Guide to World Literature
a . # S.. 110CouliT apsent .ED 186 927 4 CS 205 567 11. ,ABTUOR C:arrier, Warren, Olivor, ',Kenneth A., Ed. TITIE t Guide to World Literature,. New Edition. , INSTeITU.TIO I. National Council df Teachers ofEn-glish Urbana,- Ill. 4, REPORT NO' ISBN&O-B141-19492 . Pula DATE ! 80' ; - NOTE /. 2411p.406-'' . AV ni,ABLEFBO Nationralouncil. ol Teacher.b. of English,1111 Kea , . yon Rd.,Urbata,* IL 61801 (S,tock No. 19492, $7.50`,member, .s 4, - $8.50 noa-member) , EDRS PRICE MF01/201b Pluspostage. DESCRIPTORS Cultural Awareness; *English Instruction; Wigher .* Edu6atibn;; *Literature.. Apprciation; NavelS; *Reading .datjrials; Secdidary . Educationi.hort *tories; TeFhing G uiaes; . iLiteratue . , ABST CT 4 I14s guide, a revia.i.o.n af.a 1966 it6rk1by Robert OINe is readijigibeyon'd thetraditioial . 'English:and Aluerican maki4g aaiailaple a. useful re,sourc0 '4r.ea wherefew teachs &aye adequate preparation. The guide contains d'oaparative'reviews ôfthe works Of 136 author's aqdo. seven works without known:auth.ors. Thewor repeesent various genre.s from. Classical to modernftimes andare dra n from 'Asia %and kfrica a§ w0ll as froia Sou'th Ametrica aud.,Europ..Eah reView provides intormat4.0n, about the -authoria short slim hry of thework discussion ofother \Works -by the author.,and a comparison of th-v'iok with*.similar works. Lists Of literature.anthologies an,d of works.of. literary:hist9ry 'and *criticism are iplpended.(tL). 1.. r 5 Jr".. - 4- . i . 11, ********w*********************************************4***************.. ? . * . ReproAuctions supplied..bY EDIS ar9 the best thAt #canbe.niade V .4c , * - from' tte _original docuent., - * .
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