Agent& for North of The Stati11tical Department


i !ESE


Unless otherwise mentioned all prices are In Chinese silver dollars of Tientsil"' . Approximate value of Tientsin dollar Is as follows:- 1$ Is equlvalen t to English······ .•• £ 0.2 0. , , U.S . .. · ••• ·•• .. $ O. GO , jap. Yen ••• ·• 1.30 Fr. Francs ••• 10.00 " " It. Llres ••• ·•• 1? .00 .. . Gold Marc ••• 1.00 CLASSiFiED C ·L





Agents for North China : LA LIBRAIRIE rRAHCAISE ' 71, RUE DE FRANCE 1 9 2 5. CONTENTS

1. Statistical Series Page 3 to 6

2. Tariffs, Regulations Treaties .•• 1 .. 7&8 3. Currency Banking and Taxation 9

4. Ccmmerce ,. 10 to 12 5. Sea, Rivers, Charts etc .... 13 to 16

6. Language ••• ... 17

7. Miscellaneous .•• 18 & 19 8. Exhibitions ...• ... .. 20 & 21 I.-STATISTICAL SLER IES.

1. Customs Daily Returns. · .

Issned claily. AIJ subscriptions to end 31st December. Subscrip­ t:on (payable strictly in advance) :-

Shanghai ...... , ...... Shanghai 7'Zs. 18 per annum. Out ports and abroad ...... 20 S:.Ugle copy ...... $0.1 0.

2. Custom~ Gaz ette.

1869 to 1S13. Issued QUarterly. Statistics of all ports in single volume. $2.

2. Quarterly Return'• of Trade (formerly Customs Gazette]. Bi-lingual-Chinese and English. 1914 to 1919. Statistics of all ports in single volume. $2. 2 to 5. Trade Returns and Trade Reports. Bi-lingual-Chinese and English. 192v onwards:-

Quarterly : Trade of each Por·l. Issued in separate port pamphlets, containing quarte1·ly tables for Imports, Exports. Re-exports, with figures for the couesponding qua~ter of the preceding year, and Special tables (Tea, Silk, etc.) .January-March quarter April-June July-September ::.:·:::.·::::·:::·.:-: 1$0.10 per pamphlet. October-December , ...... $0.50 " 'l'he April-June, July-September, and October-December pam. phlets give also the cumul ative figures from the lst January to the end of the Quarter concerned fo r the current and t wo prece­ ding years. The October-December pamphlets contains, in adcli­ tion, the ANNUAL TRADE REPOHTS and the following ANNUAL TABLES: Revenue, Ship.Pi ng, Values, Inland Transit, Treasure, Passenger Traffic, and Special tables, with comparative statistics for 10 years. 4 LA L1RRA1RlE FRANCAISE

2 to 5. Trad e Returns and Trade Reports-Cont.

Annual: Foreign Trade of China. PART I.-Report on Trade and Abstract of Statistics. Con­ taining the Statistical Secretary's Report on the Trade of China. One vohune. $2. PART H.-Analysis of Trade (formerly Pad III). T"·o volm:t~es. Vol. 1.-lJIIports. $3. , !I.-Exports. With Appendices: (a.). Chinese Fac­ tory P1·oducts (fr~m 19"21) and (b.). Imports antl Exports grouped according to the plan adopted by the Brussels International Con­ ference on Commercial Statistics, $3. 3. Annual Returns of Trade. Issued from 1859. 1859 to 1866. Separate Port Statistics $0.50 p r pamphlet (some . potts out of print). 1867 to 1881 :- PART I.-Abstract of Foreign Trade of China. $1. PART H.-Port Trade Statistics. $4. 4, Annual Reports on Trade. Issued from 1864. 18£5 to 18 !1 1. $5. 3 and 4. An nual Returns of Trade and Trade Reports. Returns and Reports issued together from 1882, 1882 to 1903:- PART I.-Abstract of Statistics and Report on Foreign Trade of China. $2. PAR'!' !I.-Port Trade Statistics and Reports. $10. 1904:- PART I.-Abstract of Statistics and Report on Foreign Trade of China. $2. PAR'!' II.-Port Trade Statistics and Reports: Vol. I.-Northern and Ports (Newchwang; to Soochow). $6. , Ill.-Southern and Frontier Ports (Hangchow to Ya­ tung), with Report on Working o£ Post Office. $5. 1905 t.(ll '1912 :- PART I.-Abstract of Stat:stics and Report on Foreign Trade of China (with Report on vVorking of Post Office, until 1910 inclusive). $2. CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF CUSTm.lH PUBLICATIONS. 5

3 and 4. Annual Returns of Trade and Trade Reports-Cont.

1905 to 1912:-

PART H.-Port Trade Statistics and Reports: Vol. I.-Northern Ports (Aigun to Kiaocbow. $2. , H .-Yangtze Por:ts (Chungking to Cbinkiang). $2. ,, III.-Central Ports (Shanghai to Wenchow). $2. , IV.-Southern Coast Ports (Santuao to Pakhoi). $2. V.-l!'rontier Ports (Lungchow to Yatung). $1 . PART ITI.-Analysis of Foreign Trade o( China: Vol. I.-Imports. $3. , II.-Exports, $2.

1913 to 1919 (bi-lingual version-Chinese and Eng~lish) :- PArtT I.-Report on Foreign TI:ade of China, and Abstract of Statistics. $2. l'AUT n .-Port Trade Statimics and Reports: Vol. I. -Nortb ~ rn Ports (Aif.'Ull tQ Kiaochow) . $2. , !I.-Yangtze Por:ts (Chungking to Chinkiang) . $2. , ill.-Central Ports (Shanghai to Wenchow). $2. , IV.-Southern Coast Ports (Santuao to Pakhoi) . $2. , V.-Frontier Ports (Lungchow to Tengyueh). $1.

PART TII.-Analysis of Foreign TI·ade of ChiJ;Ja: Vol. I.-Imports. $3. , H.-Exports: 19L3;, $2; 1914 to 1919, $3. 1920 onwards: Annual Trade Statistics and Reports (Part ll above) issued in the Octooer-December pall)phlets of the Quarterly Retnrns-see pag·.?. 3.

5, Annual Returns Qf Trade and Trade Reports: Chinese version. Issued from 1889 to 19i'2. $1.

6. Decennial Reports. Hepnrts on the trade, industries, etc., of the ports open to foreign commerce and on the condition and developmeDit of the Treaty Port provinces, showing the, decrease, or change in trade, militarY. and naval organisation means of transportat~on and com,­ munica.tion, municipal and sanitary improvements, education, etc. The growth o£ 1Jhe Chinese Press, Post Office, and Telegraphs ; emigration a.nd migration: prices of commodities and wages; famine, flood, plague and other epidemics are also extensively dealt with. Numerous maps, plans, and meteorological and other diagrams. .

l<~irst Issue, 1882-91. Out of print. 6 LA UBRAIRIE FRANCAJSE

6. Decennial Reponts-Oont.

Second Issue, 1892-1901 (in two volum,es): Vol. I.-Northern and Yanatze Ports (Newchwang to Sao­ chow, not including Tientsin). , !I.-Southern and Frontier Ports (Hangchow to Ya­ tung) and 'fientsin. With Apoendices: Trade Statistics, 189'2-1901; &port on Working of Post Office, 1904. Per volume, $12; cloth, $15. Third Issue, 1902-11 (in three volumes) : Vol. I.-Northern and Yangtze Ports (Harbin to Chinkiang). $5. , !I.-Southern and Frontier Ports (Shanghai to Teng­ yueh). With Appendix: Trade Statistics, 190'2-11. $5. , III.-Moukden. $0.50. Fourth Issue, 1912-21 (in three volumes) : Vol. I.-Northern and Yangtze Ports (Harbin to Chin­ kiang). $5.00 , !I.-Southern and Frontier Ports (Shanghai to Teng­ yueh). With Appendix: Trade Statistics, 1912-21. $5.00. , ITI.-Moukden. $0.50.

1. Native Customs Trade Returns. No. 1.-Foochow, 1903'. $0.25. , 2.-Tientsin, 1902. $0.25. , 3.-Quinquennial Reports and Returns, 1002-06. $1. CLASSIFIED CATAI.OGUE OF Cl" STOMS PUBI-JCATIONS. 7


s. Revised Import Tariff, 1922. Ta,riff for the trade of China as revised by the Tariff Revision Co111mission. Elll!lish and Chinese. Index. $1.

9. Export Tariff (General Tariff of Hl53). Tariff for the tr:ade of China under the cognizance of the Inspec­ torate General of Customs. Compiled and printed for the sole use of the Customs Service by order of the Inspector General. Sixth Issue, 1\!20. English and Chinese. $1.

10. General Tariff L ist. General Tariff of Import and Export Duties, including the lists of duty-free .goods and of articles which are contraband or sub­ ject to special regulation. Published 1879. Out of print.

'II. The Tariff T ables. A set of tables showing the bearing of the Chinese Custoll\S Tariff of 1858 on the trade of 1866 and 1867. Compiled from REturns of Imports and Exports and of native goods carried in foreign vessels for native oonsumption. Out of print.

12. The Tariff Tables, 1885. A set of tables showing the bearing of the Ch inese Customs Tariff of ·1858 an the trade of 1885. Compilrd from Returns of .Imports and Exports carried in foreign vessels in 1885. Two volumes. $5.

13. Handbook of Cu stom s Proce dure at Shan ghai. A guide to the present practice of the Shanghai Customs, telling a merchant who wishes to pass goods through the Cust-oms, or transact anY. other Customs businfss, exactly what he has to do. Published 19:21~ $5.

14. Outward Transit Pass Proc edu r ~ at Canton. Provisional Rules for the issue and surrender of Outward Transit Passes at the port of Can t o~, 1897. $0.25. 8 LA LlBR AlR1E FRANCAISR

15. Treaties, Conventions, etc., b ~ t w een Ch ina and Foreign States.

Tr<~aties China bas from the first made with foreign countries, Regulations drawn UP .. to give effect to the provisions of those Treaties, and such explanatory papers a,~ in this connexion have from Uime to time appeared and appear desirable to be preserved. First Edition (two volumes), publ:shed 1908. Out of print.

Supplementary Volume to First Edition. Contains all the additional matter incorPOrated in the Second Editaon, printed as a third volume for the convenience of those who posses the First Edition. $5. Second Edition (two volumes), published 1917. Agreements contained in iihe Fir:st Edition and those negotiated since 1908 :

Vol. I.-Russia, International Protocol, Great Britain, U.S. of America, France, Import Tari.ff Agreement. , ll.-Belgium, Sweden and NorwaY. , Sweden, Ger­ many, Portugal, Denmark, The Netherlands, Spain, ItalY., Austria-Hungary, .• Peru, Brazil, Congo Free State, Mexico, .

Fer volume, $20 ; two volumes, $35. ('T,ASSJFJED CATALOGUE OF CUSTQ)!H PUBLICATIO~S. 9


16. Chinese Currency. A rna·sterl) •treatise. ol facts collectecl from Chinese books and journals and from Uustorus publ.cations. B;)' J. EDKINS, D.D. l'ublishe

11 China's Defective Currency. raper pxepared by F. E. WoODRG'F, Commissioner of Customs, on Cluna's Defective Gurr.e ncy, with remedml suggestwns. l:'ubllshe. $O .o0

18. Banking and Prices in Chi na. By J. EDKINS, D.D. The veteran sinologue was engaged on this work at the time of h1s death· on the l::.:!rd April •l\Xi5. 'l'hough iucompL-te, it is given to the public on account of the historical inl'orma.tion of gr~a.t valUe to oe found ill its pages. Published 1905. $2.

19. Railway5 and I nland T axation. Memoranda prepared bY. R. K BREDON, Commissioner of Cus. toms, for liis Bxoollency CHANG C:aiH-TUNG, Viceroy of Hukwang. l?ubhshed 1897. Out of pri.ot.

20. Revenue and Taxat ion of the Chinese Empire. An exhaustive survey of receipts and expenditure, loan subscrip· tions, mderunit1es, land taxatwn, revenue from salt and lik:m, etc. Index. By J. EDKINS, D.D. l?ublisheu 1903. $3.

21. An I nq uiry into the Commercial L iabi lities an d Assets of China in I nt er natio nal Trade. Paper prepared by H. B. MonsE, Commissioner of Customs and Statistical Secr:etary. Pubhshed. 1904.. $0.25.

22. L and Tax. The Inspector General of Customs' suggestions r~ Collection. Appropnation, et·c. : 1. What Land 'l'ax might yield; 2. How Land Tax might be collected; 3. What Land Tax could provide for; 4. Recapitulation, etc. Published 1904. $1. 10 LA L!BRA!RIE FRA"SCAl SF.


23. !The Principal A'rt icl e of Chinese Commerce. With a description of ,the origin, appearance, characteristics, and general properties of .each commocl1ty; an account of the methods of preparatwn o~ manufacture; to!;lether w:th various tests, etc. , by means of which the diffe1t. nt products may be readily identi­ fied. Complete in one volume. By EnNEST \VATSO:->, Chinese Customs Service. Published 19'23. $10.

24. L ist of Chinese Medic ines. List of the things that the Customs pass as "~1edicines," i.e ., .roots, barks and husks, twigs and leaves, flowers, seeds and fruits, grasses, ius:ds, etc., with the naJne in English or Latin, place or product-ion, aud value. Published 1889. $3.

25. Medical Reports. Reports of Chinese Customs Medical Officers on the local peculia1·itics of di sease and upon disease.s rareJy or neve~ en­ countered of China. From First lssue, 11>71, to Bightieth' Issue, l<;sue, 1910. $1 to $2, according .to size.

26. Medicines, etc., exported from Hankow and the other Yangtze Ports, w ith Tariff of Approximate Values. A collection of valuable information, presented in a condensed and' convenient fonn, for the use: of Examining Officers of tho Chinese Customs service, BY. R. BnAUN. Third Issue, 1917. $1.

27. Piece Goods Manual. 1Fabri{1S described; Textile, Knit Goods, \Veaving Terms, etc. , explained; with ~ot,es on the C1a. ification of Samples. By A. E. BLANCo. Illustrations of the various Weaves. I ndex. Publi.shed 1917. $2.50.

28. Piece Goods Duty Index. With notes on the checking of Piece Good . Invoices and tables showing the rates of duty applicable to ovf[·leng:ths and over­ wiilths. Compiled as an aid to members of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service by A. E. BLANCO. Published 1920. $1. · -

29. Chinese Jute. Memorandum on the Jute and HemlJ of China, by Dr . ..(\.UGUSTIN8 H!lNHY. Published 1891. $0.5!!. ·

30. Native Opium. Published 1864. Out of print. CL~RS I FIE D CATALOGUE OF CUSTO)>IS PUBLICATIONS. I I

31 . Opium. Hepmis of Commi. sioners of Customs on the subject of opium­ smoking in China, with an Introductory Note by the Inspector General of Customs on the results of the inquiry instituted to answer the question "Opium in China: bow many smokers does the Foreian drug supply?" Published 1881. Out of print.

32. Native (Chinese) Opium , 1887. Information supplied hy the Commissioners of Customs in ac­ cordance with instmctions received from the Inspeotor General. With Appendix: Native Opium, 1863. $1.

33. Opi um Crude and Prepared. Reports sent by Commissionei·s of Customs to the Inspector Gene­ ral embod) ~ inr; replies to oueries concerning values. flutv practice, and the resu1t of the boiling or Preparing process or the various kinds of Opium. Publishecl 1888. $ 1.

34. Opi um: Historical Note ; or The Poppy in China. By Dr. EDKINS . Published 1889. Out;. of print.

35. Ol> ium Trade: March Quarter, 1889. Reports from Commissioners of Customs with digest showing: l. 'l'he effect of the coualisation of likin on the distribution of Foreign Opium in China; 2. The competition of ative Opium with Foreign Opium; 3. National disasters in 1888, from floods and dearth, as causing a decline in the consumption or Foreign Opium in 1889; 4. The enhanced price of Indian Dpium caused by a bad harvest in , a nil its consequences on Ohinese con- · sumption; 5. Smuggling as a caust:l in the decline in the receipts of Foreign Opium duty; 6. 'l'he tendency of Tndiari Opium to decline because, old smokers dying off, the younger generat:on of smokers, accustomed to Native Opium, maY. not take to Indian Opium. $0.50.

36. Silk: Statistics, '1879-88. Tables showing the quantities of Silk of Local Production ship­ p ~ d from each 'l'reaty Port to other Treaty Ports in China and to Foreign Countries; and the quantities of Silk exported from China to Fore~gn Countries. Out of print.

37. Wild Silkworm Culture in South-eastern Manchuria. Memorandum prepared by LEWIS S. PALEN, Acting Commissioner of Customs. P ublished 1908. $0.25. 12 LA U BRAlRlE FRANCAISE

38. Sil k. Heports of Commissioners or Customs on the production ancl manufacture of Silk in China. PLlblished 1881 (out of print). Uepnnted 1917, to which is added a treatise on Manchurian 'russore Silk by NomrAN SuAw, D.A., and some useful statistics. Beautiful coloured plates. $tl.

39. Not es on Sericulture in Chekiang. Prepared Lx Ho CHEE FAr, Chinese Customs Servic,-.. Published 1\.!::!:2. $1.25.

40. The Soya Bean of ManLhurla. A treatise on the Soya Bean Industry in Manchuria, by NomrA:s SHAW, D.A., CLinese Customs Service. Coloured plates, map showing Bean Dcstricts o[ Manchuria, and dia_gram showing Monthly Values at lJairen of B;;ans, Bean Oil, and Beancake, 19()7-10. $1.50.

41. Tea, 1888. Report on Tea addressed to the Tsungli Yamen by the Inspector General of Customs. Out of print.

42. Contents of a Portable Sample Case. Describing a method or arrangin!1 in a portable case a col! ction of samnle. of commooitiE's met with in China, with the Chinese name. -Yalue, and description oi numerous specimens eollected. By M. Fn;r,AYSON, Chinese Customs SHvice. Published 1923. $2 • • CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF CUSTOMS PUBLICATIONS. 13

43. International Marine Conference, Washington, 1889. Report prepared for the Chinese Government by its Delegates­ Captain A. M. BISBEE, Coast Inspector and Harbour Ma.ster, Chinese Maritime Customs; and Commander CHEN N GAN-TAO and Lieutenant CHIA Nr-HSI, officers of the Chir\ese NavY.. $0.50.

44. Chinese Life·boats, etc. Reports of Commissioners of Custo!lls in replY. to .the Inspector General's inquiry respectin.g the means existing for the rescue of shipwrecked persons and the pl'Otection or shipwrecked pl:o­ perty, Published 1893. $2.

45. Instructions for making Meteorological Observations, and the Law c.f Storms in the Eastern Seas. Issued for the information of meteoroloaical observers in the Treaty Ports of China and for the use of COID!llanders of vessels who frequent the China Seas. By W. DoBERCK. Published 1887-. $1.

46. Predicted Tides for Side Saddle. Tables computed and prepared at the Coast Inspector's Office, Shanghai, by s. v. MILLS, Deputy Coast Inspector and ca.rto­ grapher, and Lieutenants •r. P. Lm and T. CHEN, of the Chinese Navy, Published annually, $2.

47. Chinese Steam and Motor Vessels of 100 Tons Gross and Over. List of Vessels registered at the various ports in China, gi"ring the na!lles of the owners and particulars of tonnage, dimensions, etc., of each vessel. Published annually. $1.

48. Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. Published bY. order of the Chinese Govemment. English and Chinese. $1.

49. Sound Trials of Sirens. Report on Sound Trials of the Sirens at the South-east and North­ Promontories, made from seaward on the Chinese Customs revenue steamer Pinochino, 1895. $0.50.

50. Chinese Lighthouse Chart. Showing the position of the Light-stations on the China Coast, Compiled from British Admiralty Charts by H~ 0. MuLLER, Coast Inspector's Office, Shanghai, 1894. 14 LA LIBR AlRIE FRANCAISE

51. List of Ch in ese Lighthouses, etc. : Engli sh ve rsion. A complete list of the Liehthm1ses, Light-vessels, Buoys, and Beacons on the Coast and Rivers of China. ·with Chart of the China Coast, showing oositions of Ligjbt-stations. P ublished annually, corrected to lst D

52. List of Chi nese Li l)h t ho uses, etc.: Chinese version . Translation of No. 51. $1. Rules for the Use of Laodahs in charge of Cust oms La unches. English and Chinese. By H. C. Mnnm, Harbour Master, Shanghai. Published .1'919. $0.50.

53. Typhoon An cho rages. Customs rev.f•nue steamer Comm:mders' Reports regarding the various anchora~es regarded as safe in times of storm or typhoon in the waters round about Hongkong. Admiralty Chart No. 1466, with names of places in hinese and their Engli. h or equivalents; alphabetical list of names on the Chart. $0.50.

54. Cha•t of Amoy Inner H arbour. Out of print.

55. Not ices to Mariners. Coast Notices isroed bv the Ccast Inspector and published annually by the Customs auth01·ities in China. ~0.50.

56. lchann to Chungking, 1890. Journal of a Voyage through the Yangtze Gorges made bv · Members of the Chinese Customs Service and a Report on an Overland Journey from Icbang to Chungking. Out of print.

57. Yangtze Regulatio ns, 1898, and Yangtze Port Cust oms Re gulations. English and Chinese. $0.50.

58. Names of Places on the China Co ast and the Yangtze River. Names of places, with Customs district, prefecture, and sub­ pr.tfecture. Compiled in the Coast. l nspt'ctor's 001ce, Shanghai. Second Issue, 904. $1.

59. Notes on the Hwang-ho, or Yellow River. BY. Capt'lrin W. F , 'rvr.En, Coast Inspecto:r, including extracts from a Re!l<>rt on the condition of the South Bank immediately bE-low Lo-k'ou. Coloured plates, maps, and diagrams. P ublished 1900. $1. . CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF CUSTOMS PUBLICATIONS. 15

60. Handbook for the Guidance of Shipmasters on the Jchang- Chungking Section of the Yinotze River. A! "first aid" ·t<> Shipmasters about to navigate the Uwer Yangtze between Ichang and Chungking. By Captain S. C. PLANT, River Inspectm. IIlustJ:ations showing steamer and junk tracks, me-­ thods of the rapids, mooring, etc. Published H~20. $3.

61. Chungking: Business Quarter and Mooring Grounds, 1896. Notes by the Oommissioner or Customs oil, the local conditions of the business quarter of the city and the mooring grounds, etc. $0.50.

62. West River: Report on Trade Conditions, etc., in 1897. Despatches to the Inspector General of Customs from R. E. BhEDON, Commissioner, Canton, recording the state of affairs existing at the time the West River was opened to Forcian Trade. $2.

63. West River Regulations, 11904, ·a!Jd Kongmoon Customs Regulations, 1904. $0.50.

64. Woosung Inner Bar. Paper prepa!'lld by Cayrl;ain BISBEE, Coast Inspector. Appendix: Report upon the Woosung Ba.r (1876), by G. E. EscHER and JoHs. DE RYKE. Charts, diagrams, and, statistics, $2.

65. Woosung Bar: Dredging Operation. Mir. E. V. BRENAN's Memoranda of the plant employed on the Woosung Inner Bar Dredging Operations and the progress of dre

66. The Tsokiana. Report on the Tsokiang, or Water Transport Conditions between Tonkin, Lun,gchow, and, Nanning, by A. P. A. Bot::INAIS, Acting Commissioner of Customs. Map. Published 1~20 . $1.75.

67. The Lungchow Re!Jion: Its Frontier Rivers, Roads, Towns,' and Marts. Paper prepared by A. P. A. BuoiNAIR, Acting Commissioner of Customs. Completes the Report on the 'IsoEang (No. 66). Published 1~23. $2. 16 LA LlBRAlRIE FRANCAif:lE

67 . Record of Trip in North-east Kiangsu. By F. J. MAYERS, Oommjssioner of Customs. lllustrated. Two ;M:aps. Published 19'21. $1.50.

68. Notes on !Trade Routes in Western Yunnan .

Pa.per pxepal:eCI. b)' H. G. FLETCHER, Assistant-in-Charge of ths T E1ngy Customs. Seven Maps. Published 1919. $1. CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF CUSTOl\18 PUBLICATIONS. 17


69. Mannuel de Ia Langue Mandarine. Ou recueil icleologique en chinois, franvais e.t anglais des termes, locutions et idiotismes de la langue mandarine du nord. By A. T. PmY. English text bY. M. U. H. OLIVER, MA. Published 1S95. $15.

10. Y ii Yen Tzu Erh Chi. A "lrogressive course designed to assist the st·udent of colloquial Chinese: as spoken in the Capital and the Metropolitan Depart­ ment. By THOMAS FRANCIS WADE and W AI/l'ER C. HILLIER. Second Edition, 1886. Three volun:es. $30.

71. Nanking K uan-hua. Essay on the difficulties with regard to pronounciation and tones which students generally experience when beginning to learn th

12 Manual of Ch i nese Metaphor. A new and practical arrangement or four-character metaphors, containing much which has not previously been fully explained by other w1·iters and covering a very wide range of Celestial imagery in modern use, derived from the life and legends of the Chinese ; it is designed to be an aid in Chinese composition or English translation and an index of Chinese thought in general. By C. A .. S. WILLIAMS, Chinese Customs Service. $4.

73. English-Chinese Dict ionary of t he St andard Chinese Sp oken La~uage. Fundamentally a Dictionary of the spoken language or kuan-hua; but it also comprises new words, term9 used in all branches of science, technical, military, naval, mis­ sionary, religious, commercial, political, legal, documentary, book, newspaper, etc., terms, and oth{'(l· expressions needed by trans­ lators. BY. K. HEAJELING, PH.D. Published 191G . $25. 18 LA LIBRA!RTE FRA);CA1SE


74. The Korean Government. Constitutional changes, July 1894 to October 1895. With an Appendix on subsequent enactments to 3l

76. Treaties, Regulaiions, etc., between Korea and other Powers, 1876-83. Tr<>.aties, Convent:ons, Agreements, Regulations, and other State Papers referring to the foreign relations of Korra. Printed in chronological order in the lanauages in which they are drawn np. An English translation accompanies those of which an Eng­ li sh version did not form part of the offic:al text. With Alphabetical Index. Out of print.

76. Gauoin!J. Handbook for the use of Customs Examiners in calculating the capacity of barrels or casks with a view to ascertaining the quantity of their contents. Rx A. P. C. HICKS, Chinese Customs Serv:ce. Published 19~9. $0.50.

77. Notarial Acts. Rules, By-laws, and Forms of Protest regarding Kotarial Acts to be performed by Commissioners of Customs for Chinese mt.r· chants and shipping, for the people and vessels of non-Treaty Powers, and for others consularly unrepresented, who may be • rn ne'd of such a.ssistauce. With Chinese version. Second Issue, 18&l. $0.50.

78 Text Book of Modern Do cumentary Chinese. For the special use of the Chinese Customs Service. By F. HmTH, PH.D. Rearranged, enlarged, and edited by C. H. Bnr.wrTT·'l'AYLOR. Second Edition, 1910. Two volumes: Vol. 1-'I'ext ; Vol. II.-Rey. $10 . .

79. Alphabetical Index of Imperial Post Offices. Index of Post Offices and Po s t~! Agencies under the Administra· tion of the Chinese Imperial Post, April 1903, 'vVith Supplt­ mentary Index, January 1904. Out of print. CLASSIFIED CATA'LOGUE OF CUSTOMS PUBLICATIONS. '] 9

80. Glossary of the Principal Chinese Expression occurring in Postal Documents. A collection of the various phruses and technical terms which are constantly met wiTh in the Chinese versions of Postal publications and correspondenc.e on PostaL matters.. BY. J. W. H. J:i'EnousoN. Index. Published 1\306. $1.

81. Ang lo-Chinese Calendar Card. Showing the Gregorian and Lunar Calendars in parallel columns, also Customs holidays. Issued annually. $0.1 0.

82. Etiquette in Cfiinese Official Intercourse, Handbook on the correct procedure with regard to official calls and dinners.. BY. Lr Mou-.I:ISUN . Published 11912. $0.50.

83. Chrnese Music. A terse account of Chinese Music, clescribin,g, the differenceB between Chinese and Western Music, and adding some details never before published. BY. J. A. VAN AALIST. mustrated. Published 1884. $3. 20 LA LIBRA!RIE FRANCA;SE


·84. Ten Years' Statistics, 1863-72. Trade Statistics oC the Treaty Ports of China, specially com· piled for the Austro-Hungarian Universal Exhibition, Vienna., 1873, to illustrate the Inter na tiona l exchange of products. $0.50 per port pamphlet.

85. Vienna E xhibition, 1873, Catalogue. A complete list of the Samples, Specimens, and Miscellaneous Articles of the Chinese Customs collection. Out of print.

86. Philadel phia E xhibition, 1876, Catalogue. A co mnl ete li st of the Samples, Snecimens, and Mi scPllaneo us Articles of the Chinese Customs collect10n. Out of print.

87. Paris Exhibition , 1878, Catalog ue. A w mplete list of the Samples, Specimens. and :".1i scellaneous Article of the Chinese Customs collection. French. $5.

88. Berlin F ishery E xhibiti on , 1880, Catalogue . ChineRe exhibit illu strative of the fi sherx of the waters or Ki ng[}Q, 'Yith a description of the objects exhibited. Out of print.

89. F isheries E xhibition, 1883, Cat alogue.

Cbines1 ex hibit illustrative of the fi. hen· of the ~ · a te r s of Swatow, with some things specially orderecl from !chang, Nin g­ po, and F01:mosa. $1.

90. London H ealth Exhi bition , 1884, Cat alogue. A li Rt of exhibits illustrating features of Gl1inese life in respect of education, mu sic, dress, furniture, locomotion, cookery, shop· keeping, etc. illustrated. $1{) .50.

91. New Orl eans E xpos ition, 1884-5, Catalooue.

A li~t of articles af the Chinese Customs collection, with Intro­ duction descriptive of the Cotton, ludustry in China. $1. CL~lFlED UATAl.OlWE 01<' UUSTUMS PUBLICATIONS. 21

92. Paris Exhibition, 1900, Catalogue. A complete list o£ the Samples, Specimens, anu Miscellaneous Articles exhibited in the Chinese section. $1.

93. Exhibition, 1902 Catalogue. A complete list of the SaJui)Jes, Speeimens, anu Miscellaneous Articles exhibited in the Uhinese section. l!rench. $1.

94. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, Catalogue. A complete list of the Salilples, Sp ec ~ e n s, and Miscellaneous Articles exhibited in the Chinese section. $2.

95. Liege Exhibition, 1905, Catalogue. ,\ colllplctc li -t o[ tl1C' 8aJU]lll'S, 8 peei u1ens, and Miocellanco us Artieles exhi!Jile d in the Uhincse scetion. French. $1. ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS.

I.-STATISTICAL SERIES. Pages 3 to 6, 2 to 5. Trade Returns and Trade Reports. For "1920 .onwards" read "1920 to 1922." 1923 onwards :- Quarterly : Trade of each Port. Issued as for 1920 to 1922, except that the October-December pamphlets no longer contain the ANNUAL TRADE REPORTS or the ANNUAL TABLES and are sold at $0. 10 per pamphlet. 3 and 4. Annual Returns of Trade and Trade lleports. Por "1920 onwards'' read ·'1920 to 1922." 1923 onwards, Issued in separate port pamphlets containina the ANNUAL TRADE REPORTS and the ANNUAL-TABLES form ely included In the October­ December pamphlets of the Quarterly Returns. $0.40 per pamphlet. 6. Decennial Reports. Fourth Issue, 1912-21 (in two volumes): Vol. I.- Northern and Yangtze Ports (Harbin to Chinkiang). $5. Vol. II. - Southern and Frontier Ports (Shanghai to Tengyueh ). With Report on the Marine Department (Lights, Aids to Navigation, and Hydrography) and Appendix: Trade Statistics, 1912-21. $5. SUNDRY PUBLICATIONS. Page 18. Handbook of Cusioms PNcedure at Shanghai : Addenda et Corrigenda. $0.50. The follo ·Ning Publications, in addition to those indicated in the Catalogue are out of print :-

II. -SPECIAL SERIES. 2. Medical Reports, Issues I. 3, 4, 27 and 29. 6. Chinese Music. 28. West River Regulations, 1904. 33. The Tsokiang. 35. Record of Trip in North-East Kiangsu. 38. The Principal Articles of Chinese Commerce.

Ill.-- MISCELLANEOUS SERIES. 26. Hanoi Exhibition, 1902, Catalogue.

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