Minutes of the Joint Planning Commission
Downtown Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting 8 Meeting Notes November 14, 2006 6:37 p.m. – CALL TO ORDER Attendance CAC Members Present: Alcantar, Brannan, Chi, Collier, Cuellas, Finberg, Free, Helmbrecht, Hopkinson, Houston, Kaplan, Markham, Mobley-Maundu, Raposo, Stensgard, Talley, Tannam, Trujillo, Ward CAC Members Absent: Flynn, Kleebauer, Sidari, Sykes, Storer Staff: Hanson Hom, Community Development Director, Kathleen Livermore, Senior Planner and TOD Project Manager Other: Michael Smiley, BMS Design Group, Tim Hurley, BMS Design Group, Jim Daisa, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Item 1: Welcome Anna Brannan, CAC Chair, opened the meeting and asked that both CAC members and members of the public sign in. Mayor Elect Tony Santos welcomed the Committee members and noted he recognized quite a few folks. He extended his personal appreciation for the work of the CAC. Mayor Elect Santos stated that the downtown is the heart of the community and this plan is vitally important for San Leandro and the future. This plan can help provide the essential critical mass and be a catalyst for development in the downtown. Mayor Elect Santos stressed the importance of evaluating noise impacts of any proposed development in the study area as he had heard from many residents in noise impacted areas during his campaign. He also stressed the importance of providing parks and open space in the downtown. Mayor Elect Santos noted that people will have to learn how to get out of their cars to make a successful pedestrian friendly oriented downtown. He again expressed his appreciation for the commitment of time.
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