S42012163332.Ps, Page 108 @ Preflight ( S4-33-5201.Indd )
2012 年第 33 期憲報第 4 號特別副刊 S. S. NO. 4 TO GAZETTE NO. 33/2012 D5201 2012年第32號特別公告 衞生署 G.N. (S.) 32 of 2012 Department of Health 藥劑業及毒藥條例 (第138章) PHARMACY AND POISONS ORDINANCE (Chapter 138) 現依據《藥劑業及毒藥條例》第5(3) 條,將2012年1月1日列於藥劑師名冊內有資格在本港執行 藥劑業務人士的名單刊載如下: 刊載列於藥劑師名冊人士的名單,是要讓市民知道根據《藥劑業及毒藥條例》的規定,名單 上所有人士均有資格在本港執行藥劑業務。任何人如濫用名單上的個人資料作與此無關的用途, 均須負上循《個人資料 (私隱) 條例》 (第486章) 而被追究的責任。 Pursuant to section 5(3) of the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance, the following copy of the Register of Pharmacists entitled to practise pharmacy in Hong Kong, as on the 1st day of January 2012, is published:— The purpose of publishing a copy of the Register of Pharmacists is to inform the public that each person named in the list is entitled to practise pharmacy in Hong Kong under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance. Persons using the personal data therein for an unrelated purpose render themselves liable to action under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486. 註冊編號 姓名 地址 資格 註冊日期 Reg. Date of No. Name Address Nature of Qualification Registration P00998 ABDULLAH, MABEL 九龍九龍塘朗德道15–21號蟠龍閣2 B. Sc. Pharm, University of 05/01/1991 樓 B2座 Manchester 1987 B2, 2/F, VISTA PANORAMA, MPharmS, Great Britain 1988 15–21 RHONDDA ROAD, KOWLOON TONG, KOWLOON P00970 歐陽家興 香港跑馬地昌明街2號2樓 B.Sc. Pharm, Brighton 23/08/1990 AU YEUNG, KAR HING 1/F, 2 CHEONG MING ST, Polytechnic 1989 HAPPY VALLEY, H.K. MPharmS, Great Britain 1990 P01844 歐陽綺雯 九龍又一村花圃街36號又一村花園 D Pharm, The University of 26/04/2003 AU YEUNG, YEE MAN 5樓 D 室 Michigan 1998 FLAT D, 5/F., VILLAGE Reg., Washington State Board GARDENS, 36 FA PO STREET, of Pharmacy 1998 YAU YAT CHUEN, KOWLOON P00787 歐陽詠嫺 九龍衙前圍道158號翠苑10室 B.
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