TRINilY COIL UBRAR..Y .M.OORE COLLECTION RELATING TO THE FAR... EAST CLASS NO. __ BOOK NQ. __ VOLUME--=-­ ACCESSION NO. E:~IEI:=31E! =:31[ 3EI=:31EI ==~10 LA liBRAIRif fRAHGAlSf t Agent& for North China of The Stati11tical Department INSPECTORATE GENERAL OF CUSTOMS . i !ESE 71 RUE DE FRANCE TIENTSIN, CHINA. N 01' ICE Unless otherwise mentioned all prices are In Chinese silver dollars of Tientsil"' . Approximate value of Tientsin dollar Is as follows:- 1$ Is equlvalen t to English······ .•• £ 0.2 0. , , U.S . .. · ••• ·•• .. $ O. GO , jap. Yen ••• ·• 1.30 Fr. Francs ••• 10.00 " " It. Llres ••• ·•• 1? .00 .. Gold Marc ••• 1.00 CLASSiFiED C ·L OF C ESE A T I E C STO S PUB C TIONS Agents for North China : LA LIBRAIRIE rRAHCAISE ' 71, RUE DE FRANCE 1 9 2 5. CONTENTS 1. Statistical Series Page 3 to 6 2. Tariffs, Regulations Treaties .•• 1 .. 7&8 3. Currency Banking and Taxation 9 4. Ccmmerce ,. 10 to 12 5. Sea, Rivers, Charts etc .... 13 to 16 6. Language ••• ... 17 7. Miscellaneous .•• 18 & 19 8. Exhibitions ...• ... .. 20 & 21 I.-STATISTICAL SLER IES. 1. Shanghai Customs Daily Returns. · . Issned claily. AIJ subscriptions to end 31st December. Subscrip­ t:on (payable strictly in advance) :- Shanghai .. ....... .. ...., ................. Shanghai 7'Zs. 18 per annum. Out ports and abroad .. .. .. .. ...... 20 S:.Ugle copy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $0.1 0. 2. Custom~ Gaz ette. 1869 to 1S13. Issued QUarterly. Statistics of all ports in single volume. $2. 2. Quarterly Return'• of Trade (formerly Customs Gazette]. Bi-lingual-Chinese and English. 1914 to 1919. Statistics of all ports in single volume. $2. 2 to 5. Trade Returns and Trade Reports. Bi-lingual-Chinese and English. 192v onwards:- Quarterly : Trade of each Por·l. Issued in separate port pamphlets, containing quarte1·ly tables for Imports, Exports. Re-exports, with figures for the couesponding qua~ter of the preceding year, and Special tables (Tea, Silk, etc.) .January-March quarter April-June July-September ::.:·:::.·::::·:::·.:-: 1$0.10 per pamphlet. October-December , .. ... ... ...... .. ........ $0.50 " 'l'he April-June, July-September, and October-December pam. phlets give also the cumul ative figures from the lst January to the end of the Quarter concerned fo r the current and t wo prece­ ding years. The October-December pamphlets contains, in adcli­ tion, the ANNUAL TRADE REPOHTS and the following ANNUAL TABLES: Revenue, Ship.Pi ng, Values, Inland Transit, Treasure, Passenger Traffic, and Special tables, with comparative statistics for 10 years. 4 LA L1RRA1RlE FRANCAISE 2 to 5. Trad e Returns and Trade Reports-Cont. Annual: Foreign Trade of China. PART I.-Report on Trade and Abstract of Statistics. Con­ taining the Statistical Secretary's Report on the Trade of China. One vohune. $2. PART H.-Analysis of Trade (formerly Pad III). T"·o volm:t~es. Vol. 1.-lJIIports. $3. , !I.-Exports. With Appendices: (a.). Chinese Fac­ tory P1·oducts (fr~m 19"21) and (b.). Imports antl Exports grouped according to the plan adopted by the Brussels International Con­ ference on Commercial Statistics, $3. 3. Annual Returns of Trade. Issued from 1859. 1859 to 1866. Separate Port Statistics $0.50 p r pamphlet (some . potts out of print). 1867 to 1881 :- PART I.-Abstract of Foreign Trade of China. $1. PART H.-Port Trade Statistics. $4. 4, Annual Reports on Trade. Issued from 1864. 18£5 to 18 !1 1. $5. 3 and 4. An nual Returns of Trade and Trade Reports. Returns and Reports issued together from 1882, 1882 to 1903:- PART I.-Abstract of Statistics and Report on Foreign Trade of China. $2. PAR'!' !I.-Port Trade Statistics and Reports. $10. 1904:- PART I.-Abstract of Statistics and Report on Foreign Trade of China. $2. PAR'!' II.-Port Trade Statistics and Reports: Vol. I.-Northern and Yangtze Ports (Newchwang; to Soochow). $6. , Ill.-Southern and Frontier Ports (Hangchow to Ya­ tung), with Report on Working o£ Post Office. $5. 1905 t.(ll '1912 :- PART I.-Abstract of Stat:stics and Report on Foreign Trade of China (with Report on vVorking of Post Office, until 1910 inclusive). $2. CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF CUSTm.lH PUBLICATIONS. 5 3 and 4. Annual Returns of Trade and Trade Reports-Cont. 1905 to 1912:- PART H.-Port Trade Statistics and Reports: Vol. I.-Northern Ports (Aigun to Kiaocbow. $2. , H .-Yangtze Por:ts (Chungking to Cbinkiang). $2. ,, III.-Central Ports (Shanghai to Wenchow). $2. , IV.-Southern Coast Ports (Santuao to Pakhoi). $2. V.-l!'rontier Ports (Lungchow to Yatung). $1 . PART ITI.-Analysis of Foreign Trade o( China: Vol. I.-Imports. $3. , II.-Exports, $2. 1913 to 1919 (bi-lingual version-Chinese and Eng~lish) :- PArtT I.-Report on Foreign TI:ade of China, and Abstract of Statistics. $2. l'AUT n .-Port Trade Statimics and Reports: Vol. I. -Nortb ~ rn Ports (Aif.'Ull tQ Kiaochow) . $2. , !I.-Yangtze Por:ts (Chungking to Chinkiang) . $2. , ill.-Central Ports (Shanghai to Wenchow). $2. , IV.-Southern Coast Ports (Santuao to Pakhoi) . $2. , V.-Frontier Ports (Lungchow to Tengyueh). $1. PART TII.-Analysis of Foreign TI·ade of ChiJ;Ja: Vol. I.-Imports. $3. , H.-Exports: 19L3;, $2; 1914 to 1919, $3. 1920 onwards: Annual Trade Statistics and Reports (Part ll above) issued in the Octooer-December pall)phlets of the Quarterly Retnrns-see pag·.?. 3. 5, Annual Returns Qf Trade and Trade Reports: Chinese version. Issued from 1889 to 19i'2. $1. 6. Decennial Reports. Hepnrts on the trade, industries, etc., of the ports open to foreign commerce and on the condition and developmeDit of the Treaty Port provinces, showing the increa.se, decrease, or change in trade, militarY. and naval organisation means of transportat~on and com,­ munica.tion, municipal and sanitary improvements, education, etc. The growth o£ 1Jhe Chinese Press, Post Office, and Telegraphs ; emigration a.nd migration: prices of commodities and wages; famine, flood, plague and other epidemics are also extensively dealt with. Numerous maps, plans, and meteorological and other diagrams. l<~irst Issue, 1882-91. Out of print. 6 LA UBRAIRIE FRANCAJSE 6. Decennial Reponts-Oont. Second Issue, 1892-1901 (in two volum,es): Vol. I.-Northern and Yanatze Ports (Newchwang to Sao­ chow, not including Tientsin). , !I.-Southern and Frontier Ports (Hangchow to Ya­ tung) and 'fientsin. With Apoendices: Trade Statistics, 189'2-1901; &port on Working of Post Office, 1904. Per volume, $12; cloth, $15. Third Issue, 1902-11 (in three volumes) : Vol. I.-Northern and Yangtze Ports (Harbin to Chinkiang). $5. , !I.-Southern and Frontier Ports (Shanghai to Teng­ yueh). With Appendix: Trade Statistics, 190'2-11. $5. , III.-Moukden. $0.50. Fourth Issue, 1912-21 (in three volumes) : Vol. I.-Northern and Yangtze Ports (Harbin to Chin­ kiang). $5.00 , !I.-Southern and Frontier Ports (Shanghai to Teng­ yueh). With Appendix: Trade Statistics, 1912-21. $5.00. , ITI.-Moukden. $0.50. 1. Native Customs Trade Returns. No. 1.-Foochow, 1903'. $0.25. , 2.-Tientsin, 1902. $0.25. , 3.-Quinquennial Reports and Returns, 1002-06. $1. CLASSIFIED CATAI.OGUE OF Cl" STOMS PUBI-JCATIONS. 7 fl.-TARIFFS, REGULATIONS, T REATIES. s. Revised Import Tariff, 1922. Ta,riff for the trade of China as revised by the Tariff Revision Co111mission. Elll!lish and Chinese. Index. $1. 9. Export Tariff (General Tariff of Hl53). Tariff for the tr:ade of China under the cognizance of the Inspec­ torate General of Customs. Compiled and printed for the sole use of the Customs Service by order of the Inspector General. Sixth Issue, 1\!20. English and Chinese. $1. 10. General Tariff L ist. General Tariff of Import and Export Duties, including the lists of duty-free .goods and of articles which are contraband or sub­ ject to special regulation. Published 1879. Out of print. 'II. The Tariff T ables. A set of tables showing the bearing of the Chinese Custoll\S Tariff of 1858 on the trade of 1866 and 1867. Compiled from REturns of Imports and Exports and of native goods carried in foreign vessels for native oonsumption. Out of print. 12. The Tariff Tables, 1885. A set of tables showing the bearing of the Ch inese Customs Tariff of ·1858 an the trade of 1885. Compilrd from Returns of .Imports and Exports carried in foreign vessels in 1885. Two volumes. $5. 13. Handbook of Cu stom s Proce dure at Shan ghai. A guide to the present practice of the Shanghai Customs, telling a merchant who wishes to pass goods through the Cust-oms, or transact anY. other Customs businfss, exactly what he has to do. Published 19:21~ $5. 14. Outward Transit Pass Proc edu r ~ at Canton. Provisional Rules for the issue and surrender of Outward Transit Passes at the port of Can t o~, 1897. $0.25. 8 LA LlBR AlR1E FRANCAISR 15. Treaties, Conventions, etc., b ~ t w een Ch ina and Foreign States. Tr<~aties China bas from the first made with foreign countries, Regulations drawn UP .. to give effect to the provisions of those Treaties, and such explanatory papers a,~ in this connexion have from Uime to time appeared and appear desirable to be preserved. First Edition (two volumes), publ:shed 1908. Out of print. Supplementary Volume to First Edition. Contains all the additional matter incorPOrated in the Second Editaon, printed as a third volume for the convenience of those who posses the First Edition. $5. Second Edition (two volumes), published 1917. Agreements contained in iihe Fir:st Edition and those negotiated since 1908 : Vol. I.-Russia, International Protocol, Great Britain, U.S. of America, France, Import Tari.ff Agreement. , ll.-Belgium, Sweden and NorwaY. , Sweden, Ger­ many, Portugal, Denmark, The Netherlands, Spain, ItalY., Austria-Hungary, Japan .• Peru, Brazil, Congo Free State, Mexico, Korea.
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