ggggessBBBBBmaBBiam&sgmmm. ...JLi —i"*******®5*®*® TAD 4 PRtJrCMPM Of THE ao ff'A Goods (jy Wa annex tbit waak, and abalt do retry FOR SALE. Second JJoIhiEi IBH&fjr New Spring District HOUSE AND LOT Supply MARTINSBURG ACADEMY. a table of tbe Maryland, Poisal, of waak hereaftar, authorised by the R*v. John AT THE BALTIMORE STORE. the Pn«* the dis- OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS- at Law, SNIFF & FACTORY rsii|nttu>n of Mr. J. S. Bonsai, and Banka, thawing the eitv of New York, to sell hi* Attorney CIGAR raoatved a *f Colombia, Virginia 1AM takes tbit to i« SHIPLEY ha* juai \urf of tha Academy, mokes it Bank.eon- undersigned opportunity THEotpat Martinshurg market. These m and assortment of New Spring to a successor. tant in tbe Baltimore HOUSE AND LOT, THEform bit customers mod the public geoerally, VAatAeotoum, Vo., merchants, Read! DE. splendid necessary advertise for t |jS!|t Country of takea ef- medium in town oow in tb? that ho bat received and bit second Good*, consisting Tha of the teacher •litute our principal eirculating the of Martinsburg, BsMBfc just opened Jt^etocn qjL\ raaignatiun present Poisal. of which give prompt attention ro all business fect on tho 1st of neat. It is desirable that occupancy of hi* father, Mr Jacob supply Spring and Summer Goods, among subscriber leave to state to tbe citi- May to in begs on the Main Street, bo found a of WILLentrusted his care the Counties of Jef- Dry Goods, no in the exercise* of tha School shout J bank note exchange. This property is situaied may great variety THEt-na of Martmsburg and to tbe Merchants of interruption ferson, &c. J and Dom'Uic aa the of S. Chamber#, Berkeley, Morgan, tbe store- Of Foretf* Manufacture; take and the Trustees therefore request | adjoining properly Anthony Ladies & Gentlemen’s tbe adjoining Counties, that be has taken j place, 10. of the late Wear, May I, 1845—3m 1 those who offer for the situa- From the Baltimore Patriot, May E«q.f on the North, and the property room formerly occupied by M*-. Luis, une door hardware, early application hy to season. an assortment of qveexsvvare, heirs on the Sooth. The suitable the Alto, oth- > non The emoluments of the of this In* VIRGINIA. Christopher McAllister's north of Bryariy's Stoie, where can be bad at all Principal er Goods in a retail store. JXD GROCERIES. House is a comfortable frame building, two utqally kept t«mes. solution will be derived fth*r, F* afforded an to make a favorable invest- tember. 1834, the a Trus- Democratic and a su- Mechanics' of opportunity appointing undersigned raonials he has received r>f the satisfaction and ap- eydetc, Republican, Hew Seasonable Good*? A AII t-ICLAT BARtiAlRS! Merchants'df j,1 the lieu of do. ment. tee in and stead Mathew Ranson, dec'd. of hit conduct as a landlord in brand White's at ; Northwestern $ proval Ckarleutotcn, perior of Frelinghuysen which have been selected wuh greet cate, and rM iHE fubscuhers would tiieir Wheeling This is offered st but if and Nadenbouscb, Trustees named in cer- j respectfully notify property private sale, Philip and bringing to his residence the experience of u* to offer to-our j MARYLAND. 25 cts., and a good lot of Common Tobacco. bought rheap. This will enable J. friend* and the public that they not of before the 9th June tain deeds of trust executed Michael McKewan some he he be generally, 1 disposed of proximo. by years, believes will able to maintain custom' rs and the Good* at unu» it to said His are public generally. have just received their Baltimore Banks, Tar the fir*t of the County will and Mary hit wife the Ranson and Naden- hia character his friends, and to Cigars genuine:— (being day Court) amor.g acquire sually low price*. Dealer* ate respectfully tequ«e> than be offered at auction, before the Court- bouseh, for the benefit of 1 will new tributes of from the j P'Ir public Josippi Mingbint, approbation travailing Plantation, La Normas, Trabucos, Re- led to u» a call. Stock Goods. Patapsco, before door in the give Spring of «" House door. A clear and indisputable title can offer for sale, the Court-House public. He is determined to a w. 4 keep good bouse, Lord Prinsa- J. & B. n. BOYD. warranted in for Frederick, | town of on the 9ik galias, Byrons, Principes, j They feel stating that, style, qua! dit be given to the purchaser. Martinsburg, Monday, day of and one which will recommend itself. 10. 1845. 4 the described does, and Commons. April tty and cheapness, their stock is second to tone in Annapolis, Terms -On*-third of the purchase money in June, (being Conrt-day) following He asks the travellers the Kail Road, as well Half-Spanish, “u by the Their assortment will be found locua Lhe balance in two of twelve Valley. Hagerstown, 4 band, and payments as others, to give him one call, and if there be ■r> f .Maccabau, Scotch, b.v, received end efler for i.le the fol* any Congress. Rap- 'W’WrE •Ut, in of the Goods, to win di* and months—the latter to be TRACTS & PARCELS OF reasonable cause of part, following Williamsport, 4 eighteen payments LAND, complaint of the fare or the 2 pee, and a superior article of Martin- YT lowing deed of trust on the —a which are now embraced within the J Prints of cheap ; Cumberland Bank, i dis secured by property. part of manner of its service, a second visit will not he ex- every variety, very E. iqut Mixture, which Ve low to the Punted l.awni.psw FreebbLace Lawns• dis JAMES STEWART, County of Morgan—to wit: pected. He will endeavor to be polite and cour- ^ offers j s&as® ©(2X2)12)$« style; Mineral Bank Cumberland, f S® a Bl'k and colored of May 15, 1845—4w Alty.for Ren J. Poisal. 1st. A Tract of Land situated in Coun- teous, and all »n his connected with the (lovers of good pinch of snuff. Rich Pari« B«l*«rine* and Lawns; Printed ; Alpacas; OF COLUMBIA. Berkeley employ, DISTRICT will be to same Piinted Lawns FarIston ^aitnJesns; Bishop Lawf.s, ty, on the East side of Back Creek, containing Hotel, required practice the de- He has also a lot of FANCY' ARTICLES, and ; ; ( ; Moll do.; White Tetiton; Washington, } portment. Preparations have been made for the '< such as Cigar Cases. Snuff-Boxes, Tobacco Cases, Fan* de Lame* and Lsce *; FARMS FOR SALE. 182 Acres. Skills ; Glove* and Mitts from 6 1*4 eta. op, Georgetown, / 4 dis accommodation of visiters—singly or in families— Pipes, Shaving Brushes, Soepa, and a variety ut New Style Ginghams; be sold at auction, on the and the best the markets at ser- and white Muslin Robes; and Hosiery; ) public prem- 2d A Tract of Land, on the East side of Back afford will be the other things which he offers cheap for cash. Colored super Alexandria, ises near Lee’s 7 miles west of Mar- vice of his Hi* with ; Bonnets and Bonnet 1 miming*; _ W1LL Mill, Creek and West of the North Mountain, containing patrons Bar will be furnished Call and examine for yourselves at Black and Colored tinsburg, on Middle-Creek, Berkeley County, Va., good WINES and LIQUORS, and his Stable will BENJ. S LYETH S, Black «nd Barrages; French and American Flowers; on the 14 th June 100 Acres. feather Fans; Calico**; Paper can Plaid Cravel*; Parasol* and Para* clefts'; Said Tract was Tbot. to stid produce. JOS. F. ABELL. Martinsburg, April 24 1846. Black and Alpacca*; THE FARM conveyed by Sharp with almost article that the Ladiea McKewan. Harper’s-Ferrv, Mav 1, 1845—tf British and Arro*rican Print*. Together every MART1NSBURG MARKET. Samuel wish to lately occupied by Lee, dec’d, containing 3d. One other Tract of Lend, lying in the drams ---—--—I Gentlemen’s Wear. may purchase. WEEEI-T ] And to the Gentlemen they would stale that [CORRECTED 300 of Back Creek, on the West side of the North 'valuable farm for sale $4,50 a $0,00 .fere* French, British and American Cloths J their assortment is now other Flour, (retail) Mountain, FIT HE Hen* of the late John Parle, dec’d, offer Super complete. Amongst 0 84 a 0,85 of best limestone land. The containing do 3 4 and 6-4 French Ca*«imer*; Goods, will be found a fine assortment Of W heat, red, quality improvements X to sell, on accommodating term*, •• * ‘00 are a a white, 0.95 good BRICK DWELLING. 380 Acres. Black Drab d’Ete and Drab d'Tura; Bl‘k Cloth; Super Brown and Blue do : Jlrt 0,47 a 0,50 large and commodious BARN, and all THEIR FARM. American and British Ca#*imer*; wool Hl'kCnssimete; do. Mill’d do 4th. one of a certain Tract con- Stiper Single 0.26 * 0.27 other a Farm. Also, moioty and Brown ; Mixed ; Cork, white, Buildings necessary upon in Berkeley County, Va 9 miles south-west of Gold Fancy Cassimeres ; P'aid and Striped do •• 0,30 a 0,31 There are two of excel- taining White and Colored Diilis; yellow, good Springs Martmsburg, the County Seat, containing French Merino do.; Mixed r*wi(id a 0 22 lent water in the About 3 * Acres and Jean* ; Oats, 0,00 yard. 890 Acres, Cass.nett*; Emm**tt’* Kentucky Croton Cloth *. Cotton ^ia»n Kroons: Worsted do.. a of this tract are clothed with 0,12$ 0,00 good Timber, and the ; Brown Irish anil French Linen* ; summer Butter, situated in Berkeley (now Morgan) County, en 362 Acres Super Bl’k Drab D E te. for Coats; Eons, 0 05 a 0.06$ balance ia in a good state of cultivation. Silk, Valencia and Marsatles Ventings; Timber Ridge, granted to the said McKewan and of highly productive lend—about 100 acres in val- Polka Cravat■ ; Alpaca do.—very pretty; 0.06$ a 0,07 A further description is considered unnecessary, Stocks, Cravats, Suspencei* and Gove* do Lard, John by patent from the Hon. Edmund subscriber informs ihe uable Timber—the balance in a fine state of culti- j Vesting*; LondonQ tilting*; Mersails 6 25 a 6,50 as to will of course view Bailey respectfully people Bacon, round) persons wishing purchase r.ew (hog Governor of and deed of of that he has erected a vation, and well to the of the Shatch, Merino Vesting*, style; 0 90 a 1.00 the Randolph, Virginia, by TIME Berkeley County adapted production Hdkfs., <^c. White Beans, premises. Linen Bleached Duck ; Partition the said McKewan became entitled to Coach-Maker’s on Queen St., Marlinsburg, various grains and grasses grown in this section of Heavy Dliliing*; Heavy 0,00 a 7,50 Shop Black Pekin and Thibet Shawlst Plaisteh, ground, (per ton) 445 Acres. the Lutheran Church and country—the whole tract under good fence. French , Plaid* and Stripes; 0,00 a 1,00 ALSO, at the same time and another immediately adjoining Embroidered Thibet aod De Laire Shawls; Flaxseed, (per bushel) place, The are a | h*»rt Linen, 6tc. &c. 5th. A Tract of Land, containing about nearly the Gazette Office, where he is pre- improvements good 4 Thibet Hdkf* ; Pine 0.00 a 1,25 opposite 7-5, 4-4 and 5 Black Plane, green, to manufacture all kinds of work Dwelling House snd Kitchen, large They would solicit a caW from nil i* 41 0,00 n 1.50 TRACT OF pared Carriage Fancy Silk and Hernani Hdkf* and Cravat*; respectfully seasoned, LAND* 245 Acres, and convenient exten- according to orders. He will also strictly attend Barn and Hdkf*—someas 'ow* a* who wish to ptiiehaie pretry and cheap food a, an Wool, washed, 0,27 a 0,30 lying about 2 miles west of the first named Farm, LinenCambric ISjcts. situated on Creek, in Mor- to all kinds of in his line of business, sive Stabling, Dairy, Gianury, are determined tosell on terms, " 0.18 a 0,20 about Sleepy Berkeley (now repairing up- Cotton Hdkf*. and Shawl*; hey accommodating unwashed, containing Blacksmith 14 gan) County, near Hixon’s Mill, adjoining the on the shortest notice and the mostreasonable terms. Smoke-House, Shop, Swiss. Mull and Jaokooett Muslin; remembering tbo truth of the oli adage, that a and other useful There are on tbe is than a slow BALTIMORE MARKET, ) 43.1 Jlcres lands of Hixon, Mathias Swain, and others. I lake this occasion to return my thanks to the Building*. White and Co I'd Csmbrc*; Long Lawn*; quick penny better shilling.” of 6th. Also, threo undivided fourth parts of about people of for the patronage re- premises a large APPLE ORCHARD; al*o, a and K. f. HltYAKLY, Jr. Si CO American Office, May 12, 1845. ) I good limestone and slate land. The improve- Berkeley County , Edging*, Inserting ; ceived during the and solicit a continu- variety of Pear, Peach, and other Fruit dree*. April 10. 1845 of Beef Cattle offered at ments are a good DWELLING, large past year, Gloves, Hosiery and Cap*; Cattle.—The supply 400 Acres ance and increase of the as I The Farm is watered several There are about 150 Acres same, shall endeavor by never-falling Ribbon* and Flower*; to was rather limited. The BARN, See. Bonnet*, market day otferings of which rise* near the of Land, two surveys which the said McKew- to render satisfaction to all of my customers. Springs—one Dwellingand Black Nett and Love Veils; Green lo head of which of cleared land, and the balance is cloth being Barrage; SALES at the scales amounted 186 only, flow* the siable and barn QUICK ed with Timber. an held in company with the heirs of Patrick I have also on hand some second-hand damages directly through .yard*. Black and Colored Itnlian 29 remain over unsold. 20 herd were driven to good Crape*; and in and and for Sale or Hire. Stock can have free access to water, from nearly *; 137 were This Farm will he divided, if necessa- Thompson, dec’d, lying being Morgan Buggvs F'gored and Plain Nett*; and all of tbe balance, head, at seasons of the 1 are AND SMALL PROFITS! Washington, on both sides of'the Warm 1. 1845—if NEIL ALLEN. every field, all year. here and lo ry, to suit Hampshire Counties, May Curtain Muslin* Calicoes; taken by Butcher* at price* ranging according purchasers. about 30 Acres of excellent Meadow—w with of the will Run on the Potomac River. hich, for cefct. the from 75 to 100 lbs. on the Terms.—One-third purchase money Spring , Shirting. 25 per Cheaper than Cheap**!!} quality $2 $3.50 per its to an extensive summer range, ren- be on tha of the balance in 7th. One undivided moiety of proximity 17.1845 J. W. & B R. BOYD. to a 100 lbs. nett. T hese required day sale; equal NOTICE. April hoof, equal $5 $6,75 per der it desiiable a* a stock (si m. There are of one and two deferred highly of rates were obtained for those which were driven to payments years—the pay- call the attention of the La- L. ASH invite the attention the 71 Acres respectfully on the land abundant material* for the tioodx. public ments to be secured a deed of trust production l>onie«tic to their New and assortment by dies to a very pretty assortment of lime The is 1&.genera’ly splendid Washington. in Jefferson on the Poto- WE of situation healthy and pleasant, in market is JOB THROCKMORTON, of Land, situated County, 0 4-4, and 6-4 Brown Sheeting*; of and Summer Hoos.—The supply of live Hogs the and afford* Spring mac the lands of Isaac neighboihood thickly settled, every 7-8 4-4 Bleached ; now to sell 15, 1845—5w Ex'or of S Lee, deed River, adjoining Chaplain SIMMER DRESS GOODS, and Shirting* and holders ara unwilling May convenience to the comfort of a 7 ■^5^ quite large, and others. This Land was Patented in the name necessary family. Holders ask the follow- Toich insert three to our stork of Beiftu king, Check* and Plaid ; ar our formsr quotations. Hagerstown (Md.) Lieht —particularly Person* to can see the READT-MADE of Charles McKe wan. wishing purchase, prop- 7 8 and 4 -4 Cotton CLOTHING, vit: to 100 lbs. according weeks, mark cost, and this Office. Balzannes; Printed Beraze; : in to suit the taste of man in every station r#f ing rates, $5 $5.25 per charge erly and learn particulai* on to the *'y!e* 8th. Oue undivided moiety of and Lawns; application Brown and Bleached Diilis; workmen in lo Sales have been rather limited at buy- Lace, Fancy Mourning Heavy life—having been madehy the'best the quality. subscriber, living on the land. and Dt’ll*. ihete are Tarlton Lace Lawns; Georgia * Nankeen of Baltimore. Also, n choice selection ef ers ate not disposed togtve these prices; j 321 Acres JAMES PARK, city Manchester and Domestic Cottonride, Cotton and Candlewick ; however purchasers at the smaller figures, but few TO THE FARMERS & MILLERS Earlston, Ginghams; For self and other Heirs. is of Land, which was granted to John Baily, jr., by White and Colored Tarlton Muslins; Chain and Colton Laps; at the larger. The number at the scales untold I OF BFRKFFF F .1.1 D 24, 1845—tf Carpet Patent from the Commonwealth on 30th April Cotton Rowan do.; about 500. May, New style ; Cassimers; Roots A' Shoes ; and now in the of Mor- ’d Cord, &c. dtc. Flour.—The demand for Howard atreat Flour JEFFERSON COIN I IF*. 1794, lying being County Calicoes of every price and quality ; Osnaburg; Pittsburg ljjSr on Little Timber Ridge, the lands White and Colored Colton and Silk received and for sale bv is limned and no transactions of importance have BEG leave respectfully to inform the Farmers gan, adjoining Hosiery; -—just owned Lewis Wolfe and Richard Silk and Cotton B. R. BOYD fz BRO. to th* use of Ladies and been made. Holders continue firm at former quo- and Millers of Berkeley and Jefferson Coun- by Rigg». Kid, Gloves; at City fashions, adapted I of rate ties am still at mv 9th. Also, one undivided moiety Fillet Mitts ; Parasoletts and Sun-Shades; Mill Creek, April 17 Gentlemen— fashionable as well a* rations, vii: $4,50 per bbl. at which small that 1 engaged Old Stand, Tabb’s TO plain—together Thread Jaconelt&nd Lisle FARMERS, wi.h a of Children’s Shoes and Boots. tales have been made. We note* tale of 200 bbla. Cross Ruuds, 5 miles fiom Martinsburg, on the 375 Acres Bobbin; Edges; variety on hand it main roads to Charlestown and Lares and Insertings; MILLERS In addition to the above, they offer a rare col- on Saturday at that rate. The stock leading Shepherds- JMD OTHERS. IS on nets, A'c. of Land to and John Pat- Hdkfs lection of from cart continues in the manufacture of granted Joseph Copp by Linen Cambric ; —— not large. The receipt price town, BEAUTIFUL assortment of Rutland nnd Mills ent from the Commonwealth on 20th June, 1803, Ribbons, Cap Notts, &c. Slc. at $4,37$. On Saturday last sale* of City Warehouse of Mr. Wm.K roe- Pedal Braid, Florence Braid, THRESHING MACHINES and on the Yellow now in u* a we know A Bird-Eye, 11 ATS extent lying being Spring Run, If the Ladies will oaly give cal), they at Flour were made to the of between 4000 IHAVEtsen. the Rail Road, and have connected Gimp and Neapolitan Bonnot*; Lace Cap* and of all descriptions. Also, the of Morgan. will be with the and of our AND and 5000 bbls. at $4,50. To-dny about 3000 bbls. County pleased atyle prices the FORWARDING AND COMMISSION with Bonnet Artificial and Bonnet Rib- of Land are Frill*; Spriggs tale* Mary of the above Tracts represent goods. were told at $4 62$. These have nearly WAGONS, PLOUGHS, HARROW'S, the GROCERY BUSINESS. Flour and otherar- bon*; Victotia Band*; Collarett* ; Chemisetta; CAPS, the attention of W. now 75.— ed as valuable, and worthy parsons 1 G. & C. DOLL. cleareo the market, and holdets aak $4 GRAIN CRADLES, May ticles of Produce entrusted to my care, will befor- Beraze Scarf*; Gias* Skirting, Sic. tic., for «ale by at desirous of purchasing in Virginia. A tale of 300 bbla. extra was made to day $5 | and aH other Agiicultural Implements generally warded immediately with moderate charge. 24 G. Si C. W. DOLL. Terms Sale—Cash. .vj; ir .i.v» cheap April mane in latest city style, and suitable foi Men end A sale of 1400 bbla. Flour was made I used in this section of country. Repairs of of I will at all time* a fair in cash or Susquehanna every DANIEL BURKHART, pay price Boys. Also an extensive variety of to-day at $4,624. description done at the shortest notice and upon produce for Wheat, Corn, Oat*, and Rve. market.— 8, 1845—5w Special Trustee SNUFF AND SE6AR Purchasers ! Fine Silk Scarf*. Shirt* and Bosom*, Grain.—No Maryland Wheats at the most reasonable terms. May TOBACCO, April 24, 1845. JOHN JAMISON. This Way, red St.vkings, Drawer*, end Sales were made to-dty ot 3000 bushels Penna | 1 am also to execute at the shortest no- Handkerchiefs, prepared svamifie and white at 113 cts. Gentlemen Ladies’ Glove* ; at 95 a 97 cla. and of 600 Penna. tice. and in a workman-like manner, the For l.ndies’ Dresses. NEW SUPPLY OF CHEAP AND SUPERIOR a m Ladte* Hose of all color* and size*. We Corn at37 a 38 cts for white, ar.d 40 The Stock ever in Martinsburg„ quote of Iron and Largest offered received from of Oats at 27 a 28 cl*. Turning Philadelphia— Also, Jewelry, Fancy Good*, Candies, 41 cts. for yeKow. Sales Steel, Spring Goods. Blacking, such a* Mill Machine Paris Painted Luxor; London A' Paris Lawn; Trunks, &c &c. Bacon,—The market for Bacon is extremely Spindles, Irons, See. his stork in Bal- JUST undersigned ha*just returned from Haiti- I take this occasion to return to purchased Pari* Painted Pari* rflHE Call and see for at “1 Si L. are few and of a limited char- my thanks my Oigandei; RepCashrnere; B a and ynur*elve* Ash's dull. Transactions HAVINGtimore, and opened his establishment in the more, and ha* opened large well selec- old custom?!s for the liberal bratowrd London Beraze; New Silk ; CmkaP StoRK,” Honk's acter. Holder* now aak the following price* for patronage style Apron ted stock of neorly opposite Hotel, room recently occupied by ) Ketger, shoe-mak**r, Lisle and 6 to cent* ; Side* 7 to upon me, and am determined, by close attention to Edgings Lace; Martiiiiburg, Vn. Western, vix: Shouldesa 6$ two doors south of Hoak's the subscriber re Hotel, Ftench Collarettes If can't and Hams from 8 to 9 cents my business, and moderate to merit a con- ; SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, fcff* you bay you need not deal. 7 assorted 7 1-4, charges, a H s cheap, 1-4; •pectfully solicits share of public patronage Gloves and Mitts; it but little for Baltimore tinuance of the same. 1 also ask all who are in Variegated Girdle*; every article found in a retail April >0.1845 per lb. There inquiry stock of is embracing a full v* embracing usually want ot Segaia complete, Ribbons; Artificial Flowers ; cured Hama, and holder* ask from 9 to 10 cents of any article in my line business, to give *tore, to which he invite* the attention of buyers. riety of the choicest brands. His Chewing Tobac- Grass for this arti- me a call, and I am sure cannot fail to b** Cloth Skirts. His stoclc i* of the most fashionable and useful Tobneco A* lb. for them. We hear ulno taleeof they is best manufactured tn Segura. per co of superior quality—the Also, a stock of handsome with my work—and what ia a vary impor- large Prints—all of and he offers hi* Goods He Oden's cle. pteaied America. He has also a fine article of Cut ami sort, very cheap. again (Opposite United Stales Hotel ) which I will sell suit the times. continues limited tant consider ation in these hard cheap to to hi* friends aiul customers, him a call Whisket.—The demand very times—my charges- -ay* give A of a Dried Smoking Tobacco. Also, Snuff, &c &c D E. FINE lot Tobacco, and large assortment far hhds. and 22 cts for bbls. I takf pleaauiein referring to the following gen- SHIPLEY, at the old stand. at 21 cl*, A full supply of the above articles will be kept JLM. of Segar*,of various kiuda and tlemen—all of whnrji h >ve tried work : April 24 Opposite U. S. Hotel. It). 1845. M T.OCKE. qualities, just my on hand the and will be April received and for sale bv ) constantly by undersigned, ALEXANDRIA MARKET, Col. Thomas T Hi'e, *old as as can be had where in the 10 i>. K 1845. No will cel* cheap they any IHlflEt Gaxetie Office, May 10, ) of _ LODGE. 117, FRE*H Edward Lucas. Jr., Edward, { Valley. GROCERIES, J»ffer.on. T^RILUMINERhrate the approaching Anniversary of St. John N ROUND ALUM and Vine for Floor.—The very quiet Receipts E»q Country Merchants of Berkeley and the adjoin- ’W®rE have just received and offer for sale— AT I Salt, sale Hy moderate We continue our Jacob the Baptist, at SmithfieM. on the '24th of June next. * RUNKER’S-HILL. ** Id. small and demand M'»rning*tar. E*q. J ing Counties will find it to their advantage to give ? L'*af, Lump and Brown Sugar ; Rio and C A,..ii M LOCKE flour at the Basin Jacob Newconver, T to which they invite all the Lodges, with subscribe!* are now receiving their sup- quotations. For Canal $4 37$. E o'clock, precisely. Public Common Whiskey; Raisins. Fie* and Almonds; cheapness, Mjtpa**ed Beaver latest Mountain Hat*; GEO. D. We in\ite all Hat*, style; Rocky of 300 a 400 bbls Herrings WILTSHIRE, ^ at of Cocoa F | country. persons want- Fish —Sales gross Va Free Press insert 3w and charge this Off ?. | T1T1LL be sold th® late residence Henry | Nuts, b**tts, Oranges and Lemons; Can- respectfully Round Cro ah do ; &u Slc., just reteived and to Boy’s 1 a Holders VANCE BELL. ot I ing new, pretty, and cheap Goods, call on from first hands at $4,31 4 $4 37$. v ▼ Noll, dec’d, about four mile* south-west dies—assorted, &.C., all of which we will sell cheap. u*, for tale by R. P BKVAKLY, Jr. Sc CO. a bbl.— S. L MINGHINE. | Comm them a fine stork to select from at short ate selling small lot* at $3 50 3,624 per Marlmnburg, on Saturday, the 17ill dag of May B R. BOYD & BRO. promising April 10 J. W. GRANTHAM, of B. R. BOYD L Bii J l'HEK. Shad $7.25 a $7,50 per bbl. REGIMENTAL ORDERS. } the property, to wit: Mrll Creek. April 24 prices. RICHARD following 1815 training of the Officers of McCLIJRE, \Arrang April 10, LOCKS— 30 hour mohognny ca*e Clocks, MARKET.—No since fglHE GEORGE MURPHY, | One Hoad Wagon, nearly new, J brass five dollars, for sale GEORGETOWN change i the 67ih Regiment will com Cl work*—price by JOHN E SMITH, sett of Hind BTMT’E have finished at our Bun- 10. our last. rnenr.e at the United State* H- tel on J One Gears, Trust Sate, just opening, April M. LOCKE __ 1845. Smithfield, May 8. SI AM to the terms of a ¥ ? kei* llul Store, Common Blue, Bl’k, Wednesday, the 21st of Mi y inst One pair of Breast Chains, deed of trust ex- Super Olive and Brown Cloth*; IliitLh and I rMU’SCALOOSA WHISKEY —Just roeeWed .njHHlKD, and continue three The Keg- One do. PURecuted by the late Jonathan Carlile. to the French, days. Stiprt Traces, at or. ArrericanCasaimers; Canainett; .E. and for sale M LOCKE’S- Ian. 8th inst.. by the Rev. intent will he mustered on Satur- undersigned, the 1 Ith day of May. 1844, and of Kentucky Jeans; On Thursday evening Sugars. One Man's Saddle and \' 10. Bridle, record in the Clerk’s Office I weeds; Summer Cloth*; Idle and Brown Lin- April Joseeh Flemming to Miss Ann day. 24ih, and «^il be reviewed by Porto Rico, Loaf and Su- of the County Couit of Mr. Light. Mr. Lump en One Bedstead and M »rgsn he will to *; biown Irish and French Linens; Rus- ..f Mc- Brig Gen. Caiswn of received and for Bedding, proceed sell, for the purposes Jane McAllister, daughter Christopher ORLEANS,gars, superior quality, sia of will One Silver in sa d deed at auction, on Sat- Sheetings and Durk ; Burlap*; Ciash; Dia- .Vii •»• SF/l i.Ytm JtWm Allister, dec'd, all of LitUe-Georgetown, in this Cornmandan's Companies tale J. M. YOUNG. IVatch, expressed, public j by the 24tk Balzarine*; Lawn»; Paris de Lain*-*; Mont- make their returns to the Adjutant 8 Cover, Grind Slone, urday, day of May next, on the pie mist**, per; County. May It’a^on seiaine*; Lace \1u*lin*; SUMMER GOODS. on the first day of the training. *; Calicoes-; Also, a lot of rate Bombazines; All un*Offi<'ered Companies, in- first Hay. THE FARM Alparcas; Bl’k IrishLinen*: Green f|lHE subscriber would te*pertfu!ly inlnrm hi* .Hatches. Bi’k II anted. will be marking A’ Terms.— \ credit of six months will be given on on which the said Carlile | Barreee; and Col’d Crapes; Summer Shawl* JL friend*, customers, and the jiubiie, that he information cluding the Cavalry, paia- lately resided, situated 1 GROSS Sickel’* 6 do all •urns of $5 and < ds, the about 12 rrob-s and Hdkfa ; Bl’k Thibet Shawl* and lldkls.; Lin- ha* returned from market with a and gen** subsctiber is anxious to find the plane of ded by the Adjutant premium Blacking; upw purchaser giving South of the town of Bath, in the laife W Lacon'a Friction for sale low bv the bond and seen v; under that sum. the en Cmr brtc Hdkfs.; Bandanna and ; ral assortment of Theresidence of Mrs MARY SI’ELL—msiJen Elections will be held on the day of the Regi- C* Matches, apptoved County ol Morgan, Virginia, containing about SpirtUih-id at Young’s. cash will he ^>ol« to commence at one Hdkfs; Bet and Ctavat* ; Satin Stock* Kttteli. It is believed ahe is now in mental muster, to fill all aracanekn oi gross inquired. j keley Fancy Dry Good*, l>omesiir.H, Groceries, Q.ueeofc* name, Mary Company 103 At RES. -and 8 o’clock, P M. GODLIEP NOLL. T>e-»: Lace*; Edging*, Inserting*: Swi»s, tv Virginia, if alive. Any infosinntion communicated Officers. EDMUND P HUNTER, May are, Hardware. Hoots. !*»lioea. 1845—3w Adm'r The greater part of sard Farm is well enclosed Book, Mull and Jackonett Muslins-; Paper, color- will be received; also the residence of May 15, 1845—2w Vol. C7th Infy. May 1, j Hats uud Itoimeta: thankfully and under cultivation, and the residue well Tim* ed and white Cambiick*; Silk. Vlarsailes sod Va- Samuel Kiuell. Address the subscriber, m Paris, Fruits A’ Confectionaries. All nf which will he sold low lor cash, or to poo** beted. tie I l El.L. 1 improvements consist of a comforla* lencia Venting*; Bonnet*; Ubbons; Flower*; Kenturkv. WILLIAM Kil of and Lemons. j 1 tual paver* on the usual time. supply Orange* To IUiil(l(‘i% Ills LOG Bonnet ParadM *; Sun Shadeaand Umbrel- ATTENTION, DRAGOONS! | DW ELLlJNG, STABLE, and other ne- Cap*; ! March 27 JOHN H LIKENS will Raisins. African Pea Nuts, Almonds. Fil- will be received the under- pa- AFRESH by cessary Building*, an I a good Orchard of Apple las; Silk. Cotton and Worsted Hosiery; Glove* Governess. ! berts. assorted Candies, &c. &r received bv YOUrade in front PROPOSALSsigned Committee, appointed by the Court of : and other Trud Tree*. There are upon the land and Mitt*; Bl'k Silk Ciavafs; Suspender*; Bl’k *i .Vilnius. i» Jeaired a from the 8 J M. YOUNG. ! M to SITUATION by Lady ot the "Merlins- May organ County, Va., re-build the Court-House I several of water. Love Veils and Hdkfs; Alpaca Apron*; Colored the bent never-failing Springs pure A North at Governen. She can give burg House,” on and to build a fire-proof Clerk's Office, according Terms—Cash. Gro de Nan*: Bl’k Italian Lustring; Gmpi; Cheese, Candles, Pipes, Black been 10 or 12 Mustard, Teas, Matches, Letter of refeiencea, and hat engaged year* 8ATURDA Y. 1\». 1 to plans which will be exhibited by the Clerk of R. C. GUSriN, Trustee. ('ord* and Taste!*, Sir., all ot which we will soil CRACKERS,ing, Pepper, at the Herring. and British in of which have been apent the 24tk said Court or tl.e at Bath, the 1845—5w B R. ! Cap Paper, Ink, Lustre, Scotch Snuff, teaching—5 day of a lot of No. 1 undersigned County April 24, cheap. BOYD Si BRO. “J. E. L Haiti- received, prime Herring, I Starch, Sugar*, Sal Gin South. Addreaa (poat-paid) this month, being Seat of said Morgan at any time to the Mill Creek. 17. 1345 Indigo,-Coff-es, Aeratus, for sale, by the barrel or retail, cheap for rash County, up April Ml. May 15, 1845 6 w. the of the JUST 2(nh of in*t eer, Allspice, Cloves, Mace, Cinnamon. Nutmegs, day I —or Bacon. Lard. &c.. taken in exchange. day May <». .1. X Mus- Corn, ISAIAH Fine Salt. Carnphoir. Fancy Soaps, Pin*, Rice, Biimstone. Regimental R R 8 W’N KROESEN BUCK, ii ooMj ii ei.vT/;#>. Depot. May CROMWELL OR LARGE qu antity just received and for sale SPRING Castor and Sweet Oil, Smoking and To- ter. at 10 o’clock, --- RICK, | SUPPLY. Chewing a D. E. bacco, C'gars, Sic. Sic for sale want to purchaae Urge A. M., in full uni- I JACOB REICH A RD, Comm A by SHIPLEY, cheat* by HATS—Just received, an ex- } 24 Jan. 16 J. M. WKquantity of form, when an JOHN VV BREATHED, | April Opposite U S Hotel. €i. A' t\ IS*. HOLM, YOUNG. PALM-LEAFtra article of Boys’ and Men’s Palm-Leaf election will he R. C. GUSTiN. J now received their ot i Hats, for sale cheap for caah. 1 a Spree supply held for Officers 1. 1345—4w KrOiity Few more Ieft«c0 FOREIGN 4i White M.entl. WOOL. R. K Depot. May 8 W’N KROESEN. _May HAVE DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, & B. R. BUYD. of the those fine flavored Plantations, at in May |5 _W. Company. purchased Philadelphia and Baltimore. Also. Mir. and No. 1 White Lead, order of the Colonel, JUST IIECEMPEIE OF BENJ. S. LYETH’S. whole and By SUPERIOR half kegs, lor sale very low by JAS. S. BROWN. Candles. SUPERIOR article of Robinson's Mtrtirshnrg. April 24 Hardware, Qiit-t-nsware and Wool Wanted. Adj. unrivalled Mai eh 13 J. M. YOUNG May 15, 1845—2w 67th Reg V M- BOXES Eckhardt.& Jackson’* superior mould A Chewing TOBACCO For sale at Ctrocrries. will the highest mar 1 HOES.— Ladies’ superior Kid and Morocco give ! Candles, for sale cheap by May BENJ S. LYETH’S. Having during the past wintet disposed ot the ket in cash or trade, (F r have on hand a vary Shoes; Misses and Children’s Ho; re- WE price, 8 J M. YOUNG. ju*t greater of our old we are now able to Corn! **ajl May ceived and part stock, Corn!! for quantity of fine lot of Painted Cedar Buckets. Bushels, for sale by D E SHIPLEY, any good WOODEN-WARE.—I and extra Flour. show our customers an a*«ortment of °r ^ Half-Bhl. Churns, and Peck Meas- j Family Super April 24 U S Hotel. CLEA.V WOOL «i_m Half-Bushels. Candle*. Oppn«itp sale for c«sh. UST received, a lot of and extra SS B R. BOY l> & HKD. ures and a fine lot of TuU». tor cheap Family Super- Fresh Goods. 100,000 W received, a prime article of Sperm, Mould rfine warranted tobe Thr subsci iber wishes to 100.000 Bush \i. R. May 15 KROESEN. J Flour, good,for salecheap Who a pi.rcba** Milt-Creek, Mav 15 Depot. sale loves ? We .hall endeavor to our «»«ortment l»r£e •Is of JUSTand Dip Candles, for cheap. for cash. WASHINGTON KROESEN. pinch of good Snuff keep Corn, to be delivered at hi* Mill, Mouth of R R. 8 W’N KROESEN. I DO! and complete, and re.pecilully ...licit a call from fha 1 ho«e For ORANGES—Just received, some fine Depot, May R. R. Depot, May 1 Opequon. having the article for »a|e, Sale, our customer, and dealera would do then and examine my fine neially. wt*li to give Him a call, as be is to be aeen at fresh and for sale cheap by flavored Mar- prepared five-horae WAGON, I.1RESHOranges, 10. 1X45 io KROESEN. Wanted. .1 otlee. COME Mixture. BENJ. S. LYETH. April pay the highest price ihe market will aifoul. ANEWGeo. Henail’a Black- H. a. May 15 W*H tinique to 24 PHIL. TRAMMELL- near Cookua' WISH to from 5 to 10.000 1 1-4 inch indebted the estate of Martinshurg, April HATS—A re- Smith Shop, purchase Henry aupwlar articKjuat Berkeley Co.. Va. Guardians and are Opequofn Mills, t For terma of aale, To I’arents, first seasoned Pine Plank, for cash. PERSONSNoll, dec’d, notified that immediate pay and lor tale by D E. SHIPLEY, Depot. I quality fEGHORNceived Dec-12. 1814 S 8 W’N KROESEN. ! merit is Those claims sgatn«t A ILS.—Shingle, Fencing. Lathing and Fin- U. S. apply to George W. Rob- Masters of Apprentices and Slaves of R R. Depot. May requested. having April04 Oppo.ite Hotel the estate, are to them, au- -Lai Nails; Brads and Spike*, teceiv- tna, Hedgeaville. town Mar : requested present duly ishing just the of tins burg for ed and for sale D. E. Domrstic (iooils. 15, 1845—3r» thenticated, settlement. GODLIEP NOLL, i by SFIIPLEY, ALK BOOIB—A auperior ariicle, juat r»i eiv- May notified that I Crackers. Jr are hereby respectfully May 1. 1845—31 Adm'r. April24 Opposite l). S Hotel. Cl/ ed and for aale by D. E. SHIPLEY, I1RYARUY. A CO. b*««ju.i r, Oronoeo Leaf. YOUhave suffered for years, by having my fences TJUTTER, Water, Sod. and Sugar Crackers, i April 04 Onpr.aite U s Hotel. RP.• reived their bta*y Domestic*, which they thrown down and stock turned into fields, so u.t and (or sale will sell low received, a lot of Oro- my ita received by BOTTOM CHAIRS—For sale. Rock- STOCKS & CRAVATS— A hand- very •••amongst which will be found superior much to and that I am de- J. M. ic con \ Mr,. my annoyance injury, 8 YOUNG. ^PLITChairs ofdifferent some received and for sale vk, avOat*. 4 4 Brown FUSTnneo Leaf Tobacco, at 25 cent,. Also, May ing sixes. Also,plain Chairs. SATTINarticle, just by Heavy Musbn; teimined to submit to it no fences have Corn and New Fine Cut Chewing—for .ale longer. My warranted ro be a article. D E SHIPLEY. sale, Rye, Oats, by retail. .*>4 Sheeting*; 6-4 do. do.? Millet’, York been examined viewers good 1 by and pronounced lawful, R. R. 1 WN. KROESEN. 24 U. S. Hotel. fi^OR WASHINGTON KROLSEN. 7 8 Bleached 4 do. low .t BENJA. S. LYETH'S. Sperm Candles. Depot, May April Opposite Muslin; 4 do.; and l now give this public notice, that 1 will deal R. R. Deoot. April 24 10-4 Bleached 15 Bedford Candles—a Sheetings; May with stock found in my enclosures as Sperm supply justified by —For sale, Whitewash, Horse and beautiful atticle of Silk, Sat- 7*8 Twilled Osnaburg, very heavy; and will all hereafter fonnd received and for sale veiy low by Flaxseed and Fish for sale at liurktrln'at Wanted. law, prosecute persons SUPERIOR BRUSHESSho® Brushes; abio, a article of Horse tin and Marsade* received and Oil. 4 4 Plain 7*8 do. 8 M. YOUNG. good VESTINGS.—A Vestings, just Heavy Osnaburg; do. do.. iiespassing upon my leads. May Cards and Combs. SHIPLEY, SPERM,April 10. M LOCKE’S want to !5 buabela Buckwheat. _J. Curry for sale by D. E. Penitentiary Plaids; CottonaJe; purchase DANIEL BURKHART. R. R. W’N I R. Depot, April 24 KROESEN. April 25 U. S. Hotel. Mexican Mixture, Sic. to WE Mav 15 W. & B. BOYD._ Opposite ^ &e.| which they would Mti? 8,1845—3w Simir. the _ Scotch Shad A Herring. respectfully call attention of fartneisand oihem ERCKR & PINK EYED POTATOES.— Vi i'HHKAl). I’re. Sf.Miblc. fcc.! article of Garrett’s Snuff for ; 7-8 anj & CASTINGS—Assorted, received and FEW Bbla. Shad and Herrin, teceived a mi wanting servants’clothing. ifA. Juat received, a lot of verv fine large F’ota* kinds of for sale cheap by WASH N KROESEN. A6UPERIOR..I. at BENJ. S. LYETH’S. OSNABURGS.—Twilled4-4 Plain do.; just received and for sale by IRONfor sale by B. R. BOYD & BRO. A for aale by PHIL. TRAMMELL. ®>A1I country produce taken in-**. »'***. and for aale by W’N KROK5EN. S1IOK 24 »for Good# at cash K R. 8 May l Queen St., one door North of Bry»riyV | April D E SHIPLEY Mill Creek, April 24 Opetjuon Milla, Dec. 12, 1844 prices. 10 R R. Depot. May 15 Depot, May April