A Peace Odyssey Commemorating the 100Th Anniversary of the Awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize

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A Peace Odyssey Commemorating the 100Th Anniversary of the Awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize CALL FOR PAPERS HOFSTRA CULTURAL CENTER in cooperation with THE PEACE HISTORY SOCIETY presents 2001: A Peace Odyssey Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize AN INTERDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 8, 9, 10, 2001 HEMPSTEAD, NEW YORK 11549 JEAN HENRI DUNANT, FRÉDÉRIC PASSY, ÉLIE RALPH BUNCHE, LÉON JOUHAUX, ALBERT SCHWEITZER, DUCOMMUN, CHARLES ALBERT GOBAT, SIR WILLIAM GEORGE CATLETT MARSHALL, THE OFFICE OF THE RANDAL CREMER, INSTITUT DE DROIT INTERNATIONAL, UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES, BARONESSPROBERTHAPACESOPHIE ETFELICITA VON SUTTNER, LESTER BOWLES PEARSON, GEORGES PIRE, PHILIP J. NÉEFCOUNTESSRATERNITATEKINSKY VON CHINIC UND TETTAU, NOEL-BAKER, ALBERT JOHN LUTULI, DAG HJALMAR THEODOREENTIUMROOSEVELT, ERNESTO TEODORO MONETA, AGNE CARL HAMMARSKJÖLD, LINUS CARL PAULING, LOUISGRENAULT, KLAS PONTUS ARNOLDSON, FREDRIK COMITÉ INTERNATIONAL DE LA CROIX ROUGE, LIGUE BAJER(F, ORAUGUSTE THE PMEACEARIE FRANŸOIS AND BEERNAERT, PAUL DES SOCIÉTÉS DE LA CROIX-ROUGE, MARTIN LUTHER ROTHERHOOD OF EN HENRIB BENJAMIN BALLUET, BARONM D)E CONSTANT DE KING JR., UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND, RENÉ REBECQUE D'ESTOURNELLE DE CONSTANT, THE CASSIN, THE INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION, PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL PEACE BUREAU, TOBIAS N ORMAN ERNEST BORLAUG, WILLY BRANDT, MICHAEL CAREL ASSER, ALFRED HERMANN FRIED, HENRY A. KISSINGER, LE DUC THO, SEÁN E LIHU ROOT, HENRI LA FONTAINE, MACBRIDE, EISAKU SATO, ANDREI COMITÉ INTERNATIONAL DE LA DMITRIEVICH SAKHAROV, B ETTY CROIX ROUGE, THOMAS WILLIAMS, MAIREAD CORRIGAN, WOODROW WILSON, AMNESTY I NTERNATIONAL, LÉON VICTOR AUGUSTE MOHAMED ANWAR EL SADAT, B OURGEOIS,KARL MENACHEM BEGIN, MOTHER HJALMAR BRANTING, T ERESA,ADOLFO PEREZ CHRISTIAN LOUS L ANGE, ESQUIVEL,OFFICE OF THE F RIDTJOF NANSEN, U NITED NATIONS HIGH SIR (JOSEPH)AUSTEN COMMISSIONER FOR CHAMBERLAIN,CHARLES REFUGEES, ALVA MYRDAL, GATES DAWES, ARISTIDE ALFONSO GARCÍA ROBLES, LECH BRIAND, GUSTAV STRESEMANN, WALESA, DESMOND M PILO FERDINAND EDOUARD BUISSON, TUTU,INTERNATIONAL PHYSICIANS LUDWIG QUIDDE FRANK BILLINGS FOR THE PREVENTION OF NUCLEAR WAR KELLOGG, LARS OLOF NATHAN (JONATHAN) INC., ELIE WIESEL, OSCAR ARIAS SANCHEZ, SÖDERBLOM, JANE ADDAMS, NICHOLAS MURRAY THE UNITED NATIONS PEACE-KEEPING FORCES, DALAI BUTLER, SIR NORMAN ANGELL (RALPH LANE), ARTHUR LAMA (TENZIN GYATSO 14TH ), MIKHAIL SERGEYEVICH HENDERSON, CARL VON OSSIETZKY, CARLOS SAAVEDRA GORBACHEV, AUNG SAN SUU KYI, RIGOBERTA LAMAS, VISCOUNT (LORD EDGAR ALGERNON ROBERT MENCHU TUM, NELSON MANDELA, FREDERIK GASCOYNE CECIL) CECIL OF CHELWOOD, OFFICE WILLEM100 DE YKLERKEARS, YASSER OFARAFAT THE, SHIMON INTERNATIONAL NANSEN POUR LES RÉFUGIÉS, COMITÉ PERES, YITZHAK RABIN, JOSEPH ROTBLAT, PUGWASH INTERNATIONAL DE LA CROIX ROUGE, CORDELL HULL, CONFERENCESNOBEL ON SPCIENCEEACE AND PWORLDRIZEAFFAIRS, EMILY GREENE BALCH, JOHN RALEIGH MOTT, THE CARLOS FILIPE XIMENES BELO, JOSÉ RAMOS-HORTA, FRIENDS SERVICE COUNCIL (THE QUAKERS), THE INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN TO BAN LANDMINES, AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE (THE JODY WILLIAMS, JOHN HUME, DAVID TRIMBLE, QUAKERS), LORD (JOHN) BOYD ORR OF BRECHIN, MÉDECINS SANS FRONTIÈRES, KIM DAE JUNG CALL FOR PAPERS HOFSTRA CULTURAL CENTER in cooperation with THE PEACE HISTORY SOCIETY presents 2001: A Peace Odyssey Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize AN INTERDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE Thursday, Friday, Saturday November 8, 9, 10, 2001 n December 10, 1901, the first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in Oslo, Norway. One hundred years later O we commemorate a century of peacemaking with an interdisciplinary, international conference titled 2001: A Peace Odyssey. The Conference will be held at Hofstra University, Hempstead, Long Island, New York, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 8, 9 and 10, 2001. Nobel Peace Prize winners and other global activists and policy makers will be invited to participate in the three-day conference, providing both historical and visionary dimensions to the gathering. The event will offer an important interdisciplinary reflection on peace and war in the 20th century as well as an exploration of the challenges of peacemaking in the future. In addition to papers that focus on the Nobel Peace Prize, its laureates, history, mission and consequences, the Conference Committee is interested in papers and presentations on the following topics: • General Theories of War and Peace • The Role of International Law • Conflict Prevention and Resolution • The International Criminal Court • Nuclear Disarmament and Abolition • The Role of the United Nations and Other • Conventional Weapons Proliferation International Organizations • Land Mines • Foreign Policy and International Diplomacy • Biological and Chemical Disarmament • Women and War/Peace • Impact of Economic Sanctions • Child Soldiers • Globalization and Economic Violence • Youth and Peace • Environment and Peace • Race, Ethnicity and Social Justice • Building a Culture of Peace • Human Rights and Peace • Indigenous Cultures: Contributions to Peace • Religion and World Peace • Peace History • Conscientious Objection • Peace and the Arts • Examining Humanitarian Intervention • Peace Education • The Role of Civil Society and NGOs • War and Peace in the Media • Unsung Peacemakers Presentations on other topics are welcome. Persons interested in participating should submit a letter of Conference Director intent accompanied by a resume or curriculum vitae by Linda A. Longmire February 1, 2001. Please indicate the nature of the presenta- Associate Professor of Political Science tion (lecture, panel or workshop). A three- to five-page New College of Hofstra University abstract or completed paper is required by May 1, 2001. All Tel: (516) 463-5828 material should be double-spaced and in duplicate. E-mail: [email protected] Previously published material should not be submitted. Presentation time is limited to 20 minutes. Selected papers will be published. Send all correspondence and submissions to: Conference Coordinator SPEAKERS INCLUDE: Athelene A. Collins-Prince Irwin Abrams Hofstra Cultural Center Professor Emeritus 200 Hofstra University Antioch College Hempstead, NY 11549-2000 Tel: (516) 463-5669 Fax: (516) 462-4793 Blanche Wiesen Cook E-mail: [email protected] Historian John Jay College, CUNY Web site: www.hofstra.edu/peaceodyssey Anne Cecilie Kjelling Head Librarian Norwegian Nobel Institute President Peace History Society Cora Weiss President Hague Appeal for Peace Please Post Hofstra University continues its commitment to extending equal opportunity to all qualified individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national or ethnic origin, or physical or mental disability in the conduct and operation of its educational programs and activities, including admission and employment. This statement of nondiscrimination is in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and other federal, state and local laws. The Director of Environmental Safety in the Plant Department (516) 463-6622 is the individual designated by the University to coordinate its efforts to comply with Section 504. The Equal Rights and Opportunity Officer is the University's official responsible for coordinating its adherence to Title IX and other equal opportunity regulations and laws. Questions or concerns regarding Title IX or other aspects of this policy (other than Section 504) should be directed to the Equal Rights and Opportunity Officer (516) 463-2500. 7662:9/00 HEMPSTEAD, NEW YORK 11549.
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