。LC Paper No. CB(1)842/19-20(01) 商務及經濟發展局 COMMUNICATIONS AND CREATIVE lNDUSTRIES BRANCH 通訊及創意產業科 COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC 香港添馬添美道二號 DEVELOPMENT BUREAU 政府總部西翼二十一摟 21/F, West Wing Central Government Offices 2 Tim Mei Avenue Tamar, Hong Kong 本函檔號 OUR REF 來函檔號 YOUR REF 電語 TEL. NO. 2810 2708 傅真 FAXLINE· 2511 1458 電子郵件 E - mail Address:
[email protected] By Email 3 July 2020 Clerk, Legislative Council Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting Legislative Council Complex 1 Legislative Council Road Central, Hong Kong (Attn.: Mr Daniel SIN) Dear Mr SIN, Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting Follow-up to Meeting on 8 June 2020 At the meeting of the Legislative Council Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting on 8 June 2020, Members requested the Government to provide the following supplementary information on the Subsidy Scheme to Extend Fibre-based Networks to Villages in Remote Areas (Subsidy Scheme): Regarding the rolling out of fibre-based lead-in connections to a total of 235 villages as required under the Subsidy Scheme, selected fixed network operators (FNOs) have made additional service commitments for some of the villages, e.g. providing villagers with broadband services at a speed of 1 000 Mbps or above, installing Wi-Fi hotspots within the common area of villages for provision of free Wi-Fi services and/or providing broadband services to villagers at the prevailing market prices during the first three years upon project completion (see Annex A for details). The two selected FNOs are now undertaking various works /Cont'd .... - 2 - pla画ng and 唧lying for relevant statutory permits and approvals.