
A comparison of Miller and natural gas for small ⋆ scale CHP applications. ∗ R. Mikalsen , Y.D. Wang, A.P. Roskilly Sir Joseph Swan Institute for Energy Research, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom.


This paper presents an investigation into the feasibility and potential advantages of a small scale natural gas for applications such as domestic combined and power systems. The Miller cycle engine is compared to a standard Otto cycle engine using cycle analyses and multidimensional simulation, and basic engine design implications are discussed. It is found that the Miller cycle engine has a potential for improved fuel efficiency, but at the cost of a reduced power to weight ratio. A fuel efficiency advantage of 5→10 per cent compared to a standard Otto cycle engine appears possible, however it is stated that further investigations, in particular into the topic of engine friction, are required in order to validate the findings.

Key words: Miller cycle, natural gas engine, CHP, CFD.

1. Introduction 1.1. Combined heat and power systems for small scale applications Domestic energy use, i.e. heating and electric power consumption, is the largest contributor to The yearly energy consumption for a typical UK the average UK citizen’s CO2 footprint [1], as the household consists of around 15→25 per cent elec- majority of this energy is generated using fossil tric energy and 75→85 per cent energy for heating. fuels. As evidence of the environmental impacts of Although these numbers clearly have seasonal vari- carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels becomes ations, this scales well with the efficiency one would clearer and fuel costs increase, the interest in small expect from a combustion engine and electric gener- scale, domestic combined heat and power (CHP) ator set, which typically lies in the range 20→35 per systems has increased. By utilising a part of the cent, depending on size and application. Effective fuel energy to produce electricity locally, where the methods of coupling small CHP units to the electric waste energy (typically two thirds of the fuel heat grid exist, in order to account for variations in the energy) is needed for heating, electric power con- supply from the unit and household demand. sumption from large, fossil fuel based power plants, Figure 1 shows two possible configurations for in which most of the excess heat energy is lost, can a small natural gas engine in domestic applica- be reduced. tions. Figure 1a shows a standard combined heat and power system, in which the mechanical output ⋆ This is a preprint version. This paper was published as: from the engine drives an electric generator. The Applied Energy, 86, Issue 6, June 2009, Pages 922– electric power can be supplied to the grid, thereby 927. ∗ reducing the household’s electricity costs, and the Corresponding author. Tel. +44 191 246 4935. Email address: [email protected] (R. Mikalsen). exhaust heat from the engine is utilised for heating

Preprint submitted to Elsevier 25 February 2009 Natural gas Central Boost combustor heating

Air Exhaust

Generator ~

(a) Combined heat and electric power system.

Central heating Natural gas

Air Exhaust

Outdoor evaporator

(b) Natural gas engine and heat pump system.

Fig. 1. Possible configurations for a natural gas engine in domestic applications.

purposes. Figure 1b shows an alternative configu- only a limited number of units commercially avail- ration of a heating-only system based on a natural able. The smallest units, such as the WhisperGen gas engine driving a heat pump. Depending on the micro-CHP system manufactured by WhisperGen configuration, modern domestic heat pumps typi- Ltd. [2], are mainly based on the , and cally achieve a coefficient of performance (COP) of have electric power output down to around 1 kWe. 3→5, i.e. for one unit of input energy 3→5 units Although the Stirling engine is capable of electric of heat can be supplied. With an engine efficiency generation efficiencies of up to 25 per cent, units of 25% and a heat pump COP of 3 (a conservative currently available in this size range typically have estimate), a reduction in fuel use for heating in the lower ratios of electric to heating power generation. order of 30% is possible. As an alternative the heat Allen et al. [3] stated that there are currently around pump could be used to provide cooling, which could 1000 micro-CHP units installed in the UK, and that be an attractive solution in applications such as of- such units are financially viable with payback time fice buildings with rooms for computing equipment of 3→5 years. or convenience stores which require cooled storage Internal combustion engines are generally consid- for goods. ered unsuitable for micro-scale CHP systems due to A pre-requisite for such a system is, however, that factors such as high levels of vibration and noise, a suitable natural gas engine can be realised. higher exhaust gas emissions levels compared to con- tinuous combustion systems, less fuel flexibility, and 1.2. Prime movers for small scale CHP systems shorter lifetime. Some examples do, however, exist, such as the 5.5 kWe Dachs micro-CHP unit manu- Several different designs have been proposed for factured by SenerTec GmbH [4], and such engines small scale CHP systems, however there is currently have some clear advantages over existing external

2 combustion technologies, including high power den- A number of reports have described the Miller cy- sity, simple control, and high fuel efficiency. In addi- cle engine concept and investigated various aspects tion, internal combustion engine technology is well- of its design and operation. Al-Sarkhi et al. [6] and proven and highly developed. With the low price, Zhao and Chen [7] presented theoretical investiga- high availability, and well established distribution tions into Miller cycle engine performance, studying networks for natural gas existing in many countries, the influence of the main engine design variables and including the United Kingdom, natural gas inter- system irreversibilities. Endo et al. [8] described the nal combustion engines present a potential option design of a commercially available large scale (280– for use in a combined heat and power system. If 1100 kW) gas engine using the Miller cycle principle, the challenges of noise and vibration can be over- claiming a fuel efficiency advantage of more than come, for example through acoustic insulation in the 5 % over comparable conventional technology. Ghe- mounting of the unit, there is no reason why inter- orghiu and Uebersch¨ar [9] studied an overexpanded nal combustion engines should not be feasible for engine for use in hybrid vehicles and investigated micro-scale CHP units. sources of efficiency loss in the conventional imple- Currently, small scale internal combustion engines mentation of such cycles. Wang and Ruxton [10] and are mainly used in applications such as small mo- Wang et al. [11] investigated the application of the torbikes and portable electric generators, in which Miller cycle concept to reduce engine exhaust gas the requirement of a high power to weight ratio is emissions and found that significant NOx reductions that of highest importance. In the design of a com- could be achieved, albeit with a penalty in engine bustion engine there is a clear trade-off between fuel consumption. power density and efficiency, and, since the power density requirement is relaxed in stationary appli- cations such as a CHP system, the engine can be p 3 optimised for high efficiency and long life. Engine pk optimisation may include factors such as: the use of a high to bore ratio to reduce in-cylinder heat transfer losses; reducing engine mean piston 2 speed to minimise frictional and gas flow losses; re- pj ducing the to reduce sealing re- quirements; lean burn operation to reduce peak in- cylinder gas temperatures and ; and the use 4 of an over-expanded cycle to maximise the mechan- p 1 ical extracted from the cylinder gases. Since i most of these result in a reduction in engine power V Va Vb to weight ratio, they are normally not used in exist- (a) Air-standard Otto cycle. ing small scale internal combustion engines. Hence, there is a significant potential for enhancing engine p fuel efficiency if a penalty in engine size and weight 3 can be accepted. pk

1.3. The Miller cycle engine 2 pj The Miller cycle was proposed by Miller [5], with the main objective of improving engine efficiency. It is an over-expanded cycle, i.e. a cycle with an 4 5 expansion ratio higher than its compression ratio. pi 6 Recently, the Miller cycle has also been proposed as 1 V a means of reducing harmful NOx emissions while Va Vb Vc maintaining a high engine efficiency, by reducing the (b) Air-standard Miller cycle. engine compression ratio and thereby also peak in- cylinder gas temperatures and pressures. Fig. 2. Comparison of Otto and Miller air-standard cycles.

3 Figure 2 shows the air-standard Otto and Miller V2 Wc,otto = p dV cycles, and illustrates the additional work that can ZV1 be extracted from the Miller cycle (shaded). Hey- V4 wood [12] showed that significant increases in engine We,otto = p dV, Z efficiency can be achieved in over-expanded cycles, V3 especially at low compression ratios. and for the Miller cycle engine

1.4. Realising the Miller engine V1 V2 Wc,miller = p dV + p dV ZV6 ZV1 A number of recent studies have investigated the V4 V5 modification of existing conventional engines for op- W miller = p dV + p dV, e, Z Z eration on a Miller cycle. This can be achieved by V3 V4 advancing the closing of the inlet valves, thereby lim- iting the amount of fresh charge that will flow into where p is in-cylinder gas , V is gas vol- the cylinder, or by delaying the closing so that a part ume and the subscripts denote the points on the air- of the inlet charge is rejected. By lowering the effec- standard cycles shown in Figure 2. tive compression ratio, the peak in-cylinder gas tem- Assuming that the in-cylinder gases follow poly- peratures and pressures are reduced, which reduces tropic compression and expansion state changes, the the formation of temperature-dependent emissions in-cylinder pressure can be described by such as nitrogen oxides. The expansion ratio is main- tained, limiting the fuel efficiency penalty associated n 1 p = p0V0 with lower compression ratios. V n The current work seeks a more fundamental ap- where the subscript 0 denotes starting conditions proach to the design of a Miller cycle engine, investi- and n is the polytropic coefficient. Inserting this into gating an engine purposely designed for Miller cycle the integral and solving, one can derive expressions operation. The study will be based on a standard for the net output work (We −Wc) for the two cycles Otto-cycle spark ignition engine, and a Miller cycle as functions of the volumes Va,Vb,Vc and pressures version of the same engine will be designed by in- pi,pj ,pk. creasing the stroke length. This allows a direct com- The compression ratio rc = Vb/Va will be equal parison of the performance of the two engines to be for the Otto and Miller engines. For the Otto cy- undertaken, allowing investigations into the poten- cle engine, the expansion ratio is equal to the com- tial advantages and disadvantages of the Miller cycle pression ratio, whereas for the Miller cycle engine, engine. one can define a ‘Miller cycle ratio’, ε, expressing the relative difference between expansion ratio and compression ratio: 2. Thermodynamic analyses r V /V V ε = e = c a = c rc Vb/Va Vb The basic features of the two engine cycles can be where r is the Miller cycle expansion ratio. investigated theoretically using cycle analyses. Hav- e ing an Otto-cycle engine, such as the one illustrated in Figure 2a, the Miller cycle version can be created 2.1. Efficiency advantages from the expanded cycle by increasing the stroke length. The compression is assumed to start at the same point, however the ex- The compression ratio, rc, in modern conventional pansion ratio will be increased as can be seen in Fig- spark ignited engines is typically limited to around ure 2b. 10 due to fuel autoignition limitations. Natural gas The additional expansion work from the cycle can and some other alternative fuels, such as ethanol, now be estimated. The compression work, Wc, and have higher knock resistance (octane number), and the expansion work, We, for the Otto-cycle engine may utilise higher compression ratios. For applica- are tions such as the one investigated here, a lower com- pression ratio is, however, desirable in order to re-

4 duce cylinder sealing requirements, frictional losses gine components. Engine efficiency is highly influ- and engine noise. enced by pressure losses over valves, and in an engine The maximum cycle pressure pk will depend on such as the one investigated here, a low mean piston the amount of heat added to the charge in the speed is desirable in order to minimise such pump- constant-volume process 2-3. For spark ignition en- ing losses. Modifying the engine design to a longer gines, the ratio of end-of-compression pressure (pj ) stroke length, as described above, will require a re- to peak pressure (pk) is typically around 3 at full duced operating speed to maintain a constant mean load. piston speed, and will therefore lead to a reduction in engine power output. r =4 1.12 c Mean piston speed, Sp, is defined as r =6 o c η

/ 1.1

m r =8 c η Sp = 2SN 1.08 where S is engine stroke length and N is operating 1.06 speed. The power output, P , from the engine can be 1.04 expressed as Efficiency ratio, 1.02 1 Sp 1 1 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 P = Wnet N = Wnet Miller cycle ratio, ε nR 2S nR (a) Efficiency advantage of the Miller cycle for varying compres- where Wnet is the net work output from the cycle, sion ratios (p3/p2 = 3). N is engine operating speed and nR is the number of engine revolutions per power stroke (2 for four stroke engines). p /p =2 1.12 3 2 It is seen that for a constant work output per cycle p /p =3 o 3 2 η

/ 1.1 and a constant mean piston speed, the power output

m p /p =4 3 2 η 1.08 of the engine scales inversely proportional to stroke length. In the Miller cycle engine, the work output 1.06 is not constant, but increases with increasing stroke 1.04 length, and that must be taken into account in this Efficiency ratio, 1.02 analysis.

1 The ratio of power outputs becomes 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Miller cycle ratio, ε Pmiller Wnet,miller Sotto (b) Efficiency advantage of the Miller cycle for varying heat in- = , otto net otto miller puts (rc = 6). P W , S and the ratio of stroke lengths in the Miller and Fig. 3. Potential efficiency advantage of the Miller cycle en- Otto engines can be expressed in terms of compres- gine. sion ratios: Figure 3 shows the air-standard efficiency advan- − tage that can be achieved in a Miller cycle engine Sotto rc 1 = − . compared to the equivalent Otto cycle. It is seen that Smiller re 1 the Miller cycle advantages are larger for engines Figure 4 shows the theoretical power reduction in with low compression ratios, which is consistent with the Miller cycle engine due to reduced engine speed. reports from other authors [12]. Furthermore, a sig- A significant reduction can be seen, as expected. The nificant influence of the heat input is seen, indicat- power reduction is, however, seen not to be largely ing that the Miller cycle is suitable for engines op- influenced by the engine compression ratio or heat erating at high loads, and possibly more beneficial input. for fuels with high heat content. 3. CFD simulation of Miller cycle engine 2.2. Reduction in power output performance

The operating speed of an engine is limited by In order to investigate the effects of employing resistance to gas flows and mechanical stress of en- the Miller cycle in a real engine, a simulation model

5 1 Stroke 0.060 m r =4 c 0.9 r =6 Bore 0.050 m c o r =8 /P c Speed 3000 rpm

m 0.8

0.7 Aspiration natural

0.6 Compression ratio 6

Power ratio P Table 1 0.5 Engine specifications.

0.4 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Miller cycle ratio, ε 3.2. Simulation setup (a) Power reduction in the Miller cycle for varying compression ratios (p3/p2 = 3). The simulation model had previously been val- idated against experimental results from an auto- 1 motive spark ignition engine modified to run on a p /p =2 3 2 Miller cycle, presented by Wang and Ruxton [10]. 0.9 p /p =3 3 2 o p /p =4 A simplified model of the engine was developed and /P 3 2 m 0.8 a mesh of the engine cylinder was created. A simple 0.7 combustion chamber design with a standard bowl- in-piston design with a cone-shaped cylinder head 0.6

Power ratio P was used. The combustion chamber is assumed 0.5 symmetric around the cylinder axis, which allows 0.4 a wedge geometry with cyclic boundary conditions 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Miller cycle ratio, ε to be used, reducing computational costs. Since the (b) Power reduction in the Miller cycle for varying heat inputs study is parametric in nature and only investigates (rc = 6). trends in engine performance, the specific design of the combustion chamber has little influence on the Fig. 4. Power reduction in the Miller cycle engine with con- stant mean piston speed. results and these simplifications are acceptable. was set up using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) toolkit OpenFOAM [13,14]. A multidimen- sional simulation model takes into account impor- tant factors such as in-cylinder fluid flow and heat transfer, and will give better insight into the poten- tial advantages of the Miller cycle engine than basic cycle analyses do. The simulations were performed by comparing a Fig. 5. Computational mesh. standard, Otto-cycle engine with alternative config- urations of the same engine with an increased stroke Figure 5 shows the computational mesh used in length, as above. The compression ratio is held con- the simulations. The mesh is a 30-degree wedge with stant, whereas the expansion ratio increases as the 10,600 cells, equivalent to more than 120,000 cells stroke length is increased. for the full cylinder. Mesh sensitivity analyses were performed to ensure the independence of the so- lution of the mesh density. Combustion was mod- elled with the Weller combustion model [15], with a 3.1. Engine configuration centrally located . Turbulence was mod- elled with a standard k–ǫ model with wall functions, The modelled engine is a standard spark ignition and constant wall temperatures were used. Ther- engine with main engine data as shown in Table 1. modynamic properties are calculated using JANAF With a brake mean effective pressure (bmep) of thermochemical tables [14]. Swirl was introduced at 300 kPa, such an engine would produce around 1 kW BDC, and the swirl level at BDC was equal for all of output power per cylinder. designs. The fuel used was methane (the main con-

6 stituent of natural gas) at a fuel-air equivalence ra- 1.2 o η tio of 1. / m η 1.15 3.3. Simulation results 1.1

Simulation cases were set up for the original, Otto- 1.05 cycle engine and for Miller cycle engines with ǫ = 1.2, ǫ = 1.4 and ǫ = 1.6. The optimum value for igni- 1 Indicated efficiency ratio, tion timing (that giving the highest efficiency) varies 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 between the designs, among other things due to the Miller cycle ratio, ε differences in engine speed. The optimum spark tim- (a) Indicated efficiency advantage of the Miller cycle. ing was identified for all designs, and the results pre- sented here are all run under these conditions. 1 40 Otto cycle o /P 0.9 35 Miller cycle m

30 0.8

25 0.7 20 Power ratio, P 0.6 15 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 10 Miller cycle ratio, ε In−cylinder gas pressure [bar] 5 (b) Power reduction in the Miller cycle.

0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Fig. 7. Predicted Miller cycle performance. Cylinder volume [cm3] should be noted that in addition to reducing the Fig. 6. Pressure-volume plot for the original engine and the power output of the engine, modifying a conven- Miller cycle engine with ǫ = 1.6. tional engine to run on the Miller cycle as done here Figure 6 shows the p-V diagrams of the Otto-cycle will also increase engine weight. Hence, the engine engine and the Miller cycle engine with ǫ = 1.6. It power to weight ratio will be influenced to a higher was found that the combustion in the Miller cycle degree than the power ratio shown in the figure. engine benefits from the lower engine speed, and Moreover, these analyses are based on indicated (in- is slightly closer to a constant-volume process. The cylinder) values. Differences in the mechanical effi- additional expansion work from the Miller cycle is ciency of the engine will influence both the fuel ef- seen to add significantly to the original (Otto-cycle) ficiency and the output power, and must therefore net cycle work. also be taken into account when evaluating the po- Figure 7 shows the predicted engine performance tential advantages of the Miller cycle concept. for the original, Otto-cycle engine (ǫ = 1) and the Miller cycle engine for different Miller cycle ratios. 4. Frictional losses in the Miller cycle engine In Figure 7a it can be seen that the indicated effi- ciency benefits from the increased expansion ratio, Frictional losses relate the indicated work (the as expected. The efficiency advantage for the Miller work done on the pistons by the in-cylinder gases) cycle engine is higher than that predicted in the cy- to the actual output work from the engine and are of cle analyses. This is due to the fact that the efficiency high importance in internal combustion engines. En- in a real engine is determined by a number of fac- gine friction is typically divided into (a) the pump- tors, including heat transfer losses, volume change ing work required to draw fresh mixture into the during combustion, and in-cylinder gas motion, that cylinders and expel the burnt gases; (b) the work re- are not taken into account in the cycle analyses. quired to drive engine accessories such as water and The engine indicated power is seen to drop with oil pumps; and (c) the mechanical friction between the increasing expansion ratio, however the reduc- moving parts in the engine. In small scale engines, tion is slightly lower than that predicted above. It typically between 20 per cent (at full load) and 100

7 per cent (at idle) of the indicated work is lost to fric- the fuel efficiency benefits of the Miller cycle. tion. Further work is required to validate the findings The increased stroke length and swept volume in presented in this paper, and a more detailed investi- the Miller cycle engine will lead to an increase in gation into engine frictional losses, noise and vibra- frictional losses, and, hence, the efficiency advantage tion, and system lifetime should be undertaken. The found above will be reduced. Of the three sources of preliminary findings are, however, encouraging, and friction listed above, the main difference between the suggest that significant fuel efficiency improvements two engines will be in the mechanical friction. The can be achieved in small scale internal combustion power required to drive the valve chain and engine engine with the use of an over-expanded cycle, pro- accessories will not differ significantly between the vided that a penalty in engine power density can be two engines, and there will be no major differences accepted. in pumping losses due to the constant mean piston speed. References Piston-cylinder friction typically accounts for around half of the frictional losses in a spark igni- tion engine [12]. Although piston-cylinder friction [1] The CarbonNeutral Company, http://www.carbonneutral.org. will increase with increasing stroke length, it is not [2] WhisperGen Ltd, http://www.whispergen.com. likely to scale proportionally to the Miller cycle [3] Allen SR, Hammond GP, McManus MC. Prospects for ratio due to the differences in the in-cylinder pres- and barriers to domestic micro-generation: A United sures during the different parts of the cycle. 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