The Science and Geometry of Dress
copv / THE Science and Geometry of Dress. BEING A COMPLETE MANUAL OF INSTRUCTION IN THE ART OF DESIGNING, DRAFTING AND CUTTING its'l 4lnl(lrm's|lmrin0 Ipard AN ENTIRE! y NEW AND ORIGINAL METHOD OF TEi^CHING- BY DIAGRAMIC DELINEATIONS OF GARMENTS IN MINIATURE, TOGETHER WITH EXPLICIT DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING AND TRIMMING; TO WHICH IS ADDED A Vocabulary of Fashion, CONSISTING OF WORDS AND PHRASES PECULIAR TO DRESS, MATERIALS, DESCRIPTIONS OF STYLES, ETC., ETC. By MRS. L. L. JACKSON, Author of tJie ''FAMILY DRESS GUIDE,'' Etc. SPECIALLY DESIGNED AND ARRANGED FOR SCHOOLS, PRIVATE TUITION, D&BS3- MAKERS, AND LADIES GENERALLY. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1876, by MRS. L0UI8A L. JACKSON, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. RIGHT OF TRANSLATION RESERVED. TO GEN. T. A. MORRIS, OP INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, IN KIND REMEMBRANCE, IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. This work, in its general design, is intended by the author as a complete Guide, Instructor and Text-Book on measuring, designing, drafting and cutting ladies' and children's clothing—suited not only to the studies of the school-room and the re- quirements of the professional Artist in Dress, but also to that large class of ladies outside the profession whose industry is chiefly confined to the home-circle. In the plan herein adopted will be found all the essential rules and directions contained in our former instruction book, first published in 1867, entitled the "Family Dress Guide," besides many important additions suited to the advanced stage of the Art, and specially applicable to garments of modern style and con- struction.
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