"A Day in Naples" Realizado por : Cityseeker 17 Ubicaciones indicadas Castel Nuovo "Historic Castle of Naples" Also known as the Maschio Angioino, Castel Nuovo is an impressive fortress built by the French Angevins in the 13th Century. The castle features 14th- and 15th-century sculptures, and frescoes by Giotto, as well as the Museo Civico's collection of Neapolitan paintings. The courtyard highlights the Palatine Chapel and the Apartment of the Viceroys. Once a prime political and cultural venue in Naples, Castel Nuovo remains a by Leandro Neumann Ciuffo grand and arresting sight with its massive, circular towers and sculpted facade. +39 081 795 2003 castnovo.napolibeniculturali.it/ Piazza Municipio 64, Nápoles Palazzo Reale Museum "Naples' Royal Palace" Museo di Palazzo Reale was built in the period of the viceroy Conte di Lemos. It has been home to La Reale Stamperia, la Reale Arazzeria, the 17th-century Palatine Academy, the King's Gabinetto Fisico, the Palatine Library, The Bourbon Archive and the musical archives of the Royal chapel. It has also been the seat of power of the Neapolitan monarchy and by loloieg that of South Italy. If you pass through the Cortile d'Onore you will reach the museum of the Palazzo Reale which contains the furnishings and decorations of the noble apartment-thirty rooms where state functions and gatherings would take place. +39 081 580 0421 preale.baa.remuna.org/
[email protected] Via Alcide De Gasperi 55, Nápoles Via Toledo "Local Street" Dating back to 1536, the street of Via Toledo is one of the most ancient streets in Naples.