Names of Places on the China Coast and the Yangtze River Has Been Compiled from Such Information As Was Available in the Coast Inspector's Office

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Names of Places on the China Coast and the Yangtze River Has Been Compiled from Such Information As Was Available in the Coast Inspector's Office CHINA. LIBRARY ANNEX IMPERIAL MARITIME CUSTOMS. 2 Ill.-MISCELLANEOUS SERIES: No. 10. NAMES OF PLACES ON THE CHINA COAST AND THE YANGTZE RIVER. SECOND ISSUE. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF flu %M\nt\u ^cttnal af (IJujstoms/ SHANGHAI: PUBLISHKU AT THE STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE INBPECTORATB GENERAL OF CO,STOMS; ^ .iND SOLD BV KELLY & WALSH, LIMITED: SHANGHAI. HONGKONG, YOKOHAjyi, AND SINGAPORE; MAX N0ES8LEB : BREMEN, SHANGHAI, AND YOKOHAM.\. LONDON: s. p. king k soK, 2 and 4, gisbat smith street, Westminster, s.w. [Price |L] ido4. C53 (Qarnell Uninetaitg ICtbcatg CHARLES WILLIAM WASON COLLECTION CHINA AND THE CHINESE THE GIFT OF CHARLES WILLIAM WASON CLASS OF IB76 1918 Cornell University Library DS 705.C53 on the China Names of places ^^^^^^^ 3 1924 023 181 831 ..".<i CHINA. IMPERIAL MARITIME CUSTOMS. Ill.-MISCELLANEOUS SERIES: No. 10. NAMES OF PLACES ON THE CHINA COAST AND THE YANGTZE RIVER. SECOND ISSUE. PUBLISHED BY OEDER OF SHANGHAI: PUBLISHED AT THE STATISTICAL DEPARTMBNT OP THE 1N.SPECTO RATK GENERAL O |f CUSTOMS; xxn SOLD BV KELL7 & WALSH, LIMITED: SHANGHAI, HONGKONG, TfOKOHAMA, AND SINGAPORE; MAX N0B8SLER : BREMEN, SHANGSAI, AND YOKOHAMA. LONDON: p. s. king a son, 2 and 4, great smith street, Westminster, s.w. 1804. IPrice $1. ] Wctsovv V/. l5l(eU " NOTE. This second edition of " Names of Places on the China Coast and the Yangtze River has been compiled from such information as was available in the Coast Inspector's office. While a considerable advance on the previous edition, it is still very incomplete, and doubtless some inaccuracies occur in it. A great deal of work remains to be done before a complete gazetteer of maritime and riverine places in China can be compiled, and there is room for much useful work in this connexion by the various ports. Should such work be taken up in any of the ports, the information obtained, whether in the form of additional names or corrections to this edition, should be sent to the Coast Inspector. Coast Inspector's Office, Shanghai, 30^/1. November 1904. Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. . .. NAMES OF PLACES ON THE CHINA COAST AND THE YANGTZE RIVER. Sub- Name xjf Place. Customs District. Prefecture. Prefecture. A-dan San Ningpo... (151 ^ Oj) W m if S ^ ffi Achau(3| Canton.... ^) !«1 }^ m $ u Actseon Shoal (^ H ^) Shanghai k t Aichau(^^) Canton.... JHI if m m M Albert Peak Ningpo... (:;/c fi Bl) n W }^ Alceste Island . (^ ^ ft) Chefoo. M M Algerine Point Ningpo... ( Jn| ^) m^ Alibi Rock (tg i^ ^;) Amoy ^ Alibong Point (35 g ?f).... Tamsui... C3 Alligator Point (M ^) Ningpo... w Alligator Rock Foochow (^ Jj) m iff Amherst Point Canton.... ( j^ ^) ;H1 iff Amherst Rock ^^)... Shanghai. (H a iff Andersen Islets jtf (# ?2 i ^j • ± # m », Andrew Island (M.UM)--- ti JSiff £ ^ ^ AnuDg-hoi Island (^g J|g Canton.... ^ w iff AoSan (^ jlj) Ningpo... iKiff s ^ Si 1 . ( 2 ) Sub- Prefecture. Name of Place. Customs District. Prefecture. Apchau(^^tl) Canton « M M ^ 111 x$ ApeHiiutT J&i iij^*rMm) Takow ^m'^ Aponi or Koho (ji, ^) Canton t lU li Ariadne Rock (^ ^ Jf^) Shangliai. Foochow Aymar Rock (.i jji S ^ # ^) Is M flJ ii a M Balfour Islands (^ ^ g^) Shanghai. W JS Jt S f@ ^ Balfour Passage (•'jp ^ f^) % X Ballast Islands ("£ ^) Canton ^ iWI M t Oj IS Bamboo Island (.^ IS ^) X ii t li Island Ningpo. Bang (^ ^ Hi) w -iJJt Iff Bango Island d^ 7JC P^ llj) ^ Jlfl Iff Bango Island (^ ^ |lj).l X Island Shanghai., Bfl Barren (?^ ^ ^) ± t ilfl a n^ Ningpo.... Barren Island (^ flg ^) m -K/ff 1^ ilJ s^ Barren Peak •^ (ffl ;^ llj) ii'H ;ff ^m% Canton Barrier Channel (^1; ^ ^) « W Iff ^ ^% Barnes Island (t| # [ll) Ningpo Basalt Island Swatow (H ;5 |Ij) « !i'H ;ff m ^ u Basset Island Shanghai (^]^ :gf [Ij) w js Iff ± f$ M Point Bate {% ^M/^ifm^ 1) Chinkiang...^, m !H1 Bateman Island (Jg H [Ij) Ningpo.. Beacon Hill (^ il Oi) mmu Beacon Hill or Tsing-li-de-tang (^ ^ ^) Beak Island or Mo-ta-tau (,B| |^ ||) X X Beak Head m M S) X ) . ( 3 ) Sub- Name of Place. Custoins District. Prefecture. Prefecture. Beak Head Channel or Tau-sau-mun (^llflfif Ningpo t iS/ff Beak Reef (^ j^) Beal Island (^ jf lU) Shanghai... Bear Island or Dai-muk (^ tJ; jlj) Ningpo Beaver Island (§^ ,ffi, j^) Chinkiang. Becher Island (J^ iJI [Ij) Shanghai .. Beehive Rock (,^ ^) Bees Island (^ Jg ilj) Ningpo. Belt Island or Si-ha-ji (|| H (i) Bell Island Channel or Ha-ji-mun (^ (j^ f^).. Bell Rock or Ta-wan-ja-pan (:^ I JH jgi) Bella Vista or Tung Chu (;^ |^) Belt Island or Silautze (^ i^ i§) Beresford Island (J: ^ |lj) Bethune Point (|g ^ ||) Chinkiang.. Big Island or Ch'i-tu-t'u i-t^M) Wenchow.. Bight Island (^ Jl llj) Ningpo Bird Rock (^ ?Jc ii) Bird's Nest Rocks (E E ^ 15) Canton Bisbee Rock (ip ^ j5|) Shanghai., Bit Rock (^^JSI) Bittern Shallows (ffc g^ ^) Newchwang.. Bittern Shallows, a rock near (^ ^ ^) Bittern Shallows, land adjacent to (|g, ^ ^).. Black Cliff (^ ;5 ^) ..... Sub- Name op Place. Customs Disti;ict. Prefecture. Prefecture. Black Head Foochow (,^ HI ]i\) IS iltl M ^ a II Black Ningpo... Rock (=F ilj Ji) :£ ^ ^ Tsih-tse Blackwall Island or (^ :f jl^) mmm Blackwall Channel (^ 7^ #) X % Blackwall Pass (H i^ f^) R Blenheim Passage 7JIC) Canton.. (§|f jg M 'M M # SI ^ Blenheim Reach (gg j^ g?) X Blinkers (^ li |ll) Shanghai. ± t -M Block House Island or Ya-wo-sha (|| jg ^). Block House Shoal (^ ^ ^ l H i^) X x Blonde Rock (J| Jf,) Ningpo... "M m M Bluff Head (IBU 51 lli) Foochow Is M }^ Bluff Head Canton (^ tj- ^) MM J^ if ^ M Boat Rocks Swatow.... (fjj {}) M M M t ^ ii Bonham Island Shanghai. (|^ fg |Jj) * t n # BJ SI Bonham Rock (jgn llj) % X Bonham Strait (1^ IB P^) X X Boll Island Wenchow (^^llj) fs ;m ;i5F Bottefurh's Rock Swatow.... (g ^ [Ij ?i :&) Ji ;H1 ^ Bouncer Island (^jc Hankow . If ^) » w ;iJ Bounty Island (= [Ij) Ningpo.... ^ 1 5«t flj £ j^ ^ Bourchier Island (ffl |W) Canton Bourchier Island (;fe #fl fiS^ ^) t f^ SI Point Breaker (:B ^. llj g? ^) Swatow... ^ # in M ;iiF 1^ JH Breakwater Rocks Foochow (i$ ffi) Is w ;^ ( 5 ) Sub- Name of Place. Customs District. Prefecture. Prefecture. Brenan Island Shanghai., (fl ^ |J[j) ^ 'iSi f^ Brick Kiln Creek (J| ^ ^) Canton ,g W it Bridle Island (^ ^ [Jj) Shanghai., ± t n Bridge Beacon (:?; g) Bridge Barrier {^f^:^W Canton m'M )^ Briggs Point (^ =1- ^) Shanghai.. s ^ s Brine Island (^ ^ ^) Canton t m ii Broadway (H 7J p^) K Brooke Island (Fl if §?) Shanghai. ± t n m m ^ Brooker Point Tamsui.... (^ 5|) ^ *fc Ji!F Brothers Ningpo.... {:S M \ii) WkHsU Brothers (Jt g JJ) Canton m w M w ^ M Brothers^ (f J|) Brothers j (^ ;^, ^) m w m Brown Cliff Ningpo (^ [ll) Mi \h u Brown's Eock (^ F^ ^^S) Amoy ^ n M Brown Hill (gt Wenchow jgj; il^) ta ini M Bruce Island (>J, ^ H il|) Shanghai •Buckminster Island Kiukiang...... (J^ ^ ^).. M. iWI M m m M Buckles (it ?|ilj) Shanghai ±^ n Budie Islands Ningpo (^ ;|§6 Jj) & w ^ Bug^ei Islet (^ H [Ij) R X Bug-gu Islet (:}[: @) Bullock Horn or Kukok (^ ^). Canton.. Bullock Point (lit ^ ^) . ( 6 ) Sub- Name of Place. Customs District. Prefecture. Prefecture. Bun-ji Ningpo (^ ISJ) ^ B }& £ j^^ Burial Place of the Ming Dynasty (Bfl ^) Chinkiang. a w if Bush Island Shanghai... {;{^ ff ^) * t iHI Bush Island (fi ^i^) Tamsui •^ 4b iff Bushy Hill (;A: ;5 lU) Canton « n M $ ^ M Bustles Island (:^ $^ ^) Ningpo "M B M :£ ^ li Button Islet {>]-, p^ ^) Shanghai... Caimsmore Rock ($b 'S qX Q W) X X Cambridge Reach, shoal in (Jg |f ::! ^g ;^ jQ) Canton.. ^ m M Cambridge Reach Barrier (^ ^ ^) X X Camp Rocks • Wenchow (H M) iSl^ iff ^ ^ !m Caocha Island Canton (ji ^) m w iff Cap Island (>]» Ningpo ^ jlj) W aJt iff £ ^ li Cape Cami m B 1) Kiungchow. n M M # ^ Si Cape Cod Chefoo (#^BI) SiW iff Cape of Good Hope Swatow (^ ft ^ ^ HP BS ^ ^ |») JI9 'M iff mmm Castellated Rock (jg jfj ||) Wenchow ?a ^<i iff Castle Peak Canton (jf [Ij) * ^'H iff Castle Peak Bay (H f^) X Castle Rock Foochow (^ ^) II 'M iff Castle Rock :);|t ilj) Shanghai. (^ « -iSt iff Castle Island (^ ^ ifl) Ningpo..., 31 X CawstonRock (^ ?f Jif.) ^ Oj ISi Cazenove Island (f ^ llj) X ^ ^ li Central Islands or La-tau-san (fj* -^ [Jj) X X . ( 7 ) Sub- Name of Place. Customs District. Prefecture. Prefecture. Centaur Bank (^ ^ Q?) Shanghai. ± Island Ningpo... Chain ~| (|g g [Ij) Chain Island j(;H: g llj) X Ch'angch'i Peak (^tJC]l\) Foochow Chan Chia Chin (= 5t l^)-- Shanghai. * t Channel Rock (^ ^ R|) Ningpo.... &m m Chanka San (;^ 31 ill) Mi Hi U Chang-pei Island (g ^ [[]).. Chang Sang Chou (^ Q? ^) Chinkiang., nmu Chang-tau, Major Ningpo ") m ^ &m m Chang-tau, Minor Chang-tau Harbour (^ || }f ) X Chang Shan Island (^ ^)..., Canton., # ^ Si Chang Chow or Banes Island (^ ^)., Chakian Island (i^ ^ |lj) Ningpo &mm Chao-pei-tsui (^ ^t) >^) Chefoo Chaong-lai-cheong (-^ jpj j^) Canton # SI Chaoyang Gate (lU li P^) Chinkiang. Chapel Island C^ ;fg ft) Amoy 1^ ^ Si Chapu(^ti) Shanghai... '^ ?i ^ Chaukung ^) Canton ($ S M ffl M if ^ Si Chayune Island (^^ |^) Hainan Chefoo Bluff or Peak Chefoo (g ^ ft) S iMI M Is lU Si Chefoo Cape (S ^ :t d) Chekia(f5;-^)....:. Canton., m m M Wi 1M U ( 8 ) Sub- Name of Place. Customs District. Prefecture. Prefecture. Cheng Eock Ningpo.... •^ (41 ^ jji) & W JiT mfn Chesney Island (^ H [Ij) Shanghai., ± t W # Bfl M Cheun-pi Island (^ ^ [Ij) Ningpo...
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    China EnvironmEnt SEries 8 iSSUE 8, 2006 Legal Advocacy in Environmental Public Participation Evolving Civil Society: From Environment to Health Reducing China’s Thirst for Foreign Oil Spurring Innovations for Clean Energy and Water Protection Water Conflict Resolution Energy: China and the North American Response Plus: Notes From the Field, Spotlight on NGOs EDITOR Jennifer L. Turner MANAGING EDITOR Juli S. Kim SPECIAL REPORT CO-EDITOR Timothy Hildebrandt PRODUCTION EDITORS Lianne Hepler and Jeremy Swanston RESEARCH ASSISTANTS Xixi Chen, Baohua Yan, and Louise Yeung ECSP STAFF Karin R. Bencala, Gib Clarke, Geoffrey D. Dabelko, Juli S. Kim, Meaghan Parker, Sean Peoples, Jennifer L. Turner, Alison Williams COVER PHOTO A view of the Nu River in Yunnan Province. © Ma Jun China EnvironmEnt SEries iSSUE 8, 2006 The China Environment Forum For nine years, the China Environment Forum—a sub-project within the Environmental Change and Security Program—has been active in creating programming, exchanges, and publications to encour- age dialogue among U.S., Chinese, and other Asian scholars, policymakers, businesses, and nongov- ernmental organizations on environmental and energy challenges in China. The China Environment Forum regularly brings together experts with diverse backgrounds and affiliations from the fields of environmental protection, China studies, energy, U.S. foreign policy, economics, and rural develop- ment. Through monthly meetings and the annual China Environment Series, the China Environment Forum aims to identify the most important environmental and sustainable development issues in China and explore creative ideas and opportunities for governmental and nongovernmental cooperation. The Wilson Center’s Asia Program periodically cosponsors meetings with the China Environment Forum.
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