LJUDSTÖRNING FRÅN TRAFIKEN Essingeleden, Stockholm FATEN ALMUBAREKI Akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik Kurs: Examensarbete i byggnadsteknik Handledare: Robert Öman Kurskod: BTA205 Examinator: Lena Johansson Westholm Ämne: Byggnadsteknik Datum: 2019-06-13 Högskolepoäng: 15 hp E-post:
[email protected] Program: Högskoleingenjörsprogrammet i byggnadsteknik ABSTRACT The purpose of this degree project is to investigate noise problems for residential areas close to roads with very intense traffic. The area Lilla Essingen in Stockholm has been investigated and most focus is on noise measurements outdoors and different measures for noise reduction in the area. Sound measurements are the basis for this work, but calculations have been made to obtain the 24-hour equivalent sound level and maximum sound level for the different measurement points. Interviews are also an important part of this work, where the sales market for apartments located closest to the road is discussed with various brokers from different companies in the area. Furthermore, the harmful health effects that are obtained due to high noise levels, various measures for reducing noise impact and the different measured values at different times during the day are discussed. The own measured and recalculated 24-hour equivalent noise levels from Lilla Essingen are compared with guideline values from both WHO and Stockholm City in order to better understand the importance of the actual noise within this residential area. Sleep disorders, reduced concentration, stress and hearing damage are the most common effects caused by noise and research has shown that noise also has a connection with cardiovascular diseases. Children are most affected by noise; it can affect their learning development and lead to less concentration compared to the other children who are not exposed to equally high sound levels.