''.;* [is I CH AHLESTO WN, JEFK£USON COUNTY, GALLAHEK; VOL.. 37. EltECT.JBK »*,i: en a SHAMONDAIE SPR1NBS, most exertions have not produce^ - * UtC-OBGB .M. DAU.A*. tbe ojhtrof the listening thrjj, -whrthave •My «oul baa thirsted Jorlnee, ^ MOfll Valuable and Highly Improved Jefferson ^otiiity Va. "Holding (be principle: lhai .1 'itizec, so loo; ripple upon tLe calm surface^**' con fi- you Brought this night So ujf-4t your Sa- f d ihe fiint .Voice <*f tfelj inai^t Q, • even Eitale in Jrfferton County, fa. as a single polsaiion r#a»ais». i? inder an t bit- de nee and respect wbicb^**" .bfit Locofac« mditufor lice PrtAlnU. agreeable acd **tr*ctfte gau.m to exert bi» ormoit ect t« ia that ser- The r viour's feet in cornKi«mai;a|»p,n of your the bluigotni tbirit for; l*\c dew $f the OFFER for sale. "SHANNON HILL," !be these distinguished •ad geoile- e a e graver and noreeeriouscbarg- gratitude »nd luvc ?' VVhffrdif yotrr»old, Pl~tCEwill beeper forkjoiapanyon the vices of bis conn try. whtin*' ; private cr a men. It ha», to b< •ped iu false es aga Mr. Dallas than merely ebulil- oroiog; but I may not /olion thee ao«, f Kctate upon which I reside. It lief upon firjj-of June. It ia five public station, my friends' mijij'• ifv-,t assured ! bal your fraakiocense and Where for my leeble feet be&rmc ^uloager over theSheoaodoah Ritcr, five mile* from Charles* outh of Charles ; «nd ridiculous K** • projects of tioas o laaily aride sad »xUiocrattc »»n«- towa, aod only seven hoijts? trarel on the R»}| in either eonditinn I shall ijtuk^recU with a to • are she »em* from th ibe tbreshboW of ho.ue.'i town, theeonntj town of Jefferson, nine mile* Hoaa from Baltimore and ft a«hine»oo. It. spirit onconqaered, trhjle -lif« ctd&res, read/ to tbe one pUns of the »y- 1 fro« H»rper*-Fer:jr, within four or lire mile* •*«**!»>» I n.._Il*.:^_ -—.I .E " - * _° •»* Eve (hat ye are ready to »acpnc •Tby feet shall h« *» tl.« >oun» a>e on iro« H.rper.-F.r.-jr, within four or lire au»e*, dic-iaai qu.liti*, and the charming teener. Cr" second their exertions in ihe cA^-|til;f union and other. plan* and projecfi are the y Pennsj Ivinian wiH ^collect his 3 f ' of serersl depots upon tbe Winchester and P,,to- which it 19surrounded, kiyij been for re th farnou of' r Lord, ' the mountain,' sifw^red U):j wj.itt -rcbed . kiT«: be«n iW liberty."— Henry day. identical in all that concerns LETTER TO THE BRADFORD ipae Rail RoaRoadd ; and in regard to fine society, I tbeme of admiration,. SBiUl'aBJat ib« nn« .,„£*".- r The yuon» maulen stranger—-tboa thai! mtnial on the ijreat fertility of soil, healthiness of climate. o Aye! stand erect—the cfoqkf J.«iproken; y^lTonor aod the glory of tbee- coontry,, Y COAIMITTEE/in 1S3G. i 1 to say they axo unsurpassed. Above thr-e stands the .'aiabtrB-vilcken; and the advancement of ila inlerest mnd'Tf'67'0 J (a the electian for one if the eagle. Und reailj accc-.fi to ihe Atlantic Cities is io the tbe c c mail dejirablc neclion of the Valley of Virginia. The shadow of thjr onward VfiJK' happiness And they have D» persons! ' stitutiona Then b«-arfingovf r ihe cbu~i jnd ireat.'i- Tni* est aa conlaid* For a month $30 00 fs blending into perfect! ae e: ract will in^ on !hu cbeek cf the ,-c,;-. J.-n, r» paJe Two w*eir« (per objects or views to accomplish, that do. > ^ 8 00 The slanders of the or can, ia the remotest degree, affect the professed, and Hie power be claimed for k4 and drawing from Ul^itingers each hue changed to the ibiifrrts of nstbic, Hundred and Ten Acres, A single week 9 00 Assail thy hcoest name in »olde;n ring, • Where is tha a^|ii' >he cried. tij the day For thou'art stil', as thoit! hisi confidence and harmony of ttfetr official sucb Convention*: and tho hacd which f e-r i7jo:n?r J>*0,turr. JIO of which are in Timber—500 acres cleared ! 50 ; 'that -I oiay place my oflpr;iijj;s there ?' ed as CiMJ Mac- isicJa^-Ai'the oume t»o- •net arable, in a high state of cultivation, baring Children under 1 Tbe hope of free^j§ pa'.riot and social relations. "W3i4 may a Geaveatioo not do? It mavrt- ! of age, and servants, 'Cc'itse with roe, said tbcr^t?aog<irt and inent tbe folds ot the t-tritu- j.-:'., robe fioat- I a most desirable Southern exposure. It is laid h.i.f price. Still boast thy lipTfSTfierjt: The Globa seizes upon a re^sr* ofours organii(|our entire system of social existence, off into ficUla of convenient <s.z.'., under good <«njs and j*»t'&«ribiDg what « He»aj9d in- I wi!| lead you \vfaoro jou " . fr otn ber t^ojltd«U ^31? ' *, .of t«- The Proprietors. ha»oeip5T:ige«i i^ ff99z ^ly heart its joy in human: made io connection with the expression fencing,ami watered by six iieTer-failiogiprin^y. _ - ID L'*.— ..« _ __ » i -'' • i^ i HMll free thy tongue to sbptt |md establishing what ii preferred. It prec5*nis gifts than thesfc: ;pl«n&>nt azure. st>fiejiia|^i;vi» flat- .This farm ia peculiarly adapted lo tb« culture ! of of our cordial approbation of the Democra nstore the inUi/ufion cf nlm-try among' ms .- retain their beauty, when Mftf|?e garlands tered on the ga~e. Di« ihe ^e Still keen its fiery shaft cf PI tic nominations, to sneer at Mr. Tyler and it miht t<ifci! « ptwii code M blooJy as tkml of Dra- : fill- of Wheat, heavy cropt of which are ;usuafly j pat Still soars thy soul nn:amea|an;dij|rong, ra- shai! wither and the diatnc«rts and fine ed the alrpoaphera, an J a l Mr. Calbouc, and to utter its usual sinis- co : it autht withdraw the charters r/ our s\vect me- The lofiier for its sense of ; i'. (,a|(J BecomS e dim.' lody, like the silvery niurftiyricg of dis- from oce to life miles of tbe farm. j ter and malicious inueodoea. Mr. Cal- might iitijrrcede a standing judiciary by a scheme rf\ neat and comfortable STAGE will be Still first in Freedom's caase toii'|nd, oeeasiona^unipirage ; it might prohibit certain proftt- ' inaiijen took bold of A atranfr's tant waters echoed iiroafi) -lie cbnatber. The improvements ate costly. Tbe MAN-' , , R_; The champion of her favorite ia.& ON, erected in JB-10, is cf stone and brick, [ ill Road Depot 4»e£rv Jay, to convey houn is no candidate for tbe Presidency, lions or fr«.fei; it might permanently suspend the band, bnd passed thiough :<ij Awe-struck and bewiJderetJ.lbe mother f ^al'jccocd, 50 feet by 54. built upon the tncst ap- pa?;eogers to the Springs;; s O ! what to thee were pomp auJ $l|^w, and he has not been sicce his name was prixUtge \ftlie icrit of habeas carjws, end take from sbe bad so lately entered j; hougbtless Tamed froai the brcatLl^s) form of her ""THSJ tRCPKlETORS. withdrawn fay his friends. He has no r prorud modern styl" jf architecture, fire proof May 9, 1844 Anght that thy ctinntry crrn tefsle us llie tigbt tf trial by jury " veni^y and mirth. Her coir?; ions press- child, to tbe celestial f>e«r- ^| - ha strang- iof and basement; tlie drawing room, parlors, Her highestg;f(0 coald oo'y Vaije > plans or projects to accomplish; became so violent as tbes«—so in op- ed round her and irnpeii«J Mrway. Si, circular stairway, porticoes, &c. arc finish- tf3*-The American and P-filnot, Baltimore, tbe New honors for their wearer's sipik er, when she saw it grftduallj f^Jia from at tbe call of the President and tbe coun- positionl to all the principles of Republi-j 'Oh, stay wiih us!' il)f{|' (Ixc'aimed, ber sight, and encircled ia iis aiynt tbeio neat and eicgant style, and contain in all Untied Stales Gazelle, Philadtfiihri!, the Ati/ionaZ They conld not add a wrea'h hi:ij try, at a trying crisis, to aid (hat high func- lsn«d apartments. Tho other buildings are fntelljgencer, Washington, sn«| the Gazette, Alex- Nor brighter make thy glcry ililni canism-j-so eotirtly monarchical and ty- j and £o.'!ow not the steps ot i|be;^:^anJpr, ; seemed another beinj; of j'.ia'Jowy bright- Stone Barn and Stjbliog 100 feel by 40. Stoce andria, will please publish -|wice a week in No—meaner ones maj" bojrosfc t&i tionary in tbe discharge of bis Executive raonic iji their bearing-—were looked up- lyourl^yes are dimdim, your pale, ness, with calsprcaJiaj vy.ngs and fleecy 'ted foi cattle 100 feet long. Overseer's bouse, thtir country papers, until 1st ;lAugtist, and for- Thine lives through every change .he same. duties. He is laboring, with all the ener- on by (Ke people as absurd and yetan out- shadows are gather ward bills. !• ;r ru>» ovcr;.*v<*i)r {ace.— robes and soft, slorioas eyes fir.ed stsaJ- -puTHer's house »r,d shop, Blacksmith's hous? The Grecian as he feeds his flo-dfa * gies of his great mind, and in Ihe honesty rago._ They became alarmed at (rusting She lead you to the licuatnbeis of fastly on Ler, till they melted sva.y and •hop, Dairy, Ico house, Negro houses, Car- In Terope's vale, Morea's rocis,,'; '?• and integrity of his pure character, to car- •1 party Jwhose leaders maintained such death.? «ere seen no mere." Then th-i fiagc houses, and every other house important Euvouragre Iflanurac- : Or where thesr'eara of bright tifne?waters ry forward tbe patriotic measures of Mr.
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