Portuguese Traditional Sausages: Different Types

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Portuguese Traditional Sausages: Different Types JEF43_proof ■ 19 February 2016 ■ 1/10 J Ethn Foods - (2016) 1e10 55 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect 56 57 Journal of Ethnic Foods 58 59 60 journal homepage: http://journalofethnicfoods.net 61 62 63 64 65 1 Portuguese traditional sausages: different types, nutritional 66 2 67 3 composition, and novel trends 68 4 69 a a b, 1 a, b, *, 1 5 Q28 Claudia Marcos ,Claudia Viegas , Andre M. de Almeida , Maria Manuela Guerra 70 6 a 71 7 Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, Estoril, Portugal b CIISA/Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria, Polo Universitario da Ajuda, Lisboa, Portugal 72 8 73 9 74 10 article info abstract 75 11 76 12 Article history: Traditional sausagesdsmoked, fermented or drieddare meat products that are part of the traditional 77 13 Available online xxx daily diet in rural Portugal, and also highly valued in major cities with an increasing demand. These 78 14 ethnic meat products are manufactured mainly by small-scale industries or artisanal producers ac- 79 15 Keywords: cording to and/or inspired by traditional processes. They are present in a wide variety of types, many 80 16 composition recognized for their quality (38 certified products). Presently, cure technologies used are important for 81 17 innovation the potential they represent in transformation and diversification. Additionally, they add flavors and Portuguese 82 colors to meat that are much appreciated, surpassing meat preservation proposes. A review on the types 18 production 83 and manufacturing technological aspects associated to Portuguese traditional sausages (PTS) is provided 19 sausages 84 20 Q4 traditional in this article. Additionally, nutritional composition of the products is presented. Future developments fi fi 85 21 foreseen in the eld, in the light of current knowledge and market trends, are nally addressed. Copyright © 2016, Korea Food Research Institute, Published by Elsevier. This is an open access article 86 22 under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 87 23 88 24 89 25 90 26 91 27 1. Introduction countries, including Portugal, air-dried sausages made with spices 92 28 are the most common type, with relatively long ripening periods 93 29 Mediterranean sausages may be classified as dry fermented meat compared to central and northern European countries [5], where 94 30 products. They are made predominantly with pure pork products fermentation is usually accompanied by a smoking process or a less 95 31 and involve long ripening periods, up to several months, often intense drying process. In both categories of sausages, industrial 96 32 without clear separation between fermentation and drying. These development in general, also includes the use of starter cultures to 97 33 may be considered low-acidic meat products (final pH > 5). Shelf life standardize and control production, with some exceptions. Con- 98 34 is mainly determined by drying and lowered water activity [1,2]. cerning the latter, in Portugal most of the manufacturers do not add 99 35 Raw fermented sausages, in general, can be defined as products any starters to the meat mixtures for sausages [6,7]. These tradi- 100 36 made by selecting, chopping, and mincing meat and fat, with or tional/ethnic sausages are very different from those found for 101 37 without offal, mixed with seasoning, spices, and authorized addi- instance in the American market, where the most commonly found 102 38 tives, that are then ripened and dried (cured) and, sometimes, fermented sausages are semi cured, fermented rapidly at relatively 103 39 smoked (for example, in Portugal curing is usually associated to high temperatures, with a short drying period leading, therefore, to 104 40 smoking) [3]. However, regional traditions, environmental varia- very different organoleptic characteristics [8e10]. In this paper, 105 41 tions, family recipes, and other factors have given rise to a wide authors review the main types of traditional meat sausages pro- 106 42 range of fermented sausages, and it can be said that there are duced in the different regions of Portugal, addressing three main 107 43 almost as many types of sausages as there are geographical regions issuesdproduction, nutritional composition, and future trends. 108 44 or ultimately manufacturers, although their production processes 109 45 always require the combination of fermentation and dehydration 110 2. Manufacturing technological aspects associated to 46 and/or smoking [2,4]. In the specific case of Mediterranean 111 Portuguese traditional sausages 47 112 48 113 2.1. Types of products 49 Q2 * Corresponding author. 114 50 E-mail address: Maguerra@rossvet.edu.kn (M.M. Guerra). 115 1 There is a wide variety of sausages produced in Portugal, and 51 Present address: Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, P.O. Box 334. 116 Q3 Basseterre, St. Kitts & Nevis, West Indies. albeit being produced all over the country, they are predominantly 52 117 53 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jef.2016.01.004 118 54 2352-6181/Copyright © 2016, Korea Food Research Institute, Published by Elsevier. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/ 119 licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Please cite this article in press as: Marcos C, et al., Portuguese traditional sausages: different types, nutritional composition, and novel trends, Journal of Ethnic Foods (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jef.2016.01.004 JEF43_proof ■ 19 February 2016 ■ 2/10 2 J Ethn Foods 2016; -:1e10 1 manufactured in the North region (namely in the districts of Vila In 2001, an inventory accomplished by the Portuguese Ministry 66 2 Real and Bragança, generally defined as Tras-os-Montes) and in the of Agriculture (Ministerio da Agricultura, do Desenvolvimento 67 3 Southern region of the country (Alentejo, comprising the districts Rural e das Pescas) was published listing and characterizing main 68 4 of Evora, Beja, and Portalegre). traditional products from Portugal, including meat products [11]. 69 5 70 6 71 7 72 8 Table 1 73 9 Current and classified traditional sausages, bagged hams, and other traditional meat products from Portugal. Q24,25 74 10 Type Name Name/protected geographical status 75 11 76 Alheira Alheira de Boticas Alheira de Barroso Montalegre PGI 12 Alheira de Chaves Alheira de Vinhais PGI 77 13 Alheira de Mirandela 78 14 Alheira Terras da Alfandega^ 79 15 Assadura Assadura de Boticas 80 Bucheira Bucheira de Boticas 16 Bucho Bucho da Serta~ 81 17 Bucho de carne de Pinhel 82 18 Butelo Butelo de Bragança Butelo de Vinhais PGI 83 ^ 19 Butelo Terras da Alfandega PGI 84 Cabeça de xara 20 85 Cacholeira branca Cacholeira branca de Portalegre PGI 21 Catalao~ Catalao~ de Barrancos 86 22 Chouriça Chouriça de bofe da Guarda Chouriça de carne de Barroso-Montalegre PGI 87 23 Chouriça de carne da Guarda Chouriça de carne de Vinhais PGI 88 24 Chouriça de carne de Pinhel Chouriça doce de Vinhais PGI 89 Chouriço Chouriço de carne Chouriço azedo de Vinhais PGI 25 Chouriço de carne Terras da Alfandega^ Chouriço de abobora de Barroso-Montalegre PGI 90 26 Chouriço doce Terras da Alfandega^ Chouriço de carne de Estremoz e Borba PGI 91 27 Chouriço azedo de Farinha de Boticas Chouriço de Portalegre PGI 92 ^ 28 Chouriço azedo Terras da Alfandega Chouriço grosso de Estremoz e Borba PGI 93 Chouriço de abobora de Boticas Chouriço Mouro de Portalegre PGI 29 94 Chouriço de Barrancos 30 Chouriço de carne da Serra de Monchique 95 31 Chouriço Mouro dos Açores 96 32 Chouriço raiano 97 33 Farinheira Farinheira da Guarda Farinheira de Estremoz e Borba PGI 98 Farinheira de milho de Monchique Farinheira de Portalegre PGI 34 Farinheira raiana 99 35 Farinhota Farinhota de Boticas 100 36 Linguiça Linguiça de Boticas Linguiça de Portalegre PGI 101 37 Linguiça de Chaves Linguiça do Baixo Alentejo PGI 102 Linguiça de Vinhais PGI 38 103 Lombo Lombo branco de Portalegre PGI 39 Lombo enguitado de Portalegre PGI 104 40 Maranhos Maranhos da Serta~ 105 41 Molhos Molhos de Monchique 106 42 Morcela Morcela da Guarda Morcela de assar de Portalegre PGI 107 Morcela de Pinhel Morcela de cozer de Portalegre PGI 43 Morcela doce de Jarmelo Morcela de Estremoz e Borba PGI 108 44 Morcela de carne de Monchique 109 45 Morcelas de S. Miguel 110 46 Morcilha Morcilha de Barrancos 111 47 Moura Moura de Vila Real 112 Paia Paia de lombo de Estremoz e Borba PGI 48 Paia de toucinho de Estremoz e Borba PGI 113 49 Painho Painho de Portalegre PGI 114 50 Paio Paio branco Paio de Beja PGI 115 51 Paio de Barrancos Paio de Estremoz e Borba PGI 116 Paio de lombinho 52 Paio de lombo de Barrancos 117 53 Paio raiano 118 54 Presunto Presunto Terras da Alfandega^ Presunto de Barrancos PDO 119 55 Presunto de Lamego Presunto e Paleta do Alentejo PDO 120 ~ 56 Presunto do Marao-Padrela Presunto e Paleta de Campo Maior e Elvas PGI 121 Presuntos de Fiaes~ e de Castro Laboreiro e Melgaço Presunto e de Santana da Serra PGI 57 Presunto de Barroso PGI 122 58 Presunto de Vinhais PGI 123 59 Salpicao~ Salpicao~ de Boticas Salpicao~ de Barroso-Montalegre PGI 124 ~ ~ 60 Salpicao de Chaves Salpicao de Vinhais PGI 125 Salpicao~ de Terras da Alfandega^ 61 Salsichao~ Salsichao~ de Barrancos 126 62 Sangueira Sangueira de Boticas Sangueira de Barroso-Montalegre PGI 127 63 128 Note. From: “Soeiro A (Coord.) Ministerio da Agricultura, do Desenvolvimento Rural e das Pescas,” by Produtos Tradicionais Portugueses, 2001, Direcçao-Geral~ de Desenvol- 64 vimento Rural (DGDRural), 2, pp 376. Copyright XXX, Name of Copyright Holder; and from: “Guia de compras. Produtos tradicionais,” by QUALIFICA, 2011, Publiagro Lda, pp 255, 129 65 Copyright XXX, Name of Copyright Holder.

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    GREAT FOOD, AMONG FAMILY STARTERS FOR AN UNFORGETTABLE MEAL Rose Wine, White Wine Dry and Complex, Sparkling Wine or Champagne HOT STARTERS Magi’s Prawns 8.50 Garlic Prawns 7.50 Sailor Style Mussels 7.50 Crispy Fried Chicken Tenders 6.50 Seafood Soup 3.50 CLASSIC STARTERS Magi’s Board (To Share) 12.00 Squid with Salsa Verde 6.00 Mix of Mini Portuguese Croquettes 2.50 Garlic Bread 2.00 Tuna Pate and Olives 1.20 Artisan Bread Basket 1.00 VAT iNCLUDED. STARTERS SALADS PIZZAS Rose Wine, White Wine Dry, Red Wine Young Rose Wine or Beers Ceaser Salad 9.50 (All Pizzas Has Tomate Sauce, Crispy Chicken, Lettuce, Rocket, Cherry Tomatoes, Orange, Croutons and Ceaser Sauce Mozzarella And Oregano) Tuna 7.50 Tuna, Lettuce, Rocket, Ricotta, Pickles Prawns and Pineapple 10.00 and Mustard Sauce Tuna and Boiled Egg 9.00 PASTA Vegetarian 9.00 Rose Wine, White Wine Dry or Young and Fruityor Red Wine Young Pepperoni 8.00 Prawns With Black Linguini 10.50 Bacon and Rocket 8.00 Classic Homemade Lasagna 8.50 Ultimate Spaghetti Carbonara 7.50 Ham 7.00 RISOTTO Rose wine, White Wine Dry or Sparkling Wine Spinach Risotto With Portuguese Sausage And Ricotta 11.00 Mushroom Risotto 9.50 FOL�OW US VAT INCLUDED MEDITERRANEAN MENU Meals that make us happy UNIQUE AND SURPRISING Rose wine, White Wine Dry or Beers “Francesinha à Magi” * 13.00 Magi’s Classic Burger 7.50 “Francesinha à Magi” Chicken Wrap 7.00 With Chicken * 13.00 Magi’s Hotdog 6.50 “Pica-Pau” à Magi 13.00 Portuguese Rib Steak Magi’s Ultimate Burger 13.00 Sandwich 4.50 CLASSIC AND IRRESISTIBLE Rose wine, White Wine Dry or Beers Traditional “Francesinha” 8.00 Cured Ham & Cheese Omelette 6.50 “Francesinha” With Chicken *8.00 Ham And Cheese Omelette 6.00 Traditional Sirloin Steak On Plate 7.50 Just Ham or Grilled Chicken Breast Steak 6.50 Cheese Omelette 5.50 Burger On Plate 6.50 Parsley And Onion Omelette 5.00 “Alheira” On Plate 6.00 Plain Omelette 4.50 Special Hot Dog * 5.00 Special Ham & Cheese Toast * 5.00 * slides ..
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