
applied sciences

Article Optimizing Power and Thermal Efficiency of an Irreversible Variable-Temperature Reservoir

Ruibo Wang 1,2,3, Lingen Chen 1,2,3,* , Yanlin Ge 1,2,3 and Huijun Feng 1,2,3

1 Institute of Thermal Science and Power Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430205, China; [email protected] (R.W.); [email protected] (Y.G.); [email protected] (H.F.) 2 Hubei Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center of Green Chemical Equipment, Wuhan 430205, China 3 School of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430205, China * Correspondence: [email protected] or [email protected]

Abstract: Applying finite-time theory, an irreversible steady flow Lenoir cycle model with variable-temperature heat reservoirs is established, the expressions of power (P) and efficiency (η) are derived. By numerical calculations, the characteristic relationships among P and η

and the heat conductance distribution (uL) of the heat exchangers, as well as the thermal capacity rate matching (Cw f 1/CH) between working fluid and heat source are studied. The results show that when the heat conductances of the hot- and cold-side heat exchangers (UH, UL) are constants, P-η is a certain “point”, with the increase of heat reservoir inlet temperature ratio (τ), UH, UL, and the irreversible expansion efficiency (ηe), P and η increase. When uL can be optimized, P and η versus uL characteristics are parabolic-like ones, there are optimal values of heat conductance distributions (u , u ) to make the cycle reach the maximum power and efficiency points (Pmax, ηmax).  LP(opt) Lη (opt)  As Cw f 1/CH increases, Pmax-Cw f 1/CH shows a parabolic-like curve, that is, there is an optimal value of C /CH ((C /CH) ) to make the cycle reach double-maximum power point ((Pmax) ); as Citation: Wang, R.; Chen, L.; Ge, Y.; w f 1 w f 1 opt max C /C , U , and η increase, (P ) and (C /C ) increase; with the increase in τ, (P ) Feng, H. Optimizing Power and L H T e max max w f 1 H opt max max increases, and (C /C ) is unchanged. Thermal Efficiency of an Irreversible w f 1 H opt Variable-Temperature Heat Reservoir Lenoir Cycle. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7171. Keywords: finite-time thermodynamics; irreversible steady-flow Lenoir cycle; cycle power; thermal https://doi.org/10.3390/ efficiency; heat conductance distribution; thermal capacity rate matching app11157171

Academic Editor: Xiaolin Wang 1. Introduction Received: 14 July 2021 As a further extension of traditional thermodynamics, finite-time Accepted: 30 July 2021 Published: 3 August 2021 thermodynamics (FTT) [1–11] has been applied to analyze and optimize performances of actual thermodynamic cycles, and great progress has been made. FTT has been applied in

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral micro- and nano-cycles [12–15], thermoelectric devices [16,17], thermionic devices [18,19], with regard to jurisdictional claims in gas turbine cycles [20–22], internal combustion cycles [23,24], cogeneration plants [25,26], published maps and institutional affil- thermoradiative cell [27], chemical devices [28,29], and economics [30,31]. iations. According to the nature of the cycle, the researched heat (HEG) cycles include steady flow cycles [32–37] and reciprocating cycles [38–48]. For the steady flow HEG cycle, considering the temperature change of the heat reservoir (HR) can make the cycle closer to the actual working state of the HEG, therefore, some scholars have studied the steady flow cycles with variable temperature HR [49–53]. Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The Lenoir cycle (LC) model [54] was proposed by Lenoir in 1860. From the perspec- This article is an open access article tive of the cycle process, the LC lacks a compression process. It looks like a triangle in distributed under the terms and the cycle T-s diagram. It is a typical atmosphere compression HEG cycle, the conditions of the Creative Commons compression process required by the HEG during operation is realized by atmosphere Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// pressure and it can be used in aerospace, ships, vehicles, and power plants in engineering creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ practice. Georgiou [55] first used classical thermodynamics to study the steady flow Lenoir 4.0/). cycle (SFLC) and compared its performance with that of a steady flow .

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7171. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11157171 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 15

cycle Ts- diagram. It is a typical atmosphere pressure compression HEG cycle, the com- pression process required by the HEG during operation is realized by atmosphere pres- sure and it can be used in aerospace, ships, vehicles, and power plants in engineering Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7171 practice. Georgiou [55] first used classical thermodynamics to study the steady flow2 ofLe- 15 noir cycle (SFLC) and compared its performance with that of a steady flow Carnot cycle. Compared to the classical thermodynamics, the finite time process of the finite rate heat exchangeCompared (HEX) to the between classical the thermodynamics, system and the theenvironment finite time and process the finite of the size finite device rate areheat considered exchange (HEX)in the FTT between [1–11,5 the6–59], system therefore, and the the environment result obtained and is the closer finite to size the deviceactual HEGare considered performance in the FTT [1–11,56–59], therefore, the result obtained is closer to the actual HEGConsidering performance the heat transfer loss, Shen et al. [60] established an endoreversible SFLC modelConsidering with constant-temperature the heat transfer HRs loss, by Shen applying et al. FTT [60] theory, established analyzed an endoreversible the influences ofSFLC HR modeltemperature with constant-temperature ratio and total heat conductance HRs by applying (HTC) FTT on the theory, power analyzed output the( P influ-) and efficiencyences of HR (η ) temperature characteristics, ratio and and obtained total heat the conductancemaximum P (HTC) and maximum on the power η and output the corresponding(P) and efficiency optimal (η) characteristics, HTC distributions. and obtained Based on the the maximum NSGA-IIP algorithm,and maximum Ahmadiη and et al.the [61] corresponding optimized the optimal ecological HTC performa distributions.nce coefficient Based on and the NSGA-IIthermoeconomic algorithm, perfor- Ah- mancemadi et of al. the [61 endoreversible] optimized the SFLC ecological with constant-temperature performance coefficient HRs. Based and thermoeconomic on the Ref. [60], Wangperformance et al. [62] of thefurther endoreversible considered SFLCthe internal with constant-temperature irreversibility loss, established HRs. Based the on irre- the versibleRef. [60], SFLC Wang model et al. [and62] furtheroptimized considered its P and the η internal performance. irreversibility loss, established the irreversible SFLC model and optimized its P and η performance. The above-mentioned were all studies on the SFLC with constant temperature HR. The above-mentioned were all studies on the SFLC with constant temperature HR. Based on Refs. [60–62], an irreversible SFLC with a variable temperature HR will be es- Based on Refs. [60–62], an irreversible SFLC with a variable temperature HR will be tablished in this paper, and the influence of internal irreversibility, HR inlet temperature established in this paper, and the influence of internal irreversibility, HR inlet temperature ratio, thermal thermal capacity capacity rate rate (TCR) (TCR) matching, matching, and and total total HTC HTC on on cycle cycle performance performance will will be studied.be studied.

2. Cycle Cycle Model Model and Thermodynamic Performance Figure 11 showsshows the TTs--s diagram diagram ofof anan irreversibleirreversible variablevariable temperature HR SFLC. SFLC. Process 112→ 2 ((331→ 1)) is is a a constant constant volume (pressure) (pressure) endothermic endothermic (exothermic) (exothermic) one, and process 223→→ 3 is is an an irreversible irreversible expansion expansion one one (2 →( 23→3s iss the is correspondingthe corresponding isentropic isentropic one). one).Assuming Assuming the cycle the cycle working working fluid fluid is an is ideal an , asgas, well as well as the as inlet the inlet (outlet) (outlet) temperature temper-

atureof the of hot- the and hot- the and cold-side the cold-side fluid arefluidTHin are(T HoutTHin )(T andHout )T andLin(T LoutTLin ().TLout ).

Figure 1. Cycle TTs-s- diagram. diagram.

The irreversible expansion efficiency (ηe) is defined as [41,44,46,51]:

T2 − T3 ηe = (1) T2 − T3s Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7171 3 of 15

Assuming the heat transfer between the working fluid and HR obeys the law of Newton heat transfer, according to the ideal gas properties and the theory of HEX, the cycle heat absorption and heat release rates are, respectively:

QH = Cw f 1(T2 − T1) = CHminEH1(THin − T1) (2)

QL = Cw f 2(T3 − T1) = CLminEL1(T3 − TLin) (3) . where CH(CL) and Cw f 1(Cw f 2) are heat source and working fluid TCRs (Cw f 1 = mCv, . . Cw f 2 = mCP = kCw f 1), respectively, m is the working fluid mass flow rate, Cv(CP) is the constant volume (pressure) specific heat, k is the specific heat ratio. EH1 and EL1 are the effectiveness of hot- and cold-side HEXs, respectively:

1 − e−NH1(1−CHmin/CHmax) E = (4) H1 −N (1−C /C ) 1 − (CHmin/CHmax)e H1 Hmin Hmax

1 − e−NL1(1−CLmin/CLmax) E = (5) L1 −N (1−C /C ) 1 − (CLmin/CLmax)e L1 Lmin Lmax

where NH1 and NL1 are the heat transfer unit number of the two HEXs, CHmax(CHmin) is the larger (smaller) of CH and Cw f 1, and CLmax(CLmin) is the larger (smaller) of CL and kCw f 1. Their expressions are, respectively:

UH NH1 = (6) CHmin

UL NL1 = (7) CLmin n o n o CHmax = max CH, Cw f 1 , CHmin = min CH, Cw f 1 (8) n o n o CLmax = max CL, kCw f 1 , CLmin = min CL, kCw f 1 (9) According to the second law of thermodynamics, one obtained:

T T k 2 = ( 3s ) (10) T1 T1

From Equations (2) and (3), the expressions of T2 and T3 are, respectively:

CHmin T2 = EH1(THin − T1) + T1 (11) Cw f 1

CLminEL1TLin − kCw f 1T1 T3 = (12) CLminEL1 − kCw f 1

From Equations (1) and (10)–(12), the expression of T1 can be obtained as:

[(CLminELTLin − Cw f 2T1)/(CLminEL − Cw f 2)] + [(CHmin/Cw f 1)EH(THin − T1) + T1](ηe − 1) T = 1 1 1 (13) k − [(CHmin/Cw f 1)EH(THin − T1) + T1] T1 k ηe From to Equations (2), (3), and (11)–(13), the expressions of P and η can be obtained as:

CHminEH1(THin − T1)(CLminEL1 − kCw f 1) − kCLminEL1Cw f 1(TLin − T1) P = QH − QL = (14) CLminEL1 − kCw f 1 Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7171 4 of 15

. CHminEH1(THin − T1)(CLminEL1 − kCw f 1) − kCLminEL1Cw f 1(TLin − T1) η = P/QH = (15) CHminEH1(CLminEL1 − kCw f )(THin − T1)

When ηe = 1, substituting into Equation (13), the expression of T1 for an endore- versible SFLC with variable temperature HR can be obtained as:

(CLminEL1TLin − kCw f 1T1) T = 1 n 1 1 o (16) k − (CLminEL1 − kCw f 1) [(CHminEH1/Cw f 1)(THin − T1) + T1] T1 k

Combining Equations (4)–(9) and (14)–(16), by the numerical solution, the relationship between the P and η characteristics of the variable temperature HR endoreversible SFLC can be obtained. Substituting CH = CL → ∞ into Equations (4), (5) and (13)–(15) yields the expressions of the effectiveness of the two HEXs, P, η, and T1 for an irreversible SFLC with constant temperature HR [62]: EH = 1 − exp(−NH) (17)

EL = 1 − exp(−NL) (18) E T (η − 1) + (T − E T )/(1 − E ) = H H e 1 L L L T1 n 1 o (19) (1 − EH)(1 − ηe) + {[EH TH + (1 − EH)T1]/T1} k ηe

. . . kEL(T1 − TL) P = Q1→2 − Q3→1 = mCv[EH(TH − T1) − ] (20) 1 − EL . kEL(T1 − TL) η = P/Q1→2 = 1 − (21) EH(1 − EL)(TH − T1)

When ηe = 1 and CH = CL → ∞ , all of the expressions become the results of an endoreversible SFLC with constant temperature HR [60].

3. Numerical Examples and Discussions 3.1. Cycle Performance Analysis When the HTC of Hot- and Cold-Side HEXs Is Constant Determining the relevant parameters according to the Refs. [53,60–62]: . Cv = 0.7165 kJ/(kg · K), m = 1.1165 kg/s, TL = 300K, CH = CL = 1.2, k = 1.4, and ηe = 0.92. Because the LC lacks an adiabatic compression process, it is a three-branch cycle, miss- ing constraints on cycle pressure ratio, and the basic optimization relationship between P and η cannot be obtained. When UH and UL are given, it can be seen from Equations (4)–(7) and (13)–(15), when the corresponding effectiveness of HEXs and HR inlet temperature are given, the cycle P and η can be obtained as a certain point. Figure2 shows the P-η characteristic of the cycle. It can be seen that when EH1 and EL1 take 0.8 and 0.9, as well as the HR inlet temperature ratio τ (τ = THin/TLin) are 3.25 and 3.75, respectively, the corresponding P-η show a “point” change. Parameters UH, UL, τ and ηe have significant effects on P and η. When UH, UL, τ, and ηe increase, P and η increase. When ηe changes from 0.75 to 1, P and η increase by about 639.3 and 632.2%, respectively. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 15 Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7171 5 of 15

(a) The characteristics of P-η .

η η (b) The characteristics of P- about e .

Figure 2. The characteristicη of P-η (a) and the influence of ηηon P-η characteristicsη when U and U Figure 2. The characteristic of P- (a) and the influence of e e on P- characteristics Hwhen L are given (b). UH and U L are given (b). 3.2. Cycle Performance Optimization When the HTC Distributions of the Two HEXs Can 3.2. Cycle PerformanceBe Optimized Optimization When the HTC Distributions of the Two HEXs Can Be Optimized Assuming that the sum of the HTCs of the two HEXs are a constant value: Assuming that the sum of the HTCs of the two HEXs are a constant value: UL + UH = UT (22) += UUL HT U (22) =− = UuUH (1LT ) , UuUL LT (23) Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 15

= << where uUUL LT/ and 01uL . Combining Equations (4)–(7), (22) and (23), EH 1 and

E L1 expressions are, respectively:

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7171 −− − 6 of 15 − [(1uUCLTH ) /min ](1 C H min / C H max ) = 1 e EH 1 −− − (24) − [(1uUCLTH ) /min ](1 C H min / C H max ) 1(CCeHHmin / max ) UH = (1 − uL)UT, UL = uLUT (23) −− 1− e (/)(1/uULT C Lmin C L min C L max ) where uL = UL/UT and= 0 < uL < 1. Combining Equations (4)–(7), (22) and (23), EH1 and EL1 −− (25) EL1 expressions are, respectively:− (/)(1/uULT C Lmin C L min C L max ) 1(CCeLLmin / max ) 1 − e−[(1−uL)UT /CHmin](1−CHmin/CHmax) E = (24) H1 −[(1−u )U /C ](1−C /C ) η Combining Equations (13)–(15)1 − (CHmin and/CH max(24)–(25),)e L T theHmin relationshipsHmin Hmax between P and

versus u of the irreversible SFLC with1 − e −variable(uLUT /CLmin)( 1temperature−CLmin/CLmax) HR can be obtained. L E = (25) L1 −(u U /C )(1−C /C ) 1 − (CLmin/ηCLmax)e L T Lmin Lmin Lmax Figures 3 and 4 show the P and versus uL characteristics when uL can be op- Combining Equations (13)–(15) and (24)–(25), the relationships between P and ηversus timized. The twouL offigures the irreversible show SFLC that with the variable characteristics temperature HR canof bePu obtained.- L and -uL are parabolic- like ones, that is, thereFigures are3 and maximum4 show the P and Pη versus (P uL )characteristics and maximum when uL can η be optimized.(η ) as well as the The two figures show that the characteristicsmax of P-uL and η-uL are parabolic-likemax ones, that is, there are maximum P (Pmax) and maximumu η (ηmax)u as well as the corresponding corresponding optimal HTC distributions ( LP ()opt and Lη ()opt ). optimal HTC distributions (uLP(opt) and uLη (opt)).

Figure 3. The curve of P-uL. Figure 3. The curve of Pu- L . Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 15 Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7171 7 of 15

η Figure 4. The curve of η-uL. Figure 4. The curve of -uL .

Figures5–8 show the influences of τ, UT, and ηe on Pmax, ηmax, uLP(opt), and uLη (opt). It can be seen from Figures5 and6, when τ is fixed and as U increases, Pmax and ηmax Figures 5–8 show the influences of τ , U , and ηT on P , η , u , and increase, uLP(opt) and uLη (opt) first increase and thenT decrease; whene UT is fixedmax andmax as τ LP ()opt increases, Pmax, ηmax, u ( ), and u ( ) increase; according to Figures7 and8, with the u . It can be seen from FiguresLP opt 5 andLη opt6, when τ is fixed and as U increases, P Lη ()opt increases of ηe, Pmax, and ηmax increase, uLP(opt) and uLη (opt) decrease. T max η u u U and max increase, LP ()opt and Lη ()opt first increase and then decrease; when T is τ P η u u fixed and as increases, max , max , LP ()opt , and Lη ()opt increase; according to Figures η P η u u 7 and 8, with the increases of e , max , and max increase, LP ()opt and Lη ()opt decrease.

Figure 5. The characteristics of PU- and uU- about τ . max T L P ()opt T Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 15

η Figure 4. The curve of -uL .

τ U η P η u Figures 5–8 show the influences of , T , and e on max , max , LP ()opt , and τ uLη ()opt . It can be seen from Figures 5 and 6, when is fixed and as UT increases, Pmax η u u U and max increase, LP ()opt and Lη ()opt first increase and then decrease; when T is τ P η u u Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7171 fixed and as increases, max , max , LP ()opt , and Lη ()opt increase; according8 of 15to Figures η P η u u 7 and 8, with the increases of e , max , and max increase, LP ()opt and Lη ()opt decrease.

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 15

FigureFigure 5. 5.The The characteristics characteristics of P ofmax -PUUT and- u LandP (opt )uU-UT about- τ .about τ . max T L P ()opt T

Figure 6. The characteristics of ηmax-ηUT and uLη -UT about τ. τ Figure 6. The characteristics of max -UT and(opt ) uULη ()opt- T about .

Figure 7. The characteristics of P -η and u -η . max e L P ()opt e Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 15

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7171 9 of 15 η τ Figure 6. The characteristics of max -UT and uULη ()opt- T about .

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 15 η η FigureFigure 7. 7.The The characteristics characteristics of P maxof -Pηe and- u LandP ( )-uηe. - . max e opt L P ()opt e

Figure 8. The characteristics of η η-η and-η u -uη . -η Figure 8. The characteristics ofmax maxe e Landη (opt ) Leη ()opt e .

3.3. TCR Matching Optimization τ Setting CH =1.2 , =3.25 , UT =5kW/K , and CCLH/=1, and taking P as the objec-

tive function and uL as the optimization variable, the influences of HR TCR ratio ( CCL / H τ ), UT and on the characteristics of PCmax-/wf 1 C H were studied. τ η Figures 9–12 show the influences of the CCL / H , UT , and e on the characteris-

tics of PCmax-/wf 1 C H . It can be seen that with the increases of CCwf1 / H , PCmax-/wf 1 C H shows a parabolic-like change that first increases and then decreases, that is, there is an

optimal CCwf1 / H ( (/)CCwf1 H opt ) which makes the cycle reach double-maximum power

point ( ()Pmax max ). Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7171 10 of 15

3.3. TCR Matching Optimization

Setting CH = 1.2, τ = 3.25, UT = 5 kW/K, and CL/CH = 1, and taking P as the objective function and uL as the optimization variable, the influences of HR TCR ratio (CL/CH), UT and τ on the characteristics of Pmax-Cw f 1/CH were studied. Figures9–12 show the influences of the CL/CH, UT, τ and ηe on the characteristics of Pmax-Cw f 1/CH. It can be seen that with the increases of Cw f 1/CH, Pmax-Cw f 1/CH shows a parabolic-like change that first increases and then decreases, that is, there is an opti- Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEWmal Cw f 1/CH((Cw f 1/CH) ) which makes the cycle reach double-maximum power10 of 15 point Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW opt 10 of 15


FigureFigure 9.9. The characteristics of of PCPmax-/-Cwfw 1 f 1 C/C H H aboutabout CCCLL/ CHH.. Figure 9. The characteristics of PCmax-/wf 1 C H about CCL / H .

Figure 10. The characteristics of PCmax-/wf 1 C H about UT . FigureFigure 10. 10.The The characteristicscharacteristics of of PPCmaxmax-/-Cwfw 1 f 1/ CC HH aboutabout UT .. Appl.Appl.Appl. Sci. Sci. Sci. 2021 20212021, ,,11 11,, x 7171x FOR FOR PEER PEER REVIEW REVIEW 11 of 15 1111 ofof 1515

FigureFigure 11. 11.The The characteristics characteristics of P of -PCC -//C about C τabout. ττ . Figure 11. The characteristicsmax of PCmaxwmax f 1-/wfwfH 1 1 C H H about .

η FigureFigure 12. 12.The The characteristics characteristics of P maxof -PCC -//C about C ηaboute. η . Figure 12. The characteristics of PCmaxwmax f 1-/wfwfH 1 1 C H H about ee .

Figure9 shows the influence of CL/CH on the characteristics of Pmax-Cw f 1/CH. As can Figure 9 shows the influenceC C (P of )CCCCL // H on(C the Ccharacteristics) of PCPCmaxC -/-/Cwf 1 C C H . As be seen,Figure with the 9 shows increase the of influenceL/ H, maxof maxL andH onw fthe1/ characteristicsH opt increase. When of maxL/ wfH 1 H . As takescan 1,be 2, seen, 3, and with 5, (P maxthe) increaseis 33.78, of 38.52, CC 40.11,/ , and()P 41.37 kW and, and (/)CC(C /CH) increase.is 0.42, When can be seen, with themax increase of CCLL / HH , ()Pmaxmax max max and (/)CCwfwfw11 f 1 H H opt optopt increase. When CC/ takes 1, 2, 3, and 5, ()P is 33.78, 38.52, 40.11, and 41.37 kW , and (/)CC CCLL / HH takes 1, 2, 3, and 5, ()Pmaxmax max max is 33.78, 38.52, 40.11, and 41.37 kW , and (/)CCwfwf11 H H opt opt is 0.42, 0.49, 0.52, and 0.54, respectively. CC/ increases from 1 to 5, ()P increases is 0.42, 0.49, 0.52, and 0.54, respectively. CCLL / HH increases from 1 to 5, ()Pmaxmax max max increases by about 22.5%, (/)CC increases by about 28.6%. by about 22.5%, (/)CCwfwf11 H H opt opt increases by about 28.6%. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7171 12 of 15

0.49, 0.52, and 0.54, respectively. CL/CH increases from 1 to 5, (Pmax)max increases by about (C C ) 22.5%, w f 1/ H opt increases by about 28.6%. Figure 10 shows the influence of UT on the characteristics of Pmax-Cw f 1/CH. When UT (P ) (C C ) U increases, max max and w f 1/ H opt increase. When T takes 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 kW/K, (P ) (C C ) max max are 20.84, 33.78, 42.44, and 48.56 kW, and w f 1/ H opt is 0.27, 0.42, 0.50, and U (P ) (C C ) 0.56, respectively. When T increases from 2.5 to 10 kW/K, max max and w f 1/ H opt increase by about 133.01% and 107.4%, respectively. Figure 11 shows the influence of τ on the characteristics of Pmax-Cw f 1/CH. When τ (P ) (C C ) increases, max max increases and w f 1/ H opt is unchanged. When τ takes 3.25, 3.5, (P ) (C C ) 3.75, and 4, max max is 33.78, 40.58, 47.75, and 55.25 kW, respectively, and w f 1/ H opt is 0.42. When τ increases from 3.25 to 4, (Pmax)max increases by about 63.6%. Figure 12 shows the influence of ηe on the characteristics of Pmax-Cw f 1/CH. When (P ) (C C ) ηe increases, max max and w f 1/ H opt increase. When ηe takes 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, and 1, (P ) (C C ) max max is 22.06, 30.36, 39.01, and 47.97 kW, w f 1/ H opt is 0.38, 0.41, 0.43, and 0.46, respectively. When ηe increases from 0.85 to 1, (Pmax)max increases by about 117.5%, and (C C ) w f 1/ H opt increases by about 21.1%.

4. Conclusions In this paper, an irreversible SFLC model with variable temperature HR is established by applying FTT theory, the expressions of P and η are derived, and the influences of UT, τ, CL/CH, ηe, and Cw f 1/CH on P and η performances are analyzed. The results show that: (1) When UH and UL are constants, P-η is a certain “point”, and with the increases in τ, UH, UL, and ηe, P and η increase. When uL can be optimized, P and η versus uL characteristics are

parabolic-like ones, there are uLP(opt) and uLη (opt) which makes the cycle reach Pmax and ηmax. (2) With the increase of Cw f 1/CH, Pmax-Cw f 1/CH show a parabolic-like change, there is an (C /C ) , which makes the cycle reach (P ) . With the increases in C /C , U , and w f 1 H opt max max L H T η , (P ) and (C /C ) increase. With the increases in τ, (P ) increases, and e max max w f 1 H opt max max (C /C ) is unchanged. w f 1 H opt (3) Internal irreversibility and variable temperature HR are two general properties of practical cycles. It is necessary to study their influences on the cycle performance. FTT is a powerful theoretical tool for thermodynamic cycles with those properties.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, R.W. and L.C.; data curation, Y.G.; funding acquisition, L.C.; methodology, R.W., Y.G., L.C., and H.F.; software, R.W., Y.G., and H.F.; supervision, L.C.; validation, R.W. and H.F.; writing—original draft preparation, R.W. and Y.G.; writing—reviewing and Editing, L.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This paper is supported by The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 51779262) and The Graduate Innovative Fund of Wuhan Institute of Technology (Project Nos. CX2020044 and CX2020047). Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable. Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable. Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank the reviewers for their careful, unbiased and con- structive suggestions, which led to this revised manuscript. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7171 13 of 15


CP specific heat at constant pressure (kJ/(kg · K)) Cv specific heat at constant volume (kJ/(kg · K)) E effectiveness of heat exchanger k specific heat ratio (-) . m mass flow rate of the working fluid (kg/s) N number of heat transfer units P cycle power (kW) . Q quantity of heat transfer rate (kW) T temperature (K) U heat conductance (kW/K) UT total heat conductance (kW/K) u heat conductance distribution Greek symbols τ heat reservoirs inlet temperature ratio η cycle thermal efficiency Subscripts H hot-side L cold-side max maximum value opt optimal P maximum power point η maximum thermal efficiency point 1-3, 3s cycle state points


FTT finite-time thermodynamic HEG HEX heat exchanger HR heat reservoirs HTC heat conductance LC Lenoir cycle SFLC steady flow Lenoir cycle TCR thermal capacity rate

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