8 and common mechanism, the functional properties of HGF-in- 25 HGF+Nle1-Ang|V are 26.2 per 50 um dendrite length com duced spines was evaluated. mRFP-B-actin transfected hip pared to control treated neurons=17.4: ***=P<0.001; pocampal neurons were immunostained for a general marker meantS.E.M.; by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey post of presynaptic active Zones, synapsin (Ferreira and Rapoport; hoc test). 2002) as well as a marker specific to glutamatergic synapses, Seeking further Substantiation for angiotensin IV ligand Vesicular Glutamate Transporter 1 (VGLUT1) (Balschun, 30 and HGF/c-Met mediated interactions, the novel HGF Moechars et al. 2010). HGF stimulation significantly aug antagonist Hinge (DYIRNC, SEQ ID NO: 3) was utilized mented the number of postsynaptic spines (mean number of (Kawas et al., 20113 Hinge was confirmed as an HGF/c-Met spines per 50 um dendrite length for HGF-33 vs. 23 for receptor antagonist by its ability to inhibit scattering of control: ***=P<0.001; +S.E.M. by one-way ANOVA) thus Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, the gold standard ensuring an active phenotype by HGF-treatment (FIGS. 10A 35 for assessment of c-Met mediated activity. Cell scattering and B). The number of postsynaptic spines adjacent to involves a loss of cell adhesion properties, cell migration and VGLUT1, or synapsin-positive puncta were counted and con differentiation, the hallmarks of HGF and c-Met actions verted to a percentage of the total spines counted. For HGF (Yamamoto, Elias et al., 2010; Birchmeier, Sonnenberg et al. treated neurons (10 ng/ml) immunostained against Synapsinl 1993). Hinge was tested for its effects on dissociated hippoc a 98% correlation between the presynaptic marker and 40 ampal neurons and was found to have no effect on spinogen postsynaptic actin-enriched spine was observed (FIG.9C). A esis over a wide range of doses, thus indicating that Hinge and 95% correlation for VGLUT1 and postsynaptic spines indi the HGF/e-Met system do not have a significant role in the cated that spines induced by HGF were almost exclusively basal spinogenesis seen in the cultured neurons (FIG. 13A). glutamatergic (FIG. 10D). The correlation between green However, Hinge did effectively inhibit spine formation in puncta and red spines for vehicle treated neurons was simi- 45 neurons stimulated with 10 ng/ml HGF (FIG. 13B), 10° M larly 94% for Synapsin and VGLUT I (FIGS. 10C and D). Nle1-Ang|V (FIG. 13C) or 10' M Dihexa (FIG. 12D) fur The above data Suggest that spines produced in response to ther Supporting the contention that these actions are mediated HGF-treatment form functional synapses. Furthermore, the by the HGF/c-Met system. high correlation with VGLUT1 suggests that many of these To assess the effects of Hinge on excitatory synaptic trans inputs are excitatory in nature. To further evaluate this con- 50 mission mEPSCs were recorded form mRFP-3-actin trans clusion, we measured the frequency of spontaneous AMPA fected hippocampal neurons treated for 5 days with Hinge mediated mini-excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs) (10' M), HGF ng/ml), Dihexa (10' M), Hinge+HGF from neurons following HGF treatment and compared these (10' M+10 ng/ml, respectively) or Hinge+Dihexa (10 M data to those obtained for Dihexa, which had previously each). Hinge alone does not affect synaptic transmission established to increase mEPSC frequency. Recordings were 55 (mean frequency=4.51+0.47) compared to vehicle treated done on dissociated hippocampal neurons transfected with neurons (mean frequency=5.31+0.35: FIGS. 14A and B). mRFP-3-actin and treated with 10° M Dihexa, 10 ng/ml HGF and Dihexa frequencies were significantly increased HGF or an equivalent volume of vehicle for 5 days. Both HGF compared to both Hinge and vehicle treated neurons (mean (mean frequency=7.09+0.53; n=11) and Dihexa treatment frequency for HGF=9.66+0.20 and for Dihexa=8.25+0.56). (mean frequency 6.75+0.99; n=9) increased excitatory syn- 60 However these effects are significantly attenuated by stimu aptic transmission nearly two-fold over control (mean fre lation in the presence of Hinge (mean frequencies for HGF-- quency=3.55 th 0.60; n=9; **=P<0.002; meantS.E.M. by Hinge=5.25+0.27 and Dihexa-i-Hinge=5.57+0.65; FIGS. 14A one-way ANOVA followed by Newman-Keuls post hoc test) and B). These results suggest that the newly generated spines treated neurons (FIG. 11), confirming the Supposition that are forming functional synapses and while Hinge has no HGF treatment Supports increased synaptogenesis. 65 effect on synaptic transmission, it is its ability to inhibit In order to ascertain whetherangiotensin IV ligand actions spinogenesis that attenuates the AMPA-mediated frequen are mediated by HGF/c-Met a synergy experiment was per C1GS. US 9,150,613 B2 45 46 The proposed angiotensin IV receptor HGF is the ligand ANOVA followed by Tukey post hoc test) as shown in FIG. for the tyrosine kinase receptor c-Met. Although the localiza 20. A scrambled RNA sequence was employed as the negative tion of c-Met and HGF mRNA in the brain has been well control and had no effect on basal or stimulated spino genesis documented (Jung, Castren et al. 1994; Honda, Kagoshima et (data not shown). These results confirm that the effects of al. 1995: Thewke and Seeds 1996; Achim, Katyaletal. 1997) 5 AngV analogs are mediated by the HGF/c-Met system. the presence and distribution of c-Met protein has not been The Morris water maze, a hippocampal-dependent spatial examined. Therefore we probed several brain regions for the learning task requiring rats to locate a pedestal hidden presence of c-Met but were unable to do so for HGF due to a beneath the surface of the water by orienting themselves to lack of effective antibodies. High levels of c-Met protein were extra-maze cues was employed to evaluate the impact of the observed throughout most of the brain regions. Specifically, 10 HGF antagonist, Hinge, on the pro-cognitive effects of the highest signal of c-Met protein was seen in the hippoc Dihexa. The groups tested included aOSF followed by aOSF, ampus and appears to be greater than in the liver which is a scopolamine (70 nM) followed by acSF, scopolamine fol major site of HGF production. A strong signal was also lowed by Dihexa (300 uM), aOSF followed by Hinge (300 observed in the prefrontal cortex and midbrain, regions of pM) and scopolamine--Hinge followed by Dihexa. FIG. 21 importance to cognition, while neocortex had a somewhat 15 represents the mean latencies to find the hidden pedestal for attenuated signal the cerebellum produced the lowest signal days 1-8 of training in the water maze. None of the groups (FIGS. 15 A and B). differed significantly in latency to find the pedestal on day one The apparent dependency of the actions of Dihexa on the of training. Mean latencies for the vehicle control HGF/c-Met system predicted that Dihexa in the presence of (aCSF->acSF) group=89.3 s; the scopolamine treated sub-threshold levels of HGF should be able to stimulate group=114.7 s; the scopolamine-i-Hinge->Dihexa treated c-Met phosphorylation and activation. Therefore acute adult group latency=107.9 s; the Hinge group mean latency=111.1 rathippocampal slices were stimulated with HGF, Dihexa at s; and the scopolamine->Dihexa group=115.2 s. By the saturating and non-saturating concentrations alone and in fourth day of training, considered to be a crucial day on which combination and probed for phospho-Met. Phosphorylation the most improvement in training and neural plasticity occurs of the c-Met receptor indicates receptor activation. FIG. 16 25 (Meighan et al., 2006), the Scopolamine group (mean latency shows phosphorylation of the c-Met receptor following a 30 to find the pedestal=102.4 s) and the scopolamine-- minute treatment with vehicle and various concentrations Hinge->Dihexa group (mean latency=105.2 s) showed no HGF or Dihexa. Saturating doses of HGF (100 ng/ml) and signs of improvement compared to the vehicle control group Dihexa (10' M) Dihexa both increased c-Met phosphory (mean latency 43.0 s), the Hinge group (mean latency= lation compared to control (aCSF) treated slices; (p<0.007). 30 78.3 s) and the scopolamine->Dihexa group (mean Non-saturating doses of HGF (50 ng/ml) and Dihexa (10 latency=63.0 s). On the final day of training when maximal M) were not statistically different from control treated slices learning has occurred (Meighan, Meighan et al. 2006) the (p>0.05) and therefore considered to be sub-threshold. The mean latencies for the Scopolamine group (mean latency to sub-threshold doses of HGF and Dihexa combined, however, find the pedestal=84.8 s) and the scopolamine-- appeared to produce an effect similar to the Saturating doses 35 Hinge->Dihexa group (mean latency=93.6 s) indicated little of HGF and Dihexa (p<0.007). Thus dependent on the dose it improvement in learning compared to the vehicle control appears that Dihexa is independently capable of activating the group (mean latency 43.0 s), the Hinge group (mean HGF/c-Met system in the adult rat brain alone as well as in latency=46.1 s) and the Scopolamine->Dihexa group (mean conjunction with HGF. In concert with these findings Dihexa latency 62.3 s). These results suggest that HGF and c-Met able to dramatically augment the ability of HGF to activate 40 play an important role in hippocampal-dependent cognitive c-Met by phosphorylation in HEK293 cells (FIG. 17) and processes. stimulate MDCK cell scattering (FIG. 18). Discussion To irrefutably confirm that the AnglV analogues act via the The pro-cognitive effects of angiotensin IV analogues Sug HGF/c-met system an shRNA for c-Met was employed to gest that anti-dementia drugs based on this system can be knock-down the receptor. Dissociated hippocampal neurons 45 developed (Braszko, Kupryszewski et al. 1988: Stubley were transfected with mRFP-B-actin and shMet RNA and Weatherly, Harding et al. 1996: Pederson, Harding et al. receptor knock-down was allowed to take place for 48 hours 1998: Wright, Stubley et al. 1999). However, due to poor prior to stimulating with 0.5 g (per well) HGF (10 ng/ml), metabolic stability of angiotensin IV and many Ang|V ana Dihexa or Nle1-AnglV (both at 10' M). Longer exposure logues, the inability of early analogues to penetrate the blood appeared to be detrimental or toxic to the neurons. Effective 50 brain barrier, and the failure to identify the AT4 receptor, no c-Met receptor knock-down was verified by transfecting pharmaceutical company has moved forward with their human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells with (0.1 g) 6-Myc development. Dihexa, a novel angiotensin IV analogue Syn tagged c-Met, (0.1 g)shMet or mRFP-3-actin alone. Suc thesized by our laboratory, is stable and orally active and has cessful knockdown was confirmed by immunoblotting for thus overcome the major pharmacokinetic impediments pre Myc tagged c-met using an anti-Myc antibody (FIG. 19). 55 venting development. Dihexa has been proven to be stable in Neurons transfected with mRFP-B-actin alone, serving as the blood for over 5 hours (not shown), survived passage the control, were treated with 10 ng/ml HGF, 10'’M Dihexa through the gut to penetrate the blood brain barrier, and over or Nile 1-Ang V. A significant increase in the number of spines comes cognitive deficits in acute and chronic models of compared to control treated neurons was observed (mean dementia (not shown). A general mechanism, established for spine numbers per 50 um dendrite length=13.2 vs HGF=20.6; 60 facilitation of the water maze task, involves expansion of the Dihexa=21.8 and Nle1-AnglV=20.0; p-0.05 by one-way dendritic arbor in the form of newly developed postsynaptic ANOVA followed by Tukey post hoc test). Neurons trans spines and accompanying synaptogenesis. The last remaining fected with mRFP-B-actin and shMet that were stimulated hurdle to development was the lack of a molecular mecha with 10 ng/ml HGF, 10' M Dihexa or Nle1-Ang|V. did not nism. differ from control in terms of spine numbers (mean spine 65 Here we demonstrate that the actions of Ang|V analogues numbers per 50 um dendrite length=13.5 vs HGF=12.4: are dependent on the HGF/c-Met system. Both systems Dihexa-12.0 and Nle1-Ang|V=12.1; p-0.05 by one-way appear to mediate similar physiological effects. The Angio US 9,150,613 B2 47 48 tensin IV/AT4 system has cerebroprotective effects (Wright, To further strengthen this perceived commonality of Clemens et al. 1996; Date, Takagi et al. 2004), augments long mechanism, the novel HGFantagonist Hinge was employed term potentiation (Kramar, Armstrong et al. 2001; Wayner, and evaluated for its effects on hippocampal neurons stimu Armstrong et al. 2001; Akimoto, Baba et al. 2004: Davis, lated with Ang|V analogues and HGF. Hinge, like the angio tensin IV antagonist Norleual, was established as a c-Met Kramar et al. 2006), has well established pro-cognitive antagonist by its ability to block HGF-dependent c-Met phos effects (Wright and Harding 2008), and is suspected to regu phorylation and prevent HGF-dependent scattering in the late neural stem cell development. The HGF/c-Met system MDCK epithelial cell line. Cell scattering, which is the hall also has pro-cognitive effects (Akimoto, Baba et al. 2004: mark of an HGF/c-Met interaction, leads to a loss of cell Tyndall and Walikonis 2006; Tyndall and Walikonis 2007) adhesion properties that allow cells to migrate (Yamamoto, and is known to be involved in stem cell regulation (Urbanek, 10 Elias et al.; Birchmeier, Sonnenberg et al. 1993). Hinge was Rota et al. 2005; Nicoleau, Benzakouretal. 2009). In addition found to have no adverse effects on cultured hippocampal to functional similarities there is sequence homology neurons and did not promote or hinder spinogenesis (FIG. between angiotensin IV and the “hinge' linker region of HGF 12A). At pico molar concentrations, however, Hinge pre vented HGF, Nle1-AngV and Dihexa induced spinogenesis (Wright, Yamamoto et al. 2008). This notion was further 15 (FIG. 12B-D) further suggesting that the effects observed for solidified by the observation that the well known AT4 antago our angiotensin IV ligands are HGF/c-Met mediated. The nist, Norleual, is capable of blocking many HGF/c-Met regu effects of Hinge on synaptogenesis were evaluated by record lated functions such as MDCK cell scattering (Yamamoto, ing mEPSC frequencies on cultured hippocampal neurons. Elias et al. 2010). While Hinge alone did alter base-line synaptic transmission it Facilitation of the water maze task is effected by Dihexa attenuated HGF and Dihexa increases in AMPA-frequencies and the parent angiotensin IV ligand, Nile 1-Ang V, by aug (FIGS. 13 A and B). This effect was likely due to attenuation mentation of neurotransmission occurring through elabora of spinogenesis promoted by HGF and Dihexa treatments tion of the dendriticarbor. The hypothesized linkage between since, without the antagonizing effect of Hinge, each agonist the action of AngV analogues and the HGF/c-Met system increased mini-AMPA frequencies (FIG. 13 A-B and FIG. predicted that like Dihexa and Nle1-AnglV HGF should be 25 10) thus forming functional synaptic connections. Taken able to stimulate dendritic spine growth in dissociated hip together, these data Suggest that inhibiting HGF does not alter pocampal neurons. the number of functional synapses in vehicle treated neurons but attenuates the effects of HGF and Dihexa on synaptoge As predicted, HGF promoted a dose-dependent increase in nesis by decreasing the number of postsynaptic spines. spinogenesis (FIG. 7) in dissociated hippocampal neurons. To additionally support the contention that the agonists The most effective concentration of HGF (10 ng/ml) was 30 Dihexa and Nle1-Ang|V are acting through HGF and its Subsequently found to stimulate hippocampal neurons in receptor c-Met, hippocampal neurons were transfected with organotypic hippocampal slice cultures which are more intact shRNA to knockdown the c-Met receptor. Knockdown of the preparations similar to Dihexa (FIGS. 8A and B) further receptor was verified by immunoblotting against a Myc establishing a mechanistic link between Dihexa and HGF/c- tagged c-Met gene product (FIG. 16). As expected, stimula Met. To evaluate the physiological relevance of these new 35 tion of hippocampal neurons transfected with mRFP-3-actin spines and to determine the neurotransmitter signature of with HGF, Dihexa and Nle1-AnglV had significantly resident synapses, HGF treatment-induced spines labeled enhanced dendritic arbors while those additionally trans with mRFP-3-actin were immunostained for the universal fected with she-Met RNA were no different from control presynaptic marker Synapsin that is located in the presynaptic treated neurons (FIG. 17). These data provide conclusive active Zones (Ferreira and Rapoport 2002) and the excitatory 40 support for our belief that angiotensin IV ligands Dihexa and presynaptic marker VGLUT1 that is found at glutamatergic Nle1-AnglV act through the HGF/c-Met system. presynaptic synapses (Balschun, Moechars et al.). The ratio The newly developed angiotensin IV agonist ligand of postsynaptic mRFP-B-actin labeled spines juxtaposed to Dihexa has been shown to facilitate acquisition of a spatial Synapsin or VGLUT1 spines was not different from control learning and memory task in Scopolamine treated rats (data treated neurons Suggesting treatment-induced spines are 45 not shown). Because it is prohibitively expensive to test HGF in the water maze, we instead evaluated its involvement in forming functional synapses (FIG.9A-D). Further validation cognition by employing the HGFantagonist Hinge to block of synaptogenesis was obtained by recording mEPSCs, spon the actions of Dihexa. Treatment with the muscarinic cholin taneous presynaptic bursts independent of action potentials, ergic receptor antagonist Scopolamine renders rats acutely on HGF and Dihexa treated neurons. AMPA-mediated trans amnesic and therefore unable to learn the task. A rescue effect mission was amplified in response to HGF and Dihexa treat 50 is observed in rats that are given Dihexa following scopola ment as shown by increased frequencies (FIG. 10). mine pretreatment. These rats exhibit rapid facilitation of the Sub-threshold concentrations of Dihexa and HGF or Nle1 task and did not perform differently from vehicle treated rats. Ang|V and HGF were used to stimulate hippocampal neurons The group of rats that was pretreated with a scopolamine and in vitro to determine whether the angiotensin IV ligands Hinge did not display the rescue effect observed by Dihexa in Dihexa and Nle1-Ang|V, and HGF affect the same signaling 55 the scopolamine preparation (FIGS. 14A and B). These data cascade or act on one receptor (c-Met). To determine whether demonstrate a function for HGF and c-Met system in learning Dihexa and Nlel-Ang V engage the same signaling cascade and memory, and that agents which mimic the action of HGF Sub-threshold concentrations of Ang|V ligands were com can be used to enhance learning and memory in Subjects in bined with sub-threshold doses of HGF. While sub-threshold need thereof. concentrations of each ligandalone did not alter basal spino 60 genesis, combined sub-threshold concentrations of 10 M Example 3 Dihexa and 2.5 ng/ml HGF or 10' MNle1-Ang IV and 2.5 ng/ml of HGF produced a near ceiling effect, similar to bio Development of Antiotensin IV Analogs as logical responsive doses of each ligandalone (FIGS. 11A and Hepatocytic Growth Factor/Met Modifiers B). The similarities in the dendritic responses to the AnglV 65 analogues and HGF are consistent with a common mecha The 6-AH family (D-Nle-X-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH: nism of action. where X=various amino acids of Angiotensin IV analogs, US 9,150,613 B2 49 50 bind directly to Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) and inhibit Although both pre-pro-HGF and the active disulfide-linked HGF’s ability to form functional dimers. The metabolically heterodimer bind Met with high affinity, it is only the het stabilized 6-AH family member, D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH (CH) erodimer that is capable of activating Met (Lokker et al., —CONH, had a t in blood of 80 min compared to the 1992: Shethet al., 2008). parent compound Norleual (Nle-Tyr-Leu-I-(CH 5 Recent studies from our laboratory (Yamamoto et al., NH)-His-Pro-Phe, SEQ ID NO: 1), which had at in 2010) have shown that picomolar concentrations of the blood of <5 min. 6-AH family members were found to act as Ang|V analog, Norleual (Nle-Tyr-Leu-p-(CH NH)- mimics of the dimerization domain of HGF (hinge region), His-Pro-Phe), are capable of potently inhibiting the HGF/Met and inhibited the interaction of an HGF molecule with a system and bind directly to the hinge region of HGF blocking H-hinge region peptide resulting in an attenuated capacity of 10 its dimerization (Kawas et al., 2011). Moreover, a hexapep HGF to activate its receptor Met. This interference translated tide representing the actual hinge region possessed biochemi into inhibition of HGF-dependent signaling, proliferation, cal and pharmacological properties identical to Norleuals and Scattering in multiple cell types at concentrations down (Kawas et al., 2011). The major implication of those studies into the low picomolar range. We also noted a significant 15 was that molecules, which target the dimerization domain of correlation between the ability of the 6-AH family members HGF, could represent novel and viable anti-cancer therapeu to block HGF dimerization and inhibition of the cellular tics. Additionally, these data Support the development of Such activity. Further, a member of the 6-AH family with cysteine molecules using Norleual and/or the Hinge peptide as Syn at position 2, was a particularly effective antagonist of HGF thetic templates. dependent cellular activities. This compound Suppressed pull Despite its marked anti-cancer profile Norleual is highly monary colonization by B16-F10 murine melanoma cells, unstable making its transition to clinical use problematic. which are characterized by an overactive HGF/Met system. Thus a family of metabolically stabile Ang IV-related analogs Together these data indicate that the 6-AH family of AnglV has been developed in our laboratory, which are referred to analogs exert their biological activity by modifying the activ here as the 6-AH family because of 6-amnio hexanoic amide ity of the HGF/Met system and offer the potential as thera 25 substituted at the C-terminal position. This substitution along peutic agents in disorders that are dependent on or possess an with D-norleucine at the N-terminal enhances the metabolic over-activation of the HGF/Met system. resistance of family members. Introduction In this Example 3, it is demonstrated that 6-AH family The multifunctional growth factor hepatocyte growth fac members (i.e., HGF Mimics) have superior metabolic stabil ity when compared to Norleual, bind to HGF with high affin tor (HGF) and its receptor Met are important mediators for ity, and act as hinge region mimics; thus preventing HGF mitogenesis, motogenesis, and morphogenesis in a wide dimerization and activation. This interference translates into range of cell types (Birchmeier et al., 2003) including epithe inhibition of HGF-dependent signaling, proliferation, and lial (Kakazu et al., 2004), endothelial (Kanda et al., 2006), scattering in multiple cell types at concentration in the pico and hematopoietic cells (Ratajczak et al., 1997), neurons 35 molar range. A positive correlation was evident between the (Thompson et al., 2004), melanocytes (Halaban et al., 1992), ability to block dimerization and the inhibition of the cellular and hepatocytes (Borowiak et al., 2004). Furthermore, dys outcomes of HGF activation. Finally D-Nle-Cys-Ile-NH regulation of the HGF/Met system often leads to neoplastic (CH) CONH2, a member of the 6-AH family suppressed changes and to cancer (in both human and animal) where it pulmonary colonization by B16-F10 murine melanoma cells, contributes to tumor formation, tumor metastasis, and tumor 40 which are characterized by an overactive HGF/Met system. angiogenesis (Christensen et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2008). Over This Example highlights the ability of Ang|V-like molecules activation of this signaling system is routinely linked to poor to bind to HGF, block HGF dimerization, and inhibit the patient prognosis (Liu et al., 2010). Therefore molecules that HGF/Met system. Moreover, these HGF mimics have utility inhibit the HGF/Met system can be expected to exhibit anti as AnglV-related pharmaceuticals and can function as thera cancer activity and attenuate malignant and metastatic trans 45 peutic agents in disorders where inhibition of the HGF/Met formations. system would be clinically advantageous. HGF is a vertebrate heteromeric polypeptide growth factor Material and Methods with a domain structure that closely resembles the proteinases Animals. C57BL/6 mice from Taconic farms were used in of the plasminogen family (Donate et al., 1994). HGF con the lung colonization studies. Male Sprague-Dawley rats 50 (250+g) were obtained from Harlan Laboratories (CA, USA) sists of seven domains: an amino terminal domain, a dimer for use in pharmacokinetic Studies. Animals were housed and ization-linker domain, four kringle domains (K1-K4), and a cared for in accordance with NIH guidelines as described in serine proteinase homology (SPH) domain (Lokker et al., the “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals'. 1992; Chirgadze et al., 1999). The single chain pro-polypep Compounds. D-Nle-X-Ile-NH-(CH) COOH, where tide is proteolytically processed by convertases to yield a X=various amino acids and Norleual (Nle-Tyr-Leu-up mature C. (heavy chain 55 KDa), and 3 (light chain 34 KDa) (CH-NH)-His-Pro-Phe, SEQID NO: 1) were synthe heterodimer, which are bound together by a disulfide link sized using Fmoc based solid phase methods in the Harding (Stella and Comoglio, 1999: Birchmeier et al., 2003: Gher laboratory and purified by reverse phase HPLC. Purity and ardi et al., 2006). In addition to proteolytic processing, HGF structure were verified by LC-MS. Hepatocyte growth factor requires dimerization to be fully activated (Lokker et al., 60 (HGF) was purchased from R&D Systems (Minneapolis, 1992; Chirgadze et al., 1999: Youles et al., 2008). Several Minn.). reports have shown that HGF forms dimers and/or multimers, Antibodies. Anti-Met was purchased from Cell Signaling which are arranged in a head-to-tail orientation, prior to its Technology (Beverly, Mass.) and the phospho-Met antibody interaction with Met (Gherardi et al., 2006). The dimer inter was purchased from AbCam, Inc (Cambridge, Mass.). face, which encompasses the inter-domain linkeramino acids 65 Cell culture. Human embryonic kidney cells 293 (K122, D123, Y124, I125, R126, and N127) is referred to as (HEK293) and Madin Darby canine kidney cells (MDCK) the hinge region (Gherardi et al., 2006: Youles et al., 2008). were grown in DMEM, 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). Cells US 9,150,613 B2 51 were grown to 100% confluency beforeuse. HEK and MDCK cells were serum starved for 2-24 h prior to the initiation of Compound Time (min) Blood Volume Collected (ul) drug treatment. D-Nle-Tyr-Ile- 0, 12, 30, 60,90, 120, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 300, Blood Stability Studies. To compare the blood stability of NH-(CH2)5- 180, 240,300 400, 500, 500 Norleual and D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH, a rep 5 CONH, resentative member of the 6-AH family, 20 uL of compound containing vehicle (water Norleual or 30% ethanol (D-Nle After each blood sample was taken, the catheter was flushed Tyr-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH2) was added to 180 uL of with saline solution and a Volume of Saline equal to the heparinized blood and incubated at 37°C. for various times. 10 volume of blood taken was injected (to maintain total blood For Norleual, 37°C. incubations were stopped at 0, 20, 40, Volume). and 60 min, and for D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH, Blood Sample Preparation. Upon collection into polypro incubations were stopped at 0, 1, 3 and 5 h. pylene microfuge tubes without heparin, blood samples were At the end of each incubation, 20 uL of Nile"-Ang|V (100 immediately centrifuged at 4°C. 2300xg for 5 minto remove ug/mL) was added to each sample as an internal standard. 15 any cells and clots and the serum transferred into clean micro D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH-(CH2)5 CONH samples were centri centrifuge tubes. A volume of internal standard (Nle'-Ang|V. fuged at 4°C. for 5 min at 2300xg to pellet erythrocytes, and 100 ug/mL) equal to 0.1 times the sample serum Volume was the plasma was transferred to clean tubes. The Norleual and added. A volume of ice-cold acetonitrile equal to four times D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH-(CH2)5 CONH samples were pre the sample serum Volume was then added and the sample cipitated by adding 3 vol of ice-cold acetonitrile (ACN) and vortexed vigorously for 30s. The supernatants were trans the samples were Vortexed vigorously. All samples were cen ferred to clean tubes, then held on ice until the end of the trifuged at 4°C., 2300xg for 5 min and the supernatants were experiment, and stored at 4° C. afterward until further pro transferred to clean tubes. Samples were then evaporated to cessing. dryness in a Savant SpeedVacR) concentrator (Thermo Fisher Serial dilutions of D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH Scientific, Waltham, Mass.), the residue was reconstituted in 25 in 30% ethanol were prepared from the stock used to dose the 225 ul 35% methanol, vortexed briefly, transferred to HPLC animals for standard curves. 20 uIl of each serial dilution was autosampler vials, and 100 ul injected into the HPLC system. added to 180 uL of blood on ice for final concentrations of Samples were then separated by HPLC on an Econosphere 0.01 ug/mL, 0.1 ug/mL, 1 ug/mL and 10 g/mL. The samples C18 (100 mmx2.1 mm) from Grace Davison Discovery Sci were centrifuged at 4°C. 2300xg for 5 min and the serum 30 transferred into polypropylene microcentrifuge tubes. A Vol ence (Deerfield, Ill.). Peaks were detected and analyzed by ume of internal standard (Nle'-Ang|V. 100 ug/mL) equal to mass spectrographic methods using a LCMS-2010EV mass 0.1 times the sample serum volume was added. A volume of spectrometer (Shimadzu, Kyoto Japan). The mobile phase ice-cold acetonitrile equal to four times the sample serum consisted of HPLC water (Sigma St. Louis, Mo.) with 0.1% Volume was then added and the sample Vortexed vigorously trifluoroacetic or 0.1% heptafluorobutyric acid (Sigma St. 35 for 30s. The supernatants were transferred to clean tubes and Louis, Mo.) and varying concentrations of ACN or methanol. samples stored at 4°C. and processed alongside the pharma Separation was carried out using a gradient method, at ambi cokinetic study samples. All samples were evaporated to dry ent temperature and a flow rate of 0.3 mL/min (see below for ness in a Savant SpeedVacR) concentrator. The residue was more information). Stability half-lives were determined reconstituted in 225 ul 35% methanol and vortexed briefly. assuming a normal single phase exponential decay using 40 The samples were then transferred to HPLC autosampler Prism 5 graphical/statistical program (GraphPad, San Diego, vials and 100 ul was injected into the HPLC system a total of Calif.). 2 times (2 HPLC/MS analyses) for each sample. IV Pharmacokinetics Chromatographic System and Conditions. The HPLC/MS Surgerical Procedures. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (250+g) system used was from Shimadzu (Kyoto, Japan), consisting were allowed food (Harlan Teklad rodent diet) and water ad 45 of a CBM-20A communications bus module, LC-20AD libitum in our AAALAC certified animal facility. Rats were pumps, SIL-20AC auto sampler, SPD-M20A diode array housed in temperature-controlled rooms with a 12 h light/ detector and LCMS-2010EV mass spectrometer. Data collec dark cycle. The right jugular veins of the rats were catheter tion and integration were achieved using Shimadzu LCMS ized with sterile polyurethane HydrocoatTM catheters (Access Solution software. The analytical column used was an Econo Technologies, Skokie, Ill., USA) under ketamine (Fort Dodge 50 sphere C18 (100 mmx2.1 mm) from Grace Davison Discov Animal Health, Fort Dodge, Iowa, USA) and isoflurane (Vet ery Science (Deerfield, Ill., USA). The mobile phase con OneTM, MWI, Meridian, Id., USA) anesthesia. The catheters sisted of HPLC grade methanol and water with 0.1% were exteriorized through the dorsal skin. The catheters were trifluoroacetic acid. Separation was carried out using a non flushed with heparinized saline before and after blood sample isocratic method (40%-50% methanol over 10 min) at ambi collection and filled with heparin-glycerol locking Solution (6 55 ent temperature and a flow rate of 0.3 mL/min. For MS mL glycerol, 3 mL saline, 0.5 mL gentamycin (100 mg/mL). analysis, a positive ion mode (Scan) was used to monitor the 0.5 mL heparin (10,000 u/mL)) when not used for more than m/z of D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH at 542 and the 8 h. The animals were allowed to recover from surgery for m/z of Nile"-AnglV (used for internal standard) at 395. Good several days before use in any experiment, and were fasted separation of D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH-(CH2)5 CONH and the overnight prior to the pharmacokinetic experiment. 60 internal standard in blood was successfully achieved. No Pharmacokinetic Study. Catheterized rats were placed in interfering peaks co-eluted with the analyte or internal stan metabolic cages prior to the start of the study and time Zero dard. Peak purity analysis revealed a peak purity index for blood samples were collected. Animals were then dosed intra D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH of 0.95 and the inter venously via the jugular vein catheters, with D-Nle-Tyr-Ile nal standard of 0.94. D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH NH-(CH2)5 CONH. (24 mg/kg) in 30% ethanol. After 65 eluted at 5.06 min and the internal standard at 4.31 min. Data dosing, blood samples were collected as follows (times and were normalized based on the recovery of the internal stan blood volumes collected are listed in chronological order): dard. US 9,150,613 B2 53 54 Pharmacokinetic Analysis. Pharmacokinetic analysis was tration of 5 g/ml. Loading buffer was then added to each performed using data from individual rats. The mean and sample and the mixture separated by native PAGE using standard deviation (SD) were calculated for the group. Non gradient Criterion XT precast gels (4-12% Bis-Tris: Biorad compaitinental pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated Laboratories, Hercules, Calif.). Next the gel was silver from serum drug concentration-time profiles by use of Win- 5 stained for the detection of the HGF monomers and dimers. NonlinP) software (Pharsight, Mountain View, Calif., USA). Bands were quantitated from digital images using a UVP The following relevant parameters were determined where phosphoimager (Upland, Calif.). possible: area under the concentration-time curve from time Western blotting. HEK293 cells were seeded in 6 well Zero to the last time point (AUC) or extrapolated to tissue culture plates and grown to 95% continency in DMEM infinity (AUC), C concentration in plasma extrapolated 10 containing 10% FBS. The cells were serum deprived for 24h to time Zero (Co), terminal elimination half-life (t), Volume of distribution (Vd), and clearance (CL). prior to the treatment to reduce the basal levels of phospho Microsomal Metabolism. Male rat liver microsomes were Met. Following serum starvation, cocktails comprised of obtained from Celsis (Baltimore, Md., USA). The protocol vehicle and HGF with/without 6-AH analogs were prepared from Celsis for assessing microsomal—dependent drug 15 and pre-incubated for 30 min at room temperature. The cock metabolism was followed with minor adaptations. An tail was then added to the cells for 10 minto stimulate the Met NADPH regenerating system (NRS) was prepared as follows: receptor and downstream proteins. Cells were harvested 1.7 mg/mL NADP, 7.8 mg/mL glucose-6-phosphate and 6 using RIPA lysis buffer (Millipore; Billerica, Mass.) fortified units/mL glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase were added to with phosphatase inhibitor cocktails 1 and 2 (Sigma-Aldrich; 10 mL 2% sodium bicarbonate and used immediately. 500 20 St. Louis, Mo.). The lysate was clarified by centrifugation at uM solutions of Norleual, D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH-(CH) 15,000 nxg for 15 min, protein concentrations were deter CONH2, piroxicam, Verapamil and 7-ethoxycoumarin (low, mined using the BCA total protein assay (Pierce), and then moderate and highly metabolized controls, respectively) appropriate volumes of the lysates were diluted with 2x were prepared in acetonitrile. Microsomes were Suspended in reducing Laemmli buffer and heated for ten min at 95°C. 0.1M Tris buffer (pH 7.38) at 0.5 mg/mL and 100 uL of the 25 Samples containing identical amounts of protein were microsomal Suspension was added to pre-chilled microcen resolved using SDS-PAGE (Criterion, BioRad Laboratories), trifuge tubes on ice. To each sample, 640 uL 0.1M Tris buffer, transferred to nitrocellulose, and blocked in Tris-buffered 10 uL 500 uM test compound, and 250 uL of NRS was added. saline (TBS) containing 5% milk for 1 hat room temperature. Samples were incubated in a rotisserie hybridization oven at The phospho-Metantibody were added to the blocking buffer 37°C. for the appropriate incubation times (10, 20, 3040 or 30 at a final concentration of 1:1000 and incubated at 4° C. 60 min). 500 uL from each sample was transferred to tubes overnight with gentle agitation. The membranes were then containing 500LL ice-cold acetonitrile with internal standard washed several times with water and TBS (PBS, 0.05% per incubation sample. Standard curve samples were pre Tween-20), a 1:5000 dilution of horseradish-peroxidase con pared in incubation buffer and 500 uL added to 500 uL ice jugated goat anti-rabbit antiserum was added, and the mem cold acetonitrile with internal standard. All samples were then 35 branes further incubated for 1 hat room temperature. Proteins analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography/mass were visualized using the Supersignal West Pico Chemilumi spectrometry. Drug concentrations were determined and loss nescent Substrate system (Pierce, Fenton, Mo.) and molecu of parent relative to negative control samples containing no lar weights determined by comparison to protein ladders microsomes was calculated. Clearance was determined by (BenchMark, Invitrogen, and Kaleidoscope, BioRad). Film nonlinear regression analysis fork and t and the equation 40 images were digitized and analyzed using a UVP phospho Clk, Vd. For in vitro-in vivo correlation, Cl, per kg body imager. weight was calculated using the following measurements for Cell proliferation. 5000 MDCK cells were seeded into the Sprague-Dawley rats: 44.8 mg of protein perg of liver, 40g of wells of a 96 well plates in 10% FBS DMEM. To induce liver per kg of body weight. cellular quiescence, the cells were serum deprived for 24h HGF Binding. The binding of 6-AH analogs to HGF was 45 prior to initiating the treatments. Following serum starvation, assessed by competition using a soluble binding assay. 250 ul 10 ng/ml HGF alone and with various concentrations of 6-AH of PBS containing human HGF (1.25 ng) were incubated with analogs or PBS vehicle were added to the media. The cells H-Hinge, the central dimerization domain of HGF, in the were allowed to grow under these conditions for 4 days with presence of varying concentrations of 6-AH analogs between a daily addition of 6-AH analogs. On the fourth day, 1 mg/ml 10' M to 107M (half-log dilutions) for 40 minat37°C. The 50 of 1-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl) 3,5-diphenylformazan incubates were then spun through Bio-Gel P6 spin columns reagent (MTT, Sigma-Aldrich) prepared in PBS was added to (400 ul packed volume) for 1 minto separate free and bound the cells and incubated for 4 h. Dimethyl sulfoxide diluted in H-Hinge and the eluent was collected. Five milliliters of a 0.01 M glycine buffer was added to solubilize the cell scintillation fluid was added to the eluent, which contained membranes and the absorbance of reduced MTT in the buffer the HGF bound H-Hinge, and was then counted using scin-55 was quantitated at 590 nm using a plate reader (Biotek Syn tillation counter. Total disintegrations per minute of bound ergy 2, Winooski, Vt.). HGF-dependent proliferation was H-Hinge were calculated based on machine counting effi determined by subtracting the basal proliferation (in the ciency. The Ki values for the binding of the peptides were absence of HGF) from total proliferation rates in groups determined using the Prism 5. Competition binding curves containing HGF. were performed in triplicate. Preliminary kinetic studies indi- 60 Scattering assay. MDCK cells were grown to 100% con cated that equilibrium binding was reached by 40 min of fluency on the coverslips in six-well plates and washed twice incubation at 37° C. H-Hinge has recently been shown to with PBS. The confluent coverslips were then aseptically bind to HGF with high affinity (Kawas et al., 2011). transferred to new six well plates containing 900 ul serum free HGF Dimerization. HGF dimerization was assessed using DMEM. Norleual, Hinge peptide, and/or HGF (20 ng/ml) PAGE followed by silver staining (Kawas et al., 2011). 65 were added to appropriate wells. Control wells received PBS Human HGF at a concentration of 0.08 ng/ul with or without vehicle. Plates were incubated at 37° C. with 5% CO, for 48 6-AH analogs was incubated with heparin at a final concen h. Media was removed and cells were fixed with methanol.

US 9,150,613 B2 57 58 tensinogen looking for similarities to Ang|Videntified partial activity of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, a stan homology with the hinge region (Yamamoto et al., 2010) of dard cellular model for investigating the HGF/Met system the plasminogen family of proteins, which include plasmino (Stella and Comoglio, 1999). As seen in FIG. 26 there is a gen itself, its anti-angiogenic degradation product, angiosta wide range of inhibitory activity against HGF dependent cel tin, and the protein hormones heptocyte growth factor (HGF) lular proliferation. Similar to the results from the binding and and macrophage stimulating protein (MSP). Moreover, the dimerization experiments the Cys and Tyr analogs exhib Ang|V analog Norleual, which is a potent inhibitor of the ited marked inhibitory activity. The Asp analog, which had HGF/Met system, was shown to bind to HGF and block its not been evaluated in the earlier studies, also exhibited pro dimerization (Kawas et al., 2011). This knowledge coupled nounced inhibitory activity. The Trp, Phe, and Ser analogs with the demonstration that some members of the 6-AH fam 10 all showed inhibitory activity, albeit less than that observed ily bound with high affinity to the hinge region of HGF led to with the most potent analogs. The decrease in HGF-depen the expectation that other active AnglV analogs, like 6-AH dent MDCK proliferation below control levels for some com family members, could be expected to inhibit HGF dimeriza pounds is not surprising since the experiment was carried in tion and that the ability of an individual analog to bind HGF 2% serum, which likely contains some level of HGF. The and inhibit HGF-dependent processes should be reflected in 15 Hinge peptide (KDYIRN), which represents the dimerization its capacity to attenuate dimerization. The data in FIG. 24 domain of HGF, was included as a positive control. A recent confirm this expectation by demonstrating that D-Nle-Cys study has demonstrated that Hinge binds to HGF with high Ile-NH-(CH) CONH and D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH-(CH), affinity blocking its dimerization and acting as a potent —CONH, which bind HGF with high affinity (FIG. 23) and inhibitor of HGF-dependent cellular activities including effectively attenuate HGF-dependent processes (FIGS. 25. MDCK proliferation (Kawas et al., 2011). 26, 27) completely block HGF dimer formation. Conversely D-Nle-Met-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH, which has low affin D-Nle-X-Ile-NH-(CH2)5 CONH analogs modify ity for HGF (FIG. 23) and exhibits little anti-HGF/Metactiv HGF/Met mediated cell scattering in MDCK cells ity, is unable to block dimerization at the concentration tested. The D-Nle-Trp-Ile-NH-(CH2)5 CONH analog, which 25 Cell scattering is the hallmark effect of HGF/Met signal exhibits intermediate inhibition of dimerization, predictably ing; a process characterized by decreased cell adhesion, has a moderate affinity for HGF and a moderate ability to increased motility, and increased proliferation. The treatment inhibit HGF-dependent processes (FIGS. 25, 26, 27). of MDCK cells with HGF initiates a scattering response that Together these data confirm the expectation that active 6-AH occurs in two stages. First, the cells lose their cell-to-cell analogs can block dimerization and further that dimerization 30 adhesion and become polarized. Second, they separate com inhibitory potential of an analog translates, at least qualita pletely and migrate away from each other. It is expected that tively, to its capacity to block HGF-dependent processes. if the 6-AH family members are capable of inhibiting the HGF/Met system then they should be able to modify HGF D-Nle-X-Ile-NH (CH) CONH analogs attenu dependent MDCK cell scattering. ates HGF-dependent Met signaling 35 FIGS. 27 A & B indicate that those analogs that were previously found to block HGF dimerization were effective After establishing that the 6-AH family members exhibit a inhibitor of HGF/Met mediated cell scattering in MDCK range of HGF binding and dimerization inhibitory profiles, cells, while those analogs with poor affinity for HGF were we next determined whether these properties would parallel a ineffective. FIG.28 shows a correlation between the blockade compounds ability to inhibit Met signaling. Characteristic of 40 of HGF dimerization and HGF binding affinity and the ability tyrosine kinase-linked growth factor receptors like Met is a to prevent MDCK cell scattering. requisite tyrosine residue auto-phosphorylation step, which is essential for the eventual recruitment of various SH2 domain D-Nle-Cys-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH inhibits B16 signaling proteins. Thus we evaluated the ability of several F10 marine melanoma cell migration and lung 6-AH analogs to induce Met tyrosine phosphorylation. As 45 colony formation anticipated, the data in FIG. 25 demonstrate that both D-Nle Cys-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH, and D-Nle-Tyr-Ile-NH To evaluate the prospective utility of the 6-AH family (CH) CONH, which bind HGF with high affinity (FIG. members as potential therapeutics, we examined the capac 23) and effectively block its dimerization ity of D-Nle-Cys-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH), an analog (FIG. 24) were able to block Met auto-phosphorylation. 50 that exhibits a strong inhibitory profile against HGF-depen The D-Nle-Trp-Ile-NH-(CH2)5 CONH analog had inter dent Met activation, to suppress the migratory and lung mediate inhibitory activity, and the D-Nle-Met-Ile-NH colony-forming capacity of B16-F10 murine melanoma cells. (CH) CONH analog showed no ability to effect on Met B16 melanoma cells over-express Met (Ferraro et al., 2006), activation. Together, these data indicate that the capacity of and were chosen for these studies because Met signaling is 6-AH analogs to inhibit HGF-dependent Met activation par 55 critical for their migration, invasion, and metastasis. As a final alleled their HGF binding affinity and their capacity to block test for the physiological significance of the 6-AH family dimerization. blockade of Met-dependent cellular outcomes, we evaluated the ability of D-Nle-Cys-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH2 to D-Nle-X-Ile-NH-(CH2)5 CONH analogs affect inhibit the formation of pulmonary colonies by B16-F10 cells HGF/Met stimulated MDCK cell proliferation 60 after tail vein injection in mice. FIG.29a illustrates the inhibi tory response that was observed with daily intraperitoneal Met activation initiates multiple cellular responses includ injections at two doses (10 g/kg/day and 100 g/kg/day) of ing increased proliferation and motility, enhanced Survival, D-Nle-Cys-Ile-NH-(CH) CONH). FIG. 29b provides and differentiation (Zhang and Vande Woude, 2003). As an a quantitative assessment of pulmonary colonization by mea initial test of the ability of 6-AH family members to alter 65 Suring melanin content, which reflects the level of melanoma HGF-dependent cellular activity we evaluated the capacity of colonization. Together these data demonstrate that treatment several members of the family to modify the proliferative of melanoma cells with D-Nle-Cys-Ile-NH-(CH2)5– US 9,150,613 B2 59 60 CONH2 radically prevented lung colonization and highlight The chemical modifications that were made at the N- and the utility of the 6-AH analogs as anti-cancer agents. C-terminals of the Ang|V molecule and the resultant Discussion: improvement in metabolic stability highlight the critical role Recently interest has grown in developing therapeutics played by exopeptidases in the metabolism of AnglV-derived targeting the HGF/Met system. At present this interest has molecules. The demonstrated importance of protecting the been primarily driven by the realization that over-activation terminals to pharmacokinetic characteristics Suggests numer of the HGF/c-Met system is a common characteristic of many ous additional synthetic approaches that may be applicable human cancers (Comoglio et al., 2008: Eder et al., 2009). The including the insertion of non-peptide linkages (see Sardinia potential utility of anti-HGF/Met drugs, however, goes well et al., 1994) between the first and second amino acids, the beyond their use as anti-cancer agents. For example, the rec 10 ognized involvement of the HGF/c-Met system in the regu replacement of the N-terminal amino acid with a non-C. lation of angiogenesis (see review—Supports the potential amino acid, and N-terminal acylation. utility of HGF/Met antagonists for the treatment of disorders In sum these studies further validate the notion that target in which control of tissue vascularization would be clinically ing the dimerization domain of HGF is an effective means of beneficial. These could include hyper-vascular diseases of the 15 inhibiting the HGF/Met system. Further they demonstrate eye like diabetic retinopathy and the wet type of macular that molecules with favorable pharmacokinetic characteris degeneration. In both cases anti-angiogenic therapies are cur tics can be produced thus highlighting their clinical utility. rently in use (see review—Jeganathan, 2011). Anti-angiogen ics are also being examined as treatment options in a variety TABLE 5 of other disorders ranging from obesity where adipose tissue WinNonlin (R) estimated pharmacokinetic parameters for D-Nile-Tyr-Ile vascularization is targeted (Daquinaget al., 2011), to chronic NH-(CH2)5 CONH2 after intravenous administration in adult male liver disease (Coulon et al., 2011), to psoriasis where topical Sprague-Dawley rats application of anti-angiogenic drugs is being considered (Canavese et al., 2010). Pharmacokinetic Parameter (Mean + SEM) Currently the pharmaceutical industry is employing two 25 general approaches to block Met-dependent cellular activities AUCO-Co (min ng/mL) 692.5 293.2 Vd (L/kg) 104.1868 - 65O34.3 (Eder et al., 2009; Liu X et al 2010). The first involves the Cp' (ng/mL) 68.232.2 development of single-arm humanized antibodies to HGF t/2 (min) 1012.O 391.4 (Burgess et al., 2006: Stabileet al., 2008) or Met (Martens et KE (min - 1) O.OO1 O.OOO2 al., 2006). The second approach utilizes “kinase inhibitors'. 30 CL (L/min kg) 58.3 15.6 which block the intracellular consequences of Metactivation. Mean +f-SEM; n = 5. These kinase inhibitors' are small hydrophobic molecules AUCo-c = area under the curve, that work intracellularly to compete for the binding of ATP to Wol = wolume of distribution. the kinase domain of Met thus inhibiting receptor autophos Cp = initial concentration of drug in serum, t2 = biological half-life, phorylation, 2002: Christensen et al., 2003; Sattler et al., 35 KE = rate of elimination. 2003). Despite the promise of the biologic and kinase-inhibi CL = clearance rate, tor approaches, which are currently represented in clinical trials, both have limitations arising from toxicity or specific ity considerations and/or cost (Hansel et al., 2010; Maya, TABLE 6 2010). 40 A third approach, which our laboratory has been pursuing Predicted physiochemical properties of exploits a step in the activation process of the HGF-Met system; namely the need for HGF to pre-dimerize before it is Physicochemical Property Predicted Value able to activate Met. Thus we have targeted the dimerization logP 1.45 process by developing molecules that mimic the dimerization 45 Per 1.53 domain, the hinge region, with idea that they can act as Pavg O.39 dominant negative replacements. Recent studies have vali Prunend 42.68 dated this general approach demonstrating that molecules The physiochemical properties of D-Nile-Tyr-Ile-NH-(CH2)5–CONH2 were estimated following modeling with ADMET Predictor (R software. designed around angiotensin IV (Yamamoto et al., 2010) or LogP is the octanol: water partitioning coefficient, the hinge sequence itself (Kawas et al., 2011) can bind HGF, 50 Pris the predicted effective human jejunal permeability. block its dimerization, and attenuate HGF-dependent cellular Pag is the approximate average intestinal permeability along the entire human intestinal actions. The studies described herein represent a first step tract, toward producing useful therapeutics targeted at HGF dimer Prid is the percent unbound to plasma proteins, ization. The primary focus of this study was to improve the While the invention has been described in terms of its pharmacokinetic characteristics of a parent compound, Nor 55 preferred embodiments, those skilled in the art will recognize leual (Yamamoto et al., 2010) while maintaining biological that the invention can be practiced with modification within activity. To this end we successfully synthesized and evalu the spirit and scope of the appended claims. Accordingly, the ated a family of new molecules, the 6-AH family D-Nle-X- present invention should not be limited to the embodiments as Ile-NH (CH) COOH). A subset of these molecules not described above, but should further include all modifications only had improved metabolic stability and circulating tabut 60 and equivalents thereof within the spirit and scope of the exhibited excellent in vitro and in vivo activity. description provided herein. 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<21 Os SEQ ID NO 1 &211s LENGTH: 6 212s. TYPE: PRT <213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence 22 Os. FEATURE: US 9,150,613 B2 71 72 - Continued <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Synthetic angiotensin ligand 22 Os. FEATURE: <221s NAME/KEY: MISC FEATURE <222s. LOCATION: (1) . . (1) <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Norleucine 22 Os. FEATURE: <221s NAME/KEY: MISC FEATURE <222s. LOCATION: (3) ... (4) <223> OTHER INFORMATION: A reduced peptide bond (-CH2-NH2-) <4 OOs, SEQUENCE: 1 Xaa Tyr Lieu. His Pro Phe 1. 5

<210s, SEQ ID NO 2 &211s LENGTH: 22 &212s. TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence 22 Os. FEATURE: <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Synthetic oligonucleotide

<4 OOs, SEQUENCE: 2 gtgtcaggag gtgtttggala ag 22

<210s, SEQ ID NO 3 &211s LENGTH: 6 212. TYPE: PRT <213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence 22 Os. FEATURE: <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Synthetic hinge peptide

<4 OOs, SEQUENCE: 3 Asp Tyr Ile Arg Asn. Cys 1. 5

The invention claimed is: where 1. A method for treating melanoma in a subject in need thereof comprising administering to said subject atherapeutic R is a D-norleucine group; amount of one or more hepatocyte growth factor mimics 40 R is cysteine; having the general structural formula R is isoleucine; and in ranges from 3-6. O and wherein covalent bonds 1,2 and 3 are selected from the group consisting of peptide bonds or reduced peptide bonds.

1 2 3