Institute of Sacred Music 2010–2011

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Institute of Sacred Music 2010–2011 BULLETIN OF YALE UNIVERSITY BULLETIN OF YALE UNIVERSITY Periodicals postage paid New Haven ct 06520-8227 New Haven, Connecticut Institute of Sacred Music 2010–2011 Institute of Music Institute Sacred 2010–2011 BULLETIN OF YALE UNIVERSITY Series 106 Number 14 September 1, 2010 BULLETIN OF YALE UNIVERSITY Series 106 Number 14 September 1, 2010 (USPS 078- The University is committed to basing judgments concerning the admission, education, 500) is published seventeen times a year (one time in May and October; three times in and employment of individuals upon their qualifications and abilities and a∞rmatively June and September; four times in July; five times in August) by Yale University, 2 Whit- seeks to attract to its faculty, sta≠, and student body qualified persons of diverse back- ney Avenue, New Haven CT 0651o. Periodicals postage paid at New Haven, Connecticut. grounds. In accordance with this policy and as delineated by federal and Connecticut law, Yale does not discriminate in admissions, educational programs, or employment against Postmaster: Send address changes to Bulletin of Yale University, any individual on account of that individual’s sex, race, color, religion, age, disability, PO Box 208227, New Haven CT 06520-8227 status as a special disabled veteran, veteran of the Vietnam era, or other covered veteran, or national or ethnic origin; nor does Yale discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation Managing Editor: Linda Koch Lorimer or gender identity or expression. Editor: Lesley K. Baier University policy is committed to a∞rmative action under law in employment of PO Box 208230, New Haven CT 06520-8230 women, minority group members, individuals with disabilities, special disabled veterans, veterans of the Vietnam era, and other covered veterans. The closing date for material in this bulletin was August 1, 2010. Inquiries concerning these policies may be referred to the O∞ce for Equal Opportu- The University reserves the right to withdraw or modify the courses of instruction nity Programs, 221 Whitney Avenue, 203.432.0849. or to change the instructors at any time. In accordance with both federal and state law, the University maintains information ©2010 by Yale University. All rights reserved. The material in this bulletin may not concerning current security policies and procedures and prepares an annual crime report be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form, whether in print or electronic media, concerning crimes committed within the geographical limits of the University. In addi- without written permission from Yale University. tion, in accordance with federal law, the University maintains information concerning current fire safety practices and prepares an annual fire safety report concerning fires Inquiries occurring in on-campus student housing facilities. Upon request to the O∞ce of the Vice Requests for additional information may be obtained from the O∞ce of Admissions, President for Human Resources and Administration, PO Box 208322, New Haven CT Yale Institute of Sacred Music, 409 Prospect Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06511; 06520-8322, 203.432.8049, the University will provide such information to any applicant telephone, 203.432.9753; fax, 203.432.9680; Web site, for admission. The Institute of Sacred Music Bulletin is primarily a digital publication, available in In accordance with federal law, the University prepares an annual report on participation both html and pdf versions at A limited number of copies were rates, financial support, and other information regarding men’s and women’s intercol- printed on 30% postconsumer recycled paper for the Institute of Sacred Music and for legiate athletic programs. Upon request to the Director of Athletics, PO Box 208216, New the permanent archive of the Bulletin of Yale University. Individual copies may also be Haven CT 06520-8216, 203.432.1414, the University will provide its annual report to any purchased on a print-on-demand basis; please contact Joseph Cinquino at Yale Printing student or prospective student. and Publishing Services, 203.432.6560 or For all other matters related to admission to the Institute of Sacred Music, please telephone the O∞ce of Admissions, 203.432.9753. Institute of Sacred Music 2010–2011 Church Music Studies Choral Conducting Liturgical Studies Organ Religion and the Arts Voice: Early Music, Oratorio, and Chamber Ensemble bulletin of yale university Series 106 Number 14 September 1, 2010 Contents Calendar 5 The President and Fellows of Yale University 7 The O∞cers of Yale University 8 Institute of Sacred Music Administration and Faculty 9 The Mission of the Institute of Sacred Music 11 The Institute Past and Present 12 Sacred Music at Yale before the Institute of Sacred Music 13 Meanwhile in New York City: The School of Sacred Music 14 The Institute of Sacred Music Today 14 Performing Ensembles Sponsored by the Institute 17 Performances and Special Events 18 Lectures Sponsored by the Institute 18 International Activities and International Representation in the Institute 19 The ISM Fellows 21 Core Curriculum and Degrees 22 Core Curriculum 22 Yale School of Music 22 Master of Music Master of Musical Arts Doctor of Musical Arts Artist Diploma Yale Divinity School 23 Master of Arts in Religion Comprehensive Master of Arts in Religion Concentrated Master of Arts in Religion Master of Divinity Master of Sacred Theology Transfer Students Joint Degrees and the Double Major 25 Programs of Study 26 The Institute of Sacred Music and the School of Music 26 Choral Conducting Organ Voice: Early Music, Oratorio, and Chamber Ensemble Church Music Studies The Institute of Sacred Music and the Divinity School 30 Liturgical Studies Religion and the Arts Joint-Degree and Double-Major Programs 32 The Institute of Sacred Music Colloquium 33 Faculty Profiles 34 Courses Taught by Institute Faculty, 2010–2011 43 4 Institute of Sacred Music Facilities 51 Libraries 51 Music Facilities 52 Divinity School Facilities 52 Housing 53 Admissions 54 General Information and Requirements 54 Institute of Sacred Music/School of Music Application Requirements 54 Institute of Sacred Music/Divinity School Application Requirements 56 Audition/Interview 56 Graduate Record Examination 57 Tests of English for Speakers of Other Languages 57 International Students 58 Transfer Applicants 58 Expenses and Financial Aid 59 Tuition and Fees 59 Financial Assistance 59 Financial Aid for International Students 60 Employment 60 Named Scholarships 60 Special Awards for Music Students 61 Fifth Semester for Church Music Certificate Course 61 Special Awards for Divinity Students 61 Special Support for Students 62 Student Accounts and Bills 62 Tuition Rebate and Refund Policy 63 General Information 64 Leave of Absence 64 Health Services for Institute Students 64 Resource O∞ce on Disabilities 67 O∞ce of International Students and Scholars 68 International Center for Yale Students and Scholars 69 Cultural, Religious, and Athletic Resources 69 The Work of Yale University 73 Map 76 Travel Directions 78 Fall 2010 Calendar Institute Faculty of Sacred Divinity School of of Arts & Event Music School Music Sciences Orientation T, Aug. 24 T, Aug. 31 M, Aug. 23 Placement examina- T–F, T–F, tions and advisories Aug. 31–Sept. 3 Aug. 31–Sept. 3 Fall-term classes begin W, Sept. 1 W, Sept. 1, F, Sept. 3, W, Sept. 1, 8:30 a.m. 8:20 a.m. 8:20 a.m. ISM Fellows M, Sept. 20 application deadline M.A.R. extended Th, Sept. 30 Th, Sept. 30 and M.Div. transfer applications due (Divinity School internal candidates) Fall convocation M–Th, Th, Sept. 2 Oct. 11–14 M.M.A. applications F, Oct. 15 F, Oct. 15 due (School of Music internal candidates) M.M.A. examina- SA, Oct. 23 SA, Oct. 23 tions (School of Music internal candidates) Reading period F–W, Nov. 19–24 Fall recess begins W, Nov. 24, SA, Nov. 20 F, Nov. 19, 6 p.m. 5:20 p.m. Fall recess ends M, Nov. 29, M, Nov. 29, M, Nov. 29, 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:20 a.m. Application deadline W, Dec. 1 (School of Music) Fall-term classes end T, Dec. 7, 6 p.m. F, Dec. 10 F, Dec. 10, 5:20 p.m. Reading period T–M, Dec. 7–13 M.M.A. auditions F, Dec. 10 F, Dec. 10 (School of Music internal candidates) Fifth Semester in F, Dec. 10 Church Music Studies application deadline Fall-term exams M–F, Dec. 13–17 M–F, Dec. 13–17 Fall term ends F, Dec. 17, 6 p.m. F, Dec. 17 F, Dec. 17 Spring 2011 Calendar Institute Faculty of Sacred Divinity School of of Arts & Event Music School Music Sciences Spring-term classes M, Jan. 10, M, Jan. 10, M, Jan. 10, M, Jan. 10, begin 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:20 a.m. 8:20 a.m. Registration for M, Jan. 10, M, Jan. 10 spring term 2010 8:30 a.m. Application deadline T, Feb. 1 (Divinity School) Reading period F–M, Feb. 4–14 Written comprehen- F–M, Feb. 4–7 F–M, Feb. 4–7 sive exams for current M.M.A. students Admissions auditions W–M, W–M, Feb. 23–28 Feb. 23–28 Spring recess begins F, Mar. 4, F, Mar. 4, SA, Mar. 5, F, Mar. 4, 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 5:20 p.m. Spring recess ends M, Mar. 21, M, Mar. 21, M, Mar. 21, M, Mar. 21, 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:20 a.m. Spring-term classes Th, Apr. 21, F, Apr. 29 M, May 2, end 6 p.m. 5:20 p.m. Reading period T–M, Apr. 26–May 2 Oral exams for cur- M–W, May 2–4 M–W, May 2–4 rent M.M.A.
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    LIEDERABEND CHRISTIAN GERHAHER Samstag, 19.11.2016 · 20.00 Uhr KONZERTHAUS DORTMUND CHRISTIAN GERHAHER BARITON GEROLD HUBER KLAVIER Abo: Liederabend In unserem Haus hören Sie auf allen Plätzen gleich gut – leider auch Husten, Niesen und Handy- klingeln. Ebenfalls aus Rücksicht auf die Künstler bitten wir Sie, von Bild- und Tonaufnahmen während der Vorstellung abzusehen. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis! 2,50 E 4I5 ROBERT SCHUMANN (1810 – 1856) Lieder und Gesänge op. 77 (1850) ›Der frohe Wandersmann‹ ›Mein Garten‹ HECTOR BERLIOZ (1803 – 1869) ›Geisternähe‹ »Les nuits d’été« op. 7 (1841) ›Stiller Vorwurf‹ ›Villanelle‹ ›Aufträge‹ ›Le spectre de la rose‹ ›Sur les lagunes‹ Zwölf Gedichte op. 35 (1840) ›Absence‹ ›Lust der Sturmnacht‹ ›Au cimetière‹ ›Stirb, Lieb und Freud!‹ ›L’île inconnue‹ ›Wanderlied‹ ›Erstes Grün‹ ROBERT SCHUMANN ›Sehnsucht nach der Waldgegend‹ Vier Gesänge op. 142 (1840) ›Auf das Trinkglas eines verstorbenen Freundes‹ ›Trost im Gesang‹ ›Wanderung‹ ›Lehn deine Wang’‹ ›Stille Liebe‹ ›Mädchen-Schwermut‹ ›Frage‹ ›Mein Wagen rollet langsam‹ ›Stille Tränen‹ ›Wer machte dich so krank?‹ – Ende ca. 22.00 Uhr – ›Alte Laute‹ – Pause ca. 20.50 Uhr – 6I7 PROGRAMM 8I9 AUSDRUCK LEIBHAFTIGER TIEFE ROBERT SCHUMANN LIEDER UND GESÄNGE OP. 77 Über 260 Lieder hat Robert Schumann der Nachwelt hinterlassen. Damit steht er zahlenmäßig zwar im Schatten Franz Schuberts, der auf unglaubliche 634 Liedkompositionen kommt, doch das schmälert seine Bedeutung für die Gattung keineswegs. Es ist vor allem Schumanns Ver- mögen, ein »Gedicht in seiner leibhaftigen Tiefe« wiederzugeben, wie er selbst es als Zielvorgabe für den Liedkomponisten formuliert hat. Und genau darin zeigt sich seine überragende Bedeu- tung für die Geschichte des Liedes: Schumanns privilegierter Zugriff auf Musik und Literatur durch seine persönliche Doppelbegabung zeigt sich in der Fähigkeit, pianistische Virtuosität und satztechnische Komplexität mit einer unerhörten Sensibilität für das Wort zu verbinden.
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