

EltECT.JBK »*,i: en a SHAMONDAIE SPR1NBS, most exertions have not produce^ - * UtC-OBGB .M. DAU.A*. tbe ojhtrof the listening thrjj, -whrthave •My «oul baa thirsted Jorlnee, ^ MOfll Valuable and Highly Improved Jefferson ^otiiity Va. "Holding (be principle: lhai .1 'itizec, so loo; ripple upon tLe calm surface^**' con fi- you Brought this night So ujf-4t your Sa- f d ihe fiint .Voice <*f tfelj inai^t Q, • even Eitale in Jrfferton County, fa. as a single polsaiion r#a»ais». i? inder an t bit- de nee and respect wbicb^**" .bfit Locofac« mditufor lice PrtAlnU. agreeable acd **tr*ctfte gau.m to exert bi» ormoit ect t« ia that ser- The r viour's feet in cornKi«mai;a|»p,n of your the bluigotni tbirit for; l*\c dew $f the OFFER for sale. "SHANNON HILL," !be these distinguished •ad geoile- e a e graver and noreeeriouscbarg- gratitude »nd luvc ?' VVhffrdif yotrr»old, Pl~tCEwill beeper forkjoiapanyon the vices of bis conn try. whtin*' ; private cr a men. It ha», to b< •ped iu false es aga Mr. Dallas than merely ebulil- oroiog; but I may not /olion thee ao«, f Kctate upon which I reside. It lief upon firjj-of June. It ia five public station, my friends' mijij'• ifv-,t assured ! bal your fraakiocense and Where for my leeble feet be&rmc ^uloager over theSheoaodoah Ritcr, five mile* from Charles* outh of Charles ; «nd ridiculous K** • projects of tioas o laaily aride sad »xUiocrattc »»n«- towa, aod only seven hoijts? trarel on the R»}| in either eonditinn I shall ijtuk^recU with a to • are she »em* from th ibe tbreshboW of ho.ue.'i town, theeonntj town of Jefferson, nine mile* Hoaa from Baltimore and ft a«hine»oo. It. spirit onconqaered, trhjle -lif« ctd&res, read/ to tbe one pUns of the »y- 1 fro« H»rper*-Fer:jr, within four or lire mile* •*«**!»>» I n.._Il*.:^_ -—.I .E " - * _° •»* Eve (hat ye are ready to »acpnc •Tby feet shall h« *» tl.« >oun» a>e on iro« H.rper.-F.r.-jr, within four or lire au»e*, dic-iaai qu.liti*, and the charming teener. Cr" second their exertions in ihe cA^-|til;f union and other. plan* and projecfi are the y Pennsj Ivinian wiH ^collect his 3 f ' of serersl depots upon tbe Winchester and P,,to- which it 19surrounded, kiyij been for re th farnou of' r Lord, ' the mountain,' sifw^red U):j wj.itt -rcbed . kiT«: be«n iW liberty."— Henry day. identical in all that concerns LETTER TO THE BRADFORD ipae Rail RoaRoadd ; and in regard to fine society, I tbeme of admiration,. aBJatSBiUl'ib« nn« .,„£*".- r The yuon» maulen stranger—-tboa thai! mtnial on the ijreat fertility of soil, healthiness of climate. o Aye! stand erect—the cfoqkf J.«iproken; y^lTonor aod the glory of tbee- coontry,, Y COAIMITTEE/in 1S3G. i 1 to say they axo unsurpassed. Above thr-e stands the .'aiabtrB-vilcken; and the advancement of ila inlerest mnd'Tf'67'0 J (a the electian for one if the eagle. Und reailj accc-.fi to ihe Atlantic Cities is io the tbe c c mail dejirablc neclion of the Valley of Virginia. The shadow of thjr onward VfiJK' happiness And they have D» persons! ' stitutiona Then b«-arfingovf r ihe cbu~i jnd ireat.'i- Tni* est aa conlaid* For a month $30 00 fs blending into perfect! ae e: ract will in^ on !hu cbeek cf the ,-c,;-. J.-n, r» paJe Two w*eir« (per objects or views to accomplish, that do. > ^ 8 00 The slanders of the or can, ia the remotest degree, affect the professed, and Hie power be claimed for k4 and drawing from Ul^itingers each hue changed to the ibiifrrts of nstbic, Hundred and Ten Acres, A single week 9 00 Assail thy hcoest name in »olde;n ring, • Where is tha a^|ii' >he cried. tij the day For thou'art stil', as thoit! hisi confidence and harmony of ttfetr official sucb Convention*: and tho hacd which f e-r i7jo:n?r J>*0,turr. JIO of which are in Timber—500 acres cleared ! 50 ; 'that -I oiay place my oflpr;iijj;s there ?' ed as CiMJ Mac- isicJa^-Ai'the oume t»o- • arable, in a high state of cultivation, baring Children under 1 Tbe hope of free^j§ pa'.riot and social relations. "W3i4 may a Geaveatioo not do? It mavrt- ! of age, and servants, 'Cc'itse with roe, said tbcr^t?aognt azure. st>fiejiia|^i;vi» flat- .This farm ia peculiarly adapted lo tb« culture ! of of our cordial approbation of the Democra nstore the inUi/ufion cf nlm-try among' ms .- retain their beauty, when Mftf|?e garlands tered on the ga~e. Di« ihe ^e Still keen its fiery shaft cf PI tic nominations, to sneer at Mr. Tyler and it miht t

t-r M JSE MARKETS- HAVIEonhand URSUANT to a decree of; P perior Court of Law and County, in a suit .„ which lii,-hard Doffielii and «nb>rs and Maria B. Jeffersou and F JEFfEROM COONTT. at tf,. A» ants, pronounced on Ibe 5thi ds»y «f MeeliBf,ftrs tMox. y « june> 1 the; subscriber, thereby appointed1 a der at public auction, before the fr Of; trictNo I— WUIi»»'Helhurr»n,;*tiJ Min- ti.c Court house of sakl counfy, o Extra ! Gr in and r s e lns 9C ll ? B Beall. floors* beireafler set forth.cn Fridsylht II lately in tin occupancy of Mr'j B* Park* " S N «¥"«•• « » - J f , i o before For saia cheap lit i ert, and directly oppocit* tbt^tor* of' as'ili.r* I Rlfles- S^in a*d haiforfct;, shovels, sfales, ijd confirmed. June 25. nrif, at 11 o'clock A- M., the folio* F Snr^ ly, viz : "' Talc.. ""'*' * Long a ad «Jnjrt trzceand ha'.ter chains, Ladies and Gentlemen are iariled to call >ml 'Bro 'd axe9- §tnti a»^, h*tch*t*. Sawa The reversionary estate ia fee 9*. amine in- .«.-; -«.*»,* «.«!!;.Drawing-fen iije*. tarnjt, " # heirs of Hamii'loi Jefferson, df'"' , county, in and to a TTftir^^ **** I Augers, brjcjfcs Wiifihing;on meet, Jpj«.-,-*:i":!sh jf lister, snd eouitrj blister steel, ' T("^ '„ C'S. county, subject!* . ~.-iu at 1U Strap-Iron, ku}te< and forlrf,carvers and steels, • r 1 Ann Razors & stro|;, Rodders' aaperior penknives, ' »'id 43 a 45 for yellow. We aad as-kntd!- "" Sopb'a Jufferionj wiilow of. fWlHE subscriber icfarms ibe eitiiens of Har- 27 a i>9 cts. A load t.f 4000 if. rruoicg-koive^, \v^i,e-wj.sb, paiot, »hoe aad U;rtipe ff Mi 20. S GIBSON. jH^milloa JeflersoD, bj said decrie, i ks her i M. pera-Ferry and its vic«ny, «a»t. in addi- other rior P.-ana. Oats was told (o-day at 32CM. .,er. ! ; lion lo his own manur«ct«"«. h« will keep pn u the J of PHOVISIONS—B.iaon is in fair request. —ALSO— [hand * good assorlme^ *-^die*'Gaiter- Half Curry-cojnbs.iard*. »hoe thread, pej*. bristle*. ' JUVlhe Circuit Superior fiiurt of Law r !:co Knives, pincers. a*l». awl handles. We note & sale of 1300 good Western Hams Tbe fee simple estate, in - possession, *f the G tiler, Kid and >f » Sboes ; a»«ses and i iori)arm to-day for .shipment o: 5 eta. Strictly prime as- and Chancery, for Jeffvrson County, said heirs of Hamilton Jefferson, riece-Jsvi); in a ChiWren'a Sho"' of r»"o«v^»»or8, which he And an tssoriraeni of kit and ket files, ^f tb« »ea June 6/A-. It844, " ] ,' LOT °^ !• A.Wl> 'yif'g betweeeu (he rabove will sell as«*-"*?« tf BOt CB««P*«-. than any atore Japanned spittoons, trunks, ang«r boxes, 4 storle* h'sti njried is selling at 41 cents ; Sides at 41 a 5 cts., Nurse and ottirr lampv caaiatera, nsw niai hinoi» Diitrict.No'i i| being «»'fe- ment/oned lot and the lot of E if. Ai^nmlrarsd capable ot' 1 and Shoulders at 31 a 4 ct?. The price of Hams TUTUM A. Milton and wife, i •' 10 Tin platt-s for harvest, assorted sizes, 1-J5 Y ** ° ll; ?r c<>uiJ n lances very widely according toiize anJ quality. Plaintiff*, C. yf- Aisquilh, beginning al a point in Sfie'line T£ Subscriber has on band a Urge assort- in r AGAINST Bell tau'.ile krtUes, No 1 wire for machine*. j.;ji tb«& wit We'quotefair to »tricll* prime western at 4 to 7 of Washington street fifteen feet VVe'et o-f the of Calf. Morocco, and Kip Boot*. Go* and ct*. Baliinriora CUM/I n«— ;- «-*• • Abraham liler. George Isler,, iftioniaioniass Briscoe.j^rick Store houso of said Aisquilb*8, • e Shoes of his own manufacturing, which And in nhorl, ^genercl assortoienl oTarlicles in is bridal (be high- Henry D. Garnbart.aad JabJi Downey, 'i»r, anii rtin- • eM rales named above for Western" running Northward parallel with the \\ > will sell as cheap as any manufacturer in the above linp," all of whicfa will be sold c> n its place'- Defendan/s, side of said store house and beyon-J said I ibis place, warranled. and eery law for the en^b. WHISKKY—Demand limiied.' We qaote >encfc Also oa han:J'e Harpers-Ferry* June 13—3l. Spouling, wh.(ih niil be put up on lhe shortest !. O by ie sny sioiiiar property Ilis counsel, (his 6lli day of .!•'••': IS44, arid for thirty-seven feet to Lawrence. " *». notice. Call -ir.d see for younelve*. r ~ * »l»rn?ariif "~ "*- ~ " T er ol ! Wanted. Virginia. ' ^ pe'Uut-^lJa Soiom0n closed On Thursday pvenin- ihe I3ih insfT by the with Lawrence street to tbe cf' * Mih; as prescribed hy t;se deirrff "-Pitritk V> on: a fer house, thence with the wall*^1 lhe Saal e T the Old Furnace— Chirlestowrj. June J3. 'ill i° ^ -v. J. Plotner, Mr. Davio Av,s to^ljM ELLEN a f the Court :]O3c four'.h of it purchase laeiflV'harles SCPIUA NOL^ND, all of th.s couniy. porch or stairs on the Wes"^ '"ereoT, A 50,000 Bushels of Corn, cash—the r^idue ii three : ||,e Mo.'jibers - .. - -„• - ~«u»c c:ii=i<- on io tie iiearu at right angles wilh lbe^»»' of the house to the < annu>(.-in|f*VilHan» Oi»u,iff rejche* Oa Thursday evenm? ihe 6th insr., hy the 0,1 the paper* formerly read waijii-iMW ans«rj 40,000 " Wheat, rfl»Il.LIAM: KJS-.A«E, of ths firm of Knabe ments fromid.v of ami w,, ,- ued b.« oouo.,,U On ro,,V, will ^ Rev. Mr. Castleman, ROBERT POTTERFIELDKIV- B K allel with the wall <-'Uie store bou*e la Wash- 5,000 " ^ Oats, \*7 & Gaehic, Piaft*——J e^^., ! KKY. E-q., to Miss ISABELLA ANN, daughter of OS, the Cfurt dolii uitjuifge, order _...... , thi..,.ai and tin- orders or dwees ht-retofore roafje in this cause ington street, lheu=e to the beginning. lot which tbe Ash will be paid on delivery— L. L. Sievecson, E-q., of Siaanton. bo »ct »^;r On the evening of the 8th inst., by the Rev. il.i »ei;lc am) Malt ihe Mi-counts of il-.e tlcfiiiiiliiiii, A- The intere'i'ofsaid heir.*, being an i Salt and Plaster always on hand and for sale. will rei.ssm , ibort * Joseph D. Tyler, Mr. J'un TDRNEH, Teacher in l)rhh«rn lUcr. guirdian of lhe (eruH-'J plalntift', and one half, in fte simple, of a lot ia said itowo, a' M H & V W MOORE. will in lhat iiH'ifor busi- ihe Mute department •}' Ihe Virginia Institution, lhat he report thi-*;irac, togelhtr r-'-'i'.ti siny special tba corner of Liberty and Charlts streets,! and Feb 39, 1844 s happy to eroding. two to Miss MART JAMES—both mute*. matter which lie nny deem expi!ilit-n<, or cither par- adjoining tbe lols of John R Fbgg npdS^ghn firm, sold in ilu.* County, have given entire satis- In IlilUborough. on the 15'h in*;.,by the Rev. ty may require to be specially sTatVil. i CASH FOR NEGROES. action, and will stand a comparison with any AO'opy—T'-alf. Stephensvn. ii '? TrKiJRt fSale of Il4.-,»j , s- IVm. Wicks, Mr. WILLIAM K. WICKS of Frede- The terms of sale are, one-third in Cftsft; find • g WILL at all times give the highest prices ever made in ifih cnuniiy or anr othrr. bring s^ned rick county, Md., to Miss VIRGINIA A- WHITE, ll.T. IJISOWN. Clerk. i JS in C.JS//, for likely young NEGROES, of Orders for repairing, left a: the F«« P'e?s Of- r«> V v-irtuf »f a O«eJ of Truxi, and a 5. the revJue on a credit of nine and eighteen iJL^ of ttis pircuil Superior- «'or,tt of L^n- ihe presence < of Londonn couniy, Va. monilis, equal payments : lo be secured,^ by jbuili sexes, from ten to twenty-live jears of fice or at Mr. Carter's Hotel, will receive prompt ! and • On Wednesday evening lhe 12lh instant, by COMMISSIONER'S _..._. bonds, and deeds of trust on the pr«m?$es,so a. ja£e. Persons having likely servants to dispose attention- 1 Cnancery fvjr lae c-juntv c.f -)-rfler»o->, Charleslown, June 15th, |SJ44. of, will do well to call on rue at my residence, June 13. ; on the 3!sl jJaj of Octobi-.r,- H43 in \ S'ale thi; Kev Alexander Jones, Mr. GEORGE R. EVBR- EDWARD E. COOKB, Ccmia'. cause tlifiresnA*perding, ^.ti K.TT, to jsii-a JDLIA RKDECCA DCKE:, daughter of The pal lies lo (lie alinve suit a^e ji«ic&f notified.. .. .i.e..,, June 20, 1844. iin Charleslown; and any communication in aroony M'. Marie Duke, all of Charleslown. tli»l I liavu B|i:xiiiited frit/ay, l/te^t/t tiny of next ' writing will be promptly attended to. Vegetable house, uiaiirtifi, and Jjroer ftnjier, del' Thomas month, (July} for tl>e purjiose of e;ijeii'n-ji; upon Hie j WM. CROW. lhe un iersikned, t?ie siirviyfs^ trustee "h si«l.l John G [A share of the wedding favors, neatly rlnne ARK Ml 1,1.« FOR g| c«rinder, v ; lerdav irforn- execution ot the above recilcil oriter of (Jourt, on January 5, 1343—if. CAST IKON HORSE MILL, patented by deed of trur), will r-rocee.J ;:> *cl!. al pu ' 3c a? Martin Crac« • • f 7t»_— op with Mowers, assured the printers of kind re- which daj by 10.•>'clock, A. M., fUey arc required NDEft and by authorily of deed of tjljist, lion, tc ?ha JiigtiRst bidder. »t Carter's " 'JVC J executed by B. Ford and Justin \V:ir*. of Ohio, designed for grind- Hillary Allisou '""rrfernbrances on lhe occasion. In return, we to Mite;. I nl my ofHitc, wilh the pHpors iii'l etidmce U D'aniel To my Customers at Elk A Charlestowfi, on f'riday the l^'Mcy «/J f>r John J Janney •s of, cottner.led willi lhi> account ilirt-ctt;<.', Ifj lhe afore- irtilcisigned, as trustees, will .<.-Ht-r fiir ujftle, ng corn on th- cob, corn raeal, &c &c., which, tender our congratulation?, hoping lhe happy sii'l «Ic:cnc, io bt lakt-n. 1 shall d«\j:*uni ttge case i before the frontdoor of the Court! Jtlouse of Jef- Branch. 'or economy, i-.jcupiiciiy, aod perfe<:l ad-.tplation pair may hare many years of true felicity, and froni time to lime, until my rVjtoi'li t»e jcompreteil. ferson county, HIS day, 1 stall for Baltimore, and will re- o Ihe purposes of its conslruclion, is recom- Situ«!e;J on the South-east side i^ ihe si en**- I! envied turn (good luck attending me) on Thursday IVilliain McCoy that their hearts, may never be touched by the June 20. It; WUltTHlN-AJON. Com. T mended to flie!atterition of farmers. Tliis Mill, doah river, in the county of Jo:le$on, iv.iitaiii Lholilt'fJ of On Monday the 15th day of • the 20th insiant, and will bring with me certain with one siror.g horse, or two light ones, will ., , Hugh (Jil'cece canker of care.} ing 35i acriJs, and being ihjthjj NortUweiii-orn^NortUweiii-oru* r Elizabeth Watkin |^f Colombia." IN the Circuit Superior tiAiirt of Law (Court-day.) the ^AR K XMEIZi&S • JPliO- seasonable goods, which, in sddition to my pre- grind five bus);e!s of shelled corn per liour, so of the lirgii'.ir tract now oxj-ncd by'jaid ; Bs.il- yatt-s, paid qua • crarln'i be- and Chancery, for Jejfej^on County, j PERTTf • consisting of a valuable Miljf of sent stock, will make it very complete, fine that one li.ui' the meal will pass through a house. A (f!al of this Iati3 can be * . i.t ;JjB ^ y He'vcU moderate capacity and power, 8 co{iifi»rt»o!e ! On my return, the prices, although now very commoa mchl sieve, nod wilh lhe same power, t n rtS iic.!i end* <"i DIED. June 6tfi, 1814, officn of thij-ur-.lersignerl in Charlf stoin.f Ijolin Cook, in h In Ihis Irwn. on Wednesday morning lasl, Dwelling House, and other necessary Out-hutaes ; low en many articles, will be reduced. This 'roiu four 10 eight bushels corn in the ear—it is Ter-ns tf Sa.'i—One third of the pi^rh-^sjs ^ U'illis t secure* Ibe Jacob Growl anJ others, P!a!nliffi, for a residence—and a LOT of 10 or 1^ act4s of ; will be clone wilh a view to further inducements also admirably adapted to grinding apples, tur- 1 HELEN MADURA, daushier of James H and money in <«a>b The resitlue in two »^riS.l p^M Elizabeth Dillow jjdffm.-nl*, AGAINST ! '. LAND. ; lo my neighborhood to encourage a good and nips, bests. &<-.. Mary Kiningham, oged two months and 2G ments,at 60|and 91) day«. 'Ihe utle to|^ wit.i- ! Jacob Lire, house re do '-'<» vision i:l ihs •lavs. John T. Cookus, r.x'r of Jacon Orowl, dec'd, Tliisptoperly is valuable and of high repuv^,— well regulated store amongst them. 1 need not The suVis<-ri3*i- is authorised to dispose of the he|d until 'tie--whole of ths pnrchaie fVj'ify || or MM»BUK«J, and others,' ; .Defendants, am! affords -*..faif opportunity for person* of add a word as tcj my ability to buy cheap, for I above valuahli? Mrs Newman, and 1 Fanning i y^b-eniiiciir. At WaOiins'.nn Ci'y, on lhe lOih in;!., WAL- Mil!*, nnd rights to make the j ?a;d. Sale iU, takj place ;U 12 o'clock;*!. nt IN CHANCEUV-i moderate means to make an rivrisiriieni,-siu) believe all persona knowing me personally, or same, in Uie. counties of Jefferson and Clarke. Mrs Vern-sr ia hands Jacob *i » TER LET., inltnl son an I only child of Daniel ANDE»:w UUNTF.fci UJ paid quarterly and Hfl'-n Rn.viand, formerly of Ibis couaiy— IS cause came on to boJjjjar on this 6ih that profitably, because of the location!;oiatbe from character.-will concede thai lo me. 1 Farmers are iovited to examine Ihera at Mr. *V. May 30, ^84i. Surviving T> Mills. will lake in exchange for goods in whole or io .\!;-s .lurk ;on do do aged 4 rnnin-in and ITdayt. day of ,lune, 1814, uponikhe papers for J. Hawk*'coj<:i) factory. Price'of Ibe Mill, le> of Iriliilm; merly read, and the report of 'sSinsler Cornmis. Terms—One third of tho purchase nuioev, 'part—Wheat, Hye, Corn, Oats, , Raw ready for Jelii-erv- ^.40. ! jacob SnVder, in hands tf Thomas-: ' On Miinilay last. F.MMA HABTMAV, infant anil ; BOOT, sey p-;i:. hi- r.'sorl- siuner VVorthinp.ton, to which ijhere was no ex- Cash the bulance in two equal uiiiu.nl ipav- Hiilcs, Butter, Eggs, Old Ua»s, or any other ar- - " RICHARD H. RANSON. quarterly only dju<;hier of Mr. A. P. Fitch, of Winches- ments, without interest—Bond andl pers-onst se- •- tides that I may be able to turn into money.— AND Maria Hutcrtmson it n»oiher, in ld»nlh ccm&rm the curily and a deed of trust on Ifee prciiiisp* lo IThelast 17 yearsof my mercantile life have been of \V Butler, paid quvterly In Tallahnssec, Florida, on Tuesday, the 4th | Rachel Loll, i« hnuds ci |«me» \Vj- i secure the after payments. exercised in thn county,throughout which, I am 52. Washing ton, - ilay i f June, of" f"on?nmpti' 12 oa r- that ei>iati> of Jacob (Jiowl, dece:\i*d, not jet audit- ILL act- as a»ent for persons who have do J j 20 00 year nf l-.is os^t a June 20,1844. and hope with equal success- ' NEW ANJ) Klia, Shope's children [ji/fay lif 'h» ed — Co:ittni si>)ner Worlbingtijtn is hereby di- Litidsiiiihu Virginia Military District in Ann Cri.'ie and children do 'a .M DO Ou Mondky mcirninc ln«", .if er o lingerirffill- recied to take a further account jof the claims WM. ANDERSON. W v upo-j the nes.«, Mrs, CATIIARIKK Hrnsr. widow of lhe late Ohio, and will attend to the payment of taxes, Mrs Weiaier do do f anpuncingito rny Mr. Zotnbro, in liaods of W C Mu- Texas ijues- John Moore, sen. of this county, i i the 3Hh year Ier5, specially, by himself deeded pertinent, or Swajne's ;j frfriendi s siiij the public genertllv, Iba^I "i^" ar. o! her age. IN THE the Circuit Ccjurt of the United States for Ohio, a Ciiuiiitry , paid quarterly li majority of which may bo required to be so stated' by any Compound Sy- j ; • f;- and in the State Courts of thai Slate, where the just reiurned froai the EJ-'., ai^l am lui'j-^i'jj"- Mrs Mercer- . do do '•_ Jo j 10 00 4 oppoteU lo A Trtljulo of K.»j:i: IIVKST. A copy of extract from decnec, ry, for Coughs, Colds, A til IK subscribers respectfully inform the cili- involved.' of JJOOTS, '3HOES HjlTH, atM CJiPg, e-*ur Vi 03 h»lt. .Inter. Consumption, Difficulty . j Zombro : . . - \Vitli no onlinnry cmniinns, do we attempt lorcar Teste, : •LL zens of Charlestonru and lhe adjacent communications addressed to 6. F. broti'hi D ill* Valk'y ol Vir^infa, con^risjrqs Nancy Hall, in hanfis ofJcssph Srcitb. llii» Trail memorial in the cliei itln-il mrmnry of one, j ROBEIiT T. BSJOWNJ Clerk. of Breathing, Pain and Sore- country, lhat they have entered inlo a partner- WASHINGTON,: Attorney al La* Charlestown, every kind ^nii quality now worn, of tijs uioil paid quarterly 12 W who was llie o'ytrct of unmii>(;led love »nd »ilmira- 1 ness of the Ureas', Astl^na, ship in the TAILORING BUSINESS, and opened Jefferson couijty, Virginia, in reference to the fasti:onub!e.vn'tt subslanttil os.Jie. T«C'. h^=« William Whiilow and wife, in DtnaJtof "/ tht Whooping Cough, Bronchitis— ; a shop at Ibe old Tailoring Stand of Mr. Joseph 25 C-0 tinn liy a l.irgu circle of itlTectionatc reli lives and I COMMISSIONEU'B OFFICE, > above, will be: promptly attended to. that are i;i ^jat-.t I sav lo thciu they »rejluc|cj, John F Smith, paid quarterly cky, t;> be fricinls. Then' is, however, » lilonm HIK! fn-sbness in short, al! diseases that indicate. • Crown, (in Ibe room lately occupied by George April 18.1K44 — 3ra for 1 can *?!!•' ihein' gwli in my iinexi-.i-aper Mrs McJ'illeo . do do do ate fa- est and most fashionable style, all articles in and mark cosi. to examine *n4 price njy good*. t"o Dfc-i.' L-Jwry. useftfG W SappinglOQ, |r,cl ul V'ir- of oiu , who with « spirit the most \>ure, penerons Crowl, deceased, not yet audited, are hereby no- mily medicine none has equal led it. Vcrj-plea- their Iin» of business. ral encotsra^e^ienl I have rei.eived ce u;y amount 4 OC ikinl rlrivil'-il, h nl won Ihe'esteem of nil who knew ant in its taste, and from its slrfingtheniing pro- Home Iflanufac- . her. It is lhe IcRaey of one endowed wilh the «up«'- tified ihat 1 >h»ll attend at ni^I otli ;e aforesaid, 1 c The Spring end Sumimr Fb.s!iioii3 for 1844 ^S^T^w^rr»e^nls7aTi'il%~^>e bj B k on Friday the lOlA day of nejd ino>utt, (July) for perties it is vcyy-myoUo^-ra '* -> -—j«rij».fc.*.'—— rni*m?r-—r HamMiond, paid quarteiiy •JO 00 tW ^TWW,"*SWrt-"Craceil wilh »be t»-nileriu-s9 »t»(l whose nervous sjstem has been irripaired, will be regularly received every quarter, thus to business^ llje cheapnoss of inyjjooot, atti a Richard Larue. do do d> > •JO CU 'ri'U, Ljom Irnlli lUat »re the plory of womun. Hy the ir:ed. s.o j found it an admirable-re0115- ; exchange for work". J'jne 13, John Pi-rce, • do do c : SO 00 ^w Viirk, triulerlY snd beautifully blcmled. It w»i In the so- IX. Comm. many years past, nnJ to ass.ire them that he ci;il anil itomt-glic circles, that this loveiv wornnn dy.. When Calomel has'-.:.; J. T. COVVLEY, Levy granled-.but relosed «0 00 |iry cif V?iy- June 20. 1H44. B. F. SHOPE. will continue his best efforts lo please his cus- coulil only be »wn tonttrnot respect and admiration; liceo too frer.ly used, this . tomers. TIM- lii-tier to enable hirrt to do this Mrs Sh*wbridge, levied in Ihe bat Js of "'-XT next. mil.l »ml unassumin?:. bi-niRnity w»» »ern in every IN the Circuit Superior Ctturt of Law medicine will prcveiil '. ; Charlestown, April 4,1844. Kt U John G \Yi!s<-u, paid quartet ly. ! 10 CO look, and th»t serenity of deportment that shines so its evil effects and '•• \ ~ he has reduced /us prices considerably ; and has Mrs Veamans do do t.o 20 00 cffulKeiilin the most pure, anil interesting of her sex. nnd Chancery, for Je^'erson County, repair the Bil- now on hand and will constantly keep, Curled •2500 Hair Matlrets^s, Sbuck and do., Shuck subscriber respectfully ir.fSrn^ jhis Mrs Sh'ick Jo do. : » ; Hill how impotent are affection and friendship, pros- June, bill, 1844, liary fun'c- and the public pencrsll.*; th*{ ne Susan Taylor do do iia } Vi W perity and all earthly considerations, to avert the Plaintiff, tions. do. alone, of every size, Church Cushions; Crib common destiny, or the leading ill" of humanity.— Joseph E. Lane, "HJ2JVDS OFF! Touch it Lightly."' Mattresses, and Wagoner's Beds, also supplied hasremaveU his Shopnert dooi to his t.&i^e^re, Mrs Woelslone, levied in band» of ki'u AGUNST; Be oantious to ask for lhe original jDoctor on Main Street, irr/T.ieuUtely!of»|io-i'^ Mr.: C. McCoy, paid quarterly 30 00 as To know thai the bitterest tear slu-il over her Rrave, l on good terms Mattresses, &c , repaired at - - • .- -j WHS the spontaneous orTerinR of hearts hallowed Alexander U Boteler, AdmV. of f|enry Boteler, Swayre's Compound Syrup of \V;ild Ch^tiry, 6s VV. Ai'q-iil^'s store, where he will to Mrs Cyrd and daughter do d.) «)•! £5 00 short notice, on very reasonable lermi—and all : "t -with ihe ru-colleotions of her many virtues, ns u dec'd, who was Ailtn'r of Ann F. Boteler. all other prcpatations from Ihis vaiua^)|j tree wai! o:> alt oj" his ol yo oo H. KININGHAM respectfully informs bis orders executed faithfully and promptly. Lucy Dpvrs do do do IS 03 'H<'clur of cl.rislian, a sincere friend, a kin.l and benevolent (ier.'d, (Adm's of James S^Lnno, dec'd.) and are ficlftious and counterfeit. Prepared pqly by Long experience enables the undersigned to new ones 1^5 way be disposed lo patrct-izfl liiin. pc^hbor. » tender «n.l .ffeetioii.le s,.tcr and after her death, Aitm'r de B£>nis; non of James Dr. Swayne, whose office has been remojyud to J friends and customers thai he has remov- He retu-»!) iiis thanks Tor thfi hearij_ | s Aii'.iiiui i McKinnj, use of VVjlHom •UuRhter-ii the proud epitaph mscnbetl to her me- ed his shop lo the Old Tailoring Stand of F. S. present, his n-ork wilh confidence, as being in McCoy, amount account { 5 GO S. Lane, dec'd, snj the sai^Ale^x. R Boteler, N W corner of Eighth and Race streets, .Phila- all re*|>ents equal lo any ro^nufacturnd in the he b:is r^r.^ived, snd hop«s by atteatioiojf. io b^isi- r> tis Adm'r do bonis non tif= the said Ann F. Boguc, deceased, next dopr to the Free Press | . ! Dr W H Uaum, account 1 •; 6 00 lU-r virtue! will long live in the cherished memo- delphia. United Stales. JP.KKMlAli BOWLING. ness still t«i receive their favors. nst. an B.-loler. and Adrn'r de bnjk sion (since the g^Just received and for sale at my Drug Office, where he will be happy to wait upon He will lie piepared at all lirr.es 5,r,ke jind : « ry ,,f the bleeding hearts, .ml the generoua .ympa- (hose who may be disposed.lo patronize him — Winchester, April 4—3m. ,'J71 2t '•'I now [lm , of her relative, and friend,, and truly may the death of Henry Botoler) i>T Ja'me' * S. Lane, Store, in Shepberds'.own, a large supply %t the put up, at the shortest notice, SPOUT|N'J iln a Imtsil Cap. dec'd, arid others, >• : * Defendants, genuine Compound Svrupnf \Vild CrKfrriy. lie begs leave to return his sincere thanks for .COAL, COAL. upenor n^anner- All kinds if wu;i.|Uune in To a dcposilum in Sheriff's hind. 14 following lines bu spoken of her : (he very liberal patronage he has.been the reci- lSllL-BUtCK jj IN CHANCEliT, 'HENRV s. FORNEY. UST received and for sale at DufGeld's De- Sheft Ironla;. hereUifore. | v UuhYctinn lone »hall hover o'er thy urn, c pient of, and pledges himself to renewed exer- •2,8 !8 40 \n I f.Vlhfu ^friendship. bo»t the power to moum ; (l%xS-i'2j ami the excep- with safety insure a aeal fit, and perfect satis- he linitimoip and Ohio Kail Road Company, t irejecled \ DIED, and Texas, let it not be fpr;go.U.- cf ed ited as foils ws :— iscontirm- ^ of M8T 1844, Mrs- A*K L*MOK, widow of recommitted, to be reformed »n>J resiateil. according of fashionable and cheap goods, a ilarge issorl- Having made ample arrangements to be pro- or Goods,Co^l, Iron, Nails,and Salt; (or which 1 ment of Prints, Balzarioes, ; silk-.. Ta- produce I will give Baltimore price, deducting 1843- .. .,, .. • • • ,; . « • , J. GRUND, j Mr. John ifarnon, formerly of Charlestown,,. to the written opinion of the Jt^!g£ of 'this Court vided wilh lhe FASHIONS as they are regular- l>ec 5. Bj atnoual paid Wei Ci acrtr: $115 50 upon the exceptions — and 'whjje :t ehall appear zans, and other styles of the most beautiful ly issued, he can promisa the very . 'reighl and commissions—Give mt a shake. from ihs tvidence th»t the debtjulue.to any of the oods for ladies dresses- -We- have now ja very I ALFRED UUFFIELD. 1844. " :• . ' \i '? of Pentl- vsrious tirma of «l»ich Jame» Si;Lai!6 w»sa partner, large stock of English, French. £id DoSrncstic . « tlP OF THE F.0SH/O.Y'" M:ty 16, KS44. Jan S By 10 bushels potaloes He 3 53. No. 22, FOR ISJ-l. Jan 19. By amount paid Joseph CJrarahim 8 4f>< N«w Y, Hl'll which were gooil and mighi-iwiih proper dili- Dry Goods, that \ve are determined to close out £?• To those who may desire Iheir garments so ctiicelia-.etiecn colIecteiJ^er^raiisferred to the nade, and is thus enabled to say that the To at Alexandria. D-;.Q Jaa 26. Do do Aaron.E Orcoi 9 5V -outI, wero at such low prices as to remunerate persons for ! ITBorc ; adininistjiitbrby the survivins; partners of such firm, uost fastidious will be served to order by giv- Oa -g the 22d of JU.\§, *-eb 19. Do do VVn S-Loci 27 7& l v their trouble of corning from a difctance.j E hafe finished opening our second sup- M«y 16. Do to Wat Orew & 50 . - as part cf \vhs>t"\vas iiuc- to the .niluiinistialor Irom To Country Merchant* we say. cailH acd look ing him a call. BRILLIANT SC such BUr'zivttig partners, the hrnJijjnH so transferred AH none but the very best workmen will be ply iif New Spring & Summer Goods, June 3. Do do 11 oiemlier.4 of . ,. . »r« li.esill'jeclsof chaige to thclad-ninhlratoi—and at our splendid assortment of PRI*?TSi before consistinW g ofj— G Pi:izes of 10,000 Dollar^ eader.t. » j employed, tbe public may rest assured that his this Bo:iHj 11 00 n ihe said ^Commissioner is furlli«:t directed (o take you order or buy in Baltimore, as we feel assur- Foreign anil Domestic Dry Goods, i .300 rio.j O'dertd, That he stand charged is follows : > circulation ~ any aocnint of any ollu-r sums jljit! Inira the ailmm- ed lhat we will sell by the piece lower than the vork will be .both neat and durable. Hardware rand Groceries, ; 2 340 do f 1H43. . ... '-;L iss hit ! Thomas Rutherford, dep. HM2—12 vc- fiiropeiries. District of Vtrgimti,at Staitnton. lirq«etitt. at €5 7- P* ' "i» crop/] forever al rest." day of next month fJ»ly), ut il? oVlouk. A. XL, to AM now receiving.aoti oiler for solo, a fresh S friends and customers thai he continues ( on O. H. cnier upon .he duties ivqturediis »*«! ord«P of Court : : al his Old Stand, next door East-of Carters Ho- IM BANKRUPTCY. •Same 184.1—G5 del. at T3e . • 4s IS i^eeiibs. y -supply of Groceries, al very loiff : prices . I John H M>iKndrec, dcp 1811 --5 tie- end shall a-'jou. n from iqiie(it» al 70c 1 40 es Harpers-Ferry, June 30.1844- j mam rjsceivedj acd for My prices will in no instance exceed (hose of ar.d a certificate thereof, on the 1st day of Octo- table rneel- ilj.VJa Bar for more than 20 years, has the fol- Superiti Court of Law sate by J H BE3KV •'* 'CO. any other manufactory in the place— nor indeed ber next. Teste, , By C per cent cotara on f J.S3" ^); 'l'Q 01 of 3«UKH)i D of tha dis- / iWinj appointments fur Lectures: and Chancery, for J^on County June 20. ; •:; • j; ' ^ those sold io Stores. My Boots shall be manu- tNlCHO K. TROUT, D Gleik. he house of if factured as cheap as the cheapest, and tbe pub- June 13, I4-4'. i . • . - : $51G 51 KaUown 20— Charlestown SI~Sraithfield S2 FOR By balance due of dertpsiturn ofl^-i3 401 I>7 v. Ihe lOtf /\ -~Le«iiwn 23— Elk Branch 24— Shepherdslown June oth, 1S44, J pltinlifrs lic may rest assured that the work' shall be done 2 F immediate, application be tnade'i'a seat, in a better manner and alas low' prices as the 5— Rrncysville 26— Martiosborg 27 — Wil- I comfortable and mosl conv^nitM-tiy .srrijru»d homemade work sold ip the stores. Deposit urn of 1841 f).Oil 08 RESIDENCE, in a pleasant aad lelitetj siioa- The LADIES are particularly invited to call Pr Sutler and Dr. F.eynt'di» i.-e-appointttf will he taken up to bear bis ex- lion ia CharSestown. with a5i 4ece? Church, at Cbavl«t»wn, oo 934 and of the defend^jit John Binder, and may desire to pu;chase •' Inquire at this 0£ce. tured in the cities.' I will sell them at reduced TicUbls ^10—Halves $oHQi ( -J>r. Nelson anint- Thy the. CLJY CLUB. ['Super Extra Morocco, GENTLEMEN Wjuld r lo say to 1 -J- OST. iin 1the ..Richwoodsj hear 'febbert W. jdo well to call and leave their measures. The feries'j—address \ - ed Physicians in Distric. No 4, Sal tha aaaM : r -. I , H ARPISRS^FERRY. j. tae Stale ^m^tins will be held «>f«W tions to 'Baylor's, a Pateal Slujrufv Irpn, pl»te«l ? Morocco is of a quality that canaol be bad at ml : ; j". a GREQOP.V * salary. ... * : . . • 22d, 1840, i" I'ke maun»r 3 if said report of withbras» It is a heaij ironi w;jta irollers —.; times. Cill and examine it! NESO LODGE, NO 31, of Free Twenly.foujr whites anil nrs.- biacz bete re- , etenins ihe 20ih instant, made -and report epted Masons, intend, cetebn t- p»Y MPj»»t» - I conllnuinp my'visits I" that place, for tbe. pur- .herrlsto.Un.Vitginia, Neighboring Lodges, }ju>;cntjer r.as C;-r !sa!r.i twv »"• published io tie Free Fr j»*. I fvot* of tba w aueoAdlob. Tbe virblie «re inrited ROBERT_T.; t^ROWN, CUrfc. Bar I rim, &c. I pose«f taking MEASURES, on every Thurs- Bre^ren in regular stantJing, are cor- Teata., f , f.ren:!s be 8. BRirENBADGH, •B- HAVE for sal*, a :ar?e !o^ of iiro? at 5c p«r [day. and will make a return on the week fbl- dia'.ly inviteis to unite with «on that occaj;on JOHN P itfO^N, CleHk. •• f ' A6 Address »ilj be delivered by Brother Jaine* June 13. 1*44—31. > bis t't SM'J H- /*• &4I I nound cash. Shear, F.n^,Ustf; Bfister, and Hqwlng- T,h* snb«crrber trasta. that his patroo- • Americaa Steel, at redu:ed price*. Grain Cra- age: will.Iteincreased, and sufficient encouripe- E. Stewart. 1 Tbe -prvcwsion wttl f«r« »» AoolC ; dies lmiH>rleil Wsldron Graiit «tGraif, Scjtkes, f oaent afforded to'compeasaje f»r tbe IMS of lime A. M- CLOTHS; c •Uend nn the kh Satordav The parlies Interested, aViov'e suit, will INGS &c, .; ~ f that it |»ti, for la*! purpoae of se take notice that I s&»u attend at ny of- itUi i k t Jane IS. . «ror«3td, on Satvrd^ O ^^^-^••"•wMi^DfeB^ i" ^ "" *^'":" »H»iV,s;^ F you wish to'.puretiai* f}\ -ap e»otha, : take Mr. Elk Branca, Juno 13. •}''-$\\ \ ' .j 1 Chartostown. April 4. 1844. - -| SAMUEL- McELROi , k>P_of «?eg»nt tioibetj for Ge.-JLY.CIL9- nt^res and veVingn, !'• r>U!4 lo- call t[,. i* * raora , (July) for the piV|f|W of Commencing J. IV A. EP1TLER. thIe Bairk. wherv the) ciaattta;* te hac of' -^~Tinek«kin OUwr^T"~~ .^•,«f^'.Feet:.laMil*r, WILLIAM BOWEN. A. M. VANARSDALC, April 25. . L«OSTn«M-9•««*•«V^c^ter*«>. JWROM 1 ineb to9.^**g=*g**g* fir fir T»^^aW« Glov« verv ?apairipr frr ••r-]» . _ ROBERT RUSSBi-U. THOMAS T. LEMEN. Ibird b« r M L. C. HESKBTT, : jfWSf T 11 TiSt, wfaiehT>«H-»u ^?w etogl jr . Harpers-F«rry. Jane 13-3t- GOOD artitie of at the •.I^H.S::iGJ!;W;i?jS05».. \' ton atriti*- .SIJFJSJ [ACON—Hog roucii, foe sale by . , Mt J- 23, IS44. C3»ii iesl own, Jtta y- 3 y. June 13, l~4V.li ti ' * May 3?, T. C. SI GAZOOS*.

;- 't- t ['I i

IW i :-"vi« |6E - ' 'it I 11 l

£iif crt&tMsr to To the PnWic can Cfftsen. iVew Spring: TO Y&VR 1NTTJ I¥ew and Cheap MONG the: thonged cac-lictoes aLiu- .»U scvcti undersigned takes pleasure Jin *ays!i? - certain ei»x-» f.ir}. ilmootrj cif*'« Caristf— *•«*«•• assortment HI *3inr*nt MW*« aU.c. hs pwh «=' tiei|<-i -• »ia«, w - »- » - T f -—- wit» 4 Ih ' ; it11s* ilroa(til*!*-*1 «n""'d ' ' i, ^/r" contain! tbe fallowing actual of the £- -^—I-"—--! coiapriv»!g' %^ery vari- fi.lei.cc haf»b«eni«^c«1. not wi'"* I*** u«l»Skt.- 1>f; k l the vviucbm for i:* elfimy iueh»d« -»» *«'tX? •>' !j lUiiki- »veras«»veras«!: otf »» P«P»'« "•'-••wrro !Ul!' e tn i Jtttric Ttlegrapk; au invention »b"ch is at this , WMineh, English, wa AmctVao mmpufae- »» off.r. 1 1 and which. wTTt^a && , ic» which, roKrUar.cU-r«t>d rcspecMl.ili'j%;|c>l - j .,,! J_»nd ia such P™**" '" time arresting the attention < f our Citizen*, who^le, be s*vi»t»*ed "i this country. Or. £*yne, v u J ; j,f •;;,•_! ^o_f !-oo*» anil ^pl»tit Uhe» (« i the;- they wanit° pure ha short profits a» will astooish a i*»etuild«a>; ? «»JI'* hivsU-iun. dies no: i.rofe6M U> i«o>«»i'r»liU<*; but Ue Kverv bm'y k">o*s ilisst nine pra't 1 ••every and uperalkip: t received-* Kabletown, May 2. - • _'•'. \__ al! th« meJicinelo and qo*Hliea, in burk. from Ebclric 7V/*gr«p.k.—Tbe Finn Cloths of the l».i-$ *uJ calvaaic powert have been I**"1? en\ BLACK TEA; Casimores, «*•- ble of cure »-ilti!>ut nine grain* Bi*y be put up haodaBdforsaUby pectonint »• . so that we have il. «d in transmit-in* uiegraphic « S HEFLEBOWER & CO. . ouiice of bark Kt .. F.nd Flex other roe " c true nietlieimJ projM'M»v» ot < accnet do .mis, root? and bark a» have been ed Black S*tia " 'ff'isi'k do. ti> •.i^»scn a cuiative virt ae telegraph; cassimere .for summer wear, Mosaic for LAth, presses, Valencia. Marseilles, aad other teslibg^ ..(\nilK-s i'nviilent to the buman fiamcf ling: & Ho wing Scythes D»!edi>..— ;- rftiw/snaiiif nature"j friu remrrfy, .-«?§, Corded sk rts, TaTsans «*• d parasolsi Alpacca aprons,' if> supply ou hand, of Waldroo's man- d do. ale! ?n»inal. Mure. S UEFLEBOWER & CO Earlestoa Geugbijbaw'f °- Have yo i Scrofulm or King's I oiton Slack figured net Domestic oi>- ?° ., *.°- ^ uretls to -pieflect •.in; tumors on lha jfUnil» ot" the Bleached and Sreen Baraze do . ': Brhish, French s-:«d American Ca^coea, ithcia incurs ble, ihouldert. ' The »lter««.i»e anil \wtri fa nd Silk ... .. s Blue black crape, SALLAt OIL. tJacdlierchieB, Oou»hs. Asthraa, Cottoaosoab 'gentSemen'jfSi incer do ol Sarsj»j>nrill», so powcrfally >et i Lislo l»ce, ed&ings ar.4 inserting,- • DOZCN bottles on band ^$ fw saje ] d Wtioojting 1» iwoof Ibe hardware a,;M cutlery Silk °- 1 .-•! it) Siaii bum's Pills, wiil ii.naetli^NI? . Cap, neck, anVgutrd ribbons assorted, CO. Fancy Fcllet-Mits, monary nature >:vld to this prfi>araliJi{, «f F-ifl' ' seat of disease, and fjradu»llv, by . iad Ladies'silk gloves assorted. \-\ Kid Gloves for Ipdie? and Gontlomen aJminisuredJ i . _ . . U .^| ,, piirg.-tiiTcoperation, mnu suit i, drivr-oat a1^ ( I Kev. J. S 4nnis. Prcfctsor in on »btch tu«h an Tinware of «£nt of groceries Do cotton do large stock, . ; • Fesicv Dress Handkerchiefs, Artificial r%,w- Irani the ivstera. i j -« T.) Literary „ ' Mave »ou Kheumstism, p»ins in th^ 'Hbo^J Id 19 A good ass/tobacco -| Gents cotton »nd thread gloves assor}ed,i \i ers Cap taps, Florence Braid Bonnets, • •I would nbtlM without Dr. Ja«ne s..»!ev!- 1 10 8 on Pri«« chef bacon. J LATHS on hand and fu French Bonnets. Mis«s Cypres. Bon >l,oulik-r, nip or knrir joints ? The to deflect a nee'clP^t ' *" * inches Do fine buck do do 'i l-c \jnv family Bi it;y consi.ler-tinr.. 1 hale fouj emiaeud A primal articles shall be so^i Misses and Ladies' cotton hose, larg^ stock, ali sale by S- 11EFLEBOWER & Lacs Edging* and Inserting* of aalll des- jV^cossfui -„, ei^s w|ie« all ether f'-''M «nd, by certain arrangements, jblic .«s, That poitiou of lliesu which itedle ia n;.A» + , point to any letter Tbe/L. My friends n3*d|he public are prices and colors, 1 . 9. G-4 brown Sheeting, 5-4 do.oo.,4-4 ed." 8 possitriy invited to e*ll eismi-e u; Gents half boso ^ do do i do .-,,.8 do. ^o., 3-4 do do, 4-4 browo dial pl»t«. Profes«or WheaUton*' : Fine Apples. re^n/ntl jivlge for themselves. Boys do do i o J^ Vill O.«i*»ur,s> 7-8 do- do., 7-3 brown ,, £ar»lus canjisU^qf two small galvanic sicAers ferry, April 2. RF.SH Pine Apples, Oranges and Lemons, Worsted boots for children. jasl received hy K(yes Sf KearsUg. h4 Lbiea«b«i sbieting, 5 4 do- do., <-4 do. ; or batUi'cs ; f^jr |en2|i)g ,( cop- Gum elastic and other suspenders, &4 Shirtings, 7-Sd« bii^| an upright pfvol Of bra. pricft. *^ Ktyes Sf Kearsley. >« inche* hi,,;'*, ha Oa'Df.' J)/a« 23. —f Juae'C T. LOCK, & CO. Rrnithfielil. Apr?! 11. 1844. in .'tehitiial 4-II«lJ 1 do Grass do Boniest ic§. PORTER K»sti>or., „ ^ - !l :md oll-ripesitcO ilost-h, so stren};tln n :|ti 1 if-.c-itirjgc I box Whetstones, EAVY Brown , 3-4, 7-8,;»nd^-4, |OR sale by KEVES & KEARSLEV Frodnce* just cured a m:m *-h.mi his |ih> skunjh > tU=' ti) action :liedigestive organi, anil at <|n iJrftj lirnc ll G dozen kiflet, Bleached Shirting, do do cjo 16. si) tiioi-i-.u ji ly cleanse from »ll obiti tittirn ihe l-'rpe • iaod« <*" » ' *i 6 do Rakes, o and Bleached Cotton Drilling, be taken in lexcbange for Goods at vi-ry lowest sta»c» c! Kicnchit:«." j '• $ intestines, that this most ClMauraging - Uul being four mile 1.1. T. LOCK & GO'S. Kev. John KHiR, of Nc* York c:t>; s:iysj:.|fe two I do Grass Fi>eao», Heavy , N. O. .7Io2asses in Barrels, hoti!escitr.H! jj-mjoflhe Influenzu, it 6snl cpu|h and niulady n-ust be expt'lk-d froiu ibc STs\e!H.i numberless c< Burlap Lijiens, No J, 2 and 3, OR'sale by KEVES & KEAK5LEV. apparent Coijsuriiplion- ? J Do you not Mitl'.-r fr >m an«ccun,iii»!fcn if Hife in Vaults of the colege are Handsome and new style Prints, May 16- Only Two .Collars and a half Rev. Arthur IV. Br.ulf.irJ, of Dftrliitttcm,*»*, »«y« the Stoinacti". {irodut-iug riain;; in t!,- ilii'iuf, jick F a good PUsMP-SOLE KIP BOOT. v •I Ibeir cz(rem^/e« ia c ncxioo Checks, . Furniture cottoa, i fia that itciirci! >ii» s^u of Croup in ii fi;v« (nic$t-ft. headache, loss of »;> H iite, tin. ? 1? . 'u-J soghset Harvest S!ioe|*. Table Diaper.ltussia Diaper, Oranjyes and Lemons, J? T. LOCK & CO. The It4ii{;nr (Mo.) Jour:.-.l s.-.ysf-".\- I of tlio»e sj-rtiptoms, nnd u>e no Ri'^kns i.'.i -ii-'-vi- your the apparatus. Tint galv lc pa IE double-soled Shoeslmanufactured Fine Brown , , UST received, of most delicious flavor, at April li. 1 Jayue's £xpe«iorUlkt will salist'y sll tfcht it t* iin-c- -stomach. * bilious fevtr will smrly o»tr>He you. generated ia tb« batteries is ' by Wm. Af is; In storef *nd for sale by Brown Drillings, the Drog Store of H S FORNEY. tlv cure lor C'.n^ghi. Uolils, lafluenta lliria. ' The Sltitiburn Vegetable Rstraet-P^llilHiVebc l9 T C S&JIFOOSE. tiosrscnt-ss, pmi ail kint'iof Pulmonary » j.:-.)VL-d_ to be the rouM t-riVttii.il <» tt l«blt: ceed ilang tbe firep, and in « xnnari,. Irish Shirtings, Shopherdstown, Taj 2 d'cincs lo correct :be bilixry sc-crr;J:> is,* tsec ppa> Long Lawn, Cottoa Stripe, for coats an pacts, T 50, 56, 63, 6S, 75,87, and 100 cents; and Mr. KlientzerjiVcban-r, nf tVoviitcncc,; effect tat meehaoisra -n «^ Hardware^ : Fancy Articles. &.A the very best article of Kid Shoes fur was cureil of a se^rc Asilana, tij usiftc (wo one of the most prominent features is f «liri;«l now de:;cribtti Tbe Brown Holland, Rev. SimeoD S(:i»l"rittt, *«» cured 'tf InAu^iZ <-nce on t!>e.ltTcr, a vhtue nerti be!on; Y supply of Hardware is Snow full and Coltofl Bats, Wadding:, &c. VARIETY of Fancy Goods received, to $1,19. T. LOCK & 00. Hoarseness, ttn«1 a hard dry Cough bj-pnt-brji|^-. : u purely vegetable ine'liciiie , a fe»" i! posed at tfae r«e of tw complete, embracing all at iicle< in gene- Also—8 dozen Palm Leaf Hats, aqsortoJ, ' jCH which I invite tbe attention of the public. April 11. or four pills each, has in nu>nuron> in-'t>u3C« ctet— A gentleman iho w A Rev. Hi-. H-jliijiHjfc, ot l'ou-:uke<-53si'% aa^i lUm iin^ the capstan ral use—sucli as Just received and for sala by Mtj 2. H. S FORNEY. knowing; l>r. Jxype to b<3 a regular rli»siit?.«. mi itinlly carricil ort" nil supetfluou-l bile, liul-'ntttcr •nee ays, "A lady, >crei\'s of all i/zes May 23- S. M. havil(|; us'.-i! his medicine* j>vrsoii«!lv :irn! i;iS:>| f: i;ii- li.at orpin (the liver)t>a natural and lit -ilt.-.» acti< with her Gaf«i fijht into view the Butt and strap binges }• CONFECTIONARY. HO u-ould ever have thought that you y, does not hi .itiite to lic:». : .1 ciisionetl li) luviiij; taken colJ, or a sitO.it ri t-banj lured lell«-Ay fetter, a' . >> ali kinds and varieties, at tbe Drug Store of true—and you will be convinced if you call at Rev. Juhn Si-gur. of Lamhei tsvilU-. PTc*? *sr»ejr, c!' weather. Stainbiii-u'i Veg- table Esii'itct'Pilli -wj lo travel tbfough foor Butkles, a^rted sizes Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs, wiio »HS 8!ifTi-riii;J with aliom'ifr.ess am! lomMM ill b-: tounil to give sure aw! inuui-diati- rjiiet, by Pea and taJlo spoous Linen Cambric Hdkfs. H S FORNEY. T. LOCK & GO'S- lieving tht; various outlets of the svsu ta wUicti ,TAo capabilities ofMhe pnociplt-of Sheph:ord3town, .Way 2. the lungs ami tlir'ial, aiu!;a suti'ijcatiiig A^iijiji «a: *i! instrument have P«o tested on Vie Sufpenders assorted, cured by mie boti.Jle. f ••'< ei>ld hati sliut up. ; Tacks alm Cotton Hose and Half-hose assorted, Gentlemen's Furnishing Store. RevM Win. lj.-,ws, Mpcleslto*n, V«., If you have pain i.i the Muniach, !iJteivtJ< lino of the fi'eat >Vef«rn Railway, h firads, rirr>rs and strap? Do Gloves do TOBACCO & SEGARS. liave used your c.vpcctonjii', nt.d t"oiluy <::|>!iins s:i):s thai it cured his |*y~e of food, l!«e Kstiiict l ijls wiil curry off-»l 2ras3 stew kettles' Cotton Cord, and a variety of other < ' article. Also, Segars of a delicious flavor. one of the best tailors in the Union, for gentle- Consumption, am| otic o>ll lii.- children of Vinit-Pphis; ni>in, and reitore a healthy regulai"h%. " ' *"«/anceo/ fifteen ^il«9 from London and Jtfay 2. H S FORNEY. men'J wear. Coats of all kinds, Pantaloons, Cough. j the experiment ^» attended with com- 0>r.T and gardon ho?s, long handle shovels useful goods, just received by The \Ygelable Kxtiacl i',l!s .«re s .1,: .1 Sraw forks, 4 prong Jo., grain shovels May 23. S. H. Vesiincs, &c., mad? to please, or no sale. Fine Daniel //L-iisl-ay'. Kiff., ofil.t u-r box, cuuUiuing Uiirly Pills, by plete success. TVivicb a question as the filching shovels, spade* Wiaifc Lipen Summer Frrjck Coats will he made to sachusvlls, Ue a \(.TV ^ ;;!': .!»! H, ri,|», u hich we have jr. disci '°"OwiDj?.—'-JIov iaov passengers start Jiik'j pans, trace chains '' TO FARMERS. jr WILL sell White Lead at a reduced price, order for 43,25. Call at the store of D DOZEN Goose Creek Rubbers for •a of a super quality, to which the attention ol with gooil t-RVct iji stepping u Ccu^li ait ciii,i;- «d from Dray ion by tbo JO o'clock train?" 'hisacls, augers, files and rasps, auger bitts May 16- ; A & G W HOLLAND. and breaki'i^ up 3 cold." •be answer coti'.d bo transmitted from the German lamps, lea kettles l) just received by S tl pa'nters and others is invited. grvSuiis will borneatly packed and sent to a a Mav 23. H 3 FORNEY. distance when ordered. A & G W H- terminus to Draylo* "d back in less than I cross-cut do Sbepherdslonrn, »Yay 2 At? EXCUSE FOR Bw»UO.VEs|;-i; T. Lockl? a tiro minu(e«. T«a wires of communica- ,, , ,'«„(«„, hatchets, shovels & tongs FRESH GRAIIf CRADLES. Since the important discovery ot" f>r. jl 'Cfne's S:nitf>Sfild Sand p r TtOZF.fi superior Grain Cradles, with. Wai- x inches above fhe ground New Orleans and Sugar House Molasses, ^ain bj a faithful and persevering applicaijpn of parallel with the railway, sod about two May 2 T C SKJtAFOOSE. Superior fresh Teas of all qualities and prices, PONl>:ESHERRY. M:ircli 7, 1S44. — ty. Ke-15., E have one more piece of that beautiful this Valuable Hajir Toaic. I ? Of three feet distant (ram it; and it is Stonnefs, AfJ Starch, Salarattus, coarse and fine Salt, ; Please to rttd! without prejudice the ;f«55J<>n'- SKyll gel'rtr )f Bonnets.Ribbands, and Artificial Flowers Tea and Fish Oil, drcds of others equally respectable sboaiil re- Morses will star.r (»l;i:ii wiwillf < Ihe railway, wbich extends (o Bristol, a just recoivedind for sale low. move the iloubls of every recsonable pef^ia of 1st c»r-.lulv)at my stab!?, 2 1-2 mile* c:f'tl -? llu-r 2. / T C SIGAFOOSE. Prime lot Tobacco and Segars, • thcuniform an: $10 the season, to je pliil oil t> *iih through wires—however great the dis- AWD CORDED SKIRTS, and of good quality, just received an.: fb Va., OctlO, T.ri3. rnsre, or irregular HtU-niIanr« at the sWiiT. forfeits tance— the lime occupied ia th« Jran>-- )R'so^e by by S. U. ALLEMONG. I ILL give pursjMial attention to all con- Dear Sir.—Votj inquire of me v.• hether.ii b:»vo the insuri ice. Groom f i.i i l» set I v icti-tl-c tuare. J»ray^ •, TOSfgtf/bcJfi " May 23, 1844. ' I'jirt bred njjires can come at $-25 the i.i.<-i>it, »ml mi«sion is nearly (he same, for there is i;;mnen'.-- made to him, and vvili alwayg used jitur Mair Tame, ami the effects. : fv> itiiiinnee, anil altogether coarse rohit* it if 10 reason to beliaro tbat it rlies with (be same ATS-<-G cases black and drnb- Russia and >iake prompt setileroent of sales. Several years ijgo my hair began to fj^ ra- iht- season, ant! J,J5 iinurt>:tce, if paid i-i ihc- &J af Cni2di«s and Liberal advances raade on consignments when IpiJIy from the sbs'p, ond I had the prospect of velocity as light, whose rate of motion '* Hats, just received arid for sale by LB5. fresh Candies assorted,Oranges July next "nr season, or as suon as tlie I,I.:L .- >t Icnovn T C SIGAFO'OSE required. (premature ba'-diiess. During sc'crol j'J'ji to he in foul for insurance, otherwi« i!i'rc »»ll be nearly two hundred thousaad ^'-tsa in ase- and Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Peccrss, KerneyaviHo Depot, Nov'r 2, 1843—tf. used various preparations n.ccnitnended fu? the no dcdiic'iou. This is u fine grass couctt'c, Tn by H J> *jj j . hair, from Tt-hii|?i I derived DO bencfij^ At turt? will l>e furnished it 50 cer.lirrSr -u-7-\T^' to China, on the one hand, and to America IRON-' IRON!! length a frient; rj-cctameiidcJ rot:r Flair 5^: nttentioi! "iil In- paid 1,3 maies aid' eolWemra T C SIGsAFOpSE. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. subscriber respectfully informs tbe ci- H.'VE just recjifed a Sne assortment of on the other, intelligence could be trans- tizens of Shepherdstown, and the public I used three or jlfcur bottles according \si to prevent aemdeou or e«capeif but I -iiH tiol ba For Harvest. '• 4 FEW Barrels prime Buckwheat JFIoHfj'ifpr hammered anle ftir tiihcr. — M;.i. s :o be f-?-» mitted lo those regions in as short a time as cneraHy, ,b.t he has taken the Drug Establish | bTstdoub.e refined ^etai assor'ted^ plough iron. OOD SUGAR nt 8 cents, , ' f*- sale by 5 H ALLSUONG. ; niy hair'.vas ihictset, and sii;ce, its to must bring written directions to that Hi*.* iil ia conveying it across a garden or a \nrga frip-.^.Volasses 374, May 23. '. ment formerly kept by Mr. Dan'l Entler, where- •horse shoe bars ai; J nail rod, square and round l>e furnished as cheap jis possible. A ' he is now receiving from the Eastern markets a turn grey, was arrested. |< putting 5 mares nf his own. will l.c >:nt«llel] low for cash. eommeu.Jii.g patint medicines, which irnl^icn coii!>lBb]<: for all, will be vnin!. d to ..r> of iheei oieatad, ia this- way, in tho course of the ajreilior with a Reueral assor'mont of Gro- IN Cups, Pans ail sizes, Coffee Boilers, i F DUNNINGTON, minately i hed, as they often arc, do tnucb|^r>vi- ceries—/•!/)• caih.—Also, on hand e large stock 01 T Buckets with and without covers, March 21. • Kerneysville Depot. ry, but in a case IJke the present, where FjRniotv j t.'oiis tiprn *!iat terms ?bey areftr be fnit. AJatci pot improvements winch are now going for- Quajpsware, Tin and VVoodca Ware, Dippers, Tin Plates, &c. SLO , for sale5 |chea|chea|j bbyj Faints, ;Dyc Sfuflfc, and ward. Weru the nations of Europe liv- the article so be b^nefic-ai, aud that it can i*:) do jlnst year by ihe reason »m| f.ilii,.., rat-:} Jst iasureil Graia and Grass Scythes, i May 23. S H ALLEMOJMO.HG? . Confectionary , Fancy Goods, SfC. $ PR ING harm, I hove tic scruples Jo slating'facts *£;JI:D lliif year:.: si ason [n i<-t ,if (heir sccoilnta v!-re seltlcil ing in perfect amity and peace, and in a Forki, Rakes, Rifles, W hetstones, &c , And every ether article usually kept in a Drug AM) my ou-n knowledge. Vours, &c. " \". tip by July 2,1843.—Mares pot tl.it ycnr iy t!ie:se»- friendly communication with each other, Wilh ejt.ry ibitig usually rilquii'ed by /armert s.:ii nnd failing,may be insured neit yvt-r l' fanified throughout lha whole extent of ny new ones as may be pleased to favor him bv 3d of Juh ne:;t. No mare will u- «*|.iitle