Bye-- 1An Pure Silk Japaiiee Pongee

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Bye-- 1An Pure Silk Japaiiee Pongee mss: rnrnt .", JL n u u j n n ii;,j.,ii.v.w,w yM .rairaa r Animals Enact Fal.frsf ....... v I .III liCl! -- , . M V f AN' iVDEI ENDKNT KEWHI APKR. Mil 4;m?tIi.(; i frmi-Wekt- y, di all I'.iMliinefl Pl1r end at fcL BSCRIPTION RATES 1Uv?H rnoi-t"i- , 'ireaon, by th HKT OHWHIKSIAN ri"BI.T8HINl CO. IM ADVAXCE) f.nt'Ti-- l (he pn.t office t Penrtle-it- n u'iu, second cI&sb mail mat niiv, on year, by mull 6 (to lnUv, lx month, by mail S OU t'f. Dally, three month, by mail fSAl.R IN OTHEIl CITIF.S Pally, on month by mail 50 Onily, one year by 7. Mi Now carrier Jtnr il Hotel flmnd, Portland. Iaily. six months by carrier N ON' Kit. R AT Oaily. three months by carrier l.9." ill ? ' r if . o - v V t"iUns Hi.rMo, Necurily BulldinK, Daily, one month, by carrier tie v a i W sMmiiton. I. i, V4ureu Ami Kour- - 1 year by mall t tit i Ktreel. N. W. six months hy mall l.m ttrmhrr f the Aarlate4 Prru. three month hy intiil .5 The As.onated Pre.s In exclusively ft the use for reminlicai ion of i) n- - dlpntche. credited lo It or v .. ... H - oiherwlf credited In thi paper and eloit tit loml news published herein. Telephone 1 -- t J a," Bye 1 an ... Vo s jtv:..- - ....... iv' i Pure Silk Japaiiee Pongee Guaranteed 12 moinnie Japanese weight? free from dust, or rice powder, very uy EdgarA uuest smooth, even finish. Only a very fort unate purchase would permit us to1 of-- " fer this excellent quality pongee at a price so low. Cheap as fine cotton and much more desirable for children's dresses, women's waists and' 4 Tllfc H.U I'V WAX ' dresses, night gowns and bloomers, side drapes and men's handkerchiefs.' We Tints, anvil) sni-tta'- ' silk and going very fast. Don't delay pur- Tlnnm thi w hole u nrld over and search Tt is jrood to know life needs us. it la tortoises and othei T have only ten pieces of this it's your uf I a Itui: ut.e f'M the sctecn Ur rttiytuouJ L L'itu v It through and through, i Rood to walk with care. window display. The y ard . , . 89c Now V'u k icvintilcal Associiition. is Aiming tjio f' chase. See the And the only happy man you 11 rind is It la stood --to toil for dresses for our the man with work; little ones to wear. CURTAIN MADRAS B0NITA SHOES FOR BABIES The mail with care to battle, the man And though we prate of resting when ria Soft soles and turns, white, black wllh dream to win, the (fold we crave ia won. been use occasional)' ' hear of shut """"bid blue and brown, just the thing ua 4 la the on who wakes to pl.tdness when The ftaddest men around are those outs. extra-goo- d and combinations, priced at 95c, $1,00 , In. ia rW lively been side drapes, The quality is th dawn cvtnea streftkine? whose work done. "I know that ball has for $1.15 and $2.00. a subject of deepast concern to owners and patterns are new. Two You niav dream your dreams of lei- - j There is no sweet contentment In being of ball clubs nndithit they have 98c BIG TURKISH BATH TOWELS ' sure, you may envy ime men. : tree rrom enre. it seriousii ifc the last few prices, the yard. ....... 55c and 21x45 inches in size, i extra good lint it hurts to know that duty win The stout hearts are the pladilest w eeks. Most of Ilea' ne convinced I Is fed INDIAN HEAD MUSLIN never call asrain, the burdens they must hear; hut the man in he grandstand weight and finish, are regular 75c . , , j days long and dreary, And thourrh we dream of resting when up on liittliiK 1-- SG ' And the stow 1 2 to 10 yds, towels anywhere. price ea. 59c are blue, I our taska are through, Mill end lengths, Our thoutjh the akies above all , lVprecial ng tM" table of Iliith. To tli man who knows no burden and When that day comes, we'll eny the ": heard a story, long ago which inches wfde, may be used for so many SILK MIGNONETTE I nfl has no tasks to do. man with work lo do. I believe, bit it nlonif of- don't )'llpass purposes.1 This price is the lowest Henna shade, lockstitch, best quak , . (Copyright, by Edfrar A. Guest.? M for Game to you for whati worth.' Certain 20c Lack of Publicity club owners, it iksttti, pointed last fered in years. The yard. ... ity for blouses, and dressesr Special During Recent Fight Cause winter to Ruth aj aj example of how GEORGETTES AND CREPE DE low price, the fard . ,. , . $lffi TAXATION FOR PRIVATE GAIN home runs eonUVIm commercialized of Falling off in Attendance. and insisted that'cmt ball be made CHINES WHITE SERPENTINE'CREPES of the most objectionable points about the proposed .livelier, so that tt)ei4 would be a doz-- A varied lot of pretty bright colors for children's summer dresses, re- revenue" (Written by Sid .Mercer for Interna ..n. .....t-.- Af.A.w. OS'E on oil is it would produce little if any for pruil-t- y 40 inches wide. quires no jroning, wears well, that tional News Service.) "If these men ttdthis they are and staple shades, extra, government yet cost oil gas consumers in $1-3- the would and 9 of gross stupittl Kuth's value lies Special the yard:. .... 27 inches wide, the yard Vy .'. 35c . the country many millions and perhaps billions each year. This XEW YORK. July IS. "What is in his ability to hit, ball farther than would come about through the fact the domestic price of oil the matter with baseball?" any other man. FW value of a home run lies in its oritainnal delivery. In , At attend- would be automatically raised to the extent of the tarif. They tell us that baseball other days they enough to is tm rare loast it is a fair presumption and it is the view being taken by ance is falling off, that the ball deserve special rtismctlon. It was a We undersell because lively, runs too scarce and those who will be seriously affected should the tariff on oil be home fames real treat to see. a' 11 knocked over Buying for Cash and ; imposed. too long. the fence. But nb; when everybody Cash is" out to secure some re- Selling for we sell for Cash. In to a New York newspaper, C. H. B. Chapin, secre-- So we started is doins; it. the gl4nr is fading away a letter liable testimony on the decline of a from Ruth's accomplishments. He what does it. ary of the Empire State Gas and Electric association, says: season that opened with indications of still may be able Uit a ball farther The tariff bill now before consress contains provision for a duty of 35 cents prosperity on every side. ithan the others, the others arc a i'i' Itjirrel of fnrly-iw- o gaifnns on crude petroleum and 25 cents a barrel on "Over exploitation of.- hitting and hitt'ng them ovep the fence, and I fu.-- l oil. the Derapsey-Carpenti- fight." he an- Habe's long wnllorjeto longer thrill In the manufacture of artificial jras audi as furnished in New York, oil Is swered without hesitation. the hugs as they opo:did. usej t the extent of from three to four and. one-ha- lf frallons per thousand And then he unfolded his theories. "So much for tlje iieory that hone - . feet sold. "Baseball touched the high-wat- tuns can sustain intrust. If this provision is enacted in its present form, the duty will in .time be re- mark last season." he said. "There "Another drawba. this season is pay oil, flected in the price which the gas companies of the country must for were several reasons thy all clubs the lack of Krciitjtins. In the NV. 28 YEARS AGO 1 n;thouKh only a neeligible portion of the oil used by them is imported.. This made money, fine was the rnise in tlonnl League Pitifsbj-- seems to will mean an iiicYeaso in the cost of making pas of from 2 to 3 cents per thou-fcm- l prices. To my way of thinking. class the field. Th are no Tire Retreadin fet. intimately this itn reased ci'st will be paid by the consumer, hut though, the Babe liuth ball;, boo wasigrt teams in th .fcjeriean league. go very to Most of the difference will to the oil companies and little the the greatest contributing factor. Ruth t the most there aa no more than! (Frcm the Daily Kast Oregoniun. alone drew hundreds of thousands rhreo teams in each toeiie cannblo of ! 18, DRI-CUR- I may July 1S!3.) We use the E method of re- - Possibly a duty on oil be desirable when the revenue program is view through gates in .the American 1 the timing to champinnnip form. W. IT. Daughtry recently made pur-chas- e ed as a whole". It would, however, impose a burden on the consumers of sas league. He made countless new base- - The others are iiiisWlraggni,i aloni; in the John. country of 151) ' v:1hout any commensurate benefit to the goernment-nt- ' least so far as they ball fans and all other leagues profit- - .1 I treading old casings.
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