Contact: Mireille Paulus Tel: 03 88 41 22 55

Date: 10 August/août 2012 DH-DD(2012)727

Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers.

Meeting: 1150 DH meeting (24-26 September 2012)

Item reference: Communication from a NGO (Unione forense per la tutela dei diritti umani, Forensic Union for the Protection of Human Rights) (26/07/12) in the case of Hirsi Jamaa against (Application No. 27765/09)

Information made available under Rule 9.2 of the Rules of the Committee of Ministers for the supervision of the execution of judgments and of the terms of friendly settlements.


Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.

Réunion : 1150 réunion DH (24-26 septembre 2012)

Référence du point : Communication d'une ONG (Unione forense per la tutela dei diritti umani, Forensic Union for the Protection of Human Rights) (26/07/12) dans l'affaire Hirsi Jamaa contre Italie (requête n° 27765/09) (anglais uniquement).

Informations mises à disposition en vertu de la Règle 9.2 des Règles du Comité des Ministres pour la surveillance de l’exécution des arrêts et des termes des règlements amiables. FORENSIC UNION FOR THE PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS THE PRESIDENT

Rome, 25 July 2012

Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs Council of Europe 67075 Strasbourg Cedex France

Registered letter with receipt, previously sent by fax to 00333 88412793


We are writing to draw to your attention the problems associated with execution of the aforementioned judgement, with specific reference to the general measures.

1. Introduction

The Forensic Union for the Protection of Human Rights (hereunder referred to as "UFTDU") is a non- governmental organisation set up in Rome on 2 March 1968.

Pursuant to Article 2 of its own statutes, UFTDU exists for the purpose of disseminating knowledge of domestic and international law provisions regarding the protection of human rights and promoting their effective observance in practice by judicial, extra-judicial, administrative and legislative bodies.

Since 2010, UFTDU has been an affiliate member of the Fédération Internationale des droits de l’homme, with which it pursues numerous co-operation activities. The association is also registered with the "Register of associations and bodies conducting activities against discrimination" kept by the Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni Razziali (UNAR).

UFTDU has also joined the IDHAE, the European Bar Human Rights Institute, and it contributed to the setting up of the Italian Council for Refugees (CIR), for many years the technical organ of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

In accordance with Rule No. 9 of the Rules of the Committee of Ministers for the supervision of the execution of judgements and of the terms of friendly settlements, adopted on 10 May 2006, the Committee of Ministers "shall be entitled to consider any communication from non-governmental organisations, as well as national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights, with regard to the execution of judgments under Article 46, paragraph 2, of the Convention".

UFTDU, as a non-governmental organisation, is therefore writing to draw to your attention the facts set out below.

2. General measures

The aforementioned judgment, delivered by the Grand Chamber on 23 February 2012, found that there had been a violation by the State of Italy of Article 3 of the EConvHR, Article 4 of Protocol No. 4 to the EConvHR and Article 13 of the EConvHR, taken together with Article 3 of the EConvHR and Article 4 of Protocol No. 4 of the EConvHR.

The Court granted the Italian Government a period of three months to execute the judgment.

As well as awarding the applicants a sum by way of just satisfaction and requiring the Italian Government to adopt individual measures vis-à-vis the applicants, the Court specified that the individual measures referred to were to be understood "without prejudice to the general measures required to prevent other similar violations in the future" (§ 210 of the judgment).

Although the three-month period granted by the Court expired on 23 May last, it has to be noted, for the reasons set out below, that, to date, Italy has not yet taken steps to execute the aforementioned judgment punctually.

Not only has the Italian Government not taken any positive action to this end, but there is more to be said. On 3 April 2012 a meeting took place in Tripoli between the Italian Government's Minister of the Interior, Ms. , and Libya's Minister of the Interior, Mr. Fawzi Al-Taher Abdulali, for the purpose, inter alia, of renegotiating the previous agreements between the parties relating to border controls and the prevention of irregular immigration.

It emerges from the record of the meeting (cf document 1) that the Italian Government aims to obtain the support of the Libyan authorities for curbing migratory movements. To that end, the Libyan Government has undertaken to reinforce border controls to prevent migrants from leaving its territory, while the Italian Government has undertaken to provide training and equipment to improve the supervision of Libya's borders.

The new agreement also provides for the planning of maritime activities within the spheres of respective competence as well as in international waters, as provided for in the relevant bilateral agreements. Those very same agreements, the application of which led to the State being found guilty of a violation in the Hirsi case!

In substance, there is no provision for a specific commitment to the protection of human rights, no mechanism capable of providing assistance to those who request international protection. This is all in clear contrast with what the Italian Government apparently told the Committee of Ministers in the context of execution of the judgment. The Government's statement that the agreements had been renegotiated "with a view of adapting them to the requirements of the Convention" (cf paragraph 4 of aforementioned document DH-DD(2012)544F) in fact contrasts patently with the actual situation.

There is cause for concern about the Italian Government's inertia vis-à-vis a situation such as that which still prevails on Libyan territory, which presents a serious risk that migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers might be subjected to treatments contravening the EConvHR.

This concern, moreover, seems to be confirmed as well by the information supplied by the media, which report episodes of unlawful push-backs of refugees travelling from Libya which allegedly occurred last week in international waters in the Strait of Sicily.

It also has to be noted that the question of general measures was not even discussed at the latest meeting of the Committee of Ministers (held in Strasbourg from 4 to 6 June last) – despite the fact that the execution of the Hirsi judgment was on the agenda – as is clear from decision DH- DD(2012)544F adopted there (document 2).

Recalling that on 23 May last the three-month period granted in the judgment of the European Court to the State of Italy for execution of the aforementioned judgment expired, we await action by the Department for the Execution of Judgments in order to ensure, in the most prompt and reasonable manner possible, execution of that judgment.

Yours faithfully,

Avv Mario Lana

Encl. 1. Record of the meeting which took place in Tripoli on 3 April 2012 between the Italian Government's Minister of the Interior, Ms. Annamaria Cancellieri and Libya's Minister of the Interior, Mr. Fawzi Al-Taher Abdulali; 2. Decision DH-DD(2012)544F adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 6 June 2012.

Original in Italian

Encl. 1

ITALIAN DELEGATION MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR, ANNAMARIA CANCELLIERI Amb. Giuseppe BUCCINO GRIMALDI, Ambassador of Italy in Libya Pref. Antonio MANGANELLI, Chief of Police – Director General of Public Security Pref. Angela PRIA, Head of Department of Civil Liberties and Immigration Pref. Matteo PIANTEDOSI, Deputy Chief of Staff Pref. Rodolfo RONCONI, Central Director of Immigration and Border Police – Department of Public Security Consigliere Marco VILLANI, Diplomatic Advisor to the Minister Consigliere Domenico BELLANTONE, Advisor to the Embassy of Italy in Libya Vice Questore Agg. Vincenzo TAGLIAFERRE, Department of Public Security, Head of the European Union project team on integrated border management in Libya

Italian Minister of the Interior Libyan Minister of the Interior


In the framework of the consolidation of friendly relations between Libya and the Republic of Italy and of the bilateral treaties and agreements intended to strengthen privileged relations in the field of the combating of illegal immigration, and to give operational follow-up to the visit to Libya made on 21 January 2012 by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Italy, HE Annamaria Cancellieri, Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Italy, made an official visit to Libya on 3 April 2012, during which she met HE Fawzi Al-Taher Abdulali, Minister of the Interior of Libya.

During the meeting, the two Ministers of the Interior had discussions to identify the methods and means of improving bilateral co-operation relations in the migration sector, in a framework of consultation and in a spirit of partnership and active solidarity. The discussions took place in the presence of the members of the respective delegations whose names appear on the list attached to this record.

Taking into account the previous agreements and Libya's determination to found a new state based on democracy and the universally recognised principles of human rights referred to in the Tripoli Declaration signed by Prime Minister Monti and Al Kiib on 21 January last, as well as the Convention against Transnational Organised Crime signed in Palermo on 12 December 2000 and its Protocols against the smuggling of migrants and the trafficking of human beings, in an atmosphere where understanding, harmony and mutual respect prevailed, the two parties have agreed as follows:

I - Training

- The two Ministers of the Interior expressed satisfaction with the beginning, at Italian Ministry of the Interior training structures, of a training programme for members of the Libyan Ministry of the Interior police in various sectors relating to security, including border policing techniques (at terrestrial and airport borders), the detection of false documents and the operation of navy vessels (patrol boats).

- In this context, subject to agreement between the parties, the necessity to program further training courses specifically for the Libyan security forces was noted, to be conducted in both countries.

- In the framework of support for the capacity of the Libyan security agencies, Italy will set up a detection centre for false documents, which will be located close to the Office of the Security Expert at the Italian Embassy in Tripoli, and a navigation training centre. Libya undertakes to make available the premises where the aforementioned navigation centre will be located, as well as all the teaching equipment necessary for this to be set up.

- Each party will invite the other party, when necessary, to send instructors from the prevention of illegal immigration sector, so that they can pass on their experience in the subject.

II - Reception centres

- The need to restart (in the framework of bilateral co-operation) the activities already agreed to build a health centre at Kufra. This centre will provide first-aid health services to illegal immigrants who arrive in Kufra from adjoining zones and areas. In this respect, the Libyan authorities undertake to ensure that the material needed for the building of the centre and the relevant technical staff may reach Kufra in secure conditions.

- The urgent need to gain the interest of the European Commission so that it provides its own support to the renovation of the reception centres which exist in Libya. The needs of each centre will be indicated by Libya.

III - Border monitoring

- The need to verify as a matter of urgency the requirements connected with monitoring Libyan borders, immediately passing information to the Italian authorities, it being understood that Libya has promised to reinforce its own maritime and terrestrial borders in order to prevent migrants from leaving its territory.

- Italy undertakes to begin immediately the programme of supplies requested by the Libyan authorities relating to technical means and equipment to strengthen supervision of Libya's borders.

- The need to resume the activities which are part of the plan for a system to monitor the southern borders and the Sah-Med (Sahara and Mediterranean) project, agreed between the parties with the support of the European Commission.

- In the same context, Italy and Libya will mutually designate contact points for the real-time exchange of operational information about persons and organisations involved in the smuggling of migrants, the trafficking of human beings and related offences.

- To work to plan maritime activities within the spheres of their respective competence, as well as in international waters, as provided for in the relevant bilateral agreements and in conformity with international maritime law.

- For the activities entailed in preventing illegal immigration and during the stay of illegal immigrants at the reception centres referred to in the previous paragraph of this record, the parties confirm their undertaking to respect the human rights protected by the international agreements and conventions in force.

IV - Voluntary return and repatriation

- The need to begin more suitable procedures to encourage the voluntary return of irregular immigrants and to coordinate with the International Organisation for Migration the arrangements for encouraging repatriation to immigrants' respective countries of origin.

- To coordinate the return of citizens of the two countries who are living in illegal conditions.

V - Registration

- The need to resume activities to carry out the plan for a civil registration data management system (CRS)

VI - Follow-up machinery

- To identify suitable channels to facilitate contacts and information exchanges between the competent security authorities of both countries relating to criminal individuals and organisations managing illegal immigration operations.

- In this respect, Italy proposes to open an "Office of Friendship" between the police of both countries, in the cities of Benghazi and Misurata. A similar office will be able to be set up in Italy by Libya.

- To set up a joint security committee to verify follow-up of the bilateral co-operation. The committee will meet periodically, alternating between the two countries.

- In taking note of the results of the Interministerial Conference on Border Security, held in Libya on 11 and 12 March 2012, the parties will assess the possibility of setting up a joint working team with responsibility for voluntary returns, repatriation, social and economic reintegration, respect for human rights and the identification of solutions to the problem of illegal immigration.

Finally, the Minister of the Interior, Ms. Annamaria Cancellieri, expressed appreciation of the warm reception and hospitality that she, together with the delegation which accompanied her, had received, and again confirmed her willingness to support the Libyan authorities in their activities to prevent illegal immigration and all other aspects related to organised crime. The Italian Minister of the Interior then expressed the hope that the efforts made in this sphere by the two countries would be successful.

This record was drawn up in Tripoli on 03/04/2012 in the Arabic and Italian languages.

The Minister of the Interior of Italy, Annamaria Cancellieri (signature)

The Minister of the Interior of Libya, Fawzi Al-Taher Abdulali (signature)