$1.25 Genuine Shantung Pongee, $1.00
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Undermuslins. Business Hours Daily, 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.; Saturday, 9 P.M. Embroidery Sale. W made of nainsook: low neck omen's Gowns; pood quality narrow for children's and short sleeves: neatly finished with hemstitched ruffle around Heavy edges clothing. neck: they are soiled from being handled ; sizes 16 and Or* Regular 10c value. Special, yard i 8c ? 17 only. Special.. Women's Dressing Sacques, made of fine quality lawn, LANSBURGH BRO. One lot of Fine Edging; Swiss and nainsook; dainty colorings and designs; finished with scalloped edge, sliir- up to 9 inches wide. Worth up to 30c yard. Spe¬ § at a 15c red back and belted waist; specially good value. n 420 to 426 7th St. 417 to 425 8th St. cial, vard & Regularly 75c: sizes 34 to 44. Special T" £ Women's Umbrella Drawers, made of fine quality nainsook, An assorted lot of Fine Embroidered Cross¬ neatly finished with blind embroidery ruffle; lengths A Of bar Corset Cover Embroidery. Special price, yard 23,25. Special 30c Women's Combination Suits, drawers and covers; made of ' BLACK SILK excellent nainsook, daintily trimmed with lace em¬ $5.00 27-inch Swiss Embroidered Flouncing; regular quality broidery, beading and ribbons; sizes 36 to 40. Spe- O selling price, 75c yard. Special, yard cial OVC - ¦ 40c Women's Long Skirts, made of splendid quality cambric; PETTICOATS $2.89 100 of 22-inch All-over Embroidery; of and fine tucks. pieces full umbrella ruffle embroidery We have received another of those Fine Black Silk Petticoats which we created m *9Of just shipment to .. Regularly $1.00. Special such a sensation with a few weeks ago. These will go on sale tomorrow, and as there is only goods that sold up $1.25 yard. Special, yard. 75c Women's Gowns, made of excellent quality cross-bar mus¬ 200 in the lot we advise early selections. These skirts are made of an excellent quality black lin and nainsook; low neck and short sleeves; stylishly trimmed taffeta, finished with a deep circular flounce with 10 rows of shirring; perfect fitting hips. Cut 45-inch Embroidered Swiss Flouncing; the with fine embroidery, beading and ribbon; full full width, full foundation and dust ruffle. Lengths, 39, 41 and 43, and an actual d* OA width and length. Special $1.25 $5.00 value. Special tomorrow at regular $2.00 yard value. Special, yard $1.50 Cost and Profit Entirely Forgotten COLORED WASH GOODS 25c Mercerized Batiste, 15c. 25c Imported Wash Etamine, I2J£c. A soft, pretty silky effect in different col¬ We were fortunate enough to secure an¬ ored stripes; also plain shades. Just the thing other small shipment of the popular woven for a cool summer frock; 25c value -g C/r Etamine, which makes exceptionally cool dress¬ Uv for, yard 1 es, in stripes and checks; also someIII vJ plainj'ldill In Our Women's Suit 25c Wash 15c. shades. A regular 25c fabric. Poplin, A yard ; Department. We have just received another lot of this 12&C Never before did we offer you such Suits and Coats at these very popular fabric; the ideal kind for coat 25c Stylish extremely suits and princess gowns, in the following Mercerized Cotton Foulards, 12J4c. low You better come as we should clean our entire stock in a few shades: Light blue, lavender, red, brown, Again we place on sale, for which there prices. early, up Copenhagen, pink, reseda, light gray, navy, has been a lively demand, a Mercerized Fou¬ cadet, olive green, onion, black and white; for lard. the exact duplicate of the all-silk fabric, days with tremendous bargains like the following: three days only.Monday, Tuesday -f in exquisite designs; fast col¬ and 1 uv ors; value, Woman's Suits; black, navy and ^ f /"v 4L/L Women's Suits; black and all a S Z Women's Jumper Suits of black and Wednesday, yard 25c yard all tlie new spring shades; marked I H the new marked white dot sizes 34 to 1254c ^ J QH spring shades; £,*+« OO polka lawn; 42; $19.50 and $22..». For $42.50 and $45.00. For worth $1.98. Special Tomorrow nt $6.08 entire suit; Women's Women's Suits; black. navy and Pure Linen Suits; natu¬ Women's White Cannon Cloth Sale Colored ral tan and Natural Tan Linens. all the new spring shades; marked color; long semi-fitting coats; /r Special $14.66 full width worth Skirts; worth $2.00. Special $25.00. For ^ skirts; $10.00. Spe- $1.29 2.000 yards only of natural color Irish Linen 50c 27-inch Rough Linen Pongee: all shades. Yd. 30c cial Suitings. This is all pure linen and steam Women's Suits; black, navy and Tomorrow at $7.98 entire suit: Women's White Cannon Cloth shrunken: medium and heavy weights. This $1.50 72-inch Bulgarian Linen; natural pongee all the new spring shades. Suits Women's Pure Linen Suits; natural tan a 19c $17.66 color; Skirts; worth $2.50. For lot, yard shades, yard 08c marked $27.50 and $29.50. For.... ldng coats trimmed with washboard /\q $1.79 These are ideal linens for the popular pleating; full width skirt trimmed to ^ J yQ Coat Suits, Skirts, etc., in all the 39c 36-lnch Natural Linen Etamine, yard 25c Women's and worth $12.50. ^ Separate Suits; black, navy ^ g correspond; Special. Women's Pongee Coats, ranging popular shades; 27 and 30 Inches wide; fast 50c 27-inch Linen shades, all I lie new shades; marked I V a 39c Ramie Weave Suiting; spring ^ J HQ Women's Suits of blacK linen; In price from $12.50 to .colors. This lot, yard 932.50 and $35.00 strictly tailored coat, full flare $25.00 wistaria, mulberry and blues 39c worth $15.00 The following are many of the new kinds of linens skirt; $19.50. Special and 50c 27-inch Bleached Russian Crash Suiting. yd.40c Women's Suits; black, navy and Women's Striped Long Coat Tub Women's Traveling Coats of pure a0 aa specially priced: all the new marked linen; strictly tailored, 35c 27-inch Nat. Colr.r Weave Linen Per 48-inoh Ramie Weave Linen Suiting, in lavender. spring shades;^ j)I .|)() For fifty-four" Mil Suiting. *17.50 and J30.5O. For Suits; worth $7.50. $5.98 inches long; worth $12.50. Special Special, a yard Special Values From Our Extraordinary Values Upholstery Department. 15c Linene; an excellent assortment of de¬ $2.75 Shirtwaist Box, covered with fine In that resemble the OurWhite Goods signs closely imported white turned and neat in blue and Japanese Matting; polished Department. goods: pin stripes, green, red, natural, as well as plain tan; full 34_inches legs; smooth, even finish on the inside; brass wide. Suitable for covers. trimmed-with burnt d? 50c ^Vhite Mercerized French 25c White Check Dim* slip handles; -g Oft Longcloth. i Yard. rattan *P I »VO 40 inches wide; beautiful light 15c \2%C French Batiste, 25c weight for the French underwear, | g\Q ities, This lot a. $3.00 kind 50-inch Imported Linen; styles and color¬ regular for, j) | 100 pieces fine sheer grade in 12 different to suit from furniture Others for $2.98, $3.98, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 43 Inches wide, permanent yarn mercerized fin¬ piece style ings any purpose, slips ish; extra fine, sheer cloth; the Ideal white cotton checks. These goods are used largely for ladies' to automobile and corset covers; in $7.50. waists, covers, combination suits _ pretty designs red, fabric for waists, graduation t.nd com¬ g ^ blue and the best Bel- i 40c Waist and children's dresses, etc. This lot, a I green, tan; g- mencement gowns. Only a limited ^ 36-in.White yard gium goods. Yard TVv $1.25 Ruffled and Fluted Swiss Curtains; quantity to go positively for Monday only at half regular price. Yard 29c Heavy China Matting and artistic Japa¬ large, small and medium dots; also an attrac¬ Linen, White Cotton nese colors are tan and Superior Quality White Iris-h Waist and Suit Matting; red, green, tive line of neat figures; 3 yards long; nothing thread blue; in neat checks and and Special Sale Longcloth Linens.every guaranteed pure flax. This plaids carpet pat¬ neater for a summer window is also us-?d for underwear. Suitings terns; very close in weave. A really excellent Pair 1,000 pieces Imperial Longcloth; chamois finish; value at the special price. The drapery. 98c for women's and children's wear; 30 inches wide; Linen finish and shrunken; for children's suits, roll 11! yards to the piece. 60c Handkerchief separate skirts, coat suits, barbers' coats, nurses' $9.90 A few Screen values for uniforms, etc. Extra and 116 special Monday: Heavy Warp China Mat¬ 33 - Inch 27-inch Eng¬ about $1.75 Quality . $1.50 Piece Linen, 39c ting; 40 different patterns in the widest High. Close. Open. Price. Cannon | ->|/ n lish Rep, yard, IE- 45 Inches wide; medium weight and every Cloth, yard... 19c and variety of stripes, plaids and checks; all the thread Irish for *~/2, 15 nch, 21 inch, 33 nch, 19c $2.00 . $1.75 Piece pure flax; waists and most pleasing shades of green, Quality dresses; nothing better. This lot only. 30-inch Auto f C/, 27-inch Irish blue and red 18 nch, 21 inch, 33 nch, 25c yard ? Cloth, yard Poplin, yard $ 10.90 30-inch Dou- 27-lnch French Pop- Tamative Summer 24 nch, 16 inch, 26 nch, 33C Imported White bie-warp Suit¬ $3.50 Portieres; snow- 37j£c 39=in.