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No De Bureau for ACTION for APPROVAL for SIGNATURE FOR J^o^m hlo--*No de bureau Extension — Poste Date FOR ACTION POUR SUITE A DONNER FOR APPROVAL POUR APPROBATION FOR SIGNATURE POUR SIGNATURE FOR COMMENTS POUR OBSERVATIONS MAY WE DISCUSS? POURRIONS-NOUS EN PARLER ? YOUR ATTENTION VOTRE ATTENTION AS DISCUSSED COMME CONVENU AS REQUESTED SUITE A VOTRE DEMANDS NOTE AND RETURN NOTER ET RETOURNER FOR INFORMATION POUR INFORMATION ROUTING SLIP FICHE DE TRANSMISSION TO: A: FROM: DE: Room No. — No de bureau Extension — Paste Date FOR ACTION POUR SUITE A DONNER FOR APPROVAL POUR APPROBATION FOR SIGNATURE POUR SIGNATURE FOR COMMENTS POUR OBSERVATIONS MAY WE DISCUSS? POURRIONS-NOUS EN PARLER ? YOUR ATTENTION VOTRE ATTENTION AS DISCUSSED COMME CONVENU AS REQUESTED SUITE A VOTRE DEMANDE NOTE AND RETURN NOTER ET RETOURNER FOR INFORMATION POUR INFORMATION COM.6 12-78) 5 I 6 jv U\A/JVvv J ^4 I) NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNERS 1974-1996 1974 - Eisaku SATO [deceased] — Sean MACBRIDE [deceased] 1975 - Andrei SAKHAROV [deceased] 1976 — Mairead CORRIGAN Address: Community of the Peace People, 224 Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT 6GE, Northern Ireland. [Tel.: (01232) 663465; Fax: (01232) 683947] Prize: Peace, 1976. Born: January 27, 1944; Belfast, North- Commentary: The award citation praised both Mairead ern Ireland. Parents: Father, Andrew Corrigan; Mother Corrigan and Belly Williams because they had "acted from Margaret Corrigan. Nationality: Irish. Religion: Catholic.' a profound conviction that the individual can make a mean- Education: No college degrees. Spouse: Jack Maguirc,'' ingful contribution to peace through constructive reconcili- married September 8, 1981. Children: 1. Career: Textile ation'1 and had "paved the way Cor the strong resislance factory, Belfast, Ireland, Bookkeeper, 1960-65; Guincss against violence and misuse ol power, which was present in Son and Company, Belfast, Ireland, Secretary, 1965-76; broad circle:-, ol" the people." Corrigan's impetus for siavliiui Peace People, Founder and Administrator, 1976-. Other the Iiish group Peace People came from the killing of llirce Awards: Carl von Ossictzky Medal, Berlin, 1976; People's of her nieces and nephews by a car driven by a terrorist who Peace Prize, Norway, 1976; Hall of Fame, Unil'cd States, had been shot. Al'ier her sister's dealh. she married her 1977. brother-in-law. Jack Maguire. She remains an active worker Selected Publications: "A Mother Pleads for Peace." for peace. (K.J.H.) Parade (December 29, 1985) 14-16. For More Information See: Current Biography Year- book. New York: HAV. Wilson, 1978, 88-91. Dcutsch, Richard. Mairead Corrigan, Belly Williams. Translated by Jack Bernard. Woodbury, NY: Barron's, 1977. Hershey, Robert D. "Nobels Go to 2 Ulster Women and to Amnesty International." A'Vu- York Times (October 11, 1977;: l+. 1976 (Cont'd) Elizabeth WILLIAMS Address: P.O. Box 725, Valparaiso, FL 32580, USA Prize: Peace, 1976. Born: May 22. 1943; Andersonslown, circles of the people." Shocked into action by her witnessing Belfast, Northern Ireland. Parents: No record found. Na- of the accidental death in a terrorist incident of Corrigan's tionality: Irish. Religion: Calholic (mother)/Prolestanl (fa- three nieces and nephews and the subsequent death of Cor- ther) background. Education: No college degrees. Spouse: risan's sister, Anne Maguire. Betty Williams, along with Ralph Williams, married June 14, 1961, dissolved, 19S2; Corr'man. launched the organisation, Peace People, with the James T. Perkins, married 1982. Children: Paul, son; Debo- goal of endina the fighting and killing in Ireland. The rah, daughter. Career: Ireland, Clerk and Waitress. 1961- organi/ation, under Williams'* leadership, has remained a 76; Community of Peace People, Ireland, Leader, I976-. force in Ireland and in the world. (T.B.) Other Awards: Carl von Ossietsky Medal for Courage, 1976; Norwegian People's Peace Prize, 1976. Selected Publications: Occasional Writer for Peace by Peace, 1976-86. For More Information See: Current Biography Year- book. New York: H.W. Wilson, 1979, 434-37. Deutsch, Richard. Mairead Corrigan, Betty Williams. Translated by Jack Bernard. Woodbury, NY: Barren's, 1977. Commentary: Belty Williams shared the Nobel Prize with Mairead Corrigan in recognition of the fact that "their initiative paved the way for the strong resistance against violence and misuse of power which was present in broad — Amnesty International Address: 1 Easton Street, London WC1X 8DJ, U.K. Tel: (44-171) 413-5500, Fax: (44-171) 956-1157 Prize: Peace, 1977. Founded: 1961 in London, England. Commentary: The prize was given to Amnesty Interna- tional in 1977, the Year of Prisoners of Conscience, "for the contribution the organization has made to protect this group of prisoners against treatment which ignores humo.n rights. \Vith its work for the protection of human rights against degradation, violence, and torture, Amnesty International has contributed to securing a foundation for dignity, and thereby, also for peace in the world." (G.N.W.) -3- 1978 — Muhammed Anwar EL-SADAT [deceased] — Menachim Wolfovitch BEGIN [deceased] 1979 — Teresa, Mother (Bojaxhiu, Agnes Gonxha) [deceased] 1980 — Aldofo Perez ESQUIVEL Address: University of Peace, Apdo. Postal 199, 1250 Escalzu, Costa Rica; Servicio Paz y Justicia, Piedras 730, CP 1070, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Prize: Peace, 1980. Born: November 26, 1931; Buenos Commentary: Adolt'o Here/. L-^quivel was honored as "a Aires, Argentina. Parents: No record found. Nationality: spokesman of a revival of respect of human rights...having Argentinian. Religion: Catholic. Education: National shone a light through the darkness" of Argentina's military School of Fine Arts, Argentina, graduate, 1956. Spouse: rule. Perez Esquivcl left a distinguished career as a sculptor Amanda Pere/., married 1956. Children: Lcopoldo, son; 2 to become a human rights activist and Catholic church lay other sons. Career: Manuel Bclgrano [Iscuela N'acioinii tie leader, coordinating human rights efforts in Argentina and Bellas Aries, Buenos Aires. Argentina, Professor, 1956-73; in all of Latin America. He was mistreated and jailed by the Service for Justice and Peace in Latin America, Founder and Argentinian military government for 14 months early in his Secretary General, 1973-. Other Awards: Preniio La Nacii;;) career without charge or trial but has persisted in his efforts de Oseultura; Memorial Juan XXIII, Insiituio de Poledogia through the Service for Justice and Peace, which he founded, ViciorScix, Barcelona, Spain. 1977. and through a women's group. Las Locas de Mayo. (R.A.) Selected Publications: I'n:. \ Jnsiii'ia, Founder and Hdi- lor, 1973-. Christ in a I'i»ichi>. New York: Orhis Hooks. I9K3. For More Information See: Current Itiographv Year- hook. New York: HAV. YViKon. I9S1. 321-24. New York Times ttiographicul Sen-ice (October 14. 19X0): !455-5h. I WO Vela de Annas. Mexico City: Las Ldiciones del Ticmpo. 19X0.315-1(1. 473. -4 - 1981 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Address: High Commissioner and Headquarters Case postale 2500, Depot, CH-1211, Geneve 2, Switzerland Tel: (41-22) 739-8111, Fax: (41-22) 731-9546 Prize: Peace, 1981. Founded: 1951 by the UN. Commentary: The Peace Prize, awarded in recognition of UNHCR's 30th birthday, was their second award. The UNHCR provides refugees with legal protection from forced repatriation, physical harm, and unjustified deten- tion, as well as assurances of adequate food, clothing, and shelter. (G.N.W.) 1982 — Alfonso GARCIA ROBLES [deceased] - Alva Rentier MYRDAL [deceased] 1983 Lech WALESA Address: ul. Polanki 54, Gdansk-Oliwa, Poland i'rize: Peace, 19S.V Horn: September 29. 1943; Popow. Commentary: Lech Walesa was granted the Nobel Prize Poland. I'drctitx: Father, Uole^law Walc>a; Moilier. Fehksa for his efforts through negotiation and nonviolent protest to V.'alcsa h'dtionalilv: Polish Religion: Cailu>!ic. l',tl;:ca- gain the right for Polish workers to organize freely. Walesa tion: No college degrees. Spouse: MirosLuvi \\'alesa. ma: - was involved in labor unrest almost from his first working lied 1 9n9. C'ltildrcii: 4 son--: 4 d.rj'jliUT-, Career: I,emu clay and eventually (in 1976) lost his electrician's position Shipyard. Cidansk. Poland. Flectrician. l963-7('i; Polish I .a because of his activities. He was one of the founders of the 1 bur Leader, I 976-. Other Award ;: Man of the Year. Time. free trade union on the Baltic Coast in 1979, the forerunner 19X1; Love- International Award. 19X1; Freedom Medal. of the large union Solidarity, which Walesa has guided since U.S.A.. 19N1; Medal of Merit. 19SI; Social Justice Award. its beginnings. Harassed constantly and jailed by Polish 19S.V leaders, Walesa remains a symbol to Polish labor and the Selected Publications: The Stnt^lc d/ul ih.c Triiini/>li. Polish people, with his activities "characterized by a deter- New York: Arcade Publishers, 1992.' mination to soKc his country's problems through negotia- For More Information See: Aschcrson. Neal. The B<>"k tion and cooperation without resorting to violence." (J.H.S.) of Lech Vi'elesa. New York; Simon & Schuster, 1982. Brole- wic/., Walter. My Brother, Lech Walesa. New York: Tribeca Communications, 19^3.Current Biography Yearbook. New York: H.W.Wilson. 19S1, 436-39. -5- 1984 — Desmond Mpilo TUTU Address: Truth and Reconciliation Commission, P.O. Box 3162, Cape Town 8000, South Africa. Tel: 021-24-51-61, Fax: 021-24-52-25 Prize: Peace, 1984. Born: October 7, 1931; Klerksdorp, For More Information See: Current Biography Year- Witwatcrsrand, Transvaal, South Africa. Parents: Father, book. New York: H.W. Wilson, January 1985,40-44. "Gifts Zachariah Tutu; Mother, Aletta Tutu. Nationality: South Seen and Heard." Commonweal III (November 30, 1984): African. Religion: Anglican. Education: Bantu Normal 645-46. Hammer, Joshua. "Urging Nonviolent Change in College, South Africa, Teacher's Diploma, 1953; Univ. of His Tortured Land: South Africa's Desmond Tutu Wins (he SouH-fAfrica, B.A., 1954; St. Peter's Theological College, Nobel Pri/e." People 22 (December 17, 1984): 185-87. South Africa, L.Th., 1960; King's College (Univ.
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